When a believer dies, will he be with God as a sentient being right away?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2020
United Kingdom
I actually didn't realize this was the Bible Study forum because I pay no attention.
That doesn't surprise me!

I think I'll go with #1. It's no big deal - a good Christian can certainly believe in soul sleep, but such a Christian (it seems to me) is forced to live in a fearful, demon-haunted world and to worship a rather tiny, ineffectual God.
Such sweeping statements and assumptions! I do not worship a tiny, ineffectual God, nor do I live in fear of demons.

William Lane Craig is one of the premier Christian philosophers and apologists of modern times. I don't agree with everything he says, but I'm pretty sure he's not possessed by demons. Here is his biblical analysis as to why the doctrine of soul sleep is false:

His short article is full of errors right from the start! He says:

The inhabitants of Sheol are not called “souls” or “spirits” in the Old Testament but “shades” (rephaim) (Job 26.5; Psalm 88.10; Proverbs 2.18; 9.18; Isaiah 14.9; 26.14, 19).​

He hasn't done enough research to learn that the Rephaim were a tribe of people, giants, similar to the Nephilim (the offspring of fallen angels and human women - Genesis 6). The verses he quotes are not referring to all humans in the grave (Sheol) but just a specific group of people, and they were not fully human. For example, he references Isaiah 26:14:

Isaiah 26:13-14 (WEB):
(13) Yahweh our God, other lords besides you have had dominion over us, but by you only will we make mention of your name.​
(14) The dead shall not live. The departed spirits shall not rise. Therefore you have visited and destroyed them, and caused all memory of them to perish.​

Verse 13 refers to "other lords" beside God that had dominion over the Israelites. Verse 14 says that God has destroyed them. A literal translation of verse 14 is (YLT):

(14) Dead—they live not, Rephaim, they rise not. Therefore Thou hast inspected and dost destroy them, Yea, thou destroyest all their memory.​

The GNB paraphrases it as:

(13) LORD our God, we have been ruled by others, but you alone are our LORD.​
(14) Now they are dead and will not live again; their ghosts will not rise, for you have punished them and destroyed them. No one remembers them any more.​

Part of the reason for the worldwide flood was to destroy the crossbred Nephilim and Rephaim (the offspring of fallen angels taking on human form and breeding with human women). They will not be resurrected along with true humans.

I won't go on, but you shouldn't put your trust in this philosopher. Study the Bible more carefully to try to discover the real truth.

The person asking the question in the page you linked to quoted Ecclesiastes 9:10, which says:

(10) Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor plan, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol, where you are going.​

Along with Psalms 146:4 (WEB):

(4) His spirit departs, and he returns to the earth. In that very day, his thoughts perish.​

it is clear that means those in Sheol (grave, hell) cannot comunicate with anybody - dead people cannot interact with live people.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I doubt it.

Jesus resurrected Lazarus in John 11. When Lazarus died, I don't think he went up to heaven to be with God as a conscious acting being. If he did, then Jesus would have to pull him away from God and return him back to his earthly body. When a person dies, he becomes unconscious, and his soul is stored in a secure place.
ok..the spirit is then in a transitional state of storage 'under ice' in God's keeping until this earth reality ceases and then into the heavenly realm.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I actually didn't realize this was the Bible Study forum because I pay no attention.

That being said, my posts raise the question, "What should a rational, biblical Christian believe?"
An excellent topic for discussion….
1. What every major branch of Christianity has always taught and believed and is supported by a veritable mountain of actual human experience among believers and nonbelievers alike;
The fact that it is supported by a veritable “mountain of actual human experience” as evidence among “believers and nonbelievers alike”, should raise some concerns. Why? Because the devil takes people in an opposite direction to God, whilst making them believe that they are all headed for heaven……

The one outstanding thing about Israel’s worship, based on the word of God through his prophets, is that it taught nothing that was even similar to what the pagan nations believed…..

1) Israel’s God was “one” (Deut 6:4) and they had a multitude of gods often grouped in triads.

2) There was no conscious existence after death as in the grave, (Sheol) the dead sleep, incapable of conscious thoughts, feelings or actions. (Eccl 9:5, 6, 10)

3) Since there was no immortal soul to suffer (suffering requires consciousness), they saw death as something that all sentient beings suffer. (Eccl 3:19-20) The Jews did not have a hell of eternal torment, but pagans certainly did. God does not copy the pagans….but the devil will often copy God in his deceptions.

It must be noted however that the Jews were notorious for abandoning the truth of God’s inspired word to serve the gods of the nations, even sacrificing their children in the fire to Molech (Jeremiah 7:31) ….something for which God punished them on numerous occasions. Bad leadership was always to blame because the Jews demanded a human king, rejecting Jehovah as their rightful Sovereign. Humans being prone to corruption when given power, it was not unanticipated…..but God allowed them to do as they wished so that they could experience the awful consequences of their flawed decisions.

Therefore what the Jews came to believe in later periods, bears little resemblance to God’s word, once they had adopted belief in “life after death” from the pagan Greeks.

2. A doctrine taught by eccentric denominations that distinguish themselves by having non-mainstream views, views that force their followers to relegate a veritable mountain of human experience to "demons."
Note the terminology used here…..”eccentric denominations” “having non mainstream views“ that apparently “force their followers to to relegate a veritable mountain of human experience to demons”.
Right away you declare your position, which is not open to any disagreement on your part.
Your eyes, ears and heart are therefore closed to anything that might challenge your views.

