Are Mormons Christians? (Latter Day Saints)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
The arrogance is stunning to lecture a denominational member on their doctrines! Who do you think you are, God gift to doctrinal purity?
Someone had asked the question about Morman beliefs compared to Christian beliefs. I'm lecturing no one, so get off your high horse! I've posted some LDS material from an LDS website, which seems to driving you crazy, or something.

It sounds to me that truth is a problem for some! Why is it such a problem for you that I am posting this material?

Once again you falsely sit presuming to be my judge. Who do you think you are??

Much love! Yes, even so!

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Many problems in the church today are caused by ‘mixture’ which undermines not only the word of God but God’s authority and sovereignty.

In the Old Testament there are many descriptions of how God’s people turned to worshipping other gods and idols made of base materials by human hands and his subsequent punishment of such behaviour.

It has been shown to me that these people had not entirely abandoned God, the Holy One of Israel, but that they had taken up these other gods AS WELL AS Almighty God. This is where the ‘Mixture, comes in. It waters down peoples’ perspective of God and distracts from his power and authority.

People have become dissatisfied with JUST one true God, they desire the other gods as well and in turn these other gods begin to become more important to them than God himself.

By far the biggest god of this sort in today’s world is SELF and especially pride when people think they know better than God. The proposed redefinement of marriage and the appointing of gay bishops are just two examples.

The Church needs to get back to serving only One True God and to root out anything that that smacks of ‘mixture’.
Excellent post!
It is indeed the fusion that can entrap gives the appearance of true worship, but contains elements of false worship under the disguise of a new name. These beliefs and practices were never part of original Christianity, and when the RCC introduced them, they were accepted because the church had the power to enforce their adopted beliefs as truth, misapplying scripture to support their inclusion, whilst forbidding the people to read the Bible for themselves. It was an enforced acceptance of things that Christ never taught....and they got away with it until it was God’s time to start cleaning up his house.

When the Protestant Reformation took place, they only cut off the many large ‘branches’.....the very obvious things that “the church” had adopted when Constantine was in authority......but the smaller branches remained and grew over time to become larger branches which produced one global entity all masquerading as “Christianity”....”Christendom”.....all claiming to be following the teachings of Jesus Christ, but clinging to those doctrines that were not of biblical origin....some even following false prophets into uncharted territory.

Despite their disagreements, they all agreed on the foundational elements introduced by the Catholic church centuries before, and which remain to this day as the foundation of Christendom in its many expressions or denominations. The fact that there are bickering denominations at all, is proof that the uniting power of God’s spirit is not among them. By clinging to many false beliefs, they set themselves up for rejection. (Matt 7:21-23)

If we can trace these beliefs and doctrines back to their pagan roots, then they should be eliminated from our practice of the faith. How many are willing to do that? How many will instead double down and insist that their beliefs cannot be wrong......especially when they are accepted by the is not the majority who will be saved. (Matt 7:13-14)

You rightly bring out the example of the Israelites who did the same thing....under the rulership of an evil king and his equally evil Baal worshipping wife, they fused true worship with false worship and imposed this on the people. God sent his prophet to correct them. Elijah’s example with the Baal prophets is recorded in 1 Kings is an interesting read for those who are inclined.

For Christians, Paul gave us the heads up as to what our worship should look like....
2 Cor 6:14-18....
“Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? 15 Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Beʹli·al? [satan] Or what does a believer share in common with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols? For we are a temple of a living God; just as God said: “I will reside among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” 17 “‘Therefore, get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take you in.’” 18 “‘And I will become a father to you, and you will become sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah, the Almighty.”

If our worship is tainted by things that have a clear connection with paganism, then it immediately becomes unacceptable to sacrificing a sick or blemished animal when God demanded the best we could give him.

