The rabbit hole called Christian nationalism.....

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Then you could never have supported either Obama or Biden, who wish to FLOOD the country with illegal aliens, and then grant them citizenship just like that! Biden's agenda is simply Obama's agenda on steroids, since all checks and balances have been destroyed since November 3, 2020.

To add insult to injury, Biden wants to purge the term "alien" from the laws of the land. This crooked politician (who should have been behind bars) is going to extremes because no one can stop him now.
Why would you presume that I supported either Obama or Biden? I have supported always as best as I could God and His Son! I am on God's side.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Do you not realize God will put hooks into the jaws of Russia and cause them to attack Israel?

You defined American Christians, via this Thread.... who dont tolerate what the devil would have them eat...... via this strange election and its continuing fallout assault against America and against the 75 million who oppose the Devil's agenda that is the "Biden Plan", as = ""rabbit hole Christian Nationalism".

I could never post such a Thread, such as yours, that reads and sounds exactly like a castigating and rebuking Documentary that CNN or MSNBC would be oh so proud to post on a "Christian" forum.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Are you saying the world isn't in God's hand?

Im saying that All power in Heaven and on Earth is Given to Jesus., while the devil is still down here doing what he does, until the day that beast is removed from the scene.
But until that day, God's patience that currently exists as the Grace of God IN the "time of the Gentiles" will play out, but once that patience ends, many will be crying for the mountains to fall on them, and hide them from the Wrath.

So, while the Church waits to leave the planet, and before the Beast shows up to solve the Global Economic Meltdown.....the believers are to stand and not bend, pray without ceasing, and resist the darkness that is only getting matter where you LIVE in this world.

Thats what im saying.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Do we not understand that anyone not a saved child of God is a Godless evildoer, whether they be Republicans or Democrats?
No. But those who commit themselves (either ignorantly or wilfully) to the Satanic agenda of the Democratic party are either godless evildoers or partakers of their evil deeds.

The Biden-Sanders Manifesto
1. Blatantly lie to the voters about the true agenda: “Nobody has to be punished,” he [Biden] told donors in June 2019. “No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change.”

2. Make race the determining factor in government: "In rapid succession he adopted the Sanders platform, the cornerstone of the Warren candidacy, and the most radical racial agenda in recent U.S. history...
His “Unity” program declares that virtually every significant gap—in wealth, health care, housing, policing, education—can be blamed on racism. The cure is a massive transformation of every aspect of American life, using a reparations commission, wealth transfers, subsidies, employment and promotion preferences, quotas, and even a new mandate to the Federal Reserve to seek racial equity."

3. Establish Communism in America: "The Biden-Sanders "Unity" Manifesto envisions the socialism of an all-encompassing welfare state, with virtually every need a right, and every right guaranteed by taxpayer funding.

4. Ensure that the Climate Change Hoax destroys America: "A President Biden would implement a version of the Sanders Green New Deal, only in 15 years instead of 10. Mr. Biden’s plan uses mandates and subsidies to dictate what kind of energy is produced, remaking the world’s most efficient energy industry in the image of Solyndra."

5. Make the state the "god" of America: "
In all things, the government would direct, regulate and mandate with armies of the “best and brightest,” organized as a caring corps of subsidized health-, child- and elder-care workers, plus a climate corps of environmental regulators. Government employees would enjoy the “highest labor standards” for pay and benefits. A new right to strike for all workers would include secondary strikes like those that recently paralyzed France.

6. Make policing of criminals a joke: "Police are to be more closely tracked and exposed, and federal law-enforcement would be hampered with a New York-style arrest-and-release program."

7. Abolish private wealth just like the Communists: "After picking up Mr. Sanders’s positions, Mr. Biden has absorbed Ms. Warren’s rhetoric. This month he pledged to end the “era of shareholder capitalism.” That era began with the Great Economic Awakening that followed the Enlightenment. By rejecting shareholder capitalism and making private wealth subject to public demands, the Biden administration would take America back to the medieval world, where labor and capital were forced to pay fealty to the crown, guild, church and village, which leeched the lifeblood out of the incentives to work and save. Today’s critics of shareholder capitalism want to hand business over to “stakeholders” such as government, environmentalists, unions and communities."

Everyone should read the full article here:
Opinion | The Biden-Sanders Manifesto

This article does not even address the total attack on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, nor the use of the COVID Scamdemic to rob citizens of their fundamental rights and freedoms.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
The all-or-nothing thinking that is exhibited in the Christian Nationalist rhetoric is actually a form of cognitive distortion that is the object of much psychiatric treatment in America. God is not a Republican (no matter how badly some Republicans may want Him to be) any more than He is a Democrat.

I was going to answer all of the questions that @Grailhunter posed to those who would not band together with him (for lack of a better expression). I had the answers all typed out and ready to go. But I just can't allow myself to be manipulated that way. I can't picture Christ standing for it at all. Half of the questions have nothing whatever to do with Christian faith and practice.

