Well-Known Member
Mr. Duck here again, my wife isint confused because you speak different languages. She's confused because your hermeneutics needs work.
I am right with God. Your approval is not required.
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Mr. Duck here again, my wife isint confused because you speak different languages. She's confused because your hermeneutics needs work.
Sigh. I wish it were so. I can't help but think of my older son's first marriage. Two strong-willedUsually, if the man (who was created first) walks in love toward his wife, it is a natural response for her to love him back ...and to respect him, and all the rest.
^^^^^the above is not worth reading^^^^^
I know it happens. I have to wonder what their upbringing was like, tbh. But usually, when a man steps up, things fall into place a lot easier. I've seen it ...and I've seen women pray, pray, and all but beg their husbands to stand in their rightful place. A woman can respect a man who stands ...and I don't mean, lording over, but being a true husband who loves his wife as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it ....a man who is an example and cultivates his relationship with Christ ...a man who takes a leadership role in leading his family in Bible study ...a man who takes interest in being with his family, doing things with his family, who encourages rather than tears down and criticizes everything ...who appreciates the things his wife does for him and lets her know it ...who readily shows genuine love toward his wife ...who refuses to allow anyone or anything to come between him and his wife ...who is humble and admits his failures and mistakes and isn't ashamed to ask forgiveness and seeks to grow and learn from his mistakes ...who sees his children's emotional and spiritual needs and partners with God and his wife to meet those needs ....these are things a woman can easily respect and respond to.Sigh. I wish it were so. I can't help but think of my older son's first marriage. Two strong-willedcontrol freakstype-A personalities. Even trivial issues became a power struggle for control. When they finally announced they were getting divorced, my first thought was, "What took you guys so long?"
I have to laugh (albeit bitterly), because my ex-daughter-in-law's father told us, "Yeah, (she-whose-name-must-never-be-mentioned) is just like her mother!" I only had one interaction with the mother, and it was quite memorable in its unpleasantness. Her parents' marriage didn't last very long, and the mother was on husband number 4. Our son's bio-dad was physically and verbally abusive to the Sweet Lady and to our younger son, so he didn't grow up in the best home environment either.I have to wonder what their upbringing was like, tbh.
And this is supposed to be the model for Christ's relationship with His church?Our son's bio-dad was physically and verbally abusive to the Sweet Lady and to our younger son, so he didn't grow up in the best home environment either.
Very true. When I got home late last night, @SERVANTedu asked me to set an alarm for him to switch over to his Light Phone. (It ONLY makes calls and texts.)I know it happens. I have to wonder what their upbringing was like, tbh. But usually, when a man steps up, things fall into place a lot easier. I've seen it ...and I've seen women pray, pray, and all but beg their husbands to stand in their rightful place. A woman can respect a man who stands ...and I don't mean, lording over, but being a true husband who loves his wife as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it ....a man who is an example and cultivates his relationship with Christ ...a man who takes a leadership role in leading his family in Bible study ...a man who takes interest in being with his family, doing things with his family, who encourages rather than tears down and criticizes everything ...who appreciates the things his wife does for him and lets her know it ...who readily shows genuine love toward his wife ...who refuses to allow anyone or anything to come between him and his wife ...who is humble and admits his failures and mistakes and isn't ashamed to ask forgiveness and seeks to grow and learn from his mistakes ...who sees his children's emotional and spiritual needs and partners with God and his wife to meet those needs ....these are things a woman can easily respect and respond to.
I didn't say "you're not right with God." On the contrary, I'm not a Gnostic so I don't believe that knowledge of mysteries is equal to salvation. I never questioned your relationship with God, just the fidelity of your exegesis.I am right with God. Your approval is not required.
I didn't say "you're not right with God." On the contrary, I'm not a Gnostic so I don't believe that knowledge of mysteries is equal to salvation. I never questioned your relationship with God, just the fidelity of your exegesis.
when the plain sense makes sense, seek no other sense.
I am right with God.
That is not how things work, that's not even biblical.That will be revealed when you croak... then we'll see if you go north or south
You're still alive so your race is not yet over.