Antifa is taking over Seattle

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We're breeding a culture of wimps that fold at the first sign of something that upsets them. That's not setting people up to succeed. It's setting them up to fail. Offenses will come - it's not whether we're offended or not - but how we respond to it.

I suspect once started, it will never stop. It's a thin edge - and offensive or not now - it is part of history. (And with grave stones - these are something the family have put in place). If these can be decided it's offensive now - it simply gives more boldness and encourages people to be 'more offended' at things in order to get their way.

I've already seen the 'trigger' culture where people go out of their way to be offended so they can push their standards and demands on others. As a result - while I can appreciate that some may find it offensive - I am not supportive of this type of move.

Plus if it's offensive and part of history - isn't it better to leave there as a warning to others about what true history was like, and encourage not to go back to it, rather than erase it from history. What's the saying? "Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it". I don't believe erasing or covering up history is the answer. If these people are serious about it - they let it stand as an example of what history teaches us. We shouldn't be scared of the truth of what happens.

Should we also wipe evidence of the holocaust away because it's offensive to some? Or is it better to let it stand as a warning lest we repeat

I can't believe they pulled that episode from fawlty towers. That used to have me in tears. If we get rid of everything that offends everyone we may as well close up everything. Netflix is only pretending to care - I bet they won't remove all the shows on TV that offend millions of Christians by blaspheming our saviour.
Yes, totally agree with you x
I think there is a sound case to raise issues that really do need dealing with, but it just doesn’t seem to stop at that, and it hasn’t stopped yet, so where it will lead and to what extreme only time will tell.
History is there to be remembered, it teaches us and reminds us how we have progressed, messed up, and in some cases succeeded. If we try and sweep it all under the carpet it’s as if we want to deny it ever happened.
My eldest uses the word ‘ snowflakes ‘ - I think I am inclined to agree with him in some cases - we have become a cotton wool society - first it started with the health and safety issues and What we can and can’t do now its with what we say and speak.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
Ouch, I hope he survives.

Tearing down historical statues and disbanding police forces is going too far in my opinion. People cannot change history no matter how much they try to wipe it out. I also don't like how they are vandalizing Winston Churchill statues, he is the man who led UK as PM through WWII to victory against the Nazis. And that was real violent racism they were fighting against in WWII.

I really hope the situation in the USA though does not turn into a South Africa. Peaceful protests are fine, but not anarchy, where we see people getting hurt like the man who was crushed by the statue.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

Do we consider it a tragedy when we hear of a Muslim terrorist who accidently blows himself up prematurely before he gets to his target?
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

Do we consider it a tragedy when we hear of a Muslim terrorist who accidently blows himself up prematurely before he gets to his target?

Using that example, of course it's worse if the terrorist causes a lot of other lives to be lost.

But either way it's sad, and it would have been better if the terrorist didn't make the decision he or she made, it would have been better if he or she never became a terrorist in first place. It would have been better if he or she turned to Jesus. It would have been better if he or she walked in peace and love, instead of violence.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
They control Seattle, because Seattle lets them control it! The Mayor is doing NOTHING. The Governor is clueless and doing NOTHING! They are weak and corrupt... waiting for Trump to send in the Military to rescue them, and then use it to declare that Trump is a fascist!

Yes agree ...especially what you said they would probably accuse Trump of.
it does make a person wonder if the Globalist agenda is to make this the excuse for a USA marshal law.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
Using that example, of course it's worse if the terrorist causes a lot of other lives to be lost.

But either way it's sad, and it would have been better if the terrorist didn't make the decision he or she made, it would have been better if he or she never became a terrorist in first place. It would have been better if he or she turned to Jesus. It would have been better if he or she walked in peace and love, instead of violence.

Decisions we make in life have consequences. There is no "consequence-free" position. It's "sad" that Christians are killed daily for their faith; yet no "honorable mention" in the Media! Babies are massacred at Abortion Clinics by the thousands every day! One person participates in rioting, destruction of property, and domestic terrorism, and gets hurt; it is National News and the constant stream of sorrow, pity and prayers is now expected from everybody! People make bad decisions every day and have to live with the consequences daily! What makes this person "special"?

We have so many "sad" things that happen every day, many of those things happen to us, and people we actually know and love! I would rather focus on those issues, because I have a better chance of being useful helping those I love and myself. I just do not see the logical sense of a National attention and sorrow for someone that was competing for the Annual Darwin Award that got injured. Anyone getting hurt is sad.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

Do we consider it a tragedy when we hear of a Muslim terrorist who accidently blows himself up prematurely before he gets to his target?

