How to grow in the Word

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I'm sure you actually believe this. But as you know . . . just believing something doesn't make it true.

This is just one more way to put down others. Who taught you to do that?

Much love!

The foolishness is in your challenging a person you don't know. The very wisest thing a person can do is to ignore you. Which I will return to. As a believer you hope that something of the Lord would penetrate the religious exterior....


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
reading comprehension skills very poor here on the forum? well I'm no expert in the english language, just common people, nor do I have a phd or a dd. but I'm like the apostle Paul, 2 Corinthians 11:3 "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

so since my skills are not on a level of your I will bow out of this conversatation.

I have very good reading skills. This is one of the reasons people stop responding to my posts, because I actually read what they say, and sometimes point to things that they'd prefer to not be spotlighted.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Well that explains the site name, then. I was wondering, LoL.

About this, Berserk, I think God judges us based on how well we did with the circumstances we found ourselves in, past, present and future, because those circumstances change. But about your condition, I wouldn't just accept dementia as a permanent part of the rest of my life. I would believe God that I go to my grave in health, and that I will still be used of God effectively until the very end.

I've had to deal with this myself, not with dementia, but with debilitating major depressive disorder. It turned out to not be all the time, and I still have issues with it. I've learned it's just a physical state, like all other things physical, God is above that, and my new creation spirit is not in bondage to what my body does.

Just the same, I found myself needing to be reconciled to the possibility of having to spend the rest of my life that way.

It can be very debilitating at times.

But the truth is, what the body is doing is not the final word, it can just make things more difficult. But with affliction comes glory.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Backwards. The spiritual side of the church correctly discerns the carnal nature of the religious posturing of they who are not. But the religious side is the one that concludes that the Spirit is demonic. Was Jesus put to death by a spiritual people or a religious people?

You may not know the answer...but most here do. You are just exposing yourself here as religious. :oops:

And you are the spiritual side and I am the carnal, I know, I get it. "Christ-killer!" We can add that to the list.

But you falsely accuse me. That just happens to be the way it is. You are rude and abusive to those who disagree. Very spiritual indeed!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Our walks seem to have so many similarities, Nancy. I was saved in '72 and was immediately thrust into the prevailing Jesus Movement of those days, meeting in homes with young people, some of whom felt they were called to be leaders, followed by announcements they made to that effect. My interest was to remain in fellowship, but my greatest desire was to complete my academic pursuits at the college, then university. I was never permitted into the inner workings of any of the groups with whom I met. Instead, I was always the outsider, mostly because I struggled financially as a student and had very little to give to any church or home group. Without money, one is never acknowledged, which will always be the case as I view the church world today.

After moving from home groups, I joined a larger Charismatic church. I was still hitchhiking to campus and collecting soda bottles which I redeemed to have enough money for one meal each day. Consequently, no one, especially not the major cliques of any of the places I stepped into for fellowship, welcomed me or shook my hand. And why would they? I had no money to give them, and so, as a means to give, I played the bass for worship any time there was a service, day or night. Not once was a paid a dime. It was my way of giving back, but even that wasn't really accepted as a contribution, but rather a desire to perform, to flaunt my talent.

Then, once I graduated, moved North, then back to FL, God led me to a good paying job, and so I was able to give offerings to the church I was attending. It was regular and always the same amount every Sunday, which, finally, got me noticed. Was I greeted at the door? Absolutely, the pastor stood right there to welcome me as I walked in, shook my hand, asked me about myself, and pretended to by my friend. I really didn't know him. He never asked me over to his house or to join him fishing or something, but he did show a welcoming attitude when I continued to pay my tithes. Because the services at that gathering never ended with an altar call, I chose to move on, searched for years for a replacement, but the places were all the same....and so I stay at home and like it this way. After all, there's far too much church politics these days.

"I was saved in '72 and was immediately thrust into the prevailing Jesus Movement of those days, meeting in homes with young people, some of whom felt they were called to be leaders, followed by announcements they made to that effect. <--- Well then, as I believe I was born too late, where music is concerned, I am going to take a gander here and presume you know a couple of my favorite "Jesus Music" performers from that time: Keith Green and 2nd Chapter Of Acts?? ♥
My interest was to remain in fellowship," <--- DITTO my brother ♥
"Without money, one is never acknowledged, which will always be the case as I view the church world today." <--- Amen and amen to that, we have no business "tithing" anyhow! Were we (gentiles) EVER invited to be a part of the Law? I do not think so. If one makes the 10% a law then they had better not break the others that they have chosen to live under. I give cheerfully, and to those I know are in He blesses me, and it is not necessarily the "Church", it could be specific people in specific, tangible ways...meeting actual "needs" where He shows us. As, He blesses us to bless others and not to use it for our own selfish pleasures! HE IS our pleasure ♥ And, He will trust us with more and more in many ways when He can trust us with it, IMHO.

