Hillary Clinton on "Why young people are leaving church?"

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Came across this article on Facebook from "Christian Today".

Hillary Clinton believes that young people are leaving Church because it has became too judgemental. So would you agree with her on this point?

Clinton, a Methodist, aired her views while asking Barber what he thinks the Church should be doing today to reverse the decline among younger generations.

"Because a lot of people are leaving the Church. A lot of young people are leaving the Church, in part because the way they understand what Christianity has become ... so judgmental, so alienating that they think to themselves, well, I don't need that," she said.


And here's the podcast, I have not listened to the podcast, but if you wish to listen to it, here is Hillary Clinton talking about "Faith."

She must be confusing moral relativism with real Christianity. This generation has not been raised with any morals, ethics or truth. Truth is absolute for all people, all times and in all places. This generation couldn't define truth if their life depended upon it.

hope this helps !!!

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Hmmmmm, it really is sad.....

Makes me want to pray for the whole Clinton family... Even more so for their children and grandchildren.

I hope their children and grandchildren don't see all the negative things being said and if they do I hope it doesn't have a negative impact on their journey in life....

Instead I hope and will pray the right people come into their life, that they will want to come closer to God.
Yes, let’s all pray for Bill and Hillary, that they will repent of their evil deeds and turn to Jesus! I pray for the salvation of their whole family. And I pray the same for Trump and his family.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Hmmmmm, it really is sad.....

Makes me want to pray for the whole Clinton family... Even more so for their children and grandchildren.

I hope their children and grandchildren don't see all the negative things being said and if they do I hope it doesn't have a negative impact on their journey in life....

Instead I hope and will pray the right people come into their life, that they will want to come closer to God.
I just read that Chelsea is no longer friends with Ivanka Trump. Things just fell apart. That made me sad.

Chelsea will be okay though. She is that kind of person. Did you ever hear the story about how she got her cat Socks? She was walking down the street after leaving a piano lesson when this cat jumped into her arms. She didn't pick the cat. The cat picked her. Bill was allergic to cats, but he couldn't say no to Chelsea and Socks. Indeed, I'd say that was one of Bill's finer moments when he was willing to think more about others than about himself.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
She is new age man . one of those we are one all roads lead to GOD folks . I would not heed one word she says .
We are just witnessing a falling away . Just like the bible said would occur .
And we are also witnessing a one mind we are one unity religoin that will serve the beast growing fast in its place .
She and many are of this spirit . Church is too judgmental . Please . what church . most have already sold out
to the gays , and this we are one movment . Few will even dare to stand for the truth and those are accused of being Judgmental .
DO not heed one word this lady says . To her a church that speaks up for unborn babies , IS JUDGMENTAL .
Indeed, "what church"? People have mixed up the whole thing so that even many sincere believers come against each other more than they come on God's side. Some don't know where God's side is and many really only pretend to care. How many are with Abraham looking "...for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." ?
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Came across this article on Facebook from "Christian Today". ...

Ummmmmmmm, "Christianity Today" is NOT -- Christianity today --. It's now -- "Lies today" --, and what better SOURCE OF LIES except from someone/something we've grown and EXPECT to TRUST, only to find out that they're no longer trustworthy.

But not everyone is aware.
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
We have talked abour this before and I do agree with you on the abortion issue.

But this thread is about why young people are leaving church.
Are young people leaving the Church of which Jesus is the Head, or are they leaving meeting places of mostly dead people that call themselves "churches"?

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
God doesn't engage in gossip, so I believe she is a witch. I've also heard from her own supporters that she meets with a "spiritual advisor." A Christian would talk to their "pastor."

A witch can not be trusted to give sound advise to her enemy, the Church.

I believe ONE of her "spiritual advisors" is/was Eleanore Roosevelt, to be SPECIFIC! :)

And I don't mind her "talking to the dead", in fact I'd MUCH RATHER she bother them than me! :)
Bobby Jo

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Are young people leaving the Church of which Jesus is the Head, or are they leaving meeting places of mostly dead people that call themselves "churches"?

1 Cor. 14:26 What then, brethren? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. ...

WHAT A STUPID STATEMENT! I don't need to have a "hymn" or a "lesson", or a "revelation", or a "tongue" or an "interpretation". All they want is my WALLET.

