A Closer Look at the Genesis Creation Account

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
To this day, I still shudder at the ignorance that still exists in the whole of hopelessly fractured Christendom...who can’t agree on anything except the fundamental doctrines formulated by an apostate church centuries after Jesus died.
What you are stating is that God's plan isn't working and that The Body of Christ is fractured and filled with false doctrines formed by an apostate church.
This is a complete lack of understanding what the Sovereignty of God means. Your faith is flawed. God has everything under control!
Everyone who was written into the Book of Life from the foundatuon of the world is accounted for. No one has been lost. Christ has accomplished all that He has set out to in the hearts of people. He factors our flaws into His plan - even yours.

The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches in 95 AD proves that sin, false doctrines abounded. Two churches were faithful and the rest were rebuked and needed to repent - no different from today. No church is perfect, some are more fruitful than others. There are 2.65 billion Christians - I mean people who believe that Jesus died for their sins and rose from the dead on the third day. They put their faith in Him - it was given to them. They trust the promises of Jesus. He says believe in Me and you will be saved.
I know JW's well, have them in my family. I love them. But they don't believe they are even saved, they are not sure. They somehow have to earn it and maybe sometime after Paradise comes they may receive salvation. They don't believe they are born again - think, I guess, that means the Resurrection. And spiritually, do they have an invisible self, one who communes with the Holy Spirit, Who lives inside them? This does not compute to them. To them, the Holy Spirit is a force. Their spirit is then a force, energy like the wind. Like a person gets motivated, enthusiastic about something - that is their sense of what their spirit is. That is part of our spirit, but it is more than a forceful, willful action. Our mind, will, emotions, the inner self that has been purified is our spirit, a person. We died to our old self and are made a new creature - NOW.
The JW, when they die, believe they go in the ground and sort of out of existence, a soul sleep if you will and their energy/force goes back to God. What goes back to God, a memory of who we were in God's mind? Still, we have to ask, is their uncertainty of their salvation true faith. Heb. 11:1 says faith is a sure thing, a substance, a confidence. Do you believe in Jesus' promise or not?

That is not the faith I was given. I believe in Jesus therefore Jesus has saved me. I have already been born again spiritually. My spirit is the pure spotless essence of me (mind, will, emotions, faith, love, hope, personality) _ apart from my flesh, where sin dwells. I am in Christ, spiritually. I am already in His eternal kingdom.
God dwells in me, I am the Temple of the Holy Spirit, God. This is not part of my physical body, my temple is my spirit. I am in Christ and Christ is in me. I commune with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I was baptized into their names. When I die, I go to be with the Lord, fully alert and conscious of the experience with no soul sleep, no waitng period (only for a new body). As Stephen died and asked Lord receive my spirit, it was so. As the thief next to Jesus was promised to be in Paradise today, it was so. But the invisible, purified me is my spirit.
The JW has their physical body, they believe, they obey Jesus, love, and hope. Heb. 11:1 describes that faith is certainty, a sureness of things not seen, things to come, specifically our salvation.
Some have weak faith, some strong faith. Some are knowledgable and others not so much. As our knowledge of the Lord grows, so does our faith.
God knows our divisions and differences and He is working with every single one of us. He is right on schedule and His will gets done through us.