"Instead, I was always the outsider, mostly because I struggled financially ..."
Oh, how the love of money is the root of so many evils...sometimes and especially in many, many mainline "church's" today.

"Not once was a paid a dime. It was my way of giving back, but even that wasn't really accepted as a contribution, but rather a desire to perform, to flaunt my talent."
Oh how seared are the consciences of this Church Age. And, how judgmental.

"...which, finally, got me noticed. "
Yep, money talks...even and sometimes especially in the "Church's" of today. So very far have we fallen from Him. :(

"Because the services at that gathering never ended with an altar call, I chose to move on, searched for years for a replacement"
May I ask, was this a "reformed" or "Calvinistic" Church by any chance?
And you got THAT right...WAYYYYY too much politics in the Church today, as a matter of fact I think it has no place there but then, I am sure many on here would disagree.



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
The foolishness is in your challenging a person you don't know. The very wisest thing a person can do is to ignore you. Which I will return to. As a believer you hope that something of the Lord would penetrate the religious exterior....

Actually, I went back to look at your post, I think I took it differently from the way you meant it.

I thought you meant that you esteem the Spirit more highly than others do, but now I think what you really meant was that you esteem the Spirit more highly than the Bible. So I retract my objection to that statement, I believe I misunderstood you. I'm sorry!

Much love!

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States

You would reproduce other bible followers as you. But there is no life in it.

The bible points us to Christ so we can follow Him...outside of the bible.

We are not to grow in the bible...or bible knowledge for it's own sake. Knowledge puffs up but love edifies. (that's in the bible)

So then most people would do better to walk in humility and not treat the bible as if it was salvation. Much hypocrisy would be avoided in this way.

But here is a radical idea...we are to grow in Christ. I know that sounds meaningless compared to growing in the bible. After all you can buy a bible rather cheaply or even get one as a gift....a free gift. Is grace receiving a bible?

God is Spirit...and we are to enter into HIS realm...where He walk in His power (grace).

Unless the bible is leading you to THAT kind of supernatural are digging yourself into a religious hole.

The bible testifies of LIFE...found in the Spirit. The sons of God are led by the Spirit...not the bible. The letter KILLS...but the Spirit gives life. (this is in the bible)

The early church didn't own bibles. They walked in the intimacy of a spiritual relationship with the living the Spirit. It's all there in the bible. The multiplication of bibles only multiplied divisions and human opinions because of a lack of understanding. But since it empowered people in their fleshly's all seen as good. But I don't think I'm hated for it! :)

So the devil presents the bible as a means of human interpretation that makes God the servant of men.

So then why do biblicist who basically worship a book...disrespect the walk in Christ so much?

The same way that Cain resented Abel. The church of Cain hates they who have a real connection to God. They can't allow themselves to believe that others could have a greater connection to God. Jealousy ensues if that takes place. These grasp at what is a paper bible...not knowing anything of what is eternal and therefore not visible. It is the carnal against the spiritual. The devil also sets the bible against the brethren of Jesus. Just as Jesus was tempted in the desert...He successfully resisting...but so many falling for the devil's trickery FROM the bible.

So are we really to grow in the bible? The bible according to whom?

Is that the same as walking as Jesus walked? Is that the same as the full stature of Christ?

Or does it replace this?

Episkopos, I think you are operating over people's heads sometimes, LoL. But the question is, are you being effective? You tend to post provocatively, which elicits reactions. But are the reactions you are getting positive? You often tend to just set people off. I tend to hold back on sharing deeper things with people, and especially things that go against the grain. You, however, just tend to plow through like you're driving through a brick wall or something, LoL.

Just saying, you sure that pulling people's strings isn't serving as a form of entertainment? Or would you get bored out of your skull if you didn't? He's your Judge, not me. Just asking : )


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Well that explains the site name, then. I was wondering, LoL.

About this, Berserk, I think God judges us based on how well we did with the circumstances we found ourselves in, past, present and future, because those circumstances change. But about your condition, I wouldn't just accept dementia as a permanent part of the rest of my life. I would believe God that I go to my grave in health, and that I will still be used of God effectively until the very end.

"I wouldn't just accept dementia as a permanent part of the rest of my life. I would believe God that I go to my grave in health, and that I will still be used of God effectively until the very end."

My very best friend is now in an assisted living facility. She, like her sister before her, has dementia. I know her like nobody else. We came to the Lord together back in 91. She brought many souls to Christ over the decades. Including her WHOLE very stubborn family - who all come from staunch Catholicism. I pray always that God would, despite her broken mind, still bring her the joy and faith she once had. WHAT a prayer warrior my friend is, mostly was. If she gets upset there, I asked the admin to have the staff just hold her hands, and pray with her because that is a full proof remedy with her. Dementia takes away not just memory but reasoning capabilities.
For 6 years now, I have been praying for her to have her mind sound at least in the things of her first love. Bottom line is we are in a fallen and broken world, and we as humans are broken physically and mentally as well. I have no doubt that God gives mercy in these cases.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
2. At the same time, all Christians need to be taught (and shown) how to study the Bible for themselves -- the nuts and bolts of Bible study -- using all legitimate Bible study tools.

