Covid-19 Hoax !

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
In fact Stanford is thinking that we Southern California may have had a mild strain last year in which I was very sick along with my whole workplace but we got over it but read some deaths were happening in LA from a strange pneumonia.
That does seem to be the case, that this virus has been going around much earlier than some have thought.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Apparently, not very much. I see lots of foolish people defying good advice, common sense, and even laws by exposing themselves and others to the virus. Never mind that an NBA player spread the virus to many others by his "joke"; several Dallas Cowboy players apparently treated themselves to a party, just because they're "special."


Equally stupid, isn't it?

To a degree, it's good that Americans are skeptics. But if you're not an informed skeptic, you can die from it, as did that preacher who tempted God by exposing himself.

You say 'not very much'. The world has stopped and economies have collapsed. And you say 'not very much'. Are you sheltering in place? Are you without work? Are you being a good boy?



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
You say 'not very much'. The world has stopped and economies have collapsed. And you say 'not very much'. Are you sheltering in place? Are you without work? Are you being a good boy?


I'm pretty sure the world is never coming back from this again. Our government/corporate overlords have made it clear that they fully intend on this being the new normal from here on in. Once power of this magnitude is attained, with all the executive orders taking power away from "the people", there is no way in hell they'll just give it up simply because we asked nicely.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
You say 'not very much'.

Yep. Lots of people are ignoring safe practices and putting themselves and others in danger. It turns out that idiots are generally still being idiots.

The world has stopped

(Yehren takes a look outside)

Nope. Cars still on the streets. Yesterday my store had lots of food. Mail still works; so does Fed Ex. Police and fire too. Home Depot still works, and just for something different, I tried the new Korean Hamburger place (take out only). It was really good, albeit oddly prepared with corn and shrimp among other things.

and economies have collapsed.

Funny how everything still works. Even my neighbor's kid is taking classes by internet. Sorry, but "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!" sounds more like hysteria than a rational take on things. This is a disaster for the economy; it's a bigger disaster for the tens of thousands of American families who have had a loved one die from the virus. But neither the economy or society is collapsing.

The big issue is the guys whose foolishness is making it worse. Idiots who are not taking precautions aren't just killing themselves; they're killing others.

And you say 'not very much'.

Yep. Lots of fools in the world, I remember some governor opened the beaches, effectively spreading the virus to who knows how many other states.

Are you sheltering in place?

I get kinda edgy if I can't do my photography. So I head out to find places where there aren't people, and get it out of my system. I walk the dog, and I took advantage of the situation to build a second patio in the back yard to put another table and chairs there. And my garden is looking great. Business isn't so good right now, but my savings and other sources of income are sufficient. I'm aware that a lot of people are hurting a lot worse than I am, either from illness or having a loved one ill or dying, or from losing a job. If we drop the controls now, we'll extend that period of death and economic harm.

Are you without work?

I got bored enough to replace the dryer vent I've been promising to fix for years. So not enough work, no. And last night, I looked through the cabinets and found lots of individual-sized containers of hand sanitizer I got at various conferences and trade shows.

Are you being a good boy?

You must be really hurting to act like that. You have my best wishes and prayers. Remember, this will pass like everything else. Be happy it wasn't your turn this time.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
I'm pretty sure the world is never coming back from this again. Our government/corporate overlords have made it clear that they fully intend on this being the new normal from here on in.

The "government/corporate overlords" are talking about stopping all controls and going back to the way things were. You seem a little confused.

Once power of this magnitude is attained, with all the executive orders taking power away from "the people", there is no way in hell they'll just give it up simply because we asked nicely.

Trump dropped the ball, and local and state governments picked it up and ran with it. Centralized government power took a hit on this one. Notice Trump strutting and claiming the power to decide when to open things up again. Notice also that states and cities are telling him that he can stuff it. Pretty much as it went with the Paris Accords. Trump abrogated the agreement, but states, cities, businesses and individual citizens went ahead and implemented them anyway.

The one good thing to come out of the Trump presidency has been the lesson that we can't depend on the federal government to take care of us every time. With a weak and corrupt president, we've had to find other ways to get things done. And we have.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
I'm pretty sure the world is never coming back from this again. Our government/corporate overlords have made it clear that they fully intend on this being the new normal from here on in. Once power of this magnitude is attained, with all the executive orders taking power away from "the people", there is no way in hell they'll just give it up simply because we asked nicely.