So it’s not a matter of criticising those whose beliefs are not the same as our own, but examining what WE believe in the light of scriptural truth, and making sure that WE OURSELVES are on solid scriptural ground. Then we can leave the judging of individuals to God’s appointed judge...(John 5:22)

It is beliefs we are to judge, not people.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I don’t recall Jesus commanding to argue doctrine with one another but to love one another.
You’re right Wrangler. I never seen Jesus but just share what was true and then moved forward, with sharing the coming kingdom, which is not of this world.
Every Mormon I’ve ever met was a lovely person. Never argued with me about anything and I admit that I’m an argumentative person.
Having met Jehovah witness more than Mormons, they never really argued with me; though seen me as strange. Having met even other believers who have different views and perspectives we don’t tend to argue but just share even if we may disagree. I’m not sure the last time I argued really with anyone concerning doctrine a lot these days. I just try to share by the spirit leading and for us to be understanding and meek about these things are coming from Yahweh who lives in us to be able to live by the spirit and help our flesh be held back when we do realize we are reverting back to our fleshly ways of old and not heavenly of Christ.
Love Mormons. Don’t argue.
That would be hard to do so, when people are told they are the children of the devil, bashing the Bible, and believing in the wrong Jesus.

The question for me would does knowing the right Jesus stop him from rising again? And if they are believing he rose again and also see him as making them right with Yahweh because of faith?

Are they still wrong? And can not Yahweh correct those who are his even if takes time to move from one position to the next step.
If I may, we are supposed to judge a man by the content of his character not the doctrines he holds.
Can I ask you how this plays out or works?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
It is beliefs we are to judge, not people.

Why do you believe judging beliefs of others important? Similar like your questions of what do I think of the lake of fire? Are not followers of Jesus baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire? Where does that fire come from? Yahweh is a consuming fire. Yahweh consumes the darkness by and through his light. Therefore believers are indeed baptized by the fire that comes from Yahweh, and it seems unbelievers go through this purgatory or something in the after life.

Does these beliefs negate being made right with Yahweh due to faith in his Son, and because of his righteousness I am made right with Yahweh and can have peace with God because of this?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Authority. We don’t have authority over every one. We are to judge who we have authority over.

Forgive me.

I don’t really get it. The only authority as far spiritual matters is Yahweh. The only authority as far fleshly matters is normally presidents, congress, governing authorities, supervisors, polices, caregivers, parents and that only resides by merits of the flesh.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States

Forgive me.

I don’t really get it. The only authority as far spiritual matters is Yahweh. The only authority as far fleshly matters is normally presidents, congress, governing authorities, supervisors, polices, caregivers, parents and that only resides by merits of the flesh.
That’s right. When I judge my subordinates, I don’t use their beliefs. I go by how they did their job, I.e., the content of their character.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Why do you believe judging beliefs of others important?
Because there are many who are still searching.......and in the pile of broken glass (disunited Christianity) is a diamond (the true Christian Faith).....those searching for the diamond will rely on the testimony of others so that they too may find it......but with so many paths, all claiming to lead to the truth, it is a daunting task for the sincere seeker.

Unless we have informed choice, will it be a choice at all, if we do not examine all the evidence?

Similar like your questions of what do I think of the lake of fire? Are not followers of Jesus baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire? Where does that fire come from? Yahweh is a consuming fire. Yahweh consumes the darkness by and through his light. Therefore believers are indeed baptized by the fire that comes from Yahweh, and it seems unbelievers go through this purgatory or something in the after life.
That is a scramble of differing scriptural points. “Fire” in the Bible symbolises many is used to describe what happens to those who oppose God and his kingdom.....a “lake of fire” where both people and intangible things like “death and hades” are cast for disposal. It’s not a literal fire.

God’s anger is also described as a “fire” because it “consumes” what is in its path, and leaves little but dust in its aftermath.
Heb 10: 26-27, 30-32, 36-39....
“For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, 27 but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment and a burning indignation that is going to consume those in opposition. . . . .30 For we know the One who said: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again: “Jehovah will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. . . . 36 For you need endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise. 37 For yet “a very little while,” and “the one who is coming will arrive and will not delay.” 38 But my righteous one will live by reason of faith,” and “if he shrinks back, I have no pleasure in him.” 39 Now we are not the sort who shrink back to destruction, but the sort who have faith for the preserving of our lives.

