How is Love, greater than Faith, and Hope?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

There was a time in my life where I deemed knowledge greater than everything else. I still do believe that Knowledge of God from the biblical source called the bible is still valid today and will forever be when ever my death comes and I am taken away from this world. Knowledge puffs up a person, did you know that is in the bible? 1 Corinthians 8:1; is where this is found stated by Paul of course he goes on to talk about sexual sin among the assembly there in Corinth. So knowledge puffs up, it puffs up ones ego, and I am sure am guilty of having it happen to me where I have become prideful over another, surely you have too.

Your heart can become callous, towards another person sometimes if you believe that knowledge is the power to win an argument or a fight online of all places, to be in a setting like that at your own home where you desire to have peace, rest and comfort to fight over who decides which Television Show had the best scene based on your knowledge of all the script doesn't mean really jack. Neither one of you are going to have comfort, or rest, or peace, because one is going to be puffed up against the other.

Love however builds up, it edifies and uplifts another, it is so important to take in and consider other peoples views even if you disagree with them, and simply acknowledge them as human beings that are part of the body of Christ, or even if they are an unbeliever, to have love towards them as they are. Do you not think Jesus would do the same thing? He loved you as you were when you came to him, did he not?

So why is love greater than faith, and hope? Love being the greatest is because you need to have it first, for God and for Others.

If you deem yourself right all the time without consideration of other points of views (which personally in my own life I have seen all types of different views having never going to church but studying under someone who brought those differences up to let the viewer know that there are different points of views on these things), without saying nah nah nah you're wrong, and this is how I am gonna prove that you are wrong by saying my opinion and that is it, or sharing scripture that points out my own view and obscuring another into a corner where the normal reaction is to fight their way out so that they do not get punched in the face, and be agitated by the individual who is putting me down as those they are superior.

Get this my friend, no one is better than the other. Remember that always, that God desires us to love our neighbor as ourselves, and that even includes allowing people to have freedom of expression and thoughts, and differing opinions, and it is okay. Many claim that they believe in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is their Lord and Saviour, who am I to judge them? All I know is that Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.

Which one is important to you?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Love also disciples as per Hebrews 12, corrects and warns others of danger which includes false teachings , false gods , false christs and false gospels . And those who understand Gods love take correction and are not proud having a false humility .

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Thank you for sharing, Christophany, and Marks.

Also could include 1 Corinthians 13, too Chris. That is an definition of love that Christians should have towards others. Faith and hope does benefit sure Marks you are right, but Love is should b the dominate trait that is expressed.

Am reminded of a scripture Jesus said in John 13:34 A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Thank you for sharing, Christophany, and Marks.

Also could include 1 Corinthians 13, too Chris. That is an definition of love that Christians should have towards others. Faith and hope does benefit sure Marks you are right, but Love is should b the dominate trait that is expressed.

Am reminded of a scripture Jesus said in John 13:34 A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”
Does God love those in hell/ lake of fire ?

Please explain ?

Did God love all those destroyed in the flood ? Please explain

Did God love all those nations that He commanded Israel to destroy by killing all the men women and children ? Please explain


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Does God love those in hell/ lake of fire ?

Please explain ?

Did God love all those destroyed in the flood ? Please explain

Did God love all those nations that He commanded Israel to destroy by killing all the men women and children ? Please explain

Sir this thread is not for division, but love and edification. If you desire to cause division that is fine, but please let me encourage you to make your own thread about these things if you desire to hear what others have to say about it.

I would like if possible that the thread stay on track, about how Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Your Thread's TOPIC.. TITLE..... is not connected to your rant about behavior issues, including on a forum.

So, to answer your Thread's actual question.

Love is Greater than Faith, because GOD is Love.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Your Thread's TOPIC.. TITLE..... is not connected to your rant about behavior issues, including on a forum.

So, to answer your Thread's actual question.

Love is Greater than Faith, because GOD is Love.

Thank you for sharing, your thoughts and insights Behold.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Would like to hear others in their experience of how they possibly have been puffed up towards others at one time, and were humbled by the LORD. I know in my life it has happened many different times.

At work I use to compare myself with others, and those who did not work fast like me especially if they were nearby I deemed unfit, and seen myself as better than them. I remember one day me and this one dude nearly getting in a fight, and the supervisor pulled me to the side, and I just unloaded all my feelings on this guy about how he is a lazy mf, and everything else like that... the supervisor let me get everything out and I eventually went back to work. Nothing happened afterwards.

