The Lord's Side (Remaining neutral and non partisan)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
All he had to do was tell me. He chose not to tell me as it would also show he got tangled in worldly affairs.

Who HASNT got tangled in worldly affairs? I was a long time entangled in them concerning provision. I could NOT walk away from my worry over money and into trust in Him for my provision. It was years of agony. Honestly, I still fear I could fall back into worry if I'm not careful. The pull is so so strong to worry rather than pray and trust.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
All he had to do was tell me. He chose not to tell me as it would also show he got tangled in worldly affairs. Not that I believe that. But that is what he has been saying.

My point is, we are involved in the world. There is no getting away from it till we die. So we try and function and change it where we can for the better, meaning what we as Christians think it should be. We don't just do nothing and become 'neutral'.

If I am healthy and need a job, I don't just pray for a job and wait till it comes to me because God is going to bring it. I pray, and try and find one. And I trust God to find me one.

In the political realm, I don't just pray for God's choice of a man. I pray but go and vote and try to enact any change that I see would benefit Christians. In other words, I don't know if Trump is Christian, but he is favorable towards Christians.

I pray for family and friends during this difficult time of both shutdown and riots. And i keep the guns loaded.


"All he had to do was tell me. He chose not to tell me as it would also show he got tangled in worldly affairs. Not that I believe that. But that is what he has been saying. "
If he had said so would you then have told him he was boasting? Besides, Epi can take care of himself here :)

"My point is, we are involved in the world. There is no getting away from it till we die. So we try and function and change it where we can for the better, meaning what we as Christians think it should be. We don't just do nothing and become 'neutral'."

True, we are IN the world but we are instructed throughout scripture to not be OF the world, and to do good when we can. People are so taken in just because someone say's they are a Christian???!!! Does anyone actually SEE the difference between good and bad fruit anymore? As @amadeus would say there is a left and a right hand of God and He will and does use many evil "leaders" of countries to His ultimate good so, just because someone won an election does NOT mean that person (put there by God) is always going to be a good guy.
"We" Christians are barely saved ourselves, I do not think they can or have changed a thing. Even when Republicans had control of the House and Senate things...remained...the...same.

"If I am healthy and need a job, I don't just pray for a job and wait till it comes to me because God is going to bring it. I pray, and try and find one. And I trust God to find me one. "

No argument there.

"In the political realm, I don't just pray for God's choice of a man. I pray but go and vote and try to enact any change that I see would benefit Christians. In other words, I don't know if Trump is Christian, but he is favorable towards Christians."

That is totally your right to do, and you should do it if your conscience tells you too. Of course Trump seems favorable towards Christians, they are his base...they HAVE to pander to their base, and this has been happening since the late 70's.

I pray for family and friends during this difficult time of both shutdown and riots. And i keep the guns loaded. "

Amen, I too pray for the U.S. as a whole during this time. And, I have at least one brother who is probably as we speak, loading his weapons, parking his vehicle in the back.
My weapon is God as, He can protect me better than a gun can as, the weapon would probably take my shoulder from it's socket! (bad shoulders, specially the right one and I'm right handed). Although, I might get another one just so my one sister stops flipping her wig :rolleyes: , maybe just a 20 gauge shotgun...couldn't do a 12. Besides, I have no fear BUT...yes, I will park my vehicle in the back and not leave trash bins out in case of vandalism but...I have yet to know of them going into private streets...seems just small businesses. Sad.



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Hello Episkopos,

Interesting discussion.

I am curious though. To become a Canadian citizen one has to take an oath of allegiance to the Queen.
Are you saying then that no Christian should become a Canadian?
Further, if our fathers made oaths that they and their offspring would serve the crown, are we dishonouring our fathers if we reneg on that responsibility without being released from it?

Peace be with you!
I don't know anything about taking an oath.

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I don't know anything about taking an oath.

This is the current form that everybody becoming a Canadian citizen must use:

“I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada, and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.”

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
This whole political debacle we are seeing that has arisen from a cop killing a black man in Minnesota is just a litmus test that demonstrates where the church is getting it's life force from. What we are seeing is not good. Many believers are showing their true colours...that they are political in nature...carnal in their power. They can't see the evil in themselves...but look to blame others. They are only superficially converted to God and His ways. Their Christianity is no deeper than their race or culture. They are fully partisan and political creatures.

