Fear God or Presume acceptance

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
You are seeing the counterfeit and allowing that to put you off from the actual spiritual realm of the kingdom of God where God dwells. The devil wouldn't need to counterfeit something that doesn't exist.

False healings, false prophets, false anointings...all of these take place because men want things that are very precious and rare to become more common and controllable. They want a god that is more accessible to the carnal flesh.

So the devil obliges them.

That is no reason to become an enemy of God in the Spirit. Because of lawlessness the love of many will cool off...and even become cynical and hostile to the deeper walk of God.

I agree that's what I think I see FH doing. Because he has only seen counterfeit moves of the Spirit, he rejects that there is a real moving of the Spirit. Because he's only seen out of control nonsense, he rejects it as a possibility.

But we know miracles are wrought when a man walks in the Spirit because we see the apostles. So we need to leave room for God as you say, despite the fact that we have only yet seen fake frenzies and pretending in our lifetime.

We have to be careful that we dont read the bible and reject it at the same time because of what men have done.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I agree that's what I think I see FH doing. Because he has only seen counterfeit moves of the Spirit, he rejects that there is a real moving of the Spirit. Because he's only seen out of control nonsense, he rejects it as a possibility.

But we know miracles are wrought when a man walks in the Spirit because we see the apostles. So we need to leave room for God as you say, despite the fact that we have only yet seen fake frenzies and pretending in our lifetime.

We have to be careful that we dont read the bible and reject it at the same time because of what men have done.
I realize there is a lot of counterfeit spiritualism. The devil only counterfeits to stop people from getting the real thing. And of course it's dangerous. The fear of the Lord preserves us. But not all signs and wonders are of the devil. That is to cede ALL spiritual ground to the enemy. And that's what's happened in the churches. The pastors "pastorize" (pasteurization kills off ALL bacteria...both good and bad) the sheep to kill off ANY spirit...because spirits are "dangerous" So then we keep things safe. But God isn't safe...He's GOOD. :) So we trust that God will steer us into His realm where the fruit is life, love, and an eternal peace IN Him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
But love and life walks on behind it all, the realities of each day, the deadlines, the cost, the money, the problems and the successes. And God is with His people all the time, and because people are quiet or loud, happy or sad does not define their validity of faith or expression. So what faces these folk is they become what they called dead, they speak the words of faith but without the hyped feelings so it must be false. Speaking a creed is formalism not faith. Doing what needs to be done is empty working not service. Words do not matter, it is the heavenlies alone, relationship can rot I need the encounter of light, of exultation, of otherness because then I can have perfection.

Oddly, and I say oddly, in Christ we have the heavenlies, in our rooms, alone with Him, the beauty of the encounter, the touch of healing of our hearts, the love of caring for others and their emotional conclusions, no matter how distorted. There is Jesus, in the heart, speaking truth to power, truth to lost souls, truth to those made whole, who are not shaken but will walk into eternity. God bless you
Reminds me of . . .

2 Corinthians 3
17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

This is the true proof of visitation I think.

We can say we know God, many do, claim ecstatic heights, we see them here. How much do we portray Christ? There's the real question.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Reminds me of . . .

2 Corinthians 3
17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

This is the true proof of visitation I think.

We can say we know God, many do, claim ecstatic heights, we see them here. How much do we portray Christ? There's the real question.

Much love!

It is important to see that growing in a person, but we have to bear with each other too. I might expect to see a desire to not defend oneself but that growth in humility does not come overnight. So if I see someone constantly demanding to be treated better and see that their feelings are touchy and easily stirred up to a demand to be treated well, I cant just assume they arent being led by the Spirit. They might not have grown in virtue so much yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
You are seeing the counterfeit and allowing that to put you off from the actual spiritual realm of the kingdom of God where God dwells. The devil wouldn't need to counterfeit something that doesn't exist.

False healings, false prophets, false anointings...all of these take place because men want things that are very precious and rare to become more common and controllable. They want a god that is more accessible to the carnal flesh.

So the devil obliges them.

That is no reason to become an enemy of God in the Spirit. Because of lawlessness the love of many will cool off...and even become cynical and hostile to the deeper walk of God.

I think you miss-understand me. I have no problem praying for healing led by the Lord, seeing Him work to bring His will about, but there is too much seeking a show and not enough seeking God.