The lesson was, it is not good to compare yourself to others, no matter how skillful you may be. God did humble me from this lesson.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Sir this thread is not for division, but love and edification. If you desire to cause division that is fine, but please let me encourage you to make your own thread about these things if you desire to hear what others have to say about it.

I would like if possible that the thread stay on track, about how Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.
Division ? there are 2 sides to live as we read below. You cannot have one without the other .

Hebrews 12:6 says, “For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives” (KJV). Another word for “chasten” is “discipline.” The passage goes on to quote Proverbs 3:11-12, which says, “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” Proper discipline is a proof of love.

Throughout Scripture, God portrays Himself as a Father. Those who have received Jesus as Savior are His children (John 1:12; Galatians 3:26). He uses the analogy of father/son because we understand it. He compares Himself to a loving father who not only blesses but disciplines His beloved children for their own good. Hebrews 12 goes on to show that those who do not receive God’s discipline are not legitimate children (verse 8). A loving father carefully watches his son, and when that son defies his orders and heads for danger, the father disciplines him to keep him safe. God does that with us. When a born-again child of God heads for sin or refuses to resist temptation, our Heavenly Father brings chastening into his life to direct him back to holiness.

Chastening can come in the form of guilty feelings, unpleasant circumstances, loss of peace, relationship fractures, or any number of negative consequences for choosing sin. Sometimes, the chastening of the Lord can be physical illness or even death (1 Corinthians 11:30).

Often, people ask if God is “punishing” them for wrong choices in the past. All our punishment for sin was exhausted upon Jesus on the cross (Romans 5:9). The wrath of God was poured out on Him so that for those who are “in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1) no wrath remains. When we give our lives to Christ, our Substitute for sin, our sin is forgiven and God remembers it no more (Hebrews 8:12; 10:15-18). However, often, our wrong choices in the past have brought about unpleasant consequences now. God does not necessarily remove the natural consequences of sin when we repent. Those consequences are tools God can use to teach us, to prevent us from repeating the same mistakes, and to remind us of God’s grace.

Examples of chastening are found throughout the Bible. The Israelites were continually disobeying God’s commands (Numbers 14:21-23; Judges 2:1-2; 2 Kings 18:12). He was patient with them, He sent prophets to plead with them, and He warned them many times. But when they dug in their heels and embraced idols or evil practices, God brought chastening upon them in the form of plagues or enemy attacks (Jeremiah 40:3). He still loved them, and in His love He could not allow them to continue in behavior that would destroy them.

There are many examples of personal chastening in the Bible, as well, even upon those in whom the Lord most delighted—Moses (Numbers 27:12), David (1 Chronicles 28:3), and Solomon (1 Kings 11:11), to name a few. Notice that, although these men made mistakes and were chastened for them, God did not stop loving or using them. He brought discipline appropriate to the crime, but always forgave the truly repentant heart. God always restored the relationship.

When we sin, we can expect that our loving Heavenly Father will not let us get away with it. Because He loves us, He desires us to live holy lives (1 Peter 1:15-16; Romans 8:29). If someone professes to know Christ but is living a lifestyle of unrepentant sin and claims to “feel fine about it,” with no qualms, then that person is not a legitimate child of God (Revelation 3:19; Hebrews 12:5-11; Job 5:17; Psalm 94:12; I John 3:4-12). God “chastens everyone he accepts as his son” (Hebrews 12:6). Got ?

hope this helps !!!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Division ? there are 2 sides to live as we read below. You cannot have one without the other .

Hebrews 12:6 says, “For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives” (KJV). Another word for “chasten” is “discipline.” The passage goes on to quote Proverbs 3:11-12, which says, “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” Proper discipline is a proof of love.

Throughout Scripture, God portrays Himself as a Father. Those who have received Jesus as Savior are His children (John 1:12; Galatians 3:26). He uses the analogy of father/son because we understand it. He compares Himself to a loving father who not only blesses but disciplines His beloved children for their own good. Hebrews 12 goes on to show that those who do not receive God’s discipline are not legitimate children (verse 8). A loving father carefully watches his son, and when that son defies his orders and heads for danger, the father disciplines him to keep him safe. God does that with us. When a born-again child of God heads for sin or refuses to resist temptation, our Heavenly Father brings chastening into his life to direct him back to holiness.

Chastening can come in the form of guilty feelings, unpleasant circumstances, loss of peace, relationship fractures, or any number of negative consequences for choosing sin. Sometimes, the chastening of the Lord can be physical illness or even death (1 Corinthians 11:30).

