I Believe:

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
If you would like to share what you believe then feel free to do so.I am stating my beliefs but not to invite aggression, anger or your sin of lack of self control to badger, harrass, others nor your condemnation or judgement against any.

Please be respectful,kind and full of brotherly love . Thank you.

I believe in a supreme, sovereign God; in the Father, the Son,Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

I believe God is the creator of all in heaven and earth and that He made man in his image from the dust of the earth, with three that bear record in heaven,therefore man has a spirit, a soul and a body.

I believe that sin as describe in the Holy Bible, seperates us, from God, who is holy. That sin began with the fall of the man Adam, in the Garden of Eden. God has NOT changed his mind on what is abhorrent, abdominal sin in the flesh of mankind and is taught through out the word.

I believe the wages of is death and unrepentant sin and unbelief will results in an eternity of conscious torment.

I believe that God, the Father loved man so much and IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, that he took his Son, slain from the foundation of the world and made him a propitiation for fallen man by PURCHASING OUR SIN DEBT. It is through him only we can be saved.

Salvation is that gift offered to man by God's grace through our faith that we can be freed from the bondage and captivity of sin. FAITH cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. It is the ACCEPTANCE OF THIS GIFT that we can be transformed into a new creature, born of God, having our minds renewed. When we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth with godly sorrow that worketh repentance, then he forgives our past sins.

The word of God is Holy Spirit inspired and written by men under that inspiration , to instruct, to reprove, to give as doctrine, to correct to build ourselves up that we need NOT be ashamed, aproved of God correctly dividing his word. The word is ALIVE , POWERFUL, and sharp, it quickens to dividing asunder the soul and spirit, joints and marrow and discernes the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Our conscience is pricked to conviction of our sins by the Holy Spirit, we CANNOT SAVE OURSELVES, IT IS A WORK OF GOD.

Then I believe we begin our walk with him, growing from the milk of the word to the meat of the word as we MATURE in him by the teacher the Holy Ghost. God calls some to minister among his ppl by his Spirit to preach,teach,having gifts of helps,healing as Paul stated in Corinthians.

I believe God has laid a path before each of us that we must walk with him directing our steps. We must press forward as in a race enduring to the end of our life or Christ second coming to receive eternal life.

I believe GOD IS TRUTH, and every man a liar. We lean NOT on our own understanding NOR ANY MANS UNDERSTANDING. The truth of his word shall set us free.

All my beliefs can be found in God's word and is backed by the Spirit.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
@L3astAmOngManyBl3ss3d I used to believe what you believe but then I started to study the Bible in order to prove whether I had been taught the truth...or not. The Bible can be translated in different ways but even the worst translation still contains the truth.....because it is God's word. The message itself cannot be altered.

Now, after many years of deep study, I believe that there is one Sovereign Lord God...Yahweh. He is the only true God as Jesus said. (John 17:3) He is not three, but one. (Deuteronomy 6:4) The Jews never knew of a triune god, except in paganism, and since Jesus was Jewish and so were his apostles, they never would have taught what was not in the inspired scripture they used. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Jesus is God's "only begotten son", but I do not believe that he is part of a triune godhead. There is no scripture that directly says so.

Yahweh is superior to his "only begotten son" because he existed before him.
A "begotten" child needs a 'begetter' who caused him to exist.
Yahweh is a Father to his son, but never is he said to be an equal.

I believe that God created man in his image and likeness so that they could represent him here on this planet as the best possible caretakers and zookeepers.....tending to creation as God himself would.

They were offered everlasting life in their mortal flesh, on the basis of their continued obedience to their Creator. Death was only mentioned as a penalty, not a certainty. The death sentence pronounced on Adam did not include life after death. He was to "return to the dust".....no heaven or hell was ever mentioned.

There was no natural cause of death for Adam or his wife. "The tree of life" was there, freely available to them....but only if they remained obedient. If they had never sinned, they never would have died. But after partaking of the forbidden fruit, access to the tree of life was denied. (Genesis 3:22-24) They began the slow process into death that very day.

