How Feminism Failed Women

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Since you think it isn’t right for men to come together and organize specifically for men (assuming your logic is consistent for everyone and not just groups you favor), you believe MRMs have to promote both men’s issues and women’s issues equally?
Not my position at all. I wonder if your hysterical in response to seeing a sacred cow slautered?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
You didn’t explain how female hypergamy causes widespread unhappiness among all women.
Appeal to Majority/All. I never claimed all. If you want to dismiss women overall being less happy because of feminism, that's on you.

How hypergamy causes widespread unhappiness was thoroughly explained in the OP, including the vids in the OP.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
There is a huge amount of single women in this country, that got divorced for mostly wrong reasons. This women's movement to "not take it anymore" ruined marriages that could have lasted lifetime. Its called forgiveness on both parties.
Then there is the sad group of aging beauties who never married. They rail against "hitting the wall" distraught that they are no longer desired by the playboys they desire and lament "where have all the good men gone."

The good men have been invisible to these woman all their lives because of hypergamy.

I've seen vid after vid of women lamenting there is no one to date that they want to date. Their hypergamy has blinded them, unable to discern the difference between:
  1. No good men left to date.
  2. Being a victim of their own hypergamy in refusing to date the hordes of many good men that are not better than them so they don't want to date them.
It is not men who are making all these vids but women. Their mind set only looks for an external problem. They don't even consider introspection and self-reflection, looking inward, starting with their feminist ideology, as failure piles on top of failure, as their bitterness, resentment and unhappiness grow out of control.

They "deserve better" and "won't settle" as they lead lives of vocal, hysterical and lonely desperation. :confused2:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
How is your post still online after being reported? Not voting for Trump doesn’t mean that I voted for Biden; it means I abstained from voting altogether. Quit defaming people you know nothing about. You are manufacturing lies to hurt my reputation, and a moderator ought to censor your inflammatory post.

Typical leftist that wants to censor and ban everyone else from expressing views.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Although women initiate 80% of divorce, 90% of college educated women initiate divorce. Three things we can conclude from this:
  1. Feminism has effectively destroyed marriage. There is no solid foundation for male-female relationships.
  2. The more "educated" (into feminist propaganda) a woman is, the less able she is to commit.
  3. The less desirable she becomes to high value men.
Our friend, @Saint of Light, admits feminism is not truly about equality but advocates for women. Yet. she cannot acknowledge how feminism has failed women. The facts are in. There is 50 years of data showing it to be the failure it is. No wonder. Self-interested, self-absorbed groups are doomed to lead to discontented members because as their sense of entitlement grows, reality disappoints them all the more.

Because feminism is self-absorbed, focused on all the power of their choices, the are no longer taught they have any responsibilities (in relationships). While 50 years ago, the mantra was to not treat women like (sex) objects, today's feminists objectify themselves. In this sad vid, they deflect from the fact that they don't bring anything to the relationship with a man. "I am the table" is another way to say they are too self-centered to be a high value partner. They thereby admit they are low value women. What a shame. We cannot expect anything less from a worldly philosophy that goes against God's word. Appealing to woman's covetous nature, feminism repeats the Original Sin; woman, having made themselves their own lord are naturally, unhappy. And the data shows this.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Listening to this vid again, it brought up another very important data point in the state women today find themselves in. That is, more women are on anti-depressants than ever before.

Happiness polls plummeting. Anti-depressants at an all time high. Feminism ideals more implemented than ever before. The data mounts on how feminism has failed women.

I raised 4 girls. Thank YHWH they rejected all this nonsense. They married their 1st or 2nd boyfriend. Today, the've been with their husbands for half their live and almost all their adult lives. I've got many grandchildren and it is wonderful to see my girls living happy, fulfilling feminism-free lives.
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Saint of Light

Active Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Typical leftist that wants to censor and ban everyone else from expressing views.

I reported your post because you lied about me to harm my reputation. And then you called me a leftist when I complained about your obnoxious conduct. Someone who believes in free market capitalism, supports America’s great civic traditions, votes for the Republican Party, and values the US Constitution (all of which describe me) is not a leftist. You have very poor thinking abilities and obviously aren’t that bright.

Hint: Couching slander as “free expression” isn’t free speech. It’s slander. Did I really need to spell this out to you? Unfortunately I probably did.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
United States
Feminism in and of itself isn’t a bad thing. It basically means equal rights for women.

Really, it hasn't been about that (or just about that) for a very long time. It's morphed into Frankenstein's monster. Modern feminism is anti-men, anti-God, and anti-family. Third wave feminism is basically repackaged Marxism.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Really, it hasn't been about that (or just about that) for a very long time. It's morphed into Frankenstein's monster. Modern feminism is anti-men, anti-God, and anti-family. Third wave feminism is basically repackaged Marxism.
It's an organisation run and controlled by Satanist Communism Marxism and is queer.

It works to dupe people and to control over idiots, it's dominating peddling the organisations line and if a woman does not follow along totally 100% then just look how they treat women equally ? like the lowest common denominator as under Communism.
It's like they peddle you have to join our organisation or you are treated as the enemy ?
Their is no Grace in such an organisation !

Just like joining a union ? you have morons dictating over you all and if you were too voice your opinion Look out ! you don't have an opinion !
So if one is for having a Union and i think all people would agree that they need representation ? but the problem is that one may not want Communist type representation ! Why ? because they do not need a dictator type of representation ?
The problem with such organisations is they are dictatorship organisations in fact, and that's where people with a brain draw the line in fact !
It's like saying, Don't come the raw prawn with me buster ! I am not a Slave to an organisation that dictates over everyone.