So you think only a few centuries after Christ, the Church became apostate. That would imply that the gospel did not get spread throughout the world or a false gospel got spread. Was God's love missing for 1500 years or so ... until Charles Taze Russel came along to set things straight! L O L
The Catholic Church carried the gospel (along with many flaws) for a 1000 years or so until God intervened and the Reformation split the Church and brought more Biblical truth and cleaned house a bit , a major adjustment. Oh they still hold onto their traditions and false doctrines - but they believe the essentials as we all do, they have faith in Christ and do good - most of the time.
God's love and His Light has been shining down on the world. We could not have accomplished all that we have in history and persevered without it.
We can surely see the world in God's hand throughout history. We can see the faithful men who lived and died serving the Lord and his fellow man in every generation.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
This is a complete lack of understanding what the Sovereignty of God means. Your faith is flawed.
Aunty Jane is probably involved with some cult which believes that only they have the truth and all others are wallowing in error.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Aunty Jane is probably involved with some cult which believes that only they have the truth and all others are wallowing in error.
It is a sad story. God is merciful though. Our theology could be a mess but as long as we believe in the gospel message, which is fundamental and basic, we will be saved. We know in part and the part we know is not always the same part others know. The essentials, the good news: Christ died for our sins and rose on the third day according to the scriptures. So we do not have to pay for our sins - Christ did. We don't have to earn salvation, it is a gift. And when we believe, it is given to us at that time - we don't have wait for it.
Some Christians may believe that we have been visited by aliens from another planet or in Theistic Evolution, a 4 1/2 billion year old earth, etc; as long as they put their faith in Jesus, they will be saved. When we die, all these fallacies will disappear quickly and we will enter a new reality. Truth actually can be translated as reality, what is real. Then we will know.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I'm sorry...what? You believe that man was created before the dinosaurs? Where will I find that notion in scripture?
Man was created last.....the dinosaurs were long extinct before man came along. They were not on the ark.......were they?

The Hebrew word "day" is "yôm" and it basically means "a period of time"....a literal day or a span of many years. We even use the word that way ourselves....for example, we might say, ‘In our grandfather’s day,’ which would cover several years. The Bible speaks of the creative "days" all together as being performed in one “day,”.... “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth . . . in the day (yôm) that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.” So, a Biblical “day” may be a period of a thousand or many thousands of years.

The opening words of Genesis are a simple statement....."In the beginning God created...."....the beginning of what? Obviously the beginning of material creation. There is no timeframe between this opening statement and what follows as God prepared one planet for habitation.

According to Genesis the 6th "day" ended with a declaration from the Creator, that everything was "very good".
Then God rested on the 7th day, but there is no declaration as to its conclusion, as there was with all the other "days".
There is no indication that the seventh day has ended. It was left for things to work themselves out regarding obedience and the correct use of free will.

God 'acted' on all the previous creative "days" but on the 7th day he only 'reacted' to the choices made by his intelligent creation....those to whom he gave his attributes and qualities, needed to learn how to drive free will without harm to others. This is the day that will see all of God's creation come full circle. From rough beginnings to wanton and willful actions to the harm and distress of a world of mankind....God has allowed this time period to test us all out....both angels and humans. Only when he has set precedents by our actions and his responses, will he be able to get back to his original purpose for us, with no impediments to cause us further harm. Its actually a brilliant strategy.
Actually there were a few dinos on the ark. We know because we have the behemoth, and the leviathan.

The dinos were wiped out by a flood. Not a meteor. The earth after the flood could nt sustain these large creatures. So they eventually died off.

God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days, n the 7th he rested. And he tells us we should rest on the seventh also.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
God is a Creator......not a magician. Six literal days is not backed up by science.....in fact it makes Bible believers look like idiots to insist that creation took place in six literal earth days. What happened to the dinosaurs? Man did not lived at the same time as they did....and just as well! :eek:
Look up the meaning of the Hebrew word "day" and see...it doesn't just mean a 24 hour period.

The keeping of the Sabbath law was only for Israel and it guaranteed that they would have at least one day to rest and devote time to spiritual things. No Sabbath observance was required for Christians.

What is one meaning of a day to God, according to Peter? (2 Peter 3:8)
Look to God, who is omnipotent. And not to science.

The evening and the morning were the first day. Only people who want to try to make the earth billions of years old to explain what science apparently sees think otherwise.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I am a Christian who does not believe that Jesus is Almighty God. I believe that he is what he called himself...”the son of God”. The Bible does not teach that Jesus is part of a godhead.
The trinity doctrine was not officially accepted into “the church” until the fourth century. Jesus never once said that he was God.
Well this is your first mistake.

If you do not know the creator. How can you understand creation?
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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Genesis 1

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,a]">[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

i sometimes wonder if mankind in chapter 1 is different from the man in chapter 2
Genesis 2

7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.

