Hamas has attacked Israel with 5000 rockets, 100 dead Israelis. Israel and Hamas now at war

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
The US military brass wants a showdown with Iran, they think they can get it sooner with the current war. They have been itching to reduce Iran to irrelevance status for a long time. The entire Syrian, Lebanon, Iraq, Iranian Shiite Islamicists who all want an Islamic Caliphate, are on the menu.
In line with prophecy.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Anyone who believes that the State that they claimed is Israel ? is Israel ? is not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact.

Christians who are Truly born again are Israel in fact ! For they in fact Serve Christ Jesus.

Jacob became Israel because he was worthy of God and Nathaniel was worthy because Jesus said so, because Nathaniel was worthy in Jesus Eyes.

Religious people are worthless in fact, for they need Christ Jesus and if one does not abide in Christ Jesus then one is not worthy of him in fact.

When they created the State ? they used the name Israel !

The top dedicated OT people in the State do not call it Israel in fact ! but they hope it will become Israel again in fact.

It was Cunning Devils who made the Claim that it is Israel. ! it's a deception in fact.

Anyone who looks up to that bastard flag they have is cursed, as any worthy Christian knows in Acts that Stephen pointed out what that Star was in fact, for it was They who made that, it's a mans works, not Gods work ! and the Menorah is the real Jewish symbol that is worthy of God in fact.

No one can bag the Menorah ! No one !
But the 666 of the Star is not worthy of God for it falls short of God, for it's a mans works.
Reggie, right on mate...

The so-called Star of David as on this Israeli flag is a lie. David had no shield that was in the form of a star (of David)...here's some of its history...a litte extensive...

Their flag not a shield of David for one it has a strong resemblance as the Kabbalah symbol of fertility male and female. It has more explanations and history that follows:

One of the first flags displayed in the 1st Congress of Zionism:


The six-pointed star, the so-called shield of David, or the Magen David, that appears on the Israeli flag does not have an inherently Jewish meaning, but was actually introduced into the Jewish community in Prague during the 17th Century. Like the "cross" of Christendom, the so-called "star of David" has its origins in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian paganism. In the prohibition of Deuteronomy 4:17, worship of stars and heavenly constellations is considered a form of idolatry. The hexagram star was always associated with occult magic practices in Zoroastrian and Druid religion. Some Orthodox Jewish organizations vehemently rejected the Magen David as a symbol, claiming that it infiltrated Judaism from occultist practices, notably through the 13th Century Kabbala. The red six-point star had served as a crest for the Jewish Rothschild family, which influenced the Zionist movement to accept the star of David as the chief symbol of Judaism. Sadly, the six-point six-sided hexagon, a tool of witches' mediums, will not guide one to walk with God.

The Star of David, known in Hebrew as the "Shield of David" or the "Magen David," was not originally a Jewish symbol.

Synagogues feature the symbol on the ark, on the velvet covering on the Torah, and on the Torah reading platform. It has also been used for Jewish coffins and gravestones to mark those who are Jews. When the Zionists searched for a symbol of their movement, they picked both the Star of David and the Menorah: one for their flag, and one for their national seal. But the Jewish people do not have much of an historical attachment to the Star of David, except in recent times.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia declares that the six-pointed star—according to the star-worshipping Rosicrucians—was known to the ancient Egyptians. The religion of the ancient Egyptians is known to have consisted preeminently of sun-worship. Moses sternly warned the Israelites against worshiping the sun, moon, stars, and all the host of heaven.

Deuteronomy 4:19 And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the Lord your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage.

Moses' warning was emphatic. The prohibition of making and worshiping any image of that which is in heaven above emphasizes the stars and implies also the other celestial bodies.

The six-pointed star can be traced through the worship of Ashtoreth (also known as Astarte, meaning ‘star’) and Chiun and Remphan (meaning 'star') from the Egyptians before King Solomon's time.

The first biblical mention of an idolatrous star among the Israelites is in the 8th century BC, mentioned in Amos 5 regarding their trek from Egypt to Canaan. God is thinking back and talking them about what had transpired.

Amos 5:25-27 "Did you offer Me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? You also carried Sikkuth [i.e., tabernacle of Moloch, the god to which they sacrificed children] your king and Chiun, [i.e., a pagan deity] your idols, the star of your gods, which you made for yourselves. Therefore I will send you into captivity beyond Damascus," says the Lord, whose name is the God of hosts.

