General talk about the Kingdom of God

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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Silly me - I keep coming to Christian forums and thinking I will be able to have conversation about my life and walk with my Lord Jesus Christ with other Christians who also walk and talk with Him. Yet I wind up having to give basic explanations about Christianity - like Jesus Christ is King, that there really is the Father Son and Holy Spirit as One God, that we do have angels sent to minister to us by our Lord and King Jesus Christ, that knowing the Bible is not the same thing as knowing Jesus Christ, and that His sheep do actually hear His voice - that small voice of His which is not the Bible but Him talking with you personally!

Now I don't mind talking about the basic principles of Christianity, but I keep expecting to find Christians who do actually know Jesus Christ, have spent time talking and listening to Him, and so have also had Him send His angels to minister to them and know a bit about that also. Frankly, if you don't know that the Father put His Son on the throne and has given all things to Him, then you don't know Him!! Now the Son will certainly give it all back to the Father and desires that people should know the Father - but only the Son knows the Father and those who the Son has shown. So you do not know the Father unless you know the Son and if you know the Son you will know that He is the King in the Kingdom of God, and if you know He is the King and thus know the King you will certainly know something about His Kingdom simply because you know the King personally.

If you do know Jesus Christ the King of kings and you would like to talk about it, so would I. If you don't know then find another thread please, or ask me in the inbox and I will help you come to know Jesus Christ.
Karl I know exactly what you are saying, meaning and experiencing because I have had things like that happen to me as well...
I have shared much in the forum about my experiences and have had the scorners and the doubters come against my testimony as well.
I think it is sad that there are Christians who have never experienced an encounter with an angel of God or who have heard His voice...
And even sadder that they won't accept that it is possible.
I believe you....100 percent. Just keep sharing and planting...remember some plant, others water.....but who is it that gives the increase??? God...
Just trust in the Word to accomplish what it was sent to do and let Him do the rest.

Overcomers overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony..
God needs more like you to testify of His Truth, of personal experiences and of His Supernatural Presence in the lives of those who will seek Him.

Good thread....excellent OP....tremendous testimony....
And let God be Glorified in it!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
No offence was intended. We get a lot of people coming through here that speak authoritatively as you do and they have mostly been of the wrong spirit. And many cults are started by people who heard from a deceving spirit, acting as an angel of light. So forgive me for being jaded and protective.

And if each visit from an angel is a gift from God, yes each visit... And God knows how to give good gifts to his children, of course. Yet you did receive visits from fallen angels, implying they were not necessarily sent, as they are opportunistic. Fortunately you are wise enough to test them. Discerning spirits is the gift of the ability to observe spirits. Rather they are from God or not I had assumed it an aspect of the gift at one time but I think I was mistaken. I can not see angels. Yet that is not proof anyone is not in the Lord. As not everyone is given the same gifts. Or do you also heal by the Spirit. In which case I'm having some stomach trouble I want the Lord to heal.

But open up and speak concerning the Kingdom of God, and may the Lord guide us in understanding his word with Spiritual eyes.

Ok - we all battle with the powers principalities, and dark evil forces of this world!!!!

Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places

Rom 7:21 I find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good.

1 Jn 1:8 f we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.

Now this thread was NOT about discernment of spirits or the battle with the dark evil forces of this world, but was clearly about the Kingdom of God!!

So what type of person has so much concern about evil spirits that they can not talk about the Kingdom of God???? Are they not like the assistant with the prophet who could not see with his spiritual eyes?

2Kings 6: 15-17 Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Now if indeed a person is familiar with the King and the Kingdom of God they surely know that God put both good and evil in front of us and indeed that there are more in the army of God than in those dark evil forces of this world!! Therefore they can have a conversation about the Kingdom of God with confidence!!

Still - perhaps it needs to be discussed in parables since apparently few who say they know the King of kings show much awareness of the Kingdom of God - not that I can not put it forth in parables which the Lord and His Kingdom has also covered with me. I had just thought that perhaps, since this is supposed to be a Christian Forum, that I might find others who know the King and thus have come to know about the Kingdom of God. After all Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God, so if we have come to know Him we should know about the Kingdom of God, right? I mean it is so easy to get into the Kingdom of God, right?

Mat 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (also see Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16

Do we not know that we (any of us) are no more than just like little children when it comes to being in the Kingdom. Even if a person has reached the age of 100 what is that to the time angels have been around. So it is that I was once given this parable/saying:

There was an ant carrying a heavy load and working hard to get it to the top of the hill. While at the same time there was a little boy looking down on an ant hill and the little boy just decided to jump right on top of it. What is your view point of heaven?