I agree, although I suspect there may a fear on the part of some leaders to discourage this, seeing as how encouraging believers to study for themselves will encourage them to think for themselves, and this can lead to more debate, and potentially more strife and disagreement. Personally, I think it would lead to greater revelation. The word never discouraged personal study, but simply that congregations allow the Spirit of Peace to referee or "rule" among them, so that they hold their peace and treat one another with love and respect even when they disagree. And here is where I think the church is REALLY missing it. The Spirit of Peace rarely if ever has His way. But I truly wish personal study was encouraged more myself, especially more scholarly study.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
"I wouldn't just accept dementia as a permanent part of the rest of my life. I would believe God that I go to my grave in health, and that I will still be used of God effectively until the very end."

My very best friend is now in an assisted living facility. She, like her sister before her, has dementia. I know her like nobody else. We came to the Lord together back in 91. She brought many souls to Christ over the decades. Including her WHOLE very stubborn family - who all come from staunch Catholicism. I pray always that God would, despite her broken mind, still bring her the joy and faith she once had. WHAT a prayer warrior my friend is, mostly was. If she gets upset there, I asked the admin to have the staff just hold her hands, and pray with her because that is a full proof remedy with her. Dementia takes away not just memory but reasoning capabilities.
For 6 years now, I have been praying for her to have her mind sound at least in the things of her first love. Bottom line is we are in a fallen and broken world, and we as humans are broken physically and mentally as well. I have no doubt that God gives mercy in these cases.

I wish her the very best. :) Any form of incapacitating condition would not be easy for me to accept, and I can promise you the Lord and I would go round and round about it. But I'm no man's judge, so I hope I don't sound condemning.

To quote our friend @marks, "Much Love!" :D
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Episkopos, I think you are operating over people's heads sometimes, LoL. But the question is, are you being effective? You tend to post provocatively, which elicits reactions.

Only sometimes? ;) You're right. I have 7 or 8 people on ignore. But these interrupt and derail my threads so how long can I ignore attacks on the truth? Are these actually trying to learn something? Can I just ignore all questionings? I let so many false statements go by...'s like the answer a fool or don't answer a fool conundrum in proverbs.

So it is difficult to know what to do with the religious ones. But I hope that those who are seeking and spiritual will benefit regardless by the exchange. :)

Effective? How can a person be effective to someone who is programmed, conditioned, hypnotized and indoctrinated? if I knew that...or if God gave me the power to do so...then what would be the point of God sending the strong delusions? So I see that the wicked should remain wicked...and the deceived remain deceived...unless the option of humility is chosen...which very few will ever consider. I have to remain hopeful and obedient to speak the truth in and out of season.
But are the reactions you are getting positive? You often tend to just set people off. I tend to hold back on sharing deeper things with people, and especially things that go against the grain. You, however, just tend to plow through like you're driving through a brick wall or something, LoL.

I have always taken on the hardest people. I don't think people realize that this is my take on the hard cases. In real life. I have a lot of history and experience behind what I write.

Just saying, you sure that pulling people's strings isn't serving as a form of entertainment? Or would you get bored out of your skull if you didn't? He's your Judge, not me. Just asking : )

The truth pulls people's strings. Should we not post the truth? On judgment day so many people will be furious that they were not warned that their behaviour would lead them to be cut off from God and sent into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

God has shown me this as the end of MANY MANY modern Christians. So what should I do? I have been shown much....woe is me if I don't warn people of the truth.

I will be held responsible for what I I act as a fool for the truth. :)

Let people say and react in their flesh. I am doing this before the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I wish her the very best. :) Any form of incapacitating condition would not be easy for me to accept, and I can promise you the Lord and I would go round and round about. But I'm no man's judgement, so I hope I don't sound condemning.

To quote our friend @marks, "Much Love!" :D

You know, I always say, make it yours, and you aren't quoting me!

Much love!

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States's like the answer a fool or don't answer a fool conundrum in proverbs.

I think this one plagues all of us. I still mull it over myself. Do I let it appear I have no answer by not replying, or let it go knowing nothing good will come of it anyway. It's in technical terms...

a toughie, LoL.
Effective? How can a person be effective to someone who is programmed, conditioned, hypnotized and indoctrinated? if I knew that...or if God gave me the power to do so...then what would be the point of God sending the strong delusions? So I see that the wicked should remain wicked...and the deceived remain deceived...unless the option of humility is chosen...which very few will ever consider. I have to remain hopeful and obedient to speak the truth in and out of season.

