At a standstill

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laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
I won't go as far as to say that I have given up hope, for I never will. But I have been praying every day for 2 years for something, and I know it sounds as if I am complaining, but believe me I am not. I just feel as if my faith is at a stand still, and I feel so tired, and sad.
I don't need to hear from God audibly, or for Him to send out one of His angels that are ready to do so at His command with a message for me.
I am just asking God to give me an inner knowing. A personal word for me to hold onto.
There is nothing wrong in wanting to hear from God.

Only Abba can reach me now.

No man. No preacher. No tv broadcast.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
I pray for God to send you an encouraging word.

Have you tried fasting? It has worked for me just recently when I needed some direction regarding a certain decision.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2012
United States
laid renard said:
I am just asking God to give me an inner knowing. A personal word for me to hold onto.
There is nothing wrong in wanting to hear from God.
Imo, there's no such thing as "inner knowing", just inner faith. God gave us His Word, and He gave it to us at a great expense (blood). You may be asking for too much personal attention, we've already heard from God via His Word and Holy Spirit, so perhaps the answer to your 2 years of prayers is; My Word is sufficient? Christ lived, taught, and died for our sakes, that's something we can take personal. He gave his all and its enough. jmo


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
A personal word for me to hold onto.I am just asking God to give me an inner knowing.
There is nothing wrong in wanting to hear from God.
Hi honey, I know what you mean by this. When I am in turmoil over a matter, the Holy Spirit gives me an inner peace which tell me not to worry any more or be concerned because he is on it and all is well. Praying for that inner peace for you. Let all things work together for good, for those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose...



New Member
Apr 1, 2014
I will pray for you to receive some kind of sign.

Signs can be helpful. Signs are good. I know that ideally we should just have perfect faith and not care about signs. But what Christian would not be happy to receive a message from God, or experience a miracle?

Brother, I don't think there is anything wrong in your wanting reassurance from the Almighty.

If anything, I commend you for your firm commitment to keeping your faith while you are going through a difficult time.

I don't know when - or if you will - get the reassurance that you seek.

Signs are rare.

Just know that God is with you.

I can't guarantee anything, but I believe that you'll have the reassurance that you seek.

God bless.

laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
Thank you guys for your words of encouragement. Last night was very rough, and dark. I can not remember the last time I was in that much emotional and mental pain. I had to rebuke the spirit of heaviness and try to force myself to sleep to escape it. I feel better today and again, I want to thank you all for your prayers. I know He sees and hears and cares. But it's nice to hear other people reinforce this to you.
lforrest, due to health reasons I can no longer fast for a week like I use to. I get to day 3 and then must stop. I tried again about 2 months ago, but as I knew would happen, I had to stop at the end of day 3. I wasn't even hungry. I could have lasted 2 weeks, I just know it. Several years ago I had many very small brain hemorrhages cause my blood pressure was that high even though I was at a good weight and have never smoked. It was due to stress. When ever I don't eat my blood pressure rises considerably. Don't know why.... I think I will try a variation of the unpleasant meat fast. Lack of protein seems to be what makes my body feel very ill. I feel the need to fast somehow, someway though. And I want to. Perhaps it will be a non food type of fast. I don't know....
And I'm never ever gonna stop knocking on God's throne room asking for a word from Him. I know He already knows how much I need to hear from Him. It's not "want" at this stage anymore, it's "need." I'm going to keep knocking, and knocking, and knocking. I pray He takes pity on me and gives me that inner knowing regarding my situation. For the not knowing is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.

Thank you for your prayers, and words everyone.

God Bless You


Fishin Everyday
Apr 13, 2014
New here....but definitely not new to God............Keep on asking, for you are asking the right way. Bless this man Lord I agree with him for what he asks. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
Thank you so much RANDOR. I want as many people as possible praying for my situation. Ask and ye shall receive.... you have not because you ask not.....

I will receive. :) With the help of my brothers and sisters in Christ interceding. Everyone's prayers are not taken lightly by me. :wub:

Your sister in Christ. B)


Messianic Gentile
Jun 11, 2012
SoCal Mountains
United States
laid renard said:
Thank you guys for your words of encouragement. Last night was very rough, and dark. I can not remember the last time I was in that much emotional and mental pain. I had to rebuke the spirit of heaviness and try to force myself to sleep to escape it. I feel better today and again, I want to thank you all for your prayers. I know He sees and hears and cares. But it's nice to hear other people reinforce this to you.
lforrest, due to health reasons I can no longer fast for a week like I use to. I get to day 3 and then must stop. I tried again about 2 months ago, but as I knew would happen, I had to stop at the end of day 3. I wasn't even hungry. I could have lasted 2 weeks, I just know it. Several years ago I had many very small brain hemorrhages cause my blood pressure was that high even though I was at a good weight and have never smoked. It was due to stress. When ever I don't eat my blood pressure rises considerably. Don't know why.... I think I will try a variation of the unpleasant meat fast. Lack of protein seems to be what makes my body feel very ill. I feel the need to fast somehow, someway though. And I want to. Perhaps it will be a non food type of fast. I don't know....
And I'm never ever gonna stop knocking on God's throne room asking for a word from Him. I know He already knows how much I need to hear from Him. It's not "want" at this stage anymore, it's "need." I'm going to keep knocking, and knocking, and knocking. I pray He takes pity on me and gives me that inner knowing regarding my situation. For the not knowing is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.

Thank you for your prayers, and words everyone.

God Bless You
Please be careful not to try your body too hard...fasting in sickness is not a good thing. We live already in a world where the food has little enough nutrients in it do to over-farming and must be very careful. It is better to give up a small pleasure as a token of your intent, because Abba already knows just how far you can stretch before it breaks you...and He is not about that kind of brokenness. He does not wish the temple He has given you to fail before His timing, and that you do harm to it to gain His favor is not well.

The heaviness and darkness is everywhere...that you are feeling it is actually more common than you know...we are closing in on the time when people will wish to die that they do not have to experience the days...or the nights.

Remember also that the Lord does not forget you even in times of silence, and that you endure this time is an actual proof of your connection to Abba that you desire His touch so much.

I am praying that you receive all the comfort that Abba can pour over you, until you are lapped in His love, and bathing in the joy of simply knowing Him, in the name of Yehoshua, and I agree with all here for your emptiness to be filled to the full.

laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
Questor, your words of edification brought tears to my eyes, that's how I know they must be from the Lord, it takes a lot to make me cry.

Thank you so much for reminding me that God is with me in times of silence, and that all things work together for good for us His children. I know these things, but we need to be reminded of them sometimes and encouraged by them.

I must try to trust Him more.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post. It has been a bad day, and now maybe I won't have as much trouble trying to fall asleep tonight. Yes, God has not forsaken me. Thanks for reminding me.

God Bless You Questor :) :) :) :) :) :) :)