Homosexuality Being Accepted And Embraced By Christians

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
United States
Jesus said there are two commandments that must be followed: 1) Love God and 2) love your neighbor. I don't see anything there that justifies hating another person regardless of the sexual preference.
Let us look at the O.P. closer

“Neither give place to the devil.”

Ephesians 4:27 Context

24And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. 25Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. 26Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27Neither give place to the devil. 28Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. 29Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Five Biblical Reasons Homosexuality is Worse than Most Other Sins
December 21, 2018 News Division

All sins are the same! Yeah, about that. No, they’re not.

This myth, that “all sins are equal,” is one born out of ignorance of the Bible. And the myth has found legs in recent days, as evangelical Christians have shied away from prophetically pronouncing the wickedness of sodomy.

Christians are, whether we like it or not, susceptible to the current zeitgeist of public opinion. The struggle for Bible believers is that we act more like children of God than children of our age. The Bible is clear that homosexuality is an especially wicked sin that especially highlights human depravity and it’s a sin that God especially hates.

The myth – that all sins are equal – probably came from a misunderstanding of hamartiology, or the study of sin. Differing sins are only the same in one way, and that is the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). All sin, no matter how “serious” or how seemingly “trivial” (operative word: seemingly) will result in eternal, conscious torment without propitiation being made on behalf of the sinner. In that sense, and in that sense only, are all sins the same.

However, there are varying degrees of sin and homosexuality is near the top of the list of the most egregious. Here are five reasons why.

5. Homosexuality is used by Scripture repeatedly to demonstrate the depths of human depravity.
When the Holy Spirit inspired the Scripture, and when He was describing the depths of human sinfulness, he went straight to the topic of homosexuality to describe exactly how bad human beings could be.

Consider Romans 1:

21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:21-26)

While the occasional “gay penguin” or hyper-sexual monkeys give homosexuals hope that their deviancy is found in “nature,” they can’t make the comparison without comparing themselves to animals. But it’s not only that most in the animal kingdom know better than to engage in sodomy, even pagan human cultures know better.

While sodomy is currently a fad in Western Europe and the United States, historically, sodomy has been outlawed as dangerous and deviant. And even in the year 2018, places that once tolerated homosexuality, like in Eastern Europe, are restricting public displays of the behavior because they recognize it as being unnatural and unhealthy. In other cultures, particularly more primal cultures who have a closer connection to the Earth, homosexuality has always been, and remains forbidden. The Bible is clear that homosexuality is contrary to nature (Romans 1:26) and therefore even those without special revelation should know better.

3. Homosexuality is a worse sin than most sins because God made it a capital offense.
To be clear, we are no longer under the civil code given to Israel in the Old Testament. However, the “General Equity” – that which is moral and universal within those laws – still applies. And the Mosaic penology is a part of the Scripture that is “inspired and profitable” for us (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

While the Christian Church doesn’t apply the Mosaic penology (nor is it in the position to, because it is not the State), the penalties ascribed by God in the Old Testament explain to us how much God hates that particular sin.

Some sins did not require the penalty of (physical) death. Some sins did require the penalty of death. If you want to know how much God hates a particular sin, look at the punishment ascribed to it in the Mosaic Covenant.

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. – Leviticus 20:13

There are other sexual capital offenses in the Bible, and they include rape, parent-on-child incest, and bestiality. In that it brings death, which not all sins did, it’s safe to say God really hates homosexuality.

2. Homosexuality is worse than most sins because it uniquely demands to be celebrated.
There’s a whole list of sins (all of them capital offenses under the Old Covenant) from which Christians can be fully redeemed, and homosexuality is but one of them.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. – 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

However, of this list of sins, only one today has people convinced that it must be defended, accepted, and even celebrated.

There are no “adultery pride” parades. There are no “stealing pride” parades. There are no “swindling pride” parades. However, there are gay pride parades. Homosexuals demand people celebrate their deviancy. In this sense, homosexulaity is uniquely wicked.

Interestingly enough, the demanding nature of homosexuality is actually eluded to in Romans 1.

32 Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

1. Homosexuality is worse than most other sins because of the temporal trauma and punishment that it causes.
Romans 1 has this interesting phrase:

…and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.(Romans 1:27)

This alone shows the depravity of the homosexual, in that what ought to be seen as the worst punishment – being sodomized – is found to be pleasurable. It should be taken as a great punishment to be avoided!