The emotional conclusion of many is put music on, sing praises, get the congregation going and then the Lord will come.
They have no empathy with God, like one has with ones partner. It is a two way street, and there are times of rejoicing and times of sadness, times of rest and times of effort. It is easy to get lost in the performance and not bow before the King and worship. Out of meeting God miracles arise, gifts of grace for help the body of Christ grow. Children think the show is the clown, the noise and not the group celebrating together. But it is all about celebration and the next steps for many, some to be with the Lord, some to new responsibilities and work, some to minister to others.

When we know the King, and we see His desire, abiding in Him we can bring anything and He will answer.
But few have established in their heart this place or this passion and love. We too easily dismiss our Lord when He bends His ear to listen to His people. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
It is important to see that growing in a person, but we have to bear with each other too. I might expect to see a desire to not defend oneself but that growth in humility does not come overnight. So if I see someone constantly demanding to be treated better and see that their feelings are touchy and easily stirred up to a demand to be treated well, I cant just assume they arent being led by the Spirit. They might not have grown in virtue so much yet.
Yes, that may be!

I was remembering earlier a quote from Alan Greenspan, I didn't know it was him, I remember this hanging in my grandparents home. My brother and I made a game of being able to remember it, and say it right. We were pretty young at the time:

“ I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”

Delving into the realm of feelings in others can be an interesting exercise, and especially when another person isn't actually saying that they feel some certain way. And to read something that does not contain emotional content, and assume that it has some emotional foundation, and what that emotion might be, is just that, an assumption.

For instance, someone post's something, another person responds that this isn't appropriate or some such, and the first person comes back with, You're just overly sensitive. Perhaps. Or perhaps not. Perhaps there is a valid point being made. Or perhaps its not even valid, but merely comes from a misunderstanding.

If you assume something, you run the risk of missing the possible validity of what's been said, having dismissed it from an erroneous assumption. An atmosphere of honesty and acceptance without ridicule and making assumptions of each other is the better environment for edification to really happen.

I completely agree with you, we have to bear with others, to keep in mind how someone may read what we are writing, to say things gently as we are able, hoping to be received in love, and for edification.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I completely agree with you, we have to bear with others, to keep in mind how someone may read what we are writing, to say things gently as we are able, hoping to be received in love, and for edification.

Yes, it's good to consider how to say something gently. But it's my reaction when I feel someone isn't being gentle with me that I focus on. I focus on that first moment when my flesh rises up and my heart starts beating a little faster and I realize, oh...my pride just clamored there...

Because hurt feelings are most often pride. A demand to be treated better, shown more respect. But my gosh, where would we be right now if Jesus had demanded more respect must be given before He died? Did He withhold forgiveness when He was treated badly? And, why do we feel we deserve to be treated better than Him? What about us makes us feel we are due honor and respect? Its pride. It's a difficult thing to die to "my rights."

But it's to lay down my life for my brother to forgive him and love him.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Amen, such light, the light of life, love and joy in Christ, Praise the Lord.

What cynics do not like is those who delight in the living God and His work in our hearts, each and every day.
They see the problems and never the victories, the struggle and cost, but not the reason why, Jesus.

He is our centre, our delight, our love, our everything. His words bring life to our souls, refreshness to each new day, praise to our lips as each relationship blosoms under His word and the Holy Spirit. God bless you

Yet so many say they love Hm yet refuse to even talk to Him.

My Sheep hear my voice. Its a bit like a love affair where one partner refuses the company of the other no matter how much He asks.


So many refuse Him entry


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Yet so many say they love Hm yet refuse to even talk to Him.

My Sheep hear my voice. Its a bit like a love affair where one partner refuses the company of the other no matter how much He asks.

View attachment 9469

So many refuse Him entry

Repentance is a complicated thing. To let ones emotional conclusions change is people's identity, so how dare Jesus expect things to be different. Are we more than what we do and think?

To humble oneself and admit need is the first step. Becoming vulnerable and open, laying down our defences. Letting Jesus heal our hearts, forgive those who sin against us, deep trauma and distress that grounds and moulds us resolved.

Thinking Jesus does not takle our hearts is the first common mistake. But teachers cannot lead where they have never gone. God bless you

Setting the prisoner free who denies they are in a prison is impossible.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Love affair?
One party refuses the company of another is no affair it's a crush, which simply is not what Jesus is saying.

The cross is much deeper than this


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
You are seeing the counterfeit and allowing that to put you off from the actual spiritual realm of the kingdom of God where God dwells. The devil wouldn't need to counterfeit something that doesn't exist.