It cannot be determined whether this star is the occult six-pointed star we know today as the Star of David; nevertheless, this verse does establish that the worship of pagan gods used a star or stars to symbolize them.

---------------post continued below -------------------


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Regarding star worship, the Jewish Encyclopedia says,

This is perhaps the oldest form of idolatry practiced by the ancients. The observation of the stars in the East very early led the people to regard the planets and the fixed stars as gods. The ancient Israelites fell into this kind of idolatry, and they had the image of Siccuth and Chiun, “the star of their gods.” The star of the pagan deity Chiun is generally believed to represent the planet Saturn.

In the book The History and Practice of Magic, Volume 2, the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn. The obverse side has the five pointed star, commonly called the pentagram; and the reverse side has the Seal of Solomon with the hexagram at its center. The hexagram is also known as the "King’s Star" in astrological circles, and was an important astrological symbol in Zoroastrianism. It was also used by the Druids during the highest Sabbath of occultists and witches, now called “Halloween.” The hexagram is also found in Arabian magic and witchcraft through the Middle Ages.

The Shield or Star of David is not mentioned in rabbinic literature at all. Notably, not a single ancient archeological proof exists as yet concerning the use of this symbol in the Holy Land in ancient times, even after King David. It has been noted in two isolated cases in the 3rd century AD: on a Jewish tombstone at Tarentum, in southern Italy, and it was used in the Capernaum synagogue in the same century.

The earliest Jewish literary source which mentions it is the 12th century Eshkol ha-Kofer, written by the Karaite Jewish scholar Judah Hadassi. He writes,

Seven names of angels precede the mezuzah: Michael, Gabriel, etc…. YHWH protect thee! And likewise the sign called “David’s shield” [the Star of David] is placed beside the name of each angel.

The name “Star of David” originated in the 13th century in Kabbalah—the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible—where it is a magic symbol associated with the pentagram. It is very commonly known that the pentagram is directly associated with witchcraft and occultism.

The star symbol continues down through the occult to the Jewish Mayer Amschel Bauer, who, in the 18th century, changed his name to depict the red six-pointed star (or shield) which he had hung on his door in Germany, and thus began the family of the “Red Shield” or Rothschild. Also, several Rothschild descendants have the star of David on their coat of arms. The were a Jewish family, but it is not a symbol of Judaism.

The Rothschilds were instrumental in raising up the Zionist Movement in 1896, in funding its activities, and then forcing the occultist leaders of Israel in 1948 to adopt the hexagram as their national symbol.

The “Star of David” was adopted by the First Zionist Congress (in 1897) as a symbol, and it is seen on the flags of the Zionist Organization and of the State of Israel.

There is no biblical evidence, whether Scriptural or archeological, that the so called ‘Star of David’ is a God-given symbol for the Israelites (or, more specifically, the Jews). The Israelite view of God under Moses, which permitted no images of God, was and still is, opposed to the acceptance of any symbols to represent God, and neither the Bible nor the Talmud condones them.

There is extensive evidence that the ‘Star of David’ originated in very ancient occult practices and continues to occupy a place in those practices today. Sadly, this practice is prevalent within Judaism and Christianity today. It is an interweaving of occult mysticism with the Holy Scriptures.

The so-called ‘Star of David’ is essentially a hexagram, nothing more, nothing less. There is no biblical, archaeological or Jewish evidence that traces this ancient occult symbol to king David of Israel.

Some Orthodox Jewish groups reject the use of the hexagram Shield of David because of its association with magic and the occult. They do not recognize it as a Jewish symbol.

If you examine the so-called ‘Star of David,’ or hexagram, closely, you discover something astonishing. It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and in its interior forms a six sided hexagon. Thus, it has been intentionally designed with a 666 message. God specifically warns against this kind of thing in His written word. Christians and Jews must not look to or dabble in the occult, not even for fun and entertainment.

Witches, magicians, mediums or sorcerers will not guide you in your walk with God, neither will “good luck charms” protect you. And we are certainly not to use their symbols as representative of God or His People.

If this is true of the Star of David, it raises the question of the origin of the “Christian” cross.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Reggie, right on mate...

