Current Covid-19 situation in Australia

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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Since the number of vaccinated people in Australia has reached 90+% in the various Australian states, the virus infections per day has jumped markedly as shown in the following charts: -




On a moving 14 day total of the reported cases the data looks like this: -



Since the Australian states have reached their target vaccination penetration within the respective states, the number of virus cases has increased marketed-ly.

Since the "Christian Populations" in each of the states have turned away from God and have not humbled themselves and repented of their idolatrous worship and tried to act God like in solving the troubles facing us today God has shown Australia that we need to repent of our iniquities against God and then He will heal the Land. 2 Chron 7:12-14.

It seems that God is in control and that we need to understand His warnings when we commit our iniquities.

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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
yes, your correct, and the government doctors, and MSM refuse to admit this. They still blame the unvaxxed, they refuse to acknowledge the many deaths caused by the vaccine. Their line continues to be safe and effective. And they also refuse to admit Ivermectin heals people of covid. They push Remdesivir which kills people by destroying their organs, and would rather people die following their hospital death protocols of Remdesivir, ventilators, sedation drugs which interfere with breathing. Just about everyone who has been put on ventilators for covid died.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Since the Australian states have reached their target vaccination penetration within the respective states, the number of virus cases has increased marketedly.

Boy howdy! You may have no idea of just how true this sentence may be you wrote! I’ve taken the liberty of bolding one word, misspelled, but telling…

In fact, I think you’ve just won. I declare this the #1 post of the day!
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Boy howdy! You may have no idea of just how true this sentence may be you wrote! I’ve taken the liberty of bolding one word, misspelled, but telling…

In fact, I think you’ve just won. I declare this the #1 post of the day!

Well, have you followed God's advice that I referenced, in how the issues we are facing can be overcome? It really is up to those who are called by His name to fix the present situation instead of complaining about it like the many "Christian" members on this forum are doing. We all like playing at being God and indulging in idolatrous worship of ourselves.


PS: - it was a deliberate new word that I used to highlight the cause. Follow the money as it will show the root cause of acting God like to get what we want.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
You have been wrong all along... Lost in a hypnotic state... Mislead, fooled and deceived by the master of deception
You've been following the msm like a zombie while antagonizing me with uncalled-for belligerence and unwarranted indignation ...:eek:

Only now are you beginning to wake up...:eek: Two years later... :eek:
Only now are you starting to think critically by at least following the money... :eek:
Which is one thing that iv repeated at nauseum and people like you have vilified me for... Thats the first thing i did, follow the money. :rolleyes:
And your only starting to do that now... o_O
Much to learn you still have

Your amateur in identifying the evil one and his works. You've been unknowingly promoting his evil works...
You've been gullible believeing the government and msm until now and prefer to think that everything will be fine.
Your an optimist and thats fine but you became disgustingly to an abominable point.... Even when i tried to smooth things over and be Christ-like you just continued with your hostility for no apparent reason, refusing to accept my situation and that of many others in Melbourne, cheering on those lockdowns like it was just a football match while my family and friends were suffering because of it. Loosing livelyhoods, loosing jobs, losing homes and even loosing lives... But you didn't care... You acted like a heartless piece of scum with no morals or empathy at all... Demanding that i keep quite about what im experiencing... :rolleyes: Screw you

You were wrong all along... Wrong about everything from the pandemic to the syringes.
Only now are u starting to wake up...But your pride will never admit it...
Lucifers favourite sin...

First of all, you do not know me. Secondly, I have identified the real cause of the situation that the world is finding itself in. Thirdly I have suggested how we can go about humbling ourselves and repenting of our iniquities and if we are honest before God He will hear our prayers and heal the earth. Fourthly, I have not seen where you have identified the real cause of our current situation where we have climate change, locusts being dictatorial and lording it over the people and pestilence sweeping across the whole earth. But what I have heard from you is that other people are the problem and if we get rid of those people then everything will be okay once again.

What I am seeing occurring at this present time is God laughing at us saying, "So you think that you have been able to solve the pestilence problem by forcing everybody to be vaccinated and now since we have reached the 90% vaccination penetration rate within the community, that the pestilence will no longer be a problem.