But a “baptism of fire” is again, something else. Fire is also used by a refiner to remove impurities. Those who undergo this baptism are purified by their fight for the faith, despite stiff opposition and their loyalty to God even unto death.
Does these beliefs negate being made right with Yahweh due to faith in his Son, and because of his righteousness I am made right with Yahweh and can have peace with God because of this?
Holding beliefs that are at odds with the entirety of God’s word is promoting false worship. There can be no “sharing of light with darkness”.....of “truth with the lie” being “made right with Yahweh” is bringing ones thinking and actions into line with his word and the example and teachings of his son. We can’t put words in his mouth that he never said, nor imply things he never taught by twisting the wording of a translation to suit our beliefs. Everything should be in harmony with everything God’s word is God’s word, not men’s.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Because there are many who are still searching.......and in the pile of broken glass (disunited Christianity) is a diamond (the true Christian Faith).....those searching for the diamond will rely on the testimony of others so that they too may find it......but with so many paths, all claiming to lead to the truth, it is a daunting task for the sincere seeker.
All I know it’s nothing to do with feelings.
Unless we have informed choice, will it be a choice at all, if we do not examine all the evidence?
Some do. Some don’t.
That is a scramble of differing scriptural points. “Fire” in the Bible symbolises many is used to describe what happens to those who oppose God and his kingdom.....a “lake of fire” where both people and intangible things like “death and hades” are cast for disposal. It’s not a literal fire.
if it’s not
Literal. And God is spiritual…
God’s anger is also described as a “fire” because it “consumes” what is in its path, and leaves little but dust in its aftermath.
Heb 10: 26-27, 30-32, 36-39....
“For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, 27 but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment and a burning indignation that is going to consume those in opposition. . . . .30 For we know the One who said: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again: “Jehovah will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. . . . 36 For you need endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise. 37 For yet “a very little while,” and “the one who is coming will arrive and will not delay.” 38 But my righteous one will live by reason of faith,” and “if he shrinks back, I have no pleasure in him.” 39 Now we are not the sort who shrink back to destruction, but the sort who have faith for the preserving of our lives.
I’m glad and thankful that Gods wrath has been poured out, already. And Literal fire consumed Israel as a testimony to the promise of Yeshua.
But a “baptism of fire” is again, something else. Fire is also used by a refiner to remove impurities. Those who undergo this baptism are purified by their fight for the faith, despite stiff opposition and their loyalty to God even unto death.
Still stims from the same flames if you as me.
Holding beliefs that are at odds with the entirety of God’s word is promoting false worship.
Not if a person has faith and loves… worshiping God in spirit and in truth; doesn’t mean even you or I have all the answers… and sometimes people can be off.
There can be no “sharing of light with darkness”.....of “truth with the lie” being “made right with Yahweh” is bringing ones thinking and actions into line with his word and the example and teachings of his son.
That does mean that if a person doesn’t know all the teachings or something can’t be lead by the Holy Spirit God puts into their heart…

I believe people can worship the Bible more than to Yahweh.
We can’t put words in his mouth that he never said, nor imply things he never taught by twisting the wording of a translation to suit our beliefs.
No one ever said anything about that…