The so-called Star of David as on this Israeli flag is a lie. David had no shield that was in the form of a star (of David)...here's some of its history...a litte extensive...

Their flag not a shield of David for one it has a strong resemblance as the Kabbalah symbol of fertility male and female. It has more explanations and history that follows:

One of the first flags displayed in the 1st Congress of Zionism:

View attachment 37300

The six-pointed star, the so-called shield of David, or the Magen David, that appears on the Israeli flag does not have an inherently Jewish meaning, but was actually introduced into the Jewish community in Prague during the 17th Century. Like the "cross" of Christendom, the so-called "star of David" has its origins in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian paganism. In the prohibition of Deuteronomy 4:17, worship of stars and heavenly constellations is considered a form of idolatry. The hexagram star was always associated with occult magic practices in Zoroastrian and Druid religion. Some Orthodox Jewish organizations vehemently rejected the Magen David as a symbol, claiming that it infiltrated Judaism from occultist practices, notably through the 13th Century Kabbala. The red six-point star had served as a crest for the Jewish Rothschild family, which influenced the Zionist movement to accept the star of David as the chief symbol of Judaism. Sadly, the six-point six-sided hexagon, a tool of witches' mediums, will not guide one to walk with God.

The Star of David, known in Hebrew as the "Shield of David" or the "Magen David," was not originally a Jewish symbol.

Synagogues feature the symbol on the ark, on the velvet covering on the Torah, and on the Torah reading platform. It has also been used for Jewish coffins and gravestones to mark those who are Jews. When the Zionists searched for a symbol of their movement, they picked both the Star of David and the Menorah: one for their flag, and one for their national seal. But the Jewish people do not have much of an historical attachment to the Star of David, except in recent times.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia declares that the six-pointed star—according to the star-worshipping Rosicrucians—was known to the ancient Egyptians. The religion of the ancient Egyptians is known to have consisted preeminently of sun-worship. Moses sternly warned the Israelites against worshiping the sun, moon, stars, and all the host of heaven.

Deuteronomy 4:19 And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the Lord your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage.

Moses' warning was emphatic. The prohibition of making and worshiping any image of that which is in heaven above emphasizes the stars and implies also the other celestial bodies.

The six-pointed star can be traced through the worship of Ashtoreth (also known as Astarte, meaning ‘star’) and Chiun and Remphan (meaning 'star') from the Egyptians before King Solomon's time.

The first biblical mention of an idolatrous star among the Israelites is in the 8th century BC, mentioned in Amos 5 regarding their trek from Egypt to Canaan. God is thinking back and talking them about what had transpired.

Amos 5:25-27 "Did you offer Me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? You also carried Sikkuth [i.e., tabernacle of Moloch, the god to which they sacrificed children] your king and Chiun, [i.e., a pagan deity] your idols, the star of your gods, which you made for yourselves. Therefore I will send you into captivity beyond Damascus," says the Lord, whose name is the God of hosts.

It cannot be determined whether this star is the occult six-pointed star we know today as the Star of David; nevertheless, this verse does establish that the worship of pagan gods used a star or stars to symbolize them.

---------------post continued below -------------------
Where is the Ichthys found in the New Testament?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Where is the Ichthys found in the New Testament?
Not going down too far down this path with you. It is a pagan fertility talisman or amulet no matter how you slice it. It should not be displayed today on cars etc. it is a misapplied/ misused Greek word for a fish symbol and it was originally a pagan symbol as I already wrote. Actually ‘ichthus' is the original form of the word. It became connected with 'Christianity in the 2nd century....etc
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
If you are Israel why aren't you in Israel, the Land of the Bible where Jesus will return and FIGHT for Israel?
When one is truly Saved one is Saved in fact.
Only Carnal or religious dupes would make such a remark to be in the State. as Jesus is Israel, we are his body and in the end he will win out regardless.
One can go on the attack ? but that is not the way of Jesus.
I will just call them out. for what they are, Not Saved in fact, for if they were worthy of God they would not War in fact but come to Christ Jesus to be Saved.
Fighting as they do is a mans works in fact !
I am with Christ Jesus as his ways are the way, so why would i fight for morons who are Anti-Christ in fact.

