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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
As you are very sure you cant. Please tell why you are so sure.
well, as relates to "miraculous healing" now, i would say mostly because of interaction with you here recently, this concept has gone from "perhaps mildly suspect" to "highly suspicious" for me, and you have helped quite a bit in organizing my beliefs in that area, that i really had not thought about much before.

but to be fair, i guess someone with a gift of that nature would either be gifted with a lot of humility, too, or be cursed with pride in addition to the gift, which i'm not even sure is possible, i think there is even a Scripture for truly Spiritual gifts not causing curses in other areas?
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.

NPD traits:
  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Narcissistic personality disorder: Overcoming your extreme esteem

ha, def talking about me here, i just don't usually admit it on first dates :D
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Didnt get riled got dissapointed and contiual rejecting what is clear. The commision is clear to me.
So I will put to you the same question the Job ran away from ansdmant others.
What is the commision? You are all talking like we dont have one
Two who told you you cant get the sick healed. How do you know? As you are very sure you cant. Please tell why you are so sure. seems there are a lot of people now dont want to talk ? any one see Job?
oh and btw, reflecting upon the "three" refs of healing as a gift earlier, they are all from one small part of a Book, don't know how well they are Witnessed iow, you might pursue that angle


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
yes, the Lord is obviously equally willing to provide thorns for the flesh too, so "healing" should maybe be understood in the context of "you reap what you sow," and even God's grace, to "provide" trials that contain a lesson for us when we need them.

imo all sickness is spiritual, and i have seen spiritual healing manifest amazing changes in people, even if not miracle-healing per se, that i don't know much about.
I can tell you that I witnessed the Lord heal a man in his early sixties who was a complete atheist, but he had seen how someone else was helped, so he asked. He had a shoulder which had been totally worn out from his work, and up till then had had cortisone injections straight into the joint, which he said was really painful. That man is still going strong at 87 ( he'll be 88 early Oct.). At the time he went from not being able to raise his arm almost at all, to rotating it around and around over and over, after the prayer....If that is not a healing, I don't know what is ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Back in 1988 I was at a conference. I got very sick. Could not stop vomiting. I rocked back and forth between running to vomit.
Went to bed..by then was shaking too. I woke my then 23yrs old daughter to pray for me. She prayed a very sleepy prayer. I was scared to lay down..I wanted to sit up so I could vomit into the trash can. I heard the Lord say to me..(in my heart) not an audible voice.."If you believe in healing and believe in prayer, lay down and go to sleep in faith."
It took me about 20 mins, inch by inch to very slowly move from sitting to laying...very afraid of vomiting in an 'unknown' bed.
I kid you not, once my head touched the pillow I fell asleep instantly..
..I slept until morning and was 100% healed.
Not all the healings I have received have been instant....but I have had many both instant and by standing in faith and believing until its fully done.

Praise God!


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
so then it is us against you, is it? Perhaps you have accidentally wandered into a den of thieves or something; maybe we are all wolves in sheep's clothes lol. Ya, that's prolly it.

sorry Sword, you are just better than us i guess :)
You said I am better I dont think so but I appreciate you saying so, Yes it looks like theres only one agreeing and walikng in this Pia.
So its not you all. And you aint agaisnt me. Your against God word, No I continually called you all Christians, why do you want to drag it down like this and riddicule me and the topic in Gods word?
I aint better than any one, But for a fact I understand what is available more than you all do. But all you will see is who does he think he is. I know who I am in Christ., you dont. All I done is said there is more available. But you all see what you want. I have many scripturees I never saw you post any. I asked a question and YOU ALL RAN. Dont get adults talking the way you are doing now. Like I said you never agreed with anything I said.
And Job runs around checking my every post giving little childish likes to any one who say any thing agaisnt me. Hes in a lot of pain.
And you know full well what would be in a doctors tool kit. He was not told to talke it with him for healing. utter garbage.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Back in 1988 I was at a conference. I got very sick. Could not stop vomiting. I rocked back and forth between running to vomit.
Went to bed..by then was shaking too. I woke my then 23yrs old daughter to pray for me. She prayed a very sleepy prayer. I was scared to lay down..I wanted to sit up so I could vomit into the trash can. I heard the Lord say to me..(in my heart) not an audible voice.."If you believe in healing and believe in prayer, lay down and go to sleep in faith."
It took me about 20 mins, inch by inch to very slowly move from sitting to laying...very afraid of vomiting in an 'unknown' bed.
I kid you not, once my head touched the pillow I fell asleep instantly..
..I slept until morning and was 100% healed.
Not all the healings I have received have been instant....but I have had many both instant and by standing in faith and believing until its fully done.

