Y do U believe what U believe, and do U have good reasons 4 those beliefs? - let's find out.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2019
United States
Jesus - In Hebrew -
From H8280 and H410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: - Israel.
Jesus would rule as God, a symbolical name of Jacob
Would you agree with the following assessment?

Jesus is Israel (Matthew 2:13-15,19-21; Hosea 11:1; his children are his disciples; Hebrews 2:13; Isaiah 8:16,18; John 13:33), the true "overcomer" (John 16:33; Revelation 3:21), the real "Prince" with God (Isaiah 9:6; Daniel 8:11,25, 9:25, 10:13,21, 11:22, 12:1; Acts 3:15, 5:31; Revelation 1:5), being Lord over His own house, whose house are we (Psalms 98:3; Hebrews 3:6; Jeremiah 31:33), who himself is the "elect" (Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:18; 1 Peter 2:6) of the Father, in whom all the promises of God find their realization (2 Corinthians 1:20). The promises made by God were all based upon condition (Exodus 19) which Jesus alone fulfills.

Mat 2:13-15,19-21; Hos 11:1; Jer 31:33; Rom 9:6-8; Heb 2:13; Isa 8:16,18; Jhn 13:33, 16:33, 17:12, 18:9, 21:5; 1 Cor 15:46; 2 Cor 1:20; Gal 6:16; Heb 3:6, 8:8,10; Rev 3:21


@bbyrd009 for what it's worth, check out the video I posted in " spiritual Christianity"....I think it might resonate with you. It did with me and your comment that sda congregations are like morgues, mirrored in a way with the speaker. But I suggest that what you find in the building on Sabbath isn't a fair reflection of Adventist Christianity...that is just 2 hours worth. Outside of the building there is a heck of a lot going on that folk generally dont see and Adventists aren't usually into trumpeting their wares. Yeah,I get you. I came from a Pentecostal background and by comparison or services may seem tame. But the Christian life isn't just about those two hours. Nevertheless, that video may put a few things into perspective.
On another note, I'm sorry my posts have upset you. I do not want to lose your friendship.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Well, as one who teaches/preaches, I would like to suggest, that time is a factor in any 'service', so as not to weary the saints and onlookers. :) This being a generous approach, or suggestion, to the possible reason. Hours upon hours could be spent on the subject, as I already know. :)

I am glad the presentation was helpful to you. If you would like to discuss any of it, would be glad to.

Plants, according to Genesis are a self-replicating food source. Yet, in the saying, "All creation groans ...", is metaphorically speaking, and yet also true in plain, in that there is upheaval even in the rocks, plants and so on, with earthquakes (causing the earth to cry out in loud deep sounds), trees fading, breaking (also making sounds in their falling, breaking), and so on.

Also for me. I used to eat it by the brick, and especially this time of year when it was what was required as a 'gift' along with salami (I wasn't always Seventh-day Adventist you see). However, you will not regret it if you do leave it behind, as it is killing people by causing osteoporosis, and high aciditic systems, asthma, and so on.

I am Seventh-day Adventist to be sure. Thank you for noticing and so voicing. I find it easier for people to see that on their own, though I am never ashamed to just state it, or reply when asked about it. This is how it should be for all who claim to follow Christ. We ought to be known by our simple living and teaching, and it should be obvious. As an observation, most of what passes for Christianity today is a hot blurred amalgamational mess, with their theology in continual flux, and so represented in their own lifestyle.

Would you briefly explain 2-3 'incorrect ... prophecies'? I do not mind looking at my own beliefs in broad daylight before all. What concerns me, though, is that I have studied, and have not found a single incorrect prophecy, yet let us test this also. :) I await your next reply, and my love, which comes of God, to you.

We are warned many times in scripture about false prophets, and I could provide such a list, but would be over-doing it I think. I have read Deuteronomy 18:20-22 and fully agree with it. I would agree that if an unconditional prophecy were given and it turned out to be incorrect, it would be false. I do not think you are off topic whatsoever, as the entire thread is about what we believe, and that includes myself. :) Feel free to prod some, but I would ask that you seriously consider what I respond with. Ok?

I was speaking about products from the market, and their 'endless' list of ingredients that sometimes will catch a person off guard, being deceitful as they are. I will give a specific for instance that happened to me. I looked for a cheese substitute that was (not a perfect replacement at the time, lots of oils) not made with dairy. I picked up a package, and saw on the front in big letters, "Dairy-Free", and used it for awhile, believing them manufacturers to be forthright and honest in advertising (lesson learned, never again :) ), and it worked for what was needed then. I came to find out by reading the back of the long list of ingredients, that it contained "whey", which is "dairy", but according to manufacture "definition" the two are not the same thing, and they could label their product as non-dairy, while it contained "whey" from cows milk in it. I suffered with allergies and asthma for years (and found out it was from the dairy). They in fact, by their false advertising could kill someone, by a serious allergic reaction and go into anaphylactic shock, or lung inflamation. I was really angry at myself, and even more at them for that deceit. All for a dollar (fiat debt note). The love of money is the root of all evil (even including Lucifer's fall and rebellion, but that is another story).

