How did Paganism get into the church?

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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
The Garbage Heap:


Bottom of the Sewer:


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Here is the deal….
Keeping things in perspective and the real.
First off….the term Pagan as a person that worships other gods and or have heathen Pagan rituals is actually a more modern term.

Its connections are to the Latin period derived from the Latin word paganus, meaning villager, rustic, civilian, and itself comes from a pāgus which refers to a small unit of land in a rural district. It was a demeaning Latin term (like the word hick), that originally lacked a religious significance.

Pagan as a word defining people that worships other gods or have heathen rituals comes in to use during the witch-hunts around the 13th century.

But I am going to use the word Pagan as in people that that worships other gods or have heathen rituals. And the word Gentile for Pagans that had converted to Christianity.

To set the stage….
The Jews made up around 2% of the populous in the Middle East and during the New Testament the Christians made up a fraction of that….The rest of the known world were Pagans. Paganism was the culture of the Middle East and at that time Christianity was a small religion that was seen as a threat to Paganism because it seeked to convert Pagans to Christianity. Ergo the Christian persecutions. Jews not so much because they really had no interest in converting Pagans.

Paganism was not an organized religion as we know it. Different regions in all directions worshiped a pantheon of gods and goddesses, with different rituals and holy days.

Then Paul’s ministry to the Pagans happens. Why was Christianity appealing to the Pagans?
Mainly a close relationship to God.
The Pagans were use to a religion with more than one God…ie Yahweh, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit so this was familiar to them
In their religions they were familiar with a god impregnating a woman and she delivering a god.
And they liked the idea of the soul having eternal life and going to Heaven.
Morality was seen as path to a more kinder and fairer society.

So the Apostle Paul’s ministry was about converting the Pagans to Christianity. And the process changed their religious beliefs in so as they did not worship Pagans gods and began worshipping Yahweh and Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit. BUT they did not stop all their customs and holy days which was mostly seasonal and in some cases they Christianized their holy days and celebrations. We see a lot of this in how Christians celebrate the winter solstice around Christmas in different countries today. So Christianity had Gentile-Christians that had Pagan “like” customs. Long before Emperor Constantine and the Ecumenical councils Christianity had Pagan aspects.

So eventually the Jewish-Christian sect dies out or has no appearance in history….No Jewish-Christian writings after the 1st century and the Gentiles-Christians take the helm of the Church.

All of the Christians that met with Emperor Constantine in Nicaea were Gentile-Christians. And when Christianity merged with Rome …..becoming the state religion…..and established the Roman Catholic Church….the Romans had customs and holidays and not all Romans were Christians so Constantine schedule these holidays to occur on the same day so that the empire was not being shutdown so often for religious holidays.

And some of the Roman customs made it into Christian customs, the best known was the wedding ceremony as a voluntary ceremony. Christianity would not make a wedding ceremony a requirement until the middle of the 16th century and that was done by the Protestants. The Catholic Church done away with polygamy and concubinage and arranged marriages where the wife was purchased around the 13th century. Because the custom of wedding ceremonies originated from the Pagans, most modern Christian wedding ceremonies have Pagan rituals and customs embedded in them.

Today some Christians will object to certain Pagan aspects in Christianity but that is the evolution of Christianity and we are Gentile-Christians.

What is the alternative? You can be a Jehovah’s Witness and consider Yeshua just a man and go back to worshipping just one God and get rid of the Christian holidays as they do. And get rid of the wedding ceremonies. Most are not going to do that…..Gentile Christianity is the Church that survived.
The thing is they didnt just 'evolve' the Pagan rituals and customs, and idols, they took them whole cloth and just renamed them to try to hide their origin. Here is a interesting read..



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
The thing is they didnt just 'evolve' the Pagan rituals and customs, and idols, they took them whole cloth and just renamed them to try to hide their origin. Here is a interesting read..

Take it step by step…..historically. This is a Gentile-Christian community, from the 2nd century on. Before the Edict of Milan Christians are worshipping in hiding. Congregations are meeting in private homes …. catacombs … out in the woods…..There is no political correctness here, people are saying what they think. It does not matter where they are gathering they are all former Pagans that converted to Christianity. Look through the early Christian writings and you are not going to see a lot of objections to regional customs in Christian congregations.

It not until the Protestant reform that you had people that wanted to prove themselves holier than thou. Basically holier than the Catholic Church. And there is no reason for this…..The history of the Catholic Church was so horrid, that they needed to prove nothing.

