Did Jesus claim to be God?

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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You guys do not have God's love, and you do not reason. You're here to score some points, get your little dopamine rush, mark your hours down, clock in and clock out, that's all. You're disguised as normal people (who seriously consider facts that may threaten their own view, who speak honest opinion as they struggle to make sense of the evidence), but you're not normal, you have psychological rabies--you're rabidly pushing an agenda, dressing it up in the garb of "discussion", all the while playing by a completely different set of rules. You're mercenaries.

You don't have God's love, you are hateful
I’ll just let that sink in….:hmhehm


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I'm pretty sure the "form of God" reference was Wayne222's nod to Philippians 2:6-7.
I'm not so sure RF.

He said "....I really did not imply Jesus the man was physically in the desert with Isarel following them. This is obviously before the incarnation. So the son of God was in his form as God..."

We were talking about the Israelites in the desert when he related a pre-existent Jesus in the form of God back then. That's how I read it.

And if he didn't mean this, as it's hard to know with his writing abbreviated form, and ,meant since Jesus' birth then I would bet 'his form' of Jesus of God would be quite different than what I read in Philippians. For starters, just saying in a form/image of God (or Godly) means that Jesus was not God then, right?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The Bible does not record where Jesus said: "I am God". However, he said in (NIV) John 10:

Jesus claimed to be one with the Father.

Jesus' opponents thought that Jesus claimed to be God.

Jesus didn't deny the claim.

More precisely, Jesus insisted that he was the Son of God.

Elsewhere in John 14:

There is strong evidence that Jesus implied that he was God but he had always preferred to label himself as the Son of Man and the Son of God.

See also

Jesus is not God the Father, but God the Son, they are both equally divine, but they are different in their person and position within the God head.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
Why, for Peter, was it perfectly acceptable to use "the Spirit of Christ" interchangeably with "the Spirit of God" if, for Peter, Jesus is not God?

1 Peter 1
10Concerning this salvation, the prophets who foretold the grace to come to you searched and investigated carefully, 11trying to determine the time and setting to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Jesus is not God the Father, but God the Son, they are both equally divine, but they are different in their person and position within the God head.
Please find us “God the Son” mentioned anywhere in scripture. That term was invented by the Catholic church, along with “God the Holy Spirit“…..neither of which are spoken about in the Bible at all.
”God the Father” IS mentioned several times. There is no mention of a “godhead”…a word also invented by the apostate church. Are you Catholic by any chance RN? What truth ever came out of Roman Catholicism? The same kind of twisted truth that came out of Judaism….mirror images of one another. Replacing God’s word with man made traditions. (Matt 15:7-9)

Do people forget that Jesus was Jewish? He was raised Jewish and and taught from Jewish scripture….
The God of Israel was “one Yahweh” (Deut 6:4)….he was never three.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
John 1:1-3
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (KJV)
Gen 1:1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (KJV)

