I don't want to talk about it!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
WOW! So you think that all those looters and muggers and arsons and physical violent blacks are all in so much pain they are compelled to riot? How come poor white trash like I was considered growing up do not do that. nor chinese, Nor the Irish or French or Polish or Jews who all went through horrendous discriminations in this nation? why just blacks? Is the the Jungian collective consciousness of them feeling the pain of their ancestors who were slaves? Not hardly!

There are nutcases on both sides of the aisle! We have education in this nation. But if people do not want to learn- then let them live in minimum wage jobs! that is their choice! And please don't soap box inequality in education. That is mostly a problem in sities that have been democratic run for decades! How do poor blacks like clarence Thomas rise to prominence? Or Gen. Powell. Or Sec. Rice. or Candace Owens? they decided to shed the false mantra of victimhood and earn their way lie us white folk have to do!

I have worked in inner city neighborhoods. Yes there are cases that are truly tragic(just like in the suburbs) but for the most part- their own mentality of voctimhood and govt. entitlement and the castration of the role of men in America has destroyed th eblack community!

If you look upi the goals of groupls like Black Lives Matter funded by that evil man George Soros- you may not feel so bad! The blacks are being used as pawns by the left for taking marxist control of America!

There are always different emphasises in different communities. One could ask the simple question about statistics and cultural opportunity.
You also raise the interesting question around how different cultures respond to adversity. Sadly it is probably about generations of people and the average life experience and opportunities as they perceive it people have. Looking at european communities with deep seated hatred and bitterness passed from one generation to another can often lead to violence. I do not claim to have answers, other than it is more complicated than people let on.

Putting a simple adventurous spirit based on genetics, the origins of the african americans where groups of people forced into slavery and shipped, where the survivors where just physically strong. The other communities are often the most adventurous and the big dreamers who went abroad to seek a better life. If you say living generations are about 70 years long one is talking 3 generations of influence, which is not much.

As in all communities there are great variations, but take the Jewish communities, they have a generally higher IQ and prize winning groups among their people. And as a whole this has a powerful effect. And go back a little further, the cultures out of which these communities come is vastly different. Nigeria for instance was still very tribal, with subsistence living, limited education and contact with developed cultures back in 1920 etc.
It is hard to quantify this cultural and emotional heritage, and the role of institutions and the pure belief that these people value as a result.

In the UK I met man after man who had spent their life giving everything to the civil service and duty as a life ethic. It maybe boring to a degree, but with a whole culture working hard, it has a massive cumulative effect. Even with all the medical challenges and chances of early death, our cultures pushed on and worked together. Being a part of this in ones mind has a life changing effect. The irony maybe if you believe you are discriminated against you may back off and give up too easily, rather than push through and show the bigots how stupid they are. A classic example of this is Hamilton, the F1 racing champion.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
By the way when I mention people in pain, I mean desperation and a sense of the futility of it all. It is not an excuse, it is a reality.
What you mistake, seriously mistake, is this as an excuse to be sympathetic. No its a reason to give these people hope, and take them seriously and turn their anger into something productive and creative, which it can be with the right imagination. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
God's green earth
United States
Why are there 2 trees of life in the book of Revelation and only 1 in the book of Genesis?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

have fun

Ziggy? I have never noticed any mention of a "pair" of trees of life in the book of Revelation. Could you share what passage you are seeing that in?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Ziggy? I have never noticed any mention of a "pair" of trees of life in the book of Revelation. Could you share what passage you are seeing that in?
I know I know...
Rev 22:2
In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

How can one tree be on both sides of the river? the only thing I can think of is it had one seed but the roots divided and one spread out this
side the river and the other spread out that side of the river.
Thus there is one Root but 2 trees.

And this is really weird thought but it's what I'm thinking..

That tree in the midst is the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.
Except in the New Kingdom.. the tree of knowledge has No evil in it.
And so the two are one.

Here is both knowledge.. this side the river and life on that side the river:
Ecc 7:12
For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.

Wisdom... the mind of God.

Ye cannont serve God and Money.
One leads to life and the other ... I'm thinking.. riches to rags.

Thats what I seen in that verse.
Thank You


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I know I know...
Rev 22:2
In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

How can one tree be on both sides of the river? the only thing I can think of is it had one seed but the roots divided and one spread out this
side the river and the other spread out that side of the river.
Thus there is one Root but 2 trees.

And this is really weird thought but it's what I'm thinking..

That tree in the midst is the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.
Except in the New Kingdom.. the tree of knowledge has No evil in it.
And so the two are one.

Here is both knowledge.. this side the river and life on that side the river:
Ecc 7:12
For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.

