Coronavirus spreading

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
So the whole "liberals criticizing Trump for acting too quickly" isn't a real thing.

Reading through the article it looks like the Dems have some valid criticisms. Trump did contradict scientists, the CDC is underfunded, parts of the country aren't getting enough testing kits, and now that Trump has referred to this as a hoax we can expect a lot more criticism to come his way.

First of all: Trump contradicts A LOT of so called "experts". And that's not a bad thing, because he's often more right than the so called experts. But for the sake of argument, exactly what has Trump done wrong? He acted quickly to stop air travel; acted quickly to start evaluating the contagion; already has testing kits in the field; and has bypassed some of the FDA testing to get new kits in the field as soon as possible.


FY 2018 Budget in Brief - CDC
CDC Budget Totals—Less Funds from Other Sources 2016 2017 2018
Full-Time Equivalents 11,806 11,948 11,948

Thirdly: Testing kits are being developed, reviewed, approved, and distributed as we speak. Did you think they were already on the shelves BEFORE THE DISEASE APPEARED?!?

And Finally: The "HOAX" is that "the Trump Administration is negligent".

Personally, I think there are TWO diseases which have infected our nation, and YOU have one of them: TDS! :)

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
First of all: Trump contradicts A LOT of so called "experts". And that's not a bad thing, because he's often more right than the so called experts.
I think it's terrible for the President of the United States to contradict medical experts in the midst of a global outbreak.

But for the sake of argument, exactly what has Trump done wrong? He acted quickly to stop air travel; acted quickly to start evaluating the contagion; already has testing kits in the field; and has bypassed some of the FDA testing to get new kits in the field as soon as possible.


FY 2018 Budget in Brief - CDC
CDC Budget Totals—Less Funds from Other Sources 2016 2017 2018
Full-Time Equivalents 11,806 11,948 11,948

Thirdly: Testing kits are being developed, reviewed, approved, and distributed as we speak. Did you think they were already on the shelves BEFORE THE DISEASE APPEARED?!?
I named them in my last post.

And Finally: The "HOAX" is that "the Trump Administration is negligent".
That's not what Trump said.

Personally, I think there are TWO diseases which have infected our nation, and YOU have one of them: TDS! :)

Bobby Jo
It seems "TDS" is similar to "fake news", in that both are lazy ways to dismiss information one would rather not have to deal with. It is possible to level valid criticisms at Trump without suffering from TDS. The guy isn't perfect after all. :rolleyes:
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I think it's terrible for the President of the United States to contradict medical experts in the midst of a global outbreak.
I don't know if you've ever been in a room with "experts", but I don't believe I've ever seen a unanimous consensus on ANY SUBJECT. So to impugn President Trump because he may have agreed with some and inherently disagreed with others, is disingenuous.

Secondly, Re: the CDC budget:
JAD: I named them in my last post.
BJ: I have no idea what you're referring to.​

Thirdly, Re: the "HOAX":
JAD: That's not what Trump said.
BJ: The context is given per the DOSSIER HOAX; the RUSSIA HOAX; the UNFIT TO SERVE (25th Amendment) HOAX; the KAVANAUGH HOAX; the IMPEACHMENT HOAX; the CDC FUNDING HOAX; -- really, is there any window where the liberals haven't made unfounded and transparently dishonest accusations against this President during his tenure?​

It seems "TDS" is similar to "fake news", in that both are lazy ways to dismiss information one would rather not have to deal with. It is possible to level valid criticisms at Trump without suffering from TDS. The guy isn't perfect after all. :rolleyes:

You acknowledged that what is undoubtedly the GREATEST Newspaper in the United States, DISHONESTLY painted the Corona Virus as the TRUMP VIRUS. Where do think this comes from except the pit of hell itself?!? And those who believe and then repeat these LIES in various degrees are either extremely gullible or incredibly stupid. And we're NOT called to be stupid.

Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... The guy isn't perfect after all. :rolleyes:

Actually no man is "perfect" whether they be an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or Teacher, --even though they are GIFTS to the church. And so too, the Two Witness (Rev. 11) won't be "perfect" either. But I strongly suspect that Trump and Netanyahu are the Two Witnesses, so exactly why is it that you apparently "kick against the pricks"?