Praise God!
You said healing is not for every Christian so really ythis means nothing in this conversation and should be in the testimony forum. I dont mind where it is. But looks like you nelieve healing then you dont then you do. So please tell us how did your daughter know she had the Gift of healing and how did you know you never?


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Your contradicting your self. You said the opposite in the other thread that I pointed out.
i am only perceived to be contradicting myself now because you have taken this quote out of context, as may be seen when anyone goes and clicks to the right of my name in the quote. The quote in context was
yes, the Lord is obviously equally willing to provide thorns for the flesh too
or to restate that, "the Lord is unwilling to heal in some cases."

and wadr you are crossing a line now, so best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
You said healing is not for every Christian so really ythis means nothing in this conversation and should be in the testimony forum. I dont mind where it is. But looks like you nelieve healing then you dont then you do. So please tell us how did your daughter know she had the Gift of healing and how did you know you never?

I have no idea why you always sound so angry and defensive. You are becoming with healing like BOL is about his Catholic Church!!
You come across as if only you know all things about healing and no one else knows anything.
I SAID Jesus did not heal everyone...because later many got healed by Peters shadow , Acts. Plus, Jesus only chose the one man laying in the crowd at the Pool of Bethesda.
Have you never heard of ' God's Perfect Timing'?
With healing, God is also much MORE interested about the soul coming in maturity and growing into the image of His Son, than He is if a person is comfortable by receiving 'instant healing'. God deals just as much if not more , on our inside than He does the outer man...which will return to the dust anyway.
Nowhere will you find in any of my posts "that one time l believe healing and then I don't." Go back through them ALL , from my very first post on this forum!
Then come back here and quote it.
Unlike you...I do not "lay a heavy" on anyone, or tell them what they should or should not do. I PRAY for them if I see that their eyes are not opened to some truth that they have missing in their lives. GOD is the one who leads us into deeper truth...nagging and being legalistic about anything, (..be it water baptism, Holy Spirit baptism, or healing) ..never gets the job done...God opens our inner eyes to see, and draws us deeper in...if we are hungry enough for more of God and His goodness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
you said healing is not for every Christian so really ythis means nothing in this conversation and should be in the testimony forum

Last time I looked this was the testimony forum!!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2014
United States
I have no idea why you always sound so angry and defensive. You are becoming with healing like BOL is about his Catholic Church!!

They suffer from a mental illness called Narcissistic Personality Disorder - NPD.

That's not slam by the way. Everyone has a bit of narcissism in them. NPD however takes it to the extreme. Sufferer's of NPD feed off of the attention of others. Good or bad, it is important that people notice them. In their mind they are the most important person in the world and require that they be treated as such.

If they don't get attention they feel they deserve, they'll turn on you. From ridicule and put downs to outright condemnation. The NPD sufferer will use everything to gain your attention. They don't see their behavior as inappropriate. They see it as the only way to get someone to listen to them. They don't even care if they're right, they just want the attention.

The best way to defuse a narcissist is silence.

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
They suffer from a mental illness called Narcissistic Personality Disorder - NPD.

That's not slam by the way. Everyone has a bit of narcissism in them. NPD however takes it to the extreme. Sufferer's of NPD feed off of the attention of others. Good or bad, it is important that people notice them. In their mind they are the most important person in the world and require that they be treated as such.

If they don't get attention they feel they deserve, they'll turn on you. From ridicule and put downs to outright condemnation. The NPD sufferer will use everything to gain your attention. They don't see their behavior as inappropriate. They see it as the only way to get someone to listen to them. They don't even care if they're right, they just want the attention.

The best way to defuse a narcissist is silence.

ya, it's a type of codependency, pretty common, anyone can be somewhat codependent at times too. Who has not suffered from not being able to hear a thing, until like well into their next life when it suddenly makes sense?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
I have no idea why you always sound so angry and defensive. You are becoming with healing like BOL is about his Catholic Church!!

How many times will you call me a liar?
I told you I am not angry. I dont get angry with people in a forum who just dont realise there potential.
I am getting feed up trying to convince you. I asked you and all the others who believe they dont have the gift of healing to explian why you know you dont?????????????????????? I am still waiting for ONE to tell me including you. Maybe it looks like anger when I am asking again and again and still no one including you.
SO here goes again can you please tell me how you know you dont have the gift of healing?

