ELECTION FRAUD, -- February, March, April, & May

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Trump gave it a good run and he is to be commended for that. But now he and all the rest of us can see that the system is bigger and more powerful and more entrenched than any of us thought, reaching even into the judicial system, and the military (apparently).

And that's just exactly what they want you to think! They want us to be afraid of them but I'm not. Cause I am a child of the living God who is a whole LOT bigger and stronger than they'll ever be.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
...I am a child of the living God who is a whole LOT bigger and stronger than they'll ever be.
But is this somehow going to beat what God has already decreed will happen to the prostitute and everyone who challenges the anti-christ system in Revelation? I knew from the beginning—because I've read Revelation—that this Trump thing was only going to be a temporary thing (shorter than I thought, though, lol).

God puts it into the heart of the beast and the ten horns to destroy the prostitute in order to fulfill his word (Revelation 17:16-17). Anyone who thinks they're going to prevent his word from happening is only resisting what God himself has ordained. Can we resist it until the actual time of the fulfillment of Revelation 17:16-17? Yeah, I think so. But IMO we're way past that. The beast system is already rising up out of the earth IMO (Revelation 13:1). And no one will be able to defeat it.....

“Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” Revelation 13:4

Start looking up, folks, not outward.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... Start looking up, folks, not outward.
MEN are supposed to the be leaders, but there are WOMEN who have MORE FAITH, MORE COURAGE, and MORE INSIGHT than MANY of the so called "men" in this Forum, -- and that includes "men" that have gray hair and are supposed to have earned wisdom along the way, but are minus the "wis", and are only "dumb".

So if "men" can't LEAD, and won't FOLLOW, -- then GET OUT OF THE WAY. -- COWARDS!


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
MEN are supposed to the be leaders, but there are WOMEN who have MORE FAITH, MORE COURAGE, and MORE INSIGHT than MANY of the so called "men" in this Forum, -- and that includes "men" that have gray hair and are supposed to have earned wisdom along the way, but are minus the "wis", and are only "dumb".

So if "men" can't LEAD, and won't FOLLOW, -- then GET OUT OF THE WAY. -- COWARDS!

The sad part is that they're just falling victim to the lying media. I think I figured out how Biden managed to gather up some of his supporters. The only ones that support him are just as clueless (no offense) as he is and it's sad too. :(
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
The sad part is that they're just falling victim to the lying media. I think I figured out how Biden managed to gather up some of his supporters. The only ones that support him are just as clueless (no offense) as he is and it's sad too. :(

Dearest AR,

AMEN, and AMEN, with the only difference that that Biden has spent his life searing his conscience while he STEALS from our nation, and has apparently EARNED his enhanced mental deficiency because just as King Saul couldn't carry the burden of governing having lost GOD's Mantle, so too Biden who stole the Office and has no Mantle.

And while we watch others flounder about in the confusion of their flesh, we can preach what the Prophets PROCLAIM to give them confidence about GOD's a Plan and Purpose in what HE's Doing, -- but no one can change steadfast unbelief. So we reach out to those we can; and those we can't -- we LEAVE THEM ALONE! :)

ELAM, (with typing by bobby jo :rolleyes: )

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yes, that's correct. I read his remarks.

But here's the thing. If 75% of Republican voters go with Trump (and abandon the RINOs) and he attracts another 25% of independents because he is doing what is right (and stops making all those previous mistakes) he would have probably 80-100 million voters backing him. But if he is unable to fix the corrupt election machinery in every state (or have it fixed), he is back to square one. The compromised machinery would make sure that no conservative ever wins. He said nothing about going after Dominion, so even Mike Lindell is doing better in that regard.

As to the GOP politicians, they would have to make a choice: (1) stay with the GOP and be defeated by the new party candidates or (2) fully commit to doing their jobs as conservatives (not RINOs) and join the new party. With 100% loyalty to Trump.

There is no getting away from the baggage and the garbage that the GOP has been carrying around trying to please the Democrats for decades, and betray their constituents. Even now they are all caving to the Democrats at every turn.