Plus i is to old to fight in such a War any road. I could not run up to the end of my road if i tried. and i f i did i don't think i would make it back on my own steam.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Regarding star worship, the Jewish Encyclopedia says,

This is perhaps the oldest form of idolatry practiced by the ancients. The observation of the stars in the East very early led the people to regard the planets and the fixed stars as gods. The ancient Israelites fell into this kind of idolatry, and they had the image of Siccuth and Chiun, “the star of their gods.” The star of the pagan deity Chiun is generally believed to represent the planet Saturn.

In the book The History and Practice of Magic, Volume 2, the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn. The obverse side has the five pointed star, commonly called the pentagram; and the reverse side has the Seal of Solomon with the hexagram at its center. The hexagram is also known as the "King’s Star" in astrological circles, and was an important astrological symbol in Zoroastrianism. It was also used by the Druids during the highest Sabbath of occultists and witches, now called “Halloween.” The hexagram is also found in Arabian magic and witchcraft through the Middle Ages.

The Shield or Star of David is not mentioned in rabbinic literature at all. Notably, not a single ancient archeological proof exists as yet concerning the use of this symbol in the Holy Land in ancient times, even after King David. It has been noted in two isolated cases in the 3rd century AD: on a Jewish tombstone at Tarentum, in southern Italy, and it was used in the Capernaum synagogue in the same century.

The earliest Jewish literary source which mentions it is the 12th century Eshkol ha-Kofer, written by the Karaite Jewish scholar Judah Hadassi. He writes,

Seven names of angels precede the mezuzah: Michael, Gabriel, etc…. YHWH protect thee! And likewise the sign called “David’s shield” [the Star of David] is placed beside the name of each angel.

The name “Star of David” originated in the 13th century in Kabbalah—the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible—where it is a magic symbol associated with the pentagram. It is very commonly known that the pentagram is directly associated with witchcraft and occultism.

The star symbol continues down through the occult to the Jewish Mayer Amschel Bauer, who, in the 18th century, changed his name to depict the red six-pointed star (or shield) which he had hung on his door in Germany, and thus began the family of the “Red Shield” or Rothschild. Also, several Rothschild descendants have the star of David on their coat of arms. The were a Jewish family, but it is not a symbol of Judaism.

The Rothschilds were instrumental in raising up the Zionist Movement in 1896, in funding its activities, and then forcing the occultist leaders of Israel in 1948 to adopt the hexagram as their national symbol.

The “Star of David” was adopted by the First Zionist Congress (in 1897) as a symbol, and it is seen on the flags of the Zionist Organization and of the State of Israel.

There is no biblical evidence, whether Scriptural or archeological, that the so called ‘Star of David’ is a God-given symbol for the Israelites (or, more specifically, the Jews). The Israelite view of God under Moses, which permitted no images of God, was and still is, opposed to the acceptance of any symbols to represent God, and neither the Bible nor the Talmud condones them.

There is extensive evidence that the ‘Star of David’ originated in very ancient occult practices and continues to occupy a place in those practices today. Sadly, this practice is prevalent within Judaism and Christianity today. It is an interweaving of occult mysticism with the Holy Scriptures.

The so-called ‘Star of David’ is essentially a hexagram, nothing more, nothing less. There is no biblical, archaeological or Jewish evidence that traces this ancient occult symbol to king David of Israel.

Some Orthodox Jewish groups reject the use of the hexagram Shield of David because of its association with magic and the occult. They do not recognize it as a Jewish symbol.

If you examine the so-called ‘Star of David,’ or hexagram, closely, you discover something astonishing. It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and in its interior forms a six sided hexagon. Thus, it has been intentionally designed with a 666 message. God specifically warns against this kind of thing in His written word. Christians and Jews must not look to or dabble in the occult, not even for fun and entertainment.

Witches, magicians, mediums or sorcerers will not guide you in your walk with God, neither will “good luck charms” protect you. And we are certainly not to use their symbols as representative of God or His People.

If this is true of the Star of David, it raises the question of the origin of the “Christian” cross.
I wonder why the Nazis put a Star on the Jews, not to mention this Star that the Nazis used was not the same Star but that one triangle was lowered down a little more, the one pointing downwards is set lower !

Maybe Hitler could not put the real Star on them for some reason ? it may of offended Hitlers boss Lord Rothschild the Red Star himself ?

