As expected, Biden targets Christians In far-reaching executive order, Biden redefines 'sex'

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
March on . I say this to the true lambs . cause this world will not love us nor tolerate us in the days coming .
But , We got something it dont . JESUS . Nothing else matters . not a thing .
HAVING JESUS is all we need . Now leap up and praise the King .


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
BUT i am guessing you are not surprised . ME neither . PC is a means to control the minds of the masses .
Communism one o one . Make it all about PC , cause most folks are too fearful to even dare speak against it .
THEY know what they doing . THey know .
Yes, it absolutely is. George Carlin, God have mercy, made the astute observation of it long years ago. Political Correctness is Fascism pretending to be manners!
He was right!
I've got that sticker on my car. Nothing like being encouraged to think outside the box while in traffic. :)
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I would recommend we not overlook those scriptures that refer to the spiritual warriors of God in the last days.

After all, in the end, Satan loses! ;)
IN the end satan and all who followed him lose . but in this world they often prosper .
Let us not forget that either . ITS often the lambs that are persecuted and shunned in this world . YET IN THE END we WIN .
I got no hope in this world . I expect tribulation , persecution and hatred . BUT as i said above ,
THE LAMBS have something this world dont ...........JESUS . AND AINT THAT ALL WE NEED . SHHHH i hear the blissful sound
of hope and peace in that . Not in this world , BUT IN JESUS . NOW SOUND those praises out to the king my friend .


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Believe the communist all inclusive lie , but dont expect me to join in with it .
has anyone bothered to even think these days .
And they pretty much all inclusive . even trump was in some form .
I bet even most conservative evangelical christains are going along with that flow .
Wait , i have proof . the majority of churches now support gay marriage , and even more support
many paths to GOD . WE are in trouble josho . May i advise us to get away from politics
and return to bibles and put the focus back on JESUS .
When the Queen James (gay) Bible was marketed years ago, we should have known the great Apostasy would show itself eventually. Just a matter of time as to which denominations would elect to side with fallen man and against God's words.
All prophesied in scripture too, in the actual Bible, so that they are without excuse.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
When the Queen James (gay) Bible was marketed years ago, we should have known the great Apostasy would show itself eventually. Just a matter of time as to which denominations would elect to side with fallen man and against God's words.
All prophesied in scripture too, in the actual Bible, so that they are without excuse.
The only words i have for this is word . EXACTLY . we shoulda seen this one coming .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Oh, we're already well apprised of that vendetta when one such Leftist, Michael Beller, went public and was fired by PBS for for having said the children of Trump supporters should be sent to re-education camps. As well as having likened President Trump to Adolf Hitler.Hard to believe PBS employed someone that ignorant of history.

And yet, he was not the first to make such a reference to a program to initiate thought re-education upon Conservatives and after re-election was stolen from President Trump.
So yes, now we have a wholly public corrupt immoral SC. And that also in the Demoncrat/Leftist majority full Congress. Both houses having Demoncrats/Leftists in majority. And we're seeing how The Steal insured that occurrence, that they're now going to forewarn us of our future for their next four lonnnnnnng years!

1 day ago: Senate Democrats move forward on COVID relief without Republican support

