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New Member
Nov 1, 2008
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
United States
I'll re-introduce myself. I'm ToolOfHis. Its been several weeks sense i last stopped in. I'll try doing a better job of keeping active then i have in the past. It seems my time isn't my own any more. Just to many irons in the fire, to much going on in my life i guess. Sense being here last i feel i finally completed a project that was deeply on my heart and mind. As some of you may remember, I do the laying on the hands. Most of the people that seek me out for prayer have cancer. I felt a strong urge to have a group of prayer warriors to pray for these poor frightened souls with cancer. My goal was 1000 prayer warriors. Thanks to the Lord blessing me i feel i now have enough contacts to say i reached my goal. I was blessed with links of world wide prayer groups and a few churches, with very large memberships that truly believe as i do and take my requests to their prayer groups and their Sunday congregations. The Lord has blessed me richly in this area and i thank each and every one that prays for those i lay hands on. At least a 1000 voices storming heaven for the same person. AWESOME isn't it !!!! All i did was make the effort...GOD did the rest. It took two years of working at it but it was time well spent. You all have a great day, Tool


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
Just a little over a year ago, I went through an accident with a friend of mine who was hurt very badly in an accident. He lost both legs and was pretty banged up. We had a similar situation where a couple Facebook/MySpace groups were made numbering in the couple hundreds apiece and then calls for prayer went out both across this nation (literally sea to sea) and even into Europe and Africa. It is both amazing and powerful to know that much prayer is concentrated on that one person. As bad as it was, I can't help think that the Lord moved quite strong in that time period.So welcome! I really would like for us to get a prayer group here at CB.


New Member
Nov 1, 2008
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
United States
I'd love to see a prayer group here ! The power of prayer still amazes me even after seeing it work countless times. I've seen cancers healed, lives spared and a child they said would most likely be a vegetable now runs and plays like any other child her age. I use the book of Mark Chapter 11 verses 22 through 26 in the King James Bible as my reason for my strong belief in his healings. When you have seen it work as many times as i have what else can you say but God is well and alive and stll does miracles. God still hears us today just as he did in the begining of time. Keeping our faith is the hard part for many of us. I thank God my faith is strong. Tool