Possessing free will, they could make their own decisions, (both good and bad) and the death penalty meant that the humans would cease living, and return to the dust as God told Adam. (Genesis 3:19)

I believe that man is a "soul" not that he is given one, or possesses one. (Genesis 2:7)
A "soul" in the Bible is a living breathing creature, either man or animal. No animal is promised everlasting life. (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20) Souls die and return to the dust. (Ezekiel 18:4)

'The wages of sin is death' as Adam found out, but there is no consciousness in death. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10) I do not believe that there is an immortal soul to go to any other place...the grave (sheol) is a place to "Rest in Peace". There is no activity after death. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10) The idea that we don't really die is a satanic lie. It was the first one he ever told.

The plight of mankind, enslaved to sin and death, was remedied by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and God can apply the merits of that sacrifice to all who come to Him through his son, who was "the Way, the Truth and the Life". No one can come to the Father except through the son (John 14:6)....but no one can come to the son without an invitation from his Father. (John 6:65)

The purpose of the Kingdom that Jesus taught us to pray for, was so that God's will could be "done on earth as it is in heaven".
In order for that to take place, a chosen few will go to heaven to rule with Christ in his Kingdom. These will serve as 'Kings and Priests' from heaven (Revelation 20:6), and they will rule over earthly subjects bringing the blessings of the Kingdom to all who remain faithful. (Revelation 21:2-4)
Priests need sinners for whom to perform their priestly service.....there are no sinners in heaven....so their subjects will be here on earth where Jesus will call all the dead from their graves. (John 5:28-29) Having paid sin's wages, even the unrighteous dead will be raised with a clean slate...acquitted of past sins. The incorrigibly wicked will have gone to "gehenna" which is the same as the lake of fire....what the Bible calls "the second death"....it is a place from which no one returns because they have utterly perished. (John 3:16)

The thousand year reign of God's son will bring all of redeemed, faithful mankind, back to God in reconciliation....and then, what God started in the beginning, he will bring to fruition at the end. (Isaiah 55:11) He will take us back to paradise....right here on earth.

All my beliefs can be found in God's word too....all inspired by God's spirit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
@Aunty Jane
Thanks for your input.

I believe the God we serve is greater than any man can even comprehend !

He is a just ,all knowing, all seeing God and will render to every man his portion by his word and righteous judgements.

I have said many times we were created to worship, and to love, and given a free will to do so. It is our choice whether we love the things that will perish or the GOD that is the beginning and the end, the first and the last !

I am no ones judge on what God reveals to his ppl, in this life or about the next. We will receive from HIM, not from one another. We see ONLY partially as far as our mind can conceive and comprehend what the Spirit teaches us.

I would also that every person would come to know God on a personal level. However I am responsible for ONLY what God has given to me.

May we ALL WALK in the Spirit and in the light of the word as it is REVEALED to us.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
This is what I believe.

I have always believed in God but I haven't always had that God-given faith in the work of the cross. That only came when I eventually 'saw the light' or 'got born again'. I always knew that Jesus died on the cross to atone for my sin but it wasn't until it was actually pointed out to me that I had to do something about it and I responded in my heart to that with the prayer of repentance that I actually became a Christian and my belief became faith. Absolute trust. You have to respond with your heart to make it real.

I believe that others follow 'religions' that they hope will bring them close to their god whilst I follow a God that brought me close to himself through the blood of Jesus. Other faiths, other religions do not lead mankind out of darkness into the light. Other faiths do not have as their head a God who shed his own blood that we might live. To be re-born as a Christian is to have the very spirit of the God we worship living within us; it is supernatural. Believers in dead doctrines and dead religion, will remain spiritually dead as will 'believers' in Jesus unless they 'see the light'. It is only those who truly understand and respond to the full gospel that will be spiritually re-born. And by that I mean being born into God’s family as adopted sons and given a new start.

