America is an insane asylum

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I would not eliminate Social Security. I would clean it up so that those who never paid into your benefits unless they have unique problems that deserve help.

I would also take better care of veterans.
well wadr the inference was to a pop rebublican pastime see, but somehow now we have switched to our fave subject right

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
i sat under a old preacher man this has been over 20 years ago made the statement were going to start seeing things we though we would never see. i said amen know i wonder what he was telling us . i dont find either political party holding morals as a standard on the years to come the Republican party will back lgbt rights and abortion. they all drink get drunk cheat on there spouse .the Ephesus church left their first love Pergamos allowed the doctrine of Balaam, to filter in Thyatira had a Jezebel spirit in it .. sounds like the denoms of today as a lot person i was raised in the UMC i am 57 been married over 30 years before i quit going lgbt was never heard of .the southern baptist has sexual trouble among them Lutherans Presbyterians all has division.. if your not the certain flavor/denom/member your not allowed to do anything but sit.. if you join a different denom as a christian you have to be baptized again.. wonder if christ come back in human forum wrote letters today what would he have to say.. what a mess? maybe
The old preacher's words were prophetic - I wonder how he knew. I cannot believe what's happening now; everything seems so strange. What's right is wrong and what's wrong is right. I'm apparently still back in the stone ages because I still hold old-fashioned beliefs and I don't want things changing. Many people in both political parties are degenerate, which is why they shouldn't be ruling over us. It's been proven that psychopaths clamor after power, so it helps us to understand why everything is such a mess. I keep asking God to raise up Christians to assume those positions. Someone above spoke about the church being weak, and I think that's a lot of it, or almost all of it. Christians should have never stood by while so much was allowed. Scripture says "not many should be teachers" but look at some of the willy-nilly preachers who don't want to talk about sin; they promote heresy. Scripture says where to 'spur one another on to good works' so I hope we can do that with urging each other to take part in our society now, to better it, because after we're gone, there won't be anyone left to know how good society can actually be. You don't go to church anymore? I honestly don't know how God can watch all that's going on. "Thou are of purer eyes than can behold iniquity..." Sometimes I get that strong craving to experience God's holiness.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
the OLD Methodist was grounded and rooted.. i been told how they use to be.. the UMC is run by a conference -united .i have been back to the church i was raised in and preached jesus preached heaven is sweet hell is hot .of course i still have a aunt and uncle there . growing up in there they did preach Bible ..that is why i left i took communion as a lost person.. i was told the truth so i left looking for a reason
My Nan used to take us to her Methodist church and my Nan was a very moral woman and from what I recall, the Methodist church back then was quite strict.

I wonder at what point things began to change and why. Does anyone know?

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
a prepper i believe Jesus could return at any given time if that makes me a prepper i reckon i is

Jesus was a prepper
John 14 King James Version (KJV)
14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and "prepare a place for you " , I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
We just started prepping. My husband bought 3 big plastic containers to fill with water, and I bought some freeze-dried fruit. We have a ways to go yet.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
history is written and taught by the winners, after we have been properly sequestered, I guess. That is how countries are turned into nations, congregations are turned into churches, and the Reserve becomes Federal, I guess. Mice given a choice between food and coke will choose coke until they die, I hear; imo same principle at work there prolly
well, we are in a nation in the Decadence stage now, so imo that would naturally manifest that pov anyway...and I could suggest that you pluck your right eye out but I'm tired of making enemies...ha so I'm torn now bc I happen to respect you, and it would certainly serve me better to just sell you a bomb shelter or something I guess. There is a passage about those who say things used to be better though, fwiw.

I guess summer is upon us here in S Fl, believe it or not. The news is typically about 4 degrees off here for some reason, like playing it down, I was skeptical of this at first so I went and got 3 pretty accurate thermos, at least they always agree, dunno

I think these next few years are going to be interesting.

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
We just started prepping. My husband bought 3 big plastic containers to fill with water, and I bought some freeze-dried fruit. We have a ways to go yet.
I once worked with a man that was a prepper,scared to death always spouting off about how tribulation is any minute now. He’s dead now I think all the fear and anxiety finally got him. It’s amazing I worked with him 9 years he could tell you anything you wanted to know about the wrath of God. Never once heard him speak of his mercy.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I once worked with a man that was a prepper,scared to death always spouting off about how tribulation is any minute now. He’s dead now I think all the fear and anxiety finally got him. It’s amazing I worked with him 9 years he could tell you anything you wanted to know about the wrath of God. Never once heard him speak of his mercy.
That's a shame that no one tried to help him achieve a balance. Everything requires a balance.