Wisdom... the mind of God.

Ye cannont serve God and Money.
One leads to life and the other ... I'm thinking.. riches to rags.

Thats what I seen in that verse.
Thank You


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Sometimes when you tackle a problem a more effective solution is to reduce the problem drastically, rather than a plan to resolve completely because the desire for near perfection works out in reality to be an effort in futility. The words that suggest everything should be perfect for everybody may sound good but usually does not work in reality.

So I have a few questions…. Since Marten Luther King, have the blacks had a good representative or leader? I believe not. I do not see a single leader that has served as a spokesman that was or is creditable. When they speak they either simply parade the race card or they suggest that black people just cannot measure up or cannot be expected not to be criminals, and to expect them not to be criminals is racist, implying that we have to overlook their very nature. By doing this they belittle the whole black community. The same thing goes for success the vast majority of blacks are successful, in jobs, corporate, judges, and government and political positions...President Obama being a good example. So they try to paint a reality that does not exist.

A good example is Senator Cory Booker’s statement to Amy Coney Barrett during the confirmation hearings. Now he had the ear of the nation and he has the intelligence and eloquence in speech, as well as being a likeable kind of fellow. He could have said anything about suggesting what could be done to help the blacks that are struggling in our society. What decisions on legislation that might come acrossed her bench? But instead listen to his concerns in regard to black issues. Now don’t get me wrong it does not matter if it is the confirmation hearings or the debates, you put people in front of a camera and they cannot resist making a political statement rather than concentrating on the question. There were a lot of questions he could have asked about legislation about higher education and minority loans for small business (which President Trump has already signed executive orders for) topics such as this. But instead look at the over all implications that he suggests about the black community and what she should be concerned with….. You tell me if he is depicting the black community in a good and positive way? What would have been the better questions? What could he have said that would have described the black community in a more positive way? What I have seen through the years are black spokesmen that do a disservice to the black community.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Sometime when you tackle a problem a more effective solution is to reduce the problem drastically, rather than a plan to resolve completely because the desire for near perfection works out in reality to be an effort in futility. The words that suggest everything should be perfect for everybody may sound good but usually does not work in reality.

So I have a few questions…. Since Marten Luther King, have the blacks had a good representative or leader? I believe not. I do not see a single leader that has served as a spokesman that was or is creditable. When they speak they either simply parade the race card or they suggest that black people just cannot measure up or cannot be expected not to be criminals, and to expect them not to be criminals is racist, implying that we have to overlook their very nature. By doing this they belittle the whole black community.

A good example is Senator Cory Booker’s statement to Amy Coney Barrett during the confirmation hearings. Now he had the ear of the nation and he has the intelligence and eloquence in speech, as well as being a likeable kind of fellow. He could have said anything about suggesting what could be done to help the blacks that are struggling in our society. What decisions on legislation that might come acrossed her bench? But instead listen to his concerns in regard to black issues. Now don’t get me wrong it does not matter if it is the confirmation hearings or the debates, you put people in front of a camera and they cannot resist making a political statement rather than concentrating on the question. There were a lot of questions he could have asked about legislation about higher education and minority loans for small business (which President Trump has already signed executive orders for) topics such as this. But instead look at the over all implications that he suggests about the black community and what she should be concerned with….. You tell me if he is depicting the black community in a good and positive way? What would have been the better questions? What could he have said that would have described the black community in a more positive way? What I have seen through the years are black spokesmen that do a disservice to the black community.

The Establisment Democrats want votes so they can stay in power.
They will recruit Black leaders and convince them, usually through money and power, to do it their way.
This goes for all races. And frankly both sides do it.
No matter how you look at it. This is a ping pong game, they have the paddles and we are the ball, they knock side to side.
We all fall for it.
It's the waking up and realizing it, that's the hard part.



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
The Establisment Democrats want votes so they can stay in power.
They will recruit Black leaders and convince them, usually through money and power, to do it their way.
This goes for all races. And frankly both sides do it.
No matter how you look at it. This is a ping pong game, they have the paddles and we are the ball, they knock side to side.
We all fall for it.
It's the waking up and realizing it, that's the hard part.

