For the anti-vax people here

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom

When u see something like this what goes through your mind?

Is there any compassion or is the mind just trying to excuse it or ignore it?

It's always heart breaking to see people die and suffer. It's a natural reaction. But there is no place for emotion in scientific rigour.

So, applying some scientific rigour:

This is a Facebook share. We aren't given the date of the video or a clear timeline - she jumps from the date of her vaccination to a day of the week (which week?). Has she seen a doctor? Have any tests been done? Is there a diagnosis? (I didn't watch the whole video but none of this important information was presented in the first few minutes)
Yes, chorea is a distressing symptom. But it's also - sadly - one of the easiest neurological conditions to fake. And I don't base my decisions on Facebook videos because so many of them are faked.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Response in 2 posts due to forum limitations

You're right that it won't make any difference. The reason is simply that "testimony" is purely anecdotal, not scientific, not rigorous, and therefore of no practical value in debates about wide scale matters. That's why science requires studies to be conducted. That's why science requires reviews and systematic reviews and why material must be peer-reviewed. Tales of "my Aunty Mabel" are quaint but useless in terms of framing any kind of truth about the virus and the vaccines. I see this on forums everywhere I go and it's those who are in the health industry, like the UK NHS that can't get this basic precept through their heads. They are so ingrained and brainwashed by the Pharma controlled medical industry that they can not contemplate that there might be impropriety, that there might be medical fraud, that things they have been told from above might actually not be the truth. Their minds are jaded, biased, controlled.

This is never so more exemplified than by the yearly aggressive campaigns of fear used by the health services to flog their utterly useless Flu vaccines. Those in the health industry blindly trot out the mantra that they are great, your best form of protection, go get your shots. Meanwhile the shining golden beacon of truth sits there in the internationally respected Cochrane Library who did a systematic review of Flu Vaccines and concluded that:

"Injected influenza vaccines probably have a small protective effect against influenza and ILI (moderate-certainty evidence), as 71 people would need to be vaccinated to avoid one influenza case"

Vaccines to prevent influenza in healthy adults

This is why your "testimony" is of limited use. It's not any kind of sleight on you, its simply the understanding that the facts can only come from, and must come from proper independent studies that are peer reviewed. The health industry continues to peddle Flu vaccines despite this appalling efficacy because it makes them $billions. It's a pure financial business not a health service.

These vaccines are completely different in nature to any that have come before. It is new technology. In fact they are not even vaccines at all. The term vaccine is being used because they know the public will accept it but there is no scientific definition of vaccine into which these products fit. They are genetic treatments pure and simple.

I totally agree. Data is data and must stand on its own two feet. But we don't have that data. What we have been given is false data. They are not telling the public the true number of Covid Deaths. They have crafted and created a definition of a "Covid Death" that means they can include all manner of deaths in the count. Deaths not even caused by Covid but rather deaths that occurred where the person just happened to be positive for Covid. In the UK the authorities (Public Health England) actually instructed medical practitioners and coroners etc to effectively GUESS if a person died due to Covid based on any symptoms that were reported beforehand. Just let that sink in. People have died in the UK and HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED to see if they were positive for Covid. Public Health England instructed coroners to therefore make their best clinical judgement as to whether the death was due to Covid based on any previously reported symptoms. What are those typical symptoms? Fever, headache, sore throat, cough . . . . What are the typical symptoms of colds, ILIs, Flu? Fever, headache, sore throat, cough. It's an utter farce.

How can we possibly have a situation where people who have died and have NEVER BEEN TESTED for Covid, can possibly be chalked up as Covid Deaths?!!!

Lest you think I am in error or lying here is the link to the PHE instructions:


and I quote:

"Medical practitioners are required to certify causes of death “to the best of their knowledge and belief”.
Without diagnostic proof, if appropriate and to avoid delay, medical practitioners can circle ‘2’ in the MCCD (“information from post-mortem may be available later”) or tick Box B on the reverse of the MCCD for ante-mortem investigations. For example, if before death the patient had symptoms typical of COVID-19 infection, but the test result has not been received, it would be satisfactory to give ‘COVID-19’ as the cause of death, tick Box B and then share the test result when it becomes available. In the circumstances of there being no swab, it is satisfactory to apply clinical judgement."