Today: GOP senators who met with Biden have "significant questions" about size of $1.9 trillion COVID bill - CBS News
other than i dont know what SC means , yeah exactly .
BUT one thing . you said four years . NOPE . if they stole it once ,and then have the power
to shut anyone and anything out that even mentions the fraud word or steal word . WHAT ON earth makes us think
they wont do it again . NOT ONLY that . but have you noticed what they are doing now .
THEY gonna make DC a state . THEY gonna pack the courts too . WATCH . THEY gonna probably get , i think its puerto rico
as well . THEY GONNA PACK EVERYTHING . AND IF anyone says the FRAUD word , GUESS who gets shut out of society .
ITS DONE my dear sister . JUST hope IN GOD and let us pray for souls to be converted to CHRIST .
I have been saying for many years one truth that could have stopped the judgment . ONE WORD .
Just one word . ANY guesses on what that one word is . LOOK to ninevah .
REPENTANCE . ONLY I DIDNT SEE IT . AND WE KNOW GOD DIDNT . SO what on earth DO WE EXPECT . GOD is not gonna change
While HIS desire is mercy and that we repent and be saved , HE WONT change . And churches SOLD OUT my friend .
THEY got too busy with worrying about how to protect THEY MONEY when they should have been
concerned not with THEY MONEY , but with their flocks . How to protect them . BIBLES SHOULD have been opened
and seeker friendly should have been shunned . BUT NO . not what they did nor what they do even now .
Instead they are fast selling out more than ever to the all inclusive unity communist train . AND that is one bad end for those on that train .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That is either a very dishonest or very ignorant comment.
Josho simply dont realize that PC , all inclusive , ITS A COMMUNIST tatic for control .
AND if we want an example let me leave us with this one .
Notice how huge they are about womens lib . YET shut down and demean any woman who supports values that contradict theirs .
ITS all a sham . its all a ruse . They would shun even gays , if gays dont support them .
ITS not about rights with this people , ITS made to seem that way . BUT they will shun any color , any gender
that does not agree with them . TIS ALL A DOG AND PONY SHOW . THEY dont love the people , they USE them for an agenda
to strip free speech . ALL THIS IS . THIS IS ALL THIS IS . A dog and pony , or as my spanish friends say , un perro y caballo .
ITS ALL A SHOW . its a sick joke that works . THAT IT DOES . IT DOES WORK on society .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
They could put a black adolf hitler in power and the all inclusive would say , WOW THIS IS PROGRESS .
THIS is a mind set folks . Do ya notice that today
it seems if one is gay , black , brown etc , if they run and get elected its called PROGRESS .
WELL , WELL , if they RUN on the democratic plantation . THIS IS ALL A MIND CONROL WORK .
AND it has worked indeed .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
a black gay man could rise up on the liberal side , strip all freedoms , all rights , kill many
and they would say , OH ITS PROGRESS and if anyone resisted , they say HATER , RACIAL .
HAVE You all figured out that this was always the plan . THE ALL INCLUSIVE LIE , WAS COMMUNISM ONE O ONE .
AND more so , its really the beast system that it does build .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
And i bet i sound like a racial hater who is totally nuts to just about everyone here .
BUT no . I am right . THEY DID THIS . THEY infiltrated us long ago , our schools
our politics , our churches and they molded us into this .


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
That is either a very dishonest or very ignorant comment.

In my opinion redefining words is going too far, but I believe Joe doesn't have any bad intentions doing this.

Now this is going to be a very unpopular view here.

But to a certain point something needed to be done for the sake of fairness, as a New Testament Christian, I believe putting homosexuals/transgenders to death was wrong, putting them into jail was also wrong, bullying them was wrong, stopping them from having a job when they had the qualifications was also wrong, of course there are certain places where beliefs don't line up and employers should not to be forced to employ certain people that don't agree with their beliefs, especially in religious organizations, but these people still should be able to be employed somewhere, whether it be a baker, a construction worker, or as an office worker, etc . These people are still human beings, they still should be able to make a living without the fear of being harmed, bullied or put to death.

But I will repeat this redefining words is going too far in my opinion.

As I say these are New Testament times and not Old Testament times.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
other than i dont know what SC means , yeah exactly .
BUT one thing . you said four years . NOPE . if they stole it once ,and then have the power
to shut anyone and anything out that even mentions the fraud word or steal word . WHAT ON earth makes us think
they wont do it again . NOT ONLY that . but have you noticed what they are doing now .
THEY gonna make DC a state . THEY gonna pack the courts too . WATCH . THEY gonna probably get , i think its puerto rico
as well . THEY GONNA PACK EVERYTHING . AND IF anyone says the FRAUD word , GUESS who gets shut out of society .
ITS DONE my dear sister . JUST hope IN GOD and let us pray for souls to be converted to CHRIST .
I have been saying for many years one truth that could have stopped the judgment . ONE WORD .
Just one word . ANY guesses on what that one word is . LOOK to ninevah .
REPENTANCE . ONLY I DIDNT SEE IT . AND WE KNOW GOD DIDNT . SO what on earth DO WE EXPECT . GOD is not gonna change
While HIS desire is mercy and that we repent and be saved , HE WONT change . And churches SOLD OUT my friend .
THEY got too busy with worrying about how to protect THEY MONEY when they should have been
concerned not with THEY MONEY , but with their flocks . How to protect them . BIBLES SHOULD have been opened
and seeker friendly should have been shunned . BUT NO . not what they did nor what they do even now .
Instead they are fast selling out more than ever to the all inclusive unity communist train . AND that is one bad end for those on that train .
SC=Supreme Court. :) Sometimes written as SCOTUS = Supreme Court Of The United States.