Hey bud!

Meh, I think I would have to disagree with you here. Certainly it is a divisive issue, yes, so one needs to not exacerbate the divisiveness even further. But while I'm normally not one to heavily involve myself in political threads (my ratio of generated threads is something like 80-90% spiritual topics and the rest on side issues), I will post on politics sometimes. If we remove ourselves from the political sphere altogether, we kind of hand that realm completely over to the Devil, and that's never a good idea.

I do agree that there are many Christians who are predominantly far more political than they are spiritual, and I see this as a problem in most cases. But it can't be a diving off the deep end completely, IMO. We have to be involved in all areas of human life and human affairs if we would reach humanity at all levels and stem the tide of evil in all places where it lurks.

Just my thoughts,


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
And before that, He set Obama in power. So sometimes God is supportive of the democratic party? Yet sometimes God sets a man in power who is not good. So does that always mean God is supportive of the man? Was God supportive and approving of Hitler? I dont think so. And yet, there he was, in great power for a time. So I dont think you can assume any man who comes to power is always because God thinks he's great. Sometimes in the past, God has given people what they wanted but it wasn't good for them.

Joseph was sold into slavery. Was God supportive of Joseph's brothers? I dont think so. And yet a long time later, it was seen why - to keep many people alive years later. (Including the very ones who sold him!)

This is all about faith. It is all about trusting God. Because His ways are too far above our ways to figure out until after the fact. Do men have faith that God spoke truly that He is the one who controls the course of world events? Do they have faith that God spoke truly that He is the one who puts men in power and removes men from power? Do they have faith that He spoke truly that He works all things to good for those who are called by Him and who love Him? Do they have faith that even if something is done to us that someone intended for evil, He can intend and work it for good?

I don't disagree with anything you have said. But how does that equate in that I should not vote or attempt to do things to bring about change. I let God be God.

Concerning Joseph the original plan was to kill him. Yet Reuben changed their mind in hopes that he could deliver Joseph later. (Gen. 37:18-27) Should Reuben have done so? Or should he just have accepted that it was Gods will that his brothers slay Joseph?



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Who HASNT got tangled in worldly affairs? I was a long time entangled in them concerning provision. I could NOT walk away from my worry over money and into trust in Him for my provision. It was years of agony. Honestly, I still fear I could fall back into worry if I'm not careful. The pull is so so strong to worry rather than pray and trust.

Everyone is tangled in worldly affairs. Just because we are not of the world doesn't mean we are not in the world. We are. Thus we function as believers in the world, abiding by the laws and methods of living as best we can.

This doesn't displace us as believers in Christ.

I remember years ago an elderly man came up to me in Church and asked me about 'peace that passes understanding'. (Phil. 4:7) He said he is trying to obtain that. I asked him if he had peace with God. He said yes, but not that passes all understanding. I said, well, if you have peace at all, that passes all understanding.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
"All he had to do was tell me. He chose not to tell me as it would also show he got tangled in worldly affairs. Not that I believe that. But that is what he has been saying. "
If he had said so would you then have told him he was boasting? Besides, Epi can take care of himself here :)

"My point is, we are involved in the world. There is no getting away from it till we die. So we try and function and change it where we can for the better, meaning what we as Christians think it should be. We don't just do nothing and become 'neutral'."

True, we are IN the world but we are instructed throughout scripture to not be OF the world, and to do good when we can. People are so taken in just because someone say's they are a Christian???!!! Does anyone actually SEE the difference between good and bad fruit anymore? As @amadeus would say there is a left and a right hand of God and He will and does use many evil "leaders" of countries to His ultimate good so, just because someone won an election does NOT mean that person (put there by God) is always going to be a good guy.
"We" Christians are barely saved ourselves, I do not think they can or have changed a thing. Even when Republicans had control of the House and Senate things...remained...the...same.

"If I am healthy and need a job, I don't just pray for a job and wait till it comes to me because God is going to bring it. I pray, and try and find one. And I trust God to find me one. "

No argument there.

"In the political realm, I don't just pray for God's choice of a man. I pray but go and vote and try to enact any change that I see would benefit Christians. In other words, I don't know if Trump is Christian, but he is favorable towards Christians."

