How do conservative evangelicals reconcile their support for Trump with Trump’s sinful lifestyle?

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Saint of Light

Active Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
I decided to start this discussion thread because I dislike how so many evangelical Christians fervently support Donald Trump. Indeed, their support for the guy is unwavering and often fanatical, a description that is by no means hyperbolic. A cursory glance at the life of Trump demonstrates that he is a deeply sinful man. One such example is that he has been married three times, having divorced two wives already, and it gets worse: All three women were betrayed including his third wife, Melania. During Trump’s third marriage, he slept with an aged porn star and paid her hush money to keep the affair a secret (which didn’t turn out too well for him).

To be clear about something: I am not arguing whether or not Trump is a sincere Christian. That isn’t the topic of this discussion. My opinion is that, while Trump pays lip service to the evangelical political positions to court their votes, he is only saying what he must say to garner support, get the right-wing votes, and ultimately get what he wants: Another shot at being POTUS for four more years. Obviously Trump’s so-called faith in Christ exists only insofar as it benefits his political career. That is why there aren’t any accounts of him being a regular church-going Christian.

When Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden, something truly terrible ensued: An insurrection at the White House. Trump supporters stormed the place, bringing with them Confederate flags, many of them armed, and some people died. It was truly a national disgrace.

Granted Trump didn’t give any specific orders to overthrow the White House. But consider the nature of his speech: It was vindictive with victimhood written all over it, and there was an implicit assumption of violence. Inciting an insurrection indirectly is still inciting an insurrection! Fortunately there are over a dozen states that are now trying to keep the insurrectionist off the ballot so he doesn’t become president again, and hopefully dozens more states will follow suit.

Jesus has been nicknamed the Prince of Peace because he taught love, mercy, compassion, kindness, and all the great heavenly virtues. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ pacifism with their support for Trump, a notorious insurrectionist? Jesus also taught lifetime monogamy in Matthew 19:8-9. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ teaching about marital faithfulness with Trump's serial betrayals against all three of his wives?

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
The reason many Christians would vote for Trump is simply because... he's a little less evil than the democrats who are VERY evil.

The democrats not only support baby killing and all forms of sexual perversion, they also support banning Christianity and they support turning the US into a one party communist state. Not to even mention that are indoctrinating little children in to becoming sex perverts!

Trump will at least stand up for Christian rights and not attack Christians like the democrats are doing, and Trump is not for the US becoming a communist nation like the democrats.

So when we vote for POTUS, we are not going to the polls to elect a new Sunday School teacher (or Saturday School teacher for the sabbatarians!)... we are voting for the one we believe will be best for the country.

Joe Bridem has proven that he's very bad for this nation, especially his efforts to get us in to WW3 crazy.gif
So, Trump would be less evil than Joe Bribem

And in secular politics Christians can either vote for the one that is less evil or not vote at all.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I decided to start this discussion thread because I dislike how so many evangelical Christians fervently support Donald Trump. Indeed, their support for the guy is unwavering and often fanatical, a description that is by no means hyperbolic. A cursory glance at the life of Trump demonstrates that he is a deeply sinful man. One such example is that he has been married three times, having divorced two wives already, and it gets worse: All three women were betrayed including his third wife, Melania. During Trump’s third marriage, he slept with an aged porn star and paid her hush money to keep the affair a secret (which didn’t turn out too well for him).

To be clear about something: I am not arguing whether or not Trump is a sincere Christian. That isn’t the topic of this discussion. My opinion is that, while Trump pays lip service to the evangelical political positions to court their votes, he is only saying what he must say to garner support, get the right-wing votes, and ultimately get what he wants: Another shot at being POTUS for four more years. Obviously Trump’s so-called faith in Christ exists only insofar as it benefits his political career. That is why there aren’t any accounts of him being a regular church-going Christian.

When Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden, something truly terrible ensued: An insurrection at the White House. Trump supporters stormed the place, bringing with them Confederate flags, many of them armed, and some people died. It was truly a national disgrace.

Granted Trump didn’t give any specific orders to overthrow the White House. But consider the nature of his speech: It was vindictive with victimhood written all over it, and there was an implicit assumption of violence. Inciting an insurrection indirectly is still inciting an insurrection! Fortunately there are over a dozen states that are now trying to keep the insurrectionist off the ballot so he doesn’t become president again, and hopefully dozens more states will follow suit.

