Atheist friends mock me about Noah and the Ark

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River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
KingJ said:
You cannot discredit something God ordained to be in His word. When Jesus taught in the synagogues He did not expose Noah's ark as heresy.
Like I said, not every Christian is a fundamentalist and reads scripture as one. I know that's really, really hard for you to accept, but that's your issue.

Discredit one incident, then another and before you know it all confidence in scripture is gone.
And not everyone thinks in such simplistic black/white terms either, nor are we so insecure in our faith that being objective and using our critical thinking skills are things to be avoided, lest we lose our faith.

Name, yes. Degree, area of expertise and published works....I see you think your reply alleviates you.
If you truly can't understand why it's a bad idea for a a 20-something female to give out her personal information on an internet forum where she has been called all sorts of names, then I have greatly overestimated you.

By the way....if you want to be taken seriously on even this a Christian discussion forum.... you would need more then just ''a degree'' if you have no published works
Yeah right. I've posted all sorts of published papers here, and most of the time no one even bothers to read them. So obviously having papers published isn't as important as you claim.

Perhaps if you respected scripture more, were less rude and vein you would not need to give any credentials.
Gosh, if only I was more like you, you would respect me more. Imagine that. :rolleyes:


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
River Jordan said:
Like I said, not every Christian is a fundamentalist and reads scripture as one. I know that's really, really hard for you to accept, but that's your issue.
What part about Jesus taught of Noah in the synagogues did you not understand?

River Jordan said:
being objective and using our critical thinking skills are things to be avoided, lest we lose our faith
If I saw objectivity or critical thinking from you we would agree a lot more. You are biased and brainwashed by your textbooks. I have many of your threads to prove it. Any new member you bash will freely receive a free history lesson on your beliefs from me.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
KingJ said:
What part about Jesus taught of Noah in the synagogues did you not understand?
You mean your argument from silence?

If I saw objectivity or critical thinking from you we would agree a lot more. You are biased and brainwashed by your textbooks. I have many of your threads to prove it. Any new member you bash will freely receive a free history lesson on your beliefs from me.
And you wonder why I won't give out my personal info. Duh.


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
That doesn't really help answer my question. Again, the ark has been found according to who?
Why do you want to know? You obviously do not believe the Biblical account of Noah and the Ark, and the attempts to find it over the years, and the successes at doing so...strange for a "christian"!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
heretoeternity said:
Why do you want to know? You obviously do not believe the Biblical account of Noah and the Ark, and the attempts to find it over the years, and the successes at doing so...strange for a "christian"!
I don't find this very logical. The truth of the Biblical account is not dependent on the success of modern archaeologists in finding evidence for it, surely? That's like insisting that anyone who believes in Jesus' resurrection MUST also believe that the Turin Shroud is genuine. It is perfectly possible to believe the Bible story and at the same time to be sceptical of the claims of these recent expeditions. I will be delighted if traces of the Ark are ever found, but I for one don't think they have been... yet.


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
River Jordan said:
Because it would btremely interesting. So again, the ark has been found according to who?
News teams in the 70's and National Geographics in 2010, as well as various Christian teams who have explored the region and uncovered it's probable location, and unearthed part of the outline...if you can Google or search the subject lots of info there for you to catch up on the latest news about it....maybe then you will begin to believe the Bible and its account of Noah and the Ark....


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
Amrak said:
I have a hard time trying to tell my friends that one day we will find the ark and proove the existence. They argue that so much rain in 40 days is impossible, and also they ball off about dinosaurs, and how did the animal fit etc.
Amrak, I sympathize with you, even professing "christians" who claim to know the Bible and claim to believe in the Bible create problems for those who do believe in the Bible and in particular it's accounts of Noah and the Ark....


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
River Jordan said:
1. You mean your argument from silence?

2. And you wonder why I won't give out my personal info. Duh.
1. Critical thinking fail. Jesus was very vocal with His disagreements.

2. I guess you have a point here. You have made yourself quite a villan on Christian sites.

I propose for this year you try google more then ''reasons scripture is false'' and ''tips on how to annoy people / remain elusive when in an inevitable corner on evolution''.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
heretoeternity said:
News teams in the 70's and National Geographics in 2010,
Yeah, I posted the link to the Nat Geo story, remember? They didn't say the ark had been found, they said "A team of evangelical Christian explorers claim they've found the remains of Noah's ark", and I also posted a link to Christian media referring to the expedition's claims as a hoax.