This is utterly farcical. The so-called "Covid Deaths" are nothing of the sort. They are a vastly inflated divisive number intended to make the pandemic look worse than it is.
Even with the common old flu vaccines I had people ranting at me that I have to take such, I am not allowed to see my mum because I have not had the common flu vaccine. I flat refuse to inject anything like that into my body.

I had a mate who came out with a spoon full of speed and a needle once, I said you have got to be kidding me as I did not trust even doctors that much back then I think it was about 1996 and I sure as hell do not have much trust in doctors nowadays at all, I have seen to much crap go down with people that I know, That I have been shocked time after time at the stupid things that doctors have did and do, handing out pills like lolly's just for a start.

One would of thought that society would of progressed as the years roll by, but it has not progressed in key points that have even gone backwards due to Government Political Correctness dribble that rules over everything and everyone nowadays, so one can not truly challenge the clowns as they have become like Nazis dictating all types of dribble. you can't say this or that madness, doctor can not say now that your to fat for one simple point as such as that, due to such may offend but the fact is if you are such is correct, so C'mon !
My father in law 90yo had a fall due to the idiots had doubled a dose for no good reason at all, same with my mum with another drug that was not needed at all and was on way to many drugs for a start, we had a hell of a time trying to reduce her drugs, she was that drug up that she did not know what people were talking about. she was such a idiot to try to deal with that she was driving us up the wall. if it was not for one brother who had the authority to deal with the system and a sister who worked in a hospital we would of had no hope to get her back on the rails.

I question things now only because I have learnt that I have to, hell I would love to have total faith in the whole medical industry and the government but oh boy the more you know the truth about such things warnings come flashing up Thin ice.

Can anyone prove to me that The COVID Vaccine is in fact truly a Vaccine for a start, I see no proof at all that such is truly Vaccine for a start, I wish it was a Vaccine but it's not in fact. so why do governments make such a false statement, so such comes across just like Nazi Germany nonsense dribbling lies to me, that the people are blindly swallowing it all like fools, oh you can't question them or else your labelled the problem, oh how Nazi Germany is that or straight out of the Communist book. C'mon on I am not swallowing that degenerate crap.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
It's extremely easy to make future predictions here.

There are millions and millions of people who have absolutely no intention whatsoever of getting vaccinated. Some 50% of the French population for a start according to polls.

Thus if this whole thing is not really about a virus and a vaccine, and is in fact a more sinister agenda to get people to have whatever is in those "vaccines" then it is totally predictable that they will seek to walk all over the Nuremberg Code and long standing freedoms and rights to try and create and push through legislation to mandate vaccinations.

In order to do that they would first have to manufacture dire circumstances to try and justify it.

That in turn means they will invent or deploy a really nasty deadly version of Covid that kills far more people than the original.

So all we need to watch for is that announcement of such a new and deadly variant of the virus. And then watch for the moves to mandate vaccination.

Thereby shall we know that the entire thing is an orchestrated assault on humanity imo. What we do at that point I do not know.
I've recently learned about "viral interferance", something that has been observed on coronavirus vaccines in the past, like SARS I. This is where the initial immunity becomes a hypersensitivity.