Still there is a way. Best to take the high road. If Senator Booker could get President Trump to commit to something, what do you think would happen?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Still there is a way. Best to take the high road. If Senator Booker could get President Trump to commit to something, what do you think would happen?
I like Senator Tim Scott. He came up with a bill for Police reform. I read it. It touched on everything that seems to be at the heart of the racial divide.
Problem was the democrats felt it didn't go far enough so they wouldn't even have it brought to the floor.
I see the problem is do it our way or no way.
They don't want a compromise because they like the control.
Let's say Trump struck a compromise with Booker, which I believe Trump would be in favor for and willing to do.
If there is anything Trump feels needs compromise of, Booker will walk away from the table.
That's how they play. I seen it over and over.
Unless both sides are willing to work on the basics and find a common solution everyone can agree on...
and that don't look like it's going to happen.
Frankly, I believe the democrats have controlled congress for decades, but they let the republicans carry the torch so it won't appear
too one sided. And the republicans.. up until just this last year, never really challenged the democrats.
They just had the appearance of majority ... Rino's comes to mind..
I would like to think they could.. but not with Trump. They won't compromise with him. Because they don't like to negotiate.
My way or the highway..
I think we the people somehow have to work around the government. They're a bunch of money hungry lawyers and backstabbers.
There are a few good ones. But they have to go to war to get any good thing done right.
I don't have faith in this Government. Not with these people.
There needs a total exorcism of all those demons.
Drain the swamp?
It's the bottomless pit.



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I like Senator Tim Scott. He came up with a bill for Police reform. I read it. It touched on everything that seems to be at the heart of the racial divide.
Problem was the democrats felt it didn't go far enough so they wouldn't even have it brought to the floor.
I see the problem is do it our way or no way.
They don't want a compromise because they like the control.
Let's say Trump struck a compromise with Booker, which I believe Trump would be in favor for and willing to do.
If there is anything Trump feels needs compromise of, Booker will walk away from the table.
That's how they play. I seen it over and over.
Unless both sides are willing to work on the basics and find a common solution everyone can agree on...
and that don't look like it's going to happen.
Frankly, I believe the democrats have controlled congress for decades, but they let the republicans carry the torch so it won't appear
too one sided. And the republicans.. up until just this last year, never really challenged the democrats.
They just had the appearance of majority ... Rino's comes to mind..
I would like to think they could.. but not with Trump. They won't compromise with him. Because they don't like to negotiate.
My way or the highway..
I think we the people somehow have to work around the government. They're a bunch of money hungry lawyers and backstabbers.
There are a few good ones. But they have to go to war to get any good thing done right.
I don't have faith in this Government. Not with these people.
There needs a total exorcism of all those demons.
Drain the swamp?
It's the bottomless pit.

Well we will see how the draining of the swamp in congress goes...High Treason is about the only thing that can take them out. The next stop will be the FBI and CIA.
As far as police reform, there is two sides of the coin. It should not be expected of law enforcement to risk life and limb in the normal coarse of their duties. So part of that is educating the public, as in what to expect. Meaning an official statement that will hold up in court, a written statement. If the law enforcement officer does something wrong outside of documented procedures, he can be prosecuted, if he was following documented procedures, they cannot even charge him. If the document procedures are deemed to be wrong, they can change them. In the future police unions will have the right to strike a city and leave them without law enforcement, if the city does not abide by the written documentation.

One of the first items on the list is to make sure the public knows that resisting arrest is a crime in itself, punishable by prison terms. That injuring a law enforcement officer is another crime punishable by prison terms. It does not matter if they stole bubble gum, it was their choice to resist arrest and harm law enforcement officers. Most of the the sensationalized police encounters involved blacks resisting arrest. You take a large black man on drugs, if he resists arrest there is no way that it is going to look gentle nor will it be a graceful process. Armed police officers should not wrestle with people, because there side arms can be taken away from them and used on them and others. That should be part of the procedures, no wrestling.

If they resist arrest, the police officer should step back and draw his weapon. If the individual attacks he should be shot, no wrestling, no beating with night sticks, no hand holds, no tasering, no tear gas. No reason to expect an officer to be harmed in carrying out his duties. If he runs then that all depends...has he killed some one...do they have his driver's licence and or his car and can pick him up later. If the person escapes is it likely he will kill again. At that point the determination has to be made to take him down. If he runs in your house and kills you, do you think they should have taken him down?

If you chose to break the law, if you chose to resist arrest, if you chose to harm law enforcement, it is not their fault that you choose those things. The concept that we are not accountable for our actions does not work in a civilized society...it is called anarchy and no one is safe.