That is totally your right to do, and you should do it if your conscience tells you too. Of course Trump seems favorable towards Christians, they are his base...they HAVE to pander to their base, and this has been happening since the late 70's.

I pray for family and friends during this difficult time of both shutdown and riots. And i keep the guns loaded. "

Amen, I too pray for the U.S. as a whole during this time. And, I have at least one brother who is probably as we speak, loading his weapons, parking his vehicle in the back.
My weapon is God as, He can protect me better than a gun can as, the weapon would probably take my shoulder from it's socket! (bad shoulders, specially the right one and I'm right handed). Although, I might get another one just so my one sister stops flipping her wig :rolleyes: , maybe just a 20 gauge shotgun...couldn't do a 12. Besides, I have no fear BUT...yes, I will park my vehicle in the back and not leave trash bins out in case of vandalism but...I have yet to know of them going into private streets...seems just small businesses. Sad.

I agree with all you have said.

Sorry to hear of your shoulders. Remember you can fire that shotgun from the hip. That doesn't mean resting on your hip. Just holding off to the side freely. Should not affect your shoulders.

I don't use those with a pistol grip as it hurts my wrist to fire. A good 20 gauge pump defender type with the shortest barrel and stock you can find. You can take out the plug if they have one and load as many as 5 shells usually. Mossberg and Maverick are the same gun. They are reasonable price wise. And last forever. I do have a set of earplugs hanging next to my guns. If I have time I certainly want to put one at least in the right ear which is where I shoot from also. But in some situations we just don't have the time. So be it.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I don't disagree with anything you have said. But how does that equate in that I should not vote or attempt to do things to bring about change. I let God be God.


Actually, I think you should vote if your conscience tells you to. I think we are learning righteousness and no one should try to push us or force us past where we are and past what we are ready to bear and able to hear.

I think Mary and Martha have to leave space for each other, even if they dont understand each other. I think when we read something, we have to try to ascertain if we are hearing a Mary or a Martha.

I also dont think a Mary can try try to force a Martha into being a Mary, although Jesus said Mary had chosen the better thing, so a Martha needs to try to leave room for a Mary who has chosen the better thing.

Martha was worried about many things, temporally speaking, as Jesus said. Mary wasn't. So Martha worked in her own flustered power to get things done and got upset at Mary for not helping with that. Jesus didnt say Martha was doing evil, He just said Mary had chosen the better thing. Martha wanted to take Mary away from the better thing to focus on what Martha chose to do.

Righteous Martha's do things in their own power and focus on what they can do. Jesus didnt condemn them. Mary's focus was on God and what He can do in His power. Jesus said they have chosen the better part.

Mary's should be thankful for Martha's and Martha's should leave Mary's be, because God works miracles through them if they begin walking in the Spirit.

Mary's and Martha's should not try to silence each other and Martha's should not try to make Mary's feel guilty for having chosen the better part.

Should Mary's just be totally silent or should they speak freely since Martha's can become Marys if they seek after Gods power and stop depending on their own?

Epi is a Mary. Most of us are Martha's. Often Mary's just look selfish and crazy to Marthas and Martha's scold them.

I dont know if I have made any sense to you...


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
This doesn't displace us as believers in Christ

No it doesnt, you are right. But there is a better part that can be chosen and it takes more faith and trust and God has said it's the better part. So leave room.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I remember years ago an elderly man came up to me in Church and asked me about 'peace that passes understanding'. (Phil. 4:7) He said he is trying to obtain that. I asked him if he had peace with God. He said yes, but not that passes all understanding. I said, well, if you have peace at all, that passes all understanding

It sounds to me like your response was a humble and righteous one and his question was a seeking and knocking after the better part.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I have struggled for a long time over something a saint said a long time ago. I understood almost everything he said but this one thing disturbed me. He said, God calls some of us to more love while on earth than He does others.

I still struggle with it and want to reject it as untrue. I think He calls everyone and some never make it as far while on earth because they dont...well, because things prevent them from it. I dont know, I guess we're once again talking about Mary's and Marthas...