We just started doing a little prepping because I kept hearing the same warning over and over, from multiple sources. "The prudent sees the evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
The old preacher's words were prophetic - I wonder how he knew. I cannot believe what's happening now; everything seems so strange. What's right is wrong and what's wrong is right. I'm apparently still back in the stone ages because I still hold old-fashioned beliefs and I don't want things changing. Many people in both political parties are degenerate, which is why they shouldn't be ruling over us. It's been proven that psychopaths clamor after power, so it helps us to understand why everything is such a mess. I keep asking God to raise up Christians to assume those positions. Someone above spoke about the church being weak, and I think that's a lot of it, or almost all of it. Christians should have never stood by while so much was allowed. Scripture says "not many should be teachers" but look at some of the willy-nilly preachers who don't want to talk about sin; they promote heresy. Scripture says where to 'spur one another on to good works' so I hope we can do that with urging each other to take part in our society now, to better it, because after we're gone, there won't be anyone left to know how good society can actually be. You don't go to church anymore? I honestly don't know how God can watch all that's going on. "Thou are of purer eyes than can behold iniquity..." Sometimes I get that strong craving to experience God's holiness.

I am almost 68. When I was around 10 the old-timers and even some young ones like me so things were headed.

It was so obvious but today fewer and fewer people are able to see it.

For my whole life I've watched the number of Christians, real Christians, shrinking while cults, false doctrines and other religions have grown.

The Bible paints a portrait of today in the seven churches of Revelation.

Just look at the reformed churches, Catholic and very little liberal churches to see the reality.

That is why so many literal Bible only believers have left denominations.

As well they have nothing to offer people seeking God.
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
That's a shame that no one tried to help him achieve a balance. Everything requires a balance.

We just started doing a little prepping because I kept hearing the same warning over and over, from multiple sources. "The prudent sees the evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished."
Exactly what I would tell him. Glad Jesus didn’t hide!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
America is an insane asylum

America the Nation ~
...Never had a National Religion

America the Nation ~
...Never was a Democracy

America the Nation ~
...Never had appointed/elected/entitled Rulers

America the Nation ~
...Never had a Gov't controls everything Law

America the Nation ~
...Never had a Law to tax everything

America the Nation ~
...Never had a Law authorizing Theft

America the Nation ~
...Never had a Law authorizing FREE Ride

America the Nation ~
...Never had an open Law, anyone welcome

America the Nation ~
...Is a Republic
...Has Welcomed, foreigners who desired to Assimilate, Conform, Be an Asset, Be American.

America the Nation ~ is:
Being handed to Foreigners
Being handed to Foreign Faiths
Being handed to Foreign Governments
Being handed to Foreign Allegiences

Americas Children ~ are:
Being taught/brainwashed
Being conditioned
Being recruited
Being soldiers for foreign invaders & instigators

Teach a child ~ EVERYTHING is FREE ~
Teach a child ~ They deserve Everything ~
Teach an Adult with a Childs Mindset ~
You will have the same result.

And you have Captured "their" Allegience ~
Now git to gittin and git those Babies "ENROLLED" early in the Gov't sanctioned brainwashing, conditioning, recruitment, centers;
"We still call by its oxymoron name" ~
"Independent Public School Districts".

LOL ~ Nothing "Independent" about them.

An "OPPRESSIVE" regime itself THRIVES on it:
Being the "RULER"
And the People being the "DEPENDENTS".

America the Republic was ~
Never established to have "RULERS"
The People to be "DEPENDENTS"

So much FOCUS on a US President...
While the Law-Makers are being infiltrated with brainwashed, conditioned, anti-Republic Liberty.

Glory to God,
Division among the People, sets the stage for Separation of the Divided.

Jesus came to Divide.
The Division effects EVERY Nation...
Religiously and Secularly...

When you SEE the Division before your EYES.
When you FEAR the Division as you DRIFT into the "minority"...

Remember..Many are called...FEW are Chosen.

Do not FEAR....TRUST God.

God Bless,


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
That's a shame that no one tried to help him achieve a balance. Everything requires a balance.

We just started doing a little prepping because I kept hearing the same warning over and over, from multiple sources. "The prudent sees the evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished."
Ok but we can apply that to today, and thus honor give no thought for tomorrow at the same time I guess. Plus notice it doesn't say "and prepares himself"
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I am almost 68. When I was around 10 the old-timers and even some young ones like me so things were headed.