IN the end satan and all who followed him lose . but in this world they often prosper .
Let us not forget that either . ITS often the lambs that are persecuted and shunned in this world . YET IN THE END we WIN .
I got no hope in this world . I expect tribulation , persecution and hatred . BUT as i said above ,
THE LAMBS have something this world dont ...........JESUS . AND AINT THAT ALL WE NEED . SHHHH i hear the blissful sound
of hope and peace in that . Not in this world , BUT IN JESUS . NOW SOUND those praises out to the king my friend .
I can't live without hope while in this world. I'm an optimist. :)
In my opinion redefining words is going too far, but I believe Joe doesn't have any bad intentions doing this.

Now this is going to be a very unpopular view here.

But to a certain point something needed to be done for the sake of fairness, as a New Testament Christian, I believe putting homosexuals/transgenders to death was wrong, putting them into jail was also wrong, bullying them was wrong, stopping them from having a job when they had the qualifications was also wrong, of course there are certain places where beliefs don't line up and employers should not to be forced to employ certain people that don't agree with their beliefs, especially in religious organizations, but these people still should be able to be employed somewhere, whether it be a baker, a construction worker, or as an office worker, etc . These people are still human beings, they still should be able to make a living without the fear of being harmed, bullied or put to death.

But I will repeat this redefining words is going too far in my opinion.

As I say these are New Testament times and not Old Testament times.
Don't let yourself be led to believe prior to these type measures on behalf of the alphabet crew homosexuals could not gain employment. They could and did.

What is being proposed now with this new venture, is a special privilege that would allow homosexuals to invoke their rights while playing the victim and eroding those of others in the work place.
If something is morally right or socially acceptable it doesn't have to be coerced by the threat of law, nor does it have to be tolerated by the masses.
We are made to tolerate only that which is otherwise intolerable. And therein is the issue.

For instance, respective of this new EO, if I refuse to address a male using feminine pronouns because he is clearly male yet identifies by his mental infirmity as female, and due to my faith that this behavior is immoral and not of God, I can be fired or retain employment on the grounds I concede to be re-educated according to ideals and standards that are contrary to my faith.
And while I can sue due to that illegal violation of my civil rights, which precede those of homosexuals, the expense of that is born by me. And meanwhile, I'm out of a job.

The precedent set by the psychiatric profession long years ago should be a vindicator. Gender Identity Disorder, Gender Dysphoria is still in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) of the psychiatric profession.
Gender dysphoria: A concept designated in the DSM-5 as clinically significant distress or impairment related to a strong desire to be of another gender, which may include desire to change primary and/or secondary sex characteristics. Not all transgender or gender diverse people experience dysphoria.
What Is Gender Dysphoria?.

I'd wonder about the Constitutionality of that defense. Those rights not enumerated in the Constitution are retained by the people. Mentally ill people like those who are suffering Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Dysphoria, should not be entitled to be placated and have the concession by the general public to affirm and confirm their identity is regulated by their dysphoric condition.
I'd wonder how such a counter argument would play out in court.

Lets go to the extreme as far as a identity disorder. Someone claims they are not biologically human but identify as a Lamborghini sports car. If I own a Jiffy Lube, am I able to be sued for discrimination and violation of that human beings civil rights if I refuse to give them an oil change as they insist?
They say they're a Lamborghini because they feel they are a 16 valve Italian work of art on the inside. While disavowing their human biological identity, claiming they were made with the wrong chassis.
Same corollary as with Tranny's. Their biological frame identifies them as human female. While their mind insists their physical being is a mistake of nature and deep inside there is a biological male that needs be revealed. All the while agreeing that hormone and other drug therapies are necessary to afford the change over from the reality to their allusion. As well as drastic often irreversible body augmentation surgeries.
Is that a characteristic of mental wellness? Or mental disorder.