Police reform is a standardization of processes and procedures that the public can expect in certain situations. It should be there to protect the public and the police officers. But it is also about educating the public. Law enforcement officers are out there to enforce the laws, they protect us and our families and they have families too. They deserve protection and support. There is no logic that supports making criminal activity and or a life of crime a safe occupation.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Well we will see how the draining of the swamp in congress goes...High Treason is about the only thing that can take them out. The next stop will be the FBI and CIA.
As far as police reform, there is two sides of the coin. It should not be expected of law enforcement to risk life and limb in the normal coarse of their duties. So part of that is educating the public, as in what to expect. Meaning an official statement that will hold up in court, a written statement. If the law enforcement officer does something wrong outside of documented procedures, he can be prosecuted, if he was following documented procedures, they cannot even charge him. If the document procedures are deemed to be wrong, they can change them. In the future police unions will have the right to strike a city and leave them without law enforcement, if the city does not abide by the written documentation.

One of the first items on the list is to make sure the public knows that resisting arrest is a crime in itself, punishable by prison terms. That injuring a law enforcement officer is another crime punishable by prison terms. It does not matter if they stole bubble gum, it was their choice to resist arrest and harm law enforcement officers. Most of the the sensationalized police encounters involved blacks resisting arrest. You take a large black man on drugs, if he resists arrest there is no way that it is going to look gentle nor will it be a graceful process. Armed police officers should not wrestle with people, because there side arms can be taken away from them and used on them and others. That should be part of the procedures, no wrestling.

If they resist arrest, the police officer should step back and draw his weapon. If the individual attacks he should be shot, no wrestling, no beating with night sticks, no hand holds, no tasering, no tear gas. No reason to expect an officer to be harmed in carrying out his duties. If he runs then that all depends...has he killed some one...do they have his driver's licence and or his car and can pick him up later. If the person escapes is it likely he will kill again. At that point the determination has to be made to take him down. If he runs in your house and kills you, do you think they should have taken him down?

If you chose to break the law, if you chose to resist arrest, if you chose to harm law enforcement, it is not their fault that you choose those things. The concept that we are not accountable for our actions does not work in a civilized society...it is called anarchy and no one is safe.

Police reform is a standardization of processes and procedures that the public can expect in certain situations. It should be there to protect the public and the police officers. But it is also about educating the public. Law enforcement officers are out there to enforce the laws, they protect us and our families and they have families too. They deserve protection and support. There is no logic that supports making criminal activity and or a life of crime a safe occupation.
I agree.
However, we do have problems with some police. And the ones in charge of running the police departments.
Tell you what I think,
during one or two of the last administrations they filled the police stations with some very shifty characters.
And they target certain people mostly minorities either for racist reasons or they need to fill a quota.
I believe there are a lot of good cops that want to do their job and do it well. And they go in hoping to keep the communities safe.
But those tares got slipped in among the wheat.. and it's causing all kinds of problems.
You notice some of the police being accused aren't saints themselves. A lot of them have questionable histories or some are so new and just following orders.
I forget what the term is for holding police accountable. That their information can't be given to the public.
It doesn't mean what they say it does.. that is, the ones wanting it remoaved.
If an officer acts by the rules then he is not required to submit his records to the public.
On the other hand if he acts against the rules then his life becomes an open book.
But the ones complaining think the police can hide everything.. well, their not supposed to. Let's put it that way.
I think the first thing to do is a re-evaluation of all the officers and the police chiefs that are in control of hiring in the first place.
There is so much corruption everywhere, but I don't believe removing law enforcement is the answer... far from it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I agree.
However, we do have problems with some police. And the ones in charge of running the police departments.
Tell you what I think,
during one or two of the last administrations they filled the police stations with some very shifty characters.
And they target certain people mostly minorities either for racist reasons or they need to fill a quota.
I believe there are a lot of good cops that want to do their job and do it well. And they go in hoping to keep the communities safe.
But those tares got slipped in among the wheat.. and it's causing all kinds of problems.
You notice some of the police being accused aren't saints themselves. A lot of them have questionable histories or some are so new and just following orders.
I forget what the term is for holding police accountable. That their information can't be given to the public.
It doesn't mean what they say it does.. that is, the ones wanting it remoaved.
If an officer acts by the rules then he is not required to submit his records to the public.
On the other hand if he acts against the rules then his life becomes an open book.
But the ones complaining think the police can hide everything.. well, their not supposed to. Let's put it that way.
I think the first thing to do is a re-evaluation of all the officers and the police chiefs that are in control of hiring in the first place.
There is so much corruption everywhere, but I don't believe removing law enforcement is the answer... far from it.

Pretty much what your saying is spot on but perfection is not possible as long as you have humans involved but....

As I was referring to earlier are documented procedures. By documented procedures, I mean federal standard documented procedures on a government website that can be referenced by the public, so they know what to expect and their rights and by the courts to reference correct procedures in court cases. As they say, you get what you pay for. Part of Police Reform is police training and it needs to be standardized, in other words a federal standard. Anyone walking around in an official capacity with a gun on their hip and shotguns and such in the squad car, should be well trained. They may be stopping mommies one day and machine gun toting domestic terrorists the next.

