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  1. G

    The weight of sin, breaks the flesh apart! (breaking?)

    Hi there, So I am in a struggle at the moment: I've started to realise all the lovers in my life (from porn, to real life) need to be pointed to God. Confessing the sin, freed me, but then I started to notice something else: my flesh began splitting open! It's not an external thing, yet, but...
  2. G

    I am struggling with the notion of pre-destination - can flesh be predestined? (strong?)

    Hi there, So this is a doctrine of Jim Brown of Grace and Truth Ministries: that the believer is predestined to do good and go to Heaven. I haven't dug deeper than that, and already it is causing me problems (perhaps that I have not studied more deeply is part of the problem!). My problem is...
  3. G

    Please pray for the lovers of God

    Hi there, So I was going to request a different kind of prayer, but the Lord sort of lead me to be a little more selfless. Hence the prayer request for the lovers of God (of which there is at least one). I'm not praying that they all have passion at once, or the strength to hold out for a long...
  4. G

    Technique for responding to God's Grace (dealing with madness)

    Hi there, So I just developed a technique, which can put you in touch with God's Grace. For background, I have both ascertained that laughing at your cure can bring you closer to being well and that allowing God to share your struggle - within you - can ease the suffering of dealing with mental...
  5. MatthewG

    Where do you place your confidence?

    A short 6 minute video for your consideration.
  6. Behold

    Because Jesus took yours = God gave you His

    Reader, 1.) "Where there is no Law, there is no (sin) Transgression". This means... that The Born again are : "Not under the Law, but under Grace". All the born again are "made free from sin", having become "one with God" "In Christ". 2.) Why does this idea that a Believer has no sin...
  7. G

    The first thing that God creates (in the womb) is the *Spirit*, then comes the flesh (remember?)

    Hi there, So we are all children of God, right? And what does that mean, but that we are heirs of spirit? And why? Because we were created as spirit-beings from the very outset and thus understand that all things of God have a spiritual significance. Does this empower us? Yes, but it also...
  8. G

    Unorthodox? How about this: the book of Revelation is true for every world God ever created (in the universe)?

    Hi there, So I basically hang my hat on the verse that says "there are sheep of other folds, that I must go to" (from memory, the gospels) when it comes to the question of "are there aliens?". If we were just human and there were no aliens, Jesus would have said "I must keep winning souls of...
  9. MatthewG

    One commandment?

    ”The Father has loved us so much! This shows how much he loved us: We are called children of God. And we really are his children. But the people in the world don’t understand that we are God’s children, because they have not known him. Dear friends, now we are children of God. We have not yet...
  10. G

    Destroy the old world! Establish the new, with the words of Jesus! (daring?)

    Hi there, So basically, we need to be proclaiming. "Proclaiming what?" you ask. Proclaiming the old world dead, proclaiming the new world, alive in Jesus! The Holy Spirit will speak up for us, as long as we are proclaiming God's Word. Jesus escaped the old world, and without Him it can do...
  11. G

    We need to be on the front foot, the Devil wants to snare the nations, by provoking their world (angry?)

    Hi there, So I have been watching the Lord, looking to the Heavens and resisting the Devil (as best I can), and I have begun to perceive a pattern in the Devil's attacks. The Devil has made the nations of the world his focus, and wishes to bring them into a snare (that they are not for God)...
  12. G

    The life in Jesus, is like a new leaf! (growing?)

    Hi there, So I just realised that the words Jesus spoke about new wineskins - that you don't put new wine into old wineskins - applied to Jesus facing the cross. Jesus didn't try to put the old Jesus on the Cross, but tried to put the new Jesus on the Cross. This is a marvelous thing to me...
  13. G

    If we do not need to reinvent the faith, what do we do instead of reinventing it? (wait?)

    Hi there, So this is a fairly simple, but genuine question: if we do not need to reinvent the faith, what do we do instead of reinventing it? There is something we all do, in the spirit - which may be different for everyone - so fundamentally, we should be doing that? Right? I think for me...
  14. L.A.M.B.

    The Fight......

    Make no mistake we are in a battle. It is a fight unto the death. Choosing God we choose life and then our battle becomes a real" spiritual battle" against satan & his forces. How can we be prepared? Ephesians 6 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles...
  15. MatthewG

    What is that which defiles a person?

  16. G

    Don't just trust this or that scripture, trust the Word *itself* (holy?)

    Hi there, So this is a simple revelation, about the Word of God. Yes, we can trust this or that scripture - "What I say to you I say to everyone: Watch!" or "You shall be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect" - that's all well and good. Indeed the Devil will flee even if you resist him...
  17. G

    I was trying to concentrate and myna birds were making it impossible, but God stepped in to defend me!

    Hi there, So this is just a simple praise: I was concentrating on receiving calls (volunteering work) and I was getting distracted by myna birds (if you know them, they are quite the pest - constant almost monotone noise). I got to the point where I couldn't concentrate at all and started to...
  18. G

    Death is wise, in the eyes of the Law (prudent?)

    Hi there, So there is a simple proverb to learn, when it comes to death and the Law: What does this mean? It means that when you do wrong, there is a standard - of the difference between life and death - that ought to be heeded. For when you weigh the Law, it ought to be done with compassion...
  19. MatthewG

    You can not be my disciples, unless? (The Cost)

    Luke 14:25-35 The Cost of Being a Disciple With a large crowd was following Jesus. He turned around and said to them, Jesus always talked in Parables when others came around that were not his chosen apostles. They were allowed to know about what Jesus spoke about, however be it crowds or anyone...
  20. MatthewG

    Is this world your home?

    Hello to you and welcome, These will be hard sayings. Human beings in general can do great and wonderful things. They can have plenty of money, they can have jobs, they can have friends, they can even do good to their neighbors, they can be leaders, they can be in congress, they can be great...