Please Stop Turning Non-Debate Threads Into Debates

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Two rules I see can apply here...

[*]Do not attack another member's character in any way. Address the post content, not the member's character, family, denominational affiliation or any other subject that may be perceived as a personal attack by the Christianity Board team and is not germane to the topic or post at hand.
[*]Do not state or imply that another member or group of members who have identified themselves as Christian are not Christians.

*]No vulgar/obscene language or images. We are mostly adults here, but younger audiences frequent this forum as well. Please refrain from using offensive language in light of this. This is, by far not, just limited to swearing, and includes graphic language or content of sexual nature.
Those rules are interesting, especially the middle one. People on these boards are always accusing others of following Satan if you do not adhere to what their own views are.............have to remember that one.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Hi April,
I think its pretty difficult for some threads not to lead into a discussion of some kind, even in the fellowship forum. I mean if you were to meet up with a group of Christians in a coffee shop and you mentioned , or showed, a video, would you then have interactions about it. That’s the nature of conversation.
However discussions can turn into something else when a person disagrees so much that they accuse the other person based on it crossing a line with them.
Years ago I was part of a women’s group and we were talking about tv programs , they sited a whole range of programs that they disliked and wouldn’t let their children watch children watched all of them ( I just sat there listening ). Another time I went from church on a Sunday evening and met my husband along the pub for a quiz night. Many from my church disagreed, and behind my back made a point of discussing it.
My husband was a non believer and Sunday was often the only day we had quality time with one another, but as a Christian I had to do what was right for both of us. As to he tv programs, I weighed up what was said but felt they were over children and I always discussed content of programs and talked about issues and I found that a way of bringing my faith into the equation as they got older. Their music tastes are not always mine, their is a generation gap at times............
I guess on forums when you, and I mean any member, posts anything they are posting it for a reason. Facebook and Instagram are platforms for just posting things you like, not sure a forum is the same as its mainly based on conversations - so sadly you are going to get comments.
I must admit the video is not my type of thing, but I am old !!!!! Lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Then there's the twisted biscuit concept...

There are people who truly love those people they argue with. But for whatever reason the only way they have to express their love, care, and concerns are with arguments.

Because they want the attention from people they love they really don't care what kind of attention it is. So they create an argument. They get their need of attention met by arguing.
There are married couples who do this regularly. Seen it myself...they fuss at each other non-stop. And you would think that they don't like each other...but the truth is that they argue because they care.

Hate isn't the opposite of love...apathy is.

And it's a difficult concept for many people to understand. You and I disagree on some things...and we both vigorously defend our positions on Johnny Depp vs Harry Potter.
(Who would win a fight)

But in these quarantine days of abject's just something to do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Not my flavor...

It's alright, you don't have to like it. :)

Is not what?

Not a Secret people have natural body functions that (sexually) react to naked flesh and particular bodily moves.
People can gander attention, and People are willing to give the attention.
Indended Arousal of one person toward another USED to be an Intent in a Private setting.
Modern Society has "determined" and "set the precedence" ...the more Flesh revealed and the more provocatively one moves....The more one can Expect Attention and a hopeful of Fame and fortune.
Sure...I get the "fun" and "talent" aspect...
But the fact is...there are hormone raging children exposed to this as acceptably common, prowling sexual predators and any other person whose natural hormones react.

Point being...there is NO Barrier.

Well you don't have to worry about it anymore because the video itself has been taken down,.. it isn't going to stop me from watching it on my own though. Then again, I don't think anybody was trying to tell me not to do it since nobody on here can really tell me what to do.

That is the problem with this place. The admin wants fights, he thrives on them. This place is really 5 times worse than CF in many respects. That is why I don't come here much anymore, the toxicity of this place makes nuclear waste appealing

I wouldn't say that,.. this place gives us TONS more freedom than CF (both .com and .net) ever did. Also let me rephrase what I said before, Jesus and the Bible are very important to me in my life,.. they just aren't my whole life as I do other things and one of the reasons that I love John so much is he isn't an over religious nutcase either. He's a regular person like me and you and just like us his beliefs are just that,.. his beliefs. Reading the Bible isn't the only thing he does besides eating, sleeping, and breathing etc.

In truth, you reveal what you love!