Now that President Trump unveiled his new open plan to leave up to states, there goes liberty and freedom


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
I really doubt that but would have to investigate. You see there are different strains of the virus that can be deadly or not. In fact Stanford is thinking that we Southern California may have had a mild strain last year in which I was very sick along with my whole workplace but we got over it but read some deaths were happening in LA from a strange pneumonia. All that to say they had a mild strain most likely. Here in California in Coachella Valley the virus hit hard the old people, my cousin works there as a nurse so I can verify that independent of doctors in the news.

Here in Southern California the nursing homes are getting hit hard, even one a block away where my parents were.

There is no conspiracy with the virus, it is real and can be very, very deadly. What is a conspiracy is the Dems are taking advantage of this virus as are the Chinese government
As you investigate, including past plagues that did not affect some groups of people (known all along),
see what it is that worked in the past - it still works, like for instance the ER and OR nurses using vinegar to steam clean , it kills everything known (pathogens).
Other things used for generations in India likewise, verboten in the USA/ News/ Politics/ Medical /....... but still used by those groups and individuals , including doctors, who know - some just are required to stay quiet...


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Since you have no idea about my doctor, you have no idea whatsoever whether the man lies or not.

Right now the only indication that he's a liar is that you broadcast to the world that he is. And do you truly not see something wrong in that?
What is the label, the heirarchy, the group, the 'authorities' that he or she is subject to ?
What does the Bible say about all such ?
I see a lot wrong with all that , as written... especially dangerous as people trusts what God says not to trust....


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Now that President Trump unveiled his new open plan to leave up to states, there goes liberty and freedom

Can you think of a governor who has been more inclined to abuse his authority than our president?


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Yep. Lots of people are ignoring safe practices and putting themselves and others in danger. It turns out that idiots are generally still being idiots.

(Yehren takes a look outside)

Nope. Cars still on the streets. Yesterday my store had lots of food. Mail still works; so does Fed Ex. Police and fire too. Home Depot still works, and just for something different, I tried the new Korean Hamburger place (take out only). It was really good, albeit oddly prepared with corn and shrimp among other things.

Funny how everything still works. Even my neighbor's kid is taking classes by internet. Sorry, but "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!" sounds more like hysteria than a rational take on things. This is a disaster for the economy; it's a bigger disaster for the tens of thousands of American families who have had a loved one die from the virus. But neither the economy or society is collapsing.

The big issue is the guys whose foolishness is making it worse. Idiots who are not taking precautions aren't just killing themselves; they're killing others.

Yep. Lots of fools in the world, I remember some governor opened the beaches, effectively spreading the virus to who knows how many other states.

I get kinda edgy if I can't do my photography. So I head out to find places where there aren't people, and get it out of my system. I walk the dog, and I took advantage of the situation to build a second patio in the back yard to put another table and chairs there. And my garden is looking great. Business isn't so good right now, but my savings and other sources of income are sufficient. I'm aware that a lot of people are hurting a lot worse than I am, either from illness or having a loved one ill or dying, or from losing a job. If we drop the controls now, we'll extend that period of death and economic harm.

I got bored enough to replace the dryer vent I've been promising to fix for years. So not enough work, no. And last night, I looked through the cabinets and found lots of individual-sized containers of hand sanitizer I got at various conferences and trade shows.

You must be really hurting to act like that. You have my best wishes and prayers. Remember, this will pass like everything else. Be happy it wasn't your turn this time.

So, you're being a good boy.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
I'm pretty sure the world is never coming back from this again. Our government/corporate overlords have made it clear that they fully intend on this being the new normal from here on in. Once power of this magnitude is attained, with all the executive orders taking power away from "the people", there is no way in hell they'll just give it up simply because we asked nicely.

I'm inclined to agree with you. Government has found the control power and the trigger.

Just think of how unhealthy sheltering in place is. The obesity will rise. Alcohol use will rise. How many deaths will they attribute to 'sheltering in place'?

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Can you think of a governor who has been more inclined to abuse his authority than our president?
That charge was already established to be FALSE after the bogus Impeachment Hoax failed miserably.

Once again, like wicked Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Nadler, you refuse to accept the truth. That is a direct result of Trump Derangement Syndrome, which has rendered all Leftists mad. Chris Cuomo has literally become crazy. Check out what has happened to his mental processes since he was infected with Wuhan virus.

Actually President Trump has NOT really used his full constitutional presidential powers as he should have, and could have. Add to that his failure to select the right people on his Task Force, instead of frauds like Fauci and Birx (who should have been fired a month ago).

Then he failed to issue a comprehensive Presidential Executive Order regarding this pandemic, to cover every aspect of governmental control and overreach, which would have controlled all the abuses of power by the Leftist governors (who have literally targeted Christians and churches).