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
What I'm waiting for are video clips of the liberals (and the liberal media) castigating President Trump when he moved quickly to restrict air travel from the affected cities in China. -- Of course the now say he didn't move fast enough, which is disingenuous.

This is from China, not the U.S. media:
Trump sinks to racist panic as China mobilizes against disease
Trump sinks to racist panic as China mobilizes against disease
February 7, 2020 10:41 AM CST By Joel Wendland-Liu
Even though a tiny number of cases of coronavirus have surfaced in the U.S., widespread panic about the disease has surfaced in the form of hostility and racism toward Chinese people and even people who seem to be of Asian descent who are not Chinese. Many Americans, often self-identified as fans of Trump and living in places with no reported cases of the virus, likewise appear to harbor xenophobia and racism. ...​

Bobby Jo

So far as I know, Trump hasn't actually said anything racist, this time. Yes, at least one right-wing fool has made a public attack on Asians about the virus, but I see no sign that Trump approves.

He hasn't denounced it, but we can' t hold him accountable for every conservative racist out there.

(Barbarian checks)

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Racists, as a group aren't very bright. There's a lot more of it than I thought:
What's spreading faster than coronavirus in the US? Racist assaults and ignorant attacks against Asians
Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
(Trump calls the coronavirus epidemic a "hoax.")

Don't you love "pudding", because the PROOF is always in the pudding, -- exactly as you demonstrate.

Yep. He doesn't get it. Even when his own people tell him:

CDC official warns Americans it's not a question of if coronavirus will spread, but when
CDC official warns Americans it's not a question of if coronavirus will spread, but when - CNN

Trump is still calling it a hoax, and telling us that it's not going to spread. The well-known Trump "Too Dumb Syndrome."

Yep. He thinks that it's just a P.R. problem. But real Americans are getting sick, and some of them are dying. He can't hand-wave it away, and the longer he tries, the worse it's going to be for us.

Will it be as bad as the Spanish flu pandemic that killed millions? Probably not. But it's going to be worse then the Ebola outbreak, because that time, we had a real president, who did the necessary thing in time to stop it.

This time, we've missed that window. Pray for us.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Trump is still calling it a hoax...
That is a lie. As usual you simply regurgitate the Left-Liberal Democrat baloney to attack Trump. Every attack on Trump by the Democrats has been proven to be lies, lies, and more lies.

What Trump is calling a hoax is the spin that the Democrats are trying to put on coronavirus with the so-called lack of preparedness of the USA, and that Trump has done nothing.

Did Trump Call the Coronavirus a Hoax: President Trump did NOT call Coronavirus a “hoax.

FALSE: He is calling Democrat claims that his administration isn’t doing enough to fight the coronavirus a “hoax.”

He was referring to how Democrats mischaracterized his response and the U.S. readiness to combat it.@APFactCheck agrees with Trump.

Read more at: Did Trump Call the Coronavirus a Hoax: President Trump did NOT call Coronavirus a “hoax. - Market News
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
I don't know if you've ever been in a room with "experts", but I don't believe I've ever seen a unanimous consensus on ANY SUBJECT. So to impugn President Trump because he may have agreed with some and inherently disagreed with others, is disingenuous.

Well, let's see what the Center for Disease Control says...

CDC official warns Americans it's not a question of if coronavirus will spread, but when
CDC official warns Americans it's not a question of if coronavirus will spread, but when - CNN

This is what Trump calls a hoax. His claim?

Trump said the current number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. is “going very substantially down, not up.” But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said to expect more cases and has warned that it is highly unlikely that the virus will not spread to some degree within the U.S. The first case of community spread may have already occurred.

The president said that the U.S. is “rapidly developing a vaccine” for COVID-19 and “will essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner.” ...The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said a vaccine at best won’t be ready for “a year to a year-and-a-half” and won’t be available for the current epidemic.
Trump repeatedly downplayed the potential for more COVID-19 cases in the U.S., and even suggested, falsely, that the number of American cases would fall...
The day before, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, also said in a telebriefing that the agency fully anticipated seeing community spread of the virus within U.S. borders.
“It’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore,” she said, “but rather more a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness.”
Trump, however, conveyed different odds of that possibility in the press conference.
“I don’t think it’s inevitable,” he said in response to a reporter’s question.
FactChecking Trump's Coronavirus Press Conference

He's got TDS pretty bad. But most Americans don't. This is much more serious than he realizes.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Trump's Biggest Supporters Think The Coronavirus Is A Deep State Plot

While Donald Trump has tasked Mike Pence with leading the country to safety.