Also, 'natural flavours' could mean nearly anything.

Everything is stamped with the blood of Jesus, for all was purchased with it.

Not at all sister. Really. I find yourself and posts, open, honest, refreshing, compared to some others in here. I did not expect you to necessarily agree with everything I say. :)

In a certain sense that is true, if the congregation are truly Seventh-day Adventist, and not merely in name only (Lord, Lord), though there are many wolves, goats and Judas' these days.

Well, I can see nothing in The Word about "soul sleep" and I also believe the day we worship God should not matter, and there is so much controversy concerning "The Lord's Day". As far as eating meat or dairy products...even though I DO understand the health benefits of doing this, I do not see it as a "law" to be followed for Christians.

EGW, is another matter altogether. Allegations of many plagiarized writings that have not been proven wrong at this time. Predictions of the END being wrong...I do not have time to dig into this stuff, at least not at this time.
I was brought up to believe that the Word of God and Jesus Christ final revelation are all we need. And, since I cannot cite a particular article or claim, I should step back as, I do not want to just blab what many others do so...maybe later on today I could look into that.
Thanks for the reply and have a great day!!! Sorry so sparse...this is a huge subject. :)
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
ha no sry; i meant i recall ATs that went something like what i posted lol. "Paul was from Tarsus" would be another
ha, beentheredonethat, and yikers, ever tried to milk a goat? Plus you gotta quick-chill it if you dont want goaty tasting milk...plus you gotta feed the goat...plus goats are smarter than we are, swear to God, and bored, so you basically have an intelligent bored prisoner pulling passive(not so much)-aggressive(quite a bit) stuff on you all day long just for fun, and i swear you can even watch them looking at each other and laughing at you. Plus you gotta mate the goat once a year. Plus you gotta keep it healthy. Plus, plusplus. It's $24 a quart here! Do cow imo

Lol...Okay then...no goat for you! Don't they eat grass? you could save on mowing :D I actually have had goat milk...was not crazy about it either. Ornery little things, huh?


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Lol...Okay then...no goat for you! Don't they eat grass? you could save on mowing :D
mowing arg dont get e started lol, if you arent mowing at least three acres in Michigan you are considered lower class lol. Anyway, i got nothing to mow, and goats will eat grass, but they dont stay on any one flora for long, at all, they like to mix it up, y'know; a bite or two of grass, some upholstery, a few leaves, your shoe, some pine needles, like that :)
I actually have had goat milk...was not crazy about it either.
ok well if you could tell any diff whatever from cows, it wasnt done right. Has to be quick-chilled so as to not taste goaty...which believe it or not many ppl like. I got no prob with cow myself, but i guess they are digested diff, goat calcium easier to digest or something, but i went goat mainly bc you cant easily get unprocessed cow milk, and i wanted the biotics.

Plus homogenizing milk ruins it--just like homogenizing us does imo--actually renders the calcium--a metal of course--into shards small enough to penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream, which is why we get cholesterol deposits in our blood canals, as a repair mechanism. I think all thats right, or pretty close. Some of it might still be theory
Ornery little things, huh?
for the most part, no, actually most of them are quite social, some sweeties, some orneries, like most any other being...but even the sweeties are dead-centered on themselves, and absolutely do not care what anyone else thinks, in a way that sheep just are not.

Now this does make them easily manipulable in a certain way, its also what i do with most ppl irl who have indicated that they are self-absorbed, i could have done it with the SDAs on that thread too even, but in a forum like this what that amounts to is letting a little hitler run amok basically, and spew their opinions as absolute truths, while i ignore them or at best ask pointed questions that dont get answered, as might be seen.

Unless i am totally kidding myself, which also happens sometimes, or most the time, dunno. Anyway for goats all you have to do is be perceived by them as acting in their interests, which are gut-based mostly, although they are total scaredy cats, and if you are known to them, security can also be used to manip them, cougar calls or whatever, even on a phone, will herd them away from stuff, etc. well, stampede, but whatever

nonetheless i would much rather herd goats than sheep, dunno how universal that is, bc goats are independent, really dont need you too much except for predators, whereas sheep are like helpless drones, would die of thirst right next to a stream 2 inches deep with the tiniest bit of curl/white in the water
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Jesus - In Hebrew -
From H8280 and H410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: - Israel.
Jesus would rule as God, a symbolical name of Jacob
spelled exactly the same as Joshua i guess? The most common name then?