Since reaching the 90% vaccination penetration rate in the community, the number of reported cases of covid19 and its variants, has skyrocketed for Australia from 255 reported cases on 29-07-21, to 1,327 reported cases on 29-8-21, to 1,839 on the 29-9-21, to 1,935 reported cases on the 29-10-21, to 1,172 reported cases on 29-11-21, to 18,243 reported cases on 29-12-21. Man's attempts to usurp God and solve our problems on our own is not working at all.

It seems that man's best efforts cannot stop the pestilence from sweeping through Australia or any other country.

Yet you are not willing to humble yourself and repent for acting God like to fix what you consider is a simple problem. Instead you rant and you yell at anyone who does not bow down to your assumed wisdom and you call them names and you put them down, yet you yourself have no idea of how simple it is to fix the problems that we are presently facing.

Show us you leadership skills and humble yourself and repent of the iniquities that you are committing before God and the rest of humanity.

Have a good day now.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
First of all, you do not know me. Secondly, I have identified the real cause of the situation that the world is finding itself in. Thirdly I have suggested how we can go about humbling ourselves and repenting of our iniquities and if we are honest before God He will hear our prayers and heal the earth. Fourthly, I have not seen where you have identified the real cause of our current situation where we have climate change, locusts being dictatorial and lording it over the people and pestilence sweeping across the whole earth. But what I have heard from you is that other people are the problem and if we get rid of those people then everything will be okay once again.

What I am seeing occurring at this present time is God laughing at us saying, "So you think that you have been able to solve the pestilence problem by forcing everybody to be vaccinated and now since we have reached the 90% vaccination penetration rate within the community, that the pestilence will no longer be a problem.

Since reaching the 90% vaccination penetration rate in the community, the number of reported cases of covid19 and its variants, has skyrocketed for Australia from 255 reported cases on 29-07-21, to 1,327 reported cases on 29-8-21, to 1,839 on the 29-9-21, to 1,935 reported cases on the 29-10-21, to 1,172 reported cases on 29-11-21, to 18,243 reported cases on 29-12-21. Man's attempts to usurp God and solve our problems on our own is not working at all.

It seems that man's best efforts cannot stop the pestilence from sweeping through Australia or any other country.

Yet you are not willing to humble yourself and repent for acting God like to fix what you consider is a simple problem. Instead you rant and you yell at anyone who does not bow down to your assumed wisdom and you call them names and you put them down, yet you yourself have no idea of how simple it is to fix the problems that we are presently facing.

Show us you leadership skills and humble yourself and repent of the iniquities that you are committing before God and the rest of humanity.

In short, you are a bully, a slanderer and a down right liar.

Have a good day now.

Blah blah blah keep on spinning it Mr DJ

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I'll just continue to deal in facts

The roll out of the experimental needle in Australia is a failure
bandicam 2021-12-30 12-32-22-416.jpg

Their response

bandicam 2021-12-24 17-58-23-694.jpg

The head of the WHO says
"Some countries are using boosters to kill children which is not right"

This is the new normal...
Global communism...
Human sacrifice...
Medical apartheid...
Child sacrifice...
3 month boosters...
Mark of the beast system...
And the like...

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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Blah blah blah keep on spinning it Mr DJ

You chose to enter this thread and comment using false arguments to support the thrust of your posts. I started a new thread so as not to step on your toes or antagonise you with my content, yet you deliberately chose to bad mouth me to another member with your false claims etc.

Oh well, for someone who claim that they know what is happening, you seem to prove to everybody that what you know is not worth knowing for anyone else at all.

So if you stay out of my thread and not bad mouth me, then I will avoid your threads on principle because I do not want to be associated with a person like you who has no substance to their character.

Have a good day now.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
I'll just continue to deal in facts

Please post in your own thread what you believe are the facts of the matter rather than pollute any one else's threads.

When you can see that the problem is with you as well as with every other so called Christian on this earth, including me, for turning away from God and acting God like then perhaps we can then humble ourselves and call out for mercy from God for the iniquities we have committed. Perhaps God will hear from us and will heal the land of those who are truly repentant.

Then perhaps we will have a common ground instead of your agro on which to discuss the way forward.

Have a good day now.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Child sacrifice... Ignored... Typical

Here is another good one that you will love to ignore
A statement made by Justin Tredeau...

"regardless of the fact that we are attacking your fundamental rights, we're still going to go ahead and do it"
"Its a loophole which allows the majority to overwrite the fundamental rights of a minority"

Is this what you've been arguing for the last 2 years? Cos its where we are now
So enough with your delusions... You were deceived by government and MSM... Many people were... Only the decent ones will admit it
You've started to wake up now, drop your evil ways, stop abetting Satan, repent and return to the truth.