I believe faithfully Yeshua came and got the bride as promised. Does that make me a liar?
Everything should be in harmony with everything God’s word is God’s word, not men’s.
Something’s written in there are from man, even edited verses be it taken out or edited. Therefore… while we can say we trust it, do we put trust into it or God? Faithfully seeking him? Despite what you believe or perhaps they believe and continue to love?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
That’s right. When I judge my subordinates, I don’t use their beliefs. I go by how they did their job, I.e., the content of their character.
That’s what measure Yahweh will look at our own hearts. And perhaps the generation before us will judge us to see if we can enter into the kingdom.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
All I know it’s nothing to do with feelings.
That’s true. Feelings can be transient.....truth is solid like a rock.
Some do. Some don’t.
No one has an excuse to be ignorant in this “time of the end” when abundant knowledge is as close as the click of a mouse.
What you assume is past, I assure you is yet future.....this whole world must be cleansed in a similar manner to the flood of Noah’s day. (Matt 24:37-39) Not a vestige of Satan’s rulership of this earth will remain. The rule of God’s kingdom will bring all redeemed mankind back into reconciliation with God. Rev 21:3-4 will see fulfilment.
if it’s not
Literal. And God is spiritual…
The fire in all aspects is may well be real at Armageddon, however. We have yet to experience that.
I’m glad and thankful that Gods wrath has been poured out, already. And Literal fire consumed Israel as a testimony to the promise of Yeshua.
We ain’t seen nothin’ yet....God’s wrath is yet to be felt and no one will be on the receiving end who does not deserve to be...God’s justice is perfect.....tempered by mercy, but not sentiment.
Not if a person has faith and loves… worshiping God in spirit and in truth; doesn’t mean even you or I have all the answers… and sometimes people can be off.
Yep...way off, but there is “wheat” in the world....and we have to find them and join them in worship of “the only true God” and have heartfelt appreciation for the one he “sent” to save us. (John 17:3) The harvest time is almost upon us.....time is running out.
That does mean that if a person doesn’t know all the teachings or something can’t be lead by the Holy Spirit God puts into their heart…
True, not everyone is a born student....but we still need knowledge of the truth to know God and his son they truly are, not as the enigmatic mysterious god that they created. Not the three headed being as the religious organisations portray him. That is a vastly different god to the one Jesus knew and served. (Acts 4:27)
I believe people can worship the Bible more than to Yahweh.
That is true too....the Bible is a means to an end....and that end is knowing the God you worship for who he truly is. (John 17:3) We cannot do that without Scripture.
I believe faithfully Yeshua came and got the bride as promised. Does that make me a liar?
No, and I would never suggest such a thing.....I see your sincerity in everything you write....but many things don’t add up for me. You have lost the time scale somewhere along the line....

Something’s written in there are from man, even edited verses be it taken out or edited. Therefore… while we can say we trust it, do we put trust into it or God? Faithfully seeking him? Despite what you believe or perhaps they believe and continue to love?

We are to show love by sharing the good news (gospel) with all who will can you tell me what the “gospel” is? What would you tell people is “the good news of the kingdom”? (Matt 24:14)
If we don’t know what it is exactly, how can we tell others about it?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Why do you believe judging beliefs of others important?

Unless we have informed choice, will it be a choice at all, if we do not examine all the evidence?
The futility of this position is that we have to live BEFORE 'examining all the evidence.' Few learn to master ancient Sanscite to better understand the Hindu text or learn Chinese to study Taoism of Buddhism. Then there are the doctrines of 30,000+ Christian denominations.

Implied is the IDOLATRY of knowledge and evidence, hardly the substance of faith.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
To expose what is wrong I believe we must know what is wrong and/or be directed by God in what we are doing. I know what I believe, but I also know that in my own past, I have been found wrong, so unless I am certain, I proceed cautiously. God always knows. Do we always hear His voice on all of these things? If we are not led by the Holy Spirit, should we proceed?

Perhaps you know better than I and therefore never miss the mark in your warnings or corrections. That is between you and God.

I can and have pulled away from church groups during my years of serving God, because I believed they were wrong. But... still if the clean-up job was not mine to do, I left it alone when not directed otherwise by God.

I have been a Catholic and do not expect to be returning to them. I also brushed the Mormons closely when my brother married a Mormon and was a practicing Mormon for many years.

When I was in Wyoming, I had to review the work of a Mormon and I honestly tried hard to be fair. In my estimation, he was a good worker doing good but only average work. He was fired, I believe, in spite of my review, because he was a Mormon.

My own studies of Mormonism apparently do not set me as strongly against their beliefs as you, although I am, as you understand, certainly not a Mormon. I see them as no farther from my beliefs than those of many Protestant groups.

I learned long ago to not condemn a group simply because someone had called them a "cult". I have belonged to groups called cults by others. I strive to take people one at the time and leave any final judgments to God. I may not recommend them to someone, but I certainly won't condemn them simply because some or even many others do, or because I disagree with them.
Who is paul , who is appollos .
We must start over in the bible again . Too many have long come in and made desciples of men , NOT GOD , not Christ .
I wish to GOD that all would just start over in the bible again . IF only we had learned and taught that pattern .
ITs a real easy solution . Once upon a time
there was a man who dwelt in a land overseas .
He noticed something occuring between his church and another group of believers .
He admits , by his own mouth that he had not really been in the scrips during his time at his church .
But he decided to go ahead and begin to learn .
His words , i soon learned it was US who had been wrong the whole time and not them .
He had been a staunch one in the Catholic church .
THE POINT is , its time we get back into ONLY the bible and read it again and be refreshed in it .
IF folks did that , THEY would come out of said places in time .
If not they gonna keep getting decieved by men .
People often question why i am so staunch also against seeker friendly .
It was a man pleasing way to please man to get them into church .
That is why they all failed and went down hill .
For i were to please men i would not be the servant of CHRIST . People forget
real fast that it OUGHT TO BE GOD we were to be pleasing and not rather trying to be men pleasers .
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
That’s true. Feelings can be transient.....truth is solid like a rock.
Hello aunty, good morning, I’m just be straightforward,