The above was a parable/saying given to me to basically say the same thing as the Bible, which is that we can't get into heaven unless we take the attitude of children, because we can't get in based on our good works or our great thinking, but by just seeking and hearing by faith we do find the King (Jesus Christ) and His Kingdom of God. So if we did seek we found, and if found we have things we heard, like that parable/saying above. Jesus is still the Teacher! He is still the King! He is always with us to be heard from - so what is all the concern about others hearing from evil spirits? Can you not just ask the Lord yourself and have an answer - but who has been telling people to not seek the Kingdom else they will find devils?? It that not a trick of the evil spirit to keep us from seeking Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God that Jesus Christ still preaches to this day?

Still - Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God and the Jews told Him "The Jews answered and said to Him, “Do we not say rightly that You are a Samaritan and have a demon?” (Jn 8:48) and if that was said to Him who was perfect what should we expect from some if we also preach the Kingdom of God? So it is that I want to talk to "Christians" about the Kingdom of God and yet nobody has anything to tell me about their experience with the Kingdom of God but some come across as saying "“Do we not say rightly that You are a Samaritan and have a demon?” in one way or another.

Think about it - is the situation today the same as was found when Jesus took on flesh?

It seems it is - in that if I come preaching the Kingdom of God and how the King and His Kingdom is available to us, other then follow wondering if I don't have a demon. Yet it is not them who are preaching the Kingdom of God is it?


Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Karl I know exactly what you are saying, meaning and experiencing because I have had things like that happen to me as well...
I have shared much in the forum about my experiences and have had the scorners and the doubters come against my testimony as well.
I think it is sad that there are Christians who have never experienced an encounter with an angel of God or who have heard His voice...
And even sadder that they won't accept that it is possible.
I believe you....100 percent. Just keep sharing and planting...remember some plant, others water.....but who is it that gives the increase??? God...
Just trust in the Word to accomplish what it was sent to do and let Him do the rest.

Overcomers overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony..
God needs more like you to testify of His Truth, of personal experiences and of His Supernatural Presence in the lives of those who will seek Him.

Good thread....excellent OP....tremendous testimony....
And let God be Glorified in it!

Hopefully it is more like us!!

Yet even more than that - shouldn't we have a safe place to talk to each other about what is happening around us?

The Lord came into my life just over 20 years ago and such strange things were happening that I so wish I could have talked to other Christians about them, but explaining them to other Christians tending to get the same strange stares and doubt, as opposed to understanding, advice, confirmation, and most importantly I could really have fellowship on what was happen. Fellowship with other Christians was still more about how the local NFL team was doing instead of what God was doing in my life. So it this Christian forum different - it should be a good place to converse with other Christians who know about the King (Jesus Christ) and His Kingdom.

Let me just go over something that happens, and happened again today.

Sometime I get a bit upset with the Lord. Today was a day like that! It should have been a big deal, but my son is important to me, and things have not been going his way at his work lately. I have heard the Lord tell me that He would take care of it and He most certainly will, but the Lord hasn't yet and it kind of got me upset with the Lord. So today I just didn't want to hear from the Lord. Honestly He tried to get through to me several times this morning but I kind of told Him off, saying that He should take care of that problem my son was having then get back to me. Yeah - I admit that it is pretty childish but it was really important to me, so i was upset.

Now what I have found when that happens is that the Lord often sends angels to talk to me when I don't want to hear from Him personally.

Ps 91:11,12 It seems to go with For He will give His angels charge concerning you, They will bear you up in their hands,
That you do not strike your foot against a stone. To guard you in all your ways.

It's like if I am mad at Him so that I don't want to talk to Him - He then sends His angels and it is hard to tell them that I don't want to talk to them (since I am not upset with them). And there is a particular angel that He often uses to that purpose. He has told me to call him Josh because he kind of jokes around with you. the joking around tends to put a smile on your face and it is hard to remain upset when you have a smile on your face.

Humor as a spirit can be very powerful. It can cheer people up and make them feel better. I remember seeing a study where lite humor at hospitals resulted in people recovering quicker. On the other hand there is certain types of humor that we tend to call "Sick" and perverted.

One thing I have heard from pastors at churches has to do with the fall of about 1/3 of the angels. From what I have heard from the Kingdom is that those angels that fell used the abilities they had to pervert the desires of God. That would explain why a spirit of humor can cheer you up and help you when you are upset and help heal you, where as another spirt of humor perverts' what is descent and we call that "sick" humor.