I also noticed that not a word was said by him about Fraudster Fauci and the bogus pandemic. Trump brought that on himself.
We have much the same problem with the major right wing Party in Australia, due to so many cowards, or they are wimpy at heart I find or too wealthy to really care is another problem, it's all about themselves that they are looking after and outside of that they are not bothered with truly at all.
I thought that I would go out hand try to help the man on the land politicly sticking up for them but I found out that over all they were that stuck up, even if they were going down the drain over the years their values had all changed from being genuine people, to trash who's only concern was themselves. not all tho but over all I have found now, they do not want to support the virtues that our Nation was built on truly anymore.
Australia had what was called a mateship values over all for everyone, a fair suck of the sav that was clearly promoted after WW2 but that's all gone now and it's all for ones self and to hell with the rest. so they only work for there own ends. They get together in groups like Builders and work to screw all the other trades over undermine and destroy all who are under them and then claim, oh their is nothing but 3rd rate tradesmen about now, yes because they have worked to destroy the foundations of such. treating people like as if they were their own nigger slaves.
So they have only empowered the Left and Socialism to dominate over all in the end. so many of the wealthy right are prepared that Socialism will win out in the end and they are in the movement of such trying to change the spots of the right wing Party to become a wealthy peoples supported Liberal Socialist Party and our left Labour Party is pertaining to a Socialist Marxist Communist Party in reality and the new right is pertaining to be a Socialist Marxist Party for the rich and the Communist will wipe the floor with the wealthy easy as pie and the people will not bother to save the rich because they have only been shafted by them.
PM M Turnbull was all about trying to change the right wing Parys Spots to become a Socialist Party for the wealthy. not to mention the MSM love him and promote the bastard as the Lord of the Party, but he was kicked out of it and is a full on Traitor 24/7 to it, the poor bastard failed and the MSM worked to cover up everything that truly happened, nothing to be seen here ?

So what will happen is that the land owners will loose the land and the Aboriginals and mulattoes will take such over ownership of the land in time and then when the Communist Party takes over they will shaft the Abos and all because Communism does not respect any people, it's all a game at play in duping all to get were the Communist want's to be, at this point the Communist have it all in the bag as the majority of people do not understand the cunning that is at play. the Mulattos do undermine the Aboriginals the full blood rights due to the trickery of governments peddling BS.
Most people in Government are not in it for anyone but themselves. show me a truly honest political person, what did that doctor say about Forest Gump's back.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
MEN are supposed to the be leaders, but there are WOMEN who have MORE FAITH, MORE COURAGE, and MORE INSIGHT than MANY of the so called "men" in this Forum, -- and that includes "men" that have gray hair and are supposed to have earned wisdom along the way, but are minus the "wis", and are only "dumb".

So if "men" can't LEAD, and won't FOLLOW, -- then GET OUT OF THE WAY. -- COWARDS!
And what do you courageous men and women think you're going to accomplish against the beast? God says, nothing. What do you say?

The wisdom of God has decreed that he allow the beast system to win and that no one beat it except Jesus Christ, alone, all by himself, without man's help. You should get on board with that wisdom because you can't fight it. It has a purpose. Don't fight it.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
we can preach what the Prophets PROCLAIM to give them confidence about GOD's a Plan and Purpose in what HE's Doing
And he's told us what that plan is....

16The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled.
Revelation 17:16-17

There's no mystery here, folks. You aren't going to win against the beast and the false prophet. God says they win.....until Jesus himself destroys them at his second coming. Until then, everyone who resists the beast will be killed. It is God's will that you overcome the beast and his mark by being martyred, not by electing a leader who will protect you from him. That leader is no where to be found in scripture that I'm aware of. I see it saying the beast rules the whole world. Trump or somebody like him might be able to buy us some extra time living in peace and safety but that's a very temporary condition, one that God himself will not allow to last. And I'm of the opinion that time has already past. I hope I'm wrong. But I think we've seen enough evidence to prove I'm not.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
But is this somehow going to beat what God has already decreed will happen to the prostitute and everyone who challenges the anti-christ system in Revelation? I knew from the beginning—because I've read Revelation—that this Trump thing was only going to be a temporary thing (shorter than I thought, though, lol).

