Gods Standard is...

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
That could be. But, we also read that God chose us in Christ from before the foundation of the world. And we read that Jesus was foreordained before the foundation of the world and now made manifest for us. And we read, come, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. And we also read that He saved us and called us according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.
Imo for that i would reflect on when the world was founded, from your pov, and maybe if you can babysit some little kids long enough to watch them um, become self-conscious? So like one year olds? I had a gf who babysat little kids. Man and i mostly complained and avoided them, such an idiot lol.

But a point there maybe is that we insist on our pov for everything else pretty much, right? Yet we have plenty of ppl around us who never found the world, too, only we describe it differently, right, but it's the same thing. Imo


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Ah, some more declaring decrees by a king, no less. but that is not my reply, that just came out after Reading the what came before v7. My reply is that that was said about David, right, David is the Son there, yes? Gotta scroll up now to see if i am still having a convo with you or if i am tryna drive now lol, but i think this address that maybe, brb

David? So you don't see it as prophecy pertaining to Jesus? Its okay if you don't. I think if you take more than one puzzle piece at a time though, you come up with something very different than if you just look at just one piece. Hebrews 5:5 adds a second piece.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Mmm...I changed my mind. At first I was mad at God and thought He could have found a better way than killing Jesus, who I madly loved. I told Jesus I would talk to Him but not to God. Then I read John for the second time and saw that Jesus WAS God, and I changed my mind. :)
Nice. Now i can agree there that Jesus is God too, whereas i normally cannot.
I pray that they will become one, as we are one, I said "you are elohim," etc
would be the next step i guess


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
David? So you don't see it as prophecy pertaining to Jesus? Its okay if you don't. I think if you take more than one puzzle piece at a time though, you come up with something very different than if you just look at just one piece. Hebrews 5:5 adds a second piece.
I think if you read from v1 that becomes clear...well, i don't have to import it, even v7 makes that clear imo. David, their messiah, wrote that right, surely after being finally installed as king after overcoming some pretty insurmountable odds?

7I will proclaim the decree

spoken to me by the LORD:

David wrote that, right


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Imo for that i would reflect on when the world was founded, from your pov, and maybe if you can babysit some little kids long enough to watch them um, become self-conscious? So like one year olds? I had a gf who babysat little kids. Man and i mostly complained and avoided them, such an idiot lol.

But a point there maybe is that we insist on our pov for everything else pretty much, right? Yet we have plenty of ppl around us who never found the world, too, only we describe it differently, right, but it's the same thing. Imo

Yes...we not only insist on our pov, we also try to insist someone else use our exact and preferred WORDS for something. Mom's a killer for that. Not only does she want to insist on me using the "correct" words, she even tries to insist I PRONOUNCE them the way she prefers, EVEN IF 10 out of 10 people I meet pronounce them as I do!
Foyer. Every single time I say it, she corrects me and says: foy-ay! Its quite ridiculous. Or...chy tea, I pronounce it like shy, but with a C. And she says: cha! Oh my gosh, even when I say egg, she says: aig! Like ache, but with a G on the end. Its fantastic and annoying.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I think if you read from v1 that becomes clear...well, i don't have to import it, even v7 makes that clear imo. David, their messiah, wrote that right, surely after being finally installed as king after overcoming some pretty insurmountable odds?

7I will proclaim the decree

spoken to me by the LORD:

David wrote that, right

Oh...well then, I'm not interested in reading it any more if its just the history of some ole king I don't even know. I was only interested in it when I thought I was catching glimpses of the upcoming attraction. :D
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
In that Christ entered into heaven, this is that Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, ascended into heaven.
Thereis only One Immortal, that they may be one as We are one

In that He appeared once in the end of the world, rather than having suffered from the foundation of the world, these are different, and therefore Jesus was crucified at a given time.
pick up your cross and follow Me, offer your bodies as a living sacrifice. Let the dead bury the dead.

As Jesus was incarnated a man, and that man was crucified on the cross, and it was a man who came out from the tomb (God & Man of course), this all happened in this world, in this creation.
have you noticed any change in um this world, bac, since you were born? I dunno about you but the world has like completely passed away about three times for me lol, two at least. I live on a completely different planet now, practically speaking
I think about God's book, in which He will blot out the names of those who sin. Naturally those whose sin is not imputed are not blotted.
leads to salvation


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
When I was a young Catholic [mostly in the 1950's] I was certain that only Catholics had it correct about God but then I changed my mind. When I was a Oneness Jesus Only several years later I again thought that this was the place, but then I changed my mind again. This happened at least one more time after that... and now I've changed my mind again.