Body cams and car cams standard, cams being audio / visual. That protects the police officer and the public. From a rural area that the last murder was in the 1800's to a city that has 10 murders a day and gangs roaming the streets, how the police are outfitted and the number of cops in every car depends on that, depend on the area. But the training can be mostly standard.

Also the possibility of observation has an affect...cameras and drones in the city. The whole big brother is watching you thing. Because of the way the world is going, terrorists, domestic and foreign and roaming bands of gangs and mobs...it is going to become more common, like it or not. lol People even record their nannies and baby sitters now a days and camera doorbells are becoming more common.

Unmarked SWAT vans and trucks in high crime cities would be very effective. The gangs and mobs would never know what would pop out of any van or truck.

There is always going to be bad apples and whole cities that are corrupt. But they cannot hide that. I gave you St. Louis as an example, if you live there you are just silly. They never know when their kids are going to be shot in their front yard or their family car jacked or home invasions by gangs, it happens all the time. So if you live in a crime ridden city...bad crime...bad cops...make your choice, it is your responsibility to move on....

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Unmarked SWAT vans and trucks in high crime cities would be very effective. The gangs and mobs would never know what would pop out of any van or truck.
You heard what happened in portland Or or maybe seattle not sure which.
They had vans picking up the protesters. They claimed it was illegal for the police to have unmarked vehicles. Becaue they could be anyone.
But the law does allow for law enforcement to have them.
They just want ALL law enforcement gone so they can control the streets.
They have all these excuses but they don't hold much water.
Bottom line is lawlessness. And they won't stop till they get what they want. Or until the get stopped.
It's sad.
3am I'm off to nappy land.
Have a good night/morning


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
You heard what happened in portland Or or maybe seattle not sure which.
They had vans picking up the protesters. They claimed it was illegal for the police to have unmarked vehicles. Becaue they could be anyone.
But the law does allow for law enforcement to have them.
They just want ALL law enforcement gone so they can control the streets.
They have all these excuses but they don't hold much water.
Bottom line is lawlessness. And they won't stop till they get what they want. Or until the get stopped.
It's sad.
3am I'm off to nappy land.
Have a good night/morning
Laws are different in different states and never count on the news to tell you the law, one way or another...there are have been unmarked law enforcement vehicles as long as there have been cars. I am sure you have heard of unmarked state patrol cars.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I know I know...
Rev 22:2
In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

How can one tree be on both sides of the river? the only thing I can think of is it had one seed but the roots divided and one spread out this
side the river and the other spread out that side of the river.
Thus there is one Root but 2 trees.

And this is really weird thought but it's what I'm thinking..

That tree in the midst is the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.
Except in the New Kingdom.. the tree of knowledge has No evil in it.
And so the two are one.

Here is both knowledge.. this side the river and life on that side the river:
Ecc 7:12
For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.

Wisdom... the mind of God.

Ye cannont serve God and Money.
One leads to life and the other ... I'm thinking.. riches to rags.

Thats what I seen in that verse.
Thank You

It is A TREE. The TREE is the TREE OF LIFE.
That TREE- is LIFE- is The Word of God-
Is Everywhere- IN every Creation- "that" Gods Life IS "IN".

The TREE OF LIFE - "its fruit" in a man- sustains Gods Life, Keeps Gods Life- In a man.

The TREE OF LIFE has a mystery to it.
Where the TREE IS, Is Always Where "a Man with" Gods (Saved/quickened) Life IS.

And...a man (Body, soul, spirit)...must be considered to understand The TREE'S purpose.

Body's Die- return to dust.
Livings souls (with Gods Life- breath) departs the Body.
Born Again spirits (with Gods Life-Spirit) departs the Body.
The Departed Life- all Living souls ( are either with or without God)
The Departed born Again Spirit (is with God)
An un-born Again spirit, (remains natural and dies with the Body.)
The spirit of man is Truth-
...natural spirit- man's natural Truth in his heart.
...born Again spirit- Gods Truth in his Heart.

Where the TREE OF LIFE IS:
Is called- Gods Garden
Is Called- Heaven
Is Called- Paradise

TREE OF LIFE - was IN Gods Garden.
God CREATED man, outside of the Garden and Put man...Body and Living soul and natural spirit IN the Garden.
There God was feeding mans natural spirit with Gods Truth.
There God Offered man The TREE OF LIFE to Eat Freely as often as the man was inclined.
The man did not take one bite of That TREE.
(You know the history of what the man chose To Eat)
Thus, the Man was ejected from Gods Garden and set Angel's to keep all out of His Garden.
Specifically TO KEEP "the WAY" of the TREE OF LIFE.
What is the WAY, of the TREE OF LIFE?
The "Maintainance" Keeping the "Saved" Living soul SAVED...with constantly BEING FED from the TREE OF LIFE- the Word of God.