Seeking the Lord and His Kingdom also helps you understand the difference between His Kingdom and those dark evil forces. Which is another reason why we should be having honest conversations about the Kingdom of God!
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
so what is all the concern about others hearing from evil spirits? Can you not just ask the Lord yourself and have an answer - but who has been telling people to not seek the Kingdom else they will find devils?? It that not a trick of the evil spirit to keep us from seeking Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God that Jesus Christ still preaches to this day?

No you are adding slanderous inferences to what I said. People should always seek the kingdom, the gifts of the Spirit are very useful for combating the schemes of evil spirits that they enact through man. Unless someone first believes in Jesus they will not be able to oppose the enemy but every attempt leads to another trap. Such as a religious spirit manifesting and leading to self-righteousness. Or when someone sets themselves in God's place taking liberties to judge their brothers. It is important to be gracious as God is gracious.

You wanted to discuss the Kingdom lets get to it then. So when our spirit is born of God are we not already whole in spirit, soul, and body in him, in eternity? Where this world is just a time of fulfillment? As assuming time is an illusion in this world, we must have a parallel existence. Would it be possible to talk with your eternal self? (I think that's enough for now)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Hopefully it is more like us!!

Yet even more than that - shouldn't we have a safe place to talk to each other about what is happening around us?

The Lord came into my life just over 20 years ago and such strange things were happening that I so wish I could have talked to other Christians about them, but explaining them to other Christians tending to get the same strange stares and doubt, as opposed to understanding, advice, confirmation, and most importantly I could really have fellowship on what was happen. Fellowship with other Christians was still more about how the local NFL team was doing instead of what God was doing in my life. So it this Christian forum different - it should be a good place to converse with other Christians who know about the King (Jesus Christ) and His Kingdom.

Let me just go over something that happens, and happened again today.

Sometime I get a bit upset with the Lord. Today was a day like that! It should have been a big deal, but my son is important to me, and things have not been going his way at his work lately. I have heard the Lord tell me that He would take care of it and He most certainly will, but the Lord hasn't yet and it kind of got me upset with the Lord. So today I just didn't want to hear from the Lord. Honestly He tried to get through to me several times this morning but I kind of told Him off, saying that He should take care of that problem my son was having then get back to me. Yeah - I admit that it is pretty childish but it was really important to me, so i was upset.

Now what I have found when that happens is that the Lord often sends angels to talk to me when I don't want to hear from Him personally.

Ps 91:11,12 It seems to go with For He will give His angels charge concerning you, They will bear you up in their hands,
That you do not strike your foot against a stone. To guard you in all your ways.

It's like if I am mad at Him so that I don't want to talk to Him - He then sends His angels and it is hard to tell them that I don't want to talk to them (since I am not upset with them). And there is a particular angel that He often uses to that purpose. He has told me to call him Josh because he kind of jokes around with you. the joking around tends to put a smile on your face and it is hard to remain upset when you have a smile on your face.

Humor as a spirit can be very powerful. It can cheer people up and make them feel better. I remember seeing a study where lite humor at hospitals resulted in people recovering quicker. On the other hand there is certain types of humor that we tend to call "Sick" and perverted.

One thing I have heard from pastors at churches has to do with the fall of about 1/3 of the angels. From what I have heard from the Kingdom is that those angels that fell used the abilities they had to pervert the desires of God. That would explain why a spirit of humor can cheer you up and help you when you are upset and help heal you, where as another spirt of humor perverts' what is descent and we call that "sick" humor.

Seeking the Lord and His Kingdom also helps you understand the difference between His Kingdom and those dark evil forces. Which is another reason why we should be having honest conversations about the Kingdom of God!
I arrived back from a walk in a morose mood. As I read your story of how God sends an angel to talk to you because you're not mad at the angel, showed me that God, He is God, for sure, but He is also the original man and that's why we are so often like Him.
That sounds like something someone's earthly father would do! I think He wants us to know Him like that. Anyway, I chuckled from the heart and reading your story totally changed my demeanor. Thanks, brother, I needed that! :)


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Sometime I get a bit upset with the Lord. Today was a day like that! It should have been a big deal, but my son is important to me, and things have not been going his way at his work lately. I have heard the Lord tell me that He would take care of it and He most certainly will, but the Lord hasn't yet and it kind of got me upset with the Lord. So today I just didn't want to hear from the Lord. Honestly He tried to get through to me several times this morning but I kind of told Him off, saying that He should take care of that problem my son was having then get back to me. Yeah - I admit that it is pretty childish but it was really important to me, so i was upset.
I apologize if this upsets you but I have a problem with you telling God off...and the reason seems petty....God was probably already working on your sons problems, and yours, and everyone else's.
It just hurt my heart to read that you told our Abba/Father off when He desires nothing but good for us...He is so precious and worthy of our praise and to worship Him continually.
I will say it again, it really hurts that you "pound your chest" at God and tell Him off.