John 1:14

14 And the Word [Jesus Christ] was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (KJV)
1 Tim 3:16
16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest [Grk. #5319 phaneroo: to render apparent, appeared] in the flesh [Jesus Christ], justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (KJV)
John 8:58-59
58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. (KJV)
What was it about Jesus saying "I Am" that so caused the Jews to want to kill Him? "I AM" is the sacred name, Jesus was calling Himself God! Observe God's sacred name that he Himself spoke to Moses:
Exod 3:14
14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. (KJV)
Jesus was/is God and He stated so. While it is somewhat obscured in our English translations, the Jews knew full well that Jesus claimed to be God in the flesh (for Jesus spoke to everyone in their native tongue, therefore when Jesus told them in Hebrew that He was the "I AM," what He was saying was 'EHaYEH , or the title fully stated 'EhaYEH aSHER 'EYaYEH which means: I AM THAT I AM, or I will be what I want to be –— I exist (by self), self existent, God Almighty, created by none, but simply became –— was –— is. To this day, Jews will not pronounce 'EHaYEH , for they reason that for a Hebrew in the Hebrew tongue, to say the name 'EHaYEH, is itself calling oneself God.
It is kind of like if our name in English for God was something like "I Am God," then for us to pronounce His name would be to call oneself God (or so the Jews suppose, anyway). But the Lord said "..this [I AM THAT I AM] is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations" (Ex 3:15), so why wouldn't they call Him that? Jews today call God "Hashem" (meaning: "The Name"), and write His name as G-d. (See Ap. #31. The Fifteen Extraordinary Points of the Sopherim. #32. The 134 Passages where the Sopherim altered "Jehovah" to "Adonai". & #33. The "Eightteen Emendations" of the Sopherim.
The point is that with this single utterance Jesus had at once claimed that He was God Almighty. For this the Jews sought to kill Him because had it not been true (but it was) then it would have been blasphemy punishable by death for a man to make the claim. So in that the Jews could have meant 'well.' BUT, Jesus was God, so it was not blasphemy for Jesus to say it. But the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the Immanuel - God with us (Isa 7:14) that the prophets of old had foretold of. But they should have, for he fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophesies!
John 8:58-59
58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
John 5:18
18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. (KJV)

John 10:32-33
32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. (KJV)
Phil 2:5-6
5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: (KJV)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
Please find us “God the Son” mentioned anywhere in scripture. That term was invented by the Catholic church, along with “God the Holy Spirit“…..neither of which are spoken about in the Bible at all.
”God the Father” IS mentioned several times. There is no mention of a “godhead”…a word also invented by the apostate church. Are you Catholic by any chance RN? What truth ever came out of Roman Catholicism? The same kind of twisted truth that came out of Judaism….mirror images of one another. Replacing God’s word with man made traditions. (Matt 15:7-9)

Do people forget that Jesus was Jewish? He was raised Jewish and and taught from Jewish scripture….
The God of Israel was “one Yahweh” (Deut 6:4)….he was never three.
Jewish law is oral, The law Christ spoke of was written. Jesus did not teach from Jewish scripture… Why do you think they wanted to and killed Him…


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Absolutely! Jesus is the image of the invisible God- just as a mature Christian should be today. I should be able to view the life of a Christian and see the Father.
Sounds like the JW twist. The Bible insists that Jesus is God!

John 20 Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and MY GOD"!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
Sounds like the JW twist. The Bible insists that Jesus is God!

John 20 Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and MY GOD"!
There are scriptures that would be in total contradiction if Jesus wasn’t God…

The Old Testament says that God shall judge us,

Ecclesiastes 3:17
17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work. KJV

Psalms 98:9
9 Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity. KJV

and the New Testament says that Jesus shall Judge us..

John 5:22
22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: KJV

2 Corinthians 5:8-10
8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. KJV
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
What “form” does God have?
μορφή morphḗ, mor-fay'; perhaps from the base of G3313 (through the idea of adjustment of parts); shape; figuratively, nature:—form.
Being in the form of God (ἐν μορφῇ Θεοῦ ὑπάρχων)
Being. Not the simple είναι to be, but stronger, denoting being which is from the beginning. See on Jas_2:15. It has a backward look into an antecedent condition, which has been protracted into the present. Here appropriate to the preincarnate being of Christ, to which the sentence refers. In itself it does not imply eternal, but only prior existence. Form (μορφή).

We must here dismiss from our minds the idea of shape. The word is used in its philosophic sense, to denote that expression of being which carries in itself the distinctive nature and character of the being to whom it pertains, and is thus permanently identified with that nature and character. Thus it is distinguished from σχῆμα fashion, comprising that which appeals to the senses and which is changeable.

Μορφή form is identified with the essence of a person or thing: σχῆμα fashion is an accident which may change without affecting the form. For the manner in which this difference is developed in the kindred verbs, see on Mat_17:2.

As applied here to God, the word is intended to describe that mode in which the essential being of God expresses itself. We have no word which can convey this meaning, nor is it possible for us to formulate the reality. Form inevitably carries with it to us the idea of shape. It is conceivable that the essential personality of God may express itself in a mode apprehensible by the perception of pure spiritual intelligences; but the mode itself is neither apprehensible nor conceivable by human minds.