•ON Earth- "the Body" Feeds itself- EFFORT to hear the word preached- effort to read the Word.

•IN Paradise- The TREE OF LIFE feeds the mans Saved Living Soul (Departed out of a man's Dead Body )

•IN HEAVEN- The TREE OF LIFE feeds the man's Born Again Spirit (Departed out of a Dead man Body)

• After Resurrection- Body (raised glorified), Living soul, Born Again spirit- all Together ARE Kept "maintained" and FED (without effort) From The TREE OF LIFE ...

• Inanutshell - our Hearing Gods Word and increased Words presently many Things Secret to us...will be continuously Given "Fed" us, (Body, soul, spirit) without OUR effort.

The TREE OF LIFE...was given Adam To Eat...
He didn't.

Thus the TREE (Word of God) becomes man's EFFORT (and choice) to Eat...A man choosing to Eat ( you know man's corrupt body...eat Jesus...(the True Word of God) Perfect body... is the beginning of a man's corrupt body "healing." Man stops? The healing stops. Man continues? The healing continues. Man Continue to BODILY Death...Healing accomplished...prepared And justified to be Risen in glory. And Forever Fed from the TREE OF LIFE.
Simple, in Brief. Can be a deeper longer study.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Laws are different in different states and never count on the news to tell you the law, one way or another...there are have been unmarked law enforcement vehicles as long as there have been cars. I am sure you have heard of unmarked state patrol cars.

States are sovereign. Laws as they please, to never be broader than the Limits of the US Constitution.

Excellent for US citizens. You don't like being subject to one States laws, you have 49 other states (and some Territories) one can research and choose to move and become subject to the others laws.

Wicked corrupt INTENTS...citizens of other states...entering states in "supposed" marches and "appearance" of protesting that states laws....They have Zero jurisdictional or legal rights to protest in a State they are Not a citizen of!

Weak and corrupt Governmental authorities OF a State...changing Laws...making Laws Based on a BAND of "people marching in the streets screaming what "they want" ... "CORRUPT" !!
The authorities HAVE NOT one iota of knowledge if the "marchers" are citizens of their State...or Not.

Every State government has a protocol for their citizens to contact Government Representatives...address Any Complaint... and NO complaint is Considered Without First proving with valid documentation ... they ARE a citizen of that State.

These Willy-Nilly so called peaceful protesters going from city to city, State to State, are simply ignorant loud-mouth domestic terrorizers.

And sadly there ARE many ignorant people in government seats lending an ear to them.

Oh yeah...Public education...that teaches everything but the structure of US Governments and the simplicity of How to redress the Government!

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Laws are different in different states and never count on the news to tell you the law, one way or another...there are have been unmarked law enforcement vehicles as long as there have been cars. I am sure you have heard of unmarked state patrol cars.
I looked up the laws in the state that they was complaining about, I just don'y remember now which. I'm pretty sure it was Portland Or.
This was after chaz/chop had been shut down. That's the area they stole, 6 city blocks to "manage" themselves.
They don't want you to have guns, but they were driving in car trunk loads of them. I watched them unload them and hand them to ANYBODY that wanted one. Then there were the gardens. They were going to grow their own food. Be self-sustaining.
There were 2 gardens one for "SIGN SAID" POC ONLY, and the other "SIGN SAID WHITES.
I was smh.. what happened to desegregation? nope, they had their own rules. That was the "summer of love" oh baby. They had little concerts in the park at night. People were trucking in food and supplies. The city provided lots of porta potty's .
Oh what a summer it was.
They even shot and killed 2- 17 year olds dead. Lots of infighting.
I watched from this little window, live, over 120 days and nights. Since the riots began with George Floyd in Michigan.
I watched, I listened, I even got to chat with a few. But I just couldn't understand what they thought they were going to accomplish.
I laughed, sometimes these kids were funny, I admired their creativity..cardboard shields and leafblowers.
When they were attacking the I think it was the courthouse in Portland, they used the leafblowers and shiekds to defend against the
teargas the police would use, to make them move back from the building, after setting on fire.
The murals some were so pretty, I thought, these kids, some of them are true artists. What a waste on asphalt and plywood windows.
They made up music, there was a man known as the trumpet man. And he played pretty good. They had drums, and they sounded like the drums of Mordor. They had singers and their voices some almost proffesional. I cried at all that talent, all that beautiful creativeness.. lost.

ah mercy me.. It was a long summer indeed.
I don't visit anymore. I like it here.
This window has prettier curtains and the sunlight is better.
And the people are more friendly, even the ones that seem maybe not, but really are.
They're just good at hiding it :)



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
It is A TREE. The TREE is the TREE OF LIFE.
That TREE- is LIFE- is The Word of God-
Is Everywhere- IN every Creation- "that" Gods Life IS "IN".