If I am reading it wrong then show me please.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
It was a Saturday night in November, 1995. The night before I was to, for the first time, lead Sunday morning worship. My sister, niece, and I had gone to a conference at the Sarnia Vineyard. It was the last session of 3 days.
During worship, and as we were singing the song, "Holy Love," I felt and saw in the Spirit a wave wash over me. It was wonderful. I'm not sure what happened but the next thing I knew someone was asking me if I was gonna go up for prayer.
I said that we had to have the session first. They told me that it had already ended. So I went up for prayer. A woman asked me if I'd got injured at work. I said yeah. She asked if it was an accident. I said no. She asked if I'd forgiven the guy. I started to say that he didn't deserve it and then I saw it. I repented and forgave the worker.
Next thing you know, I'm out on the floor. As I lay there with my eyes closed, I clearly saw a baby cherub angel slowly drifting by, strumming a harp as it went. The Lord said, "They're real, you know." I thought, "They are?" He said, "Yeah, and I think they're really funny!"
I instantly understood and started laughing...and laughing...and laughing! I laughed for hours. When it was time for us to go, my sister and niece came to help me up, but couldn't get within ten feet without falling down. They were also laughing!
Finally, they found someone who was able to drag me to the car and slide me into the back seat. I laughed half-way through the night! The next morning while leading worship, I kept falling down! And laughing. The whole congregation laughed with me. It was awesome! As Amadeus would say, give God the glory! :)

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I arrived back from a walk in a morose mood. As I read your story of how God sends an angel to talk to you because you're not mad at the angel, showed me that God, He is God, for sure, but He is also the original man and that's why we are so often like Him.
That sounds like something someone's earthly father would do! I think He wants us to know Him like that. Anyway, I chuckled from the heart and reading your story totally changed my demeanor. Thanks, brother, I needed that! :)

Yeah - Before knowing the Lord I really had a poor idea of just how 'human' I am. With things like patience, even anger, or disappointment. The Lord, because He loves us, puts us in situations that tend to show us how we are. That so He can help us. It kind of goes to Rev 3:19

Rev 3:19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.

I don't really see myself getting inpatient, but the Lord intentionally puts me in situations where I have to be patient, and with Him. It amazes me that I still have trouble with it. Yet there is lots of things we learn from seeking the King and His Kingdom of God. Dealing with the Lord and His angels so often makes me feel like a little kids with so much to learn. We read things about this in the Bible but don't really understand until we ourselves start seeking the Kingdom.

I like the situation in Revelations with John. At that point in John's life he was the very mature Christian, but look what happens in the heavens.

REv 22:/89 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. But he *said to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.”

Now John, having been a mature Christian at that time, certainly knew that the Lord not angels is who we worship. Yet angels are amazing and really smart. A whole lot smarter than us, and you find that out from talking with them. They, for their part, will always point you back to the Lord and will not let you worship them in any way. They, more than even you, understand that they are "fellow servants". They almost come across as older brothers helping you out, and thus you wind up feeling like the little brother needing help understanding what is going on - and that is the case even if you have been a Christians dealing with the Kingdom for some time now. We are probably not going to see all the things John saw and wrote about in Revelation, but we should be aware of the Kingdom of God and be seeking the King and His Kingdom. We learn so much and most importantly we learn so much about ourselves.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Yeah - Before knowing the Lord I really had a poor idea of just how 'human' I am. With things like patience, even anger, or disappointment. The Lord, because He loves us, puts us in situations that tend to show us how we are. That so He can help us. It kind of goes to Rev 3:19

Rev 3:19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.

I don't really see myself getting inpatient, but the Lord intentionally puts me in situations where I have to be patient, and with Him. It amazes me that I still have trouble with it. Yet there is lots of things we learn from seeking the King and His Kingdom of God. Dealing with the Lord and His angels so often makes me feel like a little kids with so much to learn. We read things about this in the Bible but don't really understand until we ourselves start seeking the Kingdom.

