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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Every time you are confronted with your stupid misrepresentations and straw man fallacies, you weasel your way out by shifting the topic, like you just did. You cannot explain your anti-Catholic bigotry because their is no explanation. That's why you make up nonsense.
I have just overturned every point you have made, while you do the very things you accuse me of.

I will not be answering you anymore. Perhaps I will wave through the smoke of your demise.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
When you point-blank ask and push the matter repeatedly, that's me simply answering your repeated question. Again, I'm not interested in proselytizing and am not trying to convince you to be anything but Catholic. And yes, in your own Catholic beliefs and post here you've stated how Christ walked away from some situations.

If at the end of the day you are Catholic- or even a more Christ-like Catholic, I'm a happy camper. I have zero interest in convincing you not to be Catholic.
Dear Jane,

When you tell me my Catholic beliefs are false (unbiblical) you are trying to convince me to STAY Catholic??? o_O

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
For which you will receive the wages and stripes of a false witness.
Hmmmm...... according to your theory when I pray and the Spirit of God comes upon me I am a false witness.

And your alternate theory is that when you pray the Spirit of God comes upon you and you are able to properly discern scripture and figure out who the false witnesses are.......Fascinating.....You must be a prophet.....At least that is the way you portray yourself in your posts.

You like to bear witness about yourself kiddo. Do you know what the bible says about that???? (I know you don't so I will tell you). If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.

But of course I don't know who I am talking I???? o_O

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2017
United States
Acts 2:38---- repent+++++++++++++++be baptized>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>for remission of sins
Acts 3:19---- repent++++++++++++++be converted>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sin blotted out

Since there is one way to be saved and the Bible does not contradict itself then both verses say the exact same thing, Hence being baptized is conversion.

Is there a 'sin of denominationalism' in the Church of Christ? In other words, am I sinning by being a member of a particular Christian church?
If so, and I don't repent, will I be saved?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Dear Jane,

When you tell me my Catholic beliefs are false (unbiblical) you are trying to convince me to STAY Catholic??? o_O

Curious Mary
I have made (and will make) zero effort to convince you to be anything but Catholic.
Now, when you ask me repeatedly int-blank what I think of Catholicism, I will answer. That is simply me answering your repeated question. Again, I 100% respect your choice to be Catholic and have made (and will make) zero effort to convince you to be anything else. Again, I 100% respect that you are an intelligent person who's made the choice to be Catholic- a choice I honestly acknowledge and respect.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I have made (and will make) zero effort to convince you to be anything but Catholic.
Now, when you ask me repeatedly int-blank what I think of Catholicism, I will answer. That is simply me answering your repeated question. Again, I 100% respect your choice to be Catholic and have made (and will make) zero effort to convince you to be anything else. Again, I 100% respect that you are an intelligent person who's made the choice to be Catholic- a choice I honestly acknowledge and respect.
Hi Jane. I just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly.

You respect my choice to adhere to and practice what you believe is a false and unbiblical doctrine taught by men who are false prophets and you plan to make ZERO effort to rescue me from this alleged false, unbiblical teaching???

Jesus and the Apostles would not say or do what you are saying and doing because they love me and want me to be saved.

I thought you loved me? :(



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Hi Jane. I just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly.

You respect my choice to adhere to and practice what you believe is a false and unbiblical doctrine taught by men who are false prophets and you plan to make ZERO effort to rescue me from this alleged false, unbiblical teaching???
Exactly. I respect your ability to study things out and make your choices (even if I completely disagree with them). I have zero interest in trying to impose my will upon you: your choices are yours. And I also acknowledge that it is God that testifies of Truth to people, and not me (or any other mortal). I am not going to pretend to be God. God is a God of love and choices, not of forced conversion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2018
Canada you are building on Martin Luther's heretical teachings???? He set the foundation and you are building on top of that???:eek:

After all, if what you are teaching is true then that means what Luther taught was false which makes his teachings heretical. Soooo you KNOW your teachings aren't heretical????

Curious Mary
Protestantism is a heresy, but Protestants are not heretics. The Church sees them as brothers and sisters in the Lord. They are separate from the historic Church, yet many of them are a means of salvation. (CCC817-820) The Church in the formal sense, is not, and cannot be, anti-Protestant.
Their is, IMO, a minority of Protestants who are anti-Catholic. Most Protestants have the integrity to leave us alone. IMO, radical anti-Catholics don't resemble the most basic, common definition of a Christian.
Contrary to what my Church tells me, I don't think the Seventh Day Adventists are Christian. I'm sure they have lots of good people in their ranks, but the SDA is an evil mind controlling cult.
The similarities of some of Scott's posts with SDA teachings is alarming.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Exactly. I respect your ability to study things out and make your choices (even if I completely disagree with them). I have zero interest in trying to impose my will upon you: your choices are yours. And I also acknowledge that it is God that testifies of Truth to people, and not me (or any other mortal). I am not going to pretend to be God. God is a God of love and choices, not of forced conversion.
Fascinating.....simply fascinating.

