Hatred, bitterness, envy and no patience?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?

Praying for you Victory. It is so awesome how Holy Spirit convicts and guides. It is a very healthy part of our Christian walk with God and we all have these areas we have to work on. You have so much love and wisdom to offer, and being able to recognize these things in your life is really a good thing. Every Christian has to recognize these things in their lives in order to change them. It is very much a good thing. I have learned the sooner I can get over the guilt as a forgiven daughter of God, the sooner I can get into the Word and figuring out what I can do in order to improve in these areas. Important part is to keep working on things in growing closer to God and looking more like Him. Bless you, sister.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
You know what the hard part for me is? Speaking Truth in love when the Truth isn't all that pleasant... I admire some who can just tell it like it is. But I want to be one that has love seasoned with grace, and it isn't always easy in how to say something. You just have to say it.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yes indeed , let us fight the good fight of faith . Everyone will be praying for you my friend .
Let all our hope be above on the Lord . Let us press into the Lord and may all be in prayer .
Stir one another up with all sound biblical reminders and let our hope be in the Lord .
The flesh is a monster , but greater is HE within the lambs . Remember the mercy of GOD , of His grace .
How He pulled us out of darkness , putting our faith in Christ . HOPE IN HIM and let us fight against
the flesh and abstain from all appearance of evil . THE LORD is our HOPE . In this world there is no hope .
BUT IN HE ALONE IS OUR HOPE . Now let us lift those hands up with all thanksgiving and praise unto the Lord .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You know what the hard part for me is? Speaking Truth in love when the Truth isn't all that pleasant... I admire some who can just tell it like it is. But I want to be one that has love seasoned with grace, and it isn't always easy in how to say something. You just have to say it.
I bet you have noticed this as well . Do you notice How Christ himself just said it like it is and so did the apostels .
YET it works . Their pattern works . WE do all out of love for the sake of others .
Its far better to just speak it straight with the desire of their good .
Now , let the LORD be praised my dear sister . Yes indeed , let the LORD be praised .


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?

Yes I have VIJ: Hatred, envy, lack of patience, bitter, resentful.

The main thing you would need to do to let all of these things go, is to look and go towards the Lord Jesus Christ, and talk to the Father in heaven, and ask Him to help you by and through the spirit.

Am going to give you some scriptures to back so you can be reminded of what the scriptures says for your comfort.

Here in Philippians it talks about how we are to raise our prayers and petitions up in every situation, and give thanks regardless of the situation, and to continue to place hope and faith and trust in Jesus Christ for what He has done, and pray and make your requests know to God. By doing this the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

In Ephesians 4:17-32 : It is explaining the new life in Christ for a believer. To fully turn their thinking towards God; and it speaks a lot about our human nature in how we can be liars and chase after lustful desires, and be corrupted in our minds, but if we build our faith and trust in God and focus on the Lord Jesus Christ who has saved the believer to the kingdom of heaven. And pray and give thanks, and continue to walk and establish yourself as child of God by and through faith; by living in the spirit, by being kind, and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ; God forgave you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
United States
By The Blood of Jesus. Repent of them and then pray The Blood of Jesus Christ into your heart and soul and body to purge them out.
Command demons of offence to come out!

But first, you must command the demons of offence to come out of you, go to the dry places in hell and not return.

In The Name of Jesus Christ, command the unclean spirits of bitterness, anger, hate and all other offences out of you! Tell them to go to the dry places (the places in hell) and not come back.

Command them in The Name of Jesus Christ to come out, with no doubting. Keep doing so until you are totally free.

Declare to them that your body is The Temple of The Holy Spirit; therefore, you forbid them from It forever.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?

I'm sorry to hear this VIJ,

"Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience"

Only every morning! All that hatred, bitterness, lack of patience is directed to myself as I live alone. (Niece lives here, but not home allot) I think it is because I want to wake up dead! Thinking of facing another pretty much empty day is what just makes ya want to roll up in a ball and stay in a quiet corner somewhere.