I remember that the Jews who were transported to the New Zionist State were not happy with the bastard flag having that Star on it for they knew what it meant in fact and demanded the Menorah was their symbol. but the Zionist had it their way.

Antone who has truly read and studied Acts knows that the Star is as Saint Stephen pointed out in fact ! It's not worthy of God in fact because Stephen says clearly so. It's a working of Man in fact !
They Killed Stephen for pointing out the facts, it was the Truth and nothing but the Truth that Stephen pointed out in Acts. and they all knew he was an Angel ! Saul came to know it totally when he became Paul in fact.
Jesus says of such murders who they truly are and who they serve in fact ! And i totally believe him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Not going down too far down this path with you. It is a pagan fertility talisman or amulet no matter how you slice it. It should not be displayed today on cars etc. it is a misapplied/ misused Greek word for a fish symbol and it was originally a pagan symbol as I already wrote. Actually ‘ichthus' is the original form of the word. It became connected with 'Christianity in the 2nd century....etc
Actually the Greek ΙΧΘΥΣ was translated to first read as, ichthys.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
In the prohibition of Deuteronomy 4:17, worship of stars and heavenly constellations is considered a form of idolatry.
So, your theory is the existence of an Israeli flag constitutes worship? Pray tell, rather than the Star of David, what Israeli flag design would meet with your approval?

NOTE: The profound anti-semetism is seen in Israel getting attacked by 5,000 missiles that inexplicably leads to an attack on their flag design.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
So, your theory is the existence of an Israeli flag constitutes worship? Pray tell, rather than the Star of David, what Israeli flag design would meet with your approval?

NOTE: The profound anti-semetism is seen in Israel getting attacked by 5,000 missiles that inexplicably leads to an attack on their flag design.
I never said worship this flag, as any other flag, although it is fitting now that you have said it.

It not the flag or a flag chosen, it is the lies given for its design and it meaning that I take issue with. Why the lies and the shrouded secrecy?

Note: There is no such thing as Anti-Semitism or an Anti-Semite...too funny. It is a trick a tool invented by the same person that encouraged this current flag to he hoisted in 1948. It is used by some of these extremists or fringe non-practicing political Jews in an attempt to place guilt and gain unworthy sympathy and even monetary gain; and they sure have capitalized over it in the last century or so.

One has to partition or separate the common and the practicing Jews who I really do not take issue with in the main, from these Zionist destroyers of people and their way of living.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
It not the flag or a flag chosen, it is the lies given for its design and it meaning that I take issue with. Why the lies and the shrouded secrecy?
I really don't know what you are referring to. The flag is the flag.

I know you don't like the use of the term Anti-Semitism to refer to Zion. Still, it is telling that recent events begin with Israel being victimized by 5,000 rockets and somehow you connect that to claiming they worship their flag. When called out on it, you double down and accuse them of lying about the meaning of it. Wow! Why can't the flag mean whatever the people who hoist it says it means?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I really don't know what you are referring to. The flag is the flag.

I know you don't like the use of the term Anti-Semitism to refer to Zion. Still, it is telling that recent events begin with Israel being victimized by 5,000 rockets and somehow you connect that to claiming they worship their flag. When called out on it, you double down and accuse them of lying about the meaning of it. Wow! Why can't the flag mean whatever the people who hoist it says it means?
I still think you are not treating this subject as seriously as I (am). Seen to gloss over the important points I make about Zionism and the Ashkenazi Jew, and then apologize for them on things you really cannot speak to.

Not like something that is true and correct and even proper, and that is one thing. It's another if this something is an outright fabrication and a lie designed to deceive.

For the last time on this topic of Anti-Semite or Anti-Semitism, these terms are lies they do not exist in real life and because the terms were invented by and for these people calling themselves Jews and/or Zionists they own this lie and need to come clean. They cannot be trusted in general, and many of them are duped and ignorant of their foundation. I've explained it several times already.

I invite you to read the Benjamin Freeman speech in 1961 at the Willard Hotel., A 'Jew' who speaks about Zionism.
In it he explains in simple terms what Semitism really means.\

short brief intro....

Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.

Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times.