So they are rushing to vax a many millions as possible as quickly as possible. I can easily imagine a scenario where people start dying of Covid like nothing doing, and while this is happening due to viral interferance, they may claim, This is a highly lethal covid, and if you haven't been vaxed yet, you HAVE TO BE now.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
I am pretty sure that this post won’t make any difference because my earlier post was totally ignored, or perhaps I am on ignore. Testimony seems to be irrelevant on this forum, I have already stated that I have witnessed first hand a covid outbreak, also stated that I have also witnessed 6 years of flu outbreaks in the same environment. Flu and covid are different. We have now lost 15 residents. Of course they are elderly, so that doesn’t count does it.
As Deborah has already stated , we all know people who have died, and many are younger than 70 years old.
It also looked at the data and the same agency has recorded deaths from vaccines in the past, so nothing new there. Vaccines come with risks , we know that, we are are of that - so it’s a mute argument to suggest that theses vaccine are any different to the rest.
What I do find interesting that online data seems to be frowned upon and questioned when it states deaths from covid itself, but seems to be completely viable when it is used to state how many have died from the vaccines. You either trust online data or you don’t, but you can’t use it to back up one argument and the reject it for another.
The reality is that at this moment of time there is no clear proof that the vaccine has caused the deaths, it’s speculations this point.
New Zealand has just locked down an area because of five cases.
People on the forum have already made up there minds, none of the posts make an ounce of difference. There are enough testimonies out there from people who have ended up in hospital or have lost husbands , sisters, brothers, their are testimonies from the hospital staff , but they must all be lying, I must be lying as to what I have personal witnessed. I cannot be trusted, I must be part of all the fake news, fake responses. When I hit a brick wall emotionally because of how quickly this virus took people , when normal flu season doesn’t impact in the same way. Must be a over reaction, right !!
I wish you well with your future travels Cristo
As I said, testimony doesn’t seem to mean anything. Rita

Well, statistics trump personal experience my dear, because the latter is more based on emotion instead of having more of the facts.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Well, statistics trump personal experience my dear, because the latter is more based on emotion instead of having more of the facts.
Well’ my dear ‘ when statistics can be made up and manipulated they prove very little and are not always based on facts, so they don’t trump anything. They merely are added into the mix along with everything else, like witness. Each adds a prospective that should be weighed up within the equation of debate. Vaccine is on trial here, so first you need to evaluate whether or not you believe there is need for a vaccine.......
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Active Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Then I'm going to be in fantasy land securely.
Because I do know for a fact that for every inflated number there are grossly under reported numbers as directed by conservative political party membership administration's. Because it is happening in my state exhaustively.

So in the end the reporting balances out.
What state do you live in that passes up govt. money to try to exhaustively under report covid deaths to maintain some kind of conservative agenda?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
@Whetstone , I had come on here this morning to respond to your posts last night, having read your thoughts I simply think you have tunnel vision.( thought I would join your club and make an assumption based on what you had conveyed ) In many respects I posted yesterday after reading an earlier post from Cristo where he was basing everything on not seeing or knowing anyone with covid. So I relayed what I have witnessed where I live and work. So, to say that ‘ witness ‘ is not relevant in debate is not strictly true as Cristo often brings it up in his debate threads. It’s one of the reasons he has questioned so much with regards to how Australia is dealing with it all.
You made some blanket assumptions in your responses to me, and about health care workers and the industry itself. You obviously think we are all puppets who simply don’t have brains, don’t look into things and simply believe everything we hear. I have never believed all the figures, and equally do not agree with many of the things that are going on but it’s balanced with a knowledge that covid does exist, is a virus that needs a solution. I am not going to apologise for that. When you ‘ see ‘ someone die of covid within a very short space of time, and have also ‘ seen ‘ someone die of flu, you see a difference. It opens your eyes to the reality that you didn’t have before when you had not witnessed it first hand. You can believe that is irrelevant to the equation if you choose to.
You, like many others here, make blanket assumptions, believe you are ‘ all knowing ‘. I have my own views about how the powers that be will use all this in the future, but only when we are in the future will we truly look back on this part of time and see things in prospective.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
What state do you live in that passes up govt. money to try to exhaustively under report covid deaths to maintain some kind of conservative agenda?
actually many states don't go after every nickel of Government money. The requirements to receive those funds often costs more than the funds provide. TN gets their fair share for sure with Government contract spending and grants...but I do know for a fact about my friend who died and they didn't give his death cert a Covid death.

so...believe what you want to...I just know what I have personally seen. The rumor mill and fecal material being spread about is over the top in volume lately...

whatever happened to believe none of what you hear and half of what you see?
currently we have most of america believing none of what they see and everything they hear.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
Well’ my dear ‘ when statistics can be made up and manipulated they prove very little and are not always based on facts, so they don’t trump anything. They merely are added into the mix along with everything else, like witness. Each adds a prospective that should be weighed up within the equation of debate. Vaccine is on trial here, so first you need to evaluate whether or not you believe there is need for a vaccine.......

