If Hitler were to have repented for his sins before he died, would he have gone to Heaven?

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

If Hitler were to have repented for his sins before he died, would he have gone to Heaven?​

Very compelling topic question. Thanks @TonyChanYT

If we replace the word "Hitler" with "anyone", most would agree.

If anyone were to repent from their sins before they die, would they have go to Heaven?

- Isn't this the evangelical recipe for salvation?
- Why would adding the name Hitler suddenly CHANGE our doctrine?

The thief on the cross was mentioned earlier.

Hitler knew what he was doing and that was his intent all along, to wipe out people for his Master ! and create an New World Order !
Hitler was no friend of the Germans at all in fact ! and he had no regard for Gods Jews in fact !
Hitler was a so called Zionist Jew ! That's who he served in fact ! who can reject that ? He did serve them and Rothschild and Co !

The Nazis have not gone away ! they are right under our nose, look at Ukraine for example ! Hidden by the MSM in fact !

Look at who took over Germany after WW2 ? half went to the Communist trash, well were given in fact to the Communist in fact and the other half many went back into the hands of the Nazis who ran the show before the War in fact.

When on repents of a Sin ? that does not mean that it's forgiven ? now one has to fix the problem, for you did not do the Sin from your own free will, such must of been a mistake ! and you are truly regretting that it was you who failed and you hope that you are stronger next time, so it is the conviction that you seek from God to set you free from such enslavement and this takes time and devotion to deal with such issues in fact.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
The passages concerning Pharoah and Moses and how Pharaoh's heart was hardened.

First Pharaoh hardened his own heart several times...but then, eventually, God hardened it permanently.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
What is your personal definition of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

I don't buy the the consensus view.
(unbelief = the unforgivable sin = the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit)

But... it's a very mysterious passage. ???

My view is that Jesus tells us in Matthew 12:24 and Mark 3:22.

This is all that I know...

I was talked out of this a number of years ago and then a friend just talked me back into it. So I went looking around on the Internet and found nothing useful and then I considered looking at the following data. Yeah, like a good 10 verses that come right out and say "the son of Belial" or "the child of Belial" or "child of the devil" or "your father the devil" and what my mind is looking at is my own sick government. Well, yes they are doing some very sick and twisted things. Hitler comes to mind and so does Obama and Clinton.

Deuteronomy 13:13
the children of Belial,

certain sons of Belial,

1 Samuel 2:12; 10:27; 30:22
Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial;

But the children of Belial said,

Then answered all the wicked men and men of Belial,

2 Samuel 20:1
And there happened to be there a man of Belial,

1 Kings 21:10
sons of Belial,

2 Chronicles 13:7
the children of Belial,

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil,

Acts 3:10
thou child of the devil,

1 John 3:12
Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one,

Some of the religious leaders of Jesus’ time had committed the unforgivable sin and taken the devil as their god. Jesus identified these people as children of the devil and knowing that fact helps explain so much about them. It explains why they murdered innocent people, why they lied and bribed people, and why they could not rejoice even when something wonderful had occurred like the healing of a man who was born blind. It also explains why they perverted the Word of God and made it hard to obey it. People can be horrible sinners without taking the devil as their god and committing the unforgivable sin. Nevertheless, the Bible has a lot to say about people who have become children of the devil so we know how they are and that they always pervert the ways of God.

“people will be forgiven for every sin and defaming word, but the defaming of the Spirit will not be forgiven.” These words of Jesus Christ are very direct: “every” sin and defaming word can be forgiven except one, a sin he referred to as “defaming” or to “speak against” the Holy Spirit. The definition of “defaming” includes slander, speaking against God, or verbal abuse, and it's clear from comparing the above two verses that Christ is defining defaming as “speaking against” something. Jesus said there is one form of defaming against God that will never be forgiven, and he was referring to a specific defaming, not just speaking against God in general. Many people have at some time been angry at God due to the horrific circumstances of this fallen world, and many have spoken very harshly about God and/or to Him. In fact, it is safe to say that most people have even cursed at God, and yet when they ask for forgiveness, He forgives them. The same is true of other kinds of sin. Many people sin horribly against God but are later forgiven. But there is a defaming that will not be forgiven.

What we learn from the scope of Scripture is that the defaming that cannot be forgiven is a person saying, and truly meaning in the depths of their heart, that satan is the true god. The Bible reveals that the devil can have “children” that is, people who have a unique relationship with him that makes them different from other sinners whose sins can be forgiven. People who are children of the devil have sinned in such a way that they are no longer redeemable, that is, they cannot be forgiven, and it's not possible for them to be saved. The world is full of sinful people, and some of those sinners do very horrible things. Nevertheless, in the spiritual world, there is a difference between people who sin and can be forgiven and people who cannot be forgiven because in their heart of hearts they have taken the devil as their god and have become his “children” and are true enemies of righteousness.