And I sometimes wonder if Adam and Eve were created specially for God and placed in the specially created garden of Eden which was then set apart from the 'mankind' in the rest of the world in chapter one.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
i suppose the question is, are you here on this forum to learn?? I can tell you im not. If i want to learn, i’ll go to the puritan board or another similar reformed site. I joined here to see what its like, i see more bad theology than good. Reformed people are far and few between on here. A shame really, a simple reorganizing the denominations could really spruce this place up.
If your not here to learn. Your already in a bad spot. We should always be open to the fact we may be wrong in things we were taught. If we are enclosed minded. Our sanctification as far as the word goes will be quenched. Because we have deemed we know it all

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Are you are trying to push Theistic Evolution, an old earth theory which distorts the Genesis account?
It was an order of creative events listed within each earthly day period. And btw, time is part if our physical dimension, Einstein proved that. It cam be altered by gravity or speed.
You can't get around the scripture that describes how long a day is:
"And God said, " Let there be light, and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from darkness. God called the light day and the darkness He called night. There was evening and morning, the first day." Gen. 1:3-5
Did you get that? Morning + evening = 1 day

On the 4th day He made the moon which sheds light during the evening and the sun during the day.
There is a difference between spiritual light which exists in the spiritual dimension, light radiates from God in heaven and physical light which God created in our physical universe. Light has particles and waves. Now on the first day, this light did not come from stars, the sun or moon since they were not yet created until the 4th day. This light was from God, which transcended from the spiritual into the physical. Man has seen this Light from the skekinah glory, Jesus transfiguration or any other theophany appearance, or angels.
This physical light is complex and not fully understood, nor is the universe because it is missing some key unknown spiritual forces responsible for it's construction. Scientists try desperately to figure it out, creating theories like quantom mechanics or even machines that have identified what they call the God particle ( Higgs boson). I guess they claim that is the smallest particle? Have you seen that machine they created just to locate this particle - and they jump for joy, as if it is some kind of achievement.
But God confounds them. The most intelligent, like Stephen Hawkings, who died an atheist, could not figure cause of the universe.

Vegetation was created on day 3.
Good bacteria must have been created with animals and man. Harmful bacteria, viruses and diseases all came about as a result of sin that distorted and corrupted not only man but the entire creation.

Don't be duped by the theories of fools.

Like it will be in heaven, when the light will be from the throne itself. And there will be no darkness.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
No way! What I am doing is showing how science and the Bible are compatible...not at odds in some of these things.
I am not a proponent of theistic evolution. Far from it.
However I do understand the difference between “adaptation” (proven by science to take place within a single “kind” of creature) and "organic evolution"....All adaptation does is create variety within a species, which we know the Creator loves.
Darwin, for example saw many varieties of finches which had adapted to island life. These were not becoming new kinds of birds, but adapted varieties of the same kind of bird. Every creature has the ability to adapt to new environments and food sources....even humans.

Actually you have read right over a very important point.....it wasn’t “morning + evening”....."there was evening and morning”.....the Jewish “day” began at sundown and continued to sundown the next day......so how long is it between evening and morning? Not 24 hours, is it? So when we say that an era has ended and a new one has begun, isn’t it appropriate to say that the sun went down on that era and rose again in a new one...the “dawn of a new era”......

Qualifying what a "day" is on earth, in no way alters how long a Genesis "day" was.

The Genesis “days” do not argue with established science.....They have to be compatible because God created what science studies. What it can’t establish by any real proof is how life began, and thereafter evolved into all the life forms that have ever existed, with no intervention by an intelligent Creator.....that is where the nonsense lies...not with the Creation account itself....or with what science knows and can prove. These are not incompatible at all. A careful reading of Genesis with a good Concordance removes all doubt. YEC’s have it all wrong and sticking to that ridiculous notion that flies in the face of provable science, has caused many to lose faith.

