A Sane Rant: So what gives with this so-called invisible Virus war?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Sorry Joseph , I am quite capable of looking at scripture for myself thank you - I was challenging you to look at how Jesus came alongside people - it’s your choice whether you do that.
Do you ever study the fruits of the Spirit, or perhaps Corinthians chapter 13 , love is kind, love is patient ect ect .......... without love, you are just a resounding gong !! I think I will leave it there ......
The so-called social gospel, or seekers gospel, was exposed by David Wilkerson, and several other godly men/ teachers / evangelists for many decades now.
So no, you have not evaluated Scripture correctly if you believe pandering to the wicked is at all okay.


Its about balance Joseph - and the right place and the right time x
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Its about balance Joseph - and the right place and the right time x
The social gospel, a false gospel, is , yes, all about compromise and false teaching, approving those who are perverted in heart and lives.


Take it up with Jesus Joseph, he knows me a bit better than you do x
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Take it up with Jesus Joseph, he knows me a bit better than you do x
He is the only reason I offer the truth to you. (instead of giving up on you)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
The truth of the matter is that the ordinary citizen will never find out the actual facts, since they are being covered up on every side.

What we do know without the shadow of a doubt is that there was a conspiracy to bring America and the Western world to its knees, and it has just about succeeded.

The co-conspirators were the Chinese "mob bosses" controlling China with an iron fist, Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, and possibly other billionaires, the WHO, the CDC, Drs Birx and Fauci, and even the Surgeon General of America who talked about "our Pearl Harbor" and "our 9/11" in relation to this Wuhan virus! And we should not forget to mention the corrupt and unprincipled media networks of the Western world, whose only agenda is to destroy truth and promote lies.

But President Trump cannot be excused for allowing this Coronavirus Hoax to be perpetrated right in front of him. He is the one who selected his Task Force, and he is the one who made some very bad decisions all along. There was no strong and clear Presidential Executive Order which covered every aspect of dealing with this matter, and which should have been issued in December or early January. Also the southern border was not totally shut down. Further more 400,000 Chinese entered the USA after the virus had escaped. And no one was taken to task for allowing those Navy hospital ships to sit idle after they were rushed to New York and Los Angeles.

Now, instead of the fear-mongering prediction of millions of deaths from COVID-19, we are down to thousands (and that too INFLATED THOUSANDS). Chances are that by August (the terminal date) there may be less than 15,000-20,000 deaths from this virus in America (if counted properly and not fudged according to bogus CDC guidelines).

The whole idea was to shut down Western countries, destroy economies, release dangerous criminals out onto the streets, introduce anarchy, politicize the pandemic, undermine civil liberties, and change election procedures to favor the Communists and Left-Liberal Democrats. Not to mention those billions of dollars which will go into the wrong hands (as usual).

All kinds of penalties could be applied to all the traitors, and perpetrators, and fraudsters, but who has the guts to do it? Mr. Trump has already ceded control to his enemies during this crisis.

I'm afraid your explanation of events are on track.....Trump is either part of this evil or he might be 'cut off' very soon if here is really resisting and will do a 'clean house'...later..?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Look around this place, this forum, this site, and the world around -

Who trusts God ?
Who obeys God ?
Who believes God's Word and Does it ?

Wow! Come on Joseph...you sound just like the Pharisee that Jesus condemned.

Luke 18 10 "Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, "God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other"

You judge yourself as much more spiritual that everyone else here on the forum.
You do not "know" anyone. Get down from you dizzy hight before you fall off your elevated perch.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I have shown, and will show, you, from Scripture, if you want to know, that it is your ideas and posts that are wrong.

You are so arrogant Joseph, I fear for you...for great will be your fall.
You display no humility at all.
If Jesus passed you a bowl of water and a towel, you would not kneel before anyone here on this forum and wash their feet...obviously "to you" none are worthy enough. Which was the whole point of Jesus doing for them!!