Is this meme right or wrong JR?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Since the number of vaccinated people in Australia has reached 90+% in the various Australian states, the virus has infections per day has jumped markedly as shown in the following charts: -

View attachment 19532

View attachment 19533

View attachment 19534

On a moving 14 day total of the reported cases the data looks like this: -

View attachment 19536

View attachment 19537

Since the Australian states have reached their target vaccination penetration within the respective states, the number of virus cases has increased marketed-ly.

Since the "Christian Populations" in each of the states have turned away from God and have not humbled themselves and repented of their idolatrous worship and tried to act God like in solving the troubles facing us today God has shown Australia that we need to repent of our iniquities against God and then He will heal the Land. 2 Chron 7:12-14.

It seems that God is in control and that we need to understand His warnings when we commit our iniquities.


Well Covid may or may not be from god directly or Him just letting the fallen world have its way.

But Omicron will spike infections in all populations , vaccinated or not.
What is the important number is the number of hospitalizations with severe cases.

In the US we are experiencing record number of infections, but hospitalizations are trending down in most areas. This is great news. for so far, it appears that novel covid-2 is mutating to a near harmless virus! Let us pray it keeps mutating to more harmless infections and the researchers can find more effective treatments to deal with it.

I suspect covid-2 will be like the flu and people who are vulnerable will need a yearly injection to protect themselves. Covid is behaving in many ways like some of the more virulent flu strains that hit the world over time.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Well Covid may or may not be from god directly or Him just letting the fallen world have its way.

But Omicron will spike infections in all populations , vaccinated or not.
What is the important number is the number of hospitalizations with severe cases.

In the US we are experiencing record number of infections, but hospitalizations are trending down in most areas. This is great news. for so far, it appears that novel covid-2 is mutating to a near harmless virus! Let us pray it keeps mutating to more harmless infections and the researchers can find more effective treatments to deal with it.

I suspect covid-2 will be like the flu and people who are vulnerable will need a yearly injection to protect themselves. Covid is behaving in many ways like some of the more virulent flu strains that hit the world over time.

Ronald, thank you for your post.

A friend of mine last week make the comment that the leaders of a particular denomination appear to be making the same mistake with respect to counselling pastors who hold a pastor's licence within that denomination and have not realised that if the outcomes are not what they were hoping for then the problem may not be with the pastors being counselled, but rather the problem is with their handling of the issues being addressed.

In our conversation around this observation, I was also able to see that the "Churches" handling of the pandemic which we are experiencing is not exposing that the issue is with the "Churches" response to the failures of what they are relying on to subdue the pandemic. The "Churches" are relying on the efforts of mankind to overcome the pandemic and they are not seeing that the best response for the "Churches" is to humble themselves and repent of their reliance on God like activities being made by mankind , where God has promised that the "Rain, the locusts and the pestilence," that has come about by the "Churches" turning away from God to reliance on God like activities of mankind's scientists and political leadership to overcome what is a heart issue within the "Churches."

Yes we can look at the "reported numbers" of the issues facing mankind at the moment, but the "churches" have turned away from the relationship that God requires of us to be called by His name. The problem lies within the "Churches" and until the "churches" realises their iniquities against God, then the issues with Climate Change, the Tyranny of the Locusts, and the Pestilence sweeping around the world, will not be healed by God as he has promised when we humble ourselves.


Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Ronald, thank you for your post.

A friend of mine last week make the comment that the leaders of a particular denomination appear to be making the same mistake with respect to counselling pastors who hold a pastor's licence within that denomination and have not realised that if the outcomes are not what they were hoping for then the problem may not be with the pastors being counselled, but rather the problem is with their handling of the issues being addressed.

In our conversation around this observation, I was also able to see that the "Churches" handling of the pandemic which we are experiencing is not exposing that the issue is with the "Churches" response to the failures of what they are relying on to subdue the pandemic. The "Churches" are relying on the efforts of mankind to overcome the pandemic and they are not seeing that the best response for the "Churches" is to humble themselves and repent of their reliance on God like activities being made by mankind , where God has promised that the "Rain, the locusts and the pestilence," that has come about by the "Churches" turning away from God to reliance on God like activities of mankind's scientists and political leadership to overcome what is a heart issue within the "Churches."

