Let me show you who you are and where you are, as born again., as you literally exist in God's perspective, on this earth.
So that...., when you get this same perspective that God has regarding all the Born again, = then you have renewed your mind and your faith is perfect.
Paul teaches this as.. ."as many as BE Perfect"... and to have this revelation im going to teach you, that is Paul's doctrine.. one you have it... once you really see it, .....the Revelation.. then you have "worked out your Salvation"..
If you are Truly Born again, (and are not just a water baptized religious Legalist)........ then You are these 10, as your ETERNAL spiritual existence.... and so much more.
Learn these for now...
The born again have become...
1.) A Saint
2.) "in Christ"
3.) "one with God"
4.) "The Temple of the Holy Spirit"
5.) "made free from sin"
6.) "seated in heavenly places, in Christ"
7.) "Translated from Darkness.... TO LIGHT"
8.) "The righteousness of God, in Christ"
9.) "not under the Law......but under Grace"
10.) "where there is no law.. .there is no (sin) Transgression".
Now, im only posting to the Born... again.......
= Let me show you what has happened to the LAW, for your BENEFIT, = because of The Cross of Christ.
So....Lets look at THE LAW and COMMANDMENTS as they are One, regarding an unbeliever... and realize that once someone is born again... This LAW loses all authority to define you ever again.
So, the UNBELIEVER is : "UNDER THE LAW" and that means they are under 2 "curses".
Whereas the BORN AGAIN Believer is "not under the Law...........but under GRACE".
....'"The First = Curse of the Law""" that the Law requires righteousness of a SINNER., and we were all sinners before we became SAINTS of God, "in Christ".
So, that can't happen... = A Unforgiven SINNER has no Righteousness, and so the LAW is a "curse" to them.....ALL.
1.) The Law DEMANDS righteousness, and we have NONE of ourselves...... So, we go to God through Christ, and are forgiven all our sin, and then God gives us..
= The "imputed righteousness of Christ" that is : "the GIFT of Righteousness"....
A.) Welcome to : Salvation..
So, what has the Law done for us?, that is Good? ????
AA.) It has shown us that we are sinners, helpless to keep the Law and Commandments perfectly.. and this revelation that is caused by The LAW.... leads us to Christ so that we can be delivered from " THE curse of the LAW"
= Paul teaches this as.. : Galatians 3:24 read it....
And Now read this carefully.....that im going to show you..
= ""Jesus has redeemed (the born again) from THE CURSE... of THE LAW""""
Understand.. its by Jesus's Life, Blood, and Death, that we are made "free from the Law".........and are become ""NOT Under the Law, but Under (God's) Grace".
So what is the 2nd Curse that the LAW puts on us?
Its this..
"The power of SIN.. is THE LAW".. "The Law is the Power of Sin"..
That means, that when you are trying to be good, and keep commandments and Law.. you find that your flesh, that is your CARNAL desire to commit carnality.. gets stronger and stronger, and you will eventually do it.
See that "CURSE"? ??? That is "the power of sin, is the LAW".. "The LAW is the power of SIN".
So, once we are born again.. that 2nd Curse, is removed because...>>>The born again.. "are not under the Law, but under (God's) Grace".
See it?
2.) Therefore... now that the born again, has become ""THE righteousness of GOD....IN CHRIST".... "Not under the Law, but under (God's) Grace"...
= God has removed the LAW from the born again Christian....., which takes away its "DOMINION"> that it can't define a born again as a sinner...ever again..... or empower you to want to perform carnality.
So, 2 "curses of the Law".. are vanquished by The Cross of Christ, regarding all the Born... again.
And that is because...The born again.. "are NOT UNDER THE LAW.....but under Grace".
"Jesus has redeemed (the born again) from the CURSE =(2)............ of THE LAW".
So where is that place found regarding all the Born again?
Where is this place of Spiritual Existence that is the eternal HOME of all the Born....again ?
A.) Its found in The Kingdom of God... and all the born again exist there,... "having been Translated from DARKNESS ... LIGHT">..... while we are waiting to go to Heaven... as we exist inside a "body that is dead because of Sin"..
So, all of this im teaching you is "Paul's Doctrine".. "Pauline Theology".. and its TRUTH., and its REVELATION, that you have to come to SEE in your inner man. so that you can come to the REVELATION regarding what it means to have become... "A NEW CREATION In Christ"... as Born.....again..... = Spiritually.