But with homosexuality comes not only trauma due to unnatural sexual penetration, but the heightened risk for AIDS and communicable diseases of all kinds. The average homosexual suffers an extremely higher risk of disease and illness than heterosexuals, even accounting for heterosexuals engaged in promiscuity and polyamory.

To be very clear, no sin is unforgiveable. All sins, without propitation in Jesus’ blood, lead to an eternal hell. However, some sins are worse than others.

And, some punishments are worse than others. Even Jesus verified this, when he said that some would face “harsher judgment” (Matthew 23:14). Hell is aready hell, so how could it be worse for some than others?

Love, Walter


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
I am thankful that I am not a member of your congregation. We are supposed to love our neighbor as ourself. I'm certain that not everyone who comes to your church is completely sinless, so whom else do you exclude?

The scriptures show a person has to repent of the sins they're practicing and begin practicing the True God standards. You can't remain a practicing homosexual if you wish to be one of the True God's servant and be in his kingdom.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
No one is disagreeing with you on this point, but you failed to answer my questions! Should we ignore the other things which are abominations to God because they may not seem so bad to us as homosexual sins?

"For the wages of sin is death..." Rom 6:23

Would not the wages for all sins abominable to God also be death?

If we need to cast one homosexual sinner out, what about the sowers of discord among the brethren, or the proud, or the liars? Should we not throw them all out retaining only those who no longer sin at all. What an empty house but clean house of God we would have then...

Help us dear Lord!

I don't know if the other sins require death in the Bible, but homosexuality does as does if a son sleeps with his mother, the father's wife.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Jesus said there are two commandments that must be followed: 1) Love God and 2) love your neighbor. I don't see anything there that justifies hating another person regardless of the sexual preference.
It's not hate, the book of Leviticus says death be put on a homosexual, not love him or her.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
So, would you be the one who throws that first stone, with obvious glee I would imagine?
No I would not as it would be against today's law, today murderer's, rapist and pedophiles go free, it the law of Satan.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Actually the death sentence for breaking a commandment of the law covenant applied only to the nation of Israel. The law covenant when given by YHWH God, was given only to the nation of Israel. YHWH God didn't give it to Israel and the Gentile nations. So when the law covenant was done away with all the death penalties of the law covenant were done away with. In the Christian congregation Christians are disfellowshipped from the congregation when a Christian is unrepentant regarding a sin a Christian is practicing. You don't put people in prison or put them to death when found out a Christian is practicing a sin. You disfellowshipped them if found guilty.
We don't have to be Jews to believe in God or abide by his laws, it's why us Gentiles became Christians along with the first Christians who were Jews.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Banished ! for bastardising or promoting Godless things. Wrong is wrong regardless. 2 wrongs do not make a right.
Jesus never did away with the Law in fact, remember that !
The NT is the same Religion as the OT Religion, just that the egg has hatched one could say, It became of Age, Matured one could say, into it's true being.

Anyone claiming Jews and Christians is a idiot nowadays, there are no Jews ! Only an Atheist could make such stupid claims !
Under Christianity their is no Jew or Geek ? because all are the same under Grace ?

Now if one claims Jews and Christians one is not a Christian in fact.
The Jews of today are not Jews of the OT, they are not worthy of the OT Jews in fact. not to mention they are not worthy of God ! remember who came to Jesus Christ first ? well they were the worthy Jews, they were worthy of Israel ! = Gods people ? They were Jesus disciples ! They were called Christians. Now the Goyim only came in later, due to Grace.
Christianity has all of the OT ! such is the Blueprint of the NT ! Christianity did not just disregard the OT at all, and make up a new Religion, it came to Light ! before that it was in darkness ! But the Disciples seen the Light in fact, No stupid Goyim was involved up to that point.

The Goyim were stupid in regards to the OT ? They had no regards to such and not to mention the majority of Jews were mislead as Jesus talks about ? remember all of what Jesus was saying, he was pointing out that they were of their Father the Devil ? Remember the Vineyard ? who killed all of Gods Prophets ? remember who crept in unawares ! So who was undermining the Jews ? it was from within ! leading them astray ! The same thing is of today, regardless of who one is, but it's Sin ! such people are all under the curse of Sin ! and Jesus pointed out that he is not of this world ! why ? well because he said this world is full of delusions and deceptions, but he had his own world = the Kingdom of God !
Now Jesus Disciples came into the Kingdom of God ! for they were worthy of such once Jesus went to Heaven ! and bingo the Lights went on, they were Saved ! Born again ! Hallelujah !