How silly of GOD to IGNORE how the modern "church" OPERATES. -- OR MAYBE, how SILLY of the "church" to operate CONTRARY to GOD's INSTRUCTIONS!
Bobby Jo

PS I think my VERY FIRST TOPIC in this Forum was on that VERY POINT! :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2020
MUNSTER, Indiana
United States
Hillary Clinton believes that young people are leaving Church because it has became too judgemental. So would you agree with her on this point?

This discussion seems to have veered off the topic. However, I would like to disagree with Hillary as to the reasons young people are leaving the church. Christians can be judgmental, this is common knowledge (sadly). I am not sinless regarding this unfortunate reality. However, I believe that the true source of young people wandering from the church has to do with teachers and college professors. Atheism is pushed very strongly in our Universities. Modern Professors not only teach that the belief in God is irrational, but that it is irrational to believe in free will and the soul. The amount of scientific data (wrongly interpreted, in my opinion) and logical reasoning that is taught to college students can be beguiling to the young, impressionable mind. This, I believe, is why our youth are abandoning the church.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
This discussion seems to have veered off the topic. However, I would like to disagree with Hillary as to the reasons young people are leaving the church. Christians can be judgmental, this is common knowledge (sadly). I am not sinless regarding this unfortunate reality. However, I believe that the true source of young people wandering from the church has to do with teachers and college professors. Atheism is pushed very strongly in our Universities. Modern Professors not only teach that the belief in God is irrational, but that it is irrational to believe in free will and the soul. The amount of scientific data (wrongly interpreted, in my opinion) and logical reasoning that is taught to college students can be beguiling to the young, impressionable mind. This, I believe, is why our youth are abandoning the church.

Thank you for your reply, this would be another reason, I haven't seen it for myself though, since I attended Christian schools when I was a kid, and I didn't notice trade schools teaching this, but I rarely went to trade school or what we call "Tafe" in Victoria anyway, and it would probably also depend on what course you are doing.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I think I've lost faith altogether at this point, LoL. But I saw someone with a "Jesus 2020" yard sign up just yesterday, and I think that may be my position now as well. Gonna put my faith in Jesus sorting this mess out, and still being on the throne regardless when the dust finally settles, Lol.
a fat amen on that one . GOD is in control . And no matter who sits the earthly throne and thrones , america and this world are already
in dire trouble . We were all warned that near the end things would only get worse .
The lambs have all hope , cause we have Christ . So no matter what this world does to us , persecutes or even kills us , WE GOT ALL HOPE .
PRAISE THE GLORIOUS KING JESUS . Stand firm to the end . LET the LORD be praised .

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
This discussion seems to have veered off the topic. However, I would like to disagree with Hillary as to the reasons young people are leaving the church. Christians can be judgmental, this is common knowledge (sadly). I am not sinless regarding this unfortunate reality. However, I believe that the true source of young people wandering from the church has to do with teachers and college professors. Atheism is pushed very strongly in our Universities. Modern Professors not only teach that the belief in God is irrational, but that it is irrational to believe in free will and the soul. The amount of scientific data (wrongly interpreted, in my opinion) and logical reasoning that is taught to college students can be beguiling to the young, impressionable mind. This, I believe, is why our youth are abandoning the church.
I would agree that this is a big reason, but I would also implicate the media (music, movies, TV) and some K-12 public school curricula.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The way I see it, this thread has to do with the character of Hillary Clinton and why she is or is not qualified to talk about how Christians and the church in general should be. In my book, she's not qualified, and it's not only because she supports killing babies.

I do agree with you that churches need to get back to the basics--preaching the gospel of Jesus clearly and showing the love of Jesus Christ!
OH yes there are many reasons indeed . MAINLY this one . she is a believer of the all paths , all religions lead to GOD mindset .
AND that DENIES the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of our Glorious Gosple . Some very troubling facts .
Even a poll , found , that over fifty one percent of , sit down , evangelical christians now beleive GOD is in all religoins . THAT is some
SCARY stuff man . I told us this unity stuff would lead to death and it sure has . And Mr inclusive aint near done yet .
He is uniting the religoins and even the faiths within christanity to be as one for world peace . This is all headed right to
the one world mindset , religoin etc , which shall serve the beast and its one world kingdom . I never seen a falling away
fire up like this one . And its all in the name of love , peace and unity . Aint that a kicker . but our churches are falling for it .