If the Constitution allows a person to remain silent in a court of law, surely folks ought to be able to decline a religious test on a Christian forum. I wouldn't have any problem at all expressing my views about these things separately on various threads. But to be virtually interrogated is a thing I cannot abide. If I'm being unnecessarily stubborn, then may God have mercy on me.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The all-or-nothing thinking that is exhibited in the Christian Nationalist rhetoric is actually a form of cognitive distortion that is the object of much psychiatric treatment in America. .

Its foolishness, to talk to adults using inane comments like "god is not a republican".
Its ignorance gone to seed to speak to a born again Christian with such a statement.

And let me tell you exactly who needs "psychiatric treatment".... its the Shrinks who take a 15 yr old, and encourage them to pursue a sex change, and become a Trans, as if a 15 yr old, or a 12 yr old, or an 8 yr old, could actually BE, this diagnosis.
When the reality is, that thinking that you are the wrong sex, trapped in the wrong body, is itself a diagnosis of mental illness, obviously.
So, the SHRINKS who are creating by "professional" encouragement guised as "diagnosis"... who are creating on purpose such a perverse and destruction lifetime situation in thousands of young lives, are the actual ones who need the Psychiatric evaluation with the appropriate diagnosis being = containment for a long period away from the general population, whom they want to destroy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Im saying that All power in Heaven and on Earth is Given to Jesus., while the devil is still down here doing what he does, until the day that beast is removed from the scene.
But until that day, God's patience that currently exists as the Grace of God IN the "time of the Gentiles" will play out, but once that patience ends, many will be crying for the mountains to fall on them, and hide them from the Wrath.

So, while the Church waits to leave the planet, and before the Beast shows up to solve the Global Economic Meltdown.....the believers are to stand and not bend, pray without ceasing, and resist the darkness that is only getting matter where you LIVE in this world.

Thats what im saying.
So, a non-answer, then. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
The all-or-nothing thinking that is exhibited in the Christian Nationalist rhetoric is actually a form of cognitive distortion that is the object of much psychiatric treatment in America. God is not a Republican (no matter how badly some Republicans may want Him to be) any more than He is a Democrat.

I was going to answer all of the questions that @Grailhunter posed to those who would not band together with him (for lack of a better expression). I had the answers all typed out and ready to go. But I just can't allow myself to be manipulated that way. I can't picture Christ standing for it at all. Half of the questions have nothing whatever to do with Christian faith and practice.

If the Constitution allows a person to remain silent in a court of law, surely folks ought to be able to decline a religious test on a Christian forum. I wouldn't have any problem at all expressing my views about these things separately on various threads. But to be virtually interrogated is a thing I cannot abide. If I'm being unnecessarily stubborn, then may God have mercy on me.
I hear you loud and clear my friend and brother in Christ. I hesitated before proceeding to answer his questions, not for my own benefit, but because I realized that others, some who would only read this thread, needed to see a Christian position against the Democrats without being for the Republicans. I am really very strongly against the Democratic Party platform, as much as I know about it, but that does not put me and many others automatically in the Republican camp. I am in God's camp.

But, so many cannot understand that. Probably they also wonder why we might consider them blind and deaf to God and the things of God! Why did David not kill Saul or allow him to be killed?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Im saying that All power in Heaven and on Earth is Given to Jesus., while the devil is still down here doing what he does, until the day that beast is removed from the scene.
But until that day, God's patience that currently exists as the Grace of God IN the "time of the Gentiles" will play out, but once that patience ends, many will be crying for the mountains to fall on them, and hide them from the Wrath.

So, while the Church waits to leave the planet, and before the Beast shows up to solve the Global Economic Meltdown.....the believers are to stand and not bend, pray without ceasing, and resist the darkness that is only getting matter where you LIVE in this world.

Thats what im saying.
One cannot resist the darkness in the world, until they do so in their own lives. And it is that exact process, when done with the whole heart, giving all diligence, that we finally are brought to see our great need to put off our old nature by a radical act of faith, because we have finally arrived at hating that old man.

Only then, when we come into agreement with Christ and put on the new natures He has provided us, can we shine forth as lights in an ever-darkening world. Trying to overcome darkness when it is inside our armor is fruitless. We MUST make our tree good in order to bear good fruit, and that does not happen by our efforts, but only when we combine the blood of the Lamb with the words of our testimony.