There is only one continuous line from the beginning and not two lines. Now some are broken off and some have been grafted in. but at the end of the day you must be truly born again ! and if one is not you are not worthy Israel. Israel means Servant of God. who else serves God ? no one but they who are worthy of Jesus Christ. The so called Jews of today are not worthy, nor are any Islamic trash, for all outside of Jesus Christ are of Mans works religion, they are all about this world ! Not the Kingdom of God ! the same goes for all the un Saved claiming to know Jesus,

Actually, I follow the command to love our neighbor, not judge them. Your condemnation of those whom God loves speaks volumes.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
We don't have to be Jews to believe in God or abide by his laws, it's why us Gentiles became Christians along with the first Christians who were Jews.

I was simply saying we don't put people to death because they don't live by the true God standards. People are always mentioning how homosexuals should be put to death because God said that in the law covenant. But the law covenant also said that anyone who was an adulterer is to be put to death too but it's only the homosexuals people mention who should be put to death. In fact when it comes to the law covenant many of the sins people were found guilty of merited the death sentence. We don't kill people because they don't live by God's righteous standards.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I don't know if the other sins require death in the Bible, but homosexuality does as does if a son sleeps with his mother, the father's wife.
Read the verse I already quoted, Romans 6:23. Then also consider these verses:

"All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death." I John 5:17

"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come" Matt 12:31-32

Things are not always as simple or clear-cut as we may believe, especially not when it comes what God requires of us. Judgement is certainly His. When and if we know all that God knows about every person, then we along with Him are qualified to pass judgement on other people.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
It's not hate, the book of Leviticus says death be put on a homosexual, not love him or her.

What I see about people who say that homosexuals should be put to death is that they're always mentioning that the law covenant is saying that those who practice homosexuality are to be put to death, which is true, but the law covenant also say that those who sleep with their mother who's their father wife is to be put to death too which was what was going on in the Corinthians congregation 1corinthians 5:1-13. Paul didn't say to put the man to death. God is the one who inspired Paul to handle matters the way he did. The law covenant let's us know that if a Jew who was married was carrying on in an affair with another woman he and she were to be put to death if found guilty. Many people who say they're christians have had affairs but I hear no one say they should be put to death. It's only mentioned that homosexuals should be put to death by people who say they're christians.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Actually, I follow the command to love our neighbor, not judge them. Your condemnation of those whom God loves speaks volumes.
God hates the Sin ! and so do I reflect that point, from the true mature position of Love our neighbour.
Those who God loves, Bible points out who he Loved. and why was that ?

Now for the narrow gate story remember ?
Or the fact that Jesus said that he never knew them, who claimed to Serve him ?
What about the millstone story, bro.

What about we all just lay about, don't bother to study the Bible nor bother with your Children to pull them into line. what do they call it ? tuff love, or constructive criticism. That's true Love is it not. why would on do that, well it's because they truly have love for that person ! but what if one just did not bother, oh I would not want to come the heavy or maybe so and so will not like me ? Well they will not respect you if you don't lay it down.

you) Hey child you are coming to Church ! child) says no I don't want to.
You) Why not ! child) I never learnt anything at that Church the Preacher is trash, he does not follow the Bible with true regards. You) ? what would you say ?


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
What I see about people who say that homosexuals should be put to death is that they're always mentioning that the law covenant is saying that those who practice homosexuality are to be put to death, which is true, but the law covenant also say that those who sleep with their mother who's their father wife is to be put to death too which was what was going on in the Corinthians congregation 1corinthians 5:1-13. Paul didn't say to put the man to death. God is the one who inspired Paul to handle matters the way he did. The law covenant let's us know that if a Jew who was married was carrying on in an affair with another woman he and she were to be put to death if found guilty. Many people who say they're christians have had affairs but I hear no one say they should be put to death. It's only mentioned that homosexuals should be put to death by people who say they're christians.
I said in another post that a man who sleeps with his mother ought to be put to death, and any other law broken that requires death in the Bible, did you not read my post?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I said in another post that a man who sleeps with his mother ought to be put to death, and any other law broken that requires death in the Bible, did you not read my post?