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
another good search imo,
"why are seventh day adventists so depressing"
Beyond Just Depressed - Adventist Youth Ministries - NAD
NAD of Seventh-day Adventists Youth & Young Adult Ministries. ... If so, you are not just down – you are suffering from depression. Three out of ten teens with depression get involved with drugs or alcohol. Twelve out of ...

aw, dang. Guess i gotta go rip some curtains down. We got one of these puss-holes right here in town too, and i gotta say i already felt bad for the kids, all look like they wanna jump out a window. Dang, what to do, not really interested tbh

Why Adventist Pastors Get Depressed — NAD Ministerial
Because They Are Hiding

I am convinced that a primary cause of depression among Adventists is our emphasis on performance. It’s hard to deny that our emphasis on commandment keeping and holy living can at times tip the scales into legalism. And legalism is a recipe for depression.

Legalism is the conviction that only those who perfectly obey are accepted by God. It’s a trap, because given that definition, you can never do enough. You can never experience the joy of full acceptance. And of course, to admit weakness is to acknowledge sin, which is further proof that you’re not saved or safe. So, they hide.

The remedy? Grace. A life-long study and experience of God’s unmerited favor.

Paul said, “For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.” Romans 3:28

Paul said, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, not by works so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

Does this diminish the call for works? No at all. It places them in their proper place, which is critical for those struggling with spiritual depression. Grace turns legalism on its head. Legalism says, “I obey; therefore, I am accepted.” Grace says, “I’m accepted; therefore, I obey!” Big difference.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Your citing scripture and asking questions cuts deep and I hope the people here do not react with anger, cynicism, or animosity just because you challenge them to think.

That never bothers me..attitude is what bothers me...after a while on this thread I did not see a " lets reason together" but a top dogness.
- "I have it right and you have it all wrong" attitude .
One setting oneself as the righteous judge of all the others.
That is why I have dropped out of this thread.

We are all so different , different strokes etc :)

I do not, and no longer will, use dozens of verses to "prove my point"..
Flooding a load of single scriptures at someone else doesn't prove that you have happened to show truth in all it forms...any clown can flood a dozen or more of cherry picked verses in a post ....and then I flood even more cherry picked verses ....any one can prove anything by just posting verses.

Ive seen a preacher take an hour and for 30 mins 'proved' by using cherry picked verses that sinners hell fire forever.
Then, for the next 30 mins he 'proved' by using cherry picked scriptures that God intends and will save everyone in the end.

The 'scripture game' is a waste of time.
We have threads which are up to 1500 post and more , round and round the arguments go...one has their favourite verses and the other uses theres. :rolleyes:
I used to play that game...I've been on many forums over the 18 years of 'forum life' I wont do it any more. But, some obviously like it.

Blessings Helen
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
That never bothers me..attitude is what bothers me...after a while on this thread I did not see a " lets reason together" but a top dogness.
- "I have it right and you have it all wrong" attitude .
One setting oneself as the righteous judge of all the others.
That is why I have dropped out of this thread.

We are all so different , different strokes etc :)

I do not, and no longer will, use dozens of verses to "prove my point"..
Flooding a load of single scriptures at someone else doesn't prove that you have happened to show truth in all it forms...any clown can flood a dozen or more of cherry picked verses in a post ....and then I flood even more cherry picked verses ....any one can prove anything by just posting verses.

Ive seen a preacher take an hour and for 30 mins 'proved' by using cherry picked verses that sinners hell fire forever.
Then, for the next 30 mins he 'proved' by using cherry picked scriptures that God intends and will save everyone in the end.

The 'scripture game' is a waste of time.
We have threads which are up to 1500 post and more , round and round the arguments go...one has their favourite verses and the other uses theres. :rolleyes:

Blessings Helen


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Why I Am Not a Seventh-day Adventist | Free Inquiry
It’s often said that the fastest way to become an atheist is to read the Bible. While there’s truth to that statement, it’s an oversimplification. Becoming an atheist doesn’t happen overnight. For me, it’s been a lifelong process.

I was raised in a family of Seventh-day Adventists, members of an apocalyptic cult that has a nightmare scenario laid out for the “last days” in which the cult will be the target of persecution, first in the United States, then globally.