God puts it into the heart of the beast and the ten horns to destroy the prostitute in order to fulfill his word (Revelation 17:16-17). Anyone who thinks they're going to prevent his word from happening is only resisting what God himself has ordained. Can we resist it until the actual time of the fulfillment of Revelation 17:16-17? Yeah, I think so. But IMO we're way past that. The beast system is already rising up out of the earth IMO (Revelation 13:1). And no one will be able to defeat it.....

“Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” Revelation 13:4

Start looking up, folks, not outward.
We know that before Christ returns, a system of government shall develop that will usher in the final attempt to destroy God's people. I'm not talking about Israel, but Christianity... The church. And not the nominal church goers who are there to solidify business contacts and sales. I'm sitting of the true enemy to globalism and the Antichrist and false prophet. This system of government will be created by the world rulers of our time and I'm such a way that the vast majority of the world will welcome it with open arms... Even genuine Christians who today rail at the imminent rise of the NWO because many of them also will be deceived.
So many today look at the extreme left... Communism... And the extreme right... Selfish capitalism and corporatism... And yearn for something different... Everyone is looking for peace...a system of governance that will be caring, fair, benevolent, environmentally astute, and having a social conscience.
The philosopher Hegel said the following... Truth is not to be found in the thesis, nor in the antithesis, but in the synthesis. The great conflicting issues the world is facing today, more so than in any other time in history, particularly in the USA where two conflicting ideologies are threatening to break out into what some people believe will be civil war, the thesis versus antithesis... Right versus left... Democrat versus Republican... What people do not realise is this conflict had been orchestrated from the very beginning by certain powers bent on establishing a certain particular agenda. A NWO. but not a NWO system that the main news stories are "leaking" as the impending so called conspiracy theory, but a far deeper more deceptive plan that has been on the planning board for centuries. The coming synthesis...an amalgam between right and left... Communism and capitalism... Will be a cross between socialism and fascism, but operated and headed by the only power in the world who will actually benefit by it. And the only power in the world who currently has the popular mandate to lead it. But a power who in former times would have never been acceptable to the people... particularly in the US as the constitution as interpreted in times past would have forbidden it. But today? Times have changed. The power I'm talking about will be welcomed with open arms. The separation of church and state today is almost as anathema in evangelical circles as it is in Catholic churches... Hence the current merging of the ideologies of Catholicism and Protestantism which in times past would have been unthinkable. Politics, religion, social climate, have been manipulated over a long period of time until today we now have the ideal climate to usher in the final composite beast of Revelation 13. And it will be the second beast, the US, that will be the vessel through which this synthesis will be introduced to the world. 12243595_1081879371852452_4609944770213412120_n.jpg
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
We know that before Christ returns, a system of government shall develop that will usher in the final attempt to destroy God's people. I'm not talking about Israel, but Christianity... The church. And not the nominal church goers who are there to solidify business contacts and sales. I'm sitting of the true enemy to globalism and the Antichrist and false prophet. This system of government will be created by the world rulers of our time and I'm such a way that the vast majority of the world will welcome it with open arms... Even genuine Christians who today rail at the imminent rise of the NWO because many of them also will be deceived.
So many today look at the extreme left... Communism... And the extreme right... Selfish capitalism and corporatism... And yearn for something different... Everyone is looking for peace...a system of governance that will be caring, fair, benevolent, environmentally astute, and having a social conscience.
The philosopher Hegel said the following... Truth is not to be found in the thesis, nor in the antithesis, but in the synthesis. The great conflicting issues the world is facing today, more so than in any other time in history, particularly in the USA where two conflicting ideologies are threatening to break out into what some people believe will be civil war, the thesis versus antithesis... Right versus left... Democrat versus Republican... What people do not realise is this conflict had been orchestrated from the very beginning by certain powers bent on establishing a certain particular agenda. A NWO. but not a NWO system that the main news stories are "leaking" as the impending so called conspiracy theory, but a far deeper more deceptive plan that has been on the planning board for centuries. The coming synthesis...an amalgam between right and left... Communism and capitalism... Will be a cross between socialism and fascism, but operated and headed by the only power in the world who will actually benefit by it. And the only power in the world who currently has the popular mandate to lead it. But a power who in former times would have never been acceptable to the people... particularly in the US as the constitution as interpreted in times past would have forbidden it. But today? Times have changed. The power I'm talking about will be welcomed with open arms. The separation of church and state today is almost as anathema in evangelical circles as it is in Catholic churches... Hence the current merging of the ideologies of Catholicism and Protestantism which in times past would have been unthinkable. Politics, religion, social climate, have been manipulated over a long period of time until today we now have the ideal climate to usher in the final composite beast of Revelation 13. And it will be the second beast, the US, that will be the vessel through which this synthesis will be introduced to the world. View attachment 13648
...and the question is, who is it that can hear this? The wise will awaken from slumber and begin trimming their lamps.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
All the belching and barking making a big deal about US Election Fraud as if it's a matter of shock horror.....about how right I am and how wrong they are.
The world we live in is full of fraud.....in every country at every level with all parties. Making a great song and dance about fraud in the US ensures one has bought into the distraction.....into the particular limited view which flatters ones ego. America is saturated in more fraud than most are aware of..... from both sides of the fence.