Now I am certain that I know very little at all, but hopefully I will realize that it's getting late, but I am tired from all of that mind changing. I guess maybe now without changing my own mind I will leave all of the changing to Him...

Give God... the one who never changes... all of the glory!
i watched my dad turn back into a nice little kid before he died; took a few strokes, and imo it needn't have to happen that way, but i dunno, and that is what i witnessed. He became someone whose mind had changed, that i could love. I'm sorry i couldn't take advantage at the time, I'm talking about a guy wild birds basically came and perched on his shoulders


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Oooh! Bbyrd, I finally understood what you were saying here! You were saying that you see a distinction between Jesus and Christ, right? I would like to hear more of your thought on that...
Patterns in the Bible would be better for that i guess. Christ is essentially a title though, you already know that i'm sure


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Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Now you've really lost me.

I was commenting on the verse in Revelation commonly misunderstood as teaching that Jesus was crucified before the world was made.

Much love!

Hi ~

The Confusion comes when the "names" and titles" are not sorted out and properly Applied.

For example; IF "you" are A Dad, A CEO, A President of the PTA, A spouse....(etc.)

For every one of those positions, "you" may be called by a different Name and or Title, 'by' different people, Dependant upon the Capacity / Role you are Acting at a specific time, and Apply to you only.
It doesn't CHANGE "you" are the SAME "one" man.

Jesus' NAME was revealed just before His being revealed ON Earth, in the likeness AS a man.

Jesus' Title(s) were revealed ON Earth;
The Lord, The Son of God, The Son of Man, The Lamb of God, The Word of God, The Truth, etc.

All "TITLES" that "connect" to Jesus, are references TO Jesus, in particular Capicity/Roles He is or has filled, that Apply to Him only.

It was Not Jesus; It was Not the Lord, slain from the Foundation of the World.

The Lamb of God, The Word of God; that WAS SLAIN from the Foundation of the World.

The "SLAYING/MURDER/KILLING" ... of WHAT and HOW and BY WHOM, exactly is revealed in:

Isa 14
[11] Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.
[12] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
[13] For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
[14] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

True Thoughts are IN the spirit IN the Heart.
Matters NOT if those Thoughts become Spoken. God Knows what WE Truly believe IN our spirit, IN our Heart, whether or not we Verbalized our True thoughts out of our mouth.

Who - was Observing the Foundation of the World Being Laid? ~
...The Morning Stars, (One revealed Later, is
...."The Bright Morning Star".
....One Revealed, is called Lucifer, later called
......by other names/titles, the devil, satan...
....One Reveal, is called The Lamb of God,
......Later revealed called, other names/titles
Who - was Slain at the Foundation of the World?
......The Lamb of God, The Word of God
What ~ is the Word of God?
What ~ Slays, Kills, Murders THE TRUTH?
....... A "LIE".
Who ~ LIED?
When ~ At the Foundation of the World
How ~ By His Thoughts
What ~ Thoughts?
......That he could RISE UP ABOVE GOD.
What was Lucifer THEN CALLED ?
......the First Murderer, A Liar, Satan, Devil,
......Enemy, Adversary, and other things.
What THEN Happened to Lucifer?
......He was CAST OUT of his First Estate
Cast OUT to Where?
.......Cast "DOWN" to Earth.
Lucifer/(satan) Had Great Power IN Heaven, and was allow to KEEP his great Power once he was Cast Down to Earth...and has been since the Beginning of man-kIND created things....The Adversary OF man-KIND.

Every Name and Title Role, "we learn" About the Lord Jesus the Christ....HAS ALWAYS APPLIED to Him, whether or NOT it had been REVEALED (yet) TO man-KIND.

So When man-KIND was notified of a coming Messiah to Save the World... He had Been Already Present Helping men TO OVERCOME their Adversary.... BECAUSE the Adversary was Already present ON Earth...(the Very Place, God planned and was Preparing for man-KINDS Habitat).

