How to stop worrying?

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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Josho, how are you? I hope you are well and less anxious. If I have one message and testimony to share that maybe can help someone, it is this: God has completely lifted my anxiety and fear of the unknown. Years ago, whenever someone gave a tense and fidgety woman(that's me) the advice of "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" and "continue in My word and the truth shall set you free" I said I understood, but secretly, I did not believe the Word as medicine from all the traumas of life. Secretly I thought: you have no idea how messed up I am. I have always carried the label "quirky" because of my many quirks. Most of these quirks were negative but still they were a part of me. They became a definition for who I am. I thought I would have to live with those quirks for the rest of my life. My husband used to say that I am the weakest person he has ever seen. It is true. And I used to be offended whenever I was told I am weak. I used to be offended whenever the verse pertaining to a woman as "the weaker vessel" would come up in conversation. Now I say: thank you. I am weak and I am thankful. I am thankful I am weak and need Him every single day.

Josho, over the span of my life: I have had to sign in to the mental ward of the hospital for treatment (when I was younger), seen countless counselors and psychiatrist, taken all kinds of medications (Xanax, antidepressants...), and eventually learned to cope by just checking out, advoiding people, life and became a hermit. None of those things ever touched my anxiety level. None of those things ever released me from my prison of torment and fear. All of the torment coming from within my own mind.

God has removed every bit of it. My quirks (although I had learned to accept those negative quirks as a part of me) are completely gone. No more panic attacks. Now I live life. I go in crowds. I sit elbow to elbow in the pew at church (at the front, rather than near the exit). My husband and I are facing more than ten court cases over the next couple of weeks. We are being sued left and right, basically for telling the truth, rather than lying. A mountain of lies on the other- side is building(multiple cases). I have no idea how we are going to defeat those lies. That is the common denominator in all the cases: lies coming up against God's truth: the truth that light coming in brings mans deed into the light and sets them free. Truth really does set a person free. But it seems the world will fight the truth coming into the light with a vengeance. One case involves a little boy(we love this little boy so a lot is at stake) and his well-being and safety for the rest of his life is going to be decided within the courts. Truth against lies. My husband lies awake at night, tossing and turning, consumed by stress and anxiety over all that is being thrown at us. I sense his restlessness and his mind racing and tell him: go to sleep, there is nothing to fear. God has got it. No matter the outcome. God has got it.

My husband told someone the other night that there has been a complete reversal in our home: now he is the one anxious, and I am calm. I couldn't help but smile while overhearing it, not because I did anything to change it...God changed me. My husband told me "do you realize your quirks are gone?". Yes. I realize it. I don't know if you suffer from anxiety, Josho. Or if anyone coming to the board suffers and feels trapped and hopeless. But I promise. I have seen and experienced it. God really can remove the anxiety and fear, and give peace...peace under any circumstance. God gives rest. I am still weak, but I now rest in the fact that He IS my strength in every circumstance. I used to think it would take a miracle for my shoulders to relax and my "what if's" to silence...God is that miracle.

Thanks for your post, I still get stressed and worried, maybe even more than i used to get, but I'm glad God has gotten rid of your stress and worries.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Josh, I am in no way criticizing you, I care that you have to deal every day with worry and anxiety. I understand because I have been there for 49 years. It is a faith problem. Worry and anxiety is a lack of trust in what God is doing today. Yes, it also manifest in physical ways making worry and anxiety very real. I know it sounds impossible but God can remove all of it by building your faith and trust in Him. I am certain His will for you is to be anxiety and worry free. The other morning I awoke to all these thoughts of what I wish I could tell the Judge in all these court cases coming against us. I felt as if I will never get to have a voice to tell my side. Immediately God calmed those thoughts and said that I can come before The Judge, The REAL Judge any time I want and He is a Judge that has already seen it all. WIth God I don't have to scramble to produce proof or evidence. HE has been here through it all with me. Christ is my advocate.

This morning God told me He is no longer my Judge...He is now my Father. HE is also your Father Josh. And some day He is going to show you that you can let go of worry because He is a good Father that is always working EVERY circumstance to your good. Rest in that knowledge. YOu can't see five years down the road but your Father can, so trust him with the decisions of today.