I like the situation in Revelations with John. At that point in John's life he was the very mature Christian, but look what happens in the heavens.

REv 22:/89 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. But he *said to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.”

Now John, having been a mature Christian at that time, certainly knew that the Lord not angels is who we worship. Yet angels are amazing and really smart. A whole lot smarter than us, and you find that out from talking with them. They, for their part, will always point you back to the Lord and will not let you worship them in any way. They, more than even you, understand that they are "fellow servants". They almost come across as older brothers helping you out, and thus you wind up feeling like the little brother needing help understanding what is going on - and that is the case even if you have been a Christians dealing with the Kingdom for some time now. We are probably not going to see all the things John saw and wrote about in Revelation, but we should be aware of the Kingdom of God and be seeking the King and His Kingdom. We learn so much and most importantly we learn so much about ourselves.
I'm amazed at how I can talk to the Lord under the right conditions. I hardly ever do it anymore, sigh! He understands us. He also understands what it's like to be a father. Awhile ago I was being very serious with the Lord. In my most reverent tone, I asked Him if I should do something, and I tell ya, I heard Him say, "
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
It was a Saturday night in November, 1995. The night before I was to, for the first time, lead Sunday morning worship. My sister, niece, and I had gone to a conference at the Sarnia Vineyard. It was the last session of 3 days.
During worship, and as we were singing the song, "Holy Love," I felt and saw in the Spirit a wave wash over me. It was wonderful. I'm not sure what happened but the next thing I knew someone was asking me if I was gonna go up for prayer.
I said that we had to have the session first. They told me that it had already ended. So I went up for prayer. A woman asked me if I'd got injured at work. I said yeah. She asked if it was an accident. I said no. She asked if I'd forgiven the guy. I started to say that he didn't deserve it and then I saw it. I repented and forgave the worker.
Next thing you know, I'm out on the floor. As I lay there with my eyes closed, I clearly saw a baby cherub angel slowly drifting by, strumming a harp as it went. The Lord said, "They're real, you know." I thought, "They are?" He said, "Yeah, and I think they're really funny!"
I instantly understood and started laughing...and laughing...and laughing! I laughed for hours. When it was time for us to go, my sister and niece came to help me up, but couldn't get within ten feet without falling down. They were also laughing!
Finally, they found someone who was able to drag me to the car and slide me into the back seat. I laughed half-way through the night! The next morning while leading worship, I kept falling down! And laughing. The whole congregation laughed with me. It was awesome! As Amadeus would say, give God the glory! :)

Great testimony. I loved it.

I once, and only once, saw two "baby cherubs" and they too had harps. It is one of those things I rare tell about, because it is hard to tell Christians about it and not get some response like someone scoffing at you. I have told me mom and my wife, and I should be able to just talk about things like that with other Christians. Like you, I saw it at church and the presence of the Lord was very strong that day.

The point is that we should be able to honest talk about what happens at church without feeling like we have to somehow defend our testimony. I was never sure what to make of it when I saw the two baby cherubs. I am not sure it meant much at all, except that there are some interesting things in the heavens. So Christians should not need to feel so worried about what others say if they wind up encountering things with their spiritual eyes and ears. We actually should be able to enjoy what the Lord shows us.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Great testimony. I loved it.

I once, and only once, saw two "baby cherubs" and they too had harps. It is one of those things I rare tell about, because it is hard to tell Christians about it and not get some response like someone scoffing at you. I have told me mom and my wife, and I should be able to just talk about things like that with other Christians. Like you, I saw it at church and the presence of the Lord was very strong that day.

The point is that we should be able to honest talk about what happens at church without feeling like we have to somehow defend our testimony. I was never sure what to make of it when I saw the two baby cherubs. I am not sure it meant much at all, except that there are some interesting things in the heavens. So Christians should not need to feel so worried about what others say if they wind up encountering things with their spiritual eyes and ears. We actually should be able to enjoy what the Lord shows us.
I've gotten flack here many times, but the way I look at it, people should hear it. I'm not concerned about the naysayers since they've already made up their minds. It's for the others benefit I speak so that they know it can happen. And some who have had their own experiences but are not quite sure what to think. You seek God, you don't seek the warm fuzzies, but when He's handing them out, I'm first in line! Lol
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I'm amazed at how I can talk to the Lord under the right conditions. I hardly ever do it anymore, sigh! He understands us. He also understands what it's like to be a father. Awhile ago I was being very serious with the Lord. I asked Him if I should do something in my most reverent tone, and I tell ya, I heard Him say, "

Yes = I love His since of humor!!