Many people do tend to get into their feelings when it comes to “religious acts,” even the raising of hands doesn’t mean anything.
No one has an excuse to be ignorant in this “time of the end” when abundant knowledge is as close as the click of a mouse.
Death is inevitable. Everyone knows this, though some like to repress their frailty. Are you saying an ignorant person of all the knowledge of Christ?

If a person has all knowledge and no love that knowledge doesn’t mean anything anyway.

What you assume is past, I assure you is yet future.....this whole world must be cleansed in a similar manner to the flood of Noah’s day. (Matt 24:37-39)
You can not assure me a promise to keep. Let alone suggest that Jesus has not yet came back. It’s subjective between me and Yahweh. I believe what his son said within the narrative concerning the matters of the apostles, who encouraged those to continue to wait for him in that age. That one quote of scripture doesn’t mean anything…
Not a vestige of Satan’s rulership of this earth will remain. The rule of God’s kingdom will bring all redeemed mankind back into reconciliation with God. Rev 21:3-4 will see fulfilment.
God has already reconciled the world back to himself in Christ. I believe Revelation, 21 - 22 are on going. Revelation 21:3-4 is spiritual in nature, there is no more death, pain, etc in Christ. But of course you must choose how you take that line personally. People become part of the kingdom through adoption… ie: abba father.
The fire in all aspects is may well be real at Armageddon, however. We have yet to experience that.
No. Not a sure truth.
We ain’t seen nothin’ yet....God’s wrath is yet to be felt and no one will be on the receiving end who does not deserve to be...God’s justice is perfect.....tempered by mercy, but not sentiment.
This is not to suggest your opinion is inferior, it is inferior in context concerning the whole narrative and collective whole in looking at all the gospels. And not just given our opinion about it. How much you know though, is beyond me. Of course many people are actively anticipating for Jesus to come destroy the world… their whole life genealogy and people were taken away and laid dead… in 70 Ad, but again many anticipate a coming of the Lord Jesus, and expecting it to happen today, when it was promised to come within a generation…

Israel literally went up in flames and all of their territory was burned down to the ground… the temple as well… that Jesus had walked out of and the apostles said hey calm down lord look at these buildings; those building didn’t mean anything to Jesus let alone this world being his kingdom (which is not of the world.)
Yep...way off, but there is “wheat” in the world....and we have to find them and join them in worship of “the only true God” and have heartfelt appreciation for the one he “sent” to save us. (John 17:3) The harvest time is almost upon us.....time is running out.
My existing threat was losing my job this morning. Not for the world to end today. You say these things as though we must actively search and see. A belief which is not true, expect in the participants seeking Yahweh in faith.
True, not everyone is a born student....but we still need knowledge of the truth to know God and his son they truly are, not as the enigmatic mysterious god that they created.
Jesus said to know the true God and the one whom he had sent Yeshua, is eternal life…

Just cause people may have been misguided doesn’t mean they won’t accept or change their mind from a previous stand point even it takes some time to change by their own choice.

And not making that choice for them.
Not the three headed being as the religious organisations portray him. That is a vastly different god to the one Jesus knew and served. (Acts 4:27)
I don’t know what lead you to bring this up; I’m asking from a heart filled believers heart who believes God rose Jesus from the dead.

