Homosexuality Being Accepted And Embraced By Christians

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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
How old are you 5yo ?
People who think blacks are bad people ? come on ! that's total nonsense ! same with that poofters will rape you, is just stupid as ! or the Camps for such nonsense. All of what you just said is insanity.
Who has put such rubbish into your head ? extreme prejudice on your part to try and make such a totally short sighted narrow minded stupid claim.
I am sure you will find some who are as you say but would such represent even 1% ? so come on, be realistic.

Australia had internment camps as well, with very good reason in fact, as many of the Italians could not be trusted as they were major lovers of Italy and the Mafia idiocy that they hold in high regard in fact, such born in Italy were such idiots even into the 1990's over here and such lack of regard for Australia and Australian values totally, some however were fine. but the reasons were valid to the safety of our public, not to mention many of the Germans could not be trusted because they loved Hitler and or Germany more so than Australia in fact. not all but the ones born in Germany could be a real problem, they could not be trusted in fact, so over all the Australian Government did the correct thing and anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant and stupid.

My forefathers side who came to Australia came from The Hanover Empire but over a 100 years before Hitler came about, but they came here to become Australians and had nothing to do with the old country. so such as they were not interned, but such tell the story's of such as it was back in the days, that were passed on to me from a young age even by uncles and old relations' what was what in fact and not the childish halfwit BS that the School system like to play silly buggers with and nowadays, with all one sided nonsense and coming from stupid angles to pander to Socialist Marxist and all such dribble. as all they are doing is reading the line instructed to them to indoctrination ? not an education ! Big difference !

When I went to school I remember the teacher said on the subject that Hitler was a very bad man ? then went on with indoctrinating us ? It was not an education at all !
So most people have no real idea of the subject at all in depth, just like it is with all the baking up the wrong tree with regards to internment camps and issues with Blacks and Gays issues being bastardised, for some foolish one track deceptions being played out.
Not to mention that if one challenges the Line that is played out nowadays by Socialist etc one is regarded as a KKK or Racist or whatever label they can try to find, so as to undermine ones freedom of speech ! Because if we do have true freedom of speech, then the Socialist will be exposed for the cursed wretched cunning Devil's they truly are in fact.

The Devil's work to dupe you all, putting forward a half truth for playing the cards of a deception, but they hate to be exposed, they can not handle such. But if you try and expose a worthy Christian, such is like trying to expose Christ Jesus. because the more in depth one goes the truth is exposed, but they use deceptions and a bag of tricks, such as they used on Jesus !
Well said Reggie and agreed, this lady called me a Redneck, when I'm from Newark New Jersey, some people are just so far gone and brainwashed they make these stupid accusations. Then she puts me on ignore like I care, she did me a favor by doing so.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
What I post is based on facts John, not blind emotion. You can love your fellow man without loving what they do. I hate what God hates.
But we are not their judges and in no way am I saying that I support their lifestyle. Please read my response again and see what I actually said...rather than what you think I said.....OK?

I am not “standing up for homosexuality”....I said people had choices....God gives them those choices. We must too. If God hasn’t wiped them out, like he did with Sodom and Gomorrah, then he is allowing everyone to make their choices about their faith, their moral standards, and their reliance on an inept world under satan to correct the problems that he created, but that God is presently permitting for his own reasons. You know what “enough rope” means?

Please step back and see why God is letting these things define all people. if your emotions cloud your vision, you will never understand why our choices matter in these last days before Jehovah brings the curtain down on all of it permanently.

We are not under obligation to judge anyone but ourselves. Forcing people to do the right thing is not what God wants.....he wants willing obedience from the heart. Do you want to force people to do what they don’t want to do because you want power over them? There are many things that God hates about sinful human behaviour...homosexuality is only one of them.