After the crying jag and my broken belongings...(yes, I'll throw my stuff) it's on the floor begging His forgiveness. This morning, after asking for forgiveness and His mercy, I asked Him why are these things that I have given to you over and over still haunting me? I HATE when it happens. Pretty much all of mine come from frustration of not being able to do the things that once were easy.
Strongholds is what I believe they are and, you know just as much as the rest of us that there are tons of verses pertaining to this subject. I will be praying for you sister...it is not a good place to be. Reach up!



Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?

I think we all have experienced those things at one time or another, to some degree, but your concern probably means you are well on your way to getting control of it.

I usually pray that I might recognise those things when I get that way, because as soon as I'm able to do that, I can cut off dwelling on it immediately. Though they are seriousely bad thoughts, they are just thoughts nonetheless, and thoughts can be controlled.

I'm sure it can be more easily said than done, but when I get those thoughts, I simply tell myself, "God doesn't like this, stop it". I think the Holy Spirit has a lot to do with helping us recognize those thoughts, then giving us a good wake up shake, and the strength to do our best to just say no when those thoughts comes to mind.

Prayer, the Holy Spirit, and training will hopfully be helpful for you. Also, I think all God requires of you to get his help, is a genuine desire to stop, so you are off to a very good start. Also, know, once you get control of those things, it will be like a great burden was lifted from you, or basically, as you probably know, you will feel much better/more secure with yourself.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?
I was not going to write this although I felt like someone might benefit from it...including you

Not knowing your exact situation and in particular the one nagging area that is most probably causing your strife I can only give you my latest personal experiences.

Well I've been married for nearly 48 years now, and my wife takes pills for life, for a brain condition. She had seizures soon after I met her, especially after the first child. It is contained these days. I know it does affect her personality even when she denies it, even today. My wife also smokes cigarettes since she was 16. I have never liked this habit especially when she just turned 68.

Now she has had both her knees worked on, along with one of her ankles and even both her hands.

On my side: I still get loud at times, with a not so gentle tone when I reach the end of my rope. I have learned to contain my emotions more effectively and can more easily decide which reactions are really worth fighting for or not. It was not always that way. The Lord is still working on me, and I'm so glad he is, as I feel his presence a great deal.

Now what has set me into your OP, is because of the last 4 years or so.....

Her smoking does not stop and besides, the cost keeps going up, and then her age and health.

I sympathize with her plight tremendously. She is a very practical and a no nonsense person and does not show love as I do. I express myself more openly and she is shy in many ways, even after all these years of living together under the same roof.

These days I do feel more isolated during the day and even nights if you get my drift. She hardly sleeps at night, waking up nearly every hour for the last year or so in her own bedroom. It does take its toll, on her, emotionally, mentally and physically. I believe her spirit and the love of God is strong as ever, as mine is as well.

I always begin the day though on a positive note and try to raise her spirits, knowing my God is there and Christ is looking out for me and my wife who I love and he loves us both beyond our understanding.

However, I find her more isolated on the front porch, alone, and there is now much less quality 'we' time these days.

I have come to think at times that her true friend in her life is her fags/cigs and not me. I believe this is so real that I regret even being married to such a stubborn and defiant person. I know this is wrong thinking and I pray about it.

I just cannot predict which personality I will be dealing with each day or the part of the day. So I find a little solace by fishing and doing some alone projects, even being on this site. It keeps me much calmer.

My awful and evil thoughts and words do bubble up to the forefront at times with some extras to go along with it, as they fly across the room as arrows, unannounced and with military timely and surprise. When I feel enough is enough, I give myself license to finish it abruptly. This has to stop and I do see a reversal within myself. It has also had a more positive effect on her since that time. I guess I was becoming more like a monster that a friend and a loving husband.

It is getting better VIJ. I see a light ahead and I do so ever pray for this light every day. And I do love my wife so much, and in and with Christ. It's just a little difficult at times being in this piece of flesh with its rebellious mind; such a drag on your spirit as we live in Christ who wants us to go in the opposite direction.

Who said a believer's life would be all fun and games....au contraire!

Bless you and always be with God, working in Christ. As I'm your brother, I do care about you VIJ

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I'm sorry to hear this VIJ,

"Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience"

Only every morning! All that hatred, bitterness, lack of patience is directed to myself as I live alone. (Niece lives here, but not home allot) I think it is because I want to wake up dead! Thinking of facing another pretty much empty day is what just makes ya want to roll up in a ball and stay in a quiet corner somewhere.