Often, people ask if God is “punishing” them for wrong choices in the past. All our punishment for sin was exhausted upon Jesus on the cross (Romans 5:9). The wrath of God was poured out on Him so that for those who are “in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1) no wrath remains. When we give our lives to Christ, our Substitute for sin, our sin is forgiven and God remembers it no more (Hebrews 8:12; 10:15-18). However, often, our wrong choices in the past have brought about unpleasant consequences now. God does not necessarily remove the natural consequences of sin when we repent. Those consequences are tools God can use to teach us, to prevent us from repeating the same mistakes, and to remind us of God’s grace.

Examples of chastening are found throughout the Bible. The Israelites were continually disobeying God’s commands (Numbers 14:21-23; Judges 2:1-2; 2 Kings 18:12). He was patient with them, He sent prophets to plead with them, and He warned them many times. But when they dug in their heels and embraced idols or evil practices, God brought chastening upon them in the form of plagues or enemy attacks (Jeremiah 40:3). He still loved them, and in His love He could not allow them to continue in behavior that would destroy them.

There are many examples of personal chastening in the Bible, as well, even upon those in whom the Lord most delighted—Moses (Numbers 27:12), David (1 Chronicles 28:3), and Solomon (1 Kings 11:11), to name a few. Notice that, although these men made mistakes and were chastened for them, God did not stop loving or using them. He brought discipline appropriate to the crime, but always forgave the truly repentant heart. God always restored the relationship.

When we sin, we can expect that our loving Heavenly Father will not let us get away with it. Because He loves us, He desires us to live holy lives (1 Peter 1:15-16; Romans 8:29). If someone professes to know Christ but is living a lifestyle of unrepentant sin and claims to “feel fine about it,” with no qualms, then that person is not a legitimate child of God (Revelation 3:19; Hebrews 12:5-11; Job 5:17; Psalm 94:12; I John 3:4-12). God “chastens everyone he accepts as his son” (Hebrews 12:6). Got ?

hope this helps !!!

I don’t mind being chastened by the LORD, he keeps me humble and at bay, he is my provider and caretaker, the one who can help me stand and also put me in my place by the Holy Spirit (Gods very own Spirit), and the spirit of Christ in me, Chris.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
How is Love, greater than Faith, and Hope?
Love is not qualified by Mr 'nice' guy delivery.
The devils have faith in in matters we know nothing about and matters that would blow our socks off.

Faith in the biblical context means trusting in God's promises. It does not mean the ability to
believe in the supernatural.
Hope only looks to the future. When hope is
realised it has fulfilled its purpose.
Love on the other hand has a present continuous and growing/expanding element which by its very nature trumps all else and never ends.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Love is the greater quality of the three because God is love and it outlasts them all. Long after the "evidence of things not seen" are now seen (Hebrews 11:1) once we are in the presence of the Lord and we are no longer looking for the "blessed hope" - (expectation of what is sure) and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13) because He has appeared and believers will be with Him forever, love will still be the principle that governs all that God and his saints are and do throughout eternity.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
What Greek word did Paul use at 1 Corinthians 13:13, where he mentioned faith, hope, and love and said that “the greatest of these is love”? Here the word is a•ga'pe, the same one that the apostle John used when he said: “God is love.” (1 John 4:8, 16) This is a love guided or governed by principle. It may or may not include affection and fondness, but it is an unselfish emotion or feeling concerned with doing good to others regardless of the merits of the recipient or of any benefits accruing to the giver. Love of this kind caused God to give the dearest treasure of his heart, his only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, “in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) As Paul so well reminds us: “Hardly will anyone die for a righteous man; indeed, for the good man, perhaps, someone even dares to die. But God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:7, 8) Yes, a•ga'pe does good to others regardless of their status in life or the cost to the one expressing the love.

But why did Paul say that this kind of love (a·gaʹpe) was greater than faith? He wrote at 1 Corinthians 13:2: “If I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” (Compare Matthew 17:20.) Yes, if our efforts to acquire knowledge and grow in faith were to be undertaken for a selfish purpose, this would bring us no benefit from God. Similarly, Jesus showed that some would ‘prophesy in his name, expel demons in his name, and perform many powerful works in his name’ but would not have his approval.(Matthew 7:22, 23)

Why is the a·gaʹpe form of love also greater than hope? Because hope may be self-centered, a person being chiefly concerned with benefits to himself, whereas love “does not look for its own interests.” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 5) Moreover, hope, such as that of living through the “great tribulation” into the new world, ceases when what is hoped for is realized. (Matthew 24:21) As Paul says: “We were saved in this hope; but hope that is seen is not hope, for when a man sees a thing, does he hope for it? But if we hope for what we do not see, we keep on waiting for it with endurance.” (Romans 8:24, 25) Love itself endures all things, and it never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:7, 8) Thus, unselfish love (a·gaʹpe) is greater than either faith or hope.