These are the same governors and mayors who have been DELIBERATELY VIOLATING the laws of the land, as well as the Constitution. Those who illegally opened up sanctuary cities and sanctuary states are the same who have had the worst COVID scenarios (e.g. New York, L.A.), and should have all been arrested and prosecuted. And then to release dangerous prisoners who have immediately committed murder and rape was more illegality which has not been addressed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
You first need to understand the agenda of the (New World Order) before you can understand what is happening in the world right now. The nations of the world are dealing with massive hostile take over.

Covid-19 is a hoax to create a world economic crisis disguised as a pandemic to destroy the economy (Covid-19 lockdown.) Which will replace sovereign nation states, wipe out the banks, form a one world digital currency and one world banking system under the formation of a totalitarian One World Government.
(The illnesses are real and people are dying, but is it really Covid 19?)

Who is behind this? They are called the globalist elite. The global elite are a secret society, a satanic organisation that masterminds all world affairs controlling governments, politicians, heads of state and multinational corporations. All mainstream news and front headline tabloids is corporately controlled by the globalist elite.

Why are they doing this? to take back control from family businesses, big businesses and entrepreneur's, to completely disrupt the fabric of society, to control all money, to consolidate all financial power of the world and control world population (digital certificate, vaccine microchip implant, mark of the beast,
Rev 13:16-17.)

The globalist elite have been described as satans henchman laying the ground for their messiah, their ultimate leader the Anti Christ. The Bible speaks of this in Rev 13, about the beast empire, New World Order, the second beast the Anti Christ, and the mark of the beast, (vaccine implant)

Bill Gates is a frontman for the (NWO) globalist agenda. He's responsible for developing the vaccines (mark of the beast (Rev13:16-17) ) so he's innovating for the demise of humanity.

These are end times,
the rise of the Anti Christ.
(Reverlation 13.)

Some realism. People are getting very ill with a lung disease, and dying in huge numbers. This illness is spreading 3x faster than flu, from China to the rest of the world in 1 month. Without intervention, stopping simple contact person to person, the whole world would be infected, and so many people dying everything would be overwhelmed.

A test shows most of these cases are covid19 related. The numbers are so great, not enough tests can be done, so guessing by the hospitals is being used. Speaking to those in the hospital, simply 100's of patients are coming in, very ill, they are being given help breathing and they are dying. It is like a war, wave after wave of these people, from young to old.

Anyone who thinks this is a conspiracy needs counselling and help, and total rejection. If anyone wants respect, they need to see the truth, this is just a mild example of what could happen. Covid19 is a mild disease compared to the plague, and one day it will come.

We live in a world with 7 billion people all interconnected. Soon it will be 10 billion.
Praise the Lord our food, our hospitals, the love of the medical professionals etc is there to turn a problem into something that can be controlled and resolved. Never before in our generation has love and helping one another become such an issue in the forefront of our thoughts, like Jesus on the cross, and His love which brings us into eternal life. God bless you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
That I can understand. They are not doing things correctly and just adding everyone who dies to the COVID count, however if you look at the OP next post he is approaching fruit loop territory.

In the UK, they can show the death count weekly has shot up.
The statistics seem to show the disease is effecting everyone from 15+ in the same way. All groups are proportionately dying, just a lot more people. The problem with testing etc. it relies on who you test and how good the results are. You cannot fake the numbers of deaths or the age of the people affected.

What is statistically interesting is yes more old people are dying from Covid19 than young people, but that is true of all death figures. The question is proportionately are they dying more and the answer appears to be no.

Hopefully in 2 months the disease will be under control in the developed world.
In Africa and India things maybe very different, if it takes off there. We may get wave after wave of new outbreaks.
It appears rather than letting the illness effect everyone, the only strategy is isolate and stop it.

Let us pray God helps those in authority to respond appropriately, God bless you
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Can you think of a governor who has been more inclined to abuse his authority than our president?

(example of Trump Derangement Syndrome follows)

That charge was already established to be FALSE after the bogus Impeachment Hoax failed miserably.

Everyone knew that the republican senate wouldn't convict him. It doesn't matter. Americans have already made their decision. We just need to wait for him to leave office so that he can be indicted.

Then he failed to issue a comprehensive Presidential Executive Order regarding this pandemic, to cover every aspect of governmental control and overreach, which would have controlled all the abuses of power by the Leftist governors (who have literally targeted Christians and churches).

He floated the idea, but of course, he ran head-on into the Constitution, and the governors told him to stuff his power grab. So now, he's singing a different tune.

If he had acted promptly, he'd still be leading our response. But he bungled it, and the governors took it from him. As they have every right to do, under Article 10. He's now trying to get into the action, but no one trusts him now.