And why should anyone be forced by law to concede this particular mental illness is normal, when professionals vested as physicians of mental health deem to be a mental disorder? Why should I have to agree that person is what their mental illness affords as their illusion of self and thus perpetrate the illness effects by conceding the illness has a right to overcome the patient and reinforce their delusion.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
In my opinion redefining words is going too far, but I believe Joe doesn't have any bad intentions doing this.

Now this is going to be a very unpopular view here.

But to a certain point something needed to be done for the sake of fairness, as a New Testament Christian, I believe putting homosexuals/transgenders to death was wrong, putting them into jail was also wrong, bullying them was wrong, stopping them from having a job when they had the qualifications was also wrong, of course there are certain places where beliefs don't line up and employers should not to be forced to employ certain people that don't agree with their beliefs, especially in religious organizations, but these people still should be able to be employed somewhere, whether it be a baker, a construction worker, or as an office worker, etc . These people are still human beings, they still should be able to make a living without the fear of being harmed, bullied or put to death.

But I will repeat this redefining words is going too far in my opinion.

As I say these are New Testament times and not Old Testament times.
The NT does not say to put such people to death at all.
The OT does say to put such people to death in fact and for good reason as history shows such people are a curse who demand to tempt all. they did it in history and they are demanding such nowadays, they have been put in positions of power and no one is allowed to question them or out comes the malicious works.

We have different types of queers some are not a problem but some are a real shocking creep show, such as they have been hidden from view of being exposed by the Media and Governments and only the nice little darlings are touted as the poster boys.
Go into the Jails system and see the poofter rapist that are supported by the governments, pack raped as well. nothing to be seen here the governments claim.
Just like we had with all the religious poofter priest that went on for years all covered up. Satanist anyone ! yes all poofters are under the power of Satan. they should not be in the churches ever and now they have bastardised the churches totally. to Hell with such people bastardising the churches like they are now doing, I will not be apart of such at all.
A duty of any Christian is to call out any such bastardisation that works to undermine Christ Jesus. they come dressed as sheep but are in fact wolves wanting to devour Christ Jesus as the King of Israel.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
There has to be a legal inroad that protects biological females from this trespass upon their privacy & most importantly their personal safety. The question per that is, are there any attorneys out there with the courage to invoke that.

Mentally ill people should not have the right to violate others privacy or threaten their personal security. Nor have that trespass fall under the header of equal right to violate gender norms of the mentally well.

Further, why isn't this offense able to be construed,by law, as gender discrimination and sexual indecency and assault? When this monstrous offense only impacts and threatens biological females? Because we will not likely see the mentally ill female suffering gender dysphoria/identity disorder exercising the same so called right to violate boys/men's private space. Showers, dressing rooms, locker rooms.
And due to that holding potential for a threat & or violation of her privacy/security. This measure is reflective of gender bias. And is also not Constitutionally defensible.

Good points. And what just disturbs me the most is the brainwashing. I mean, more and more kids will be affronted by the reality that "gender identity" is a fixture in society now, having to watch some boy win all the girls events just because "she" decided to say "she" wasn't a boy anymore. So dozens upon dozens of students will have to witness the government force gender identity politics down their throats if they want to participate in sports. It's more than psychological brainwashing, in fact. It's psychological neutering, because everyone will be helpless to argue against it, fair or unfair.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
To what part of my remarks that you quoted do you apply that question? And would you also please frame your response in context to whichever part of my remarks to which you refer? :)
Nothing wrong with doing the right thing towards anyone but when one understands and identifies that one is in fact truly a Wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. oh what big teeth you have my Gay lord and what ? so on, you know the story.

No one gives a rats about little boy type Gays being so much a problem, there is much more to it all than just the poster boy type.

With the younger generation they are aiding and abetting all types of depravity full on, nothing is out of bounds with them sex wise, every totally depraved act is boasted openly for all to hear 24/7 animals you name it. such kids claim to be heroes. but they are under strong delusions in fact. not to mention they claim not to be Gay, but back Gays up 100% regardless.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Hubby when he heard about this new nonsense said he'd have identified as a girl when he was in high school just for that. If that's all one has to do is claim they're really a female on the inside? Heck yes! LOL

Cut, nip, tuck and suture fellas! Get those upper pectoral implants!