You see, the irony is the side you're arguing for are doing most of the manipulating and making up stats.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
actually many states don't go after every nickel of Government money. The requirements to receive those funds often costs more than the funds provide. TN gets their fair share for sure with Government contract spending and grants...but I do know for a fact about my friend who died and they didn't give his death cert a Covid death.

so...believe what you want to...I just know what I have personally seen. The rumor mill and fecal material being spread about is over the top in volume lately...

whatever happened to believe none of what you hear and half of what you see?
currently we have most of america believing none of what they see and everything they hear.
Well, I will agree with you that the media has created a mix of messages that confuse the whole nation and nobody knows the truth. Not a good situation. Good luck in your area with covid. Stay safe.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
You see, the irony is the side you're arguing for are doing most of the manipulating and making up stats.
I am not actually on any side, that’s the point. I have never believed the stats, but that doesn’t mean that no one is dying, or that there isn’t a virus that’s need a resolve. I got the vaccine on the basis of what I am actually seeing unfold, my age , and a few other personal factors, it will be equally why I will start to consider getting the flu vaccine over the next few years. I chose not to have the Pfizer in the end, I was booked for that one way back in dec. I must admit I felt under pressure as we were offered it first in the U.K. and we literally had a few days to consider an app.
I don’t believe everyone needs to be vaccinated, I don’t agree with mandatory vaccines. I don't take any stock in the government figures that are released about anything, but don’t see everything through the tunnel vision of conspiracy and control. ( that doesn’t mean I discount both being part of the equation )


Feb 10, 2021
Out There Somewhere
United Kingdom
And yet all you can give in support of your position is anecdotal evidence.

What anecdotal evidence do you claim I am offering in support of my position?

I fear you have simply made many assumptions about what my position is and like so many just assumed that any criticism of the status quo means a person must be a rabid Conspiracy Theorist. That of course is EXACTLY where the establishment want you. They invented the term anti-vaxxer in order to make people think that way and to shut down debate.

For clarification this is what my position is and I will gladly provide reliable source references for every aspect of it:

Cases Are Underreported
The true number of Covid cases in the UK at least is massive and is not being reported by government. They are only giving the public the number of "Confirmed Cases" which is a tiny subset of the real number of cases which is between 10 times and 20 times the number of "Confirmed Cases". Today the government are still peddling the "Confirmed Cases" figure which they state as approx. 4m. Way back in April/May last year an official REACT study told government that there had been some 3.4 m cases in the UK already. Government is concealing the true number of Covid cases in the UK from the public. This serves to make Covid morality look multiples worse than it really is.

Covid Deaths Are Exaggerated
The definition used to define a "Covid Death" is ridiculous and as a result includes thousands of deaths that were not caused by Covid
The definition of a "Covid Death" in the UK is any death where the person had previously tested positive for Covid within 28 days
That means you could get Covid on 1st of the month, have no symptoms at all with it, no problems, then die of a brain bleed 3 weeks later and be classed as a "Covid Death"
For many Covid Deaths the deceased was never once tested for Covid. Instead the doctors, coroners etc made their best guess on the matter based on any symptoms listed before death. Public Health England instructed them to make these judgements in this way.

Covid Is Only Deadly To A Minority
The VAST MAJORITY of people who get the virus have no issues with it.
Some 80%+ of cases are asymptomatic
A further number of cases have only mild symptoms requiring no treatment or hospitalisation
The VAST MAJORITY of deaths have occurred with the older vulnerable demographic and/or those with multiple underlying health conditions
These are people who can be slain by any virus that happens to come along including Flu and complications like Pneumonia.
99% of people who get Covid survive it.
Hence the tiny minority should be shielded and isolated until either a safe and effective vaccine or treatment becomes available

Natural Immunity Is Strong And Lasting
Despite the best efforts of the establishment to tell us otherwise, natural immunity from having had Covid is strong and lasting and may well last years. That's because it involves both immunity from antibodies, and from T-cells and immunity in the mucus cells in the nasal passages.
I personally see no reason for anyone who has had Covid to get vaccinated as a result.