I still abide by the principle that the word is sown in peace by those making peace... which when you think about it makes me wonder how those two principles work together.
God has shown me this as the end of MANY MANY modern Christians. So what should I do? I have been shown much....woe is me if I don't warn people of the truth.

I suppose, man. As I said, not your judge. Just sort of posting my thoughts out loud.

Best of luck. Even I have gotten a little peeved with you before. Can't remember what it was now, but for awhile there I thought you were the very spawn of Beelzebub myself, LoL.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I still abide by the principle that the word is sown in peace by those making peace... which when you think about it makes me wonder how those two principles work together.

Hi Hidden In Him,

If I may . . . I see these working together in that the one who does not desire peace will not really be sowing the word, rather, they will sow discord, because the sow for their own agenda.

God's Word will accomplish His purpose, not mine. Not someone else's purposes, God's alone. His way is peace. He has called us to peace, has told us we are one.

When our sole desire is to give the Word for to reconcile man to his God, and to build in faith those so reconciled, rather than receive affirmations in oh so many different ways, we bring this true Word of reconciliation to others.

In our faith in Jesus, we have peace with God. We desire to share this peace with God in seeing others reconciled to Him.

And it should go without saying, being reconciled to Him, we are therefore reconciled to each other, but alas, we are a work in process, are we not?

I hope this may help.

Much love!

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Hi Hidden In Him,

If I may . . . I see these working together in that the one who does not desire peace will not really be sowing the word, rather, they will sow discord, because the sow for their own agenda.

God's Word will accomplish His purpose, not mine. Not someone else's purposes, God's alone. His way is peace. He has called us to peace, has told us we are one.

When our sole desire is to give the Word for to reconcile man to his God, and to build in faith those so reconciled, rather than receive affirmations in oh so many different ways, we bring this true Word of reconciliation to others.

In our faith in Jesus, we have peace with God. We desire to share this peace with God in seeing others reconciled to Him.

And it should go without saying, being reconciled to Him, we are therefore reconciled to each other, but alas, we are a work in process, are we not?

I hope this may help.

Much love!

Well I agree. But now, the two principles I was referring to were "sowing the word of truth in peace" and doing so "in season and out of season." It would seem to me that "out of season" means when people are less apt to hear it and receive it, as the ground is during non-planting season (note the farming analogies in both phrases). But maybe the teaching is to sow at all times, even when it looks like they might be willing to hear it, but always in peace, by doing everything in our power not to engender strife in those who are hearing it. In other words, sow always, but always in peace.

What do you think? :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
But maybe the teaching is to sow at all times, even when it looks like they might be willing to hear it, but always in peace, by doing everything in our power not to engender strife in those who are hearing it. In other words, sow always, but always in peace.

What do you think? :)
I think this is good.

2 Timothy 4 YLT
1 I do fully testify, then, before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is about to judge living and dead at his manifestation and his reign --
2 preach the word; be earnest in season, out of season, convict, rebuke, exhort, in all long-suffering and teaching,
3 for there shall be a season when the sound teaching they will not suffer, but according to their own desires to themselves they shall heap up teachers -- itching in the hearing,

I hear this verse telling me there is no "off season", for the preacher of the word.

Galatians 6
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

I like what Solomon wrote, "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good."

And one more thought, "let your gentleness be known to all".

Even so some division will come, and even needs to come so that it may be seen those who are approved.

Much love!
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Hope in God

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
United States
[SIZE=5 said:
Well then, as I believe I was born too late, where music is concerned, I am going to take a gander here and presume you know a couple of my favorite "Jesus Music" performers from that time: Keith Green and 2nd Chapter Of Acts?? ♥
Yes, I know them very well. There are so many. Mustard Seed Faith, Maranatha, John Michael Talbot, Andre Crouch, Don Francesca (sp?), Love Song (my favorite), and more

Were we (gentiles) EVER invited to be a part of the Law? I do not think so. If one makes the 10% a law then they had better not break the others that they have chosen to live under. I give cheerfully, and to those I know are in He blesses me, and it is not necessarily the "Church", it could be specific people in specific, tangible ways...meeting actual "needs" where He shows us. As, He blesses us to bless others and not to use it for our own selfish pleasures! HE IS our pleasure ♥ And, He will trust us with more and more in many ways when He can trust us with it, IMHO.

That's how I gave as well, and sometimes much more than I would a church, considering the person's need.

May I ask, was this a "reformed" or "Calvinistic" Church by any chance?

I have never belonged or frequented a Calvinist Church. I know very well what Reformed doctrine maintains and I am not in agreement with much of it. Forever, I will remain a Spirit filled believer without ties, and with a sufficient knowledge of the Word to understand and recognize sound doctrine.

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