I guess what I personally most often see is Martha's developing a sort of anger and sometimes even hatred for Mary's and I think it's an awful mistake because it is...a refusal of holiness, (which should make us happy, even if it's not us) or of a seeking of the better part. But I do sometimes also see those seekers after getting horribly proud and dismissive of Martha's. I most often see the former though. But neither one should expect to receive anything more.

Training in righteousness should lead to holiness. I think it's what God desires for us. But neither righteousness nor holiness, (or a seeking after it) should be sneered at. That's pride. That would cause what little one has to be taken from them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Actually, I think you should vote if your conscience tells you to. I think we are learning righteousness and no one should try to push us or force us past where we are and past what we are ready to bear and able to hear.

I think Mary and Martha have to leave space for each other, even if they dont understand each other. I think when we read something, we have to try to ascertain if we are hearing a Mary or a Martha.

I also dont think a Mary can try try to force a Martha into being a Mary, although Jesus said Mary had chosen the better thing, so a Martha needs to try to leave room for a Mary who has chosen the better thing.

Martha was worried about many things, temporally speaking, as Jesus said. Mary wasn't. So Martha worked in her own flustered power to get things done and got upset at Mary for not helping with that. Jesus didnt say Martha was doing evil, He just said Mary had chosen the better thing. Martha wanted to take Mary away from the better thing to focus on what Martha chose to do.

Righteous Martha's do things in their own power and focus on what they can do. Jesus didnt condemn them. Mary's focus was on God and what He can do in His power. Jesus said they have chosen the better part.

Mary's should be thankful for Martha's and Martha's should leave Mary's be, because God works miracles through them if they begin walking in the Spirit.

Mary's and Martha's should not try to silence each other and Martha's should not try to make Mary's feel guilty for having chosen the better part.

Should Mary's just be totally silent or should they speak freely since Martha's can become Marys if they seek after Gods power and stop depending on their own?

Epi is a Mary. Most of us are Martha's. Often Mary's just look selfish and crazy to Marthas and Martha's scold them.

I dont know if I have made any sense to you...

Yes, I believe you did.

It is of interest to me that when their brother Lazarus died, they still evidenced their particular personality and character traits. Martha the doer ran to meet Jesus whereas Mary stayed in the house. (John 11:19-21)

Yet both evidenced the same exact faith. (John 11:21) "Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died." (John 11:32) "Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died."



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
No it doesnt, you are right. But there is a better part that can be chosen and it takes more faith and trust and God has said it's the better part. So leave room.

I understand what you're saying. And, I usually do leave room. It is only when I feel I am forced into a shrinking room that I fire back.

And if you read the first two sentences of this thread, you will see it leaves no room for anyone else save those who declare themselves 'neutral and 'non-partisan'.

"A true Christian does not take sides with anything to do with the world or the flesh. We who walk with God and serve are to remain non-partisan...neutral."

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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I agree with all you have said.

Sorry to hear of your shoulders. Remember you can fire that shotgun from the hip. That doesn't mean resting on your hip. Just holding off to the side freely. Should not affect your shoulders.

I don't use those with a pistol grip as it hurts my wrist to fire. A good 20 gauge pump defender type with the shortest barrel and stock you can find. You can take out the plug if they have one and load as many as 5 shells usually. Mossberg and Maverick are the same gun. They are reasonable price wise. And last forever. I do have a set of earplugs hanging next to my guns. If I have time I certainly want to put one at least in the right ear which is where I shoot from also. But in some situations we just don't have the time. So be it.


My older bro mentioned the Maverick and, so far the only thing not banged up on me is my hips!!! Haha. Shooting from the hip will take some practice but, it is doable. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Actually, I think you should vote if your conscience tells you to.
If Christians -- who have the privilege to vote -- fail to do so according to conscience, it leaves the field wide open for Satan's minions. Rarely will there be a genuine Christian running for office. That does not mean the their platform is not designed for the greater good.

By the same token the democratic process has been THOUROUGHLY CORRUPTED in America, as seen in the last two elections. Even some third world countries have cleaner and fairer elections.

Frankly, I expected President Trump to set up an independent Election Fraud Commission when he took office. Their mandate would have been to examine all voter rolls throughout the country very carefully and identify all fraudulent voters. Then publish a list of BOGUS VOTERS (included deceased individuals) to shame the states into cleaning up their democratic process.