Jesus has been nicknamed the Prince of Peace because he taught love, mercy, compassion, kindness, and all the great heavenly virtues. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ pacifism with their support for Trump, a notorious insurrectionist? Jesus also taught lifetime monogamy in Matthew 19:8-9. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ teaching about marital faithfulness with Trump's serial betrayals against all three of his wives?
You prefer the pro abortionists who murder babies?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
It doesn't matter ....your votes do not determine the presidency and haven't for decades. But if they did, I wouldn't justify any evil with my vote .....even a so-called "lesser evil." God never instructed us to come into agreement with evil. And Trump is by far, not a "lesser evil." He somehow does a great job of deceiving people.
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Saint of Light

Active Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
You prefer the pro abortionists who murder babies?

Actually I have a consistent life ethic: I am anti-war, pro-gun control, and pro-life.

These days many people are inconsistent on the subject of life. They oppose abortion due to the fact that everyone deserves a chance at life, but they are very pro-war, especially when George W. Bush was in office and launched the War on Terror. (Granted the War in Afghanistan was justified. America had to take out bin Laden who was being harbored by the Taliban, and our country has a right to defend itself. The Iraq War, though, was launched for false reasons; it was a needless war. But I’m getting off topic. All this is beside the point.)

You don’t think it is inconsistent to be pro-life on one hand, but gung-ho about fighting wars on the other?

Opposing the Second Amendment is the pro-life thing to do. First of all, America doesn’t need guns anymore, and context is needed to see why guns were needed a long time ago. The settlers had been fighting Indians, and venturing out into the frontier would be dangerous without a gun: You could get raided by violent Indians and had to defend yourself and your family. There was also the looming threat of a British invasion, which did indeed happen during the War of 1812. Americans had to defend themselves from Britain’s invasion.

Are we fighting violent Indians anymore? No. Are the British going to invade the US? No. Therefore, there isn’t any reason to have the Second Amendment in present times. Gun control and the eventual confiscation of all guns from citizens will go a long way in reducing homicides, getting rid of school shootings, and eliminating violence in general. That is the pro-life attitude here.
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Saint of Light

Active Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
It doesn't matter ....your votes do not determine the presidency and haven't for decades. But if they did, I wouldn't justify any evil with my vote .....even a so-called "lesser evil." God never instructed us to come into agreement with evil. And Trump is by far, not a "lesser evil " He just does a great job of deceiving people.

Well-stated analysis. Trump isn’t loyal to America; he isn’t even loyal to Russia. Trump’s allegiance is to one man only: Himself. Voting for an unstable narcissist isn’t a “lesser of two evils” style of voting. If anything, voting for the Democrats is a vote for the lesser of two evils (although surely I wouldn’t characterize a party that promotes social justice, equality, fairness, human rights, improving our healthcare system, etc. as “evil”).
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Saint of Light

Active Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Trump will at least stand up for Christian rights and not attack Christians like the democrats are doing, and Trump is not for the US becoming a communist nation like the democrats.

Um, where have the Democrats been attacking Christian human rights?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States
The "Trump is the lesser of two evils" argument isn't a very good one; it's like asking who is the lesser of two evils between Herod the Great and Pontius Pilate. When all you have is either/or, it keeps you from thinking about other possibilities. Instead of obsessing on Trump, who is definitely not a good candidate for president, his followers should forget about him and start looking for a better way forward for the country.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Actually I have a consistent life ethic: I am anti-war, pro-gun control, and pro-life.

These days many people are inconsistent on the subject of life. They oppose abortion due to the fact that everyone deserves a chance at life, but they are very pro-war, especially when George W. Bush was in office and launched the War on Terror. (Granted the War in Afghanistan was justified. America had to take out bin Laden who was being harbored by the Taliban, and our country has a right to defend itself. The Iraq War, though, was launched for false reasons; it was a needless war. But I’m getting off topic. All this is beside the point.)

You don’t think it is inconsistent to be pro-life on one hand, but gung-ho about fighting wars on the other?

Opposing the Second Amendment is the pro-life thing to do. First of all, America doesn’t need guns anymore, and context is needed to see why guns were needed a long time ago. The settlers had been fighting Indians, and venturing out into the frontier would be dangerous without a gun: You could get raided by violent Indians and had to defend yourself and your family. There was also the looming threat of a British invasion, which did indeed happen during the War of 1812. Americans had to defend themselves from Britain’s invasion.