The TREE OF LIFE - "its fruit" in a man- sustains Gods Life, Keeps Gods Life- In a man.

The TREE OF LIFE has a mystery to it.
Where the TREE IS, Is Always Where "a Man with" Gods (Saved/quickened) Life IS.

And...a man (Body, soul, spirit)...must be considered to understand The TREE'S purpose.

Body's Die- return to dust.
Livings souls (with Gods Life- breath) departs the Body.
Born Again spirits (with Gods Life-Spirit) departs the Body.
The Departed Life- all Living souls ( are either with or without God)
The Departed born Again Spirit (is with God)
An un-born Again spirit, (remains natural and dies with the Body.)
The spirit of man is Truth-
...natural spirit- man's natural Truth in his heart.
...born Again spirit- Gods Truth in his Heart.

Where the TREE OF LIFE IS:
Is called- Gods Garden
Is Called- Heaven
Is Called- Paradise

TREE OF LIFE - was IN Gods Garden.
God CREATED man, outside of the Garden and Put man...Body and Living soul and natural spirit IN the Garden.
There God was feeding mans natural spirit with Gods Truth.
There God Offered man The TREE OF LIFE to Eat Freely as often as the man was inclined.
The man did not take one bite of That TREE.
(You know the history of what the man chose To Eat)
Thus, the Man was ejected from Gods Garden and set Angel's to keep all out of His Garden.
Specifically TO KEEP "the WAY" of the TREE OF LIFE.
What is the WAY, of the TREE OF LIFE?
The "Maintainance" Keeping the "Saved" Living soul SAVED...with constantly BEING FED from the TREE OF LIFE- the Word of God.

•ON Earth- "the Body" Feeds itself- EFFORT to hear the word preached- effort to read the Word.

•IN Paradise- The TREE OF LIFE feeds the mans Saved Living Soul (Departed out of a man's Dead Body )

•IN HEAVEN- The TREE OF LIFE feeds the man's Born Again Spirit (Departed out of a Dead man Body)

• After Resurrection- Body (raised glorified), Living soul, Born Again spirit- all Together ARE Kept "maintained" and FED (without effort) From The TREE OF LIFE ...

• Inanutshell - our Hearing Gods Word and increased Words presently many Things Secret to us...will be continuously Given "Fed" us, (Body, soul, spirit) without OUR effort.

The TREE OF LIFE...was given Adam To Eat...
He didn't.

Thus the TREE (Word of God) becomes man's EFFORT (and choice) to Eat...A man choosing to Eat ( you know man's corrupt body...eat Jesus...(the True Word of God) Perfect body... is the beginning of a man's corrupt body "healing." Man stops? The healing stops. Man continues? The healing continues. Man Continue to BODILY Death...Healing accomplished...prepared And justified to be Risen in glory. And Forever Fed from the TREE OF LIFE.
Simple, in Brief. Can be a deeper longer study.

Glory to God,
Yeah, that's what I said.. :D
It's like you took the words right from my head. :)

But, how come the Tree is on both sides of the river?? o_O
Only thing I could think of was 2 trees from the same root from the same seed.
And the roots divided and became 2 trees.. hmm.. kind of like Judaism on one side and Christianity on the other side.. Twins.
But we come from the same root which comes from the seed that God sowed.

I know there has to be a parable about something like this.
Maybe after I see what happens to the end of Jezebel..
Have you seen this woman ? :eek:
She's sneaky and worse than any snake I found so far.
I'm glad God put the bad guys in the bible too.
It helps us recognize what not to do, and who not to choose as your friends.
I don't care what kind of food she puts on her table,
or even if she loaded it with Popcorn.. nope

Thank You Taken!
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
There are always different emphasises in different communities. One could ask the simple question about statistics and cultural opportunity.
You also raise the interesting question around how different cultures respond to adversity. Sadly it is probably about generations of people and the average life experience and opportunities as they perceive it people have. Looking at european communities with deep seated hatred and bitterness passed from one generation to another can often lead to violence. I do not claim to have answers, other than it is more complicated than people let on.