False healings, false prophets, false anointings...all of these take place because men want things that are very precious and rare to become more common and controllable. They want a god that is more accessible to the carnal flesh.

So the devil obliges them.

That is no reason to become an enemy of God in the Spirit. Because of lawlessness the love of many will cool off...and even become cynical and hostile to the deeper walk of God.
You are saying I am an enemy of God in the Spirit?
If you feel this, like many before God is laying down through my words where you have gone too far.

God's will is layed out in the Lord's prayer. 'Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven'

It is our calling in carrying our cross daily and laying all before Him. It is the closest people to us who need to see Jesus shinning most through our lives.
And it is here we have the hardest time coming to terms with who they are and forgiving them.

So many dream of the other realm while running away from their home realm they refuse to face, and letting God change them. "I cannot forgive dad and mum for ...... ". "Why can I not love and open up and share when they care so little and I want so much"
For guys their dads found so much in them.... But letting go, stepping back and forgiving is a first step with the Lord. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Setting the prisoner free who denies they are in a prison is impossible.
Amen to that, and its usually those who are in prison and refuse to come out.

Come out of her My people, still so many refuse.

Col 2:2 That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
Col 2:3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Col 2:4 And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Yes, that may be!

I was remembering earlier a quote from Alan Greenspan, I didn't know it was him, I remember this hanging in my grandparents home. My brother and I made a game of being able to remember it, and say it right. We were pretty young at the time:

“ I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”

Delving into the realm of feelings in others can be an interesting exercise, and especially when another person isn't actually saying that they feel some certain way. And to read something that does not contain emotional content, and assume that it has some emotional foundation, and what that emotion might be, is just that, an assumption.

For instance, someone post's something, another person responds that this isn't appropriate or some such, and the first person comes back with, You're just overly sensitive. Perhaps. Or perhaps not. Perhaps there is a valid point being made. Or perhaps its not even valid, but merely comes from a misunderstanding.

If you assume something, you run the risk of missing the possible validity of what's been said, having dismissed it from an erroneous assumption. An atmosphere of honesty and acceptance without ridicule and making assumptions of each other is the better environment for edification to really happen.

I completely agree with you, we have to bear with others, to keep in mind how someone may read what we are writing, to say things gently as we are able, hoping to be received in love, and for edification.

Much love!
This is a very important point. I assume always good intent unless it is clear it is otherwise. Those who wish a bad emotional effect will have to be very open for it to work, so it helps to also forgive and bless.

On forums without moderation it can become just exchanging insults, which is like a school playground.

The anger some feel, or rage is real. But then also maybe play acting. To say you love and follow Jesus means you are worse than a murderer is so insane they need help.

Jesus came to show us our emotions cannot define us or delude us, we need to learn our emotional language and play one emotion off against another to bring the correct emotional conclusion, we love God and His ways as our walk.

These super apostles have it sussed though, it's in the heavenlies, it's going into that spiritual room, that zapping you need that changes everything. LSD here we come.

No a choice of taking captive our lives, our focus, our feelings in Christ sets us free, in His love we have the victory. God bless you
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Amen to that, and its usually those who are in prison and refuse to come out.

Come out of her My people, still so many refuse.

Col 2:2 That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
Col 2:3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Col 2:4 And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.
Come out of her?

My call is walk deeper in Christ and His word. Let Him found your emotional conclusions about everything in life. Repaint how you interact with the world so love and Jesus shine through.

And what better place than in God's fellowships and places of worship.

Praise God in the beauty of His holiness. Amen


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Come out of her?

My call is walk deeper in Christ and His word. Let Him found your emotional conclusions about everything in life. Repaint how you interact with the world so love and Jesus shine through.

And what better place than in God's fellowships and places of worship.

Praise God in the beauty of His holiness. Amen
We can speak enticing words all day, but without Him we are nothing, if we are not receiving revelation from God ,we are just empty vessels making a lot of noise. We cannot know God is we dont hear from Him, just like you cannot know your wife if you dont spend time with Her. Many are trying to find another way, but there is only one Jesus, as HE said My sheep hear my voice, if you cannot hear Him than you are none of His.

Rom_8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Mat_11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

God bless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
We can speak enticing words all day, but without Him we are nothing, if we are not receiving revelation from God ,we are just empty vessels making a lot of noise. We cannot know God is we dont hear from Him, just like you cannot know your wife if you dont spend time with Her. Many are trying to find another way, but there is only one Jesus, as HE said My sheep hear my voice, if you cannot hear Him than you are none of His.