Consider Daniel, kidnapped from his own country and through God's providence became overseer of the rulers of the Babylonian provinces. Do we hear any bad mouthing from him? .....and where was his focus?.....where were his primary energies spent?

Perhaps we could take Jesus in that oppressive and barbaric empire, the Romans....the one that tried to wipe him off the face of the earth shortly after his birth......did he bad mouth them?

I think we can learn a primary lesson here.
Honestly QT, you should've bad-mouthed these people - they're patently loopy and subversive, lovers of man-made politics rather than Christ's Kingdom, couldn't recognize the anti-christ if they were staring him in the face, they are inciting and factitious, and prone to embracing fallacies and delusions.
You should've bad-mouthed them, seriously. After all, aren't you the self-admitted, non politically-correct one (not sarcasm)?
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Politics, religion, social climate, have been manipulated over a long period of time until today we now have the ideal climate to usher in the final composite beast of Revelation 13.
Yes, that plan has been in place for quite a while now, making incredible headway in the last twenty years, right under our fat noses.

And it will be the second beast, the US, that will be the vessel through which this synthesis will be introduced to the world.
That's how I see it too. The false prophet is the anti-christ's enforcer. And at this time, the United States seems to fit the description of the false prophet—Revelation 13:11-17.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Honestly QT, you should've bad-mouthed these people - they're patently loopy and subversive, lovers of man-made politics rather than Christ's Kingdom, couldn't recognize the anti-christ if they were staring him in the face, they are inciting and factitious, and prone to embracing fallacies and delusions.
You should've bad-mouthed them, seriously.
Bad mouthing comes as natural as a ripe apple falling from a tree and not surprisingly is justified from every available angle but who has the power to love his/her enemies? I would say without a connection to The Life it is a physical, emotional and spiritual impossibility.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There is one that far outdoes even america and the nations . She is moving peace faster than any of the politicians have done .
She has even imams and other religions bowing to her . Even a temple is now being built in UAE which will consist
of a mosque and christain church and etc . She has done what no political power has been able to do .
She has caused a massive merging of the religoins to be as one . She will rule from jerusalem as well .
She is a whore , a mother of harlots and abominations . And the world is bending to her will .
We are witnessing a humanity we are one religoin being fast formed . As we see among politicans as well .
ALL was foretold . A beast would arise with a Kingdom and has power over the nations and the whore , the FP
will guide all to be as one with it . Its moving in now . Its father is the dragon , its mother is ROME . FLEE this lie this all inclusive
lie . Stand only the one true gospel , no matter the cost . Be faithful even unto death and conform not to her lie .
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
There is one that far outdoes even america and the nations . She is moving peace faster than any of the politicians have done .
She has even imams and other religions bowing to her . Even a temple is now being built in UAE which will consist
of a mosque and christain church and etc . She has done what no political power has been able to do .
She has caused a massive merging of the religoins to be as one . She will rule from jerusalem as well .
She is a whore , a mother of harlots and abominations . And the world is bending to her will .
We are witnessing a humanity we are one religoin being fast formed . As we see among politicans as well .
ALL was foretold . A beast would arise with a Kingdom and has power over the nations and the whore , the FP
will guide all to be as one with it . Its moving in now . Its father is the dragon , its mother is ROME . FLEE this lie this all inclusive
lie . Stand only the one true gospel , no matter the cost . Be faithful even unto death and conform not to her lie .
..and what is the lie?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