You come across as if only you know all things about healing and no one else knows anything
You take from me what ever you like. If you choose to join the others that want to bring me down go ahead. So if you think I dont know what I am talkking about even after YOU siad oh you know so much about healing.
Now you changed your mind lol iseen this so many time. But you are like YO YO. Its actully you I am most disapointed in. as you were agreeing with so much then in your last post you run me down again. And before you say anything I am not hirt. dissapointed yes. as I thought you were getting it. Then you flat out say I dont have the gift. Fine you dont have it., So tell me how you know?

I SAID Jesus did not heal everyone...

Nonsense Jesus healed them all every time. Every where He went He healed them all.
You have one scripture that you misrepresent and you think that superceeeds His whole ministry??????????
He never healed in His home town as they would not go to Him for healing . You cant heal what doesnt want it.

because later many got healed by Peters shadow , Acts.
Motre nonsense. No connaection what so ever. Scripture please.

Plus, Jesus only chose the one man laying in the crowd at the Pool of Bethesda.
Really and you know this how? Did you not concider that He may well have healed more than him laying at the pool?
Dd you ever concider that If every thing He done was written down all the books of the world could not contain what He did??????????????
You take one scripture and think it superceeds every thing else He done.
How many people do you think were included in that ione verse., Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please,
You came here to call me out and point out I am a smart alex know it all. That one verse there should shut you down completly. But lets wait and see how you are going to tell dumb old me what you know. Angry no not in the least dissapointed yes. Hugely no. Just about the same as average. Smae old story every one knows better. I do in fact know a lt about healing . I spent 2000 hours listning over and over on healing. I have seen about 70-80 people healed of all manner of things I am walking in it. all I want is to share it with you all. But all I get back mostly apart from one or two. I thought you would be in the one or two. Then you turned a corner for some reason. Little dissapointment . But I had worse. :)

Have you never heard of ' God's Perfect Timing'? With healing,

Yes and once again you are going to teach falsly. But lets have it any way. what has Gods timing got anything to do with healing?
Please share your scriptural wisdom with scriptures. There are none. None. But please try ahem withj scriptures.
See this is me kinda frustrated. You came here saying I think I know and every one else doesnt. So far you are proving me correct., You do look like you know nothing. And I know with a glance at your next part its not going to get any better for you.

God is also much MORE interested about the soul coming in maturity and growing into the image of His Son, than He is if a person is comfortable by receiving 'instant healing'. God deals just as much if not more , on our inside than He does the outer man...which will return to the dust anyway.

Really. Jesus went about and healed them all bar none. He sent out the 12 and gave them power, To save anyone Nope. To heal them and tell them the kingdon is here.

So if God is more interested in the soul becoing more like Christ. and if Christ spent three years healing them all.
Wonder if He wants us to do the same. and hey surprise surprise. any one who knows what Jesus did would say wow look at these guys they look like Jesus going about healing the sick. Hmmm wonder if that is the whole Idea of the commision and kingdom.

But you haver another Idea for the soul. You think we are to mature and grow into the image of Jesus.
I wonder if you could tell me what does the muture and mans image of Christ look like???? what does the mature part of your statement mean?
and what does the image of Christ mean? You obvously are free flowing now and are able to tell me. as you stated it???

Nowhere will you find in any of my posts "that one time l believe healing and then I don't." Go back through them ALL , from my very first post on this forum!
Then come back here and quote it.

I am referring to you saying you believe in healing. Then saying you dont have that gift. Which we both are clear you did say.

Unlike you...I do not "lay a heavy" on anyone, or tell them what they should or should not do.

So you never ever told anyone they need saved? Is that correct. If you never you are hiding. If you did its offencive.
We are told to take this message of good news and share it al over the world. except for this forum. Ooops no that would include the forum. I cant control how you or anyone recives what I say ever. I can deliver truth, argue, deabte call it what you like. And its up to you to look at what I said. NOT THE WAY I SAID IT. You are all useing the excuse of I dont like they way he says that ow didums, grow up. dont talk about maturity and then bring all this drival to that table. You want to talk scripture but brought none. and the ones you did bring are out of context.
If you think there not please explian what being in context means. Most of you do not know ahat it is. More pain for yaand more offence. If your offended at anyone for anything its sign of imaturuty. So hope were all not hurt and ready to carry on with the next part. can ya tell am almost done :)

I PRAY for them if I see that their eyes are not opened to some truth that they have missing in their lives. GOD is the one who leads us into deeper truth...nagging and being legalistic about anything, (..be it water baptism, Holy Spirit baptism, or healing) ..never gets the job done...God opens our inner eyes to see, and draws us deeper in...if we are hungry enough for more of God and His goodness.