I believe that Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship. Some might see it as a religion and it has developed into a religion in many cases but that is what man has made it. In essence it boils down to our having a real relationship with God which we can't have without Jesus. Religion is man seeking a god for spiritual fulfillment. Christianity is God seeking man for a loving relationship.

I also believe that all denominations of mainstream Christianity are Church but that none of them have it all right or have all the answers and in fact have made something so simple into something too complicated. That many regular churchgoers are not true Christians in that they are not born again of the Spirit. I believe JWs, Mormons and Catholics to be cults.

I believe that unless you are a true born again Christian your faith/belief is in something dead and leads to death for the believer. A Christian's faith on the other hand is not in some dead doctrines but in a living God who lives within them and loves them and forgiven their sin so that they can have that close intimate relationship with him that believers in other deities don't have. I don’t believe that all roads lead to Salvation.

I believe that only Jesus gives life to our spirits, without Jesus the spirit remains dead and that is the state of all who do not have faith in him. It isn't enough to just believe in his existence as do so many churchgoers before they 'get' what the gospel is about. There has to be that vital step that leads to the supernatural re-birth of our spirits. Without that spiritual awakening there is only spiritual death. And I believe that to be total exclusion from God's presence for eternity.

I believe that I was once separated from God – a sinner – but that I have been washed clean I am now a saint and God sees me as righteous and no longer a sinner. I believe he loves me and wants the absolute best for me; that he knows my strengths and weaknesses and is concerned about every little thing in my life. I believe that my faith pleases God but that he also wants me to do ‘works’ which to me doesn’t necessarily mean to have a ‘ministry’ out there but to be faithful in obedience in the small things in my daily life.

I believe the bible was given to us by God as a historical account of his people, and reading about their exploits and errors can help is live our lives today in accordance with his ways. These people we read about set us an example and show us how God honours his promises. I also believe that God often speaks to us through the books of the bible as his Holy Spirit gives us a clearer understanding of things we may think we ‘know’.

Also I believe that he can use the scriptures to encourage, comfort or teach us and give us a few words on which to base faith for a particular concern. But I don’t believe the bible in itself is a stand alone authority. I believe that even today God is speaking to people, giving words of prophecy and direction to people and that today’s words are just as much God’s Word as the bible is but more personal.

I believe that although I know there are those who enjoy studying about the rapture, the fate of Israel and other theology but I don’t believe it is really necessary to know these things to have a deep relationship with God. And I also believe that whether or not you totally believe the account of creation was exactly as depicted in the scriptures isn’t as important as believing that God is the Creator of all things however long they took to come into being.

And I believe that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one God and yet three separate identities and that we are made in his likeness and also have three parts to our being – body, soul and spirit. And just as it impossible to separate ourselves into our three parts, God too cannot be separated. It is my mind that tells my body what to do and it is my spirit that makes it possible. Just as Jesus asked his Father for guidance I too ask myself, ‘What shall I do, where shall I go . . .etc’ and my mind tells my body and my spirit.

Things that I’m not sure about are hell, the rapture, universal salvation, dispensation theology but believe that in the whole scheme of things it doesn’t matter that I’m a ‘don’t know’.
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Apr 9, 2019
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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
the WCF is what us presbyterians use as a cliff notes guide to the Bible. I provided a link so you can look at them.
But you haven't really set out what you actually believe.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
The WCF is 33 chapters long, i find it hard to condense that to just 1 sentence. By far and away, to just say im a calvinist, would be the easiest i suppose.
I don't even know what a Calvinist is. But it's okay if you can't state your beliefs in your own words. I'll let you off.:cool:


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
I didn't realize this thread exist, so I made my own (JaneDoe's "What I believe"). I'll paste it here as well:

Prompted by other discussion on this forum, I'm posting a "What I believe" post. I've done these in the past, but it's always good to share one's love of Christ over and over again :) And yes, I'm a "Mormon".