Jesus said, He is the Truth, the Way, the Life.
Scripture notifies us He is the Savior, the Lord, the Christ, the Power, the Spriit....etc.

From the Beginning of manKIND..... "Through"...The Word of God
Has Always Been "HOW" a man "Overcomes" his Adversary, which IS satan.

Glory to God,


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Dang, gotta run, y'all have a nice day, and seek Christ imo!
The amazing name Antichrist: meaning and etymology

and fwiw this guy seems to be a Believer, too, i guess, even expects to see Jesus with both eyes? Not sure now. Anyway the point is maybe to not expect perfection, he'll say some stuff occasionally you won't agree with prolly, etc. I certainly do not go along with all of his humanist povs, but at the same time i cannot refute any of his factual stuff. Where did he learn all that anyway? How did he ever put all that together? He gets every spare dime i get, although i don't use money much, but it pains me to know that this guy has to, ha well feels he has to work for food. But i guess if he had gone my way we would not have his work. Peace to all


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Ha well ty, if anything i should prolly mostly point out that it became clever Bc i didn't disagree, i even like appeared to agree with him right

Oh, well, maybe I saw something you didn't intend. His last word was mispelled. I did see that you were saying...you said it, or that's a lot to think on, Or that's a mouthful. But then I also saw a pun of sorts, as if his mouth was full of food while he was talking (typing), which caused him to mispronounce (misspell) a word.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Patterns in the Bible would be better for that i guess. Christ is essentially a title though, you already know that i'm sure

Hmm...no, I don't think I did know that. I mostly think of Him and refer to Him as Jesus, but Christ and Messiah and Father and Holy Spirit and Lord and many other names and descriptors bring to mind the same Jesus. They are all God to me.
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Feb 6, 2018
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Revelation 13:8
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written (literally, whose names do not remain written) in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

In this passage, "from the foundation of the world" can belong grammatically with either "whose names do not remain written" or with "the Lamb slain". Since there is this grammatical ambiguity, I look to the parallel passage for clarification.

Revelation 17:8
The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

Much love!

A Form (body) is CREATED By God.
The Form is called a manKIND of thing.
The Breath of Gods "LIFE", in/with a SOUL, and a SOUL IN a body....
Both the BODY & SOUL become "LIVING".

The LIFE "OF" the Body is BLOOD.
The LIFE "OF" the Soul is GODS BREATH.

Bodies are Sentenced TO DEATH, period.
Saved (restored) Souls are Sentenced to LIFE forever, WITH God.
Unsaved (unrestored) Souls are Sentenced to Destruction. Forever WITHOUT God.
Sentencing follows a Judgement, which has not YET occurred, for SOULS.
Judgement for Bodies? Yes, they ALL shall Die.

EVERY Created Form (Body) Having Received Gods Breath of Life...
IS Written IN the Gods BOOK OF LIFE...
They have or are or will be...ALL Living.

They WHO, become Restored (soul), become Quickened (born again spirit)...
(They WHO, become Restored (soul) and Quickened (spirit)....BY and Through having KNOWN and Believed and Submitted TO CHRIST....Become Written IN:
LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE, to which NO BLOTTING out of names occurs.

Those WHO (DO NOT become Restored (souls) or Quickened (spirits), BECOME names "BLOTTED" OUT, of Gods BOOK OF LIFE.

There are Positions in Gods Kingdom.
Positions are determined, BY WHO and WHAT men individually and freely choose which ALIVE in their Bodies, ON Earth.

And the Applicability, depends on the Depth of what Knowledge is Kept Secret or Revealed to manKIND.

Early men were saved, though the Word of God...
Later men are saved, through the Word of God, who is revealed IS Jesus, IS thee Christ, (the Word and Power of God).

Men saved THROUGH the Word of God, are ISRAEL.
Men saved THROUGH the Word of God, Christ Jesus, are Christ's CHURCH.

All SAVED, shall beCOME Combined Together... IN The Lord Gods Kingdom.

Currently...the Division is being fulfilled.

Luke 12 [51] Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

The Division is in All manners of men against men.
Believers in God against Believers in Christ.
Believers in God and Christ against Believers in God.
Unbelievers in God against believers in God.
Believers in God against unbelievers in God.
Believers in God & Christ against believers in God & Christ.
Men against men, Governments against governments, Country against countries, brothers against brothers....on and on.