There it is all I done since I got here if nag lol. and now I am a legalist :)
I talk to anyone who wants to listen. If you were doing to me what you said I am doing to you. I would cut you off.

I am telling you in short. Healing is for all believers just like the bible says and you say its not. You say you dont have the gift. So you think I will say aw ok your right. No I will tell you your wrong as I have done in here on all the wrong teaching that you are all doing and most of it is wrong. None of you layed hands on the sick with success. But your all qualified teacher who are more than ready to face God on it for the strciter judgement. OH I am ready for that indeed, as God is my witness, No fear zero. and I know you are all the same as me. fearless in the face of God. But one thing is sure as sugar. Someones misteaching on healing and who its available to. Your actully teaching on many points on many subjects. And you aint got them all correct. I dont debate on all points lots of disccusions I never enterd. Because I dont know enough and I realy dont fancy the stricter judgement on those thing :). SO please do not ignore my questions. I am honestly not looking forward to your reply. As I feel for you right now. ANd as is normal some will read this and jump in at ALL cost to defend you. Seen it all beofre. Look out for there at all costs posts.



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
You have one scripture that you misrepresent and you think that superceeeds His whole ministry??????????
He never healed in His home town as they would not go to Him for healing . You cant heal what doesnt want it.

Okay...yet, do you believe Jesus picked out just the one man at Bethesda or not? Because that is what it says...
. 2 There is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. 5 Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”//
Jesus didn't choose to heal anyone else, just that one man.
As I mentioned before, Jesus said that He only did what His Father told Him to do. Therefore , on that day, and at that time...God only told Jesus to heal that one man.
So, while I believe totally in healing...I do believe that every thing we do is "by the Spirit".
I do not discount your calling. It does sound to me as if you do have the gift of faith and the gift of healing.
I do not have that. I have prayed for people and seen them healed. But I do not have the gift..I have the Holy Spirit anointing that comes upon me from time to time. But it is not a gift that remains.
About 3 years ago I listened to all 15 hours of Curry Blake's teaching...all our friends did too. So I do totally know where you are coming from. What you teach is what he taught.
I heard it, I witnessed to it, but I did not find that it worked for me every time...it's still very hit and miss. That is why I believe God probably gave you the gift of faith. I faith total faith in who God is, who Jesus is, what He has done, and the things He has shown to me.. I have faith, I do not have the "gift-of-faith." I think where you and I divide and disagree is on:-
1 Corinthians 12 on "the diversities of gifts..."
You say we should all be operating in the gifts all the time.
Now sword if that is true on your stand with healing..then tell me, do you always at all times operate in the gift of the word of wisdom; the word of knowledge ; faith , the working of miracles; prophecy; discerning of spirits; divers kinds of tongues; the interpretation of tongues????
If you tell me that not only healing, but all these other gifts also..flow through you at all times..then I will have to go back and get before the Lord and get Him to re-program my thinking.
Because you can't tell us that - healing's should be happening in our lives all the time. So why aren't we doing it etc.. yet you ignore the other gifts listed above. If "everyone " should be out there healing people...are you out there demonstrating all the other gifts too?

Like I say..this is where we differ...1 Corinthians 12 clearly shows that it is the Holy Spirit that gives the gift - " dividing to every man severally as He will."
Yet, I am in agreement with you , I do wish that we the church were more free flowing in ALL the gifts ...too many people are dying and in pain that need healing. We The Church have dropped the ball.
We have always believed in healing...our kids grew up believing in healing. Our youngest used to get terrible ear ache ...at two years old she would toddle over holding her ear and saying " ear, ear"...I would command the enemy to take a hike, and for her he healed in Jesus name. And off she went , happy as a lark...it always worked. Sometimes she would cry and hold her ear, before remembering healing..then come running over when she remembered. ( she wishes she could still receive healing as quickly now as she used to when small)
I do think that we should always be ready to be a channel for the Lord.