Are we fighting violent Indians anymore? No. Are the British going to invade the US? No. Therefore, there isn’t any reason to have the Second Amendment in present times. Gun control and the eventual confiscation of all guns from citizens will go a long way in reducing homicides, getting rid of school shootings, and eliminating violence in general. That is the pro-life attitude here.
Nice smoke screen, but are you gonna vote for Trump or a pro abortionist?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
I decided to start this discussion thread because I dislike how so many evangelical Christians fervently support Donald Trump. Indeed, their support for the guy is unwavering and often fanatical, a description that is by no means hyperbolic. A cursory glance at the life of Trump demonstrates that he is a deeply sinful man. One such example is that he has been married three times, having divorced two wives already, and it gets worse: All three women were betrayed including his third wife, Melania. During Trump’s third marriage, he slept with an aged porn star and paid her hush money to keep the affair a secret (which didn’t turn out too well for him).

To be clear about something: I am not arguing whether or not Trump is a sincere Christian. That isn’t the topic of this discussion. My opinion is that, while Trump pays lip service to the evangelical political positions to court their votes, he is only saying what he must say to garner support, get the right-wing votes, and ultimately get what he wants: Another shot at being POTUS for four more years. Obviously Trump’s so-called faith in Christ exists only insofar as it benefits his political career. That is why there aren’t any accounts of him being a regular church-going Christian.

When Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden, something truly terrible ensued: An insurrection at the White House. Trump supporters stormed the place, bringing with them Confederate flags, many of them armed, and some people died. It was truly a national disgrace.

Granted Trump didn’t give any specific orders to overthrow the White House. But consider the nature of his speech: It was vindictive with victimhood written all over it, and there was an implicit assumption of violence. Inciting an insurrection indirectly is still inciting an insurrection! Fortunately there are over a dozen states that are now trying to keep the insurrectionist off the ballot so he doesn’t become president again, and hopefully dozens more states will follow suit.

Jesus has been nicknamed the Prince of Peace because he taught love, mercy, compassion, kindness, and all the great heavenly virtues. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ pacifism with their support for Trump, a notorious insurrectionist? Jesus also taught lifetime monogamy in Matthew 19:8-9. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ teaching about marital faithfulness with Trump's serial betrayals against all three of his wives?
I was going to comment on this and then I saw somebody already did when he wrote... "The reason many Christians would vote for Trump is simply because... he's a little less evil than the democrats who are VERY evil."
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I decided to start this discussion thread because I dislike how so many evangelical Christians fervently support Donald Trump. Indeed, their support for the guy is unwavering and often fanatical, a description that is by no means hyperbolic. A cursory glance at the life of Trump demonstrates that he is a deeply sinful man. One such example is that he has been married three times, having divorced two wives already, and it gets worse: All three women were betrayed including his third wife, Melania. During Trump’s third marriage, he slept with an aged porn star and paid her hush money to keep the affair a secret (which didn’t turn out too well for him).

To be clear about something: I am not arguing whether or not Trump is a sincere Christian. That isn’t the topic of this discussion. My opinion is that, while Trump pays lip service to the evangelical political positions to court their votes, he is only saying what he must say to garner support, get the right-wing votes, and ultimately get what he wants: Another shot at being POTUS for four more years. Obviously Trump’s so-called faith in Christ exists only insofar as it benefits his political career. That is why there aren’t any accounts of him being a regular church-going Christian.

When Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden, something truly terrible ensued: An insurrection at the White House. Trump supporters stormed the place, bringing with them Confederate flags, many of them armed, and some people died. It was truly a national disgrace.

Granted Trump didn’t give any specific orders to overthrow the White House. But consider the nature of his speech: It was vindictive with victimhood written all over it, and there was an implicit assumption of violence. Inciting an insurrection indirectly is still inciting an insurrection! Fortunately there are over a dozen states that are now trying to keep the insurrectionist off the ballot so he doesn’t become president again, and hopefully dozens more states will follow suit.

