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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
So what is it for? Why DO you fall backwards? This is one of those I don't know scripture for or understand too well. I don't want to shrug it off though as false. I just want to understand it more first. See scriptures for it.

LOL. Well, your prayer was answered. Actual teeth would really be a miracle for sure. @Mark Balicki had a testimony of someone growing a new big toe though. That was pretty amazing.

@Hidden In Him

Yall have any experiences with slain in the spirit?

This would be considered more a sign then a gift right?

So what causes you to fall down?

Do you have a scripture for driving a car?
Do you have a scripture for using a computer?
Do you have a scripture for flying in a plane?

In case you had not realised, it is the Holy Spirit that leads you into all truth, not the bible. The bible is a tool that the Holy Spirit uses. Without him, no truth.

My experience is that the Holy Spirit causes you to fall down. If that is what he wants to happen why argue?

I was part of the ministry team at a conference. I teamed up with another minister who spoke on the subject of rejection. He called people forward for prayer at the end and there was a row of about 20 people. He started at one end and I started at the other end.

There was only one problem. I had no idea what to pray. As I stood there in front of the first person the words "He breaks the power of cancelled sin and sets the prisoner free" came into my mind. That is what I prayed. They fell to the ground. Same for the second person. When it came to the third person, I got partway through saying it and they fell to the ground. The next person I no sooner had put my hand on their head and started reciting and they went down. The next person I just stood in front of them and they went down.

No one asked God to knock them down. They just did. That is not the issue. The issue is what happened to the people who were prayed for and went down. Simple. They were delivered from a spirit of rejection. What is not good about that?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
I think my favorite part of this thread is hearing other people's stories so please share if you have them! It is comforting to know other people have had similar experiences. especially for some of us who have had moments of doubt and felt alone because of it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Do you have a scripture for driving a car?
Do you have a scripture for using a computer?
Do you have a scripture for flying in a plane?

In case you had not realised, it is the Holy Spirit that leads you into all truth, not the bible. The bible is a tool that the Holy Spirit uses. Without him, no truth.

My experience is that the Holy Spirit causes you to fall down. If that is what he wants to happen why argue?

I was part of the ministry team at a conference. I teamed up with another minister who spoke on the subject of rejection. He called people forward for prayer at the end and there was a row of about 20 people. He started at one end and I started at the other end.

There was only one problem. I had no idea what to pray. As I stood there in front of the first person the words "He breaks the power of cancelled sin and sets the prisoner free" came into my mind. That is what I prayed. They fell to the ground. Same for the second person. When it came to the third person, I got partway through saying it and they fell to the ground. The next person I no sooner had put my hand on their head and started reciting and they went down. The next person I just stood in front of them and they went down.

No one asked God to knock them down. They just did. That is not the issue. The issue is what happened to the people who were prayed for and went down. Simple. They were delivered from a spirit of rejection. What is not good about that?
what is a spirit of rejection? that sounds like a problem I have in life. like being rejected by people you love?
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
what is a spirit of rejection? that sounds like a problem I have in life. like being rejected by people you love?

Usually a spirit of rejection is something that one is born with. Words are powerful and as the scripture says there is life and death in the power of the tongue.

In my case, I was abandoned by my parents when I was two weeks old. Obviously they had said they didn't want me and with those words came a spirit of rejection on me. I didn't know this or understand this until I was in my thirties. The speaking of those words opened the door to this spirit.

Everything in life is filtered through a spirit of rejection. It has been said that at least 50% of church leaders are operating out of a spirit of rejection. They are doing it to hide the fact they feel rejected and being a pastor give them some kudos and acceptance. These people cannot accept criticism of any kind and they tend to be perfection orientated. They do not know what it is to be normal.

A person who does not have a spirit of rejection does not give a damn what other people think of them. They are confident in who they are and in what they do. They do not always have to be trying to gain acceptance from other people. They are who they are and they like themselves.

The person who has a spirit of rejection is always on their guard to protect themselves from being rejected. They may succeed in this but all it is doing is sweeping the problem under the carpet. Better to have it out in the open as there is no shame in having a spirit of rejection as it was not your doing. Most likely you had no control over it at all. I know I didn't.

