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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Why is faith counted as righteousness. ????

Its because a sinner, and "all have sinned, there is none righteous, no not one"........has no righteousness to offer God.

So, How does God, who is Righteousness itself, come into UNION, spiritual and eternal union,.... with an unrighteous sinner?

A.) The Cross of Christ.

This is where Holy Righteous God, meets the sinner with Christ's Blood and death, that resolves all our SIN.

And now, once YOUR SIN has been resolved by Christ's Blood and Death.........God will spiritually birth you into a "new creation in Christ" by giving your spirit a new BIRTH... (born again) into HIMSELF.... As to be born again, is to have been birthed by God's Holy Spirit into God Himself "who is a Spirit".

Reader, ..... because we have no righteousness of our own to offer God....., God has created a WAY that we can receive HIS very own righteousness, as "the GIFT of Righteousness"..... John 14:6


AA.) When you give God your FAITH in Christ, God takes your faith and accepts it , and based on your faith in Christ, God then GIVES you.. "the Gift of Righteousness", after God deals with all your sin, through the Cross of Christ.

So, the GRACE of God... is that you are receiving His Righteousness, as a GIFT, undeserved, and provided to you for FREE, based only on what Jesus has accomplished for you, on THE CROSS.. 2000 yrs ago.
What Jesus has "finished" On the Cross, 2000 yrs ago, is still saving sinners, TOMORROW and FOREVER.

See that MERCY?
See that Amazing Grace?

Welcome to : SALVATION.

God provides it as : "THE GIFT.... of Salvation"... who is CHRIST The Lord.

Jesus is your Salvation.
Jesus is your Eternal Life.
Jesus is your Resurrection.
Jesus is your ETERNAL Pardon... eternal Forgiveness.

Hallelujah !

You can't earn it... You can only have it for Free... because you RECEIVE IT as a Gift from God.... instantly, when you give God your Faith in Christ.

if you have never done this...and you understand now.... then Trust in Christ and God will save you, forgive you, and bring you into His eternal family, and you can KNOW right NOW.....= that when you die you will only meet God in eternity as your Father, and not as your eternal Judge.
Get that settled today, Reader,.. get your Eternity settled TODAY...... if you've not yet settled it, and you realize you need to do it...
Don't wait, as nothing is more important.

"All who call on Jesus shall be saved".. "as many as Receive Jesus by Faith.. God gives to YOU the power to become a Son/Daughter of God".

That is God's promise to you.

You Take Christ by Faith, and God takes you forever.
That's God's promise.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States

Why is faith counted as righteousness. ????

Its because a sinner, and "all have sinned, there is none righteous, no not one"........has no righteousness to offer God.
Paul is capturing a moment in Israel's history where in exasperation God sees the whole world in a seemingly hopeless, lawless condition. Obviously, this is hyperbolic, and yet true to the doctrine of Man's Sin Nature.

Psalm 140.1 Rescue me, Lord, from evildoers; protect me from the violent...
Psalm 14.1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
2 The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.
3 All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.

Note that In these passages the emphasis is on the "fool" or the hardened unbelievers whose vile behavior serves to show the capacity of all men to do gross evil. It isn't saying that all men are doing evil, except those who actually are evil. But it does serve to show that all have Sin in them so that they are all capable of gross evil.

So we extrapolate from the context of evil men doing evil the idea that all men are sinners. This is true.

But in saying "none are righteous" it is only showing the difference between a holy God and people who have been contaminated with Sin. Obviously, those who repent of their Sin can be righteous, but are utterly unable to remove the stain of their unrighteousness apart from God's mercy.

This is speaking of a specific application of "righteousness," namely an unblemished righteousness, which has no need of redemption. Obviously, this applies to all, although it is very clear that those who repent and obey God's word can be righteous through their obedience to God's word. This is speaking only of people who wish to be righteous apart from any reference to obeying God's word.

Isa 45.21 And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me.
Mark 10.18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.

Apart from obedience to God's word, nobody is righteous at all. When God says that nobody is righteous, He is speaking of men who have separated themselves from God. Men fallen from God's word are all corrupt. This is true!

This is all about context. If we take this too literally, you will have a contradiction in the Bible because the Bible not only says "none are righteous," but it also says, "the saints are righteous."

All this is speaking about people in their Sin Nature who, having fallen from God's Word, can only show despicable, corrupt behavior. This is not true of the saints, who repent of their sins and choose to obey God's Word. Through God's Word they are made righteous.

Since all men have a Sin Nature in them, the Scriptures speak of all mankind as hopelessly corrupt while living in their Sin Condition. It is not speaking, at this point, about their being righteous when conforming to the Word of God.

Before their redemption, and before they draw access to God's Word the whole of mankind appears hopelessly lost in their sins. In that sense, "none are righteous." That is, without access to God, "none are righteous." Men are bound for the garbage pit.