Jesus has been nicknamed the Prince of Peace because he taught love, mercy, compassion, kindness, and all the great heavenly virtues. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ pacifism with their support for Trump, a notorious insurrectionist? Jesus also taught lifetime monogamy in Matthew 19:8-9. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ teaching about marital faithfulness with Trump's serial betrayals against all three of his wives?
Well this is how I go onto the voting booth.

First we must remember that in America we have the privilege of voting. Many nations do not.

So when I enter the voting booth, I almost always have to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
And Trump is by far, not a "lesser evil."

Well, he supports Christians and the liberals are attacking Christians... so he is obviously less evil than the liberals are.

At least under Trump Christians can follow their "Sincerely held religious beliefs" (that's the legal term)

Under the liberals, Christians are seeing their ability to follow their faith diminishing and being attacked.

I agree Christians are not called to agree with evil and those that have this thought should refrain from taking part in the political process... and actually should probably stay home and never get involved with anyone on any level because... evil is everywhere in this world. (1 Corinthians 5:10)

Sometimes I feel exactly like that... and then, I remember life is not about me and my feelings and my well being as the Lord has called ALL His people to be witnesses in this fallen dark world that is filled with evil. We are called to get out there amongst them and be a witness for Jesus and what He says in His Word!

From that perspective... it would be better to have a POTUS that is not attacking Christians than it is to have one that is attacking Christians.

For someone to support liberal politicians they are not only supporting things that are abominations unto the Lord that the Holy Spirit would NEVER lead anybody to support, but they are also supporting politicians that are in favor of taking away Christian's right to be a Christian in this nation... which is how it is in many nations around the world.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Well, he supports Christians and the liberals are attacking Christians... so he is obviously less evil than the liberals are.

At least under Trump Christians can follow their "Sincerely held religious beliefs" (that's the legal term)

Under the liberals, Christians are seeing their ability to follow their faith diminishing and being attacked.

I agree Christians are not called to agree with evil and those that have this thought should refrain from taking part in the political process... and actually should probably stay home and never get involved with anyone on any level because... evil is everywhere in this world. (1 Corinthians 5:10)

Sometimes I feel exactly like that... and then, I remember life is not about me and my feelings and my well being as the Lord has called ALL His people to be witnesses in this fallen dark world that is filled with evil. We are called to get out there amongst them and be a witness for Jesus and what He says in His Word!

From that perspective... it would be better to have a POTUS that is not attacking Christians than it is to have one that is attacking Christians.

For someone to support liberal politicians they are not only supporting things that are abominations unto the Lord that the Holy Spirit would NEVER lead anybody to support, but they are also supporting politicians that are in favor of taking away Christian's right to be a Christian in this nation... which is how it is in many nations around the world.
May I add to this that Trump does not shower with his 12 year old daughter.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Actually I have a consistent life ethic: I am anti-war, pro-gun control, and pro-life.
Anti war is wonderful. I believe not one dime should have been given to Ukraine.

Not one dime should be used for help for Taiwan.

No more money for Israel.

But be certain to keep up the money going to Iran. That will assure they will not
declare war on us. What??? those little attacks are just them doing target practice...
sure wont be any war or retaliation on our part Joey will see to that.

Also make sure of removing the rest of the Sanctions from China. Keep them happy.

There is no reason for war ever. Another 4 years of life as it has been and most of us will
just follow lock step into line and make it really easy for someone... Russia or China or who knows... Mexico to walk in and rest their feet on the oval desk.

Yep War is always bad... and so unfriendly.

As to anti-gun. I can solve that for citizens and criminals.

The Government needs to take control of all ammunition makers and suppliers.

Make it impossible far anyone to buy it and they keep their harmless guns.

So many doables if one would only think.

Pro-life. Full agreement... even for those whose life is in danger, and rape and incest.

The babies are innocent and deserve to live.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
No more money for Israel.

That would cause the Lord to have no further need for the US.

One of the reason's this nation has been blessed and one of the reasons this nation was raised up was to support Israel in addition to financially footing the bill for the majority of the gospel that has gone out to the world over the past 120 some odd years or longer.

Sometimes self defense is very necessary.

Otherwise the US would have lost WW2 and half the country would be speaking German and the other half Japanese. Hitler and Japan had plans to take over the US and each country occupy half of the US.

I'm certainly glad the US stood up and fought!

There is no reason for war ever.

God does not agree with that at all.