Some people so strongly lust for what they want that in their heart they make satan, or one of his many fronts or idols, their “true” god and provider, and thus become his “children.” These self-centered people turn to satan in order to quickly gain their desires, and in so doing turn away from the true God. The Bible does not describe exactly what a person does to become a child of the devil, but it gives us some important information. Because Christ categorized it as a form of blasphemy, we know it is something that is said, either audibly or by speaking to oneself, but it cannot simply be saying, “I hate God” or “I love the devil,” or something such as that. It has to be fully believed in the heart as well as in the mind. From what we see in Scripture, it occurs when someone completely turns away from God, and confesses and believes in their heart that satan, or one of his many forms—such as money, power, fame, or love—is the true “god” by being their sustainer, provider, or the “lord” of their life.

In the context of the unforgivable sin, it is important that Christians understand “god” in its more basic meaning of sustainer, provider, something that is worshiped or idealized, and something considered of supreme value. To blaspheme God does not mean one has to believe that the devil is actually the Christian God and Father. Nor does it mean a person has to know that the devil is a fallen angel who opposes the true creator God. To commit the unforgivable sin a person only has to truly take the devil or one of his fronts as his own true god and provider. For example, it is unlikely that the Pharisees who were children of the devil had taken “the devil” per se as their god, but rather that they so highly valued their prestige, power, and position that they had in their hearts (If this does not describe Obama and Hillary Clinton. Then I don't know what does) and in doing so made that their god as they turned to the devil via one of his fronts.

The unforgivable sin can be committed by believing and saying in your heart that satan or one of the forms he hides behind and supports is the true sustainer, provider, or object of supreme value in one’s life. No doubt that was what satan was asking Jesus to do when he offered him all the power of the world if Jesus would worship him. The devil was not asking Jesus to think that God did not exist or that satan somehow was, in fact, God, but rather that satan would be Jesus’ true sustainer and provider, the true god of his life. The devil wanted Jesus to become a child of his, which would have been the ultimate coup, but to do so Jesus would have had to “worship” the devil, not just in form, but in the depths of his heart.

In the Bible, the children of the devil are enemies of God and they reflect the devil’s nature. They are envious, murderers, liars, and show no genuine godly concern for humankind. (Just think of the many good beautful Christian people in prison since January 6th.) Throughout history, many people have sensed that, in contrast to the majority of sinners who are simply caught up in their sin, some people are truly evil to the core and are somehow connected to evil spiritual forces, and many of those people are indeed “children” of the devil, just as Christ said. They lead people away from God and are into idolatry or false systems of worship. They rape, murder, and instigate wars. They defame God and the things of God and they lie, and they resent godly leadership and work to weaken it; they sow division. They do the works of the devil and try to pervert the ways of God, and they work to make it hard for people to obey God. Children of the devil will never repent, so believers should follow Christ’s guidance and leave them alone. In contrast, if a person wants to repent and follow Jesus, they are not a child of the devil.

Note: devil written here in lower case on purpose.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
“people will be forgiven for every sin and defaming word, but the defaming of the Spirit will not be forgiven.” These words of Jesus Christ are very direct: “every” sin and defaming word can be forgiven except one, a sin he referred to as “defaming” or to “speak against” the Holy Spirit.
Thanks for your thoughtful and detailed response.

So... what specifically is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

I can define it based on the chapter context, but I can't accept that what Jesus actually said, or meant, was preserved for us.

The context tells me that the religious leaders were claiming that Jesus was using Belial (Beelzebub/Satan) to cast out demons.
Thus accrediting the work of God to the Devil. (nothing about the Holy Spirit here)

But, what specifically is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? And why would it be unforgivable? It's a mystery to me.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Thanks for your thoughtful and detailed response.

So... what specifically is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

I can define it based on the chapter context, but I can't accept that what Jesus actually said, or meant, was preserved for us.

The context tells me that the religious leaders were claiming that Jesus was using Belial (Beelzebub/Satan) to cast out demons.
Thus accrediting the work of God to the Devil. (nothing about the Holy Spirit here)

But, what specifically is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? And why would it be unforgivable? It's a mystery to me.

This is all that I know...

I was talked out of this a number of years ago and then a friend just talked me back into it. So I went looking around on the Internet and found nothing useful and then I considered looking at the following data. Yeah, like a good 10 verses that come right out and say "the son of Belial" or "the child of Belial" or "child of the devil" or "your father the devil" and what my mind is looking at is my own sick government. Well, yes they are doing some very sick and twisted things. Hitler comes to mind and so does Obama and Clinton.