Pre-Existing Immunity To Covid
Between 20% and 50% of the population already had levels of immunity to Covid before it even arrived. This immunity was gained from past bouts of colds, Flu and ILIs which produce strong T-Cell immunity. This is in part why so many people have no issues with Covid.
I would speculate from this that those most affected will be the ones who had Flu vaccines rather than actual Flu but that is pure speculation.
It will be interesting to see in the fullness of time that statistics relating to Covid Deaths and Flu vaccination.

Vaccine Testing Is Sparse
Whilst the vaccine trials of both Pfizer and Moderna involved some 40,000 people each the actual number of Covid cases they experienced to glean results from was tiny. In the order of just 200 Covid cases in each trial. That for me personally is ridiculously small and not something on which to predicate roll out to millions of people. This happened because the trials were not ones in which people were deliberately infected with the disease. Therefore in respect of purely the claimed effectiveness of the vaccines it's the equivalent of only testing 200 people, deliberately infecting them and seeing how well the 100 in the vaccine group fare. Such numbers are ridiculously small to contemplate a global vaccination programme off the back of them imo.

The SHORT TERM safety of the vaccines is supported by the use of 40,000 people in the trial which is a good thing, but there's no Long Term safety testing completed yet. Therefore the most vulnerable demographic of society have been given "Hobson's Choice" of risking exposure to a virus that might kill them, or risking a vaccine which has not had any long term testing. I do not envy them that dilemma and the possible life changing ramifications it may bring down the line.

Pharmaceuticals Have Long History Of Fraud
Pfizer and AstraZeneca for example have been involved in very large payouts for fraud

Drug Giant AstraZeneca to Pay $520 Million to Settle Fraud Case
Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History
Doctors Refused a Million Free Vaccines–to Make a Statement About the Pharmaceutical Industry

National Lockdowns Are Catastrophic
Large scale lockdowns due to Covid are patently wicked and unjustified and catastrophic.
Only the most vulnerable and those in close contact with them should be locked down.
Locking down those not a risk is immoral and wrong
Lockdowns have increased mental health issues significantly
Lockdowns have increased domestic violence and abuse significantly
Lockdowns have destroyed jobs, livelihoods, businesses and the economy.

Nightingale Hospitals Stood Empty
Government wasted £220m building Nightingale hospitals. It was imo a PR job.
Throughout the first lockdown the Nightingale hospitals stood largely empty. There was no staff to man them
If you can spend £220m building them you care surely spend money to staff them.
This underpins the on-going degradation of the NHS and the problems they have in not giving staff a proper wage
They COULD have staffed the Nightingales but they would likely have had to pay the staff more than regular NHS staff
Hence PR and politics trumped practical health necessities. Many will have died as a result of the Nightingales not being staffed.

Vaccinated People Still Spread Disease
There are numerous cases that show that fully vaccinated people still spread disease to others and spark off outbreaks.
Measles, mumps, flu and rotavirus. Source references available.
One study found that those people who took Flu vaccines actually spread Flu up to 6 times more than unvaccinated people

Repeated Flu Vaccine Shots Weaken Your Defence
There is mounting evidence now to suggest that getting repeated Flu shots in some circumstances results in reduced antibody responses and diminished vaccine effectiveness. People who had been vaccinated in the 2008–2009 season, before the emergence of the 2009 swine flu pandemic, experienced higher rates of infection with the pandemic strain than individuals who were not vaccinated in the preceding year.
Sources available.
If the Covid shots have a similar effect then that will node bode well for the vulnerable.

COVID Was Downgraded By UK Gov Before Lockdown
The week before the first National Lockdown in the UK the government officially downgraded the virus to no longer be an HCID (High consequence infectious disease).
High consequence infectious diseases (HCID)

The above gov't website defines what an HCID is thus:

Definition of HCID
In the UK, a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) is defined according to the following criteria:

  • acute infectious disease
  • typically has a high case-fatality rate
  • may not have effective prophylaxis or treatment
  • often difficult to recognise and detect rapidly
  • ability to spread in the community and within healthcare settings
  • requires an enhanced individual, population and system response to ensure it is managed effectively, efficiently and safely
Thus on 19th March 2020 the UK Gov't declared that Covid DID NOT meet those criteria

