USA riots

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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
He was not going there to attend church. I also never heard of a prior President using tear gas to get into St. John's. He went for a photo op.

Biden said it might be better if he read the Bible instead of waving it around.

He should have stuck to what he was successful at -- TV.

Why use so many threats then? I think he loves himself.
1. A church was burned by rioters
2. He used it to let people know he is not going to stand for this anymore and as commander in chief if it does not stop he will take action. And for this I say amen. That’s what a president should do

Biden and the Bible dear god what a joke

Talk about turning something in it’s head in order to attack someone you do not like


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2020
United States
United States
One guy admitted that he was there to get paid and maybe Floyd but he actually said not really
If you check out craigslist, there are ads hiring protesters, they are paid to cause unrest and chaos. Of course, this will never be reported on the news, the media needs to be held responsible for reporting so much propaganda and indoctrination for so long, they are irresponsible.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
If you check out craigslist, there are ads hiring protesters, they are paid to cause unrest and chaos. Of course, this will never be reported on the news, the media needs to be held responsible for reporting so much propaganda and indoctrination for so long, they are irresponsible.
It stopped being a protest. Now it is political and the media is fueling it


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
This is TOO LITTLE AND TOO LATE. What really bothers me is that the Trump administration did virtually nothing about these Fascist thugs for over three years. And Trump has done absolutely nothing to put all the Deep State operative behind bars. He has done nothing to arrest and prosecute all the conspirators connected to the COVID pandemic hoax, such as Redfield, Fauci, Birx, etc.

Firstly he mistakenly hired traitor Jeff Sessions as AG at the start, then failed to fire him after he wrongly recused himself, then failed to appoint a really tough AG immediately. Bill Barr -- for all his talk -- has been pussyfooting around all the real criminals in America such as Soros, Gates, Obama, Clinton, plus the highest officials in the CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS, State Department etc. who have been undermining Trump and America simultaneously. Pelosi and Schumer should already have been behind bars. Brennan and Comey also. It looks like the will to really address the tough issues is simply not there.

President Trump biggest mistake was believing the lies about General Flynn, if President Trump had not fired General Flynn than none of this would have happened because all these bad actors would be in prison. General Flynn knew where and who the black hats are and the deep state had to get rid of him.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
As long as evil and demonic forces exist there will be divides of race, gender, age, and personal beliefs. It is ultimately done to make God's people suffer the most IMO. Creating and maintaining racial divides are more effective ways of controlling and conquering the masses. The 'enemy' all too well knows will stop when the Son of God returns and lays down the law....APAK

DIVISION is a Spiritual Act...Effected upon All of mankind.

The DIVISION began with God Dividing...
The DIVISION was reaffirmed by Jesus...

Luke 12:
[51] Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

It matters not: how many Laws, how big of Government, how many police Officers, how many citizens, race, languages, nations, Treaties, Summits, Diplomacy...

All People Are Not in agreement...
Nor will Accusing, acting like jackasses, destroying property, making more Laws, chanting Peace, bring people into agreement.

Inner Peace is The Lords Offering...and PLAINLY we Can observe there are a whole lot of people willing to make themselves displayed for viewing that they do Not have Peace within themselves.

If we can PLAINLY see the believe so can the Lord Himself.

Glory to God,
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Active Member
May 26, 2020
I woke up like this
United States
I hate every minute of this. Looters and Rioters are destroying everything for political gain they took something that was bad and used it and they should all be shot and yeas I am at my breaking point right now I want to cry, I want to do the Hulk and I am angry at those people
True. It is long past having anything to do with Mr.George Floyd. Now the domestic terrorists are taking lives, burning homes with people inside, businesses, looting, assaulting police, descending on the White House and bringing Molotov Cocktails, assaulting Secret Service agents, when there are snipers on the White House roof! What are these people thinking?
Cars in the area are being checked for car bombs, which is a matter of security protocols given Molotov bombs are already present.

Texas officials are saying they're doing just fine curbing the violence. Democrat officials in Blue states are claiming the same thing, while doing nothing to halt the escalating domestic terror attacks. Personally, I think they're letting their people suffer due to Trump saying he would invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807. I think the Blue state Democrat leaders want this to happen that they have another prong of attack to charge against Trump.
See? He wants to be dictator!
However, it does not escape notice that these Democrat officials leading their respective states that are now going up in flames, while their people bleed due to terrorist violence, do not see their lives in danger. Their mansions are not set ablaze. Their security detail no doubt doubled. Their families perhaps safe in the bunker beneath Legislative hall or the Governor's residence.

Many of us thought there was some agenda behind the C-19 lockdown, now we have this. I think we're watching what will become a deep change to the American landscape. Liberty, curbed. Freedoms, curbed. As we saw with Covid-19. Now what? Martial law invoked?

All funded by billionaire George Soros who, when we know this, isn't under arrest for Sedition? Yet?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
If you check out craigslist, there are ads hiring protesters, they are paid to cause unrest and chaos. Of course, this will never be reported on the news, the media needs to be held responsible for reporting so much propaganda and indoctrination for so long, they are irresponsible.
@Agios In the 19th century, Alfred, Lord Tennyson the poet wrote about politicians: 'Lies and lies and lies and lies...'

For the believer, it's good to have perspective and keeping looking above, 'looking unto Jesus' (Hebrews 12.2).
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Active Member
May 26, 2020
I woke up like this
United States
DIVISION is a Spiritual Act...Effected upon All of mankind.

The DIVISION began with God Dividing...
The DIVISION was reaffirmed by Jesus...