Deuteronomy 13:13
the children of Belial,

certain sons of Belial,

1 Samuel 2:12; 10:27; 30:22
Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial;

But the children of Belial said,

Then answered all the wicked men and men of Belial,

2 Samuel 20:1
And there happened to be there a man of Belial,

1 Kings 21:10
sons of Belial,

2 Chronicles 13:7
the children of Belial,

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil,

Acts 3:10
thou child of the devil,

1 John 3:12
Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one,

Some of the religious leaders of Jesus’ time had committed the unforgivable sin and taken the devil as their god. Jesus identified these people as children of the devil and knowing that fact helps explain so much about them. It explains why they murdered innocent people, why they lied and bribed people, and why they could not rejoice even when something wonderful had occurred like the healing of a man who was born blind. It also explains why they perverted the Word of God and made it hard to obey it. People can be horrible sinners without taking the devil as their god and committing the unforgivable sin. Nevertheless, the Bible has a lot to say about people who have become children of the devil so we know how they are and that they always pervert the ways of God.

“people will be forgiven for every sin and defaming word, but the defaming of the Spirit will not be forgiven.” These words of Jesus Christ are very direct: “every” sin and defaming word can be forgiven except one, a sin he referred to as “defaming” or to “speak against” the Holy Spirit. The definition of “defaming” includes slander, speaking against God, or verbal abuse, and it's clear from comparing the above two verses that Christ is defining defaming as “speaking against” something. Jesus said there is one form of defaming against God that will never be forgiven, and he was referring to a specific defaming, not just speaking against God in general. Many people have at some time been angry at God due to the horrific circumstances of this fallen world, and many have spoken very harshly about God and/or to Him. In fact, it is safe to say that most people have even cursed at God, and yet when they ask for forgiveness, He forgives them. The same is true of other kinds of sin. Many people sin horribly against God but are later forgiven. But there is a defaming that will not be forgiven.

What we learn from the scope of Scripture is that the defaming that cannot be forgiven is a person saying, and truly meaning in the depths of their heart, that satan is the true god. The Bible reveals that the devil can have “children” that is, people who have a unique relationship with him that makes them different from other sinners whose sins can be forgiven. People who are children of the devil have sinned in such a way that they are no longer redeemable, that is, they cannot be forgiven, and it's not possible for them to be saved. The world is full of sinful people, and some of those sinners do very horrible things. Nevertheless, in the spiritual world, there is a difference between people who sin and can be forgiven and people who cannot be forgiven because in their heart of hearts they have taken the devil as their god and have become his “children” and are true enemies of righteousness.

Some people so strongly lust for what they want that in their heart they make satan, or one of his many fronts or idols, their “true” god and provider, and thus become his “children.” These self-centered people turn to satan in order to quickly gain their desires, and in so doing turn away from the true God. The Bible does not describe exactly what a person does to become a child of the devil, but it gives us some important information. Because Christ categorized it as a form of blasphemy, we know it is something that is said, either audibly or by speaking to oneself, but it cannot simply be saying, “I hate God” or “I love the devil,” or something such as that. It has to be fully believed in the heart as well as in the mind. From what we see in Scripture, it occurs when someone completely turns away from God, and confesses and believes in their heart that satan, or one of his many forms—such as money, power, fame, or love—is the true “god” by being their sustainer, provider, or the “lord” of their life.

In the context of the unforgivable sin, it is important that Christians understand “god” in its more basic meaning of sustainer, provider, something that is worshiped or idealized, and something considered of supreme value. To blaspheme God does not mean one has to believe that the devil is actually the Christian God and Father. Nor does it mean a person has to know that the devil is a fallen angel who opposes the true creator God. To commit the unforgivable sin a person only has to truly take the devil or one of his fronts as his own true god and provider. For example, it is unlikely that the Pharisees who were children of the devil had taken “the devil” per se as their god, but rather that they so highly valued their prestige, power, and position that they had in their hearts (If this does not describe Obama and Hillary Clinton. Then I don't know what does) and in doing so made that their god as they turned to the devil via one of his fronts.

The unforgivable sin can be committed by believing and saying in your heart that satan or one of the forms he hides behind and supports is the true sustainer, provider, or object of supreme value in one’s life. No doubt that was what satan was asking Jesus to do when he offered him all the power of the world if Jesus would worship him. The devil was not asking Jesus to think that God did not exist or that satan somehow was, in fact, God, but rather that satan would be Jesus’ true sustainer and provider, the true god of his life. The devil wanted Jesus to become a child of his, which would have been the ultimate coup, but to do so Jesus would have had to “worship” the devil, not just in form, but in the depths of his heart.