We are all, at this juncture, being judged as either an obedient “sheep” or a a disobedient “goats”. There are no fences to sit on in this...we are all judged as either one or the other and no excuses will be accepted, “just like the days of Noah”. How far did God allow that world to go before he finished it? All those who perished in the flood were warned and made their choices. (Matthew 24:37-39)

We can tell people what God’s standards are, but Jesus never forced people to do as he said....he just told them the truth and allowed his audience to make their own choices. You cannot make that choice for them, and God did not appoint us as judges of anyone. We can just keep out of all of that (be NO part of the world) and use our energy to make sure that we are “doing the will of God” to the best of our ability, ourselves.....(Matthew 7:21-23)
I guess you are the better person Aunty Jane because I cannot.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Is that what I said? What is the primary purpose of sperm? It’s about respect for the sacredness of life, meant only to be actioned in a scriptural marriage arrangement. All sex outside of that arrangement is against God’s law.
You can “love” (agape) the sinner without loving what they do. Agape is love that one can offer to even an enemy....it basically means not hating them for any reason even if you hate their practices.

Our prime objective is not to support what God considers an “abomination” but to offer these ones an opportunity to take advantage of Christ’s sacrifice by sacrificing their own will to God’s. Yes, it’s a big ask.....but if God provides the will...there is a way.

How am I rejecting the command to ‘love my neighbor’? I will love them enough to tell them the good news that Jesus taught us to preach and if they want to know how they can personally benefit from Christ’s sacrifice, then some sacrifices on their own part will be necessary. It is up to them if they wish to make those sacrifices. No practicing homosexual can be a Christian because these acts are what break God’s law....not homosexuality itself. One cannot just turn off their sexual orientation, but they can adjust their actions and try to steer clear of temptation......like a diabetic might avoid the candy store.

I'll reply to only one part of your post: no practicing homosexual can be a Christian. That is total nonsense. One doesn't have to be entirely free of sin to be a Christian, otherwise nobody could be a Christian.

In case you're not aware, Christians are not under the law.

Are you sinless?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
Sin brings death, to be separated from God forever unless one repents, confesses and turns from their sin. Never ever did Jesus say to someone taken in sin, I forgive you , now carry on as you were before. NO, he said go AND SIN NO MORE!

So, let me get this correct, you know the truth, but you will not tell your homosexual friends the truth because you will not mention their lifestyle and do not acknowledge they are gay. (as you mentioned in your previous post).


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
So, let me get this correct, you know the truth, but you will not tell your homosexual friends the truth because you will not mention their lifestyle and do not acknowledge they are gay. (as you mentioned in your previous post).

No, they know what I stand on in Jesus vs sin,and they know HIS love when I speak with them. We do not sit around and discuss their lifestyle. They are not fearful of saying they are gay, but only the Holy Spirit can bring conviction. A person in sin has to realize sin seperates from God, and none of them claim to be Christians.

They have been told so why should I harp on them? Jesus came into contact with multitudes of ppl and yet he loved the worst of the worst not the self righteous!

Faith and changes come when hearing the word and it is God who gives the increase. Proverbs says a man that has friends must show himself friendly. Even the disciples had a sorcerer in their midst, Simon, whom Peter had to rebuke. What was Peter told when the sheet was let down before Him with all creepy, filthy animals the Jewish law forbade were there?

Yes it is abominable and God hates it, as do I, but he sent his Son that none perish, but that ALL SHOULD come to repentance.

Paul said the greatest thing we can profess as followers of Chris is love. It never fails,is not angery ,causes no disputes, sets out to hurt none. If this is your judgment against me then it is against God's word.

Ppl are living souls and as the sinner I once was we know it is sin NOT to love and serve God! My sins had me separated from God,did yours not ?
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
So, let me get this correct, you know the truth, but you will not tell your homosexual friends the truth because you will not mention their lifestyle and do not acknowledge they are gay. (as you mentioned in your previous post).