It was so obvious but today fewer and fewer people are able to see it.

For my whole life I've watched the number of Christians, real Christians, shrinking while cults, false doctrines and other religions have grown.

The Bible paints a portrait of today in the seven churches of Revelation.

Just look at the reformed churches, Catholic and very little liberal churches to see the reality.

That is why so many literal Bible only believers have left denominations.

As well they have nothing to offer people seeking God.

I wonder if it's because Satan is blinding them. We've tried a number of churches and I didn't see many hold to the bible. They thought they did. I saw where our children were turned off by the hypocrisy so I know that many many people who could be filling churches today are staying home. Many churches today won't teach truth; they're following their own version of Scripture. Truth has been supplanted with whatever predilection suits the pastor or church leaders. The older I'm getting, the more that I see how truth has been trampled on.

2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine...

I don't know how Christians can't be troubled by what they see today. Everything going on is exactly described in Scripture so I suppose that's what we're to hold onto, because we know that the great 'falling away' has to take place. Still, I wish that God would "shorten the days" because todays world is inhospitable to Christians.

2 Thessalonians 2, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,"

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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Exactly what I would tell him. Glad Jesus didn’t hide!

I'm surprised his pastor or co-workers didn't speak with him. I've never known anyone who was that frightened of the tribulation that they lived in anxiety and fear that led to their demise. Something like that sounds like an attack from the dark side.

When I first came to God, the evil one tried every ruse to get me to turn away. I used to actually be attacked with the thought that if I came to God, He would send me to be a missionary in some far-off land. So if I were to guess I'd say your co-worker may have been under attack.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
America is an insane asylum

America the Nation ~
...Never had a National Religion

America the Nation ~
...Never was a Democracy

America the Nation ~
...Never had appointed/elected/entitled Rulers

America the Nation ~
...Never had a Gov't controls everything Law

America the Nation ~
...Never had a Law to tax everything

America the Nation ~
...Never had a Law authorizing Theft

America the Nation ~
...Never had a Law authorizing FREE Ride

America the Nation ~
...Never had an open Law, anyone welcome

America the Nation ~
...Is a Republic
...Has Welcomed, foreigners who desired to Assimilate, Conform, Be an Asset, Be American.

America the Nation ~ is:
Being handed to Foreigners
Being handed to Foreign Faiths
Being handed to Foreign Governments
Being handed to Foreign Allegiences

Americas Children ~ are:
Being taught/brainwashed
Being conditioned
Being recruited
Being soldiers for foreign invaders & instigators

Teach a child ~ EVERYTHING is FREE ~
Teach a child ~ They deserve Everything ~
Teach an Adult with a Childs Mindset ~
You will have the same result.

And you have Captured "their" Allegience ~
Now git to gittin and git those Babies "ENROLLED" early in the Gov't sanctioned brainwashing, conditioning, recruitment, centers;
"We still call by its oxymoron name" ~
"Independent Public School Districts".

LOL ~ Nothing "Independent" about them.

An "OPPRESSIVE" regime itself THRIVES on it:
Being the "RULER"
And the People being the "DEPENDENTS".

America the Republic was ~
Never established to have "RULERS"
The People to be "DEPENDENTS"

So much FOCUS on a US President...
While the Law-Makers are being infiltrated with brainwashed, conditioned, anti-Republic Liberty.

Glory to God,
Division among the People, sets the stage for Separation of the Divided.

Jesus came to Divide.
The Division effects EVERY Nation...
Religiously and Secularly...

When you SEE the Division before your EYES.
When you FEAR the Division as you DRIFT into the "minority"...

Remember..Many are called...FEW are Chosen.

Do not FEAR....TRUST God.

God Bless,

That pretty much sums up contemporary America.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Does everyone know that the "Green New Deal" bans the use of toilet paper? That's the kind of insanity that Ocasio is pushing. We're in a giant insane asylum. That's what it feels like.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
That pretty much sums up contemporary America.

Contemporary today America...yep...

Every nation (people's) are in ON the breakdown; ethics, honor, morals, trust....

Wicked still use the terms publically;
And the public is none the wiser;
The wicked have changed the meanings of those words.

A means to an end...
At all costs...
By any means necessary...
Whatever it takes...
The end justifies the means...
By hook or by crook...

Glory to God,