At a press conference on Wednesday night, Trump praised his administration’s decision to restrict travel of people from countries where infections have been diagnosed, claimed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was trying to create a panic for political purposes, and announced that Vice President Mike Pence would lead the official coronavirus response. “Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low,” Trump said. “The level that we've had in our country is very low and those people are getting very better.”

Trump at the press conference said he agreed with claims that Rush Limbaugh (upon whom he bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union speech) made during his radio show this week, that the deep state had created the coronavirus as a political weapon to “to bring down Trump.”

Trump's Biggest Supporters Think The Coronavirus Is A Deep State Plot

Limbaugh said on his show earlier this week that the reporting on the coronavirus was being overhyped by Democrats and the media in an effort to hurt the president.

"The coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump," he said Wednesday. "I want to to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. The coronavirus is the common cold."

The media, Limbaugh said, "would love for the coronavirus to be this deadly strain that wipes everybody out, so they could blame Trump for it."

Pence tells Rush Limbaugh, who said coronavirus has been overhyped: 'We're all in this together'

It seems nothing is too crazy for those guys to believe. The current death toll for coronavirus is between 2 and 3 percent. Even influenza has a rate below 1 percent in the United States. Who dies of a cold? The hoax they are peddling is that this won't spread, and is just the a common cold.

He needs to shut up and listen to epidemiologists who actually know what they're talking about. Our problem is Pence's job is to limit how much information government epidemiologists can tell us. He has to approve everything they say, now. His problem is that there are epidemiologists who don't work for the government. They'll be harder to keep silent.



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Yep. More example of Trump Dumb Syndrome:

Did Trump try to cut the CDC's budget as Democrats claim?: ANALYSIS
The allegations come amid the emergency over the COVID-19 coronavirus.
An ABC News analysis of the president’s budget proposals compared to the congressionally approved spending plans ultimately enacted show both claims are true.
The president introduced his fiscal year 2021 budget proposal on Feb. 10, just 11 days after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concerns. The spending plan included a 16 percent reduction in CDC funding from the 2020 spending levels.

In fact, all of Trump’s budget proposals have called for cuts to CDC funding,
“The president fired the pandemic specialist in this country two years ago,” Bloomberg said. “So, there's nobody here to figure out what the hell we should be doing.”

In 2018, Trump administration eliminated the position of senior director for global health security and biodefense as part of a broader downsizing of the NSC spearheaded by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Earlier this month, 27 Democratic senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien urging him to reinstate the position and asking him to clarify how the White House plans to handle global health security threats.
Last year, the USAID program known as PREDICT was shuttered. The initiative was launched in 2009 and designed to improve the “detection and discovery of zoonotic viruses with pandemic potential.” The program is credited with identifying nearly a thousand new zoonotic viruses, which are transmitted between animals and humans, and influencing the response effort currently being employed to combat the coronavirus, which is a zoonotic infection.

Did Trump try to cut the CDC's budget as Democrats claim?: ANALYSIS

At a time when the threat of world pandemics is higher then ever, Trump is seeking to disarm the agencies responsible for preventing them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
don't know if you've ever been in a room with "experts", but I don't believe I've ever seen a unanimous consensus on ANY SUBJECT.

Show us anyone with any credentials in epidemiology who think that this isn't going to spread. Trump not only drastically cut our ability to defend ourselves against outbreaks of disease, he's dragging his feet when he needs to act decisively.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
I don't know if you've ever been in a room with "experts", but I don't believe I've ever seen a unanimous consensus on ANY SUBJECT. So to impugn President Trump because he may have agreed with some and inherently disagreed with others, is disingenuous.
You'd have a point if there were medical experts agreeing with Trump. So far, you haven't posted any.