What makes you assume that homosexuals do not know the truth? Jesus said to love them as God's creation, not criticize their behavior. If you don't agree with this, why not go to your local bar and criticize the patrons for drinking?
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Where is the love of GOD when we can ignore and allow sin upon n
So, let me get this correct, you know the truth, but you will not tell your homosexual friends the truth because you will not mention their lifestyle and do not acknowledge they are gay. (as you mentioned in your previous post).
So, let me get this correct, you know the truth, but you will not tell your homosexual friends the truth because you will not mention their lifestyle and do not acknowledge they are gay. (as you mentioned i
WHERE is the LOVE of GOD when church folks can ignore , not correct one in error .
Why is the church so silent towards those who do enter its chambers and live in willfull sin .
IS this love or is this hate .
Lets see .
YE shall in no way hate your brethren in your heart , Ye shall REBUKE , CORRECT them and not allow sin upon them .
SO why is the church and why are so many in churches so silent about sin and specially PC SINS
ITS hate to do so . LOVE corrects . IT DONT SIT SILENT and watch members perish in sin .
IT DONT do that .
Truth is paul had LOVe . HE said any who does SIN you REBUKE before all that others may also fear .
Correct sin . YET today its SHHHHH , say nothing , dont judge .
What are we to do , Let them die in their sin . LET them believe they can serve SIN and CHRIST .
NO this generation IS TANKED . IF YOU LOVE YOU CORRECT PEROID and i will say that unto all .
Folks are too scared to correct anything , its why they so quickly bought the lie of HUSH and say nothing .
WE are to expose the sin and error in anyone who comes into our church and claims to be a believer .
WE dont let them just die in thier sin thinking they can have their sin and JESUS too . cause that is fairy tale created by satan .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
again it must be said , stated and asked , WHERE is the LOVE of GOD in remaining silent about sins that brethren are doing .
Thou shall not hate your brethren in your heart , you shall in any way rebuke and correct them and not allow sin upon them .
God corrects , Christ corrects and the apostels corrected . So why is that wrong to do today .
We are not to remain silent when those who are in sin are within those church walls .
Those who sin rebuke before all that others may fear . Or let it not once be named among you as becomes saints .
Where have the warnings went . RIGHT OUT the DOOR in favor of this lets just get along nonsense .
No its time for those who know the truth TO CORRECT the brethren in any error . ITS TIME to stand up and warn .
Its time to stop allowing leaven to leaven up the churches . its time to go back and learn the biblical pattern
on how to keep a church safe . And tis time to stop listening to these men who have no business leading the churches .
Learn Christ for yourselves , learn the apostels doctrine in that bible for yourselves and learn fast .
For if a church allows leaven , even a little leaven will leaven the place up . AND IT DOES and it has . REBUKE all sin
and do so quickly and teach sound biblical doctrine constantly .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
What makes you assume that homosexuals do not know the truth? Jesus said to love them as God's creation, not criticize their behavior. If you don't agree with this, why not go to your local bar and criticize the patrons for drinking?
Then it could also be said To the same man that paul had ousted out of the church .
NO , CORRECTION IS A DIRE NECESSITY . Dont you know a little leaven will leaven the whole place .
WHY do you think so many churches now EMBRACE homosexuality . CAUSE it wasnt corrected . In time
and those who were in that sin , LOVED that . They could sing with the church folks , pray with them
and in time The church saw them and that sin as just normal . NO sir , ALL SIN , ALL SIN must be corrected .
Not just homosexuality , but all sin . IF its found in the church , if folks support sin or they themselves are in sin
ITS GOTTA be corrected or else in time the church just accepts it as normal . JUST like they keep doing .
This generation would see paul as a monster . Paul who rebuked the church for even ALLOWING that man who had sinned
to remain in the church . If paul rebuked that man , WHAT do you think he would have said to churches that allow
men and women in SAME sex marriages . HE would have said OUT with them till they repent of such behavoir .
IF we are told to not even eat with brethren who are covetous , or fornicators , rest assured
men with men and women with women would have been on that same list .
This generation is hugging folks right to hell , cause it wont warn anyone that enters its chambers about sin .
Instead it just says at most , OH WELL ITS GODS JOB .
Rather odd though , IT SURE SEEMED GOD was working through the early church WHO DID CORRECT
so how come in this generation its seen as evil for those who are under the influence of GOD and that do warn to cease sin .
TIME to return to bibles and learn that pattern and stop overlooking certain sins . Correct those folks who enter your churches
And time to preach sound biblical doctrine which also helps to convict those who enter the churches .

