How does one evaluate a testimony?

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
St. SteVen said:
Attributing the work of God to Satan is the unforgivable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. IMHO
Idk for sure, but I wouldn't want to test it.
The biblical text supports my statement. But in reality, there is no unforgivable sin.
Christian apologists cooked up the standard answer which is not supported by the text.
The idea of an unforgivable sin is more useful to the enemy than to us.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
St. SteVen said:
Attributing the work of God to Satan is the unforgivable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. IMHO

The biblical text supports my statement. But in reality, there is no unforgivable sin.
Christian apologists cooked up the standard answer which is not supported by the text.
The idea of an unforgivable sin is more useful to the enemy than to us.

That makes sense. Thank you for sharing.
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
We should evaluate your testimony based on the criteria you provided.
Please provide it for us. Thanks. (a link is fine)

Be sure that the timeline make sense.
That it can be verified.
And that it is truthful.

Are you able to do that?

sure, I followed the Pastor's daughter to church. Heard the Lordship of Christ, repented, was born again. March 17,197?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
sure, I followed the Pastor's daughter to church. Heard the Lordship of Christ, repented, was born again. March 17,197?
Short and sweet, eh? I've written my testimony many times and it is quite long and detailed. I shared a lot of it with another member this morning. I may copy/paste it.... thing is, when I begin writing, more details come and I write a book. lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
My testimony, long ramble style (lol)

I came to Christ at age 13. For 3 years, I'd been hearing Jesus call my name, and speaking to my heart, revealing Himself to me. I would be walking down the street with not the best intentions (age 10), and He was calling me by name, wooing my heart, telling me He loved me and that the life I knew wasn't His plan for me. This went on for 3 years.

Finally, on January 12th of 1986, I surrendered at age 13. And from there, I was head over heels for Him. I spent hours each day in my Bible, running references and copying scriptures into notebooks.... in prayer, lots of heart communion with God, often intercessory prayer for lost loved ones, and listening to southern gospel music I'd recorded off Sunday morning Southern Gospel time (something like 6am till 12pm) and the "Gospel Greats" on Saturday mornings with Paul Heil. I had a radio/cassette player and I wrote "JESUS" in bold letters with permanent marker across the speaker and determined that nothing but Christian music/content was allowed to be played on my radio or cassette player. I got ridiculed for that a lot.

One day, my relatives on my mom's side came to visit. They came to try to intimidate me because I had befriended a girl they hated. I befriended her because she had gone through a lot of abuse and she needed a friend. They didn't like that went against their wishes. So while my friend was at my house, they showed up.

An older cousin (old enough to be my aunt) decided to make her way to the bedroom where I kept my radio. She put her Rock & Roll cassette in it and within about 2 seconds, my cassette player started chewing it up!! LOL!

Another time, I was home alone and this same cousin called my home and began to say some very hateful things to me in the presence of my little brother who was at her home (accusations about my dad and I, mainly because they loved causing me pain). She then threatened to my house and beat me up. What immediately came out of my mouth was, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!" She scoffed and laughed at me ....and I could hear my other relatives in the background laughing when she said, "She rebuked me in the name of Jesus! Hahaha!"

Well, she hung up and she never showed up. About 4 days later she called and apologized because she couldn't sleep for 3 nights. God wouldn't let her sleep. I recently reconnected with her. She has become a believer. She's in her late 60's and is still a baby Christian. But God is faithful.

God revealed to me early on ....within a few months after I accepted Him ....the evil influence behind secular music. I had already lost my desire for it, but hadn't policed what I was exposed to very diligently (if it was playing in the house, for instance). One day I fell asleep on my bed while the radio was on and when the words, "Rock me, Amadeus" came through the speakers, an evil entity attacked me physically. I jumped up, turned it off, and that was it. I knew to guard my heart with all diligence. This is part of the sanctification process and I know God does this with all His children in many ways and many instances .....but will we listen?

It wasn't all sunshine and roses after I accepted Christ. I was still abused, and used, and broken. But God kept me. He nourished me, grew me, strengthened me.... and moved me toward a time when I would be able to face my past. That was His doings, because if we never acknowledge the truth of what our past was, we can't effectively give it to Him and allow healing to come.