Putting a simple adventurous spirit based on genetics, the origins of the african americans where groups of people forced into slavery and shipped, where the survivors where just physically strong. The other communities are often the most adventurous and the big dreamers who went abroad to seek a better life. If you say living generations are about 70 years long one is talking 3 generations of influence, which is not much.

As in all communities there are great variations, but take the Jewish communities, they have a generally higher IQ and prize winning groups among their people. And as a whole this has a powerful effect. And go back a little further, the cultures out of which these communities come is vastly different. Nigeria for instance was still very tribal, with subsistence living, limited education and contact with developed cultures back in 1920 etc.
It is hard to quantify this cultural and emotional heritage, and the role of institutions and the pure belief that these people value as a result.

In the UK I met man after man who had spent their life giving everything to the civil service and duty as a life ethic. It maybe boring to a degree, but with a whole culture working hard, it has a massive cumulative effect. Even with all the medical challenges and chances of early death, our cultures pushed on and worked together. Being a part of this in ones mind has a life changing effect. The irony maybe if you believe you are discriminated against you may back off and give up too easily, rather than push through and show the bigots how stupid they are. A classic example of this is Hamilton, the F1 racing champion.

God bless you

I think the concept of the "collective unconsciousness" of blacks being brought here as slaves is also over blown as an excuse! Blacks were the slave sellers for the most part in the south and got rich doing so.

Blacks owned over 25,000 black slaves in the south as well! Teh fact that they can succeed is well exemplified! The south has more black millionaires than the north and the south is supposedly still the hotbed of racism!. Black middle class has risen, black business owners.etcetc. I also don't accept teh "slum mentality" forcing generations to crime. Teh fact that many live honorable lives as poor folk proves that wrong.

It is ones sin nature not brought under control that causes blacks to rebel and become violent! Their black spokespeople like Sharpton and Farrwakhan keep them enslaved and stir up their base emotions in order to keep themselves as rulers.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States

The Tree of life is mentioned in Genesis and in Revelation, and it is defined in Proverbs. Shown below are some involved verses. Underlined and in bold print are words specifically describing the Tree of Life:

“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.” Prov 3:13

And the antecedent for the pronoun “she” in verse 3:18 below would be “wisdom” in verse 3:13 above.

She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.” Prov 3:18

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Prov 11:30

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.” Prov 13:12

A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.” Prov 15:4

To summarize, the Tree of Life is wisdom, and the fruit of the righteous, the hope desired, and a wholesome tongue.

Is not then Jesus the Tree of Life and are we not to become like Him?

“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:” Gen 3:22

Compare the above verse with the following ones:

“I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” John 6:51

It would seem to me that the tree of life and this bread are the same thing. The thing that we actually need to eat and have brought to life within us is God’s Word, which is again: Jesus.

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

And then...

“In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits…” Rev 22:2

The Tree of Life bare 12 fruits. What are they? Nine of them are listed in the following 2 verses:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Gal 5:22-23

The other three are found in Eph 5:9, Phil 1:11, Rom 5:4, II Cor 6:6, II Peter 1:5-7, and Col 3:12.

And then not all fruit is good, is it?

“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Matt 7:18-20

Jesus is the only Tree that anyone of us is likely to identify as always having good fruit all of the time. He is the Tree of Life.

The 1st man Adam [man and helpmeet] closed the Door for himself and all of his
offspring. It remained so until Jesus became the Door and made it
possible to go through to encounter the Tree of Life and thus live

Is the Tree split or double or is it simply in an ideal or perfect situation to grow... in the middle of the River of Life as well as on both sides of the River. The best and/or strongest plants in the natural grow near or even in water because it is essential to their life. Are we, when/if we are born again, a new Tree that needs to be surrounded by and immersed in the Water of Life?

"In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." John 7:37-38

Does not water flow through a tree [like blood through an animal] a conveyer of all the nutrients needed in order for the tree to live and to grow? Even if the trunk of the tree were located only on one side of a river according to what we can see would not its roots reach out toward the river, especially during a very dry period, when land was very dry elsewhere? What better place for the perfect Tree than in the midst of the River for water and on both sides of it for that needed from the soil?

Then there is Zion, the resting place of the Lord, but at the start very dry, with no place for the Master to lay his Head...
It is a very dry, parched desert place...

"For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.
This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it." Psalm 132:13-14

!wyc Tsiyown (tsee-yone'); Proper Name Location, Strong #: 6726

Zion = "parched place"

  1. another name for Jerusalem especially in the prophetic books


"But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14

"In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." John 7:37-38