Most people fail to understand that Isaac means humor, and Isaac was the promise son to Abraham. When we get to know the Lord, and His Kingdom, we find out that we get a relationship and all the things that come with a relationship.

The Lord once gave me this little saying,

"Like instructions are given to servants, jokes to friends, wisdom to sons, so 'I Love You' is said to a bride."

These are the type of things we get when we get into a relationship with the Lord. We get instructions as servants. We get humor as from a friend. We get wisdom as from a Father. And best of all we hear Him say 'I love you' in our spirit from His Holy Spirit. So we can tell a lot about our relationship with God by what we hear from Him. All relationship are built, and we should be building up a relationship with the Lord so as to get instructions, jokes, wisdom, and hear Him tells us 'I love you'.

Thanks for the testimonies and fellowship. I really appreciate it; especially about about the 'baby cherub angel slowly drifting by, strumming a harp'. I have always wondered about when I saw that same type of thing. It helps to know that others are seeing similar things. :)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Yes = I love His since of humor!!

Most people fail to understand that Isaac means humor, and Isaac was the promise son to Abraham. When we get to know the Lord, and His Kingdom, we find out that we get a relationship and all the things that come with a relationship.

The Lord once gave me this little saying,

"Like instructions are given to servants, jokes to friends, wisdom to sons, so 'I Love You' is said to a bride."

These are the type of things we get when we get into a relationship with the Lord. We get instructions as servants. We get humor as from a friend. We get wisdom as from a Father. And best of all we hear Him say 'I love you' in our spirit from His Holy Spirit. So we can tell a lot about our relationship with God by what we hear from Him. All relationship are built, and we should be building up a relationship with the Lord so as to get instructions, jokes, wisdom, and hear Him tells us 'I love you'.

Thanks for the testimonies and fellowship. I really appreciate it; especially about about the 'baby cherub angel slowly drifting by, strumming a harp'. I have always wondered about when I saw that same type of thing. It helps to know that others are seeing similar things. :)
A-ha Ron. The Hebrew way of saying Aaron, first high priest of Israel. I think a lot sometimes! Night!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I've gotten flack here many times, but the way I look at it, people should hear it. I'm not concerned about the naysayers since they've already made up their minds. It's for the others benefit I speak so that they know it can happen. And some who have had their own experiences but are not quite sure what to think. You seek God, you don't seek the warm fuzzies, but when He's handing them out, I'm first in line! Lol

Very nice:

I actually don't seek God usually for the warm fuzzies either. I am not usually the first in line when He decides to be doing incredible things at church or where ever. Still He does incredible things and I can't help but find Him interesting. I also understand that seeing and hearing with our spiritual eyes and ears can really be weird. In fact He has often gotten on to me a bit for not using my spiritual eyes more, because seeing things like a baby cherub floating by with a harp, or whatever, is extremely weird. Yet when I talk to Him He tells me I should use my spiritual eyes more.

I remember Him getting on to me, so I decided to see by faith what I might see. Then I saw a tall angel standing next to this tall palm tree in the parking lot I was in. As I look the angel appeared to be pulling a string like might be attached to a light bulb in a garage. Then I heard the angel tell me if I wanted more light in my life I should use my spiritual eyes more. Ok that was weird, but then with my physical eyes I looked closer at the palm tree which was real in every since, and it did actually have lights attached to it. In fact that parking lot had used palm trees like we might use light poles and had put lights on all the palm trees but I had not noticed it before. So not only did the angel give me a spiritual lesson but he had connected it with showing me something I had not notice in the physical.

Indeed, if we want more spiritual light in our lives we do need to seek the Kingdom of God more by using our spiritual eyes and ears. Yet we also read something in the Bible about with their eyes they don't see and with their ears they barely hear. Does those writings in the Bible really refer to us?

Yeah - I think the Bible does actually refer to us "Christians" who having been given eyes to see and ears to hear by our Lord Jesus Christ, we still barely use them to hear and we usually just don't use our spiritual eyes to see. There has to be some type of revival going on at our church before we think about using our spiritual eyes and ears. How often do we (that includes me) take the time while just sitting in a parking lot waiting for our wives to come out of the store, just decide to use our spiritual eyes and ears? Of course the Lord Jesus Christ was right for getting on to me, and the angels I saw and heard from after He got on to me is right too, in that if we really want more spiritual light in our lives we do actually need to seek the Kingdom of God more!