Because of Curry Blake...I DO know where you are in this...I just wish I could get it to work as easily for me as it does for ( him) and you. Lots of opportunities, but not so many successes!
I love John G. Lake and all his books, read them all. He taught me so much. ( can't wait to meet him in Glory! )
Sorry for annoying you. ✟



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Okay...yet, do you believe Jesus picked out just the one man at Bethesda or not? Because that is what it says...
. 2 There is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. 5 Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”//

Do you believe that the angel came and stirred the water when Jesus was there. Or do you think the writer is telling us what normaly happened. It does not say that all that people where there when Jesus was. Take it to court. Judge will reject you saying all the people were there that day. IT does not say that.
I see you are choosing to ignore the fact that if they wrote all Jesus doen in the three years all the books in the world COUND NOT CONTAIN ALL HE DONE. You really going to ignore this?????

When Jesus saw him. and you underline it like it means Jesus ignored eveyone else. You go to jail for saying things like that in court.
Theres no beating you here. You have the scripture do with it what ever you like. I heard what you are trying to make this say. it does not say that. You are contradicting scripture. God says He has no favourets. You say hes picking one and leaving the rest. Thats fine. Called free will and also called mans reasoning. Best to stand back and say nothing . than to tell someone there wrong and you might be wrong. But hey lets not forget the stricter judgement niether of us fear that.

,Jesus didn't choose to heal anyone else, just that one man.
It does not say He only healed one. You have freedom to say he never when in fact you would be thron out of court with what you are trying to say. It does not say He only healed one. It does niot say there were many there at that time. They might have been. But it does not say they where ther at that point. You said that.
It does not say Jesus Choose to only heal one. YOU SAID THAT.

As I mentioned before, Jesus said that He only did what His Father told Him to do. Therefore , on that day, and at that time...God only told Jesus to heal that one man.
Once again you said that God only told Him to heal one, and once again if you said that in court you would be up for telling lies in court. The judge would ask did you read that God said I only want you to heal one? This is ridiculas. Your mistaken at best. Bending the facts at worst. God never said any such thing YOU did. stop adding to Gods word. If you said I THINK. BUT you are claiming it as a fact and total truth. But you are totally wrong and adding.

So, while I believe totally in healing...I do believe that every thing we do is "by the Spirit".

Yes me to.

I do not discount your calling. It does sound to me as if you do have the gift of faith and the gift of healing.

If I had the gift of healing in the way I know it can be but is very very rare. I would see every one healed.
All I have is faith in God to do what the bible says he will do if you believ Him. I did what the bible says nothing more. so you must think that every peson I passed this on to in my area al just so happen to have the gift of healing. You would think god had sense enough to spread it about a bit, why give me the gift and my dauters and my son and my wife and my freinds who all heard believed and then done what they were told. we live in a village of 1000 people. And 20 of us have the "Gift" Bit of a waste of resourses dont ya think. Whats the odds on that. actually tactically inept is what I would call it.

Wow did he just call God tactically inept Yes if you are correct.

I do not have that. I have prayed for people and seen them healed. But I do not have the gift..I have the Holy Spirit anointing that comes upon me from time to time. But it is not a gift that remains.

You do not have any scripture for that in any way shape or form, None.

About 3 years ago I listened to all 15 hours of Curry Blake's teaching...all our friends did too. So I do totally know where you are coming from. What you teach is what he taught.

And I listened to 1000 hours of Currys. And no where does He say what you are saying so why quote him unless you say he is wrong as well John G lake says what I am saying Curry says the same. You say you lisetned once to the DHT. I heard it three times one after the other 45 hrs, I take classes for it in a home group I got all of his teaching finance new man. DHT. I was in his skype groups. Your telling me you heard curry and John G lake and yet you are totaaly contrdciting them as well as me. None of then tell you its a gift only for some. You are the only one saying that out of the four of us.

I heard it, I witnessed to it, but I did not find that it worked for me every time...it's still very hit and miss.

As both John G lake taught as curry taught and as I teach. and as Paul taught we are growing up into Christ. It dowesnt work every time for me. Curry also never taugght about it coming and going that is unscriptural aswell in the NEW COVANANT. John G Lake never ever said that. These guys are world leaders and second to none but you are not telling the whole truth in regard to there teaching. They told you exactly what would happen.
I am also wondering why you are only now saying that you did infact lay hands on the sick and it only worked now and again.
Curry Blake, told you clearly that the only hinderence to healing is that You think ther is one.