Those who are his will have faith and show love… and even allow people to work out their own salvation with God himself.
That is true too....the Bible is a means to an end....and that end is knowing the God you worship for who he truly is. (John 17:3) We cannot do that without Scripture.
That’s a lie. People can do so from the heart, being humbled by merit of understanding that it was the Creator whom created all things and they look to him.
No, and I would never suggest such a thing.....I see your sincerity in everything you write....but many things don’t add up for me. You have lost the time scale somewhere along the line....
Generation being 40 years is hard to get around, and embarrassing for some, to even consider it being true. Jesus foretold all things that would come up within that 40 years but the day and time he did not know yet. Jesus is revealed a message concerning what God revealed to him passed on to John to the seven church.

Atleast your not willingly to condemn me because of my belief, but it seems your bias opinion is that you’re suppose to judge them, and correct them. If they don’t accept your correction are they still in error?

It would be error to hate, malign, abuse, etc.
We are to show love by sharing the good news (gospel) with all who will can you tell me what the “gospel” is? What would you tell people is “the good news of the kingdom”? (Matt 24:14)
If we don’t know what it is exactly, how can we tell others about it?
Supposedly it’s the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Nothing more.
The futility of this position is that we have to live BEFORE 'examining all the evidence.' Few learn to master ancient Sanscite to better understand the Hindu text or learn Chinese to study Taoism of Buddhism. Then there are the doctrines of 30,000+ Christian denominations.

Implied is the IDOLATRY of knowledge and evidence, hardly the substance of faith.

Knowledge doesn’t mean anything if one can not love… according to Paul.

“I may speak in different languages, whether human or even of angels. But if I don’t have love, I am only a noisy bell or a ringing cymbal. I may have the gift of prophecy, I may understand all secrets and know everything there is to know, and I may have faith so great that I can move mountains.

But even with all this, if I don’t have love, I am nothing.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭ERV‬‬
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Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
Both LDS Christians and Creedal Christians believe that the Father, Son, Spirit, are 3 different persons. Example: Christ is not talking to Himself during the Lord's Prayer, He's talking to another person (the Father).

Creedal Christians have this phrase "3 persons but 1 being", which is not stated in the Bible, but based they interpret the Bible. It's also super confusing. To quote the Athanasian Creed: "Trinity in Unity; neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Essence. For there is one Person of the Father; another of the Son; and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one..." Full thing: Athanasian Creed - Wikipedia

In comparison, LDS Christians don't do this "3 persons but 1 being" thing. It's just 3 persons united as 1 God. You could say "1 way of being", as there is only that 1 shared will / goodness / glory / etc.
thank you for explaining, I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Who is paul , who is appollos .
We must start over in the bible again . Too many have long come in and made desciples of men , NOT GOD , not Christ .
I wish to GOD that all would just start over in the bible again . IF only we had learned and taught that pattern .
ITs a real easy solution . Once upon a time
there was a man who dwelt in a land overseas .
He noticed something occuring between his church and another group of believers .
He admits , by his own mouth that he had not really been in the scrips during his time at his church .
But he decided to go ahead and begin to learn .
His words , i soon learned it was US who had been wrong the whole time and not them .
He had been a staunch one in the Catholic church .
THE POINT is , its time we get back into ONLY the bible and read it again and be refreshed in it .
IF folks did that , THEY would come out of said places in time .
If not they gonna keep getting decieved by men .
People often question why i am so staunch also against seeker friendly .
It was a man pleasing way to please man to get them into church .
That is why they all failed and went down hill .
For i were to please men i would not be the servant of CHRIST . People forget
real fast that it OUGHT TO BE GOD we were to be pleasing and not rather trying to be men pleasers .


I know you are devoted to God….a good Christian…..A lot of good Christians started denominations that were wrong and a lot of Good Christians came up with a bunch of man-made sins. Why and what their intent was, it is hard to say….An improvement on God’s morality? Deception? Where they doing the same thing the Jews where doing? Making it harder to be right with God? Well those that came up with something over 70 man-made sins did make it harder on Christians….Serves as a distraction from what we should be doing and gives ammo for those that want to condemn and gossip about others and turn people away from Christianity.

Words mean things….You say…. its time we get back into ONLY the bible and read it again and be refreshed in it .
Do you really mean that? Most people don’t, just so you know.
It just a way to stand on a soap box and thump the Bible and proclaim, Look at me I am so holy! Then some are so unknowledgeable that they do not know what it means.