The Lord sent Israel to was and even had them wipe out entire nations in self defense because if these nations had not been utterly destroyed they would have come back at Israel again and again... like the see hamas doing ever few years.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States

How do conservative evangelicals reconcile their support for Trump with Trump’s sinful lifestyle?​

I decided to start this discussion thread because I dislike how so many evangelical Christians fervently support Donald Trump. Indeed, their support for the guy is unwavering and often fanatical, a description that is by no means hyperbolic. A cursory glance at the life of Trump demonstrates that he is a deeply sinful man. One such example is that he has been married three times, having divorced two wives already, and it gets worse: All three women were betrayed including his third wife, Melania. During Trump’s third marriage, he slept with an aged porn star and paid her hush money to keep the affair a secret (which didn’t turn out too well for him).

To be clear about something: I am not arguing whether or not Trump is a sincere Christian. That isn’t the topic of this discussion. My opinion is that, while Trump pays lip service to the evangelical political positions to court their votes, he is only saying what he must say to garner support, get the right-wing votes, and ultimately get what he wants: Another shot at being POTUS for four more years. Obviously Trump’s so-called faith in Christ exists only insofar as it benefits his political career. That is why there aren’t any accounts of him being a regular church-going Christian.

When Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden, something truly terrible ensued: An insurrection at the White House. Trump supporters stormed the place, bringing with them Confederate flags, many of them armed, and some people died. It was truly a national disgrace.

Granted Trump didn’t give any specific orders to overthrow the White House. But consider the nature of his speech: It was vindictive with victimhood written all over it, and there was an implicit assumption of violence. Inciting an insurrection indirectly is still inciting an insurrection! Fortunately there are over a dozen states that are now trying to keep the insurrectionist off the ballot so he doesn’t become president again, and hopefully dozens more states will follow suit.

Jesus has been nicknamed the Prince of Peace because he taught love, mercy, compassion, kindness, and all the great heavenly virtues. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ pacifism with their support for Trump, a notorious insurrectionist? Jesus also taught lifetime monogamy in Matthew 19:8-9. How do Evangelical Christians reconcile Jesus’ teaching about marital faithfulness with Trump's serial betrayals against all three of his wives?

By the same rationale as God used the ravens to feed Elijah, or to have a donkey talk to Balaam, or used Isaiah a man of unclean lips, or used David an adulterer and a murderer, or Solomon who had a thousand wives, or Peter whom Jesus called Satan, or Paul who persecuted Christians.

And for the same reason God might even use you, a saint of Light who obviously has the wrong idea about how God works.

But I say that as one who has met, looked him in the eye, and talked with Trump personally, and found him to be a nice, respectable, and considerate guy (very much unlike the media reports).
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
The Government needs to take control of all ammunition makers and suppliers.

Make it impossible far anyone to buy it and they keep their harmless guns.

The result of that would be a gigantic increase in crime as Americans would not be able to defend themselves... which would greatly please the liberals.

Criminals would simply sneak guns across the border from other countries and slaughter Americans like cattle all over the nation... much like the criminals are doing in the large blue cities.... which by the way already have very strict gun laws which is WHY they have so much crime since citizens cannot defend themselves..

You have to remember that criminals ignore all laws... which is why that are criminals!

Self defense is not a sin before the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
The result of that would be a gigantic increase in crime as Americans would not be able to defend themselves... which would greatly please the liberals.

Criminals would simply sneak guns across the border from other countries and slaughter Americans like cattle all over the nation... much like the criminals are doing in the large blue cities.... which by the way already have very strict gun laws which is WHY they have so much crime since citizens cannot defend themselves..

You have to remember that criminals ignore all laws... which is why that are criminals!

Self defense is not a sin before the Lord.
You write well Big Boy

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
It doesn't take a genius to know that if we make it easy for criminals to do crime... they will in fact excel at doing crime and it will greatly increase.

We already have test cases for this in some of these blue states and blue cities where they quit prosecuting smaller crimes.

They have experienced a big increases in crime, and that's what they deserve!

God is not mocked, what they sow is what they reap.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
There is no reason for war ever.

Careful, that is not a biblical statement. There is war in heaven.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.​
We should indeed know that God too does not like war, and in the end there will be war no more. But just as salvation is not fully finished until the last soul and fight is won, so too is war not finished.
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