Bleck!! That would be a deterrent, yes, LoL.

But I think this is yet again part of the neutering. It completely undermine's authority, since kids now call the shots, run the show, and the government will back them up on it. "Oh, poor little Johnny just wanted to be 'Joannie,' and some mean people don't like it," i.e. Christians.

Only those who understand that the god of this world is calling these shots will really know what is ultimately at the bottom of it. It is a direct attack against Bible-based Christianity, and it operates on the same basis as many of Satan's attacks have against the faith down through history. It takes away the moral high ground, so that Christians are painted as cruel and judgmental just because they are abiding by what the word of God teaches.

Down the road, it will then be used to incite truly evil and hateful people to vilify and attack Christians for their beliefs, because their government has told them that Christians are the most evil, hateful, judgmental people on earth. So ruin their lives! It's fully justified, because they know nothing about love, and their God, if He's real, is an evil being as well.

And then they all end up in Hell when they die and find out they were deceived by the enemy and then used by him, and now they will be tortured for his good pleasure forever for it.

Great plan, LoL.

I can't handle this subject matter. Gets my Irish up.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
SC=Supreme Court. :) Sometimes written as SCOTUS = Supreme Court Of The United States.

I can't live without hope while in this world. I'm an optimist. :)
Don't let yourself be led to believe prior to these type measures on behalf of the alphabet crew homosexuals could not gain employment. They could and did.

What is being proposed now with this new venture, is a special privilege that would allow homosexuals to invoke their rights while playing the victim and eroding those of others in the work place.
If something is morally right or socially acceptable it doesn't have to be coerced by the threat of law, nor does it have to be tolerated by the masses.
We are made to tolerate only that which is otherwise intolerable. And therein is the issue.

For instance, respective of this new EO, if I refuse to address a male using feminine pronouns because he is clearly male yet identifies by his mental infirmity as female, and due to my faith that this behavior is immoral and not of God, I can be fired or retain employment on the grounds I concede to be re-educated according to ideals and standards that are contrary to my faith.
And while I can sue due to that illegal violation of my civil rights, which precede those of homosexuals, the expense of that is born by me. And meanwhile, I'm out of a job.

The precedent set by the psychiatric profession long years ago should be a vindicator. Gender Identity Disorder, Gender Dysphoria is still in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) of the psychiatric profession.
Gender dysphoria: A concept designated in the DSM-5 as clinically significant distress or impairment related to a strong desire to be of another gender, which may include desire to change primary and/or secondary sex characteristics. Not all transgender or gender diverse people experience dysphoria.
What Is Gender Dysphoria?.

I'd wonder about the Constitutionality of that defense. Those rights not enumerated in the Constitution are retained by the people. Mentally ill people like those who are suffering Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Dysphoria, should not be entitled to be placated and have the concession by the general public to affirm and confirm their identity is regulated by their dysphoric condition.
I'd wonder how such a counter argument would play out in court.

Lets go to the extreme as far as a identity disorder. Someone claims they are not biologically human but identify as a Lamborghini sports car. If I own a Jiffy Lube, am I able to be sued for discrimination and violation of that human beings civil rights if I refuse to give them an oil change as they insist?
They say they're a Lamborghini because they feel they are a 16 valve Italian work of art on the inside. While disavowing their human biological identity, claiming they were made with the wrong chassis.
Same corollary as with Tranny's. Their biological frame identifies them as human female. While their mind insists their physical being is a mistake of nature and deep inside there is a biological male that needs be revealed. All the while agreeing that hormone and other drug therapies are necessary to afford the change over from the reality to their allusion. As well as drastic often irreversible body augmentation surgeries.
Is that a characteristic of mental wellness? Or mental disorder.

And why should anyone be forced by law to concede this particular mental illness is normal, when professionals vested as physicians of mental health deem to be a mental disorder? Why should I have to agree that person is what their mental illness affords as their illusion of self and thus perpetrate the illness effects by conceding the illness has a right to overcome the patient and reinforce their delusion.