How much of that is pure speculation? You have spun that out to say what you want it to, but that is not what scripture says. “The heavens and the earth” were all created together....in one action (according to Genesis 1:1). The sun, moon and stars were already in existence, but not visible from earth’s surface as Job explained...the earth was covered by thick clouds that would have allowed enough light for photosynthesis, but it didn’t allow the heavenly bodies that were already there, to be seen. God removed the cloud cover.

1 Corinthians 1:19. 1 Corinthians 2:6. Matthew 11:15.
Man was never going to use his intelligence to know what God knows.

Since bacteria is necessary for conditioning the soil by breaking down the dead vegetation, those good bacteria must have been present along with the vegetation. It was sentient creatures that were created on the 5th and 6th “days”. There were no animals to eat the vegetation for quite some time, because the “days” were not 24 hour periods. It is ridiculous to think so....and against what science can actually prove. God is a Creator not a magician. He is not constrained by earth time. Like all artists, he takes his time over his works in order to perfect them. Why else would he end each “day” with a declaration as to his satisfaction thus far? There was no "poofing".

The bad bacteria were probably always there too, but the human immune system would not have allowed them to harm humans. We were created perfect, remember? No defects until sin entered into the world. This is what brought sickness, ageing and death. And human behavior since has increased the rate and severity of our fallen state. I believe that our interference with the earth’s natural cycles, and the introduction of poisonous chemicals into our lives from many sources, especially from the 20th century, has also altered the health of animals.
We hardly live a healthy lifestyle in this day and age....with less excuse not to.

Can I give you the same advice....?
Can you tell me what part of that explanation was arguing with scripture?
Physical science can be explained by a Global flood.

Don;t be decieved by thinking science can understand what was at the begining. Even peter warns us in the last days how people will be deceived by the idea that things continue as they were since creation.

Gen 1: 1 is the origional state of creation

The rest of the chapter is God taking this and forming it into the earth and universe which would do what God intended it to do.

Hold life
Give light
feed and nurture and give a place to live for whom it was created for. Mankind. Up until mankind decided to rebel against his creator, and the earth started to die.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Part 2...

Yes, but why must they be confined to 24 hour periods when Genesis itself allows for each “day” to be as long as God needs it to be? Why are you placing limits of God’s use of a word in Hebrew that means the same as it does in English. When we speak of our grandparent’s “day”, we are not speaking about a 24 hour period, are we? What is the real deal about this? It makes no sense to me.
Evening and morning are the first day

Just because the hebrew CAN allow for something does not mean it MUST

Evening and morning is what gives it sway, and should be the determining factor.

We would have to distort the word

Light was the first thing God said he provided to the earth...why? Because the two elements necessary for life are water and light. Water covered the entire surface of the earth so it was already part of creation, but so was light in all the "heavens" that God brought into existence. So many stars, some that would dwarf our own sun. But light was brought to earth’s surface so that life could begin with the creation of vegetation. There was obviously enough light for photosynthesis to take place, but not enough for the luminaries to be clearly seen from the earthly perspective.
Implication can also work against you. This is logical to me by the process of elimination.

No, that is not correct IMO. When God means “create” he says so. The implication is your own. It fits with what you have chosen to believe.....but it’s not there. The opening statement in Genesis 1:1 says that the earth along with the heavens was "created" already, before God prepared planet earth for habitation.
Sun, moon and stars were already present, but not visible from the earth’s surface because of cloud layers. (Job 38:4, 9) Let the Bible explain itself.
yes created,

All verse one says is God created the heavens and the earth it does not tell us how

Thats what the rest of Chapter 1 does
Actually death as a result of sin was passed only to human kind. So the rest of creation was not really subject to the cursing of the ground, which did not produce food for the humans that they were used to. God said that they were to "eat bread" when they had never had such a thing. They were exclusively fruitarians before their eviction. Animals were provided with vegetation, but they were not confined to the diet that humans would now be reduced to. They had to grow grain to make flour and bake bread. The ground was cursed so that its yield would not be plentiful. "In the sweat of his face", Adam would now produce food for his family. It was designed to make the humans realize what they had thrown away.
Actually God himself killed flesh to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. And he also said the ground was cursed. Animals then lost food and were forced to eat flesh.