Love’s superlative role is also seen when compared with long-suffering, the patient endurance of wrong or provocation. To be long-suffering means to be patient as well as slow to anger. What causes people to be impatient and quick to become angry? Is it not a lack of love? However, our heavenly Father is long-suffering and “slow to anger.” (Exodus 34:6; Luke 18:7) Why? Because he loves us and “does not desire any to be destroyed.”(2 Peter 3:9)

We have previously seen why love is greater than faith, and the reasons given apply to the remaining fruits of the spirit, that is, kindness, goodness, mildness, and self-control. All of these are necessary qualities, but they will not benefit us without love, even as Paul noted at 1 Corinthians 13:3, where he wrote: “If I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not have love, I am not profited at all.” On the other hand, it is love that brings forth such qualities as kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control. Thus, Paul went on to say that love is kind and that “it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Yes, and “love never fails.” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 7, 8) Well has it been observed that the other fruits of the spirit are manifestations, or various aspects, of love, the one mentioned first. Truly, it follows that of all nine fruits of the spirit, love is indeed the greatest.

Supporting the conclusion that love is the greatest of the fruits of God’s spirit are Paul’s words: “Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. For the law code . . . is summed up in this word, namely, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor; therefore love is the law’s fulfillment.” (Romans 13:8-10) Most fittingly, the disciple James refers to this law of loving one’s neighbor as oneself as “the kingly law.”(James 2:8)

Is there still more testimony that love is the greatest quality? Yes, indeed. Consider what happened when a scribe asked Jesus: “Which commandment is first of all?” He may well have expected Jesus to quote one of the Ten Commandments. But Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy 6:4, 5 and said: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’” Then Jesus added: “The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”(Mark 12:28-31)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
What Greek word did Paul use at 1 Corinthians 13:13, where he mentioned faith, hope, and love and said that “the greatest of these is love”? Here the word is a•ga'pe, the same one that the apostle John used when he said: “God is love.” (1 John 4:8, 16) This is a love guided or governed by principle. It may or may not include affection and fondness, but it is an unselfish emotion or feeling concerned with doing good to others regardless of the merits of the recipient or of any benefits accruing to the giver. Love of this kind caused God to give the dearest treasure of his heart, his only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, “in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) As Paul so well reminds us: “Hardly will anyone die for a righteous man; indeed, for the good man, perhaps, someone even dares to die. But God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:7, 8) Yes, a•ga'pe does good to others regardless of their status in life or the cost to the one expressing the love.

But why did Paul say that this kind of love (a·gaʹpe) was greater than faith? He wrote at 1 Corinthians 13:2: “If I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” (Compare Matthew 17:20.) Yes, if our efforts to acquire knowledge and grow in faith were to be undertaken for a selfish purpose, this would bring us no benefit from God. Similarly, Jesus showed that some would ‘prophesy in his name, expel demons in his name, and perform many powerful works in his name’ but would not have his approval.(Matthew 7:22, 23)

Why is the a·gaʹpe form of love also greater than hope? Because hope may be self-centered, a person being chiefly concerned with benefits to himself, whereas love “does not look for its own interests.” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 5) Moreover, hope, such as that of living through the “great tribulation” into the new world, ceases when what is hoped for is realized. (Matthew 24:21) As Paul says: “We were saved in this hope; but hope that is seen is not hope, for when a man sees a thing, does he hope for it? But if we hope for what we do not see, we keep on waiting for it with endurance.” (Romans 8:24, 25) Love itself endures all things, and it never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:7, 8) Thus, unselfish love (a·gaʹpe) is greater than either faith or hope.

Love’s superlative role is also seen when compared with long-suffering, the patient endurance of wrong or provocation. To be long-suffering means to be patient as well as slow to anger. What causes people to be impatient and quick to become angry? Is it not a lack of love? However, our heavenly Father is long-suffering and “slow to anger.” (Exodus 34:6; Luke 18:7) Why? Because he loves us and “does not desire any to be destroyed.”(2 Peter 3:9)

We have previously seen why love is greater than faith, and the reasons given apply to the remaining fruits of the spirit, that is, kindness, goodness, mildness, and self-control. All of these are necessary qualities, but they will not benefit us without love, even as Paul noted at 1 Corinthians 13:3, where he wrote: “If I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not have love, I am not profited at all.” On the other hand, it is love that brings forth such qualities as kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control. Thus, Paul went on to say that love is kind and that “it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Yes, and “love never fails.” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 7, 8) Well has it been observed that the other fruits of the spirit are manifestations, or various aspects, of love, the one mentioned first. Truly, it follows that of all nine fruits of the spirit, love is indeed the greatest.