Secondly, Re: the CDC budget:
JAD: I named them in my last post.
BJ: I have no idea what you're referring to.​
It's in this post: Coronavirus spreading

Thirdly, Re: the "HOAX":
JAD: That's not what Trump said.
BJ: The context is given per the DOSSIER HOAX; the RUSSIA HOAX; the UNFIT TO SERVE (25th Amendment) HOAX; the KAVANAUGH HOAX; the IMPEACHMENT HOAX; the CDC FUNDING HOAX; -- really, is there any window where the liberals haven't made unfounded and transparently dishonest accusations against this President during his tenure?​
It looks to me like you're making things up that Trump didn't say. In the context of talking about the coronavirus, he said "this is their new hoax" (referring to the Democrats).

You acknowledged that what is undoubtedly the GREATEST Newspaper in the United States, DISHONESTLY painted the Corona Virus as the TRUMP VIRUS. Where do think this comes from except the pit of hell itself?!?
I figure it either came from the editor or the author of the article. I didn't know Satan was in the business of writing headlines for op-ed pieces.

And those who believe and then repeat these LIES in various degrees are either extremely gullible or incredibly stupid. And we're NOT called to be stupid.
So do you think it's stupid to go against the consensus among medical experts during a global viral outbreak?


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Actually no man is "perfect" whether they be an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or Teacher, --even though they are GIFTS to the church.
Then it is possible to level valid criticisms at Trump (since he's not perfect).

And so too, the Two Witness (Rev. 11) won't be "perfect" either. But I strongly suspect that Trump and Netanyahu are the Two Witnesses, so exactly why is it that you apparently "kick against the pricks"?
Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Trump's Biggest Supporters Think The Coronavirus Is A Deep State Plot

While Donald Trump has tasked Mike Pence with leading the country to safety.

At a press conference on Wednesday night, Trump praised his administration’s decision to restrict travel of people from countries where infections have been diagnosed, claimed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was trying to create a panic for political purposes, and announced that Vice President Mike Pence would lead the official coronavirus response. “Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low,” Trump said. “The level that we've had in our country is very low and those people are getting very better.”

Trump at the press conference said he agreed with claims that Rush Limbaugh (upon whom he bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union speech) made during his radio show this week, that the deep state had created the coronavirus as a political weapon to “to bring down Trump.”

Trump's Biggest Supporters Think The Coronavirus Is A Deep State Plot

Limbaugh said on his show earlier this week that the reporting on the coronavirus was being overhyped by Democrats and the media in an effort to hurt the president.

"The coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump," he said Wednesday. "I want to to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. The coronavirus is the common cold."

The media, Limbaugh said, "would love for the coronavirus to be this deadly strain that wipes everybody out, so they could blame Trump for it."

Pence tells Rush Limbaugh, who said coronavirus has been overhyped: 'We're all in this together'

It seems nothing is too crazy for those guys to believe. The current death toll for coronavirus is between 2 and 3 percent. Even influenza has a rate below 1 percent in the United States. Who dies of a cold? The hoax they are peddling is that this won't spread, and is just the a common cold.

He needs to shut up and listen to epidemiologists who actually know what they're talking about. Our problem is Pence's job is to limit how much information government epidemiologists can tell us. He has to approve everything they say, now. His problem is that there are epidemiologists who don't work for the government. They'll be harder to keep silent.
That's both crazy and scary. "The coronavirus is the common cold"? Unbelievably irresponsible for such an influential public personality to say that.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... do you think it's stupid to go against the consensus among medical experts during a global viral outbreak?

I certainly don't think your denials are "stupid" (to use your word), but they are symptomatic of TDS. -- You see what you want, and deny what you don't want to see.

So go your own way, and receive your own "rewards". Good Luck.
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
I certainly don't think your denials are "stupid" (to use your word), but they are symptomatic of TDS. -- You see what you want, and deny what you don't want to see.
I think you may have missed the point. We were talking about how Trump is contradicting medical experts on the coronavirus. I'm asking you if you think it's "stupid" to do that in the midst of a global viral outbreak.

So go your own way, and receive your own "rewards". Good Luck.
Bobby Jo
"Luck favors the prepared" as Louis Pasteur appropriately noted.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
That's both crazy and scary. "The coronavirus is the common cold"? Unbelievably irresponsible for such an influential public personality to say that.

It was Limbaugh. A misogynistic, racist drug abuser. What do you expect? Those guys aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
"Luck favors the prepared" as Louis Pasteur appropriately noted.