But they felt that way anyway…..So they focused on the customs of Christianity….They also started developing man-made sins…I am holier than thou because I do not drink…. I am holier than thou because I do not smoke…. I am holier than thou because I do not dance…. I am holier than thou because I do not gamble. It is all driven by the desire to look good in the eyes of Man and edify themselves and have ammunition to condemn others. Because it is not biblical.

They adopted the wedding ceremonies as a requirement for marriage and that is funny. Of all the customs we have, there are more Pagan customs and rituals in the average Christian wedding ceremony than anything we do….wedding ceremonies are strictly from Pagan cultures. I love weddings.

So what do we have left? Easter….the holiday celebrating the resurrection of Christ. They can object to the Ecumenical Councils and Constantine combining the holiday with the holiday of the spring Goddess…I can kind of see that, so do not celebrate Easter, simple as that. I am sure that there are denominations and churches that ignore Easter, but I have never seen one. Of course they are celebrating the story of Christ and His resurrection. I was one of the people fanning the palm leafs in a church play this last Easter. Helped with moving the props around and cleanup. But no one is going to twist your are arm to celebrate Easter. And you can tell your kids and grand kids why you do not hide Easter eggs. Your choice. I love Easter Sunrise vigils.

What is left? You can look at the custom of Christmas….the tree…the Yule log….and decorations and giving presents….Santa Claus LOL….If you look at the time line for these customs they start to develop around the time of the Protestant reform. Pagans and Jews ritually slaughtered and sacrificed animals during the holidays, put we do not do that. We don’t have people dancing naked around a fire at night for Easter or Christmas. Evergreens has always been a symbol of hope for winter to end….and Gentile-Christians have always followed those customs in different ways, because of the customs of their regions.

But we did stop selling our daughters as sex slave on holidays. LOL
As far as I am concerned that was worse than Pagan.

Halloween!!! I can understand someone taking exception to this, to an extent. Pagan religions….of different kinds….all over the world have always had holidays for honoring the dead. Christianity took that custom and had fun with it, but if someone does not want to participate with Halloween I can understand that. And I can understand issues with the All Saints Day side of it, but a lot of it is about recognizing the martyrs.

A few years back I participate in a church organized Hell House which demonstrated the evils of sin and the ramifications and the temptations of the Devil. Great stuff.

You have heard the saying…..It is better to keep your mouth shut and people think you are ignorant, than open it and remove all doubt. Here is the deal, if you have something specific "religiously" that you think Christians are doing that is really Pagan….research it so you know what your are talking about.

So what I am getting at here is that you just can't say…..Pagans have been gathering around a table and eating meat and praying for thousands of years so what Christianity is doing is Pagan! It has to have an intentional purpose to point to Paganism.
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Jan 24, 2024
United States
In the early part of the fourth century the emperor Constantine as part his merging of paganism with the church had issued a decree making Sunday a public festival throughout the Roman Empire
I am convinced he was the horseman Revelation 6:2. He broke ground for the greatest entrance of paganism into the faith (i.e. Roman Catholicism). A hijacking that even most Protestantism reflects to this very day.

SUN worship is still SUN day worship.
Incorrectly dividing the word of truth to this day (Hebrews 9:16-17 puts the division between Old and New Testaments on the cross of Christ not between Malachi 4 and Matthew 1).

Jesus warned against the traditions of man nullifying the word of God (Mark 7:13) and making even the worship of him in vain (Mark 7:7). I fears too many deceived people will be shocked come judgment day:

Matthew 7:21–23 (KJV)
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
How did the rot get into the Jewish religion ? well Bible says, they crept in unawares !

Same with in Christianity, people are not aware that they have no real true regard for Christ Jesus in fact, so they are only on about religious nonsense, as if that was a cure ? Morons !

You must be trult born again ! then one will understand the possition of Christ Jesus and serve him and not this world, that he said was full of deceptions and delusions !

The problem is the deceptions and delusions in fact, for the workings of the Devil are it's power base ! once one understands that reality then you are in the Kingdom of God ! = Saved !
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
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United States
“I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”

(Acts 20:29, CSB)

”I know that after I am gone, [false teachers like] ferocious wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;”

(Acts 20:29, AMP)

I’ve been speaking with Christians away from Christianity Board who are working diligently to persuade others that since there is no consensus, only opinion, no one really knows what sound doctrine / teaching is and that we should not make doctrine / teaching a basis for coming together. “Unity in diversity,“ is their mantra.

It is the savage wolf - the false teachers - that Paul warned about.