I will remember you in my prayers. ❤️


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
I still get stressed and worried, maybe even more than i used to get

It does seem to get worse whenever the devil tries to keep us from growth. God allows it to build our faith. Satan hates Christ, and the more you become like Him, the more Satan is going to attack(not you but Him). That is where you are going to need the peace spoken of all throughout the Word. Remember when Jesus was in the wilderness and how hard the devil tempted Him. The outcome was that Jesus left strengthed rather than destroyed.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I have not noticed this thread I am late to the party.
I used to feel very condemned about worry and made me feel so guilty.
I do believe that there is a difference between worry and fear...for the longest time I thought they were the same.
Worry is ( to me) turning the same issue over and over in our mind, and getting nowhere...that is having a relationship with worry!

Fear, in my life , starting from age 4 was a constant companion.
Then during my Christian walk I slowly saw the difference . Once I identified it as a spirit..I knew how to fight.
I could go weeks, bobbing along happily...when out of nowhere a dark cloud descended over me. Chronic fear would grip me..half the time I had no idea why!! I just felt out of control, anxious and fearful. I would literally shake.
I learned how to rebuke the enemy and 'change the atmosphere' by praise and worship. Nighttimes were worse.

Also, we sometimes beat ourselves up for anxiety when all along it is something out of whack in our body!! I had high blood pressure for one told me that high BP can cause anxiety in the body.
Once I found this out I took notice. One I was sitting watching a good movie in the evening...and from nowhere, I felt totally anxious.. WHY, it wasn't even a scary movie!! I have a BP monitor at I went and took my BP..sure enough it was highly elevated. At one point, that would have made me anxious...but this time it made me HAPPY!! I found a reason for the sudden anxiety. :)
Slight heart problems can also do this too.

I think one good lesson to learn in the story of Martin Luther. How his cat jumped and ran behind a chair...M.L. looked up, saw the Devil was there ...and said- " Oh it's only you.", and got on with his writing.
True or not, no idea, but it makes a good point. If that could be our attitude more often with fear and anxiety, we'd win much quicker. :)

Lets face it..what is the worst thing that could happen?
= We might died up with and end up with Jesus!!! :D
That is why we know that fear, worry, anxiety are tools of, from the Devil...because our thought once 'under the influence', becomes irrational. ✟



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Good one to add. Ann Voskamp

" Just four words right now: You are with me.
Discouragement trailing? But You are with me.
Worries hounding? But You are with me.
Valleys ahead & shadows looming? But You are with me.

I may feel useless, but only one thing is needful: that I am with You and You are with me. If God is within us -- it doesn't matter what is without.
"Even though I walk through the valley... I will fear no evil, for you are with me."
Ps. 23:4
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Recognize that all this stress you are feeling is the result of worldliness and turn it over to God. Then, continue loving God and neighbor
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
I have not noticed this thread I am late to the party.
I used to feel very condemned about worry and made me feel so guilty.
I do believe that there is a difference between worry and fear...for the longest time I thought they were the same.
Worry is ( to me) turning the same issue over and over in our mind, and getting nowhere...that is having a relationship with worry!

Fear, in my life , starting from age 4 was a constant companion.
Then during my Christian walk I slowly saw the difference . Once I identified it as a spirit..I knew how to fight.
I could go weeks, bobbing along happily...when out of nowhere a dark cloud descended over me. Chronic fear would grip me..half the time I had no idea why!! I just felt out of control, anxious and fearful. I would literally shake.
I learned how to rebuke the enemy and 'change the atmosphere' by praise and worship. Nighttimes were worse.

Also, we sometimes beat ourselves up for anxiety when all along it is something out of whack in our body!! I had high blood pressure for one told me that high BP can cause anxiety in the body.
Once I found this out I took notice. One I was sitting watching a good movie in the evening...and from nowhere, I felt totally anxious.. WHY, it wasn't even a scary movie!! I have a BP monitor at I went and took my BP..sure enough it was highly elevated. At one point, that would have made me anxious...but this time it made me HAPPY!! I found a reason for the sudden anxiety. :)
Slight heart problems can also do this too.

I think one good lesson to learn in the story of Martin Luther. How his cat jumped and ran behind a chair...M.L. looked up, saw the Devil was there ...and said- " Oh it's only you.", and got on with his writing.
True or not, no idea, but it makes a good point. If that could be our attitude more often with fear and anxiety, we'd win much quicker. :)

Lets face it..what is the worst thing that could happen?
= We might died up with and end up with Jesus!!! :D
That is why we know that fear, worry, anxiety are tools of, from the Devil...because our thought once 'under the influence', becomes irrational. ✟

Absolutely precious ! Wonderful, thank you so much :)