Thanks for you posts Truman - it is nice to know that I am not the only 'crazy Christian' who sometimes see these things with his spiritual eyes. And it was nice to read what you wrote. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
I apologize if this upsets you but I have a problem with you telling God off...and the reason seems petty....God was probably already working on your sons problems, and yours, and everyone else's.
It just hurt my heart to read that you told our Abba/Father off when He desires nothing but good for us...He is so precious and worthy of our praise and to worship Him continually.
I will say it again, it really hurts that you "pound your chest" at God and tell Him off.

If I am reading it wrong then show me please.
Thank you
@Heart2Soul The God of the Bible desires the good of all who truly seek Him: Hebrews 11.6...
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
@Heart2Soul The God of the Bible desires the good of all who truly seek Him: Hebrews 11.6...
Yes He does...sometimes I get very emotional about how some people speak of Him....if they only knew and could see the love He has for us....a love so great that we cannot comprehend it.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I apologize if this upsets you but I have a problem with you telling God off...and the reason seems petty....God was probably already working on your sons problems, and yours, and everyone else's.
It just hurt my heart to read that you told our Abba/Father off when He desires nothing but good for us...He is so precious and worthy of our praise and to worship Him continually.
I will say it again, it really hurts that you "pound your chest" at God and tell Him off.

If I am reading it wrong then show me please.
Thank you

Do you really talk to God and listen to Him????

I most certainly agree with you when you write "God was probably already working on your sons problems, and yours, and everyone else's." but by writing that you "I have a problem with you telling God off" did you not notice that you by your own admission "have a problem"!!!

Now I could write that I have a problem with you having a problem with me - in that who are you to judge me and my problems!!

Yet I don't have a problem with that but rather because I see I have problems also I have an understanding about who we people are!! We have our problems!! The "We" means you, me, and the other guy. So you are correct in writing that you 'have a problem"!!! That's ok - we all have our problems and our battles!!

That is why I point people to the King, Jesus Christ, and His Kingdom. They are there to help you with your problem, including your problem of having a problem with me being impatient with God.

Now back to the "Do you really talk to God"? One of the things a person finds out from talking to God is that they have problems that the Lord wants to help them with!! That is why Jesus explained that He reproves those He loves. He does that. He reproves us!!! Which is to say that we all have problems that He is going to help us with. I don't see how anyone could have really spent much time talking back and forth with the Lord and not found that our about Him!

Through Isaiah the Lord said to come reason with Him and explained that though your sins are like scarlet they would be made white. (Is chapter 1 but you will need to look up the precise verse if you want to check in it!

What happens is that we have our reasons and thus reasonings. For example Heart2Soul reasons they should have a problem with me talking to the Lord in a certain way - yet failed to understand that the Word of God is often found on you lips because it comes from your heart. So it the problem got missed even though it was confessed. We can talk those things to the Lord and reason it out with Him before hand - and if we do it will become a lot more clear, even clear that He was there point out our problems to us even before hand - like when we wrote.

That problem is very much the looking at the speak in another persons eye and missing the log in our own!

The Log is our own eye is the failure to go and reason with the Lord. So I wrote about my reasoning with the Lord, because I do see that as a human I have problems!! That was why I wrote the story - to point out who we people have problems and need to seek the Lord and His Kingdom even if our problem is our expectation of what God should be doing in our lives. Then someone is upset at me because I understand that I have problems, missing the fact that they have problems too??? Yeah - we miss the Log in our own eye that keeps us from looking to the King and His Kingdom.

Essentially what you find out from seeking the Lord and His Kingdom is that you are human - with problems!! It becomes obvious when you go and reason with the Lord because He is always right and you are not!! You are human. He is God. And you will find that out - if you seek Himand listen to Him! Therefore - seek the King who has a Kingdom!!

Look - being God He does think about all things, and not just you. He might and does work all things for good for you, but He is not going to do that like you think! And please don't start telling me how much you love Him and then show you don't actually go about seeking Him. If you truly love Him you will be seeking Him! And if you seek Him you will get more understanding - even in the sense of understanding that we all have our problems - including you! So we need Him - including "YOU" whoever "You" happen to be including me.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Do you really talk to God and listen to Him????

I most certainly agree with you when you write "God was probably already working on your sons problems, and yours, and everyone else's." but by writing that you "I have a problem with you telling God off" did you not notice that you by your own admission "have a problem"!!!