Before I leave our conversation, let me caution that you're up against a daunting future. So if "luck favors the prepared", then I hope you are "preparing" as we speak. But many think the world will continue as it has in the past, and "preparations" are unnecessary. So all that's left is:

Good Bye!
Bobby Jo
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Jun 6, 2019
United States
Using your own assertion, I would propose that "testimony" includes BIBLE PROPHECY. -- Of which you have no clue, among your other bizarre assertions.
Bobby Jo


(Coronavirus is not unique and its not something new, it has always been observed in certain circumstances, that is besides the point, but we'll come back to that subject matter) (Human Body Rejects its "Consciousness", due to, 2nd Light Constant Exposure (like solar eclipse), no this is not radiation, and no this is not "plasma") (jewish people specifically when they stare at a solar eclipse have a 90 to 100 percent, death rate from Coronavirus) (the usa because of its population dynamics or the nations are not really qualified to speak on the issue of the coronavirus or its epidemic of "dead flesh", those genetic lines, and their impacts to people in society)

(OFF Topic) (coronavirus is a dominate form of virus that is present, if it is in the body, but it is not the cause of death, nor is it related) (no nation at present is qualified to address the issue) (blindness from a solar eclipse, (unified field isolated area of effect), is temporary, give them the coronavirus, just from that they will die, use inmates give their freedom if they survive according to these terms) (no nation is not qualified to address the issue, especially a nation with jews or ethnics in it)

Halley's Comet with Jesus = "12 B.C. to 87 A.D." = 98 Years
Halley's Comet Today = 7/8/2061 - 98 Years = JFK 1963 Euthanasia (Coronavirus)

(41 Years for Matthew's Genealogy is something God used with Jesus, from 12 B.C. to 30 A.D. (luke 3:23)......and 41 Years today from Halley's Comet 2061 = 2020 A.D. ............. @@@@@@ the December Solstice .................. millions of people will die from the coronavirus, its too late for many people, however pork in the diet may help a few people)
(that is bible prophecy, God said the Days of Noah@@@@@A DAY FOR A YEAR@@@@@ would be like today, so how about Noah's 40 days@@@@@) (when Jesus said Noah's Measurement was for Today, That is the Law and Bible Prophecy) (not for a dumb J*w or Ethni*, you are instructed to autopsy the bodies of those genetic lines when they die as a result of using lethal force against me, if you failed to do that, you failed to understand the nature of coronavirus)
(Off Topic)

(it works like this) (once again, no nation is really qualified to address the issue, and this problem of authority in mass suicide will be resolved this year, perhaps with nothing happening at all, until that time) (mass suicide in the city of philadelphia, for using lethal force against me for pleasure is for public display) (and incest/suicide funded by the state here at home is also for public display)

....................... Cows were introduced in the old testament whereever Jewish people were introduced to monitor the death of the animal, that marked when the Jews would be forced to leave .................. later "Camels" were used in Jerusalem, finally the "PIG" was found to be a more perfect match, and this carried on to most recently "cambodia genocide" when their deaths most of which were contributed to not having pork in the diet. (Its not the "Coronavirus" that causes death or is apart of it.............its just dominant when present after and around death .............. its not the issue ............... you have no "unified field on planet earth or around it" because of "dead flesh", spiritual sin ............ when one comes into play, then it pulls on the "flesh and blood" relationship) (said this several years before "coronavirus" became and issue...............use an ethnic or a jew, and have to shot to kill, with a sniper rifle if that is better, then autoptsy the body, there is no controversy, millions will die, but you will still need to eliminate the rest, or no reaction with this earth is possible) (this problem of authority will be resolved this year, perhaps, with millions deceased) (you are not qualified because you have those genetic lines, teaching things about a subject that demands their deaths) (they die around me too, naturally, sometimes without doing anything to me, field effects, until you learn to autoptsy the bodies, regardless if that makes me appear to have authority or not, your sudden diet changes after 9/11/2001 falling man moses, is only promoting mass suicide)

(very dense populations of those kinds in the usa or else where, with mixed populations not of their genetic kinds, all have seldom deaths from the "coronavirus"...............once again, this issue is not something no nation is qualified to properly handle, but in certain areas, like china that is entirely false positives, it will be a straight mass suicide in most places with many people)
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