After the crying jag and my broken belongings...(yes, I'll throw my stuff) it's on the floor begging His forgiveness. This morning, after asking for forgiveness and His mercy, I asked Him why are these things that I have given to you over and over still haunting me? I HATE when it happens. Pretty much all of mine come from frustration of not being able to do the things that once were easy.
Strongholds is what I believe they are and, you know just as much as the rest of us that there are tons of verses pertaining to this subject. I will be praying for you sister...it is not a good place to be. Reach up!

Forward march right into the trenches . Its all out warfare .
I have noticed something huge . THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH .
When our hope is on Him and we praising His glorious name , well all i can say is LET THE KING BE PRAISED .
Its warfare all right . ENTER thou into the courts of the LORD through much praise and thanksgiving .
This ole world has and hold no hope for me . OH BUT THE LORD DOES . AND HIS DAY IS COMING .
Till then let us focus on only more bible reading , only more prayers , the things He has each one to do .
And as i so often love to say , LET THE LORD BE PRAISED .


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?
A special remembrance and prayer for you dear sister in Christ. Sometimes your words written here are difficult to understand, but I have seen good in them from your heart. Those are a part of God Himself, the only One good. Remember that when those bad things also in you seem to come to the front of your mind and your being God may simply be allowing it for a season, a bad season indeed, as He allowed Satan to mess with Job.

The key for you is that God loses no battles. Always lean on God and surrender yourself to Him even when it seems like you just want to rebel against Him...

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Prov. 3:5-6

By faith toward Him, step out blindly toward the Light which is Jesus when everything seems so very dark.

Step out then within yourself and/or [if you can] out loud call on His name and ask one more time for His help, for His participation in a battle that He will not lose.

Praying for you!
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?
hang in there ViJ...this aint promised to be a smooth ride.....and if it was up to our experience in the flesh none would make it but we have one who has promised new hearts for old.
Seeing the truth of myself in myself is no sure anchor therefore I reach to him who cannot lie and trust his promise.
Jacob wrestled with the angel and was beaten but didn't let go...he threw himself on the mercy of God and God could not refuse him.....and his name was changed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?
The holy spirit can fix that, you need church and service to God. Maybe online church if you have none. Galatians 5:22-23

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Asking for prayer. I’m in a bad place. Realizing or seeing hatred, bitterness and envy in my heart. I don’t understand because those things seem to be rising up and with them, I’ve been experiencing no patience whatsoever. I don’t understand because I want Him to change my heart but everywhere I look there are those things inside me. Not peace, no love, no mercy, no joy but instead something else. Doubt also and an attitude of what is the point? Has anyone else experienced bitterness, hatred, envy and lack of patience?

I am so sorry to hear you are struggling.

You will be in my prayers.

Dear sister,
Call out to the Lord in your distress...

Peace be with you!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Forward march right into the trenches . Its all out warfare .
I have noticed something huge . THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH .
When our hope is on Him and we praising His glorious name , well all i can say is LET THE KING BE PRAISED .
Its warfare all right . ENTER thou into the courts of the LORD through much praise and thanksgiving .
This ole world has and hold no hope for me . OH BUT THE LORD DOES . AND HIS DAY IS COMING .
Till then let us focus on only more bible reading , only more prayers , the things He has each one to do .
And as i so often love to say , LET THE LORD BE PRAISED .

That's right brother! We have tasted what this world offers, and it has left a bad taste in our mouths. He IS our only hope!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2017
United States
The fact that you see these things in yourself and recognize them as wrong tell me all I need to know. It is the job of the deceiver to have you believe those feelings are who you really are. But it nearly always just magnifies Gods power and presence in a believers life. In your weakness His strength is made perfect. We get caught up sometimes believing we are defined by the times we failed rather than our victories. I will be praying for you and that you see you how God sees you....

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
The fact that you see these things in yourself and recognize them as wrong tell me all I need to know. It is the job of the deceiver to have you believe those feelings are who you really are. But it nearly always just magnifies Gods power and presence in a believers life. In your weakness His strength is made perfect. We get caught up sometimes believing we are defined by the times we failed rather than our victories. I will be praying for you and that you see you how God sees you....