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Well the way I see it, from a more front row seat being in the States, is that African Americans mostly living in the cities mainly in the North and not the South (exception New Orleans) are showing up on the top of mortality list breakdown. They are 60 + and have pre-existing conditions such as diabetes and most also being very obese and have not led an active lifestyle. So the majority of deaths over 60+ years are African American.

Can you go to the beach in NZ yet? I was raised on the NI - Petone, Lower Hutt and Levin....loved to go to the beaches and also do a little fishing.

Bless you,

We live less than a kilometre from the beach, which is a long, wide sandy beach. But we haven't gone over there yet while the lockdown is in place. My daughter, before the lockdown would take her pug dog for a run along the beach.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
We live less than a kilometre from the beach, which is a long, wide sandy beach. But we haven't gone over there yet while the lockdown is in place. My daughter, before the lockdown would take her pug dog for a run along the beach.
Nice.....I do miss some of the beaches in NZ...there are some really decent ones here around Florida....on the Caribbean coast from where I live.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I've been seeing this in the news as well.

Sure thing.

I saw you posted about 5G. Are you familiar with Anthony Patch?

He just did a video a few days ago getting into that subject with regards to SARS-CoV-2...

And I'm sure you've seen what Prof. Francis Boyle had to say...

'Gain of Function', Fort Detrick connection, etc.

I've read a bit of Dr Boyle, the chap in the second clip. I don't know the fella in the first clip...the one speaking of the 'Mark'..I have not finished seeing that clip yet...I'm just near the beginning....now maybe this person covers it later in the clip..

..to do any interrogation or perform a sync from a sensor on the wrist to the cloud (sets of data servers) via say a smart 5G mobile device, one has to be outdoors as the signal of 24GHz or greater cannot penetrate a house wall or roof....one has to have a 5G transceiver in line of sight with the wrist sensor points.....need this device inside the home..indoors..OR.maybe a 4G device inside the house that can send the signal outside the walls...then bent-pipes to the final 5G leg on the outside..to a UAV, pole array antenna or satellite..and there are literally several thousands of them in orbit for this purpose?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Take it up with Jesus Joseph, he knows me a bit better than you do x
Not wanting to derail your conversation with @Joseph77 ..although he may be abbreviated his message is clear for a true believer..
A social gospel or compromising gospel is not biblical. It is a mixture of some parts of scripture mixed with the world's spirits and its desires. The spirits of the world wants everyone to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to be part of a social and good deeds club if you will.

The social gospel is based on basic 3 pillars that is not scriptural at all. It is a creeping evil that compromises itself its views with the world and forces one to question those Christians that believe in a social gospel.

It can dilute one's peace and joy that one has in their individual salvation with the Spirit.

The 3 pillars in brief:
1.People are basically 'good' even left to their own devices without God in their lives, and that God understands this about mankind and is ok with it.
2.That it is mankind's duty to make life 'good' (by helping others and being good etc) so God will be pleased...like creating a major global cultural and religious change.
3. Collective salvation is more important that one's individual salvation. There is a collective joint responsibility to be saved not a personal responsibility. And there is no value in individual salvation as compared to a group collective of people professing they are saved or call themselves Christian.

I do dig what Joseph is saying Rita...he is just a bit cryptic although still very clear....I detest the thought of a social gospel that some pagan religious Christians believe in vehemently....





I appreciate what you have taken the time to relay, but I never said I believed in the social gospel , it was a conclusion that Joesph reached because of something I conveyed in one conversation. That’s why I said ‘ take it up with Jesus, he knows me better ‘ It’s his manner of evangelising that I have an issue with on the forum- the way he chooses to preach all the time and show very little humility in how he addresses things.
I actually thought that Justadude had a fair point in asking Joseph about joining the front line - if you honesty know that this virus won’t harm you, then you would not fear coming into direct contact with the virus. Joesph never addressed that point he went on to accuse..........It maybe that Jospeh is already a key worker, but he missed an opportunity to have a conversation........
Anyway, many apologies for derailing your thread yesterday x

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Why Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories Flourish. And Why It Matters
When a conspiracy is exposed to be seen as a conspiracy it is no longer in the realm of conspiracy theories. It becomes a fact.