as well as various Christian teams who have explored the region and uncovered it's probable location, and unearthed part of the outline...if you can Google or search the subject lots of info there for you to catch up on the latest news about it....maybe then you will begin to believe the Bible and its account of Noah and the Ark....
Ok, thanks for your time.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
KingJ said:
1. Critical thinking fail. Jesus was very vocal with His disagreements.
If you truly think "Jesus didn't say it wasn't true, therefore it's true" is critical :blink:

2. I guess you have a point here. You have made yourself quite a villan on Christian sites.
To some angry fundamentalists like you, certainly.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
River Jordan said:
If you truly think "Jesus didn't say it wasn't true, therefore it's true" is critical :blink:

To some angry fundamentalists like you, certainly.
Jesus actually validated there was a flood. Luke 17:27

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
lforrest said:
Jesus actually validated there was a flood. Luke 17:27
Context is important. He cited the story to make a point about the second coming. Also, no one is saying there wasn't a flood; it just wasn't the global flood young-earth creationists believe in.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
River Jordan said:
Context is important. He cited the story to make a point about the second coming. Also, no one is saying there wasn't a flood; it just wasn't the global flood young-earth creationists believe in.
Even if Jesus were only making a point he would never say anything that isn't true.

Disputing the size of the flood is your only way to reconcile this verse with the popular evolutionary pov.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
lforrest said:
Even if Jesus were only making a point he would never say anything that isn't true.
So Jesus never utilized parables to make larger points? Every story he cited has to be 100% true?

Disputing the size of the flood is your only way to reconcile this verse with the popular evolutionary pov.
Read the link I posted, and you'll see that the non-global interpretation goes back a long way.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
River Jordan said:
So Jesus never utilized parables to make larger points? Every story he cited has to be 100% true
Jesus did use parables, but this was no parable. It was prophecy.

Jesus spoke the truth always, but he sometimes spoke in the corporeal sense, and sometimes spiritually. Parables are spiritual truths, so you have to decern in what way he was talking by the content.

River Jordan

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
lforrest said:
Jesus did use parables
So not every story Jesus cited to make larger points had to be absolutely true. The larger point stands, whether the story cited to make it is absolutely true or not.

but this was no parable. It was prophecy.
Right, Jesus cited the flood story to make a larger point about the second coming. That larger point stands, whether the flood was global, local, or even a story borrowed from the Babylonians.

Jesus spoke the truth always, but he sometimes spoke in the corporeal sense, and sometimes spiritually. Parables are spiritual truths, so you have to decern in what way he was talking by the content.
Exactly. I honestly don't see how anyone can read Luke 17 and think the take-away lesson is "The flood was global and very real". IMO, it's obvious the point was about how people will think everything is just fine and normal when the second coming occurs. That's why in Luke 17:30 He says "It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed".