In the Bible, the children of the devil are enemies of God and they reflect the devil’s nature. They are envious, murderers, liars, and show no genuine godly concern for humankind. (Just think of the many good beautful Christian people in prison since January 6th.) Throughout history, many people have sensed that, in contrast to the majority of sinners who are simply caught up in their sin, some people are truly evil to the core and are somehow connected to evil spiritual forces, and many of those people are indeed “children” of the devil, just as Christ said. They lead people away from God and are into idolatry or false systems of worship. They rape, murder, and instigate wars. They defame God and the things of God and they lie, and they resent godly leadership and work to weaken it; they sow division. They do the works of the devil and try to pervert the ways of God, and they work to make it hard for people to obey God. Children of the devil will never repent, so believers should follow Christ’s guidance and leave them alone. In contrast, if a person wants to repent and follow Jesus, they are not a child of the devil.

Note: devil written here in lower case on purpose.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
That's just not true. There's a thing called an unforgivable sin and those people cannot be saved. “Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin”
So *you* get to decide what sin is "unforgiveable?"
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
What's your take on the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
What is the unforgivable sin?

As Walter Martin used to say, the Bible indicates the Blasphemy of the Spirit is the assigning to the works of Christ an unholy, demonic spiritual activity. When Jesus heals, for example, it is saying it is the "work of the Devil."

There are other reasons that people will not be forgiven. But this is "blasphemy of the Spirit."

Keep in mind that claiming Jesus is operating as the "work of Satan" is assumed to be a conscious, rational statement by the person. Someone completely deluded by circumstance or mentally disturbed/emotionally distraught could say such things without actually committing the "unpardonable sin."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
So *you* get to decide what sin is "unforgiveable?"
You don't decide. The Bible says there's an unforgivable sin. My teachers believe it's the seed of the devil that cannot be repented from because it's seed. The Christian also has seed that they cannot get rid of either. The new birth for the Christian is seed.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States

If Hitler were to have repented for his sins before he died, would he have gone to Heaven?​

If there were a Purgatory, how long would Herr Schicklgruber have to hang out there before being allowed into Heaven?
Last edited:

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
You don't decide. The Bible says there's an unforgivable sin. My teachers believe it's the seed of the devil that cannot be repented from because it's seed. The Christian also has seed that they cannot get rid of either. The new birth for the Christian is seed.
Yes, I believe the seed is the word of God If it is successfully planted in good soil, it won't fail. But if the ground leaves much to be desired, it may fail.

Once a person makes his response to the word of God clear, by blaspheming the Spirit, he has settled his choice. There will be no turning back.

On the other hand, when a person makes a decision to completely commit his interests to the Kingdom of heaven, he has made an eternal commitment. Though he may capitulate to the world out of weakness, his commitment to the Kingdom has been settled in his heart.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You can't repent if you are a child of the devil. It's an unforgivable sin. To blaspheme God does not mean one has to believe that the devil is actually the Christian God and Father. Nor does it mean a person has to know that the devil is a fallen angel who opposes the true creator God. To commit the unforgivable sin a person only has to truly take the devil or one of his fronts as his own true god and provider. For example, it is unlikely that the Pharisees who were children of the devil had taken “the devil” per se as their god, but rather that they so highly valued their prestige, power, and position that they had in their hearts (If this does not describe Obama and Hillary Clinton. Then I don't know what does) and in doing so made that their god as they turned to the devil via one of his fronts.
Sorry but

1. You can't tell who is a child of the devil
2. The bible does not call that an unforgivable sin.
3. You now in talking of the Pharisees using conjecture.

Yours is an untenable accusation.

Jesus called the pharisees children of the devil, but by default all mena are spiritually children of the devil until they get saved.

Teh bible calls all mankind enemies of God until we are saved.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Sorry but

1. You can't tell who is a child of the devil
2. The bible does not call that an unforgivable sin.
3. You now in talking of the Pharisees using conjecture.

Yours is an untenable accusation.

Jesus called the pharisees children of the devil, but by default all mena are spiritually children of the devil until they get saved.

Teh bible calls all mankind enemies of God until we are saved.
Where did I ever say that we can tell who is a child of the Devil?

Well, Paul knew of a way and so did Jesus.

And here's John...

John 5:16
If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.

This verse reveals the same basic truth Jesus spoke about: there are sins that are “not unto death,” and there is a sin that is “unto death.” The Word of God directs us not to pray for those who have committed the sin unto death because they cannot be forgiven.