1. Was there a conspiracy to *take-down* Trump and bring about a coup to remove a duly elected president from office? Absolutely, and finally Attorney General Barr is making this a public fact.

2. Was there a conspiracy to shut down America and destroy its economy using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse? Absolutely. If the American economy is virtually shut down until August (as recommended by IHME) that will be disastrous, but here is what they said:

"The IHME model assumes that all states will lock down — closing schools, telling residents to stay at home, closing nonessential businesses — and that “implementation and adherence to these measures is complete.” It also assumes the continuation of social distancing until early August, well beyond the April 30 guidelines currently set forth by the White House."

IHME model lowers its projected number of U.S. deaths

But all their projections have had to be revised, yet no one has been fired. And those Navy hospital ships rushed to New York and Los Angeles sat idle after getting there. Was anyone fired? Former Senator Ron Paul has called for the firing of Dr. Fauci. Let's see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I appreciate what you have taken the time to relay, but I never said I believed in the social gospel , it was a conclusion that Joesph reached because of something I conveyed in one conversation. That’s why I said ‘ take it up with Jesus, he knows me better ‘ It’s his manner of evangelising that I have an issue with on the forum- the way he chooses to preach all the time and show very little humility in how he addresses things.
I actually thought that Justadude had a fair point in asking Joseph about joining the front line - if you honesty know that this virus won’t harm you, then you would not fear coming into direct contact with the virus. Joesph never addressed that point he went on to accuse..........It maybe that Jospeh is already a key worker, but he missed an opportunity to have a conversation........
Anyway, many apologies for derailing your thread yesterday x

Well that is the key then Rita...you belong to Christ. Fantastic, as I am with you, the same.

Although not listening to the Spirit in your or my own actions of 'good will' can compromise and dilute your or my solid faith. Just keep the lines clear in your heart and mind, of what is the will of YHWH and what is the will of self and what the world desires...

Bless you,

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
I actually thought that Justadude had a fair point in asking Joseph about joining the front line - if you honesty know that this virus won’t harm you, then you would not fear coming into direct contact with the virus. Joesph never addressed that point he went on to accuse..........It maybe that Jospeh is already a key worker, but he missed an opportunity to have a conversation........
The social gospel again ? Go to "the front lines" when the front lines refuse help ? THey refuse to admit the truth, and rather propagate further the lies that keep the countries in lockdown or social isolation.
TODAY, they admitted few will suffer even if they get infected. FEW.
For instance, if a nursing home has 100 inmates, and is in lockdown, and no one already is infected, then they won't be infected, right ? "the so-called protocol/ expectations" as publicized on television daily , right ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
The social gospel again ? Go to "the front lines" when the front lines refuse help ? THey refuse to admit the truth, and rather propagate further the lies that keep the countries in lockdown or social isolation.
TODAY, they admitted few will suffer even if they get infected. FEW.
For instance, if a nursing home has 100 inmates, and is in lockdown, and no one already is infected, then they won't be infected, right ? "the so-called protocol/ expectations" as publicized on television daily , right ?
Next notice that a nursing home as such, in a community of three thousand , a small town,
a nursing home on lock down, they will avoid the (so-called) infection, right ?

SO , then, if that is true,

WHY , then, LOCK DOWN three thousand people ? (who are not at risk of injury nor death)


That Post says more about you than me Joseph..........

As for the lockdown, much would depend on how you define the lockdown of a care home. The care home where I work is on lockdown, but it merely means that’s the is only open to people who work there.......
However if they were decide to do a total lockdown, and make the staff on shift remain , with no one else coming in , the virus would have limited access, but not it could still gain access. Given that the virus can remain active on surfaces/ products ect - it could come in through food items and supplies. Also given the fact that there is an incubation period and people can be infected without showing any symptoms, much would depend on whether it was already in the home, but had not shown itself yet ! By the way ‘ inmates ‘ defines prisoners , our Residents are not locked away in cells !!!
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