Yep,.. I do. ;)

I didn't click on that link, because I don't watch things like that... Some of your videos I like. Like the worship songs and some of the country/Irish songs... and I do love musicals, and fun/interesting "happy" news in all that is going on these days. I just don't have time. Most of your videos I don't watch. Since I have to pick and choose what to watch and have cartoons on for the kids usually at home, I go for growing close to God with my time now normally. I go for more edifying videos. And as you grow closer to God, you might find yourself that way too.

I do believe some of your videos I would not want to be watching if I could physically see Jesus watching me. Like a video with women dancing in bathing suits...sexuality is a clear message as innocent as it is put across.

But yeh, as far as discussion goes, just be mindful of the audience here. It was judgemental and uncalled for to throw redundant "wicked" scriptures at us all, for thinking smart glass is really neat sounding on a bathroom stall.

But this is Christianityboard. I would think on this before posting wherever:

"Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies."
Philippians 4:8‭-‬9 MSG

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Well the music video is down now anyways, but I kept picturing Jesus watching me watch it in my mind and I wasn't feeling any kind of conviction, but I do understand that it might be a little bit too far for this forum though. I was feeling a bit of conviction from you and other members on here but not from the Holy Spirit though.

Two rules I see can apply here...

[*]Do not attack another member's character in any way. Address the post content, not the member's character, family, denominational affiliation or any other subject that may be perceived as a personal attack by the Christianity Board team and is not germane to the topic or post at hand.
[*]Do not state or imply that another member or group of members who have identified themselves as Christian are not Christians.

*]No vulgar/obscene language or images. We are mostly adults here, but younger audiences frequent this forum as well. Please refrain from using offensive language in light of this. This is, by far not, just limited to swearing, and includes graphic language or content of sexual nature.

Good point. I don't believe that I fall into the first category though.


And it's a difficult concept for many people to understand. You and I disagree on some things...and we both vigorously defend our positions on Johnny Depp vs Harry Potter.
(Who would win a fight)

I don't believe that we ever discussed that concept but Harry Potter hands down. I mean,.. the dude's got magical powers. You can't really beat that. :D (Unless you mean the actor of Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe then I would have to say Johnny Depp because he's a lot bigger and stronger than him unfortunately.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Btw,.. for the record this is exactly the reason that I feel more like a spiritual person than a religious person. I believe in God and Jesus and all of that,.. but I think there's such a thing as too much religion and I give you exhibit A. LOL I don't think that this is what the Lord meant when He said pray without ceasing. XDDDD!!!!



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Those rules are interesting, especially the middle one. People on these boards are always accusing others of following Satan if you do not adhere to what their own views are.............have to remember that one.
Yeah people get away with a lot if they throw the accusation at anyone that opposes their beliefs instead of naming a member, both should be considered trolling IMO. I really don't see the difference.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Please,.. it's really getting on my nerves. So yesterday I posted a song (that I will go ahead and post below) that I really liked in the entertainment forum and with the exception of maybe one or two little things in it there was nothing I really found too bad in it except that it had a really good beat and there was just a lot booty shaking to it. That's when people started having a freaking cow!!! :rolleyes:

Newsflash, one of the reasons I love this forum so much is that unlike a lot of other Christian forums that I've been a part of,.. here I feel like I have the freedom to express myself and when I want advice and when I want to debate I start a thread about it but there's absolutely no point in debating the kind of music that I like when there's nothing to debate and it's not going to change and nobody is going to change my mind.

So yeah,.. please stop and if somebody wants to debate secular music just go ahead and start a thread about it and I might go ahead and add my thoughts and opinions to it,.. I just don't want to start one myself because I just don't see any point. For the rest of you who just want to listen to some good foot stomping music, here's my current favorite song with two of my favorite artists Pitbull and Blake Shelton!!! :D
This logic, lol, no hear me out:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
April_Rose ...All good friend

God Bless,

Same to you and for the record I wasn't calling anybody in particular on here over religious,.. I was just pointing out the fact that those kinds of people are sort of annoying,... to me at least.
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Aug 10, 2012
Btw,.. for the record this is exactly the reason that I feel more like a spiritual person than a religious person. I believe in God and Jesus and all of that,.. but I think there's such a thing as too much religion and I give you exhibit A. LOL I don't think that this is what the Lord meant when He said pray without ceasing. XDDDD!!!!