You practice opposite of what Jesus and the Apostles preached but your practices are not anti-biblical....Hmmmmm.....o_O



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I have just overturned every point you have made, while you do the very things you accuse me of.

I will not be answering you anymore. Perhaps I will wave through the smoke of your demise.
Hi Scott.....Are you a Seventh Day Adventist???

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2018
Jesus [had] a physical body.
Jesus HAS a glorified body that is BOTH physical and spiritual. I was wondering when you were going to start denying His humanity.

Another name-caller's 'ism I will have to look up to understand and to know what some people think of those who have been born again of the spirit of God, caught up above the earth in the revelations of the the Lord.
Don't flatter yourself. Your "us v.s. them" mentality is juvenile.

Gnosticism = hidden knowledge. Look it up.

Don't you have an 'ism for someone who imagines all of what you just said?
Another meaningless zinger. You mock what you refuse to understand. No doubt you will refuse to explain "someone who imagines all of what you just said" and refuse to indicate where scripture is contradicted. Your "hit-and-run" tactic is a favorite of yours.

Actually, it's not that big of a mystery: Technically (even scientifically) speaking, matter is energy, and the seen (visible) world is light divided from darkness.
What's there to deny?
You are misrepresenting what I said you deny. It illustrates how slippery you are. Scroll up. Your view of "church" is a head with no body. Your running from the real issues.

That is not biblical.

The scriptures tell us that the physical body "returns to the earth as it was" and that "both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up."

But here you are propagating a lie. "Another prot-cult satanic lie?" Perhaps.
First, I never used those scriptures, you did.
Second, you abuse these scriptures trying to support you dualism: that only "spiritual" can be good, contrary to Genesis 1:31.
Third, the only thing I have 'propagated' is exposing your anti-Christian heresies, and I think that most Protestants in here would agree with me.

How about a review of all the lies and falsehoods you refuse to explain?
I'm still waiting for a name of a charlatan church leader and what they taught. That is a serious charge you refuse to substantiate.
All the Early Church Fathers were wrong? Nobody got it right until 1860???
As I hold you accountable for your hate speech you add more lies and slink off into polemicisms.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Fascinating.....simply fascinating.

You practice opposite of what Jesus and the Apostles preached but your practices are not anti-biblical....Hmmmmm.....o_O


Christ never forced anyone to sit down and accept the Gospel. He acknowledge that many would reject Him. And still loved them and let them make their choices, even if the were poor ones.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States

Christ never forced anyone to sit down and accept the Gospel. He acknowledge that many would reject Him. And still loved them and let them make their choices.
Nope......not nonsense. It comes down to this Jane Doe. You believe you have the Truth and that I, as a Catholic, am following false prophets/teachers who have twisted scripture and they have led me astray along with 1 billion of His other sheep. Your theory (which is not based on scripture) is that you have no obligation to try and save me from these false teachers. Let me believe and practice what I want and you believe and practice what you want. Your theory is OPPOSITE of the teachings of scripture. Your theory is called relativism and your theory is destroying Christianity.

I just noticed a bizarre statement that you made".......acknowledge that it is God that testifies of Truth to people, and not me (or any other mortal)."

If you believe your own statement, WHY do you keep testifying and proselytizing to me YOUR truth??? I thought it was God who testifies Truth to people?

Are you saying that God is speaking his Truth thru you to me?????

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Nope......not nonsense. It comes down to this Jane Doe. You believe you have the Truth and that I, as a Catholic, am following false prophets/teachers who have twisted scripture and they have led me astray along with 1 billion of His other sheep. Your theory (which is not based on scripture) is that you have no obligation to try and save me from these false teachers. Let me believe and practice what I want and you believe and practice what you want. Your theory is OPPOSITE of the teachings of scripture. Your theory is called relativism and your theory is destroying Christianity.
You didn't listen to a thing I said.

Mary, Christ didn't force people to listen to His Truth. At points He kept His mouth shut. And He always acknowledged that people had made their choices to listen or not.
I do likewise.
If you believe your own statement, WHY do you keep testifying and proselytizing to me YOUR truth??? I thought it was God who testifies Truth to people?
Mary, I haven't once prosylitzed at you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2018
You are not listening, you call me names I would have to look up to even know what you are calling me, you accuse me of affiliations I do not have, you mock my knowledge which has only One source, and now you say the only church does not exist.