Supporting the conclusion that love is the greatest of the fruits of God’s spirit are Paul’s words: “Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. For the law code . . . is summed up in this word, namely, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor; therefore love is the law’s fulfillment.” (Romans 13:8-10) Most fittingly, the disciple James refers to this law of loving one’s neighbor as oneself as “the kingly law.”(James 2:8)

Is there still more testimony that love is the greatest quality? Yes, indeed. Consider what happened when a scribe asked Jesus: “Which commandment is first of all?” He may well have expected Jesus to quote one of the Ten Commandments. But Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy 6:4, 5 and said: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’” Then Jesus added: “The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”(Mark 12:28-31)



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Love is the greater quality of the three because God is love and it outlasts them all. Long after the "evidence of things not seen" are now seen (Hebrews 11:1) once we are in the presence of the Lord and we are no longer looking for the "blessed hope" - (expectation of what is sure) and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13) because He has appeared and believers will be with Him forever, love will still be the principle that governs all that God and his saints are and do throughout eternity.

Love is so important.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
How is Love, greater than Faith, and Hope?
Love is not qualified by Mr 'nice' guy delivery.
The devils have faith in in matters we know nothing about and matters that would blow our socks off.

Faith in the biblical context means trusting in God's promises. It does not mean the ability to
believe in the supernatural.
Hope only looks to the future. When hope is
realised it has fulfilled its purpose.
Love on the other hand has a present continuous and growing/expanding element which by its very nature trumps all else and never ends.

Thank you for Sharing brother, always good to see you around.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

There was a time in my life where I deemed knowledge greater than everything else. I still do believe that Knowledge of God from the biblical source called the bible is still valid today and will forever be when ever my death comes and I am taken away from this world. Knowledge puffs up a person, did you know that is in the bible? 1 Corinthians 8:1; is where this is found stated by Paul of course he goes on to talk about sexual sin among the assembly there in Corinth. So knowledge puffs up, it puffs up ones ego, and I am sure am guilty of having it happen to me where I have become prideful over another, surely you have too.

Your heart can become callous, towards another person sometimes if you believe that knowledge is the power to win an argument or a fight online of all places, to be in a setting like that at your own home where you desire to have peace, rest and comfort to fight over who decides which Television Show had the best scene based on your knowledge of all the script doesn't mean really jack. Neither one of you are going to have comfort, or rest, or peace, because one is going to be puffed up against the other.

Love however builds up, it edifies and uplifts another, it is so important to take in and consider other peoples views even if you disagree with them, and simply acknowledge them as human beings that are part of the body of Christ, or even if they are an unbeliever, to have love towards them as they are. Do you not think Jesus would do the same thing? He loved you as you were when you came to him, did he not?

So why is love greater than faith, and hope? Love being the greatest is because you need to have it first, for God and for Others.

If you deem yourself right all the time without consideration of other points of views (which personally in my own life I have seen all types of different views having never going to church but studying under someone who brought those differences up to let the viewer know that there are different points of views on these things), without saying nah nah nah you're wrong, and this is how I am gonna prove that you are wrong by saying my opinion and that is it, or sharing scripture that points out my own view and obscuring another into a corner where the normal reaction is to fight their way out so that they do not get punched in the face, and be agitated by the individual who is putting me down as those they are superior.

Get this my friend, no one is better than the other. Remember that always, that God desires us to love our neighbor as ourselves, and that even includes allowing people to have freedom of expression and thoughts, and differing opinions, and it is okay. Many claim that they believe in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is their Lord and Saviour, who am I to judge them? All I know is that Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.

Which one is important to you?

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Faith, hope and love causes me to consider there are three that bear witness…but that is not the part that really stands out about why is love greatest among the three (Faith, hope, and Love) but instead “the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he has testified of his Son.
1 John 5:8-9

Of Faith, hope, and Love …love being the greatest of the three…what of that even while we were yet sinners God loved us and sent His Son. Hope …Faith …but Love was Faith and Hope is action, yea? In He sent His Son
Ephesians 3:17-19 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, [18] May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; [19] And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
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