Fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
There is so much I can say about this but I am going to keep as short as I can lol.
Most of these sensationalized police shootings and deaths are due to people thinking that it is their right to resist arrest.

People do not know the laws....they do not know if you steal a pack of gum and police try to arrest you...if you resist arrest...the pack of gum does not matter...resisting arrest is a violent crime. If you injure a police officer than that is additional time in jail or prison. If you put the officer in a position that he or she thinks they will be harmed or killed they have the right to shoot you. Whether you armed or not. If you go to prison or die for stealing a pack of gum all of that was your choice.

There is no reason for a police officer to risk life and limb in the performance of his or her duties.

In our attempt not to cause harm we cause more harm.

In the events that police officers are involved, things can turn serious in a slit second. In our attempt to use non-fatal instruments we can endanger the officers and people near by. Tasers and batons are not always effective on large or drugged up individuals. It is the wrong approach until they find something that causes instant incapacitation nearly all the time without harm. That will happen sometime in the future.

The other issue is the lack of training and or the wrong training.

Police officers need to be trained on the use of deadly force.

For example, in the case of Rayshard Brooks, the police officers had his driver's licence information and his car....they could catch him later and charge him with DWI, resisting arrest, and assault on police officers. No need to even chase him....but he did shot the taser back at them....bad move! They can charge the officer with whatever they want, it will not stick. It has already been proven that tasers can be deadly.

On the other hand the training aspect of it is important....black lives matter is a farce but all live matter is not. That is the thing that the police officer has to calculate. Is it worth killing someone for? Can you catch them later? Discharging a firearm in the city has its risks. Don't think I am being soft on criminals because what I say next is pretty hard line.

Police officers should not generally use tasers or batons. Police officers should not be allowed to wrestle with people....because their guns could be taken from them to kill them, kill others, or used later in crimes.

When someone resists arrest the police officer should step back and draw his pistol. If he has a partner he should reach into the squad car and pull out a shotgun. The shotgun is for a psychological effect...besides the obvious. The police officer is going to tell the person to halt, raise your hands and interlace his fingers behind his head. If he comes at the officer, the officer should but two round in his chest...center mass. If that does not stop him the shotgun will. That may sound pretty rough but there is no reason to expect an officer to risk life and limb. This is all on the person that resisted arrest.

But if he runs....then the officer has to make a decision....is it worth a life? Is he being arrested for a pack of gum, a DWI, or a domestic dispute....catch him later. If he has killed someone....then you shoot until he stops running. Now there can be a thousand different scenarios where they have to make a decision on whether to shoot or not....but the question that needs to be trained is, is it worth a life....can we catch him later. Is it safer for everyone to let him go.

Training is so important because you learn what to do before you are actually faced with it.
Some city officials have no use for their law enforcement officers and will not back them. Those law enforcement officers need to find another city to work for because their lives can be ruined by spinless and croaked officials. It is just a matter of time.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
What does that have to do with your repeated attempts to minimize and downplay racism against blacks?
I never minimized racism against anyone. But look around your for goodness sake! White people are being pulled from their cars and beaten by black men. Is this the world that King envisioned? We are all Americans. We need to quit fighting over color. The amount of pigment in your skin has zero to do with who you are. There is already police reform going on, but some will never be satisfied until all that's left is anarchy because their agenda is not really about racism, it's about gaining power for themselves.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ


Jun 6, 2019
United States
(that is how a "suicide by cop" works, most of you may not have relatives in the police department ............... but I will explain, what nobody generally reports .................. suspects typically run in circles returning to the officer exercising increasing levels of force) ("suicide by cop" practices, usually result in officer fatalities, also other forms of behavior, designed only to incapacitate and prevent the officer from performing their duties)

(they actually have statements from rayshard recorded years ago, etc. indicating he was a candidate for "suicide by cop", that is how the justice systems works, when they don't do the "three strikes" to prison law)

(minorities commit suicide by cop more often, if someone wanted that, then George Floyd, was a calling card for that) (this is an era of self inflicted pain, there is going to be a considerable more of this both globally and in the usa, we have yet to see the fully bevy of school shootings and vehicular homicides, soon)


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
...but some will never be satisfied until all that's left is anarchy because their agenda is not really about racism, it's about gaining power for themselves.
Exactly. This is the message that needs to be drilled into everyone in the Western world. Either the Anarchists will rule the world, or they will all be behind bars, or executed for heinous crimes. There are only two options left to the West, and everyone is asleep at the wheel. Absolutely no one in the Western governments has the guts to stand up these Anarchist bullies and challenge them. Even Mr. Trump has surrendered to them.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Exactly. This is the message that needs to be drilled into everyone in the Western world. Either the Anarchists will rule the world, or they will all be behind bars, or executed for heinous crimes. There are only two options left to the West, and everyone is asleep at the wheel. Absolutely no one in the Western governments has the guts to stand up these Anarchist bullies and challenge them. Even Mr. Trump has surrendered to them.

Like im angry, im speechless... I'll just let my man Tucker drop some facts



Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
Victoria, Australia
Exactly. This is the message that needs to be drilled into everyone in the Western world. Either the Anarchists will rule the world, or they will all be behind bars, or executed for heinous crimes. There are only two options left to the West, and everyone is asleep at the wheel. Absolutely no one in the Western governments has the guts to stand up these Anarchist bullies and challenge them. Even Mr. Trump has surrendered to them.

I don't know what Trump's plans are, and I do know he makes a lot of mistakes, but my hope is that there's a deeper plan at work here. Maybe the thought is - Jump on it quickly and deal with this one instance, and then have more again in the near future, vs let it play out and allow people to see what the ultimate conclusion is as you follow this ideology along and expose the full wickedness, and have people actually wake up to the deception they've believed. Maybe God is allowing this to shake us all, give people one last chance to see truth and turn from their own lies and deceit?

I would have preferred this dealt with quickly - but if by giving it time, it ends up short term pain for long term benefits - it may be a better call. By waiting a little, numerous mayors and others in top spots have been exposed considerably more, but even more so - by drawing this out - there could be more saved out of this than if it never occurred.

Regardless, in the end though - you are spot on with their being only two options for the West - but it has nothing to do with right or left, or politics. It's time for people to choose God, or face irreparable damage. Ultimately - rescue from this won't come through action of anyone (including Trump) - it will only come from God. Thus the time to pray for our leaders has never been more urgent. I know this myself - I just need to put it into practice a lot more now. I'm trying to see this through a more eternal perspective, because to look at this for the here and now - is extremely depressing and leaves a feeling of hopelessness.
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Active Member
Jun 2, 2020
United States
The United Nations openly supports terrorist organization, Antifa


Theirs a problem with the UN's facts, Antifa is not practicing peaceful assembly they are all armed with guns, knifes, bats and other weapons which have been documented in pictures and video.