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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What is Spiritual Blindness, as related to Right believng?

Spiritual blindness is an inability to recognize Biblical and Spiritual Truth correctly.

Who can have this issue?

1.) All Unbeliever's have it.

2.) Most Believers have it.

In the case of the Lost, the unbeliever, the NT says...."lest the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine into them...""

Ok, so what is that?
What is Shining, that they can't see? And why can't they see it?
What is Shining is the Truth. And this Truth is Jesus as Savior.
And when we have not yet come to THE Truth, who IS Christ.... this means that we are spiritually disconnected from God, by not yet BELIEVING that God as Christ has come to reconnect us To Himself.
Coming into this truth, is to find the Light of God's Grace, as given as Jesus the Redeemer.
This is THE Truth that the Devil hides from people.

And why can't an unbeliever SEE it?
Its because the Devil has blinded their mind....and once this VEIL, this unbelief, is removed, then God The Light of Truth, who is Jesus The Christ comes into them and they find their Salvation "in Christ".
This happens when anyone repents of their unbelief, and turns to Belief in Jesus.
This is Faith. And the instant you do this, God SEES it in you, and accepts it to then Justify you through your faith. He then applies the Blood Atonement to you, which removes your sin. He then causes you to have a 2nd Birth, which is your "born again" Salvation.

In the case of the born again why are they often spiritually Blind?
Well, once again, its the devil at work, and he has caused them, maybe you, to believe wrong.
Understand Reader, that everything with God and Christ is based on BELIEVING.
Finding God Thru Christ is based on Believing The Truth..
Even Pleasing God is based on Faith, as "without FAITH it is impossible to please God".
And after finding God, remaining in right believing is how you stay in the Light, vs falling from the Light (falling from Grace), and into the devil's deception.

How does the devil blind your mind?
Well, he uses your self righteousness to control what you believe.
He ruins your Right Believing, using your self righteousness against you thru the power of the Law's dominion.
He uses the dominion of the Law + your Pride, which is your self righteousness, to turn you from the Light and into mind blindness, which is to lose your Right Believing.
Your mind then has become VEILED, and your mind now stays "in the flesh".
You become a Legalist. And that is a person who is trying to keep themselves saved.
Its a person who BELIEVES they can lose their salvation.

Its that simple.

For some people, they never got out of the Gate before the Devil has them blinded to the Light of God's Grace.
This would be anyone involved in the "cult of Mary" for example, or any Protestant Organization that teaches you that you can lose your salvation, as all of this is teaching new converts that they have to do works to stay saved, and that they can lose their salvation. So, if you are one of those, and you are born again, then your denomination ruined your faith since the day they deceived you.
This is why you will argue against Eternal Security, using your theological Gospel of Works that the devil conned you into believing = taught to you by self righteous deceivers.

Now, what is the solution for being lost in the darkness of spiritual deception?
Well, you have to find someone who shows you that you are...is the first step.
The next is that you recognize that you are trying to keep yourself saved, based on YOURSELF.

"Ill stay saves as long as i hold unto this, or as long as i dont do that".
See, that is YOU playing savior, thinking you are trusting Christ.
And you're not. You are trusting YOU....and thats LEGALISM, as "fallen from Grace".

So, if you have been deceived.... God is able to break thru your wall of self righteous deception, only wben you come to SEE something about God's Grace, that you either once knew and stopped believeing, or you have now begun to finally discover as revelation.

God's Grace does not require your lifestyle, or your works, or your self effort.
If you think it does then you have not yet understood "GRACE" or "Salvation".
Listen Saint....God's Grace is what God did for you for free, as a Gift, by dying on the Cross as your sin bearer and as your eternal redemption, and as your Blood atonement.
All of that is none of you,..... and if you can see this for the first time, then you can escape your chains of Legalism, your bondage to heresy... and enter into the Peace of God's Grace that was obtained for you by Jesus, and is only found by Right Believing.
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