This is true....Revelation 21:3-4 gives us a glimpse of that wonderful time....but it will be on earth among "mankind" not in heaven where many Christians imagine themselves to be going....
"I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

The "former things" are the awful elements of a world ruled by the devil with his willing human and demonic minions. (1 John 5:19)
After dispatching wicked humanity, satan and his hordes will be going into a prison for 1,000 years whilst Jesus and his elect bring humankind back into reconciliation with God. That is what the Kingdom is for.....to get us back to Paradise where God put us in the first place.

To me, Christendom has completely lost the original plot.....
I agree.

But we should not make the origin plot something that it is not

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Jesus is the life, but God the Father is the creator, Jesus is the only begotten son of God.
Um no

Jesus, with the father, is the creator

Col 1: 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Genesis 1

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,a]">[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

i sometimes wonder if mankind in chapter 1 is different from the man in chapter 2
Genesis 2

7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.

And I sometimes wonder if Adam and Eve were created specially for God and placed in the specially created garden of Eden which was then set apart from the 'mankind' in the rest of the world in chapter one.
Gen. 1 is an outline, Gen. 2 goes back and fills in the details. This was a typical Hebrew style of communication. We see this throughout scripture.
We see Gen. 1:1 as a topical sentence - God created everything, then verse 2 goes into the order of His creation, then in chapter two further details.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Gen. 1 is an outline, Gen. 2 goes back and fills in the details. This was a typical Hebrew style of communication. We see this throughout scripture.
We see Gen. 1:1 as a topical sentence - God created everything, then verse 2 goes into the order of His creation, then in chapter two further details.
Thank you for the explanation. :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
I am a Christian who does not believe that Jesus is Almighty God.

The Bible's Jesus is somewhat complex. He's Adam's biological progeny just
like everybody else, and seeing as how Adam was a created being, then
Jesus has to be reckoned a created being too, viz: Jesus is fully human in
body, soul, spirit, and origin.

So then, if Jesus is certifiably a human being whose origin was dust per Gen
2:7, then how is it that so many Christians insist he's God?

Well; I can only speak for myself in regards to this particular conundrum.
Others will have to speak for their own selves.

Back in 2014, Michelle J. Howard became the first-ever female four-star
Admiral in the U.S. Navy. Was Ms.Howard born a four-star Admiral? No, she
was promoted to that rank.

When Jesus ascended to Heaven forty days after his resurrection, he became
the very first-ever human being to become God. Was Jesus born God? No,
he was promoted to that rank as a reward for his invaluable service to both
God and Man; so that now people have to address Jesus, and respect him,
as the ultimate supreme being. (Eph 1:15-22 and Phil 2:7-11)

Rev 22:16 . . I am the bright morning star.

By comparing Isa 14:12, Luke 10:18, and Rev 2:26-28; it can be readily
deduced that the Bible's morning stars are persons wielding political power.
But none are as radiant as Christ because he's the signet promised to
Zerubbabel in Hag 2:21-23. In other words: Jesus wields the power of God
so much so that he is in the position of God as God.

Rev 1:8 . . I am the Alpha and the Omega-- says the Lord God --who is,
and who was, and who is to come: the Almighty
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The theories that Aunty Jane is proposing come from the silence of the scriptures and as such they are just conjecture on her part. There is no scriptural backing for her opinion.
There is a lot of conjecture passed off as scripture on this thread. The creative “days” do not need to be 24 hour periods, and no one seems to understand that in the big scheme of things, nothing is altered by seeing them as extended periods of creation, not *poofing* like magic.