Our Christian armor is worthless until it is put on. And as the blows of the enemy increase in frequency and intensity, our God will use these shakings and the unsureness of a world gone crazy to draw His elect into the only place that makes sense in an ever increasingly crazy world, abiding in Him, believing it is no more us, but Christ who lives in us.

blessings to all,



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
we finally are brought to see our great need to put off our old nature by a radical act of faith,

Is there a reason that you believe that every Christian, on every Christian forum that you use, has not yet put off their old nature?
I wasn't aware that you can SEE US ALL from your bedroom.
Listen up..... you universally condemn ALL Believers, with your Threads, on all forums you are on, including this one, as needing to be changed, needing to turn.....
You never say...>"some of you, or, most of you"......not ever. As your condemnation is always completely regarding every believer.
Including this Thread and your post that you just sent to me, that im now responding to...
I noticed this about you for 2 yrs, on every Forum you use, its all that you ever do.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Yes, of course, the text means nothing to us today. We're new covenant Christians. :rolleyes:
The text meant a lot to the Pharisees when they brought an adulterous women and questioned Jesus, testing Him and He said, ... You know Barney ... I don't have to quote it. ? Jesus brought forgiveness, mercy, he didnt come to condemn. It appears some don't follow His example, they want to march in with condemnation and judgment. Relax, Jesus will come in Judgment soon enough.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Party-Spirit is an inseparable appendage of human nature. It grows naturally out of the rival passions of Men, and is therefore to be found in all Governments. But there is no political truth better established by experience nor more to be deprecated in itself, than that this most dangerous spirit is apt to rage with greatest violence, in governments of the popular kind, and is at once their most common and their most fatal disease. Hence the disorders, convulsions, and tumults, which have so often disturbed the repose, marred the happiness, and overturned the liberties of republics; enabling the leaders of the parties to become the Masters & oppressors of the People.

The Defence No I, [1792–1795] -- Alexander Hamilton


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Party-Spirit is an inseparable appendage of human nature. It grows naturally out of the rival passions of Men, and is therefore to be found in all Governments. But there is no political truth better established by experience nor more to be deprecated in itself, than that this most dangerous spirit is apt to rage with greatest violence, in governments of the popular kind, and is at once their most common and their most fatal disease. Hence the disorders, convulsions, and tumults, which have so often disturbed the repose, marred the happiness, and overturned the liberties of republics; enabling the leaders of the parties to become the Masters & oppressors of the People.

The Defence No I, [1792–1795] -- Alexander Hamilton
A part of the carnal nature of men I suppose. We cannot overcome it on our own, but it must be overcome and the power of God in it is a possibility. God needs our go ahead.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
I do not think the church has been in such dire straits since the inquisition. The shallowness, the defense of willfull sin, the lack of victory, the contentment with thinking we have need of nothing, and the total unburdened hearts for the lost all point to the fact that despite the words out of our mouths, our hearts are far from Him. We have a name that we live, but deadness is everywhere. And no easier fact backing up this hard-to-hear rebuke is than in the political mess called 'Christian Nationalism'.

Christian nationalism is NOT the problem.
The problem is Christian liberalism.
Blaming all those problems you listed on Christian nationalism doesn't even make sense. There is no connection between two.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
The text meant a lot to the Pharisees when they brought an adulterous women and questioned Jesus, testing Him and He said, ... You know Barney ... I don't have to quote it. ? Jesus brought forgiveness, mercy, he didnt come to condemn. It appears some don't follow His example, they want to march in with condemnation and judgment. Relax, Jesus will come in Judgment soon enough.
I come not to condemn. The thing I fear most, Brother Ronald, is the union of church and state. It is the bane of mankind, in my opinion, and that of others. And my view of last day events tells me that we are well on our way to that dreadful existence. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
All you guys got to do is be honest with people.
But that is something you do not dare do.
What you do is all leftist tactics, anything but the truth and shutdown free speech because it will expose you for what you are.

Good point. His "Christianity" looks transparent, like there is some agenda in his posts other than the truth.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
Some need to realize that we should not dictate the way non-Christians live.

Instead we are meant to be shining lights on the hills, setting good examples for others to follow, that they too may turn to Christ as a result.

And Christians keep forgetting to pray for their leaders. Unfortunately some even choose to pray against them, which is not our job as New Testament Christians.

Christian nationalism is dangerous, and it can turn into love one and hate the other...

And we do not do that by calling people satanists, who aren't satanist, we do not do that by labelling Democrat Christian voters "demonrats."

The laws set in place should dictate the way non-Christians live and all the morals in a culture are influenced by religion, "particularly Christianity" that is the essential city on a hill from scripture.

When your leaders are serving satan it would make sense to pray against them. Do you pray for satan or against satan?

Christian nationalism is not the problem. The problem in Christian liberalism.
This whole attack on "Christian nationalism" is just another ploy of the globalist agenda which is the nwo and satanic at the core. Liberals are following suite and God is seperating the wheat from the tare. Polarization is happening and people are getting knocked off the fence of lukewarmness.

The term democrat Christian is an oxymoron.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Christian nationalism is NOT the problem.
The problem is Christian liberalism.

Also, in the first paragraph you made a good point at what's wrong with the current church, but nationalism is hardly the cause.
If you have followed the last month's postings on the political section, you would have read calls for civil war, for execution of Democratic leaders, for labeling any who disagree with the Republican stance as demons, for insurrection as the appropriate response... and these from children of God. And you think it is not a problem?

The cause is not Christian nationalism. The cause is that as a whole, the church is still walking in their old nature, and Christian nationalism is simply one of the results. When we awake to who we are, we will be amazed how the results are changed.