Is that ever a good position to be in? What if all the Jews in the first century were persuaded to treat Jesus and his followers with the kind of contempt that you say all Christians should have for those who appear to be ‘fringe dwellers’.….not the genuine article because they do not conform to majority view….
Do you see that history is repeating and it can only do that if we ignore the lessons from the past….and are therefore doomed to repeat them?
I think I'll go with #1. It's no big deal - a good Christian can certainly believe in soul sleep, but such a Christian (it seems to me) is forced to live in a fearful, demon-haunted world and to worship a rather tiny, ineffectual God.
That is your opinion and like all opinions it is based on what you want to believe is true. Reading that you believe that your experience came from those nearest and dearest, right away the heart is involved and the devil is ruthless in using our emotions to sway people over to his way of thinking.
William Lane Craig is one of the premier Christian philosophers and apologists of modern times. I don't agree with everything he says, but I'm pretty sure he's not possessed by demons. Here is his biblical analysis as to why the doctrine of soul sleep is false:

WLC might be a renown “Christian philosopher and apologist of modern times”….but does that make his views correct?
Just reading through his claims right away sent me to the Bible to see what Isaiah wrote there in ch 14:9-11…..
WLC describes what he interprets from this passage directed to the King of Babylon….

“Ancient Israelites believed in some sort of ghostly existence after death in a place called Sheol.“

That straight away is nonsense. The original Jews or Israelites had no such belief from their scripture, as Solomon wrote in Eccl 9:5, 6, 10…..the dead are in a state of complete unconsciousness.

“The inhabitants of Sheol are not called “souls” or “spirits” in the Old Testament but “shades” (rephaim) (Job 26.5; Psalm 88.10; Proverbs 2.18; 9.18; Isaiah 14.9; 26.14, 19). They have a sort of shadowy existence as wraiths, diminished versions of themselves. Cut off from God, they cannot be said to be alive, physically or spiritually, but they nonetheless exist.“

Again this is nonsense…..
The “Rephaim” were a tall people or tribe. There is uncertainty as to the meaning and origin of the name. Likely, they were called Rephaim because of being descendants of a man named Raphah. At 2 Samuel 21:16 “ha·Ra·phahʹ“ (literally, the Raphah) seems to employ the father’s name to stand for the entire giant race.

Although some descriptions of Sheol, (Eccl 9:5,6,10) preclude a conscious life of the rephaim, other passages give a fuller description. An especially dramatic portrayal of the state of the denizens of Sheol is given in Isaiah’s taunt of the King of Babylon as in Isa 14:9-11. It is entirely figurative, not literal, or it argues with what the entirety of scripture teaches about the condition of the dead.

O’Darby said:
Obviously, when consciousness after death is and always has been believed by every major branch of Christianity and the biblical basis for this is explained by someone of the stature of William Lane Craig, it is NONSENSE to suggest that soul sleep is the only biblical position.

Putting your trust in people who promote themselves as so called experts in Biblical interpretation is playing right into the hands of the devil. Human egos are his playground….he laughs at the ease with which he beguiles these puffed up individuals, and the accolades they receive from others.….and in doing so gains all their followers. Pick your scholars…there are so many of them, all with different opinions….and views….who is right? How do you decide? Are your ears being tickled? (2 Tim 4:3-4)

Do you really know the origins of Christendom and her many denominations? Anyone who clings to anything that comes from the original apostasy foretold by Jesus and his apostles, is being led down the super highway to death…..(Matt 7:13-14) “Few” are found on the “cramped and narrow“ road to life…..there is a reason why the majority are not traveling the right road…..the devil gives them what they want to hear, not the God honest and often confronting truth that is contained in his word.

A convenient lie is chosen over an inconvenient truth….it has been that way since Eden.
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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
Grace_ambassador: Confusion of what is death...
Can you be more specific? I prefer to argue with precision.
Precious friend, more specific Biblical Precision for The Body Of Christ sentient (conscious)
souls @ death:

After Scriptural Content of "souls being conscious In the OT, Jesus on earth, and Revelation".
we also have this, from Christ in Heaven, To Paul, for The Body Of Christ:

...Scriptures Get Even Better! = Very Comforting!!:

c) ...(But now), for believers, Under God's Grace!:

In Christ's Revelation Of The Mystery To Paul, He Teaches:

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die IS GAIN!" (Philippians 1:21)​
"For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to DEPART {soul},​
And To Be WITH CHRIST; which IS FAR BETTER!" (Philippians 1:23)​
"Now He that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, Who​
also hath given unto us The Earnest of The Spirit. Therefore we are​
always Confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body,​
we are absent from The LORD: ( For we walk by faith, not by sight: )​

We are Confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body,
and to be Present With The LORD!" (2 Corinthians 5:5-8) Where?:​

"...Paradise in The Third Heaven!..." (2Co 12:1-4) = Very Comforting, Correct?:

Further Confirmed in Resurrection:

1Th 4:13 "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning​
them [ souls ] which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which​
have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so​
them [souls] also which sleep in Jesus Will God Bring With Him."​

God does Not Bring 'nothingness' but, living souls With Him!


"I AM The God of Abraham, and The God of Isaac, and The God of Jacob?
God Is not The God of the dead, but of the living." (Matthew 22:32)