That is how paganism got into the church.
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
How did the rot get into the Jewish religion ? well Bible says, they crept in unawares !

Same with in Christianity, people are not aware that they have no real true regard for Christ Jesus in fact, so they are only on about religious nonsense, as if that was a cure ? Morons !

You must be trult born again ! then one will understand the possition of Christ Jesus and serve him and not this world, that he said was full of deceptions and delusions !

The problem is the deceptions and delusions in fact, for the workings of the Devil are it's power base ! once one understands that reality then you are in the Kingdom of God ! = Saved !

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I would not say that one who smokes weed off the cuf is of any regard related to Satan.
But todays so called weed is out of control as it's somthing other that what weed once was and it's all about understanding what it is that you are doing in fact !
The problem with our Governments is that they just lie and are not botheres to deal with the Truth or reality ! that is sloth and such Sloth is a work of Satan.
People should be well informed and not ignorant on any subject, for if one does not have open conduct, then you become a slave to be dictated to by morons, and that's the problem.

I have seen mothers etc go and totaly destroy their childs whole life because they got the Police involved because little Johnny had some weed ! because so many people were totaly brainwashed about weed by the Government promoting an outright lie !

Yes i have seen people who fall into drugs, but they are people with a problem, like a good mate of mine who is one with an obsessive compulsive disorder, he should never of drank beer perod ! because he lacks control over himself in fact ! but not everyone is like that in fact for most people have control !

Satan's workings is about ones lack of control and being dominated over and lost and fooled, deceptions and delusions in fact !

My mum is the biggest drug adict i have ever met, but it's all described by a doctor ! she is smashed out of her head off her face for years, but mention weed and she thinks weed is number one top shelf drug of evil ! If you smoke weed you will become a drug addict o_O :rolleyes: what a total moron.
I know enough people to know such is not true, but some people are obsessive persons and that can be anything !
My own dad was work obsessed, he did not care less about anything other than doing hard work, if you did not work 7 days a week he demanded one were a bludger ! such was all about proving you were the hardest worker, in the grave yard. just nuts ! Some people truly believe that everyone is just like they are in fact or should be just like them, they demand it of others ! just like the Nazis and Communist did in fact ! They are retards !

Being obsessed means you have a deamonic force that is controling one.

Smoking weed too much is pathetic as is drinking grog too much. it's moronic !

I would not recomend anyone to smoke period or drink grog. My younger bro never took such up, he must of listened to me ! My elder bro is is a tempter all his life and wished me to do the wrong thing always, just to serve his own ego. he pushed me to go smoke weed when i was 15yo and i said No way ! he was not happy about that ! not that he smoked such ! I was just someone to be used and abused and loved to do that no end.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
The day after the ascension into heaven. Disciples disbanded and sought to preach the Gospel to groups that weren't JEWS. Paul started writing to those CHURCHES outside of Israel. Sorry Peter, you were not first, only in Rome did you meet that claim and Paul was called to help bail you out. . In order to get those churches to grow ......certain beliefs and practices had to be adopted. Some of the old Church Hymns in England were BAR Songs with word changes to entice the husbands to escort their wives to church. Drink all night in the pub, party in the aisles on Sunday Morning.


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
Yeah, the tares are everywhere, and they ask how did they get everywhere ?

Matthew 13:37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
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Pancho Frijoles

Active Member
May 22, 2024
Mexico City
Other Faith
How did Paganism get into the church?
Well… pagan human beings got into the church.

Paganism was not a ghost floating in the wind.
Paganism was a way of thinking and living of real human beings who now defended the cause of Christ.

When a person practicing religion A converts to religion B, some elements of the prior religion remain.
Sometimes we can think of this as “contamination “, but sometimes we can think of this as “enrichment”.
Just consider how Zoroastrianism enriched Judaism, and therefore, indirectly, Christianism and Islam.
Consider how much we enjoy Christmas season, a legacy from paganism.
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
How did Paganism get into the church?
Well… pagan human beings got into the church.

Paganism was not a ghost floating in the wind.
Paganism was a way of thinking and living of real human beings who now defended the cause of Christ.

When a person practicing religion A converts to religion B, some elements of the prior religion remain.
Sometimes we can think of this as “contamination “, but sometimes we can think of this as “enrichment”.
Just consider how Zoroastrianism enriched Judaism, and therefore, indirectly, Christianism and Islam.
Consider how much we enjoy Christmas season, a legacy from paganism.
Influnences on Koran and Islam
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