Ephesians 2:3-5 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. [4] But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, [5] Even when we were dead in sins, (had Mercy on us)hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
In the new Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, protesters come together to give aid and fight for change

Standing on a ladder next to the Seattle Police Department's East precinct, a person wearing a yellow construction helmet on Tuesday hung a new sign to the now boarded up building marking the day after Seattle Police left the area. "This space is now property of the Seattle People," the sign read in large red letters on black canvas. A green sign now hangs next to it, welcoming people to the newly coined "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone."

The day after Seattle Police removed officers from in front of the precinct -- following days where a stand-off between protesters and police repeatedly resulted in officers using tear gas, flashbangs and pepper spray -- reflected a new step as protesters continue to fight against police brutality and demand change. The neighborhood no longer looked like a "warzone," as some protesters and elected officials have described it.

Instead, stations staffed with volunteers handing out food, water, Gatorade, snacks and other supplies lined the streets. Several volunteer medics with a red cross taped to their clothing or helmets sat at tables behind a restaurant, ready to help any protesters who had been injured. Throughout the week, medics have helped people wash out their eyes after being tear gassed or pepper-sprayed or tended to people who had been hit and injured by flashbangs.

There were signs clearly indicated smoking zones, urging people to consider their neighbor's health. People handed out masks and hand sanitizer, trying to keep their neighbors and fellow protesters safe. Joshua Jacobs sat in a chair next to an aid station with a makeshift roof made from umbrellas giving out name tags.

Jacobs said he's come to the protests several times throughout the past week. The community has been incredibly supportive, he said, noting the only violence he has seen has been from the police.

"People are helping each other, providing food and water and sanitizer and masks and it's really just the entire community coming together," he said.

With no police in sight, Jacobs said there's a considerable change in the environment.

"People aren't afraid anymore," he said. "Barricades were sources of tension, people were using umbrellas to ward off tear gas which was being used against them. That's not happening anymore. Right now, people are walking around participating in their community."​


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
How many of you are getting your understanding of what's going on in Seattle exclusively from right-wing media? If so, you might want to reconsider some of what you've been told.

Fox News runs digitally altered images in coverage of Seattle’s protests, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

Isn't that the very definition of "fake news"? If a news outlet like CNN having to retract or correct a story is enough to write them off as "fake news", doesn't the above justify doing the same with Fox News?

In the new Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, protesters come together to give aid and fight for change

Standing on a ladder next to the Seattle Police Department's East precinct, a person wearing a yellow construction helmet on Tuesday hung a new sign to the now boarded up building marking the day after Seattle Police left the area. "This space is now property of the Seattle People," the sign read in large red letters on black canvas. A green sign now hangs next to it, welcoming people to the newly coined "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone."

The day after Seattle Police removed officers from in front of the precinct -- following days where a stand-off between protesters and police repeatedly resulted in officers using tear gas, flashbangs and pepper spray -- reflected a new step as protesters continue to fight against police brutality and demand change. The neighborhood no longer looked like a "warzone," as some protesters and elected officials have described it.

Instead, stations staffed with volunteers handing out food, water, Gatorade, snacks and other supplies lined the streets. Several volunteer medics with a red cross taped to their clothing or helmets sat at tables behind a restaurant, ready to help any protesters who had been injured. Throughout the week, medics have helped people wash out their eyes after being tear gassed or pepper-sprayed or tended to people who had been hit and injured by flashbangs.

There were signs clearly indicated smoking zones, urging people to consider their neighbor's health. People handed out masks and hand sanitizer, trying to keep their neighbors and fellow protesters safe. Joshua Jacobs sat in a chair next to an aid station with a makeshift roof made from umbrellas giving out name tags.

Jacobs said he's come to the protests several times throughout the past week. The community has been incredibly supportive, he said, noting the only violence he has seen has been from the police.

"People are helping each other, providing food and water and sanitizer and masks and it's really just the entire community coming together," he said.

With no police in sight, Jacobs said there's a considerable change in the environment.

"People aren't afraid anymore," he said. "Barricades were sources of tension, people were using umbrellas to ward off tear gas which was being used against them. That's not happening anymore. Right now, people are walking around participating in their community."​

mixed feelings on Fox News as sometimes(imo) it does the same it blames others of. But (again only an opinion) what you suggest is they asked the police politely to vacate the building? And asked politely to take over several blocks? Curious if someone came in and vacated you and your family from your home and property, seized it as their own ...would you consider it “polite” and all that other good stuff being claimed right down to a designated “smoking area” because ‘we care others’? Doesn’t matter if the images were staged or tweaked has still happened and their is no denying the actions. Reminds me of Waco or cults which make up their own rules and brainwash others into: we will keep it by ‘peaceful’ force if necessary.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
mixed feelings on Fox News as sometimes(imo) it does the same it blames others of. But (again only an opinion) what you suggest is they asked the police politely to vacate the building? And asked politely to take over several blocks?
They came to a mutual agreement, after repeating the same pattern every night where protesters would march, police would try and force them to disperse by attacking them, and people on both sides would get hurt.