This mode of expression, this setting of the divine essence, is not identical with the essence itself, but is identified with it, as its natural and appropriate expression, answering to it in every particular. It is the perfect expression of a perfect essence. It is not something imposed from without, but something which proceeds from the very depth of the perfect being, and into which that being perfectly unfolds, as light from fire. To say, then, that Christ was in the form of God, is to say that He existed as essentially one with God.

The expression of deity through human nature (Php_2:7) thus has its background in the expression of deity as deity in the eternal ages of God's being. Whatever the mode of this expression, it marked the being of Christ in the eternity before creation. As the form of God was identified with the being of God, so Christ, being in the form of God, was identified with the being, nature, and personality of God.
This form, not being identical with the divine essence, but dependent upon it, and necessarily implying it, can be parted with or laid aside. Since Christ is one with God, and therefore pure being, absolute existence, He can exist without the form. This form of God Christ laid aside in His incarnation.

Being (huparchōn). Rather, “existing,” present active participle of huparchō. In the form of God (en morphēi theou). Morphē means the essential attributes as shown in the form. In his preincarnate state Christ possessed the attributes of God and so appeared to those in heaven who saw him. Here is a clear statement by Paul of the deity of Christ.

A prize (harpagmon). Predicate accusative with hēgēsato. Originally words in ̇mos signified the act, not the result (̇ma). The few examples of harpagmos (Plutarch, etc.) allow it to be understood as equivalent to harpagma, like baptismos and baptisma. That is to say Paul means a prize to be held on to rather than something to be won (“robbery”).

To be on an equality with God (to einai isa theoi). Accusative articular infinitive object of hēgēsato, “the being equal with God” (associative instrumental case theōi after isa). Isa is adverbial use of neuter plural with einai as in Rev_21:16.

Emptied himself (heauton ekenōse). First aorist active indicative of kenoō, old verb from kenos, empty. Of what did Christ empty himself? Not of his divine nature. That was impossible. He continued to be the Son of God. There has arisen a great controversy on this word, a Kenosis doctrine. Undoubtedly Christ gave up his environment of glory. He took upon himself limitations of place (space) and of knowledge and of power, though still on earth retaining more of these than any mere man. It is here that men should show restraint and modesty, though it is hard to believe that Jesus limited himself by error of knowledge and certainly not by error of conduct. He was without sin, though tempted as we are. “He stripped himself of the insignia of majesty” (Lightfoot).

He Thinks of Others, Not Himself (2:5–6)
The “mind” of Christ means the “attitude” Christ
exhibited. “Your attitude should be the same as that of
Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5 niv). After all, outlook determines outcome. If the outlook is selfish, the actions
will be divisive and destructive. James said the same
thing (see James 4:1–10).

These verses in Philippians take us to eternity past.
“Form of God” has nothing to do with shape or size.

God is Spirit (John 4:24), and as such is not to be
thought of in human terms. When the Bible refers to
“the eyes of the Lord” or “the hand of the Lord,” it is
not claiming that God has a human shape. Rather, it is
using human terms to describe divine attributes (the
characteristics of God) and activities.

The word form
means “the outward expression of the inward nature.”
This means that in eternity past, Jesus Christ was God.
In fact, Paul stated that Jesus was “equal with God.”
Other verses such as John 1:1–4; Colossians 1:15; and
Hebrews 1:1–3 also state that Jesus Christ is God.

Certainly as God, Jesus Christ did not need anything! He had all the glory and praise of heaven. With
the Father and the Spirit, He reigned over the universe.
But Philippians 2:6 states an amazing fact: He did not
consider His equality with God as “something selfishly
to be held on to.” Jesus did not think of Himself; He
thought of others. His outlook (or attitude) was that of
unselfish concern for others. This is “the mind of
Christ,” an attitude that says, “I cannot keep my privileges for myself, I must use them for others; and to do
this, I will gladly lay them aside and pay whatever price
is necessary.”

A reporter was interviewing a successful job counselor who had placed hundreds of workers in their
vocations quite happily. When asked the secret of his
success, the man replied, “If you want to find out what
a worker is really like, don’t give him responsibilities—
give him privileges. Most people can handle
responsibilities if you pay them enough, but it takes a
real leader to handle privileges. A leader will use his
privileges to help others and build the organization; a
lesser man will use privileges to promote himself.” Jesus
used His heavenly privileges for the sake of others—for
our sake.

It would be worthwhile to contrast Christ’s attitude
with that of Lucifer (Isa. 14:12–15) and Adam (Gen.
3:1–7). Many Bible students believe that the fall of
Lucifer is a description of the fall of Satan. He once was
the highest of the angelic beings, close to the throne of
God (Ezek. 28:11–19), but he desired to be on the
throne of God! Lucifer said, “I will!” but Jesus said,
“Thy will.” Lucifer was not satisfied to be a creature; he
wanted to be the Creator! Jesus was the Creator, yet He
willingly became man. Christ’s humility is a rebuke to
Satan’s pride.

Lucifer was not satisfied to be a rebel himself; he
invaded Eden and tempted man to be a rebel. Adam
had all that he needed; he was actually the “king” of
God’s creation (“let them have dominion,” Gen. 1:26).
But Satan said, “You will be like God!” Man deliberately grasped after something that was beyond his
reach, and as a result plunged the whole human race
into sin and death. Adam and Eve thought only of
themselves; Jesus Christ thought of others.

We expect unsaved people to be selfish and grasping, but we do not expect this of Christians, who have
experienced the love of Christ and the fellowship of the
Spirit (Phil. 2:1–2). More than twenty times in the
New Testament, God instructs us how to live with “one
another.” We are to prefer one another (Rom. 12:10),
edify one another (1 Thess. 5:11), and bear each other’s
burdens (Gal. 6:2). We should not judge one another
(Rom. 14:13) but rather admonish one another (Rom.
15:14). Others is the key word in the vocabulary of the
Christian who exercises the submissive mind.

And I can give you a ton of other rabbinical and scholars writings.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Someone does have to police the forum . THERE are rules indeed that need to be respected .
EVERY WORD OF THE LORD . this lamb intends to govern by THEM WORDS sister and ensure we respect THEM words
and not the words of men gone wrong .
GOD be the JUDGE , HIS WORD BE THE JUDGE . and many will wail aloud in great terror ON HIS DAY
for many will not repent of their wickedness and rather have made JESUS made GOD into THE MINISTIR of sin
under the guise of a LOVE that came of the world , NOT GOD .
I have come to do all that by grace i can do , to expose anything that contradicts TRUTH
and not what denominations of men have tried to indocrtinate unto us as truth .
But sometimes your truth may not be the truth. There are disagreements among Christians here.


Oct 21, 2023
United States
Another misinterpreted scripture that says the exact opposite to how Christendoms churches read it to maintain their beliefs.

Angels appeared to humans in human “form”….did it make them “humans”?

What “form” does God have?
μορφή morphḗ, mor-fay'; perhaps from the base of G3313 (through the idea of adjustment of parts); shape; figuratively, nature:—form.

”God is a a spirit“ (John 4:24) and as we know spirits are invisible…..so as the son of God, the pre-human Jesus was also an invisible spirit. (Colossians 1:15) That spirit being took human “form“ and became the man Jesus, who at the age of 30, then became “the Christ”….God’s “anointed” son.

It amazes me how scripture can be twisted all out of shape to become a confusing mess of human ideas instead of just being read as they were written, and understanding who wrote it and to whom it was directed.

At the time of Jesus’ ministry no one had even heard of a trinity…..it was not even suggested until the foretold “apostasy” took place…..the one Jesus spoke about with the devil planting “weeds” in among the wheat”.
Those weeds took over “the church” because “men were sleeping” and allowed them to spread until they all but choked the wheat out of existence. But God did not allow that to happen…..as he foretold through Daniel, in the “time of the end” God would ‘cleanse and refine’ his worship, removing the contamination that had set in (Daniel 12:4, 9-10) and exposing the lies that the devil had promoted in making the “one God” of Israel into something he never was.…three gods forced into one head.

It’s a sore point with many because, if this doctrine is not true, then their whole belief system crashes along with all the other adopted “traditions of men” that go with it. (Matt 15:7-9) Israel fell into that trap under the leadership of “blind guides”….the devil has done it again, but they don’t seem to notice….their response is to attack….the weakest form of defense.

One response here is a classic example of one who cannot bear to think that what he has been led to believe is so clear cut in the Bible…not understanding where all the complications and confusion comes from. (2 Cor 4:3-4) Their conduct is not “graceful” or “peaceful”….

This indecision is described in James 1:5-8….

”So if any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him. 6 But let him keep asking in faith, not doubting at all, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about. 7 In fact, that man should not expect to receive anything from the Lord 8 he is an indecisive man, unsteady in all his ways.”

This is the reason why this subject gets shut down….the discussion gets ugly because the name calling starts and the unchristian behavior betrays a total loss of self-control…. :doldrums: ….a fruit of God’s spirit.
You seem emotional about the subject. My opinion is you deny Jesus being God that is a grave error. It is Antichrist in my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
Being in the form of God (ἐν μορφῇ Θεοῦ ὑπάρχων)
Being. Not the simple είναι to be, but stronger, denoting being which is from the beginning. See on Jas_2:15. It has a backward look into an antecedent condition, which has been protracted into the present. Here appropriate to the preincarnate being of Christ, to which the sentence refers. In itself it does not imply eternal, but only prior existence. Form (μορφή).

We must here dismiss from our minds the idea of shape. The word is used in its philosophic sense, to denote that expression of being which carries in itself the distinctive nature and character of the being to whom it pertains, and is thus permanently identified with that nature and character. Thus it is distinguished from σχῆμα fashion, comprising that which appeals to the senses and which is changeable.

Μορφή form is identified with the essence of a person or thing: σχῆμα fashion is an accident which may change without affecting the form. For the manner in which this difference is developed in the kindred verbs, see on Mat_17:2.

As applied here to God, the word is intended to describe that mode in which the essential being of God expresses itself. We have no word which can convey this meaning, nor is it possible for us to formulate the reality. Form inevitably carries with it to us the idea of shape. It is conceivable that the essential personality of God may express itself in a mode apprehensible by the perception of pure spiritual intelligences; but the mode itself is neither apprehensible nor conceivable by human minds.

This mode of expression, this setting of the divine essence, is not identical with the essence itself, but is identified with it, as its natural and appropriate expression, answering to it in every particular. It is the perfect expression of a perfect essence. It is not something imposed from without, but something which proceeds from the very depth of the perfect being, and into which that being perfectly unfolds, as light from fire. To say, then, that Christ was in the form of God, is to say that He existed as essentially one with God.

The expression of deity through human nature (Php_2:7) thus has its background in the expression of deity as deity in the eternal ages of God's being. Whatever the mode of this expression, it marked the being of Christ in the eternity before creation. As the form of God was identified with the being of God, so Christ, being in the form of God, was identified with the being, nature, and personality of God.
This form, not being identical with the divine essence, but dependent upon it, and necessarily implying it, can be parted with or laid aside. Since Christ is one with God, and therefore pure being, absolute existence, He can exist without the form. This form of God Christ laid aside in His incarnation.

Being (huparchōn). Rather, “existing,” present active participle of huparchō. In the form of God (en morphēi theou). Morphē means the essential attributes as shown in the form. In his preincarnate state Christ possessed the attributes of God and so appeared to those in heaven who saw him. Here is a clear statement by Paul of the deity of Christ.

A prize (harpagmon). Predicate accusative with hēgēsato. Originally words in ̇mos signified the act, not the result (̇ma). The few examples of harpagmos (Plutarch, etc.) allow it to be understood as equivalent to harpagma, like baptismos and baptisma. That is to say Paul means a prize to be held on to rather than something to be won (“robbery”).

To be on an equality with God (to einai isa theoi). Accusative articular infinitive object of hēgēsato, “the being equal with God” (associative instrumental case theōi after isa). Isa is adverbial use of neuter plural with einai as in Rev_21:16.

Emptied himself (heauton ekenōse). First aorist active indicative of kenoō, old verb from kenos, empty. Of what did Christ empty himself? Not of his divine nature. That was impossible. He continued to be the Son of God. There has arisen a great controversy on this word, a Kenosis doctrine. Undoubtedly Christ gave up his environment of glory. He took upon himself limitations of place (space) and of knowledge and of power, though still on earth retaining more of these than any mere man. It is here that men should show restraint and modesty, though it is hard to believe that Jesus limited himself by error of knowledge and certainly not by error of conduct. He was without sin, though tempted as we are. “He stripped himself of the insignia of majesty” (Lightfoot).

He Thinks of Others, Not Himself (2:5–6)
The “mind” of Christ means the “attitude” Christ
exhibited. “Your attitude should be the same as that of
Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5 niv). After all, outlook determines outcome. If the outlook is selfish, the actions
will be divisive and destructive. James said the same
thing (see James 4:1–10).

These verses in Philippians take us to eternity past.
“Form of God” has nothing to do with shape or size.

God is Spirit (John 4:24), and as such is not to be
thought of in human terms. When the Bible refers to
“the eyes of the Lord” or “the hand of the Lord,” it is
not claiming that God has a human shape. Rather, it is
using human terms to describe divine attributes (the
characteristics of God) and activities.

The word form
means “the outward expression of the inward nature.”
This means that in eternity past, Jesus Christ was God.
In fact, Paul stated that Jesus was “equal with God.”
Other verses such as John 1:1–4; Colossians 1:15; and
Hebrews 1:1–3 also state that Jesus Christ is God.

Certainly as God, Jesus Christ did not need anything! He had all the glory and praise of heaven. With
the Father and the Spirit, He reigned over the universe.
But Philippians 2:6 states an amazing fact: He did not
consider His equality with God as “something selfishly
to be held on to.” Jesus did not think of Himself; He
thought of others. His outlook (or attitude) was that of
unselfish concern for others. This is “the mind of
Christ,” an attitude that says, “I cannot keep my privileges for myself, I must use them for others; and to do
this, I will gladly lay them aside and pay whatever price
is necessary.”

A reporter was interviewing a successful job counselor who had placed hundreds of workers in their
vocations quite happily. When asked the secret of his
success, the man replied, “If you want to find out what
a worker is really like, don’t give him responsibilities—
give him privileges. Most people can handle
responsibilities if you pay them enough, but it takes a
real leader to handle privileges. A leader will use his
privileges to help others and build the organization; a
lesser man will use privileges to promote himself.” Jesus
used His heavenly privileges for the sake of others—for
our sake.

It would be worthwhile to contrast Christ’s attitude
with that of Lucifer (Isa. 14:12–15) and Adam (Gen.
3:1–7). Many Bible students believe that the fall of
Lucifer is a description of the fall of Satan. He once was
the highest of the angelic beings, close to the throne of
God (Ezek. 28:11–19), but he desired to be on the
throne of God! Lucifer said, “I will!” but Jesus said,
“Thy will.” Lucifer was not satisfied to be a creature; he
wanted to be the Creator! Jesus was the Creator, yet He
willingly became man. Christ’s humility is a rebuke to
Satan’s pride.

Lucifer was not satisfied to be a rebel himself; he
invaded Eden and tempted man to be a rebel. Adam
had all that he needed; he was actually the “king” of
God’s creation (“let them have dominion,” Gen. 1:26).
But Satan said, “You will be like God!” Man deliberately grasped after something that was beyond his
reach, and as a result plunged the whole human race
into sin and death. Adam and Eve thought only of
themselves; Jesus Christ thought of others.

We expect unsaved people to be selfish and grasping, but we do not expect this of Christians, who have
experienced the love of Christ and the fellowship of the
Spirit (Phil. 2:1–2). More than twenty times in the
New Testament, God instructs us how to live with “one
another.” We are to prefer one another (Rom. 12:10),
edify one another (1 Thess. 5:11), and bear each other’s
burdens (Gal. 6:2). We should not judge one another
(Rom. 14:13) but rather admonish one another (Rom.
15:14). Others is the key word in the vocabulary of the
Christian who exercises the submissive mind.

And I can give you a ton of other rabbinical and scholars writings.
My outlook on said subject is very similar, I do however see the form of Christ being more identical to divinity depending on which gospel is laid before us.

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You seem emotional about the subject. My opinion is you deny Jesus being God that is a grave error. It is Antichrist in my opinion.
JW's don't even believe their own JW bible. They believe Kingdom Hall.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
My outlook on said subject is very similar, I do however see the form of Christ being more identical to divinity depending on which gospel is laid before us.

Thank you for the link brother-I have bookmarked it-from Bullinger-correct?

Joh 1:1 In the beginning [of the ages] was [already pre-existent] the Word [Christ], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (Gen_1:1)

Bereshis (in the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem [YESHAYAH 55:11; BERESHIS 1:1], and the Dvar Hashem was agav (along with) Hashem [MISHLE 8:30; 30:4], and the Dvar Hashem was nothing less, by nature, than Elohim! [Psa 56:11(10); Yn 17:5; Rev. 19:13]

Joh 1:1 In the beginning the Word existed; and the Word was face to face with God; yea, the Word was God Himself.

Joh 1:1 ἘνG1722|PREP|In [the] ἀρχῇG746|N-DSF|beginning ἦνG1510|G5707|V-IAI-3S|was ὁG3588|T-NSM|the ΛόγοςG3056|N-NSM|Word, καὶG2532|CONJ|and ὁG3588|T-NSM|the ΛόγοςG3056|N-NSM|Word ἦνG1510|G5707|V-IAI-3S|was πρὸςG4314|PREP|with τὸνG3588|T-ASM|- ΘεόνG2316|N-ASM|God, καὶG2532|CONJ|and ΘεὸςG2316|N-NSM|God ἦνG1510|G5707|V-IAI-3S|was ὁG3588|T-NSM|the ΛόγοςG3056|N-NSM|Word.

Shalom brother.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
United States
Thank you for the link brother-I have bookmarked it-from Bullinger-correct?

Joh 1:1 In the beginning [of the ages] was [already pre-existent] the Word [Christ], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (Gen_1:1)

Bereshis (in the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem [YESHAYAH 55:11; BERESHIS 1:1], and the Dvar Hashem was agav (along with) Hashem [MISHLE 8:30; 30:4], and the Dvar Hashem was nothing less, by nature, than Elohim! [Psa 56:11(10); Yn 17:5; Rev. 19:13]

Joh 1:1 In the beginning the Word existed; and the Word was face to face with God; yea, the Word was God Himself.

Joh 1:1 ἘνG1722|PREP|In [the] ἀρχῇG746|N-DSF|beginning ἦνG1510|G5707|V-IAI-3S|was ὁG3588|T-NSM|the ΛόγοςG3056|N-NSM|Word, καὶG2532|CONJ|and ὁG3588|T-NSM|the ΛόγοςG3056|N-NSM|Word ἦνG1510|G5707|V-IAI-3S|was πρὸςG4314|PREP|with τὸνG3588|T-ASM|- ΘεόνG2316|N-ASM|God, καὶG2532|CONJ|and ΘεὸςG2316|N-NSM|God ἦνG1510|G5707|V-IAI-3S|was ὁG3588|T-NSM|the ΛόγοςG3056|N-NSM|Word.

Shalom brother.
Yup, Bullinger indeed my friend.
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