If there is anything else you want to know just ask.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Do you have a scripture for driving a car?
Do you have a scripture for using a computer?
Do you have a scripture for flying in a plane?

In case you had not realised, it is the Holy Spirit that leads you into all truth, not the bible. The bible is a tool that the Holy Spirit uses. Without him, no truth.

My experience is that the Holy Spirit causes you to fall down. If that is what he wants to happen why argue?

I was part of the ministry team at a conference. I teamed up with another minister who spoke on the subject of rejection. He called people forward for prayer at the end and there was a row of about 20 people. He started at one end and I started at the other end.

There was only one problem. I had no idea what to pray. As I stood there in front of the first person the words "He breaks the power of cancelled sin and sets the prisoner free" came into my mind. That is what I prayed. They fell to the ground. Same for the second person. When it came to the third person, I got partway through saying it and they fell to the ground. The next person I no sooner had put my hand on their head and started reciting and they went down. The next person I just stood in front of them and they went down.

No one asked God to knock them down. They just did. That is not the issue. The issue is what happened to the people who were prayed for and went down. Simple. They were delivered from a spirit of rejection. What is not good about that?
I can go along with falling down under the influence of the Spirit if it is a one-time event that sets a person free from a bondage, or is a life changing event. But when it happens to the same people every time they come forward for prayer, then I have serious doubts about it being of the Spirit, instead it would very well be of the flesh.
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Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
what is a spirit of rejection? that sounds like a problem I have in life. like being rejected by people you love?
I remember having friends in our local AOG church in Wellington NZ. They attributed every emotional problem as being a spirit of whatever. I disagreed with them over a doctrinal issue and was accused of having a spirit of variance! It sounded so ridiculous to me that I just laughed in his face. I found out several weeks later that he got caught up in homosexual encounters with the local transvestite community. His excuse was that he was trying to evangelise with them. Ha! I think he caught caught by a real demon spirit that caused his moral downfall. This is what happens to immature fools who think they know everything about spiritual forces.
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Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Usually a spirit of rejection is something that one is born with. Words are powerful and as the scripture says there is life and death in the power of the tongue.

In my case, I was abandoned by my parents when I was two weeks old. Obviously they had said they didn't want me and with those words came a spirit of rejection on me. I didn't know this or understand this until I was in my thirties. The speaking of those words opened the door to this spirit.

Everything in life is filtered through a spirit of rejection. It has been said that at least 50% of church leaders are operating out of a spirit of rejection. They are doing it to hide the fact they feel rejected and being a pastor give them some kudos and acceptance. These people cannot accept criticism of any kind and they tend to be perfection orientated. They do not know what it is to be normal.

A person who does not have a spirit of rejection does not give a damn what other people think of them. They are confident in who they are and in what they do. They do not always have to be trying to gain acceptance from other people. They are who they are and they like themselves.

The person who has a spirit of rejection is always on their guard to protect themselves from being rejected. They may succeed in this but all it is doing is sweeping the problem under the carpet. Better to have it out in the open as there is no shame in having a spirit of rejection as it was not your doing. Most likely you had no control over it at all. I know I didn't.

If there is anything else you want to know just ask.
It actually called a root of bitterness, and it can be rooted out only through deliverance through a well-experienced deliverance ministry, and not just falling down backwards after a 10 second prayer at the altar call in a meeting.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Wow! Thanks for answering and I am sorry about your story. :( That is sad. I thought maybe it was something I had but maybe not.

When I actually did fall in love, twice in my entire life, that's when I did get hurt and I really made a sincere effort to have that back and made it worse. The second time, not the first.

When my husband left, it was violent and traumatic, but it ended up being him saying, "Here's $75 and a pack of diapers to start over" and it ended up with some tears, a hug, and just a goodbye. It was mutual but my choice. I refused reconciliation. I think that was God saying, "Absolutely no more" and the Holy Spirit gave me the courage to shut it out and do it. It was NOT a godly relationship and would have way blocked God's plans for me. I had no plans on what to do either and my grandma had just passed away.