Bad mouthing comes as natural as a ripe apple falling from a tree and not surprisingly is justified from every available angle but who has the power to love his/her enemies? I would say without a connection to The Life it is a physical, emotional and spiritual impossibility.
How in the world did I reply to quietthinker, and end up talking to Aristotle (as usual)?
I called them terrorists on a previous thread, because they were promoting another riot at the Capitol, and I got banned for a time, ...and to think, I was actually holding my true feelings back.
These guys are inexcusable nutcases, not a single Christian sentiment in anything that they are espousing. They've indicted themselves, as far as who's side their on is concerned - they're barely Christians, if at all.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
She will take many in her net . She has many protestant churches who do her work as well .
Many of the other religoins as well are uniting under her banner of peace .
And she has found a scapegoat . One in which she has already began to put the ills of the world upon .
Her one true enemy is biblical christains and her children call us dangerous fundamentalists .
She will do as she has done before . Through her unity she will gather all religions to be as one
and then all the while she will continue to spout her hatred against the fundamental . She will use
bad examples , bad seeds and then say this is how all biblical fundamentals are .
She has killed before . And does so by delivering over her enemies unto political leaders , kings and such .
SO too she will do so again . She has persauded the world that those who embrace her not , but rather the bible , are dangerous
and to prolesytize is dangerous . She is the mother of harlots and abominations . And her children will merge as one
and through politics as well they will unite and come against all, in time , who resisted her lie , who resisted the beast
and who refused to drink of her cup of all inclusive unity. She is a lamb killer and has been one since her birth .
Beware her lies and the lies of the great reset political leaders as well . FOLLOW JESUS , stay in bibles and test everything with sound
bible doctrine . We are closing in on the age where , we will not at all be tolerated and in the name of their false love unity
we will be declared enemies of the state , of the religoin , and of the world . ITS COMING . And we better not fall for the lie
nor fear what men will soon do unto us .


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
And what do you courageous men and women think you're going to accomplish against the beast? God says, nothing. What do you say?

The wisdom of God has decreed that he allow the beast system to win and that no one beat it except Jesus Christ, alone, all by himself, without man's help. You should get on board with that wisdom because you can't fight it. It has a purpose. Don't fight it.
Well, there you have it, FB, they are in defiance of the Word of God. Now, that was induced from a Biblical standpoint. But, just the minute that they open their mouths, from wisdom alone, we clearly see what lack of Christian sentiments and comprehension that they have.
These people absolutely scare me.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
..and what is the lie?
That one does not have to CONFESS JESUS BY MOUTH and beleive from the heart that GOD has raised Him from the dead to be saved . .
IN fact for us who say this must be done , we will in time be seen as dangerous , in the way of unity , haters of humanity .
ITS the gospel . SHE preaches a false gospel . WE MUST not cease to tell the world , REPENT and BELEIVE IN JESUS .
SOON enough she will call us dangerous . truth is , she already is saying this . Its just gonna get worse .
I refuse to let a muslim beleive his path leads Him to GOD . or any other religion .
Even over fifty percent of even evanglicals now believe GOD is fine with other religoins . AND that was three years ago
i am sure its only got worse . And we already know the liberal churches have far advanced in that direction .
ITS all coming to a head . TO a final hour . wherein the world and her religoins shall unite as one
with the beast . The lambs will be seen as haters of humanity , rounded up , killed . many will die for the faith in the coming time .
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