Curious if someone came in and vacated you and your family from your home and property, seized it as their own ...would you consider it “polite” and all that other good stuff being claimed right down to a designated “smoking area” because ‘we care others’? Doesn’t matter if the images were staged or tweaked has still happened and their is no denying the actions. Reminds me of Waco or cults which make up their own rules and brainwash others into: we will keep it by ‘peaceful’ force if necessary.
You should make an effort to read accounts from multiple sources to gain a better understanding of the situation. And I certainly wouldn't rely on much of the absolutely stupid and racist things that get posted here.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
It's past time to do something. I don't understand how it went this far.
Well I do understand how it went this far. Even though I am Canadian, I study events in the USA closely, since I have family over there, and I have also lived and worked there for many years. I had even planned on going back for business reasons, and now have great misgivings.

Loyalty to the nation, its Constitution, and the rule of law were already abolished under Obama. But Trump failed to restore all of this by failing to FIRE every disloyal and treasonous person, and hire only those who were solidly committed to restore everything back to the rule of law. He failed to fire Sessions, he allowed the Mueller Witch Hunt to go on and on, he failed to deport all illegals as he had promised, he failed to build a solid and complete wall within 12 months, and the list goes on.

President Trump (for whatever reasons, which are a puzzle in themselves) chose to surround himself with DISLOYAL TRAITORS in every government department, as well as the military, the National Guard, Homeland Security, the FBI, the DOJ, the State Department, etc. Dr. Ben Carson should have been the Surgeon General (who should have then fired Redfield, Fauci and Birx ages ago) Sheriff David Clarke should have been the Secretary of National Defense (which includes domestic terrorism), and Judge Jeanine Pirro should have been the Attorney General (not Bill Barr). Trump could have asked Chuck Norris, Jon Voight, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and many others to be on a presidential advisory committee to help him make all the critical decisions needed to turn things around. These people have a solid grasp of the dangers facing the USA at this time.

Mr. Trump has allowed himself to be distracted, deflected, and sabotaged almost every day since he took office
, and he does not seem to have even one person in high office who will take charge, say "Enough is enough", send in the National Guard in full force, send in soldiers if necessary, send in Special Forces if necessary, and put down rebellion, insurrection, sedition, and treason. [the media will never breathe these words since they want America destroyed]

Since no matter what he does he will be reviled and mocked by the media, HE SHOULD HAVE IGNORED THEM ALTOGETHER from day one.
He could have limited press briefings to one per month, or none per month. That is his prerogative. Instead he has wasted his time and energy on the media hacks when he should have had a solid strategy in place to deal with BOTH domestic and foreign terrorism. Especially during the pandemic nonsense (which was all bogus and designed to take him down) and he lowered himself to argue and wrangle with reporters.

The FBI should have had a rapid response team in place which could be mobilized at a moment's notice when any type of anarchy or terrorism began in any city or state
. But the FBI was already corrupt when he took office, but he failed to clean house and fire Comey on day one. Instead he allowed the FBI to go on and on and on with all their anti-Trump nonsense. Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Wray, Clapper, Brennan,etc. should have all been arrested -- by military police if necessary -- prosecuted, and incarcerated long ago. Obama, Clinton, Rice, Holder, etc. should have all been prosecuted and incarcerated for sedition and treason.

Trump should have had a solid team of Constitutional lawyers at the start to advise him as to how to go about setting up an independent SPECIAL COMMISSION to deal with all these traitors. But evidently he did not want to make those hard decisions, since half of Washington DC would have been in prison. An illegal coup d'etat was attempted and there is no doubt about that, but no one was arrested, and now the generals are in insubordination to the Commander-in-Chief.

Unless Mr. Trump does a careful analysis of his own failures, and remedies them immediately, things will go from bad to worse. This is no longer about politics but about the destruction and demise of America. Secretary of Defense Esper should have been fired the same day that he defied Trump. And the riots are still there because of Esper's disloyalty.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Opinion: Debunking myths of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

A good read, describing the reality of the situation.

Sounds like a Communist "utopia." The occupiers are called the "collective." Everyone in the collective seems to be getting along...for now! What happens when the occupiers decide to steal or rape or murder? Who will handle crimes committed? Who will handle armed thugs who might happen into their utopian occupied zone?

Utopia is never reality!

FreeCapitol Hill, a collective linked to the CHAZ, wants to reshape the whole city

As CHAZ emerged, some protesters have released a list of demands.