"Long lines & empty shelves in stores and a leader nobody believes on TV saying everything is fine. Back in the USSR!"
Gary Kasperov


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
So, you're being a good boy.

You're still upset and scared. You don't have to be. Just use reasonable precautions, and you'll almost certainly be O.K.

Government has found the control power and the trigger.

He thought so, but as you know, when Trump declared he had complete power over us, America laughed at him. And he flinched, abandoning the story.

Just think of how unhealthy sheltering in place is. The obesity will rise. Alcohol use will rise. How many deaths will they attribute to 'sheltering in place'?

I'm guessing a lot less than the 240,000 we would have had without it. This disaster could have been a lot worse, if state and local governments hadn't taken action when Trump was still calling it a "hoax", and claiming that it was "contained."


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
More good news from beloved leader...
The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks, which it's never manufactured
  • The Trump administration has awarded a $55 million contract for N95 masks to a company with no experience producing medical supplies and whose parent company filed for bankruptcy protection last year.
  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency told Insider that the company, Panthera, is scheduled to deliver the masks on April 23.
  • Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told The Washington Post that something was "amiss" about this order.
In this chaotic effort to obtain supplies, the Trump administration awarded a $55 million contract to Panthera Worldwide LLC, a company with no expertise in the world of medical equipment, for N95 masks, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

Panthera's parent company filed for bankruptcy protection last fall, and one of its owners last year said it'd had no employees since May 2018, The Post reported, citing sworn testimony. It's no longer listed as an LLC in Virginia, where its main office is, after fees went unpaid, the newspaper said.

Panthera, which describes itself as a tactical training company for the US military and other government agencies, has no record of producing medical supplies or equipment, The Post said.
The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks, which it's never manufactured


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
Is anybody being taken in by the Covid -19 hoax. Does anyone really understand what's happning.

Would Like to hear your views.
Well, my mother in law said her first cousin died of it yesterday in Oklahoma. He was 60. It was not a hoax to him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
You're still upset and scared. You don't have to be. Just use reasonable precautions, and you'll almost certainly be O.K.

He thought so, but as you know, when Trump declared he had complete power over us, America laughed at him. And he flinched, abandoning the story.

I'm guessing a lot less than the 240,000 we would have had without it. This disaster could have been a lot worse, if state and local governments hadn't taken action when Trump was still calling it a "hoax", and claiming that it was "contained."

Actually, you're the one thinking the Corona is as deadly as they claim. I do not. So, your the good boy, believing all they tell you. Yet at the same time looking out your window thinking all is the same. Delusional.

I wasn't talking about just American govt. Government period.

See, your the good boy again. The disaster is the destruction of the economy and the power government senses. The government took you by the hand, led you home patted you on the back, and said stay inside else I will fine you and throw you in jail. And they will send you a little money to make up for the economy they destroyed.



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Actually, you're the one thinking the Corona is as deadly as they claim.

"They?" so you're not just scared, you're paranoid and scared. Instead of working on "they", find a source that actually has some idea.

The current mortality rate of around 3.8 or so, will surely be lower. As you know, I said I'd be very surprised if it was higher than 3.0 or lower than 0.8 percent. That's still about ten times as deadly as influenza normally is.

So, your the good boy,

Were you bullied as a kid, or something?

believing all they tell you.

Believing all "they" tell you, is what got you messed up. There's lots of information on the virus and on related viruses for which we can make good estimates. I offered someone else to wager a dozen of the world's best chocolate chip cookies that the mortality rate would end up between the two numbers I mentioned above. You want to make that wager? You really have no idea or even any idea where to look to make a good estimate, do you?

As long as you let "them" do your thinking for you, you're going to be easy to fool.

I wasn't talking about just American govt. Government period.

So why are you endorsing federal control over the states? You're contradicting yourself.

See, your the good boy again.

Just skeptical. I'm inclined to look up things when I hear claims. You should do it, too. Would have saved you a lot of embarrassment here. And here's one you should remember:
Whenever someone tells you something you really, really want to believe, that's the time you need to be most skeptical. Because that's when you are easiest to fool. Don't get mad; get smart. Go check on this stuff for yourself.

The disaster is the destruction of the economy

I was thinking the 30,000 or so dead so far, with many more to come. But I guess it's a matter of what you value.

and the power government senses.

Trump sensed an opportunity to grab some power, but the governors told him to stuff it. And he backed down quickly. So freedom won, again.

Trump took you by the hand, patted you on the back, and said "everything is fine, just let me have all the power, and I'll take care of you."

Fortunately, most Americans didn't buy that story.
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