I have tried to find a way to word the Bible Only thought so as to make some sense of it. I don’t think there is…..We can try but it would be messy.

First off you would have to give up the requirement for wedding ceremonies. There is no requirement in the Bible for a wedding ceremony to be married, Old or New Testament. In fact the word wedding does not occur in the actual scriptures, Old or New Testament and wedding ceremonies where in fact a Pagan custom that the Protestant made mandatory to be married. Which I always say was a fantastic idea. But still Bible Only….no wedding ceremonies. The act of sex forms a marriage, just as it was in the beginning. For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

Bible Only would allow people to have polygamous marriages and fathers to sell their daughters as sex slaves….concubinage. It would allow Christians to have slaves. The Bible never says all this should stop.

Does the Bible say that in 1500 years there would be an update ….as in the Protestant reform. How can they justify this if they are Bible Only.

Bible Only….are you going to be Jewish-Christian or Gentile Christian? Are you going to sacrifice animals?

The Bible was written during a very turbulent period. The thought was that they were living in the last days….no mention of years or centuries. The tribulations were to start soon and Christ was to return soon. The priority was to preach the Word and save souls before it was too late. This is one of the reasons that there is no focus on the family in the New Testament. Should we have less interest in the family in Christianity?

Is this the character and spirit we would want in Christianity?

NOOO! But it is the Bible…..The NT documents the first 65 years of Christianity…. Christianity continued on from there. No matter what, people pick and choose what they believe and proclaim they are Bible Only to look good in front of men.

To say that people need to get back to the Bible and study and pray and go to church and stand with other Christians and worship the Lord and sing hymns to Him….That is correct.

Bible Only is just a cliché. It is much more complicated than that.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Who is paul , who is appollos .
We must start over in the bible again . Too many have long come in and made desciples of men , NOT GOD , not Christ .
I wish to GOD that all would just start over in the bible again . IF only we had learned and taught that pattern .
ITs a real easy solution . Once upon a time
there was a man who dwelt in a land overseas .
He noticed something occuring between his church and another group of believers .
He admits , by his own mouth that he had not really been in the scrips during his time at his church .
But he decided to go ahead and begin to learn .
His words , i soon learned it was US who had been wrong the whole time and not them .
He had been a staunch one in the Catholic church .
THE POINT is , its time we get back into ONLY the bible and read it again and be refreshed in it .
IF folks did that , THEY would come out of said places in time .
If not they gonna keep getting decieved by men .
People often question why i am so staunch also against seeker friendly .
It was a man pleasing way to please man to get them into church .
That is why they all failed and went down hill .
For i were to please men i would not be the servant of CHRIST . People forget
real fast that it OUGHT TO BE GOD we were to be pleasing and not rather trying to be men pleasers .
Nothing wrong getting back to the Bible and digging deeper, so long as we are also letting the Holy Spirit always lead us. The Bible studying perhaps most will understand, but the other necessary part too many will miss and with it they miss in spite of being excellent Bible students...
2co 3:6[God] Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.


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Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Own your actions: every time you claim "Mormons aren't Christian" you are also saying "Jane, you aren't a Christian". Your words are addressing actual people, like myself.
Wouldn’t it be great if we all respected each other’s belief.?

I keep asking myself what do we achieve firing all these questions at each other?

Quite a few of us imo accuse each other of being fake.....

Do you think we can come across as being superior in our beliefs...imo I think we can, what say you Jane?xx


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Wouldn’t it be great if we all respected each other’s belief.?

I keep asking myself what do we achieve firing all these questions at each other?

Quite a few of us imo accuse each other of being fake.....

Do you think we can come across as being superior in our beliefs...imo I think we can, what say you Jane?xx
Speaking my thoughts here: the 2nd great commandment is to love my neighbor, and the parable of the Good Samaraten clearly illustrates that. My neighbor includes everyone, including those the society hates and neglects. Including those of other faiths.

Hence I try really really hard to love and respect those of different beleifs. To treat them with kindness, and if possible understand them better including what they value and believe (that helps me love them better). That’s a huge part of the reason I like studying different faiths (I’ve attended 100+ churches) and honestly why I’m even on this forum: to better understand and love my neighbor.