This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley's patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr. Freedman's essential message to us -- his warning to the West -- is more urgent than ever before. -- K.A.S. ---

The Truth will stand on its own merit

A Jewish Defector Warns America:

Benjamin Freedman Speaks​

by Benjamin H. Freedman

"..... Just like 'anti-Semitic'. The Arab is a Semite. And the Christians talk about people who don't like Jews as anti-Semites, and they call all the Arabs anti-Semites. The only Semites in the world are the Arabs. There isn't one Jew who's a Semite. They're all Turkothean Mongoloids. The Eastern European Jews. So, they brainwashed the public, and if you will invite me to meet this reverend who told you these things, I'll convince him and it'll be one step in the right direction. I'll go wherever I have to go to meet him...."
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Israel agrees to delay ground invasion another week. US forces are moving in missile systems for US forces purposes as attacks against US forces are moving up all over the middle east, and they need to respond effectively. You know when IDF does go into Gaza, the region is going to explode in violence. So for now, IDF is increasing the bombing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Hamas and their allies now know the timeline to prepare for that ground invasion.

5000 rockets shot into Israel. And after JBiden left millions of dollars of U.S. military weapons in Afghanistan .

It is amazing there is any of Israel left standing.

Now,in America our Congress is in chaos in the House. One Representative said recently this is becoming a threat to the state of our Constitutional Republic.

Timing. We're witnessing some very curious timing.

And it is all out of our hands.

Under the Constitution the House Speaker does not have to be a member of Congress.
Ousting the former GOP HS was a first in our history. And he was ousted by those GOP members loyal to President Trump.

President Trump learned of the powers the House Speaker has during his term in office. I do wonder if he will enter that seat.


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Hamas and their allies now know the timeline to prepare for that ground invasion.

5000 rockets shot into Israel. And after JBiden left millions of dollars of U.S. military weapons in Afghanistan .

It is amazing there is any of Israel left standing.

Now,in America our Congress is in chaos in the House. One Representative said recently this is becoming a threat to the state of our Constitutional Republic.

Timing. We're witnessing some very curious timing.

And it is all out of our hands.

Under the Constitution the House Speaker does not have to be a member of Congress.
Ousting the former GOP HS was a first in our history. And he was ousted by those GOP members loyal to President Trump.

President Trump learned of the powers the House Speaker has during his term in office. I do wonder if he will enter that seat.

The speaker was a fool ! period ! He must of been payed millions or given great rewards for being such an idiot by the Satanic left and Satanist within.

Trump does not want to be Speaker of the House.

I believe that the Left and some far right have been threatening or given money etc it's all the workings of the Anti-Christ, they undermined Trump from him being the President and it's clear as that they have threatened many people in positions or such people are with the Anti-Christ Mob !
Not to mention the MSM is clearly totally owned by the Anti-Christ system !

Just because the MSM say something does not make it true ! For they clearly lie and play a tune like the Pied Piper. For They lie 24/7 ! it's a real creep show.
Look at the nonsense they play with Israel, the State was struck with a out right Terrorist attack ! that no one would forgive such an act unless you were a total moron, That's the MSM is in fact ! This dribble that the MSM are peddling is totally empowering Terrorist in fact and they all should have their broadcasting Licence revoked and fined.
Total morons like that must not be given any regard.

The MSM has just given power to Terrorist in fact ! I do not care less of the issue ! such was an out right gutless moronic attack and their is no excuse for such as that at all in fact !
For if you want to go to War their is a process for that ! You do not do it the way they did it ever ! And here we see the Satanic MSM supporting the Terrorist line trying to help bastards like that !
No wonder they never come out and report on Obama and Biden in any bad light for they dismiss everything and everything, hosing anything down as a nothing ! and making everything and anything out of Trump !
If they can make a mountain out of a mole hill they do it !
They have to go !
It's clearly just like Nazi Germany's Media was !
It's all one sided and so creepy !
Ukraine could of been at peace, if they valued the people to Vote ! in fact, Ukraine would never had anyone harmed if only they valued the peoples right to Vote in fact ! Who can dispute that right ? The UN did and who are they truly, an un elected Mob of Anti-Christ in fact ? Can anyone Prove to me that they are not Anti-Christ ! Do they serve Christian values ? Christ Jesus for that matter ! No ! They don't in fact ! for they peddle Socialism and the New world Order in fact ! Who claims that they don't !
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