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
again it must be said , stated and asked , WHERE is the LOVE of GOD in remaining silent about sins that brethren are doing .
Thou shall not hate your brethren in your heart , you shall in any way rebuke and correct them and not allow sin upon them .
God corrects , Christ corrects and the apostels corrected . So why is that wrong to do today .
We are not to remain silent when those who are in sin are within those church walls .
Those who sin rebuke before all that others may fear . Or let it not once be named among you as becomes saints .
Where have the warnings went . RIGHT OUT the DOOR in favor of this lets just get along nonsense .
No its time for those who know the truth TO CORRECT the brethren in any error . ITS TIME to stand up and warn .
Its time to stop allowing leaven to leaven up the churches . its time to go back and learn the biblical pattern
on how to keep a church safe . And tis time to stop listening to these men who have no business leading the churches .
Learn Christ for yourselves , learn the apostels doctrine in that bible for yourselves and learn fast .
For if a church allows leaven , even a little leaven will leaven the place up . AND IT DOES and it has . REBUKE all sin
and do so quickly and teach sound biblical doctrine constantly .

You said: you shall in any way rebuke and correct them and not allow sin upon them

Jesus said (in Luke 6:37), “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven."

I follow Jesus, not you!

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You said: you shall in any way rebuke and correct them and not allow sin upon them

Jesus said (in Luke 6:37), “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven."

I follow Jesus, not you!
We dont judge according to the letter of the law . You are taking what JESUs says out of total text my friend .
Even paul said to cast that man out and dont ye judge those WITHIN the church .
OUR judgment is not by the letter , meaning we dont kill them . But we do cast folks who refuse to cease from sin
OUT of the church and LET GOD judge those who are outside . THEREFORE put that man out .
Yall been sold a bill of false goods . You think JESUS meant not to correct sin and error and that is what he meant by Not to judge .
IF that was the case the apostels would have been guilty . cause they did correct they did put men or women who sinned
OUT of the church till they repented . STOP taking verses out of text and instead LEARN IT ALL , then it would come together for ya .
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
We dont judge according to the letter of the law . You are taking what JESUs says out of total text my friend .
Even paul said to cast that man out and dont ye judge those WITHIN the church .
OUR judgment is not by the letter , meaning we dont kill them . But we do cast folks who refuse to cease from sin
OUT of the church and LET GOD judge those who are outside . THEREFORE put that man out .
Yall been sold a bill of false goods . You think JESUS meant not to correct sin and error and that is what he meant by Not to judge .
IF that was the case the apostels would have been guilty . cause they did correct they did put men or women who sinned
OUT of the church till they repented . STOP taking verses out of text and instead LEARN IT ALL , then it would come together for ya .

So you're limiting your judgement of others to those within the church only? Fine. So you agree that homosexuals outside the church are not to be judged by Christians, correct?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
again it must be said , stated and asked , WHERE is the LOVE of GOD in remaining silent about sins that brethren are doing .
Thou shall not hate your brethren in your heart , you shall in any way rebuke and correct them and not allow sin upon them .
God corrects , Christ corrects and the apostels corrected . So why is that wrong to do today .
We are not to remain silent when those who are in sin are within those church walls .
Those who sin rebuke before all that others may fear . Or let it not once be named among you as becomes saints .
Where have the warnings went . RIGHT OUT the DOOR in favor of this lets just get along nonsense .
No its time for those who know the truth TO CORRECT the brethren in any error . ITS TIME to stand up and warn .
Its time to stop allowing leaven to leaven up the churches . its time to go back and learn the biblical pattern
on how to keep a church safe . And tis time to stop listening to these men who have no business leading the churches .
Learn Christ for yourselves , learn the apostels doctrine in that bible for yourselves and learn fast .
For if a church allows leaven , even a little leaven will leaven the place up . AND IT DOES and it has . REBUKE all sin
and do so quickly and teach sound biblical doctrine constantly .

The ones I speak of do not attend church. Yes to correct and rebuke is an order in the congregations. If a church welcomes and establishes such sinners into a position in the church w/o repentance and fruit to show they have turned to God FROM their sin well then, I'd say that building is a den of the devil !