I'm of the opinion that God wants to be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
I'm not much into mainstream Christian music, I'm more of a "Michelle Branch" kinda guy :)

I'm eating right now but there's a routine that Michael Junior does about oversaved Christians because it annoys him too when you can't just have a regular conversation with somebody without them mentioning Jesus every few words. I mean we're pretty much all Christians here. That much has been established,.. but can't we still have regular conversations as well? Sometimes it just becomes too much! :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
I'm of the opinion that God wants to be taken seriously.

Yeah me too but I also believe that He has a sense of humor and I've known pastors who use this skit in their sermons to prove a point and save your prayers for the more important things in life.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I'm eating right now but there's a routine that Michael Junior does about oversaved Christians because it annoys him too when you can't just have a regular conversation with somebody without them mentioning Jesus every few words. I mean we're pretty much all Christians here. That much has been established,.. but can't we still have regular conversations as well? Sometimes it just becomes too much! :rolleyes:

I think you're talking about "preaching to the Choir", which can be frustrating to hear. But then there's people that don't accept other peoples beliefs as OK and try and push theirs down your throat.

On a positive note regarding this thread. I find that God inspires the general population with movies and music. And many hard core Christians would call it secular and evil. But then the devil also has an affect on the inspiration in some of that music and movies. And sometimes the movies and music has a mixture of inspiration from both Good and Evil which is perhaps more often than not. And I think that is why the so called "secular" music is more popular than most Christian music.

But I don't take modern Christian music seriously. I only take what I consider to be the reverent approach when I listen to God music which is Church Hymns.
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Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2012
Yeah me too but I also believe that He has a sense of humor and I've known pastors who use this skit in their sermons to prove a point and save your prayers for the more important things in life.
I can't watch the video right now. But I wouldn't trust an SNL skit to give good spiritual advice.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Well the music video is down now anyways, but I kept picturing Jesus watching me watch it in my mind and I wasn't feeling any kind of conviction, but I do understand that it might be a little bit too far for this forum though. I was feeling a bit of conviction from you and other members on here but not from the Holy Spirit though.

@Devin Wintch well that is something you have to pray about and decide on your own. But I am not throwing judgement at anyone. I see what I see and do know where my own personal convictions come from.

1 Corinthians 8:13

Therefore, if food causes my brother to sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to sin.

Just being mindful is good advice. I havent said much about it at all when she posts. I just take and leave stuff. I think @April_Rose is awesome. But she opened this post up for discussion and getting honest answers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
I can't watch the video right now. But I wouldn't trust an SNL skit to give good spiritual advice.

That's understandable as I didn't either at first,.. but old SNL was much better than today's SNL and I actually thought that it was a good lesson and for us to think about whether or not our prayer is something that we actually need God's help with or not since we shouldn't have to pray for every little thing at a drop of a hat. Anyways,.. @Devin Wintch this is the video I was referring to and yes for the record everybody I do love Jesus,.. a LOT,.. but my walk with Him is my walk with Him and mine alone and I don't need anybody to tell me well if I do this, this, and this or don't do this that I'm not really loving Him and that's what I meant about not mentioning Jesus every few words and having just plain old regular conversations.



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
That's understandable as I didn't either at first,.. but old SNL was much better than today's SNL and I actually thought that it was a good lesson and for us to think about whether or not our prayer is something that we actually need God's help with or not since we shouldn't have to pray for every little thing at a drop of a hat. Anyways,.. @Devin Wintch this is the video I was referring to and yes for the record everybody I do love Jesus,.. a LOT,.. but my walk with Him is my walk with Him and mine alone and I don't need anybody to tell me well if I do this, this, and this or don't do this that I'm not really loving Him and that's what I meant about not mentioning Jesus every few words and having just plain old regular conversations.

And that is okay to be where you are with your walk. It is important to study the Word out on Your own and God will show you all you ever want to know. Praying for wisdom is good too, as you said you wanted in Hidden's thread. Just always strive to learn more of God and grow closer to Him. Press into Him.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
@Devin Wintch well that is something you have to pray about and decide on your own. But I am not throwing judgement at anyone. I see what I see and do know where my own personal convictions come from.

1 Corinthians 8:13

Therefore, if food causes my brother to sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to sin.

Just being mindful is good advice. I havent said much about it at all when she posts. I just take and leave stuff. I think @April_Rose is awesome. But she opened this post up for discussion and getting honest answers.

I live a pretty sheltered life now :) I'm watching Catholic Mass right now, LOL.