Luke 12:
[51] Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

It matters not: how many Laws, how big of Government, how many police Officers, how many citizens, race, languages, nations, Treaties, Summits, Diplomacy...

All People Are Not in agreement...
Nor will Accusing, acting like jackasses, destroying property, making more Laws, chanting Peace, bring people into agreement.

Inner Peace is The Lords Offering...and PLAINLY we Can observe there are a whole lot of people willing to make themselves displayed for viewing that they do Not have Peace within themselves.

If we can PLAINLY see the believe so can the Lord Himself.

Glory to God,
Ecclesiastes 12:Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”; 2 before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain, 3 in the day when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those who look through the windows are dimmed, 4 and the doors on the street are shut—when the sound of the grinding is low, and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low— 5 they are afraid also of what is high, and terrors are in the way; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along,and desire fails, because man is going to his eternal home, and the mourners go about the streets— 6 before the silver cord is snapped, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern, 7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. 8 Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2020
United States
United States
@Agios In the 19th century, Alfred, Lord Tennyson the poet wrote about politicians: 'Lies and lies and lies and lies...'

For the believer, it's good to have perspective and keeping looking above, 'looking unto Jesus' (Hebrews 12.2).
Amen to that.

I personally would rather be filled with His peace then chaos and unrest. Praise God He allows this, if only we would take hold of this grace!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Amen to that.

I personally would rather be filled with His peace then chaos and unrest. Praise God He allows this, if only we would take hold of this grace!
@Agios Amen! and this is why it's so important to be deeply influenced and committed to the doctrine of Ephesians and passages such as Romans 8, rather than worrying about what's on the news.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Ecclesiastes 12:Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”; 2 before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain, 3 in the day when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those who look through the windows are dimmed, 4 and the doors on the street are shut—when the sound of the grinding is low, and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low— 5 they are afraid also of what is high, and terrors are in the way; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along,and desire fails, because man is going to his eternal home, and the mourners go about the streets— 6 before the silver cord is snapped, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern, 7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. 8 Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity.
@RainAndIceCream Very good and relevant passage!
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
But but, I have some relatives over there, and 3 generations before me on dad's side, including dad being born in Tennessee and Great great grandma being a Cherokee Indian.

My relatives in USA are split between Republican and Democrat.

The riots are pretty bad. But something does need to be done about racial inequalities and police brutality.



I am not as lucky as you in that I have not another "reliable" source for information out of the US, like you do.

I cannot speak authoritatively on the causes for the strife that is occurring in the US. From the available information, the agendas of the people involved are all suspect from what I am being told from all the participants in the US that are being reported in the Australian media.

It would seem that the "Blacks" are holding onto the past and cannot move on until they personally have been apologised to by the present generation for the attitudes and prejudices of past generation which this present generation were not responsible for. It also seems to me that the present generation of the "whites" are not repentant for the past actions, of their forbearers before them, either. Both sides seem to me to not be able to move on from their collective intransient positions and until one or the other sides either forgives or repents for the past, the festering sore will not be lanced so that healing can come. Both side appear to be the "bully" with respect to the other side's position/stance on the past "sins" on both sides.

The power of the "instance replay" in all the gory unedited details is inflaming the situation and a civil war will only suppress the feelings for a time until the same issues flare again.

This is also the situation in Australia where truth cannot be presented because of the gain that is achieved by making the others seem responsible for their ingrained and warped understandings of their situation and the need for an eye for an eye. The cyclic patterns will continue unless reason and understanding can come to the for and be a balm for all involves.

It all resolves around our respective abilities to trust the others whom we blame for our respective situations.

A line needs to be drawn in the sand which we will not cross back over as we come together as a cohesive entity and move forward for the benefit of all concerned, not just the few who have the ability to control the power necessary to restrain the fractions for their own desired benefits. Both sides of the coin are at fault in this area.

Those who are presently walking in God's "earth" need to be able to draw those, whom they are rubbing shoulders with, also into their journey in God's "earth." Sadly, even those who are supposedly "walking" in God's "earth" want to keep God's "earth" for themselves and are having difficulty in being a servant for the masses around them.


We need to
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
True. It is long past having anything to do with Mr.George Floyd. Now the domestic terrorists are taking lives, burning homes with people inside, businesses, looting, assaulting police, descending on the White House and bringing Molotov Cocktails, assaulting Secret Service agents, when there are snipers on the White House roof! What are these people thinking?
Cars in the area are being checked for car bombs, which is a matter of security protocols given Molotov bombs are already present.

Texas officials are saying they're doing just fine curbing the violence. Democrat officials in Blue states are claiming the same thing, while doing nothing to halt the escalating domestic terror attacks. Personally, I think they're letting their people suffer due to Trump saying he would invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807. I think the Blue state Democrat leaders want this to happen that they have another prong of attack to charge against Trump.
See? He wants to be dictator!
However, it does not escape notice that these Democrat officials leading their respective states that are now going up in flames, while their people bleed due to terrorist violence, do not see their lives in danger. Their mansions are not set ablaze. Their security detail no doubt doubled. Their families perhaps safe in the bunker beneath Legislative hall or the Governor's residence.

Many of us thought there was some agenda behind the C-19 lockdown, now we have this. I think we're watching what will become a deep change to the American landscape. Liberty, curbed. Freedoms, curbed. As we saw with Covid-19. Now what? Martial law invoked?

All funded by billionaire George Soros who, when we know this, isn't under arrest for Sedition? Yet?
Agree and I absolutely hate being in a blue state and if I could afford it I would leave now, and I mean this second.
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