With the second, there was some spiritual experiences tied into that second one that made me/make me strongly believe that I am waiting on God to handle it, but the other part of me wonders if I've just had a sincere attachment to something that was designed to hurt me and if that wasn't God. It was a serious strong prophecy very REAL visitation years ago, but I had a lot of moments where I couldn't handle the waiting and I got tired of trying to "protect" this thing. It's confusing. It's hard. There's spiritual warfare.

I don't feel like doing that anymore whether it is real or not. I'm tired. If it was real, then I want someone else to pick up the slack and not just me. Otherwise I don't really see the point. I don't feel like doing that. Why would I want to be in a position where I have to feel self-conscious about every little thing that I say, or whether I'm doing the right thing or the wrong thing? Should I be there, should I not be there? Am I just supposed to be here? It does happen, how is said person even going to find me? It's not like I left with a list of ways to find me.

That's torture. Especially when it's every day for probably .... 1,956 days now. (Not exaggerating. Might be off by like a month or two, not sure.)

So there is something spiritually tied up in my mind with this person that I haven't talked to in like five years or whatever anyway and I seriously don't understand it. I am really good at not caring and letting go, but for some reason THAT time it was a direct hit. I've even gone down to repenting, praying off soul-ties, and trusting God for years for nothing to happen, and then every time I try to get away from it there is always something that pulls me back and says, "Sit down, trust me, and wait."

The hardest part about that extreme faith is it eliminates the possibility of closure until it comes to an end and I'm still stuck in it.

So that's what made me think it was a spirit of rejection drawing me towards this painful thing and not being able to get away from it, despite having actually gotten myself away from it as far as I emotionally/physically good. A year offline, got rid of anything pertaining to it, and it was still on my heart every day. I've gotten hobbies, done extra work at home, made new friendships and let go of old ones, worked on myself whole-heartedly, studied the Bible through and through, and it's like still there in my spirit to hold on. I don't know what to do about it.

Anyway that's my sob story, but the reason I thought that was it. Not really sure what I have.:) What irritates me the most (and makes me glad at the same time) is that that person is probably completely fine, doesn't care at all, has moved on completely, doesn't even remember me, probably thinks I'm nuts, and has zero feelings for me anyway and I'm sitting around like a bump on a log waiting for something to happen.

Edit: Wow that was really long, I'm sorry. LOTS of emotions. I'll try to clean it up a bit and make it shorter...
It appears to me that you need to be released from a soul bond with that person. It is that soul bond that holds you in bondage to that person. You may be free from him relationship wise, but there is still a spiritual bond that needs to be broken off you so that you can be free. A good book to read about breaking bondages is The Bondage Breaker, by Neill Anderson. You can download a PDF version of it. Going through the principles he outlines enables you to work with the Holy Spirit to regain your freedom in Christ. You don't need to sacrifice your privacy to anyone else because there are issues that are no one else's affair or business. I think we tend to bare our hearts to others when it is better to keep things between you and the Holy Spirit. Giving others free personal information about yourself can put you under a type of spiritual control from the person you share with.

I know the Scripture says that we should confess our faults to one another and pray for one another that we may be healed, but not every person can be trusted with deep personal information, and sharing with the wrong person can give them spiritual control over you.

That is my view for what it is worth.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Do you have a scripture for driving a car?
Do you have a scripture for using a computer?
Do you have a scripture for flying in a plane?

In case you had not realised, it is the Holy Spirit that leads you into all truth, not the bible. The bible is a tool that the Holy Spirit uses. Without him, no truth.

My experience is that the Holy Spirit causes you to fall down. If that is what he wants to happen why argue?

I was part of the ministry team at a conference. I teamed up with another minister who spoke on the subject of rejection. He called people forward for prayer at the end and there was a row of about 20 people. He started at one end and I started at the other end.

There was only one problem. I had no idea what to pray. As I stood there in front of the first person the words "He breaks the power of cancelled sin and sets the prisoner free" came into my mind. That is what I prayed. They fell to the ground. Same for the second person. When it came to the third person, I got partway through saying it and they fell to the ground. The next person I no sooner had put my hand on their head and started reciting and they went down. The next person I just stood in front of them and they went down.