"We do not request reform, we demand abolition," FreeCapitol Hill, an anonymous collective, wrote in a blog post Tuesday. "We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus."

The collective demanded "de-gentrification" of the city, increased hiring of Black healthcare workers, and an overhaul of the Washington state public school curriculum, with a greater focus on the history of Black and Native Americans in the United States.

They also called for an end to police violence.

"We demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely," the collective wrote. "No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest."

Source: 'It's reminiscent of Occupy': Protesters in Seattle have established a communal 'autonomous zone' to prove they don't need police
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Sounds like a Communist "utopia."
To many paranoid right-wingers, everything they don't like seems like communism.

The occupiers are called the "collective." Everyone in the collective seems to be getting along...for now! What happens when the occupiers decide to steal or rape or murder? Who will handle crimes committed? Who will handle thugs with guns who just might happen into their utopian occupied zone?
When that happens, we'll see.

FreeCapitol Hill, a collective linked to the CHAZ, wants to reshape the whole city
As CHAZ emerged, some protesters have released a list of demands.

"We do not request reform, we demand abolition," FreeCapitol Hill, an anonymous collective, wrote in a blog post Tuesday. "We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus."

The collective demanded "de-gentrification" of the city, increased hiring of Black healthcare workers, and an overhaul of the Washington state public school curriculum, with a greater focus on the history of Black and Native Americans in the United States.

They also called for an end to police violence.

"We demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely," the collective wrote. "No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest."

Source: 'It's reminiscent of Occupy': Protesters in Seattle have established a communal 'autonomous zone' to prove they don't need police
Yep, there are all sorts of demands being made by various people. The group as a whole seems to be coalescing around three main ones. Defunding the Seattle police, more funds to community-based health and safety programs, and dropping criminal charges against protesters.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
To many paranoid right-wingers, everything they don't like seems like communism.
Lol! Like the article said, they call themselves the "collective."

Hmm, where have we heard that word before? Maybe from Communists?

They are calling for de-gentrification of the city. Now, I'm all for affordable housing..., but it sounds to me like the protestors are wanting everyone to be on a level playing field socio-economically.

Hmm, sounds like Communism.

Maybe in their de-gentrified utopia, like George Orwell said, all animals will be equal...but inevitably, some animals will be more equal than others.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Lol! Like the article said, they call themselves the "collective."

Hmm, where have we heard that word before? Maybe from Communists?
I tend to think that actually espousing communism is what makes a person a communist, not merely a single word choice.

They are calling for de-gentrification of the city. Now, I'm all for affordable housing..., but it sounds to me like the protestors are wanting everyone to be on a level playing field socio-economically.

Hmm, sounds like Communism.
They're calling for rent control. If you think that's communism, you're mistaken.

Maybe in their de-gentrified utopia, all animals will be equal...but inevitably, some animals will be more equal than others.
Utter nonsense.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I tend to think that actually espousing communism is what makes a person a communist, not merely a single word choice.

They're calling for rent control. If you think that's communism, you're mistaken.

Utter nonsense.
Words have meaning. Some of us know what collective and de-gentrification mean.

Wikipedia: "Collectivism was an important part of Marxist–Leninist ideology in the Soviet Union, where it played a key part in forming the New Soviet man, willingly sacrificing his or her life for the good of the collective. Terms such as "collective" and "the masses" were frequently used in the official language...."

gen·tri·fi·ca·tion (from

The restoration and upgrading of deteriorated urban property by middle-class or affluent people, often resulting in displacement of lower-income people.

Considering the above definition of gentrification, you can figure out what "de-gentrification" involves. People have poured their funds into revitalizing dilapidated buildings/areas of the city. It seems to me that if the city is concerned about housing for its lower-income population, they could make sure that housing is made available.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
Using that example, of course it's worse if the terrorist causes a lot of other lives to be lost.

But either way it's sad, and it would have been better if the terrorist didn't make the decision he or she made, it would have been better if he or she never became a terrorist in first place. It would have been better if he or she turned to Jesus. It would have been better if he or she walked in peace and love, instead of violence.

Just ask them to "turn to Jesus!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Words have meaning. Some of us know what collective and de-gentrification mean.
If you really do think degentrification = communism, that's your issue.

Wikipedia: "Collectivism was an important part of Marxist–Leninist ideology in the Soviet Union, where it played a key part in forming the New Soviet man, willingly sacrificing his or her life for the good of the collective. Terms such as "collective" and "the masses" were frequently used in the official language...."
Except the aren't seeking to impose collectivism, nor are they advocating anything like that. There's a food hall in Oklahoma City called "The Collective". I guess they must be communists!!! :eek: