Donald Trump says he will be a 'dictator'...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Ok, we have some news not sure if good or bad, but its news....
It's great news. Though I wonder if they'll let him win the election this time.
He won the 2020 by a landline. Yet, the demons behind the steal,for the goal of destroying this country,flipped the votes so that Biden's votes went to Trump. And Trump's votes went to Biden.


And if they let Trump live to see victory yet again and actually take the office he should have had on 2020,why , again?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
It's great news. Though I wonder if they'll let him win the election this time.
He won the 2020 by a landline. Yet, the demons behind the steal, for the goal of destroying this country, flipped the votes so that Biden's votes went to Trump. And Trump's votes went to Biden.


And if they let Trump live to see victory yet again and actually take the office he should have had on 2020,why , again?

Just before the Iowa Caucus, a CNN poll revealed that a significant majority of Iowa voters are questioning the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s “victory” in the 2020 election.

The poll, which surveyed eligible Republican voters across the state, found that 68% of respondents believe Joe Biden stole the 2020 presidential election.

“We also asked folks do you think Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election… 68%, more than two-thirds of those in these early entrance poll results showing up early to the caucus sites say no,” announced CNN’s political correspondent during a live broadcast.

FOX News host Sandra Smith went over the voter analysis tonight following the Iowa Republican Caucus.

President Trump handily won the Iowa caucus tonight by over 30 points over the next tow closest Republicans.

78 percent of the Monday caucus goers believe the Democrat lawfare charges against President Trump are politically motivated.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
In a tiny nutshell ....that I was born into multigenerational satanic ritual abuse and MK Ultra (governmental trauma mind control). Jesus came to me at age 10, called me by name and revealed Himself to me for a period of 3 years. I gave my life to Him at age 13. I am age 51 now and I have lived my entire life since then under threat, abuse, and persecution from the cult (in high places) for my choice to follow Christ.
There is A LOT more to my testimony. But that's a very short version.
Well, someone in my family became involved with Satanism, and once you get into it, it distorts and diverts your thinking and leads one to these conspiracy theories and ideas of government being behind everything that happens no matter how minuscule or unrelated, and it doesnt edify. You have to set these things aside and show the part where Christ came into your life and changed you, thats the real point in your testimony..


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States

Just before the Iowa Caucus, a CNN poll revealed that a significant majority of Iowa voters are questioning the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s “victory” in the 2020 election.

The poll, which surveyed eligible Republican voters across the state, found that 68% of respondents believe Joe Biden stole the 2020 presidential election.

“We also asked folks do you think Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election… 68%, more than two-thirds of those in these early entrance poll results showing up early to the caucus sites say no,” announced CNN’s political correspondent during a live broadcast.

FOX News host Sandra Smith went over the voter analysis tonight following the Iowa Republican Caucus.

President Trump handily won the Iowa caucus tonight by over 30 points over the next tow closest Republicans.

78 percent of the Monday caucus goers believe the Democrat lawfare charges against President Trump are politically motivated.
So we are back to 2020...Great, lets see if they start another pandemic just for 'nostalgia'.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I believe he is the one the elites want in the WH.
Do you think they are pulling a reverse psychology on us then by going after him on mostly frivilous charges?

See, I see this two ways. (Double-minded I guess)
1. Trump is working for the Elite and they want to destroy our country and reduce our constitution to ashes.
So install trump, cause a massive divide in the country, and attack every law in the books and in the constitution through him and see what sticks.

2. The Elite wanted trump in 2016 because they feared Hillary Clinton more than they did Donald Trump.
So install trump, cause a massive divide in the country. conduct as many wars and as much money laundering through him, because the people will be so brainwashed they won't have a clue to their designs. A manchurian candidate.

3. It has been rumoured that some in the military (generals) , and some other very prestiges (Kings and Queens) around the world had asked trump to run for office because they knew Hillary and Barracks intentions for the New World Order and their desire to be the leaders of it.
Trump was meant to be a distraction in the 2016 election so that the democrats would expose themselves (communists) and their plans to take over America and turn it into a communist country.
Trump wasn't intended to win the Presidency. The Presidency was meant for Bernie Sanders. But Trump's support by the people was unexpected and once he became the nominee, they began to try and take him down.

4. We the People elected Donald Trump because we were tired of the Elite running the world. And the people were looking for a change from the status quo. Trump had said in the past that he didn't want to be President, he was perfectly happy with his life and family as a businessman. But he also stated that if there ever came a time that the country was on the brink, that he would do what he could to give back to the country what it had given him. In 2016, 17 candidates ran for President and the people chose Trump.
And the Elite and the establishment began their witchhunt to destroy him.

5. In 2020, knowing that Trump was the prefered candidate for President. The Elite again used reverse psychology tactics to get Trump elected by unleashing a devastating biological weapon upon the world. By which they would destroy the economy and the laws and the people, and make Trump appear as a saviour all the while bringing impeachments, a capital riot which they would call Trump's insurrection against the Capital, and attack him with never ending lawsuits to make the people PITY Trump thus winning the 2024 election.

6. Trump told the Elite to go F themselves. And he ran the country as he saw fit. And the people liked what they saw in his policies and became loyal supporters for 2020 and 2024.

I think the Elite put Trump in there in 2016 because they knew the intentions and the plans of Hillary and Obama for this nation coming under the head of the United Nations and controlling the world through their policies globally and they didn't want that.
So they asked Trump to run not expecting him to get the nomination but to cause a distraction. And the veil of secrecy behind the plan would be uncovered through a rigged election.
2016 election was rigged. It was rigged for Hillary. No one thought she was going to lose. They loaded buses filled with Sanders ballots and sent them to the Iowa Caucus but it was intecepted along the way. Seth Rich found information through e-mails on the DNC server between the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign that showed Bernie was all in on being baught out.
Seth Rich was a Bernie supporter. And he thought the world needed to know what was happening behind the scenes, so he downloaded the emails onto a (you know the thing) and sent it off to Juliene Assange where it was exposed through wikileaks.
Seth Rich was assinated with 2 shots to the back of the head by 2 MS-13 thugs. The report claimed robery even though nothing had been stolen. The FBI took out both of the MS-13 thugs to cover up the trail.
(This will be coming out in the news in the near future)

And the people voted. And the people selected Trump because even though Hillary had the popular vote through California and NY, she did not have the support of the fly over states and the bible belt of America.

And so they got the FBI,CIA,DOJ, a total of 17 intelligence agencies to begin their narrative of Trump's collusion with Russia.
They wire tapped his campaign, they sabotaged Michael Flynn because he had been in the Obama's administration and he had a LOT of information concerning Uranium One, Fast and Furious, The Las Vegas shooting, on and on and on.
The one piece of advice Obama gave to Trump in the transition was to not trust General Flynn.
Flynn knows where the bodies are buried. He knows the truth.

For 4 years the Elite couldn't control him, they couldn't buy him out, they could'nt impeach him. They couldn't get him to begin wars, just the opposite he created peace in places they wanted conflict. Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and China.

The pandemic, the killing of George Floyd and the antifa riots, and the collusion of government officials around the country made it possible through mandates and the changing of election rules made it possible for the election to be compromised through mail in ballots, drop boxes without monitors in various locations, even a fake shutdown due to a pipe leak that never happened. Extended weeks to count the ballots, no signature verifications necessary, no ID's necessary. Not to mention cyber attacks and disinformation from other governments around the world causing havok.

Then came Jan 6th. A protest against an election the American people wanted verified before the certificates were counted.
Groups in opposition to Trump being re-elected, as well as government informants, the lack of security, Bowsers unwillingness to defend the Capital due to "optics" , would make that day possible to try and convict Trump under the constitutional clause of insurectionist, but there was no conviction given by the Senate in that impeachment. In fact he was aquitted of the charges.

Since then thay have indicted a former President of the United States with 91 unsubstantiated, unfactual, and fabricated evidence of fraud, election interference, insurection, raided his home which is against the 4th Amendment, rape charges, and paying off Stormy Daniels, throguh Michael Cohen who is a liar and a false witness in the halls of congress.

You can indict a ham sandwich. Meaning I can bring a lawsuit against you for anything. It doesn't mean I'll win it. I just have to bring an accusation to court against you for anything at all. And when you have the government and the people's taxes being used for your prosecutional charges, you have nothing to lose. But the one defending has to pay. And they are trying to make Trump go broke. And they are trying to remove him from the 2024 Primary and General election ballots.

And last night Trump won the Iowa Caucus.

Do you really believe the Elite wants Trump in the WH?

I suppose it's possible but they got some real funny ways of showing it, if you ask me.

Is it all just one big Psyop used to trick the people into giving up our sovereignty as a nation to the Globalists that want to control your every move?
Then why Fight for the USA. Why Fight for America First, Why Fight to Make America Great Again?
Why Fight against never ending wars, Why fight to secure the border so we don't get overrun with real insurrectionists wanting to take over our country? Why fight for poor communities, why fight to reduce the tax burden on the people and not use the liquid gold (Oil) under our feet to payoff the debt?

Not much time between now and November 5th. But it's going to feel like a lifetime.
The plans they have for us is not good. I believe Trumps plans for us are good.

It's going to be a very interesting year.
Just my analysis and thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Well, someone in my family became involved with Satanism, and once you get into it, it distorts and diverts your thinking and leads one to these conspiracy theories and ideas of government being behind everything that happens no matter how minuscule or unrelated, and it doesnt edify. You have to set these things aside and show the part where Christ came into your life and changed you, thats the real point in your testimony..
You have done what 98% of people do when I share my testimony. You assume that I chose satanism. I didn't. I was BORN INTO IT. Other people decided for me before I was born ....including the government, and those higher than our government.

Do me a favor and actually READ what I wrote .......please.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
You have done what 98% of people do when I share my testimony. You assume that I chose satanism. I didn't. I was BORN INTO IT. Do me a favor and actually READ what I wrote .......please.
It doesnt matter how you came into contact with it, the effects are the same my brother...


I almost dropped out of my chair with the morning news when George Stephanopoulos came up with this as I was settling in, as I am sure most people would. So I switched to the other news stations and found nothing on this so checked other sources and finally found some context. It was said in jest or mocking what some people have said about the former President, but without context it can be taken a long wait into much confusion...

Trump says he will be a dictator only on ‘day one’ if elected president​

Donald Trump says he will be a 'dictator' only on 'day one.' Then he'll focus on drilling.​

Trump: I won’t be a dictator ‘except for day one’​

And video proclaiming much the same...

So, get this – there's this wild theory that our guy might clinch the win, even if the vote count isn't exactly in his favor. Why? Well, some folks believe that other countries have this ninja-level hacking skill, and they're planning to swoop in and gift-wrap the victory for Trump. Remember that time when Russia supposedly hypnotized the masses into voting Trump in 2016? Classic mind games. But hey, word on the street is Russia's got a lot on their plate now, so election hypnosis might not be their jam anymore. Instead, the hot gossip is that Trump's plotting a victory heist. It's like the election's become a high-stakes game of Monopoly, and someone's eyeing Park Place with a sly grin. ️‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
2. The Elite wanted trump in 2016 because they feared Hillary Clinton more than they did Donald Trump.
Ziggy ...think about what you just said. lol

The elites are luciferian ....they handle Hillary (and the rest of the politicians). They're not afraid of her. She's their pawn. Besides, idk if the person we see is the real Hillary at all.

Do you think they are pulling a reverse psychology on us then by going after him on mostly frivilous charges?
Yes. Although he DID incite an insurrection. I saw his speeches urging people to "come to the WH. It's gonna be a WILD time!" And then I watched Trump's cult following on this very forum create threads urging one another to go to the WH, saying they would take up arms to "take back the WH." I watched it happen and the admin on a ...... Christian (??) allowed that sort of talk?!! And now nearly everyone has selective amnesia and someone have sold themselves the lie that an insurrection didn't happen. The media are playing a game, Ziggy .....all of them. They tell you what they know will rile you/Trump's people up. And IT IS WORKING.
And the Elite and the establishment began their witchhunt to destroy him.
No ...just the opposite. They want to build his cult following and that's exactly what they've accomplished. People see him as a "christian" and "God's man" and a "martyr." His following is militant, with glazed eyes who will even turn on fellow Christians if they disagree about Trump.

I just know what God showed me. And I know we can't trust anything we see in the media. It's all smoke and mirrors.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You have done what 98% of people do when I share my testimony. You assume that I chose satanism. I didn't. I was BORN INTO IT. Do me a favor and actually READ what I wrote .......please.
You and I know that the knowledge of such things has been suppressed from the public.
Many don't even know what MKUltra is or who originated it.
Many have a hard time accepting the truth of the depths of Satan. Which many are blessed to not have witnessed, but find it difficult to accept it exists.
That's how deception works. Keep people in the dark. Keep them skeptical, Keep them ignorant. And he gets away with anything by simply branding it a conspiracy theory.

I know where you've been. I haven't seen it myself (Thank the Lord, he has spared me) , But he has allowed to me to see beyond the veil into the depths of wickedness. The children, the sacrifices, the mind control, the shattering of the mind.

My heart and my love and my prayers are with you always.
And you've come a long ways. Never look back. Keep your eyes focused on the prize.
I know you are.

In time all will be revealed. Epstein isn't even a snowflake on the iceburg of evidence that is going to be revealed.
Can the average everyday people handle the truth? I don't know. I have a hard time looking at it myself and I am not uninformed.
Ignorance is bliss they say, until the veil is removed and you see the sin behind it.

It's not their fault they don't know. The truth has been hidden from most of society for thousands of years.
Your story to them is as a mystery novel that they can close the pages and choose not to read. Because the words are so hard to comprehend for many. And when they open the book and read your story it is as if they are walking into a world of the unknown, the depths of evil. Many can't or won't look beyond the veil for fear they may get shattered themselves.

Jde 1:22
And of some have compassion, making a difference:
Jde 1:23
And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Jde 1:24
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
Jde 1:25
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

I can't stop thinking about the 85,000 children that are missing in the US. And the thousands before them.
The underground tunnels, the hidden back room baal worshipping sites. The basements and attics and rich men's domains.

To many it sounds like a hollywood horror film, but to some of us, we know the reality of it.

God Bless you my friend. Have compassion on the ignorant and unknowing because a time is coming and now is when they too will have the veil ripped away before their eyes, and they too may be shattered by what they learn.

Pray for us as we pray for you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
It doesnt matter how you came into contact with it, the effects are the same my brother...
I told you before, I'm not a brother. And no, the effects are not the same. It's very different. This is what's frustrating. People make assumptions that they know what I experienced and have zero capacity to actually listen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Ziggy ...think about what you just said. lol

The elites are luciferian ....they handle Hillary (and the rest of the politicians). They're not afraid of her. She's their pawn. Besides, idk if the person we see is the real Hillary at all.

Yes. Although he DID incite an insurrection. I saw his speeches urging people to "come to the WH. It's gonna be a WILD time!" And then I watched Trump's cult following on this very forum create threads urging one another to go to the WH, saying they would take up arms to "take back the WH." I watched it happen and the admin on a ...... Christian (??) allowed that sort of talk?!! And now nearly everyone has selective amnesia and someone have sold themselves the lie that an insurrection didn't happen. The media are playing a game, Ziggy .....all of them. They tell you what they know will rile you/Trump's people up. And IT IS WORKING.

No ...just the opposite. They want to build his cult following and that's exactly what they've accomplished. People see him as a "christian" and "God's man" and a "martyr." His following is militant, with glazed eyes who will even turn on fellow Christians if they disagree about Trump.

I just know what God showed me. And I know we can't trust anything we see in the media. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Have you seen the new documentary that came out not long ago about who was colluding behind the Jan 6th conspiracy?
I respect your opinion. I hear your doubts, I share in some of them myself.
But I have to weigh the what evidence I do have and listen to my heart and the spirit within me.
I believe Trump had a past and he danced with the wicked. He lived their extravagant lifestyle and played with the fire.
But I believe something changed in him. I believe in his sincerity to want to save America and the people in it from a massive global takeover of our rights and our freedoms.
I may be wrong, I pray I'm not.
Nevertheless, I respect your observations.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I know where you've been. I haven't seen it myself (Thank the Lord, he has spared me) , But he has allowed to me to see beyond the veil into the depths of wickedness. The children, the sacrifices, the mind control, the shattering of the mind.

My heart and my love and my prayers are with you always.
And you've come a long ways. Never look back. Keep your eyes focused on the prize.
I know you are.
Ziggy, thank you. I really appreciate your heart. (I also appreciate that you and I can converse and disagree without hostility. There's a reason for that. :) )
It's not their fault they don't know. The truth has been hidden from most of society for thousands of years.
Your story to them is as a mystery novel that they can close the pages and choose not to read. Because the words are so hard to comprehend for many. And when they open the book and read your story it is as if they are walking into a world of the unknown, the depths of evil. Many can't or won't look beyond the veil for fear they may get shattered themselves.
Again, thank you. Back in 2009 after my children and I were s.xually assaulted in retaliation against me for going against the cult's wishes, I asked my friends for prayer support. I was walked out of the church I attended and my own 2 friends told me I didn't belong. They said I was a distraction and that there were other women with real problems they needed to help.

That hurt so deeply to be rejected at a time when I needed my friends most. God walked me through most of my healing alone because people don't want to know. And God showed me that the Church itself is dissociative ....just like I was (with a shattered mind through all that horrific trauma). People react to my testimony with disbelief, and all sorts of tactics that equate dissociation, whether to ignore, or call me a liar, or pretend they heard and say a little 1 minute prayer and send me on my way. Anything to keep them from the shock. I get it .... they're dissocitive. It's different than the dissociation I had to develop to survive ....but at least I understand their response.

And not all are the same ....some push me away because they are cult infiltration within the churches and they don't want me there exposing anything.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I believe Trump had a past and he danced with the wicked. He lived their extravagant lifestyle and played with the fire.
It's not just his past, though. I haven't lied about the rank nastiness and condition of his aircraft. I've known this person intimately for over 30 years who was the main person over that aircraft and they didn't mean to tell me what they did. They were sending photos of T's plane ...and commented, "It's stanky!!" I asked what they meant and they said, "It smells like the US Marshall's plane ...urine." And this wasn't just the bathroom. In fact, it was the entire thing which is why it had to be gutted. If one toilet or 2 or 3 toilets spill over, it's not going to effect down to the wood on the entire aircraft. This person has worked on the planes of multiple sports teams, celebrities, the US Marshall, the Mexican president ....and ONLY 2 had that distinct smell ....Trump, and the US Marshall. The one thing they have in common .....they transport people in cages.

Now, the person I know did not make the connections I did. They only told me about the horrible condition and the smell and that it smelled like one other plane (US Marshall). But it's no surprise to me that his plane would need to be gutted to remove evidence amidst all this supposed "exposing human trafficking" thing that's happening. They'll only bring down who they want to bring down .... like Epstein, Maxwell, etc. As far as the Bidens .....they don't have to expose what people already know (that they are evil, sick perverts, murderers, etc). But they all are, that's the thing. Some are given a much better cover. I honestly do not believe Trump will be brought down ....unless only temporarily, in order to raise him back up.

I apologize for rambling ....I may have missed some points.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Ziggy, thank you. I really appreciate your heart. (I also appreciate that you and I can converse and disagree without hostility. There's a reason for that. :) )

Again, thank you. Back in 2009 after my children and I were s.xually assaulted in retaliation against me for going against the cult's wishes, I asked my friends for prayer support. I was walked out of the church I attended and my own 2 friends told me I didn't belong. They said I was a distraction and that there were other women with real problems they needed to help.

That hurt so deeply to be rejected at a time when I needed my friends most. God walked me through most of my healing alone because people don't want to know. And God showed me that the Church itself is dissociative ....just like I was (with a shattered mind through all that horrific trauma). People react to my testimony with disbelief, and all sorts of tactics that equate dissociation, whether to ignore, or call me a liar, or pretend they heard and say a little 1 minute prayer and send me on my way. Anything to keep them from the shock. I get it .... they're dissocitive. It's different than the dissociation I had to develop to survive ....but at least I understand their response.

And not all are the same ....some push me away because they are cult infiltration within the churches and they don't want me there exposing anything.
I find it interesting that when Jesus came he was casting out devils. But the Synagogue who had power over them did nothing to relieve their suffering. And so it is the same today.
Instead they allowed the wickedness to flourish even in their own halls. For filthy gain sake and carnal pleasures.

Eze 8:5
Then said he unto me, Son of man, lift up thine eyes now the way toward the north. So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the north, and behold northward at the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry.
Eze 8:6
He said furthermore unto me, Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary? but turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations.
Eze 8:7
And he brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold a hole in the wall.
Eze 8:8
Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door.
Eze 8:9
And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here.
Eze 8:10
So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about.
Eze 8:11
And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up.
Eze 8:12
Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth.
Eze 8:13
He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do.
Eze 8:14
Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
Eze 8:15
Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.
Eze 8:16
And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD'S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
Eze 8:17
Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose.
Eze 8:18
Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.

Judgment day is near. This wasn't only happening back then but is ever more present and flourishing in the world today.
Human trafficking and child prostitution, ritual sacrifice and many other abominations, and the revelations of these things,
are near at hand.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Have you seen the new documentary that came out not long ago about who was colluding behind the Jan 6th conspiracy?
No, I've not seen the documentary. I honestly do not trust it because I watched it transpire and watched people develop amnesia and then develop the lies to support what they want to believe about Trump. He DID incite the insurrection. And he knew people would come to the WH riled up and armed. Why have people forgotten what happened?? I know why....


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Judgment day is near. This wasn't only happening back then but is ever more present and flourishing in the world today.
Human trafficking and child prostitution, ritual sacrifice and many other abominations, and the revelations of these things,
are near at hand.
Yes, judgment is coming and I believe swiftly. It will be by God's hand. And it will begin at the house of the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
It's not just his past, though. I haven't lied about the rank nastiness and condition of his aircraft. I've known this person intimately for over 30 years who was the main person over that aircraft and they didn't mean to tell me what they did. They were sending photos of T's plane ...and commented, "It's stanky!!" I asked what they meant and they said, "It smells like the US Marshall's plane ...urine." And this wasn't just the bathroom. In fact, it was the entire thing which is why it had to be gutted. If one toilet or 2 or 3 toilets spill over, it's not going to effect down to the wood on the entire aircraft. This person has worked on the planes of multiple sports teams, celebrities, the US Marshall, the Mexican president ....and ONLY 2 had that distinct smell ....Trump, and the US Marshall. The one thing they have in common .....they transport people in cages.

Now, the person I know did not make the connections I did. They only told me about the horrible condition and the smell and that it smelled like one other plane (US Marshall). But it's no surprise to me that his plane would need to be gutted to remove evidence amidst all this supposed "exposing human trafficking" thing that's happening. They'll only bring down who they want to bring down .... like Epstein, Maxwell, etc. As far as the Bidens .....they don't have to expose what people already know (that they are evil, sick perverts, murderers, etc). But they all are, that's the thing. Some are given a much better cover. I honestly do not believe Trump will be brought down ....unless only temporarily, in order to raise him back up.

I apologize for rambling ....I may have missed some points.
Your not rambling, I hear you.
I have a hard time with the plane imagery. So many people travel with him, the media, congress, supporters.
You would think the media would be the first to leak, unless they are given orders not to.

And I want you to hear the sincerity in my question ok?
Do you think that you could be being used to broadcast misinformation regarding Trump?
If the government knows you and where you been, they know how to use the information to persuade you to believe them.
Do you trust them? Do you trust the information in this world of information war?
Have you witnessed it with your own eyes, or has this information been planted as a false recall?

In truth, only time will tell.
In the meantime, we put our hope and faith in God and not in man.
And it is God who uses who he wills to accomplish what he has set out to do.

I seen things in my mind that I can not claim as actual fact or evidence, but I know they exist.
I seen things in my mind that caused me to quit my job and go into solitary confinement in my home for months.
I seen the world on fire. I seen rivers of blood flow from aborted babies. I seen a lot of things but not with my eyes, but with my mind.
And no one told me these things. They just appeared. And it made me physically sick just to think about it.
I don't know if these are "vain imaginations" or if they are "divine revelations" . All I know is I saw what I saw with my minds eye and it shattered me.

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