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
OH yes there are many reasons indeed . MAINLY this one . she is a believer of the all paths , all religions lead to GOD mindset .
AND that DENIES the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of our Glorious Gosple . Some very troubling facts .
Even a poll , found , that over fifty one percent of , sit down , evangelical christians now beleive GOD is in all religoins . THAT is some
SCARY stuff man . I told us this unity stuff would lead to death and it sure has . And Mr inclusive aint near done yet .
He is uniting the religoins and even the faiths within christanity to be as one for world peace . This is all headed right to
the one world mindset , religoin etc , which shall serve the beast and its one world kingdom . I never seen a falling away
fire up like this one . And its all in the name of love , peace and unity . Aint that a kicker . but our churches are falling for it .
Can you back up what you’re saying about her beliefs? I mean from a credible source that quotes her?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
This discussion seems to have veered off the topic. However, I would like to disagree with Hillary as to the reasons young people are leaving the church. Christians can be judgmental, this is common knowledge (sadly). I am not sinless regarding this unfortunate reality. However, I believe that the true source of young people wandering from the church has to do with teachers and college professors. Atheism is pushed very strongly in our Universities. Modern Professors not only teach that the belief in God is irrational, but that it is irrational to believe in free will and the soul. The amount of scientific data (wrongly interpreted, in my opinion) and logical reasoning that is taught to college students can be beguiling to the young, impressionable mind. This, I believe, is why our youth are abandoning the church.
There have been surveys that found a lot of people stopped attending church when they moved to go to college. However, a lot of those wound up going back to church later.

The Top Reasons Young People Drop Out of Church

A quarter of 18- to 22-year-olds in 2007 and a third in 2017 said they stopped attending church regularly simply because they “moved to college.” (Among young adults who had enrolled in college, that number is up to nearly half—47 percent.)

Still, only 14 percent said their school obligations actually kept them away from church, compared to 24 percent that said their work responsibilities prevented them from going.

Other studies have noted a clear correlation between college attendance and decreased religiosity but find the decline in faith isn’t the fault of professors or classes themselves. Rather, it may be due to the “college experience” more broadly or the transition from one’s family home to a new independence. There is also plain teenage amnesia.

“It's not that most rejected the church,” wrote Ed Stetzer, former executive director of LifeWay Research and the current head of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College. “For the most part, they simply lose track of the church and stop seeing it as important to their life.”

Of those who dropped out of church for at least a year during the college years (between ages 18 and 22), more of them—31 percent—now attend regularly than those who never returned—29 percent.

The problem may be more severe today for the evangelical churches that promote Trump a lot and make young people who voted Democratic feel unwelcome.

In a time when many churches are “predictable clusters of the politically like-minded,” as James K. A. Smith has said, it’s harder for those who feel like ideological outliers to stick around. As CT reported last year, church attendance dipped among born-again and evangelical Christians across age groups after Trump’s election, particularly among Hillary Clinton supporters, who may have not felt welcome in certain church contexts.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
If this thread is going to be about attacking people, then I guess I'll have to tackle Kim Clement. Even a stopped clock is right two times a day. The cheapest psychic is going to be right from time to time; and so-called prophets of God are going to be right at times. That is not how we are to judge who is and who isn't a proper prophet.

I've news for you. Kim Clement said stuff that wasn't true. He wasn't God. He wasn't even that great of a prophet. Look at this "prophecy" from December 31, 2004. It was seriously off. Do I need to remind you that there was a major economic crash in 2007? The "Bush economic miracle" crashed, and Obama was left picking up the pieces.

Prophecy | House of Destiny

There shall be viruses. This shall be known as the year of viruses being annihilated. For there shall be 3 deadly viruses that shall begin the process of annihilation in 2005. And those that were supposed to die shall live, shall live. Do you sense the change in the atmosphere? Prepare your banks, prepare your wallets. I’m going to fill them to overflow. Properties shall be given in miraculous ways. This is the blessing that shall come in 2005. As your prophet went to meet the President of the United States, so he tells you tonight what he told him. Because you have put the man that I wanted in the White House, to be a praying man in the oval office, I will bring a 4 year period of the greatest harvest that America has ever seen.

Were there three deadly viruses starting in 2005? Bush had already managed the SARS pandemic rather well in 2003. I also must praise him for creating in 2005 a National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza which provided a lot of help for Obama when he had problems. I do not know what Kim Clement means by three deadly viruses staring in 2005. But no matter how we interpret that, Clement failed miserably with his economic prediction.

If looked around more, I could probably find more failed prophecies. Kim Clement was not God. He wasn't even that good of a prophet.

Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

Do you know what is strange? I despise Hillary Clinton myself -- but I can still agree with her at times. I wish all the politicians should shut up about religion and all the ministers would shut up about government. I can think for myself. I don't need Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to tell me about God -- and I don't need a minister to tell me how to vote. I despised Clinton for attending the prayer breakfasts and thinking she belonged to an elite group of people God saw as meant to govern. She and Trump are both nuts if you ask me; and most of the ministers flattering Presidents are self-serving wretches.

All that being said, I have to agree with Clinton that Christianity is losing out because of how harsh and judgmental it is in some places. When Catholics and Protestants were fighting wars in Europe to see who would control what kingdoms, they never did solve the problem. The problem got solved only when governments got created that gave religion the boot.

Thanks the Quakers for that. The Quakers had introduced the idea of religious freedom when William Penn founded Pennsylvania; and when the United States was formed, that idea got adopted eventually in our Constitution. Europeans noticed, saw it worked. They then wanted less religion in their governments. Now we see elements within the Republican Party who want to adopt the failed model of the European countries when monarchs and bishops colluded. We have a president who says God is on his side. We have false prophets eager to curry favor by saying flattering things about Republican candidates. It's a joke. One election, most of the Republicans running in the primaries claimed God wanted them to be President.

And now we have a false prophet saying Clinton was a witch -- and you believe it and repeat it as if God Himself said it. How easily you are led.
Yeah , i warn out against kim clements teachings and so forth as well . And against this false unity stuff too . We better be on gaurd .
I guarantee that , to this generation , if JESUS , or paul , james , jude , peter , john , showed up in their churches
and they had no idea who they were , THEY would run them out calling them haters , judgmental
Heck they would tell them all , HEY man you all NEED JESUS , GOD IS LOVE . I guarntee they would . Folks dont know those bibles
anymore . They know only sensual feelings and what every tom, moe , jane or becky that gets up in a pulpit says .
Folks . BIBLE TIME and PRAYER TIME . That is all i can say . WE IN serious trouble .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Can you back up what you’re saying about her beliefs? I mean from a credible source that quotes her?
I will do my best to find one , where SHE says it herself . I found even george busch said this . Even obama has
Trump has yet to say it , but i think he might agree with it . I dont know that as of yet .
But he did sit under norman vincent peale . Which stands to reason he might already beleive that GOD is in all religoins
universal salvation and such . But i have never heard trump say this as of yet .
I will try and find a vidoe where CLINTON herself says these words .

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I will do my best to find one , where SHE says it herself . I found even george busch said this . Even obama has
Trump has yet to say it , but i think he might agree with it . I dont know that as of yet .
But he did sit under norman vincent peale . Which stands to reason he might already beleive that GOD is in all religoins
universal salvation and such . But i have never heard trump say this as of yet .
I will try and find a vidoe where CLINTON herself says these words .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Can you back up what you’re saying about her beliefs? I mean from a credible source that quotes her?
IF you like i will also find the poll that showed the over fifty percent group within evangelical rings , actually already believes it too .
Its bad news sister . Most of our leaders have long ago sold out . And they are highly crafity too on how they slowly
set this up and sneak it in . They never come out and say it , not at first . But after some years of teaching
they start bringing it out . its sad sister . But we were warned of a great falling away near the end .
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Came across this article on Facebook from "Christian Today".

Hillary Clinton believes that young people are leaving Church because it has became too judgemental. So would you agree with her on this point?

Clinton, a Methodist, aired her views while asking Barber what he thinks the Church should be doing today to reverse the decline among younger generations.

"Because a lot of people are leaving the Church. A lot of young people are leaving the Church, in part because the way they understand what Christianity has become ... so judgmental, so alienating that they think to themselves, well, I don't need that," she said.


And here's the podcast, I have not listened to the podcast, but if you wish to listen to it, here is Hillary Clinton talking about "Faith."

It comes down to what Jesus Christ says, it that to judgmental for todays people ? that's what I would ask Hillary.
As to the Church, what one ? Methodist oh boy from what I have seen with such and my father in law is one. not to mention what he says about the so called priest over the last 20 years that he goes to, as them being gooses who know bugger all. he says to me, hey listen to this dribble that is being sprouted of late in his church and asking me what I think of it. They have driven away all the young people and if any they are hangers on only really to get the handouts in the main. take away the free handouts and all the New Zealanders with there many kids would be on the hunt somewhere other, but they do like to sing.
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