My abuse has never ended you know, to this day, I am stalked and punished. At times ....well, their preferred punishment or way of gaining access is by use of a taser ....and/or drugs .....and usually torture of some sort follows. But I know it angers them that they cannot do more than God will allow. I found myself praying over a year ago that God would give me the opportunity to witness to them when they are hurting me. It came out of my mouth in prayer from someplace deep one day. I know His heart is that none be lost.

This is part one... part 2 to come...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
My testimony, long ramble style.... part 2

The bible I had after I came to Christ was a Thompson Chain Reference Bible. I still have it. Its pages are worn and loose, some falling out. Most are intact. I slept with that Bible for years and it's marked, highlighted, noted with ink pens ....dates...

I earned that Bible by memorizing the books of the Bible. My youth group leaders gave me that Bible brand new as a prize.❤️

Idk how much to you know about DID (dissociative identity disorder). It was formerly called MPD (multiple personality disorder). When a child is exposed to severe repeated trauma before age 7, the mind copes by splitting into different "parts" and creates amnesic walls between the parts, or alter personalities holding trauma, and the front part who lives day to day "normal" life. That was how my mind coped. And my handlers and programmers knew how the mind works. That's why they traumatize their subjects even from the womb so that the baby is born with a shattered mind already. That is what happened with me. I had literally .....over 250,000 parts (alters and fragments). By man's ability, putting all those pieces together is impossible. But God knows where every broken, shattered, tiny sliver is ....and where they all fit together within the whole person. ❤️

All that to say ....after I had gained some healing, I began to notice lots of scribbles in my Bible made by my child alters. They also had come to love and find comfort in my Bible and .....I suppose that since they saw me making notes, they decided they should as well .... but they are child scribbles. I cherish those ...because it's proof of God's ministering to parts of me before I was aware. ❤️

There are parts of my life that were very hidden, due to what I was born into. When I came to Christ, I wasn't ready to face those things. I needed time to be nourished up in Him and His Word. When I would go to church, I fought through horrible flashbacks due to having been subjected to satanic rituals that took place inside churches. I still lived with my parents, and was regularly accessed by cult handlers and used. There are many details that fit with that, including rapes and pregnancies, forced late term abortions, and children taken away to be raised in other cult families (to be used as leverage/double binds by my handlers).

Anyway, God has kept me through many things. And like this song says, I am safe thus far. When I say "safe" I don't mean I never face trail or difficulties, or persecutions. I mean ....when we are His, our lives are hidden with Christ in God. (Col 3:3) It is our innermost being that matters most, not what happens to this physical body. Have you ever sat in the midst of your enemies, and beheld the face of the Lord, felt the warmth of His countenance shining on you? I have. It is those times that I am reminded of when things get really intense. I know I can look up, and there He is ....always. ❤️

There may be more to this later....
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
sure, I followed the Pastor's daughter to church. Heard the Lordship of Christ, repented, was born again. March 17,197?
What day of the week was that?
A bit of a non-event then?
Being born from above was just another day at church?

This sounds mighty suspicious to me.
Can any of this be verified?
The timeline doesn't work, that's for sure. "March 17,197?"
Looks quite questionable. - LOL

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I followed the Pastor's daughter to church.
Stalking the Pastor's daughter? Oh my.

Heard the Lordship of Christ,
Ulterior motive. There was a girl involved.
Did you do it to please her?

What does that mean to you?
How do you define it?
What were the tangible results?
Can they be verified?

was born again. March 17,197?
Can we get an accurate year?

This testimony fails on many levels.
The complete lack of emotion tells us that you were just going through the motions.
Probably to please the girl, or maybe only her father, the Pastor.
Sounds like the girl wanted you, but knew her father wouldn't allow her to date a lost boy.
The plan was to fake a conversion so you could take advantage of the Pastor's daughter.
You knew she was a virgin and you wanted her badly. The plan worked.
After she was found to be pregnant, you had to marry her.

Does that sound about right?

--- EDIT ---

This is what can happen when we assume the worst about a Christian's testimony.

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
sure, I followed the Pastor's daughter to church. Heard the Lordship of Christ, repented, was born again. March 17,197?
Good work.
The fingerprints of foul play are all over this.