1) I believe in Jesus Christ the divine Son of God & Savior of the World. MY Savior. He pulled me out of the darkness I felt so strongly as child and continues to light my way as the decades roll onward. He saves me from my own sins and screw ups, and those of others, though of course it's not always a smooth cruise line. Jesus Christ is my rock, the foundation of my entire world, without Him I am nothing.

2) I believe in the the Holy Spirit. He, also a divine person, enlightens the hearts of men, including my own. It is through His testimony that any of us are able to understand the slightest things of God and know His Truth. I believe enthusiastically that God still teaches and reveals His mysteries to each of us individual and to the whole world.

3) I also believe in God the Father. He is the master planner, all knowing, and so incredibly merciful & just. He just amazes me.

4) I believe in scripture & revelation. God speaks to man in the past, present, and will always continue to do so. Scripture provides past words of God and the Holy Spirit guides our understanding of them. I also believe that God continues to reveal His mysteries just like in the past. Scripture is not closed/done.

5) I believe that salvation comes through Christ & faith in Him. This saving faith is not a shallow "yeah, sure I believe", but a deep transformation of the entire person-- the old you dying and being born anew. Giving one's entire self and everything about you to Christ. It's a lifetime+ journey as we continue to grow & follow Him. Obviously we stumble along the way, and He helps us back up again and again like Peter's stumbles walking on water.

6) I do believe that denominations matter, but you are not saved according to where your butt sits Sunday morning or your ability to ace a theology test. I myself to believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is His one true Church on the earth today, but that doesn't mean other folks aren't Christians too-- I've seen many marvelous Christian lives across so many denominations. I've also seen bad apples in all of those denominations (including my own)-- those folks mouth's proclaim Christ but their hearts are far from Him.

7) We all have work to do sharing God's love. Sharing it to the lost-- those whom don't know Christ at all and those bad apples sitting in pews on Sunday. And to those whom aren't lost at all, but simply can use a reminder and strengthening in the Lord (which is everyone). We all have so much to learn & grow in Him
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I believe that Jesus is Alive and that God is Love.
The Cross proves God's love for us, and the Risen Savior Yesuha, proves that we are all invited to become a eternal Son/Daughter of God.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Whatever our beliefs in the status of the so called rapture, or the end times is irrelevant.

Our beliefs had better be by God's word, in the fullness of the his divine nature, his Son,Jesus' work and his Holy Spirit and all three's deity.

We must walk in obedience to his word not wavering. Not leaning on what we think we know, and definetly not trusting man's theology and interpretations !

If you think God is limited by the puny cessassonists, the pre-A- or whatever millenniums, the preterist who foolishly think Revelations has already happened in 70 A.D., guess again, HIS WILL MUST BE DONE AND WILL BE DONE !

If you follow a prophet, founder of your doctrines, church dogma or anything other than the Holy Spirit inspired word of God, then you need to go back to the cross and stay there until the TRUTH is revealed to you.

This world has overstepped its purpose of creation to love and worship God and an ending is fast approaching. IT will be like Noahs Ark if you're not in ,YOUR OUT,and destruction awaits you !
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
1 Cor. 15:17-20
And if Christ be NOT raised, your faith is in vain; ye are in your sins.
Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
If in this life only we have hope in Christ,then we are of all men most miserable.
But NOW IS CHRIST RISEN FROM THE DEAD, and become the firstfruits of them that sleep.

You can believe that your heaven or hell is on this earth, but DO NOT say you have hope in Christ ! This puts YOU outside of Christ NOT in Christ.

I believe ANY scripture that is twisted by man and believed by man is a GATEWAY to the lake of fire !
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
I believe what we know of God ,his will and future plans can be put into a thimble. Myself included !


I believe eternal judgments rest in Gods hands for he sees ALL ONE'S LIFE, HEARS ALL PRAYERS, KNOWS ALL'S FAITH AND THE EVEN SECRET THINGS.

I believe spiritual reveals spiritual and we will recognize those who are true believers regardless their faith or church affiliations.