No one asked God to knock them down. They just did. That is not the issue. The issue is what happened to the people who were prayed for and went down. Simple. They were delivered from a spirit of rejection. What is not good about that?
The problem with Pentecostals and Charismatics is that they treat everything supernatural and every manifestation as coming from the Holy Spirit. It seems that there is little or no perception that a manifestation could come from the flesh or even a demonic kundalini spirit.

The Scripture says to test all things and hold to that which is good. We have to ask about what is the spiritual outcome of a physical or sensual manifestation? Does it reflect the fruit of the Spirit, especially self-control, and does it bring a person closer in their heart to Christ? Those are the important questions about any form of falling backwards, shaking, jerking, uncontrolled laughter, public tongues without interpretation.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
It appears to me that you need to be released from a soul bond with that person. It is that soul bond that holds you in bondage to that person. You may be free from him relationship wise, but there is still a spiritual bond that needs to be broken off you so that you can be free. A good book to read about breaking bondages is The Bondage Breaker, by Neill Anderson. You can download a PDF version of it. Going through the principles he outlines enables you to work with the Holy Spirit to regain your freedom in Christ. You don't need to sacrifice your privacy to anyone else because there are issues that are no one else's affair or business. I think we tend to bare our hearts to others when it is better to keep things between you and the Holy Spirit. Giving others free personal information about yourself can put you under a type of spiritual control from the person you share with.

I know the Scripture says that we should confess our faults to one another and pray for one another that we may be healed, but not every person can be trusted with deep personal information, and sharing with the wrong person can give them spiritual control over you.

That is my view for what it is worth.
Thanks Paul! I did delete it because I thought my response was just too long/made me sound crazy, but I suppose if @marksman is interested, he can read it in your response. I think that's okay. It's the short story. I like Neil Anderson so I will definitely check it out. I don't think that person would look for me but there's still that possibility, so I don't really know. I Oh well, either way. Don't care. Not in my hands. Let God do or not do as he pleases.

There does seem to be a spiritual bond on my side and if it was a positive thing right now that would be fine. I would welcome it, but not if I am left alone to "figure it out". It's not something I would typically put up AT ALL and ever be willing to speak to someone ever again for, ever. I am pretty good at keeping my guard up and putting up walls, so the fact that I am willing if they come around and in this position is confusing to me.

That said, it would be a fair example of Christ-like forgiveness for both sides.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Had a long-running debate with a guy here on that question. I think for those who are chosen to receive consistently prophetic dreams, yes, it is a gift; more closely akin to a ministry. I know of at least two people who are like this, and they are entirely distinct from the typical believer who has dreams sporadically, and as the Lord so sees fit.
Yes I remember that debate and the name of the other participant. I believe it was in that thread that you and me first started to get to know each other... I essentially agreed with you on the issue. The other person has been missing here for a good while now... We should keep him in prayer.

Grunt Hemlock

Active Member
Feb 25, 2021
United States
quite sure it was not a phony - when the interpretation was given after a cell phone rang

Counterfeit money exists, we all know that. In working a cash register - we had to use a special pen on every bill 20 and up to check for counterfeit. But by and large, the existence of counterfeits does not stop us from using money, or dealing with authentic money as we should.

I disagree that the "problem with Pentecostals and Charismatics" is seeing the Holy Spirit in everything that happens.

Pentecostals and Charismatics are not ignorant of Satan's devices, or what people's flesh can do.

As far as attributing to the Holy Spirit things that are from demonic forces - I think that touches on the very definition of Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
@Mayflower ...My gifts are appearing and disappearing and random, but Jesus and Angels appear to be always with me as I believe they are for all Christians. So I'm happy :)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
It appears to me that you need to be released from a soul bond with that person. It is that soul bond that holds you in bondage to that person. You may be free from him relationship wise, but there is still a spiritual bond that needs to be broken off you so that you can be free. A good book to read about breaking bondages is The Bondage Breaker, by Neill Anderson. You can download a PDF version of it. Going through the principles he outlines enables you to work with the Holy Spirit to regain your freedom in Christ. You don't need to sacrifice your privacy to anyone else because there are issues that are no one else's affair or business. I think we tend to bare our hearts to others when it is better to keep things between you and the Holy Spirit. Giving others free personal information about yourself can put you under a type of spiritual control from the person you share with.