But the reality is, Men are given access to God's Word and Grace. We simply need to choose to obey God's Word and to embrace the forgiveness that comes with acknowledgement of Christ's sacrifice. That's a choice to put to death all sin in our lives. That's redemption.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Obviously, those who repent of their Sin can be righteous,

If you stop sinning, (repent)... after you've sinned your entire life, you are not suddenly righteous.

In fact, "all have sinned, there is NONE righteous, no not one"... so, trying to be good, and repenting, has nothing to do with being "righteous".

You, of yourself can't become righteous, because, "all have sinned, there is NONE Righteous, no not one"..

So, God resolved this by dealing with the Law, and with sin, and this is The Cross of Christ.

A SINNER< goes to The Cross, by Faith, and leaves it as a "new creation in Christ", "made righteous" having received "THE gift of Righteous".

There is no other way a SINNER< can become righteous.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Paul is capturing a moment in Israel's history where in exasperation God sees the whole world in a seemingly hopeless, lawless condition. Obviously, this is hyperbolic, and yet true to the doctrine of Man's Sin Nature.

Its not hyperbolic, its reality.

Humanity is hopeless, lost in sin, and loving it, and heading for eternal judgement.
What could be more hopeless?

The only Hope found on and in this world is through the Lovely Cross of Christ, as that begins Hope in the life of a Believer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
We simply need to choose to obey God's Word and to embrace the forgiveness that comes with acknowledgement of Christ's sacrifice.

The Devil, and every Christ rejector has acknowledged Christ's Sacrifice.

The person(s) who wrote the Quran and The Hadith "acknowledge" Christ's Sacrifice.

The secondary Leader of Hamas, whom the Israeli IDF just killed in a secret hiding Place for these monsters, inside Tehran, acknowledged Jesus's sacrifice, and he's currently in Hell, wondering why Allah didnt bring him to those "virgins" he was told were waiting for him, after He died.

Gnostics acknowledge The Cross, as do European Pagans, and most other Religions, for the last 200O years.

Acknowledging It didnt save any of them, and it wont save anyone else.

Salvation is not about acknowledgment of The Cross and The Christ, as if they are a historical document to be comprehended, like you comprehend Geometry.

Salvation, is based on repenting from unbelief, and turning to Faith in Christ, and God accepts and takes that Faith, and then SUPPLIES what HE Requires the Believer to possess.. ("The Gift of Righteousness")... so that God can join Himself to them, Spiritually.

That is what Jesus is explaining when He says........>"YOU must be born again"".
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
The Devil, and every Christ rejector has acknowledged Christ's Sacrifice.

The person(s) who wrote the Quran and The Hadith "acknowledge" Christ's Sacrifice.

The secondary Leader of Hamas, whom the Israeli IDF just killed in a secret hiding Place for these monsters, inside Tehran, acknowledged Jesus's sacrifice, and he's currently in Hell, wondering why Allah didnt bring him to those "virgins" he was told were waiting for him, after He died.

Gnostics acknowledge The Cross, as do European Pagans, and most other Religions, for the last 200O years.

Acknowledging It didnt save any of them, and it wont save anyone else.

Salvation is not about acknowledgment of The Cross and The Christ, as if they are a historical document to be comprehended, like you comprehend Geometry.

Salvation, is based on repenting from unbelief, and turning to Faith in Christ, and God accepts and takes that Faith, and then SUPPLIES what HE Requires the Believer to possess.. ("The Gift of Righteousness")... so that God can join Himself to them, Spiritually.

That is what Jesus is explaining when He says........>"YOU must be born again"".
Anybody can "repent from unbelief." The Devil and Mohammed could do that, as well, but will likely end up in Hell.

It is not belief in the Sacrifice of Christ that saves, but only "acknowledgement of Christ's Sacrifice along with what that means." What it doesn't mean is that the Devil and Muslims can acknowledge that. They can do anything by appearances, but acknowledging what it actually means requires that one be a true follower of Christ--not just a believer but also a doer.

When you choose to accept Christ as Savior you also agree to *live in Christ.* James 2 and 1 John 2 explain that perfectly well. The formulas is: acknowledgment of Christ, along with the choice to live in Christ.

James 2.26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

1 John 2.4 Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person.

You must actually "know Christ" to properly acknowledge his sacrifice for sin. Otherwise, what sins are you repenting from and what righteousness are you turning to?

So when you come to know who Christ is, you repent of not following him and turn to observing his righteousness. That is a proper acknowledgement of the sacrifice he made for our sins.

The Devil and Christ Rejectors may only do this by appearances, but not in reality. True acknowledgement of Christ's sacrifice requires commitment to the spirituality that goes along with the truth about the sacrifice.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Its their sin that separates every single person from God.