Let me show you who you are and where you are, as born again., as you literally exist in God's perspective, on this earth.
So that...., when you get this same perspective that God has regarding all the Born again, = then you have renewed your mind and your faith is perfect.
Paul teaches this as.. ."as many as BE Perfect"... and to have this revelation im going to teach you, that is Paul's doctrine.. one you have it... once you really see it, .....the Revelation.. then you have "worked out your Salvation"..
If you are Truly Born again, (and are not just a water baptized religious Legalist)........ then You are these 10, as your ETERNAL spiritual existence.... and so much more.
Learn these for now...
The born again have become...
1.) A Saint
2.) "in Christ"
3.) "one with God"
4.) "The Temple of the Holy Spirit"
5.) "made free from sin"
6.) "seated in heavenly places, in Christ"
7.) "Translated from Darkness.... TO LIGHT"
8.) "The righteousness of God, in Christ"
9.) "not under the Law......but under Grace"
10.) "where there is no law.. .there is no (sin) Transgression".
Now, im only posting to the Born... again.......
= Let me show you what has happened to the LAW, for your BENEFIT, = because of The Cross of Christ.
So....Lets look at THE LAW and COMMANDMENTS as they are One, regarding an unbeliever... and realize that once someone is born again... This LAW loses all authority to define you ever again.
So, the UNBELIEVER is : "UNDER THE LAW" and that means they are under 2 "curses".
Whereas the BORN AGAIN Believer is "not under the Law...........but under GRACE".
....'"The First = Curse of the Law""" that the Law requires righteousness of a SINNER., and we were all sinners before we became SAINTS of God, "in Christ".
So, that can't happen... = A Unforgiven SINNER has no Righteousness, and so the LAW is a "curse" to them.....ALL.
1.) The Law DEMANDS righteousness, and we have NONE of ourselves...... So, we go to God through Christ, and are forgiven all our sin, and then God gives us..
= The "imputed righteousness of Christ" that is : "the GIFT of Righteousness"....
A.) Welcome to : Salvation..
So, what has the Law done for us?, that is Good? ????
AA.) It has shown us that we are sinners, helpless to keep the Law and Commandments perfectly.. and this revelation that is caused by The LAW.... leads us to Christ so that we can be delivered from " THE curse of the LAW"
= Paul teaches this as.. : Galatians 3:24 read it....
And Now read this carefully.....that im going to show you..
= ""Jesus has redeemed (the born again) from THE CURSE... of THE LAW""""
Understand.. its by Jesus's Life, Blood, and Death, that we are made "free from the Law".........and are become ""NOT Under the Law, but Under (God's) Grace".
So what is the 2nd Curse that the LAW puts on us?
Its this..
"The power of SIN.. is THE LAW".. "The Law is the Power of Sin"..
That means, that when you are trying to be good, and keep commandments and Law.. you find that your flesh, that is your CARNAL desire to commit carnality.. gets stronger and stronger, and you will eventually do it.
See that "CURSE"? ??? That is "the power of sin, is the LAW".. "The LAW is the power of SIN".
So, once we are born again.. that 2nd Curse, is removed because...>>>The born again.. "are not under the Law, but under (God's) Grace".
See it?
2.) Therefore... now that the born again, has become ""THE righteousness of GOD....IN CHRIST".... "Not under the Law, but under (God's) Grace"...
= God has removed the LAW from the born again Christian....., which takes away its "DOMINION"> that it can't define a born again as a sinner...ever again..... or empower you to want to perform carnality.
So, 2 "curses of the Law".. are vanquished by The Cross of Christ, regarding all the Born... again.
And that is because...The born again.. "are NOT UNDER THE LAW.....but under Grace".
"Jesus has redeemed (the born again) from the CURSE =(2)............ of THE LAW".
So where is that place found regarding all the Born again?
Where is this place of Spiritual Existence that is the eternal HOME of all the Born....again ?
A.) Its found in The Kingdom of God... and all the born again exist there,... "having been Translated from DARKNESS ... LIGHT">..... while we are waiting to go to Heaven... as we exist inside a "body that is dead because of Sin"..
So, all of this im teaching you is "Paul's Doctrine".. "Pauline Theology".. and its TRUTH., and its REVELATION, that you have to come to SEE in your inner man. so that you can come to the REVELATION regarding what it means to have become... "A NEW CREATION In Christ"... as Born.....again..... = Spiritually.