Yes we can look at the "reported numbers" of the issues facing mankind at the moment, but the "churches" have turned away from the relationship that God requires of us to be called by His name. The problem lies within the "Churches" and until the "churches" realises their iniquities against God, then the issues with Climate Change, the Tyranny of the Locusts, and the Pestilence sweeping around the world, will not be healed by God as he has promised when we humble ourselves.


Yes, we are living in what many call the Age of Laodicea. Jesus said that these times would be a time of apostasy and falling away from the truths we appeared to hold. this is the sad truth of the times we live in. the list of problems would take page upon page, and the sects of Christendom that are now dead is also too lengthy.

Judgment begins in the house of God and if we the righteous are scarcely saved, what of the unrighteous? as Peter wrote. But God still uses the hands of medicine to work good. We are not in the time when all the world will join for evil. We are heading there, but the charges laid down by many Christians against medicine, pharmacy companies etc. are just absolutely ludicrous and seem to be the results of bitter hearts. I am hoping that things like covid- no matter how badly governemt has mismanaged it is still a warning shot from God before He unleashes hell on earth.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
This is how the year ended for Australia: -






When are we all going to learn that our God like actions are not succeeding to solve the present issues that the world is facing.

Is it not time for those who are called by His name to humble themselves and to repent of their iniquities against God?

perhaps He will hear us and act to heal the earth.

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Yes we can look at the "reported numbers" of the issues facing mankind at the moment, but the "churches" have turned away from the relationship that God requires of us to be called by His name. The problem lies within the "Churches" and until the "churches" realises their iniquities against God, then the issues with Climate Change, the Tyranny of the Locusts, and the Pestilence sweeping around the world, will not be healed by God as he has promised when we humble ourselves.
You're referring to a lot of End Times events, whether you believe we are in that or not, and God never promised to end any of those. Especially when Climate Change is not His doing at all, but the creation of those who are intentionally altering the atmosphere of the world for their purposes. That is all part of the enemy's last stand and it will not end until God ends the whole show.

Revelation 16:8

This is not something God will change if any 'churches' repent of anything.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
the charges laid down by many Christians against medicine, pharmacy companies etc. are just absolutely ludicrous and seem to be the results of bitter hearts.
If you believe Big Pharma is righteous and sincere, you are either:

1. Ignorant beyond measure (which I know is not the case)


2. Party to the campaign of corruption and lies.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
If you believe Big Pharma is righteous and sincere, you are either:

1. Ignorant beyond measure (which I know is not the case)


2. Party to the campaign of corruption and lies.

Well now you are going on another rabbit trail that requires different answers.

Do I believe that any business, including big pharma is as rightweous as the can be? NO! Some are worse than others. They are far more evil than they report themseves, and I am convince they are far less evil than being screamed by Christians who have bought into all the conspiracy theories without doing their due diligence!

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
You're referring to a lot of End Times events, whether you believe we are in that or not, and God never promised to end any of those. Especially when Climate Change is not His doing at all, but the creation of those who are intentionally altering the atmosphere of the world for their purposes. That is all part of the enemy's last stand and it will not end until God ends the whole show.

Revelation 16:8

This is not something God will change if any 'churches' repent of anything.

No I am not referring to any End Time Prophecies but rather to the interaction that Solomon had with God and is found in 2 Chron. 7:12-14 particularly, although many will claim that God's prophecy is only applicable to the Nation of Israel. However, since the temple of God is within us as Christians, the same principles still apply to us and if we turn away from God and enter into idolatrous worship, then God will bring the same against us the Church as well until such time as we repent of our iniquities.



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
No I am not referring to any End Time Prophecies but rather to the interaction that Solomon had with God and is found in 2 Chron. 7:12-14 particularly, although many will claim that God's prophecy is only applicable to the Nation of Israel. However, since the temple of God is within us as Christians, the same principles still apply to us and if we turn away from God and enter into idolatrous worship, then God will bring the same against us the Church as well until such time as we repent of our iniquities.

Does your Bible contain the book of Revelation?
Jay Ross said:
... until the "churches" realises their iniquities against God, then the issues with Climate Change, the Tyranny of the Locusts, and the Pestilence sweeping around the world, will not be healed by God as he has promised when we humble ourselves.
Because what you are describing here are End Times events. The book of Revelation, and some others, discuss those events. And God will not bring an end to those events for any reason whatsoever before the ... Full Stop comes.
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