That is why I believe God probably gave you the gift of faith.
We all have the measure of faith. the same faith that got you saved and that not of your self. Is enough to rasie the dead and do even greater things than Christ did. So God must have gave it to the twenty inmy village aswell. theres a village 40 miles away why could God not give then at least one who can lay hands on. Poor tactical decision from God.

I faith total faith in who God is, who Jesus is, what He has done, and the things He has shown to me.. I have faith, I do not have the "gift-of-faith."
No ones questioning your faith in God. What the question is why you are saying you dont have the gift even after saying you layed hands on the sick seen them healed and now you think because you dont have 100% record you dont have the "gift"

I think where you and I divide and disagree is on:-

1 Corinthians 12 on "the diversities of gifts..."
You say we should all be operating in the gifts all the time.

Not quite. I said all the gifts are available all the time. I said we could walk in them. So yes I could say we should be also.



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Part two Grace.
Now sword if that is true on your stand with healing..then tell me, do you always at all times operate in the gift of the word of wisdom; the word of knowledge ; faith , the working of miracles; prophecy; discerning of spirits; divers kinds of tongues; the interpretation of tongues????
I never went after anything else since I heard we could heal. I was talking to my daughter today saying I am thinking to go after what we were ALL told to desire and go after ernestly the word of knowleadge.
I do not see 100% of people healed. If I was pushed I would say 20 % But will I do as you say and say I dont have the gift it only now and again. I dont feel anything when I lay hands on the sick. If I do feel anything its alittle compasion nothing more.

If you tell me that not only healing, but all these other gifts also..flow through you at all times..then I will have to go back and get before the Lord and get Him to re-program my thinking.
If some one ever comes and tells you anything that means things could be better You should-
"get before the Lord and get Him to re-program my thinking". If you done that with this and gave Him a chance. But you only want to do that if I have every thing how selfish is that.

Because you can't tell us that - healing's should be happening in our lives all the time. So why aren't we doing it etc..

I am just started walking in healing.
Nad now you are saying I should be walking in every gift. At least I am still walking and growing in healing and never gave up on it. when s the last time you layed hands on a sick person on the street. Did you ever lay hands on the sick in the street?
And you have the neck to tell me I should be walking in what you never stuck at . You gave it up. I wont give it up. I will also be heading into a wrod of knowledge next.

yet you ignore the other gifts listed above. If "everyone " should be out there healing people...are you out there demonstrating all the other gifts too?
What gaul is in you. I know knothing of the other gifts I never looked at them yet. I think I am doing well doing what very very few are doing or stick at. But you want to say am a failure if I dont walk in them all. does it not show my heart when I am saying there all available. I went for healing what do you guys fancy, Thats how easy it is made for us.
Your trying to tell me to walk in what you are not . Unbelievable.

Like I say..this is where we differ...1 Corinthians 12 clearly shows that it is the Holy Spirit that gives the gift - " dividing to every man severally as He will."

And once again you have one scripture that superceeds God word as a whole.
Any thing You ask in my name I will give.
Nothing will be impossible for you.
You tell the mountain to move .

there are many more. You have one. But I guess Gods got it wrong again. Man he so dumb at this stuff contradicting himself all through the bible, shhh think He would get a clue. Who all thinks my fingers are gonna fall off just now lol.

Yet, I am in agreement with you , I do wish that we the church were more free flowing in ALL the gifts ...too many people are dying and in pain that need healing. We The Church have dropped the ball.
We have always believed in healing...our kids grew up believing in healing. Our youngest used to get terrible ear ache ...at two years old she would toddle over holding her ear and saying " ear, ear"...I would command the enemy to take a hike, and for her he healed in Jesus name. And off she went , happy as a lark...it always worked. Sometimes she would cry and hold her ear, before remembering healing..then come running over when she remembered. ( she wishes she could still receive healing as quickly now as she used to when small)

Its there for you now. He never changed. Your position did. Kids looked at you and saw it not working.
Get back to where you where. Got a little tear here now. Lovely song on the radio.

I do think that we should always be ready to be a channel for the Lord.

Because of Curry Blake...I DO know where you are in this...I just wish I could get it to work as easily for me as it does for ( him) and you. Lots of opportunities, but not so many successes!
I love John G. Lake and all his books, read them all. He taught me so much. ( can't wait to meet him in Glory! )
Sorry for annoying you.

It never stopped working You did come on. get back you never annouyed me.