Ellen G. White (1827–1915), the founder and “prophet” of Adventism—or, as I prefer to call it, being a stickler for accuracy, “Sadventism”—..."

ha, man, it just like permeates their whole culture, seems like. Anyone, ever, met a cheerful Adventist?
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
They Still Leave | Adventist World
During the recent Annual Council of the General Conference Executive Committee in Battle Creek, Michigan, United States, David Trim, director of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR), presented the statistical annual report.1 Amid the many numbers describing the reality of a growing church, there was one number that hit me—again. Forty-two percent, Trim said, are leaving the church (and, apparently, these numbers do not include members lost because of death).2

We may overlook this startling num..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Actually we teach literal hell, and it will consume the wicked until they become nothing (annihilated). So we do not reject 'literal hell'.

Says you!!

And we are supposed to sit here and believe what you say just because you flood scripture verses at us.
I got you number ten pages back!! :D
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Jesus - In Hebrew -
From H8280 and H410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: - Israel.
Jesus would rule as God, a symbolical name of Jacob
wadr does not seem to have anything to do with the Name "Jesus" in Hebrew; a search returns you as the first hit, etc.

Can you support that a little more? And you might provide source links too, ty
Jesus - In Hebrew -
From H8280 and H410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: - Israel.
Jesus would rule as God, a symbolical name of Jacob
wadr imo its more SDA yack that cannot be Supported in Scripture, dunno tho

cant find "symbolical (which is not even correct english btw) name of jacob" except in SDA literature, and etc
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Says you!!

And we are supposed to sit here and believe what you say just because you flood scripture verses at us.
I got you number ten pages back!! :D
ignore seems weak to me, but i gotta say it does relieve lol
lemme know if any actual points get addressed, or any actual convo starts, wouldja? ty
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
ignore seems weak to me, but i gotta say it does relieve lol
lemme know if any actual points get addressed, or any actual convo starts, wouldja? ty

Yep, you got it! :)

It seems to me that those who have an axe to grind , much like the arrogant Calvinists we've had on here... come with an agenda and a great need to prove others wrong. I guess it makes them feel special and superior.

Another thing I've often noted is, they don't join in the whole Forum as part of a whole fellowship group ...but they are 'on a mission' to show people, seasoned people, who have been walking with the Lord for 50+ years just how wrongly their relationship with The Lord is!!!

But there are exceptions , we all pretty much know what each member believes now after all this time together, and it's nice to know that some of us can have a warm relationship together even with while maybe poles apart on a few of our beliefs.
But there is alway the odd few who 'have a need' it seems , to up themselves and down others.

I glad that I can relax , knowing that I have have read the end of The Book...and God Wins!! :)

The journey is good ....and, even with all our maybe mixed up ideas, God is bigger , He works all thing out for His good...and we win In Him.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Yes, as it reveals one's true character, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and the fingers typeth (see Pro. 6:13).
While what you say is true according to the written scriptures, the actually words spoken are never as important as the spirit or Spirit with which they are spoken.

My step-father's first language was Portuguese and it was his only language when he entered the US Army for WWII. He had grown up in the Azores [islands in the Atlantic] and knew no English at all. A natural US citizen by birth, he was immediately drafted upon arrival in this country. He learned English from fellow soldiers stationed with him in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska so he only heard the English they used among themselves. Anyone who has served on active duty in the Army has an idea what kind of language that was.

All the years that I knew my step-father, what many people might consider cussing or taking God's name in vain, were for him simply colorful adjectives with no malice intended. He was never an active Christian, but he was basically a 'good' man. Even my grandmother who was always a devout follower of Jesus liked him. The only thing she said about his 'colorful language' was she wished he were able to clean it up a bit. He did try for her benefit because he recognized her good heart as she had his. She was able to see his heart and was therefore unable to condemn him because of his adjectives. [Consider in this also that he was married to the woman who divorced her son (my biological father)]
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
While what you say is true according to the written scriptures, the actually words spoken are never as important as the spirit or Spirit with which they are spoken.

My step-father's first language was Portuguese and it was his only language when he entered the US Army for WWII. He had grown up in the Azores [islands in the Atlantic] and knew no English at all. A natural US citizen by birth, he was immediately drafted upon arrival in this country. He learned English from fellow soldiers stationed with him in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska so he only heard the English they used among themselves. Anyone who has served on active duty in the Army has an idea what kind of language that was.

All the years that I knew my step-father, what many people might consider cussing or taking God's name in vain, were for him simply colorful adjectives with no malice intended. He was never an active Christian, but he was basically a 'good' man. Even my grandmother who was always a devout follower of Jesus liked him. The only thing she said about his 'colorful language' was she wished he were able to clean it up a bit. He did try for her benefit because he recognized her good heart as she had his. She was able to see his heart and was therefore unable to condemn him for because of his adjectives. [Consider in this also that he was married to the woman who divorced her son (my biological father)]
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