I believe that the Bible does not go against science in this respect. The Bible is not anti-science because science is the study of what God created. Many Christians are themselves scientists who know where to draw the line between fact and theory. It’s a pity that YEC’s cannot see that line and deny everything. This is not an either/or question...there is middle ground that allows true and provable science to agree with the Bible. It does so in many ways if you just open your eyes and see that this solves so many dilemmas that YEC’s have created by sticking blindly to their 24 hour literal days.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The Bible's Jesus is somewhat complex. He's Adam's biological progeny just like everybody else, and seeing as how Adam was a created being, then Jesus has to be reckoned a created being too, viz: Jesus is fully human in
body, soul, spirit, and origin.

So then, if Jesus is certifiably a human being whose origin was dust per Gen 2:7, then how is it that so many Christians insist he's God?
That is just the point....Jesus could not be Adam’s biological progeny because Adam and his wife became genetically corrupted by sin. It had to be genetic because all of their offspring inherited the same defects. (Romans 5:12) Jesus was a perfect creation of God like Adam was in the beginning. His life was transferred to the womb of a Jewish virgin so that Jesus could never be corrupted by sin unless he too chose to disobey his Father. He had free will and that is why the devil tempted him. Unlike Adam, Jesus maintained his loyalty to God.

In order to redeem the human family, Jesus had to surrender his perfect sinless life for the one Adam lost for his children. Only then could the scales of justice be balanced. No sinful human had the redemption price.

By comparing Isa 14:12, Luke 10:18, and Rev 2:26-28; it can be readily deduced that the Bible's morning stars are persons wielding political power.
But none are as radiant as Christ because he's the signet promised to Zerubbabel in Hag 2:21-23. In other words: Jesus wields the power of God so much so that he is in the position of God as God.
Well first of all it must be stated that Jesus never interfered with the politics of the nation that dominated his people. He was neutral with regard to political power and never ever spoke of political interference even though his nation was oppressed by Rome at the time. Jesus had the power to command angelic forces that could have eliminated the Roman Empire and freed his people, but he never did. It was not the time to remove the political powers whom God had handed over to the devil (Luke 4:5-7)....that was set for the “time of the end”, spoken about in the prophesies of Daniel. In the meantime Jesus did admonish his disciples to be “NO PART OF THE WORLD”, which included its politics. He said that his Kingdom was not exercised through political power. (John 18:36)

In the time of the present world powers, constantly at odds with each other over something, there would basically be two world alliances who would constantly be engaged in pushing each other. In the book of Daniel they are identified as “the king of the North” and the “king of the South” (Daniel 11:40).....we saw how these alliances created a clear division between these two blocks of nations in the two world wars of last century. These powers still push each other and threaten war, but the time will come when God will intervene and put them both out of existence, and then He will bring in the rulership of his own Kingdom and undo all the damage done by worldly powers under the control of the devil. (Daniel 2:44; 1 John 5:19)

We are very close to that time right now because the present world rulership is the last one mentioned in the book of Daniel. It is in the days of the present “kings” that God will act and bring in his rulership...the one we were meant to have from the beginning....the one we never even got a chance to experience. (Revelation 21:3-4) These are exciting times.....

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
And I sometimes wonder if Adam and Eve were created specially for God and placed in the specially created garden of Eden which was then set apart from the 'mankind' in the rest of the world in chapter one.
If all mankind did not descend from Adam, then the redemption of the human family by the sacrifice of Jesus is meaningless. His life cancelled the debt that Adam left to his children.

Adam and his wife were to spread the boundaries of their paradise home to encompass the whole earth....with the expansion of the human family more workers would be produced to carry out the work of transforming the whole world into a garden of Eden.....they had the blueprints and the instructions....all they had to do to enjoy a satisfying and idyllic life was to obey one simple command......and we would not be having these conversations. :(


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
If all mankind did not descend from Adam, then the redemption of the human family by the sacrifice of Jesus is meaningless. His life cancelled the debt that Adam left to his children.

Adam and his wife were to spread the boundaries of their paradise home to encompass the whole earth....with the expansion of the human family more workers would be produced to carry out the work of transforming the whole world into a garden of Eden.....they had the blueprints and the instructions....all they had to do to enjoy a satisfying and idyllic life was to obey one simple command......and we would not be having these conversations. :(
Thank you @Aunty Jane