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
We dont judge according to the letter of the law . You are taking what JESUs says out of total text my friend .
Even paul said to cast that man out and dont ye judge those WITHIN the church .
OUR judgment is not by the letter , meaning we dont kill them . But we do cast folks who refuse to cease from sin
OUT of the church and LET GOD judge those who are outside . THEREFORE put that man out .
Yall been sold a bill of false goods . You think JESUS meant not to correct sin and error and that is what he meant by Not to judge .
IF that was the case the apostels would have been guilty . cause they did correct they did put men or women who sinned
OUT of the church till they repented . STOP taking verses out of text and instead LEARN IT ALL , then it would come together for ya .

Luke 6:37 ( Cxt 34-40)

Jesus speaks on how to treat ppl in this scriptural context. First he tells if we lend to receive what thanks have we for so do sinners to sinners.
We are SUPPOSED TO LOVE OUR ENEMIES and do good not hoping to gain anything from it.
As children of the Highest he states for he is kind to the evil and unthankful.
If we wish to OBTAIN we must be as merciful as our Father is for we CANNOT outgive God !

To walk correctly before the throne we must SUBMIT to be perfect ( MATURE) as Christ being our Master is !


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
The Bible says to love our neighbor. Part of the story is Luke 10:29, "But the expert, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” " That message is quite clear to me. If you can't love all your neighbors, including LGBTQs, then your not really a Christian.

That doesn't mean you love the practice of sexual immorality, which includes homosexuality. Jesus Christ said that we are to love our enemies. Well when it comes to a person who murders people I'm to love that person who has murdered someone, but I'm not to love the act of him murdering someone. It's the same with LGBTQ's, I'm to love those people yes, but not what they practice, which is sexual immorality. I will continue to speak out against sexual immorality even to LGBTQ's.

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
That doesn't mean you love the practice of sexual immorality, which includes homosexuality. Jesus Christ said that we are to love our enemies. Well when it comes to a person who murders people I'm to love that person who has murdered someone, but I'm not to love the act of him murdering someone. It's the same with LGBTQ's, I'm to love those people yes, but not what they practice, which is sexual immorality. I will continue to speak out against sexual immorality even to LGBTQ's.
Well said.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
That doesn't mean you love the practice of sexual immorality, which includes homosexuality. Jesus Christ said that we are to love our enemies. Well when it comes to a person who murders people I'm to love that person who has murdered someone, but I'm not to love the act of him murdering someone. It's the same with LGBTQ's, I'm to love those people yes, but not what they practice, which is sexual immorality. I will continue to speak out against sexual immorality even to LGBTQ's.
I’m sorry I don’t agree that calls for the Death penalty.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I guess you are the better person Aunty Jane because I cannot.
What is it that you “cannot” do John? Jesus did not go around condemning people even though he hated sin because of how it offended his Father....but he came to save sinners of all sorts. He didn’t judge them as unworthy of his attention, but saw them as “sheep without a shepherd” and wanted them to change their ways and live. He gave them that opportunity.

Have you thought of praying for a more Christ-like attitude towards these people? Remember that the apostle Paul said “that is what some of you WERE”, (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) referring to various forms of sin that had entrapped people...including homosexuality. We are not asked to approve of their lifestyle, but to see them as someone who could be rescued from something that afflicts them like any other form of sin.
Ask yourself how you would feel if your natural sexual desire was directed towards other males and you couldn’t help it. No matter how much you wanted it not to, your hormones moved you to be attracted to males instead of females. It’s about trying to put yourself in the other person’s shoes....would you like people to condemn you for something that felt natural even though it wasn’t?

You cannot allow your disgust for their lifestyle to treat them as sub-human.....not every homosexual is a rainbow flag waving drag queen. We can separate ourselves from their lifestyle without condemning the person. We do not know how God views that person.....and we have no right to judge them. View them as Christ does....as potential brothers and sisters. We do not know their heart.
There is a difference between “can’t” and “won”t”......


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
I’m sorry I don’t agree that calls for the Death penalty.

The divine principle is the same. God doesn't change. When God was in a covenant relationship with Israel both the murderer, and the ones practicing homosexuality, when discovered practicing homosexuality, we're put to death. It's man's principles that changes not God's divine principle's.
Those who practices murdering people and who doesn't change and those who practices homosexuality who doesn't change will not inherit God's kingdom, meaning they both will be lost for eternity if they don't change.
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