Now I could write that I have a problem with you having a problem with me - in that who are you to judge me and my problems!!

Yet I don't have a problem with that but rather because I see I have problems also I have an understanding about who we people are!! We have our problems!! The "We" means you, me, and the other guy. So you are correct in writing that you 'have a problem"!!! That's ok - we all have our problems and our battles!!

That is why I point people to the King, Jesus Christ, and His Kingdom. They are there to help you with your problem, including your problem of having a problem with me being impatient with God.

Now back to the "Do you really talk to God"? One of the things a person finds out from talking to God is that they have problems that the Lord wants to help them with!! That is why Jesus explained that He reproves those He loves. He does that. He reproves us!!! Which is to say that we all have problems that He is going to help us with. I don't see how anyone could have really spent much time talking back and forth with the Lord and not found that our about Him!

Through Isaiah the Lord said to come reason with Him and explained that though your sins are like scarlet they would be made white. (Is chapter 1 but you will need to look up the precise verse if you want to check in it!

What happens is that we have our reasons and thus reasonings. For example Heart2Soul reasons they should have a problem with me talking to the Lord in a certain way - yet failed to understand that the Word of God is often found on you lips because it comes from your heart. So it the problem got missed even though it was confessed. We can talk those things to the Lord and reason it out with Him before hand - and if we do it will become a lot more clear, even clear that He was there point out our problems to us even before hand - like when we wrote.

That problem is very much the looking at the speak in another persons eye and missing the log in our own!

The Log is our own eye is the failure to go and reason with the Lord. So I wrote about my reasoning with the Lord, because I do see that as a human I have problems!! That was why I wrote the story - to point out who we people have problems and need to seek the Lord and His Kingdom even if our problem is our expectation of what God should be doing in our lives. Then someone is upset at me because I understand that I have problems, missing the fact that they have problems too??? Yeah - we miss the Log in our own eye that keeps us from looking to the King and His Kingdom.

Essentially what you find out from seeking the Lord and His Kingdom is that you are human - with problems!! It becomes obvious when you go and reason with the Lord because He is always right and you are not!! You are human. He is God. And you will find that out - if you seek Himand listen to Him! Therefore - seek the King who has a Kingdom!!

Look - being God He does think about all things, and not just you. He might and does work all things for good for you, but He is not going to do that like you think! And please don't start telling me how much you love Him and then show you don't actually go about seeking Him. If you truly love Him you will be seeking Him! And if you seek Him you will get more understanding - even in the sense of understanding that we all have our problems - including you! So we need Him - including "YOU" whoever "You" happen to be including me.
Oy Vey! Do you seriously tell God off? How does He respond to that?
What a twist things become when perceived wrong.
I asked you to show me if I was seeing this wrong but instead you have "told me off"...:eek:
I know how it made me feel....I wonder if it made God feel this way also.:oops:

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Oy Vey! Do you seriously tell God off? How does He respond to that?
What a twist things become when perceived wrong.
I asked you to show me if I was seeing this wrong but instead you have "told me off"...:eek:
I know how it made me feel....I wonder if it made God feel this way also.:oops:

So do you honestly talk to God or just pretending?

Is that telling you or is it actually point you to Him to listen to what He actually tells you?

I have my problems and one of them is Christians judging me without actually seeking Him!!

I run into them often - which is part of the reason that I like pointing people to Him. I know if they actually seek Him they will get a better understanding about themselves and others!!d

A big part of that understanding is like I already explained - we are humans and He is God. That was what I was explaining when I wrote about how I can get impatient and even upset with Him. Someone who has not just whitewashed themselves, understands this. They are actors - hypocrites - pretending to be perfect but showing they are being honest with God - and so they don't seek Him and don't repent - they instead pretend they are perfect. Even Jesus had problems with the hypocrites - yet that because He knows that if you don't think you have problems you will never come to Him.

Yet I know I have problems - even with the way things go in this world - so I go before Him and honestly (that is I talk honestly to Him) talk to Him!!

It is no good trying to pretend with Him - He already knows when you are not happy with they ways things are working. He knows if you are impatient. He knows if you are getting frustrated. And you know what else He knows. He knows if you are pretending obedience to Him but are not actually seeking Him about what thoughts you have.

Jn 8:7 But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

That is not you - you are not the One without sin - So while you might have a problem with me getting impatient and upset with the Lord - that like you wrote is you having a problem! You should take that problem to Him and talk it over with Him, and quit having a problem with me.