God knows, and so will you.
More misquotes. I did not say, "the only church does not exist." I said the Church of your imagination does not exist. Quote me directly or stop making things up.

I answered it already...
As I said, some were and some were not. Read it again.
State the post number where you said some of the Early Church Fathers were not wrong.
You are trying to define things by your own terms...and I have and am telling you there is both.
Read my lips: Your either/or terms are not applicable.
Some, indeed have knowingly taught doctrines of devils, while others have been the subjects of a type of blindness imposed by God upon all language, which they are not guilty of.
Again, you refuse to name the church fathers who allegedly taught doctrines of devils (that was accepted by the historic Church). Yet you make the same evil assertion after being challenged on it. You have no names because you dreamed up this fiction.

No, you are twisting what I said. God created everything - does that make Him the Author of evil? But why are you surprised?

I form the light and create darkness,
I make peace and create calamity;
I, the Lord, do all these things.
’ Isaiah 45:7

...Have you no knowledge of blind leaders of the blind? Are you such a fool to think there have been no charlatans in the church?
Again, you refuse to name your "charlatans", it's a stupid generality.

You dancing around the truth with millions of fellows for millennia, does not mean I have been dancing around. It just looks that way from your perspective.
Truth is absolute, it is not about "perspective" and definitely not about your relativism.

As for my "forgive them for they know not what they do" explanation regarding "some" of those who have taught false doctrine - now you speak against Christ. Now, that, is dancing.
Jesus spoke from the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" in reference to those who were crucifying Him. Context is your enemy, and so are the facts of history.
The early church fathers absolutely perverted the gospel - they were wrong.
There is nothing remotely Christian about this absurd statement.
You are still trying to fit this all into your own terms...which is getting in the way of you fully understanding. I recommend you embrace the idea of renewing your mind.
Nonetheless, the terms you have stated are clear enough and true: those early church fathers who made idols of the bread and the wine as if inanimate objects were God...will not inherit the kingdom of God. They were false teachers.
How the Satanic Black Mass Proves the Truth of Catholicism
(and exposes Scott's blasphemy)
But do not assume that holding the title of leader, made them such. Many were followers, but followers of men. Can you not relate?
Catholics don't deny there were some corrupt popes, but Satan has never prevailed. You call Jesus a liar claiming Satan did prevail. Funny how no one noticed this HUGE historical event of the Church "falling away" until the middle of a revolt.

Apparently you don't remember speaking against God whom is spirit, as you did below. So here it is again:
...Obviously, the "EVIL insults" and "lies" are yours.
Quote me directly OR STOP MAKING THINGS UP.

I was quoting you using "spiritualizing" as a bad word.
Quote me directly OR STOP MAKING THINGS UP.

The point is...spiritualizing is the most godly thing that could be done, the very thing that God is doing for the salvation of His children.
And you don't like it so much you use it as criticism.
Where? I criticize your false dualism and denial of physicality.
Quote me directly OR STOP MAKING THINGS UP.
I have just overturned every point you have made, while you do the very things you accuse me of.
You haven't overturned anything and you run when your falsehoods are challenged.
I will not be answering you anymore. Perhaps I will wave through the smoke of your demise.
Yea, right. You refuse to explain your false histories and stupid anti-Christian insults, and you think that a bunch of irrelevant scripture quotes will justify your bigotry.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You didn't listen to a thing I said.

Mary, Christ didn't force people to listen to His Truth. At points He kept His mouth shut. And He always acknowledged that people had made their choices to listen or not.
I do likewise.

Mary, I haven't once prosylitzed at you.
Lol......I never said Christ forced people to listen to his truth.....only you have.....several times....and I don’t know why.

Are you suggesting that you have never told me what you think about my beliefs or what your beliefs you have discerned from scripture?????

Patient Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Someone (I think epostle) suggested you might be.

Which denomination do you fall more in line with or are you a member of? The reason I ask actually has to do with the subject of this thread: Baptism

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Again, this very thing occurred with Israel, and was explained by Christ in Matthew 23. Such leaders are indeed held accountable.

But you are then assuming also that the martyrs were those same offenders, when they are not. Is every leader in the church a martyr? Certainly not. They may have been unanimous in there teaching, but not in their testimony. You have assumed too much.
And I thought your interpretation of Scripture was a feat of acrobatics . . .

Their teachings on the Eucharist were unanimous but not their testimonies??
Can you produce ONE single testimony from an Early Church Father that DENIES the Real Presence??
Just show me ONE and I'll drop this . . .