Tell us more about this girl you were chasing.
Where did you meet her?
Why were you following her?
Wasn't this really about following her, instead of Jesus?

You may have fooled her father, the Pastor, but you aren't fooling us.
Time to come clean. Tell the truth.


The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
As you say: "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
Yes, If someone claims they were in an UFO, would you not want details that can be verified. When I was in the USAF, someone came to my office in Military Intelligence , They claimed to be adducted. Upon investigation of the time line, I found that they were at a Bar drunk when they claimed the events happened. After they left my Office, we followed them to that Bar, and pulled the Owner aside at ask her questions., She brought up video of that night and time to see that he was there.
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
Short and sweet, eh? I've written my testimony many times and it is quite long and detailed. I shared a lot of it with another member this morning. I may copy/paste it.... thing is, when I begin writing, more details come and I write a book. lol
sure, I will likely enjoy it.
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
My testimony, long ramble style.... part 2

The bible I had after I came to Christ was a Thompson Chain Reference Bible. I still have it. Its pages are worn and loose, some falling out. Most are intact. I slept with that Bible for years and it's marked, highlighted, noted with ink pens ....dates...

I earned that Bible by memorizing the books of the Bible. My youth group leaders gave me that Bible brand new as a prize.❤️

Idk how much to you know about DID (dissociative identity disorder). It was formerly called MPD (multiple personality disorder). When a child is exposed to severe repeated trauma before age 7, the mind copes by splitting into different "parts" and creates amnesic walls between the parts, or alter personalities holding trauma, and the front part who lives day to day "normal" life. That was how my mind coped. And my handlers and programmers knew how the mind works. That's why they traumatize their subjects even from the womb so that the baby is born with a shattered mind already. That is what happened with me. I had literally .....over 250,000 parts (alters and fragments). By man's ability, putting all those pieces together is impossible. But God knows where every broken, shattered, tiny sliver is ....and where they all fit together within the whole person. ❤️

All that to say ....after I had gained some healing, I began to notice lots of scribbles in my Bible made by my child alters. They also had come to love and find comfort in my Bible and .....I suppose that since they saw me making notes, they decided they should as well .... but they are child scribbles. I cherish those ...because it's proof of God's ministering to parts of me before I was aware. ❤️

There are parts of my life that were very hidden, due to what I was born into. When I came to Christ, I wasn't ready to face those things. I needed time to be nourished up in Him and His Word. When I would go to church, I fought through horrible flashbacks due to having been subjected to satanic rituals that took place inside churches. I still lived with my parents, and was regularly accessed by cult handlers and used. There are many details that fit with that, including rapes and pregnancies, forced late term abortions, and children taken away to be raised in other cult families (to be used as leverage/double binds by my handlers).

Anyway, God has kept me through many things. And like this song says, I am safe thus far. When I say "safe" I don't mean I never face trail or difficulties, or persecutions. I mean ....when we are His, our lives are hidden with Christ in God. (Col 3:3) It is our innermost being that matters most, not what happens to this physical body. Have you ever sat in the midst of your enemies, and beheld the face of the Lord, felt the warmth of His countenance shining on you? I have. It is those times that I am reminded of when things get really intense. I know I can look up, and there He is ....always. ❤️

There may be more to this later....
Thank You

Friendly advice: 1. always check a verse for context. 2. When you pray ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to join you. Romans 8 they intercedes for us, a go between which includes prayer.

The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
What day of the week was that?
A bit of a non-event then?
Being born from above was just another day at church?

This sounds mighty suspicious to me.
Can any of this be verified?
The timeline doesn't work, that's for sure. "March 17,197?"
Looks quite questionable. - LOL

Don't remember the year, it was an Easter Sunday. The Pastor was Baker, it was
Westland Free Methodist Church
1421 S Venoy Rd, Westland, MI · (734) 728-2600
Looks like they moved to

[email protected]

33445 Warren Rd Westland MI 48185

Feel Free to contact them, They may still have my Baptism on file. Ask to speak with Don Justice, he knows me.
Pastor's daughter was Sue Baker. If you find Sue send me the information please.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Thank You

Friendly advice: 1. always check a verse for context. 2. When you pray ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to join you. Romans 8 they intercedes for us, a go between which includes prayer.
I always do invite Him. :)
There's nothing wrong with running references, because scripture interprets scripture. But usually when I run references, I read the verses surrounding it too ....ways have. I guess it was just something that came naturally because I want truth, and I know it's contained in His Word. The answer to every question can be found in the scriptures, if we are seeking.
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
Stalking the Pastor's daughter? Oh my.