Now I invite you to pick up any one of the above factual elements and claim that I am offering anecdotal information. I am not. I have source references for all of it. You struggle to accept the facts because you have medical bias and are affiliated to the industry. I encourage you to look again with new eyes and be honest.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
It is truly fascinating watching the Mark of the Beast rapidly approaching, and "Christians" still refusing to believe! This is truly the terminal generation!
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Active Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
It is truly fascinating watching the Mark of the Beast rapidly approaching, and "Christians" still refusing to believe! This is truly the terminal generation!
Tell us how we know it is truly the mark of the beast?
I know on you right hand or your forehead. I know 666. But I have not seen 666 anywhere and i have not seen forehead mentioned yet. So how does the mark manifest itself?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
I am not actually on any side, that’s the point. I have never believed the stats, but that doesn’t mean that no one is dying, or that there isn’t a virus that’s need a resolve. I got the vaccine on the basis of what I am actually seeing unfold, my age , and a few other personal factors, it will be equally why I will start to consider getting the flu vaccine over the next few years. I chose not to have the Pfizer in the end, I was booked for that one way back in dec. I must admit I felt under pressure as we were offered it first in the U.K. and we literally had a few days to consider an app.
I don’t believe everyone needs to be vaccinated, I don’t agree with mandatory vaccines. I don't take any stock in the government figures that are released about anything, but don’t see everything through the tunnel vision of conspiracy and control. ( that doesn’t mean I discount both being part of the equation )

I see. It's encouraging that you have a more middle ground stance on the issue.
However, wether there is conspiracy and control or not, these "vaccines" aren't really vaccines but more gene manipulation.
With that sort of thing, I'm out like a trout.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Tell us how we know it is truly the mark of the beast?
I know on you right hand or your forehead. I know 666. But I have not seen 666 anywhere and i have not seen forehead mentioned yet. So how does the mark manifest itself?
666 represents one short of perfection the number 7 represents perfection or God.
something stated 3 times is confirming the fact and 6 is one short of God, so it's a mans works, that is being expressed here.
The Beast here is Man ! Carnal and as in regards to the Stain of original Sin is it's motivation force, nothing to do with Jesus Christ at all.
So we have fallen one short of God with 666.
666 is what Hitler and the Communist were barking on with in making a utopian society.
All Socialist are idolising 666 such is devoid of God and are all about idolising Mans works devoid of God. they are religious just as any atheist is. the fact is that religion never Saved anyone. only Jesus Christ can Save in fact. many think that they are on Gods side but they truly are not, as Jesus said this is so.
The majority of people will go with the Beast, just as it was with the majority of the Jews as they rejected Jesus 2000 years ago, because they were mislead by a Mans works religion.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
And I don't base my decisions on Facebook videos because so many of them are faked.

Instead, u base it on the fake news of the mainstream media... Also, your former profession makes you bias.
As a result, you have become cold and lost a fair bit of your moral foundation in order to defend the medical industry

You don't care if people are disabled or die from the vaccine, that they are keeping such a secret along with the contents of the vaccine, the sudden apathy of differing opinions from experts like my physician who doesn't trust the vaccines, the censorship, the "new normal", the exemption from any liability, the suggestion of forced vaccines, the destruction of lives from these unprecedented lockdowns, the sudden change into a medical tyranny or any other egregious actions taken by the government...

All you want is to keep the integrity of the medical system and so u defend it as well as u can... I can understand that.
It will be very hard for you to accept any truth that damages such integrity.
Truths like the evil nature of Bill Gates and his vision of depopulating the world and the fact that the virus has never been isolated making it no different to the common flu and the fact that the PCR tests are bogus as admitted by the WHO and then fact that there were less total deaths last year and the fact that people are being disabled and killed by the vaccines and many other truths...

Luke was a doctor I think or was it John... I wonder what they would think about treating healthy people with drugs that are killing and disabling people... Financed by a eugenicist whose goal is to depopulate the world... I wonder what Jesus would think

On another note, were you a physician or a specialist? How many doctors would you say believe in God? Is it 50/50?
I thought they were all atheists so I was surprised to learn that a lot of doctors are religious. Most of them it seems.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Two quick things . ONE , dont anyone take that shot .
And let none say i didnt try to warn folks .
It aint the short term effects of that shot that concern me , its the long term ones down the road .