Yeah, we should just line them all up and put a bullet in the back of their heads, they don't matter, their not real people, just abominations! Or, why not just do what Islam does and toss them over a rocky cliff :) Wouldn't THAT be fun! Yeah, let us all kill them where we see them! There are not yet quite enough suicides by their own hands so, we really should be good Christians and help them out so the world will be rid of those filthy, disgusting, useless pieces of crap. But, we can go ahead and ignore ALL the re-married "Christians" because after all, at least it's the right gender. Yes, you are right, gays of all stripes should be stoned... in front of the Capitol in Washington, and everyone can watch and cheer on! Oh "happy day"! :D :D :D :D Kill them ALL!!!!! Maybe their blood is green or something, cool! I mean, they CAN'T be made in God's own image :eek: oh no, they were designed for hell so maybe we should just leave all that up to God, too much work for us , whew!


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Yeah, we should just line them all up and put a bullet in the back of their heads, they don't matter, their not real people, just abominations! Or, why not just do what Islam does and toss them over a rocky cliff :) Wouldn't THAT be fun! Yeah, let us all kill them where we see them! There are not yet quite enough suicides by their own hands so, we really should be good Christians and help them out so the world will be rid of those filthy, disgusting, useless pieces of crap. But, we can go ahead and ignore ALL the re-married "Christians" because after all, at least it's the right gender. Yes, you are right, gays of all stripes should be stoned... in front of the Capitol in Washington, and everyone can watch and cheer on! Oh "happy day"! :D :D :D :D Kill them ALL!!!!! Maybe their blood is green or something, cool! I mean, they CAN'T be made in God's own image :eek: oh no, they were designed for hell so maybe we should just leave all that up to God, too much work for us , whew!
Please don’t put words in my mouth Nancy, I never said or implied that, but you gotta admit at least the Muslims abide by the rules in their book concerning homosexuality and adultery.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
I said in another post that a man who sleeps with his mother ought to be put to death, and any other law broken that requires death in the Bible, did you not read my post?

In the scriptures the Apostle Paul was inspired to write to the Corinthian Congregation. One of the things the Apostle Paul was dealing with was a Christian man in the Corinthian Congregation was practicing sexual immorality with his father's wife. Since God is the one that inspired Paul to write to the Corinthian Congregation he had God's Holy Spirit backing on how the Apostle Paul handled that situation and at no time did the Apostle Paul say to have that person put to death. The Christian man was disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation because he was unrepentant of what he was doing.
In our day many who say they're christians who are married have had affairs, a woman cheating on her husband and a husband cheating on his wife. At no time were fellow Christians saying these Christian men or women who were cheating on their spouses are to be put to death for what they were doing.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
In the scriptures the Apostle Paul was inspired to write to the Corinthian Congregation. One of the things the Apostle Paul was dealing with was a Christian man in the Corinthian Congregation was practicing sexual immorality with his father's wife. Since God is the one that inspired Paul to write to the Corinthian Congregation he had God's Holy Spirit backing on how the Apostle Paul handled that situation and at no time did the Apostle Paul say to have that person put to death. The Christian man was disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation because he was unrepentant of what he was doing.
In our day many who say they're christians who are married have had affairs, a woman cheating on her husband and a husband cheating on his wife. At no time were fellow Christians saying these Christian men or women who were cheating on their spouses are to be put to death for what they were doing.
I have never had an affair, and I do believe people who commit incest should be put to death even if it’s consensual.

Paul was wrong in sparing that man especially if he was unrepentant.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
I have never had an affair, and I do believe people who commit incest sho be put to death even if it’s consensual.

Paul was wrong in sparing that man especially if he was unrepentant.

As I said the Apostle Paul had God's Holy Spirit backing on how he handled this situation in the Corinthian Congregation. So you Judging the Apostle is you judging God. That's what I see about you. That's you being all about hate JohnPaul.