Rom_8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Mat_11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

God bless.
You are 100% correct, without Christ's love working in our hearts we are nothing. Jesus described us as soil, nothing more nothing less.

Without Gods word in us, living through us, creating a harvest and fruit we are just chaff. It is the cross and His love that ground us, the give us the right emotional conclusions by which we can live.

As Jesus says, where His people dwell in love there He is, Praise the Lord.

When I sing praises with the elect my heart sings, my spirit sings and I worship. As one chorus says, this is the air that I breath, so Amen to the in filling of the Holy Spirit and His work in our hearts.

I suspect the emotional conclusion of some is something is wrong, though they cannot describe it. It is their hearts confirming love has not found an expression in their hard heart, so open praise and love do not echo but bounce off. It is why they appeared one of us but have left.

God bless you

Jesus mentioned justice, forgiveness, faithfulness being absent while greed and self indulgence dwelt there. God does not lie.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
You are 100% correct, without Christ's love working in our hearts we are nothing. Jesus described us as soil, nothing more nothing less.
I was not talking of Christ love i was speaking of Christ Himself, why do so many claim to love Him yet shun Him. Was it not you not many post ago, spoke of hearing vices in your head , presume us crazy. Yet "scripture" drlares

Joh_6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.

It seems to me that you are the one basing it all on emotions that deceives men. So far you have denied teh spirit multiple times, remember Peter and the Cock crowing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I was not talking of Christ love i was speaking of Christ Himself, why do so many claim to love Him yet shun Him. Was it not you not many post ago, spoke of hearing vices in your head , presume us crazy. Yet "scripture" drlares

Joh_6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.

It seems to me that you are the one basing it all on emotions that deceives men. So far you have denied teh spirit multiple times, remember Peter and the Cock crowing.

It seems to me, you cannot accept my faith in the Lord and my knowledge and communion with Him.
As much as I may try and understand what you are saying, my experience with people like yourself, is the experiences in my heart that I share does not echo in you, so we are talking a different language, ie words and their meaning in our lives.

The emotional conclusion you have is I do not know the Lord. I do laugh when someone says this to me with such assurance. And then I listen to what they say. Repent and believe Jesus and you are saved.

It is like a child coming up to one with their toy car and saying, my car is what you need, not your car you know and use to drive about in.

Now their toy car is very nice and I am sure they are very happy with it, but it is actually a meaningless comparison, and purely based on the delusion that fills their life.

The simplistic mindset that is projected is people trying to obey a set of rules to prove they are worthy before God. This is certainly a problem for those who have never encountered Jesus and what the cross means on a personal one to one basis. Jesus wants us to walk His way because this is life, eternal life, while seeing ourselves as what we are, redeemed, cleansed and purified sinners, not as sinners trying to balance the books with good deeds.

Now Jesus's promises are fantastic and for those emotionally embedded in church, a hope in the troubles of life. But if they lose their faith, get thrown out, this embedded framework is what they return to as if this is christian faith, but without new birth and spiritual reality. The evil people are then those who hold to the walk, and talk of a changed heart. The realities these shell believers affirm as God, are just something else, but who knows what. But what shows a shell believer off, is their lack of knowledge of love and its flow, of openness and repentance, of sin that destroys and hurts, of a desire to care and serve others. These things are the fruit of the Holy Spirit that all believers should know and feel.

It is ironic that such shell believers will talk of being sealed in the Holy Spirit, which in truth is just words, because spiritual reality is lacking. So they will say a believer is eternal from the point of faith, except that can never actually be defined, or those who have actually participated, because if they fall away, they were never of the faith. A further defence is oh yes, they were of the faith, and in rebellion and hatred they will become loving worshipping followers at the last trumpet. And they want their force of argument and conviction to win the day. God help them, because it is beyond discussion.

And worse still people of faith are called lost, going to the pit, yet they have a far greater understanding of the word of God than the condemners, and by their own standards are actually saved and eternal.
The idea I am eternal and saved yet do not have this fellowship is the shell believers dilemma, so the extreme will say I am demon possessed or at least demon influenced, lol. It really does get that desperate. I mean to them if I am speaking the truth, they will have to get right with God, and who really wants to do that, I mean, change, be born again, start afresh, let Jesus remake them.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I wonder if ever such a discussion could end. The answer is not until Jesus returns, because you cannot fake heart language, and if it is a hard heart, the open hearted party is just talking a foreign language.

God bless you