I know the Scripture says that we should confess our faults to one another and pray for one another that we may be healed, but not every person can be trusted with deep personal information, and sharing with the wrong person can give them spiritual control over you.

That is my view for what it is worth.

Bondage Breaker is a great book. That helped me tremendously.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
I disagree that the "problem with Pentecostals and Charismatics" is seeing the Holy Spirit in everything that happens.

I totally agree with this statement.
It makes me sad that people always will try to find the negative in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

It mostly comes from people who attend churches where they don't believe in the Gifts.

They say it's not for today. Bible says our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. He did not change.

Some people are “thoughtfully, willfully, and self-consciously rejecting the work of the Spirit.”
Their blasphemy is to deny the Spirit’s testimony and to knowingly ascribe it to some other (usually evil) source.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I had this dream last night. And I normally do not share, but it sounds like it relates.

I was at my old church of 8 years in the chapel, and pastor's wife was in the aisle. The teens were there, and her sons were in front of her. She blew on her first son's forehead, and her first son fell backward like slain in the spirit was described, slow motion, feather like. Then with her other son, she HIT his forehead, and he fell back hard like a rock to the ground. The other teens were gathering around and lining up. I felt like I needed to leave, so left and was just looking at the building from outside the fellowship hall/not the chapel where she was doing this. I was thinking about going back to my new church, that believes in tongues as a prayer language and everything, while I was watching.

That dream reminded me of the Coronavirus and two incidents that happened to two people, but happened from different things and in different ways. But I didn't check with God, but yeah it really sounded current with the times for some reason.

Something I learned that might not apply to everyone: I do get dreams, and they are so cryptic that I don't see it until after it happens, and I don't get interpretations for them from God a lot of the times, so I usually just ignore them and then when I see it happen are like "Oh yeah, that was it" like the earthquake dream where it got bigger at the end and was like a 7-8 magnitude and made the road wave like the ocean. And I think God wants it that way for me. I've had visions of my own tragedies and I don't like to know about it before if it can't be stopped somehow. So I learned a lesson: "don't predict someone's demise unless it is to prevent that demise".


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I totally agree with this statement.
It makes me sad that people always will try to find the negative in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
It mostly comes from people who attend churches where they don't believe in the Gifts.

There is always a few in every group who are "fake". But it doesnt mean as a whole it is. Look at Christianity in general. People call Christianity fake every day.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
That dream reminded me of the Coronavirus and two incidents that happened to two people, but happened from different things and in different ways. But I didn't check with God, but yeah it really sounded current with the times for some reason.

Something I learned that might not apply to everyone: I do get dreams, and they are so cryptic that I don't see it until after it happens, and I don't get interpretations for them from God a lot of the times, so I usually just ignore them and then when I see it happen are like "Oh yeah, that was it" like the earthquake dream where it got bigger at the end and was like a 7-8 magnitude and made the road wave like the ocean. And I think God wants it that way for me. I've had visions of my own tragedies and I don't like to know about it before if it can't be stopped somehow. So I learned a lesson: "don't predict someone's demise unless it is to prevent that demise".

I learn that dreams a lot of the times don't mean what I think they might. Dreams may hold warnings/words of knowledge/words of wisdom, but it can take one gifted in interpretation to bring it out. The Holy Spirit gives interpretation, but like Joseph, he was taught by his father. It isn't always a piece of cake to know what a dream means. I need to pray for interpretation more often. Just knowing interpretation brings greater responsibility I think. I think God would help me with that...but I really just want to be used by Him for His kingdom in whatever way is best. He can work in me to accomplish whatever He wills if I desire it. I desire the greater gifts. I just need to pray about it more, because I really want to be used in the areas I am needed most. I guess you call it helps, whatever. But I really do admire people like @Hidden In Him who is gifted in that area and knows how to present things well. The more you know, the more you grow.
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