Scripture shows a link between the unforgivable sin and those referred to as “children of the Devil.” When speaking to some of the religious leaders, Jesus said, “You are of your father the Devil” (John 8:44). These leaders were in a different category than “regular” sinners like the prostitutes and tax collectors, whom Jesus never referred to as “children of the Devil.” Jesus always reached out to sinners like prostitutes, tax collectors, and even the thief on the cross. He actively tried to win them to salvation and to living a life of righteousness. In contrast, there is no evidence Jesus attempted to evangelize those he referred to as being fathered by the Devil. Instead, he told his disciples, “Leave them alone! They are blind guides”

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
As Walter Martin used to say, the Bible indicates the Blasphemy of the Spirit is the assigning to the works of Christ an unholy, demonic spiritual activity. When Jesus heals, for example, it is saying it is the "work of the Devil."

There are other reasons that people will not be forgiven. But this is "blasphemy of the Spirit."

Keep in mind that claiming Jesus is operating as the "work of Satan" is assumed to be a conscious, rational statement by the person. Someone completely deluded by circumstance or mentally disturbed/emotionally distraught could say such things without actually committing the "unpardonable sin."
I agree.
You are the first person (username) I have met who understands this.


Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Where did I ever say that we can tell who is a child of the Devil?

Well, Paul knew of a way and so did Jesus.

And here's John...

John 5:16
If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.

This verse reveals the same basic truth Jesus spoke about: there are sins that are “not unto death,” and there is a sin that is “unto death.” The Word of God directs us not to pray for those who have committed the sin unto death because they cannot be forgiven.

Scripture shows a link between the unforgivable sin and those referred to as “children of the Devil.” When speaking to some of the religious leaders, Jesus said, “You are of your father the Devil” (John 8:44). These leaders were in a different category than “regular” sinners like the prostitutes and tax collectors, whom Jesus never referred to as “children of the Devil.” Jesus always reached out to sinners like prostitutes, tax collectors, and even the thief on the cross. He actively tried to win them to salvation and to living a life of righteousness. In contrast, there is no evidence Jesus attempted to evangelize those he referred to as being fathered by the Devil. Instead, he told his disciples, “Leave them alone! They are blind guides”
Well your post #10 pretty much declares Hitler a child of the devil.

Teh blasphemy of the Spirit was a national and not individual sin. If you keep Matthew 1`2 in context it was a sin only the leadership could commit while Jesus walked on the earth.

Every person who is not born again is by default a child of the devil for they are not children of God.

And I openly worshipped Satan, mocked God and sought to do miracles by the power of Satan. God gforgave me and made me His child. I know that Gods love is deeper than any mans sin.

BTW the Pharisees knew jesus was the Messiah. Not only did He fulfill SCripture but He performed what were known as teh "Messianic Miracles". These were miracles the Pharisees taught only Messiah could do and each of the three had almost each a chapter written about them'

1. Healing of a man born blind.
2. Healing of a Jewish leper
3. Casting out a demon in a deaf and dumb person. This is the one that the pharisees said Jesus did miracles by Beelzebub. And it was explicitly said it was unforgivable for they said Jesus(not us) did miracles by a demon.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Well your post #10 pretty much declares Hitler a child of the devil.

Teh blasphemy of the Spirit was a national and not individual sin. If you keep Matthew 1`2 in context it was a sin only the leadership could commit while Jesus walked on the earth.

Every person who is not born again is by default a child of the devil for they are not children of God.

And I openly worshipped Satan, mocked God and sought to do miracles by the power of Satan. God gforgave me and made me His child. I know that Gods love is deeper than any mans sin.

BTW the Pharisees knew jesus was the Messiah. Not only did He fulfill SCripture but He performed what were known as teh "Messianic Miracles". These were miracles the Pharisees taught only Messiah could do and each of the three had almost each a chapter written about them'

1. Healing of a man born blind.
2. Healing of a Jewish leper
3. Casting out a demon in a deaf and dumb person. This is the one that the pharisees said Jesus did miracles by Beelzebub. And it was explicitly said it was unforgivable for they said Jesus(not us) did miracles by a demon.
People that know how to read the Bible can see from the scope of it certain Characteristics that the seed boys have. Obama and Hitler have all of them. So yeah, in my opinion they were probably seed guys.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Just in case you have not noticed... Heaven is not located here on earth.

That's pretty funny right there! :rolleyes:

If that's true then it's not possible for anybody to be saved
We do not agree. You think everyone is a child of the devil before they are saved and I do not.