Purpose of Division? Individuals.
Not about Individuals "thinking" for themselves.
But rather about Individuals making their OWN Freewill CHOICES, to BE WITH (in Standing) OR WITHOUT (in standing Against) thee Lord God Almighty.

Because it does not matter what mommy, daddy, sister, brother, neighbor, political leaders, the world....BELIEVES.
Every Person has Freewill...and Every Person shall be charged and accountable for their OWN Choices.

It hinges on a person deciding IF He Chooses to have their NAME Visible IN the Book of Life, ON Judgement Day.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Ah, some more declaring decrees by a king, no less. but that is not my reply, that just came out after Reading the what came before v7. My reply is that that was said about David, right, David is the Son there, yes? Gotta scroll up now to see if i am still having a convo with you or if i am tryna drive now lol, but i think this address that maybe, brb
"Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee" Psalm 2:6-7

Is it about David only? Is David the only Son? Is David the man of flesh to be our King? Is not Zion a "parched place"? Who is parched trying to live without real water but then what was it that Jesus brought? Only David?

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" John 10:10

"Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life" John 4:13-14
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Feb 6, 2018
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God has always lived in the continuum of 'eternity'. He already knows the beginning from the end. In other words, what we are now living (humans) has already happened in Gods view.

He is the Creator and Maker.
Nothing is "NEW" is under the Sun.
He is ALL Knowing.
He Knew us BEFORE "we" were Created.
He Knew WHICH of "us" would CHOOSE to be "MADE" new creatures, or Not.

WE are the ones being born WITHOUT God, without Knowledge.
WE are the ones created with a MIND to hear, learn, DECIDE which Knowledge we Believe or Not.

We are the ones WITHOUT the Knowledge of our Destiny...Until we Choose to hear, Learn and Comprehend What Choices we have TO Freely Decide WHAT we Want for our Destiny, and the Consequences For our Choices.

God Already Knows OUR Destiny, AND
Has "MADE" Preparations FOR Every Persons Destiny.
From our natural Birth, we are in the Discovery Process, Hearing, Learning, Figuring, Weighing, Deciding, Choosing and ALL along the way, Being Subject to the Consequences of OUR Choices.

We are subject to the Consequences of our Choices....Regarding our relationship WITH or WITHOUT God....and ALSO regarding our relationship WITH other people.

A MYSTERY of God IS, Once He SAYS something...IT IS DONE.
We, by our Natural Nature, simply have to WAIT AND SEE it come to pass.
We, (who are) a New Creature, by our Spiritual Nature, Do not Require to SEE it come to pass, TO KNOW, It is already Accomplished.

Glory to God,
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
He is the Creator and Maker.
Nothing is "NEW" is under the Sun.
He is ALL Knowing.
He Knew us BEFORE "we" were Created.
He Knew WHICH of "us" would CHOOSE to be "MADE" new creatures, or Not.

WE are the ones being born WITHOUT God, without Knowledge.
WE are the ones created with a MIND to hear, learn, DECIDE which Knowledge we Believe or Not.

We are the ones WITHOUT the Knowledge of our Destiny...Until we Choose to hear, Learn and Comprehend What Choices we have TO Freely Decide WHAT we Want for our Destiny, and the Consequences For our Choices.

God Already Knows OUR Destiny, AND
Has "MADE" Preparations FOR Every Persons Destiny.
From our natural Birth, we are in the Discovery Process, Hearing, Learning, Figuring, Weighing, Deciding, Choosing and ALL along the way, Being Subject to the Consequences of OUR Choices.

We are subject to the Consequences of our Choices....Regarding our relationship WITH or WITHOUT God....and ALSO regarding our relationship WITH other people.

A MYSTERY of God IS, Once He SAYS something...IT IS DONE.
We, by our Natural Nature, simply have to WAIT AND SEE it come to pass.
We, (who are) a New Creature, by our Spiritual Nature, Do not Require to SEE it come to pass, TO KNOW, It is already Accomplished.

Glory to God,

Very well put Taken. And, agreed! "nothing new under the sun"... yet...people continue to try to fill up their lives to the full, while doing the same things over, and over again. Kind of the def of insanity :confused:
Been there and done that way too many times only to find myself empty the next day or days....NOTHING BUT God fulfills us to the FULLEST! and only He can make a thing "new". ♥
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