Like I said the Apostle Paul disfellowshipped this man from the Corinthian Congregation because he was unrepentant for what he was doing and because of disfellowshipping this Christian man this person later became repentant and was accepted back into the congregation. Disfellowshipping a Christian is a loving act that hopefully will cause the person to become repentant and stop practicing the sin he/she was disfellowshipped for. So although when found guilty of this sin and the man wasn't repentant at first but when disfellowshipped he did eventually become repentant.
Any Christian who practices such sins as any form of sexual immorality, or practicing worshipping an idol, or those who are revilers, or extortioners, those who practice spiritism, those who are guilty of apostasy their fellow Christian brothers and sisters are not to associate with these who are baptized members of the congregation and are guilty of practicing these sins. No one is said to be put to death.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
As I said the Apostle Paul had God's Holy Spirit backing on how he handled this situation in the Corinthian Congregation. So you Judging the Apostle is you judging God. That's what I see about you. That's you being all about hate JohnPaul.

Like I said the Apostle Paul disfellowshipped this man from the Corinthian Congregation because he was unrepentant for what he was doing and because of disfellowshipping this Christian man this person later became repentant and was accepted back into the congregation. Disfellowshipping a Christian is a loving act that hopefully will cause the person to become repentant and stop practicing the sin he/she was disfellowshipped for. So although when found guilty of this sin and the man wasn't repentant at first but when disfellowshipped he did eventually become repentant.
Any Christian who practices such sins as any form of sexual immorality, or practicing worshipping an idol, or those who are revilers, or extortioners, those who practice spiritism, those who are guilty of apostasy their fellow Christian brothers and sisters are not to associate with these who are baptized members of the congregation and are guilty of practicing these sins. No one is said to be put to death.
No I'm not about hate at all, I just don't like all these rainbow flags being hung on the buildings of so called churches, fake churches that are in it just for the money.

I don't care what you think of me, or what Bible verses you post on here regarding gays, perhaps you are a homosexual sympathizer, and no I'm not judging God just being in accordance with his law. I will never be accepting of homosexuality or incest, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.

Perhaps you and all the other homosexual sympathizers, are also for forgiving the above mentioned perpetrators, I'm not I still believe in the Death penalty, though the liberal democrat did away with it in my state and it hasn't been reinstated since even when a republican was in office.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
John Paul said:
I don't care what you think of me, or what Bible verses you post on here regarding gays, perhaps you are a homosexual sympathizer, and no I'm not judging God just being in accordance with his law. I will never be accepting of homosexuality or incest, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.
You said in post #237 Paul was wrong in sparing that man especially if he was unrepentant.
I didn't say Paul spared this man from punishment, I told you that Paul who had the backing of God's Holy Spirit told the Corinthian congregation to disfellowship this man which is what the Corinthian congregation did. Paul didn't tell the congregation to have this man put to death. Having this man disfellowshipped instead of having him put to death isn't sparing him from discipline or punishment. The apostle Paul wasn't wrong in how he handle this situation in the Corinthian congregation. He told them that Christian brothers and sisters who practice such things as: any form of sexual immorality, greediness, practicing idolatry, or being a reviler, being a drunkard or a extortioner not to associate with such people not to even eat a meal with them.(1 Corinthians 5:1-13) In other words disfellowship such unrepentant spiritual brothers and sisters. Again God when he inspired Paul to write 1 Corinthians regarding spiritual brothers and sisters who are practicing these sins and are unrepentant to disassociate themselves from these people, not to put them to death. Disfellowshipping such people isn't sparing them, it's discipline such people with the discipline of God from his scriptures.

John Paul said:
I will never be accepting of homosexuality or incest, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.
The fact that the Apostle Paul said to disfellowship spiritual brothers and sisters who are practicing such things you listed above and are unrepentant shows that such things will not be accepted in the congregation. But as I said that those who are spiritual brothers and sisters who are practicing the things you listed above are to be disfellowshipped not to be put to death. It's not being a sympathizer for obeying the scriptures and disfellowshipping such people who are practicing these things you listed.
When it comes to the things you listed that you said you wouldn't accept, you're not supposed to accept. It's those things such as homosexuality or any form of sexual immorality and murder, these things you should hate.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
John Paul said:
I don't care what you think of me, or what Bible verses you post on here regarding gays, perhaps you are a homosexual sympathizer, and no I'm not judging God just being in accordance with his law. I will never be accepting of homosexuality or incest, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.
You have your beliefs I have mine.
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