Nothing other than paper ballots supported by genuine voter ID should have been permitted by Executive Order. But it does not seem that all this actually took place. Which means that the Communistic Democrats will steal the elections, on the basis of "All's fair in love and war". And they are at war with America. And Trump will lose to a pathetic Joe Biden.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2020
United States
United States
Actually, I think you should vote if your conscience tells you to. I think we are learning righteousness and no one should try to push us or force us past where we are and past what we are ready to bear and able to hear.

I think Mary and Martha have to leave space for each other, even if they dont understand each other. I think when we read something, we have to try to ascertain if we are hearing a Mary or a Martha.

I also dont think a Mary can try try to force a Martha into being a Mary, although Jesus said Mary had chosen the better thing, so a Martha needs to try to leave room for a Mary who has chosen the better thing.

Martha was worried about many things, temporally speaking, as Jesus said. Mary wasn't. So Martha worked in her own flustered power to get things done and got upset at Mary for not helping with that. Jesus didnt say Martha was doing evil, He just said Mary had chosen the better thing. Martha wanted to take Mary away from the better thing to focus on what Martha chose to do.

Righteous Martha's do things in their own power and focus on what they can do. Jesus didnt condemn them. Mary's focus was on God and what He can do in His power. Jesus said they have chosen the better part.

Mary's should be thankful for Martha's and Martha's should leave Mary's be, because God works miracles through them if they begin walking in the Spirit.

Mary's and Martha's should not try to silence each other and Martha's should not try to make Mary's feel guilty for having chosen the better part.

Should Mary's just be totally silent or should they speak freely since Martha's can become Marys if they seek after Gods power and stop depending on their own?

Epi is a Mary. Most of us are Martha's. Often Mary's just look selfish and crazy to Marthas and Martha's scold them.

I dont know if I have made any sense to you...

Jesus used this story to point out the importance of spending time with Him, before we take action, in order to know what our action should be, right? We are doing what Jesus is doing

Mary had chosen, at that moment in time, to sit at Jesus' feet, to learn from Him, to spend time with Him, Jesus encouraged this, we see it as an example of waiting upon the Lord. Yet, Jesus did not intend for Mary to continue sitting and nothing else. This was a moment in time for Mary.

In order to live godly, holy, righteous and balanced lives before the Lord, we need to, at times, be a Mary and at other times a Martha. We are participating with God to further His Kingdom. God has works for each one of us to do, who are we to say one of these works is more important than another work? If someone is called into politics, then who are we to say they are disobeying? It's not our job to figure out who is called where. We really have no idea what God's plan is for that person. If this person is a believer, he will know it's not about the world's government but about God's Kingdom.

Not advocating jumping into politics or worldly affairs - ha - but there are so many other things God has said to do in His Word, if we're doing those, will there be time to worry about the politics?

Maybe sometimes, we have too many believers sitting around doing nothing, idk.

James 4:17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
who are we to say one of these works is more important than another work?

It isnt to us to say and if you carefully read what I wrote this morning, you will see that I wasn't putting anyone down. It was Jesus who said about Martha that she was worried about many things and that Mary had chosen the better part. I'm sure Mary got up and did later whatever she could to help others in her own power. If she saw someone hungry or cold or in need, I think she would have helped them if it was in her power to do so. And you would see that I also said Mary's should be thankful for marthas. But seeking and knocking for the higher calling that is a walk in the power of God is not evil just as righteous men are not evil. To say that someone who doesnt vote because they know it is God and not men who set rulers in place is the problem is wanting them to do exactly as you do and become entangled in politics when God isnt calling them to that.

I saw this story in the railing against a person who has chosen not to get caught up in the world by not voting or killing in war. It's like a martha chiding a mary to go vote and involve herself in politics when she sees men dont control what they think they do or chiding her that she must get up and cook food and serve when she was choosing the better part of serving her Lord when He was before her.

Who is to say which is more important, to vote to try to get men in office to fix things, or to quietly help whoever you see is in need across your path when you can, but to leave behind mens political systems because you leave the setting up of leaders to God?

I dont know if I am being clear enough but i do think the man i was talking with understood me that I was saying, leave room and dont try to decide what all men must do.