Being feminine is truly a quality of a woman on her own merit. it's called Class ! She has it ! she owns it ! and no body can take that away from her !
Same with a man if he is a man ? if he truly is not a man, then he is only just a boy ? for such does not have the quality's of a real man ? Such a boy-man is owned ! a organisation owns him in fact, like Communism owns people and Anti-Christ own people and dominate over such.

Bible points out about the free Man ? ( But the free Man ? ) is free of such domination ? by free Man = man and woman are free ! they are not owned or enslaved !
So what the New age Feminism organisation foundations are based on is Anti-Christ ! for their is no Grace within the organisation, but is like that that was before Christ Jesus, Lost ! and deranged mans works religion ? The think they are bring it in, their kingdom ? but such is depraved and harmful to all. it's a Nazi like type concept. of being an idiot and a moron who lacks Grace. For they are being lead down the wrong path that leads to deceptions and delusions. of just stupid foolish Pride games ! Deranged.

Sure some of what they are on about is true or correct and i stand by with them on such but not with the intent of the organisations foundations being grubby underhanded con job that is like a whore working in leading all astray, but looks glamorous to all fools who fall for it's charms.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Short clip

Nowadays ?

But years ago the man was the head of the house and i seen all of the children be it his or the new wife with other children all had to obey his rules or get out. it was that simple.

I have seen my brother living with 2 children from the woman he married then had his own to her and then he got rid of her because he caught her in bed with next door's hubby, then all the other women he was with and the trouble with them other kids of them women brought with them, he could not have anything to do with them ? as the Government owned them kids, so the brats ruled and dominated over him and their mother.
So he was so stressed out ! and would tell me all the problems with such.

His wife's 2 kids were fine and his own kids were fine, but the rest of the kids with the other 2 other partners he had along the way with were trash kids that the Government owned such ?

I have seen the same with other mates of mine, the same thing ! Trash kids who are owned by the Government or Government controlled one could say ? so that such kids were out of control with power over the mother and who ever. totally disrespectful brats, thanks to the governments agendas to destroy the family ! and everyone is equal and the lowest denominator is the set foundations.

My brother and my mates who were in the same type of relationships all loved the woman they were with much so, but the kids destroyed them relationship so it failed ! The Governments intent destroyed such.

Now we are talking about good men here not rat bags or on drugs etc trash men as that's totally another subject.
But the Socialist Governments objective is that everyone is equal ? that means all are treated as 2ed class citizens and the lowest denominator ! because you are owned and they own your kids as well ! they own your wife as well !

It's much like Nazi Germany ? the powers that be have crept in over time and the people have not picked up on this fact, as they just go along with it all like a dog ! same with the Jews in the Bible, they did not understand who had crept in dominating over them and leading them astray.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Hypergamy. In a word, for those who appreciate exactness.

This is a thread I've wanted to start for some time. I've got 2 friends who are 60 years old who have gone through divorce in the last year. Let's approach this subject with relevant Scripture.

God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful
Galatians 5:22 (CEV)

After 50 years, feminism has failed to produce happier women. Gains in women’s rights haven't made women happier. Why is that? A hallmark of any valid principle is that it works. Feminism does not work. There can be no greater indicator of a flawed belief system than it fails the Galatians 5:22 test, it fails to produce happiness. The scientist in all of us ought to ask why is it that feminism has failed?

Of course, feminists double down on external causes, move the goal posts. From equal opportunity to equal outcomes. From equal pay for equal work to equal pay, regardless of work. The embrace of victim mentality is somehow empowering but does not produce happier woman. After half a century, the data is in. Women make different choices than men. And these choices make them less happy. Why?

Regarding relationships, the feminist claim was that feminism would make relationships between men and women better because there would be less stress on men to financially provide and have less stress in making all the big decisions. This idea is wrong because it fails to take into account inherent nature of women; hypergamy. Repeating the failure of Original Sin, today's woman want it all. The catch phrase is that they "won't settle" AS IF that makes them a strong, high value women. Feminism's appeal to woman's pride - of coveting, of getting MORE - is the root cause of feminism's failure.

In practice, today's women don't get more, they get less. They end off bitter and alone. Men are far worse off also and that is a topic for another thread. Let us pray. Let us pray people turn away from failed ideas not of this world and embrace Jesus and the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.
Agree that feminism has failed to make women happier. To keep it brief, the Bible says women are to be "keepers at home" and feminism tries to undermine that by teaching us to compete with men.

Meanwhile, we are becoming less desirable to men for marriage because feminism encourages sleeping around, we are becoming more burdened with both work outside the home and domestic responsibilities, we make less healthy meals for our families trying to balance career and home, and initiate the vast majority of divorces because we're so unhappy.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Agree that feminism has failed to make women happier. To keep it brief, the Bible says women are to be "keepers at home" and feminism tries to undermine that by teaching us to compete with men.
Yes, the Bible also says women were made to help men. My wife categorizes this as us being made to complement each other (as opposed to compete). I agree.

We were made to love each other. Feminists portray men as the enemy. The 3rd wave of feminism is very man hating. Victims of this evil ideology are unhappy because they have replaced love with hate in their heart.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
The language used when God made Woman, it was for a mate to "complete" Adam. Also, in Genesis, Marriage was instituted by God.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
The language used when God made Woman, it was for a mate to "complete" Adam. Also, in Genesis, Marriage was instituted by God.
Incrementalism. When they changed to no fault divorce, the attack on the family unit was made manifest.

In the 19th century, a woman could divorce her husband BUT she had to abandon her children and property. Consequently, divorce was rare. Now, women are incentivized to divorce.