His Humble Servant
Jul 27, 2015
...following a Jewish carpenter...
Skitnik said:
[SIZE=14pt]This is an add I posted on local Craigslist: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Atheists are the most religious bunch of people I have ever met. Yes atheism is a full blown, certifiable religion with all the attributes of one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]“god” – Chance[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]“prophet” – Darving[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]“holy book” – Origin of Species[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]“salvation” – absence of need for one. People are just biological automatons and there is nothing to save after death.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] I mean to actually believe that there was nothing then “bang” it became everything…! That is not even sane. Every time this point comes up atheists immediately go into “you too” mode and start ridiculing by bringing up stories from the Bible. Do not “shame” me with the Bible. Let’s say I am just a very generic theist. I just sanely conclude that there had to be somebody creating at least the very original components of everything and setting in place order and laws of physics. Also, if atheism is such a superior belief system why does it need to lower itself to the level of “you too” arguments even comparing itself to some religious dogmas! Such a superior belief system should be able to stand on its own does it not?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] Becoming theist is the first step in a journey of sane mind. Next step is trying to find Creator and what He is like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] Then there is a total quackery of evolution. While atheists do not even attempt to explain the origin of life they somehow “know” that it must have originated without involvement of any creating force.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt] If was to tell atheist: “Here is a fine Swiss watch. It is Swiss because somewhere in Switzerland there was a pile of iron ore that fell into acidic pool of “primordial soup”, got struck by a lightning few times over millions of years and now I have this watch” he would call me insane yet to even consider that one live cell that is infinitely more complex than the finest of watches came together this way is sane?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt] Evolution was never observed or replicated. Every time question comes up to show an example of evolution inevitably something like “Darvin’s finches” comes up. Variation within a specie, micro evolution at best. Show me one example of macro-evolution, aka DA EVOLUTION. One specie becoming another or one example of genetic information becoming more complex on its own. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] So to believe something that totally defies logic without one shred of evidence AND betting own life on it… I can only envy the level of totally blind religious, fanatical faith of an atheist! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] Yes, I will remind you about Pascal’s Wager too. The only “response” I get from atheists is the roll of eyes and “Oh its that again” but never an intelligent answer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] Without being able to explain origin of anything (matter, order, life) “sane”, “rational” atheists, inevitably become either “alien worshipers” (“Aliens created us”. Another new religion with Zecharia Sitchin as a “prophet”. Well who created aliens and what if they show up with their own ten commandments? What if it is a hundred and ten?) or rapidly growing ranks of Satan worshipers. (Yes, there is a Creator but he is just an egoistic control freak who creates everything and everybody for enslavement by him and his amusement. It is a good and pure hearted Lucifer who wants to set us free). Yes it is a rapidly growing “alternative” to atheism now that promise of god-like immortality seems to be within reach.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] Insane atheists are just staying insane. Hey, what can one expect from an overgrown monkey?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] P.S. for Christians.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] If you want to debate or reach out to an atheist you cannot use “God is real because Bible says so” argument. To an atheist Bible is no more proof of existence of God then Wizard of Oz is a proof that flying monkeys exist. I have seen Christians try to do that but all they do instead is get opposite result to what they try to achieve. Immediately atheists sink their teeth into this argument and start ridiculing the Bible. As you may guess I got a good amount of hate mail as a reply to my post on Craigslist. Inevitably all E-mails begin with “Yeah…and a Bible says this… “. When I tell them that I am not religious they are at a loss. (I am not lying to them, to me Christianity is a belief system, relationship with Christ and not a religion since Christianity saved no one, Jesus saved many). They are stumped, do not know what to say and all they can do from then on is use obscenities, profanities and names. The only other “argument” I have encountered is “Atheism is based on MANY different theories”, trying to talk down to me as if I am too stupid to understand but then all you have to do is to remind them that it does not matter how many theories they have, they are all just that…. THEORIES![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] See, the only way atheists “defend” their beliefs is by attacking legitimacy of a belief system of an opponent. Atheism cannot stand on its own, their belief system is based on nothing, only denial of other belief systems. It is like a bubble sustained only by air pressure it is pressing against. You take that away and a bubble of atheism pops, revealing nothing on the inside. Many choose to live in that bubble, do not make it easier for them with well-meaning but wrongly applied arguments.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt] Origin of things is the downfall of atheism. If you do not know where everything came from then how can you tell somebody who does know that they are wrong? Cannot counter something with nothing, so atheism can only attack others and cannot defend itself. If the question is “who created God?” then where did matter come from? If one can have totally irrational belief that nothing became everything without Creator being involved then my belief is much more rational: I believe that there is a Creator and His eternal nature is beyond my comprehension since I am not eternal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] Also, some of the smarter atheists use tricks to figure out which belief system you are coming from. They say something like: “There are unicorns in the Bible” and the moment you say “Show me where?” attack on the Bible and Christianity begins. Do not fall for it.[/SIZE]
You will find that atheists, and yes, even some "Christians" tend to reckon without the omnipotence of God. If God said that there should be enough water to flood the earth, who is to say that there could not be? Or "where did the water go"? Uh...God. You know, omnipotent? If He wants a puddle in the back yard, there is going to be a puddle in the back yard, even if you live in the middle of the desert. And if He says there will be no puddle, then it doesn't matter if you live in a puddle.
If He decides to flood Mercury with water, Mercury will be flooded with water. He is God, He can do whatever He sets His mind to.
How did the animals fit? Again, God. The Ark could have been like Mary Poppins' bag...with room enough in it for whatever God decided to put in it. Three, four, five times the number of animals you'd think would fit in there...if God says there will be enough room, guess what? There will be enough room.

Just as, if God wanted there to be enough matter in a tiny speck to explode into the universe, then, guess what? And if He says He can do the whole thing in six days, who is to tell Him He cannot?

We need to stop worrying our silly heads over such nonsense. God is in His Holy Temple...let all the earth keep silence before Him...


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
River Jordan said:
1. If you truly think "Jesus didn't say it wasn't true, therefore it's true" is critical :blink:

2. To some angry fundamentalists like you, certainly.
1. If He disagreed with the flood and for that matter any scripture He preached from it would be well known among the time He did / started fulfilling the law, they wanted to crucify Him. So, yes River, the fact that Jesus never took issue with the flood account as it is recorded in scripture is very significant.

2. Well that is not really true is it. The other site you were on kicked you off because you spammed them with heretically / Christian bashing thread after thread. It was a unanimous decision among many members and all the mods.