Ulterior motive. There was a girl involved.
Did you do it to please her?

What does that mean to you?
How do you define it?
What were the tangible results?
Can they be verified?

Can we get an accurate year?

This testimony fails on many levels.
The complete lack of emotion tells us that you were just going through the motions.
Probably to please the girl, or maybe only her father, the Pastor.
Sounds like the girl wanted you, but knew her father wouldn't allow her to date a lost boy.
The plan was to fake a conversion so you could take advantage of the Pastor's daughter.
You knew she was a virgin and you wanted her badly. The plan worked.
After she was found to be pregnant, you had to marry her.

Does that sound about right?

Not even close, we were just friends. I meet my wife at Ward Church in Livonia (now in Novi). I do not need to express emotions for truth.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We should evaluate your testimony based on the criteria you provided.
Please provide it for us. Thanks. (a link is fine)

Be sure that the timeline make sense.
That it can be verified.
And that it is truthful.

Are you able to do that?

could paul PROVE JESUS appeared to HIM on the road to damascus . NO .
HOWEVER the FRUITS themselves will always SHOW Us if the conversion was indeed real .
Plus if one were to say JESUS appeared to me and TOLD ME , and then what they said HE said
CONTRADICTED HIS words in that bible , WELL THAT IS A MAJOR WARNING its false too .
But as far as proving the event , IT really cannot be done persay .
You have to examine their fruits and also examine the words , THE WORDS of their testimony .
IF their words seem to point to this experience , lots of emotions
and then things get said that seem to imply that this so called JESUS encounter
pulled them away from fundamental scripture truths , THEN RUN LIKE HECK and never look back .
In other words i hear a lot of modern testimonies
that sure seem to be focusing on this OTHER love and contradicting BIBLE TRUTH . ITS FROM THE DRAGON .
Watch out cause its everywhere now .
I even heard tale of one lady who said the SPIRIT told her something .
She had walked in on her husband and Him and this so called evangelical man
were doing the naughty .
At first she was shocked and went to weep .
THEN , her words , she said all of a sudden i had this peace come on me from the SPIRIT
and it told me this was fine . This is normal and basically all is well . YEAH , RIGHT .
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
Good work.
The fingerprints of foul play are all over this.

Tell us more about this girl you were chasing.
Where did you meet her?
Why were you following her?
Wasn't this really about following her, instead of Jesus?

You may have fooled her father, the Pastor, but you aren't fooling us.
Time to come clean. Tell the truth.

We went to WMHS together. Just friends. I was a virgin until my wedding night. Wayne Memorial Resources
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Yes, If someone claims they were in an UFO, would you not want details that can be verified. When I was in the USAF, someone came to my office in Military Intelligence , They claimed to be adducted. Upon investigation of the time line, I found that they were at a Bar drunk when they claimed the events happened. After they left my Office, we followed them to that Bar, and pulled the Owner aside at ask her questions., She brought up video of that night and time to see that he was there.
If someone came to me with UFO experiences, I'd not dismiss it. It is obviously a part of his history in some way. Most people with UFO/alien experiences have been subjected to MK Ultra, as they use these in programming. There are a lot of reasons someone may report UFO/alien experiences ....a few explanations would be:
1. that they were subjected to mind control programming using something like VR to simulate an abduction
2. they had experiences involving actual craft created by our government using fallen angel technology, and nephilim/hybrids created in labs, etc ....passed off as "aliens"
3. they had a full-on demonic encounter

But what I'd be more inclined to do is listen, then gently probe a bit to see if he had more to share that would give clues around the source of his experience. The timeline may be off simply because he was drunk.

I understand you may disagree, but I encounter a ton of this in ministry to other survivors of SRA/MK.
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