See Adam #1 for the update on how that started and see Adam #2 for the eternal solution.
I agree on Adam #1 and Adam #2. I'm only saying that Paul's exhaustive statement is looking at Man in light of the Fall, and not Man in light of Redemption.

All that Man does, apart from God's Word or apart from Christ, ends up in wickedness. That is Man's state in the Fall, before Christ reaches down to save him by God's Word.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Its not hyperbolic, its reality.

Humanity is hopeless, lost in sin, and loving it, and heading for eternal judgement.
What could be more hopeless?

The only Hope found on and in this world is through the Lovely Cross of Christ, as that begins Hope in the life of a Believer.
Yes, I agree. So Man can be either Lost or Saved, Wicked or Righteous. You're making my point. We agree.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
If you stop sinning, (repent)... after you've sinned your entire life, you are not suddenly righteous.

In fact, "all have sinned, there is NONE righteous, no not one"... so, trying to be good, and repenting, has nothing to do with being "righteous".

You, of yourself can't become righteous, because, "all have sinned, there is NONE Righteous, no not one"..

So, God resolved this by dealing with the Law, and with sin, and this is The Cross of Christ.

A SINNER< goes to The Cross, by Faith, and leaves it as a "new creation in Christ", "made righteous" having received "THE gift of Righteous".

There is no other way a SINNER< can become righteous.
I see nothing to disagree with. We cannot do anything good apart from God, in His Grace, giving us His Word via His Son and His Cross.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It is not belief in the Sacrifice of Christ that saves, but only "acknowledgement of Christ's Sacrifice along with what that means."

Its actually God who saves......and for Him to do this You must give God your Faith in Christ.
Not your "acknowledgement".

God accepts your faith, not your "acknowledgement".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I agree on Adam #1 and Adam #2. I'm only saying that Paul's exhaustive statement is looking at Man in light of the Fall, and not Man in light of Redemption.

Try to Prove that, without using any cut and paste.
Try to even explain it......... start there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Yes, I agree. So Man can be either Lost or Saved, Wicked or Righteous. You're making my point. We agree.

You can be a terrible born again Christian, and you can be a very good person who is a Christ rejector.

None of that is relevant to my Thread's Topic, that is explaining that God's Righteousness is delivered to every Believer, only based on them giving God their faith in Christ.

"faith is counted by God"... not works.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
You can be a terrible born again Christian, and you can be a very good person who is a Christ rejector.

None of that is relevant to my Thread's Topic, that is explaining that God's Righteousness is delivered to every Believer, only based on them giving God their faith in Christ.

"faith is counted by God"... not works.
Obviously, what I share on your thread appears to me to be relevant to the subject. You seem to protest anything outside of your version of "Faith Alone." Anything that involves personal responsibility is verboten. That's your call.

My call is to answer points as I see them. That sometimes agrees with you. At other times I won't agree with you.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
People can do good apart from God.
What they can't do is become Righteous apart from God causing it based on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.
I don't think anybody can do good apart from God. God alone is good. If people don't access God, they can't do good.

They may access Him without being conscious of it, but in order to do good, they must access God in some way. If people can do good without God, then God is not the only source of what is good.

I think you're talking about "good works," which are sometimes purely an appearance of good. Often people do good in part, and as such, it is inadequate in the sight of God in terms of "righteousness," as you describe it.

Yes, righteousness, in biblical terms, requires redemption from Christ--not just "good works." But my point was, nobody, Christian or not, can do good apart from reference to God's Spirit, which alone is good. And they can be either a Christian or a non-Christian to do that, because God made all men in the image of God, after His likeness.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Try to Prove that, without using any cut and paste.
Try to even explain it......... start there.
No, I was addressing a very simple statement you made. A simple statement only requires a simple answer.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Its actually God who saves......and for Him to do this You must give God your Faith in Christ.
Not your "acknowledgement".

God accepts your faith, not your "acknowledgement".
These are "word games." I'm not interested in semantic battles like this. What matters is not how we say things, but what we mean.

When I say we must be saved by an acknowledgement of Christ and his sacrifice, I mean we need to accept Christ to be saved. That means we accept the responsibility of living in him, as well. You may not like that, but James 2 and 1 John 2 confirm it.

To accept Christ is to accept his sacrifice. And to accept his sacrifice is to accept our need to choose him as our substitute and to choose to live in him in place of living independent of him.

That's what I mean. I don't care to battle over words--I'm going to explain it as I have, and let the chips fall where they may. If you have a problem with James 2 and 1 John 2, or with the words "acknowledge the Sacrifice of Christ," your problem is deeper than I'm able to deal with. I wish you well....


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Obviously, what I share on your thread appears to me to be relevant to the subject. You seem to protest anything outside of your version of "Faith Alone."

Paul teaches that Doctrine, but thank you for believing i created it.

My call is to answer points as I see them. That sometimes agrees with you. At other times I won't agree with you
