President Donald Trump for the first time acknowledged his defeat

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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
He will not attend the inauguration. That is his privilege but it just makes him look more like a pouty kid instead of a world leader.
Why would anyone attend the inauguration of the very head of government that tried to frame him and stole an election from him! He's not being pouty. At the very least he should be concerned they'd arrest him on the spot. Use your head.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Why would anyone attend the inauguration of the very head of government that tried to frame him and stole an election from him! He's not being pouty. At the very least he should be concerned they'd arrest him on the spot. Use your head.

So by not attending they could arrest him at any other time if they are going to arrest him! Presidents do that because it is what presidents are supposed to do! Obama hated Trump called him illegitimate but attended the inaugaration he did not want to be at! Trump was hated by the establisment and especially the democratic establishment! He also helped fan those flames by his continual twitter war! He exposed the darkness of D.C. to some light neither party wanted to be turned on! No he should be a bigger man than how he is acting and show up to complete the transition!

There is no charge they can arrest him on!

I believe Pelosi will impeach him after the fact if not this coming week. Just because of the hatred he helped fan. Both sides are guilty in this acrimony that has existed in D.C. since Trump took over. I personally liked alot of it, but it is time to move on anmd pray for the new POTUS.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I have no axe to grind. And I am not trying to deceive!

Trump will leave the White House to make room for Biden. He will not attend the inauguration. That is his privilege but it just makes him look more like a pouty kid instead of a world leader. I voted for Trump twice BTW.

Trumps legal team had the chance to prove the fraud he is alleging ( I personally believe Georgia went his way), but when they had their court appearances, they dropped the ball. So even if there was fraud- he lost! He is leaving the WH and Biden is moving in. As believers we can sulk and pout and call Biden illegitimate or pray for him as commanded:

1 Timothy 2
King James Version

2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

We should not let a negative outcome for earthly elections rob us of our heavenly joy! Remember we do not serve POTUS but the King of Kings!
You have changed the subject completely. Nice spin. The issue was whether or not Trump has conceded. He has not. Nothing about him has altered or swayed.

Frankly, I think they're both crooks. But I pray for them because it's right to do so. And I hope Biden is successful in healing our country. But my expectations are fairly dim.

I sure don't understand how politics turns Bible-beliving Christians into raving lunatics (not you, personally--we only differ on a minor point of semantics in this case).


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
So by not attending they could arrest him at any other time if they are going to arrest him! Presidents do that because it is what presidents are supposed to do! Obama hated Trump called him illegitimate but attended the inaugaration he did not want to be at! Trump was hated by the establisment and especially the democratic establishment! He also helped fan those flames by his continual twitter war! He exposed the darkness of D.C. to some light neither party wanted to be turned on! No he should be a bigger man than how he is acting and show up to complete the transition!

There is no charge they can arrest him on!

I believe Pelosi will impeach him after the fact if not this coming week. Just because of the hatred he helped fan. Both sides are guilty in this acrimony that has existed in D.C. since Trump took over. I personally liked alot of it, but it is time to move on anmd pray for the new POTUS.
For every 11 web articles you find about arresting a sitting president, you get at least 12 different positions/explanations. My take away is that it is possible, but given the language of the Constitution and the history of the presidency itself, the arresting officials, which would most likely be the FBI, better make sure they have a rock-solid, capital case against him/her, because the political and public image ramifications would be absolutely disastrous, otherwise. In other words, it ain't very likely. But come 12:01 PM EST on Jan 20, I'd hate to be Donald Trump. I daresay his rapport with Joe Biden is nowhere near that of Nixon and Ford. I don't know for sure that Biden would unceremoniously throw him to the wolves wholesale but, given his masterful roast of the Donald on TV the other day, I'd say to cut him much (if any) slack would make Biden look quite hypocritical. I suspect Nixon had a promise of pardon before he even resigned. And for sure, Pelosi will do absolutely everything she can to make sure Trump never runs for any kind of federal office again. And while I'm no fan of hers, she's doing us all a great service.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
"Some are saying?" Do you hear yourself?
Why you being such a big turd about this? Lt. General Thomas McInerney is among the 'some' who are saying. Did you watch the videos I posted?
This could all be a big nothing burger (again), but when a retired General speaks, YOU LISTEN.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Why you being such a big turd about this?
Ad hom name-calling--nice.
when a retired General speaks, YOU LISTEN.
Not when it's McInerney. He's a radical right-wing, conspiracy theorist wackadoo. He traded in his olive wreath service cap for a tin-foil hat. I saw all kinds of crazy folks with Air Force uniforms on when I was in. And Generals are a dime a dozen. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and levels of sanity.

I'm sorry, FB. It's just that I read so much good stuff from you about the Bible in other threads, and I don't know what think about all this political stuff I see coming from you now. It's not just you, though, and I didn't really mean to start a row. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
United States


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Some are saying he used Antifa's penchant for rioting to conceal a special op going on at the same time that captured Pelosi's laptop from her office.
Correct. Retired Lt. General McInerney has said that Special Forces operatives entered Pelosi's office to capture her laptop. If this is true, by now McInerney should have put together a very strong case for impeaching Pelosi, Barr, etc. McInerney also urged Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act immediately after the election fraud, but Trump did not do what he should have done.

Special Forces were also involved in a raid in Frankfurt, Germany (immediately after the election), where they captured a server or servers which were being used to manipulate the election through the machinations of US officials. Furthermore, an Italian IT expert who was tasked with manipulating election results in either Naples or Rome and communicating with Germany has provided a sworn affidavit that he did indeed steal the election at the direction of US officials.

Why is none of this being brought before the American public? Since several foreign entities are also involved through the Dominion Voting Machines and cyber-warfare, this should be a case for an international tribunal, and the International Court of Justice in the Hague should be involved.
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